TW Schedule Sorted 8-27~8/29



  • Exegesis - Heavens Tear
    Exegesis - Heavens Tear Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I like the part about his Jimmy, made me laugh b:laugh
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    yea lets all keep bashing each other off, im beginning to see why people get fed up of using these forums, seriously....
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Mono, why do you constantly make assumptions regarding my leadership of Enrage. First of all, Enrage was getting ganked back then because Tao, Radiance, and Caesar did not like us. We chose, occasionally, to no show Tao during the ganks because they were the strongest faction when I first took over leadership of Enrage (September 2009). However, around November 2009, we became the strongest faction again WITHOUT making alliances. I don't know where you are getting your information from, but we kept our eyes open and made intelligent bids. Example: Caesar bid on Tao so we bid on Tao, or we bid on Tao and Caesar followed shortly after. NO prior discussion regarding ganks were ever made with Radiance or Caesar to attack Tao. Also, Ese joining Enrage did not make us stronger than Tao, we were beating them prior to that initial Tao fall-out. So once again you are molding the TW history to suit your own ego.

    And you say we lost 3 lands the night you laughed-out-loud. Well, that was ages ago prior to me even becoming Director of Enrage (guessing around June 2009). You would have to ask Clunker about that, but I was pretty sure it was a miss-communication between the squad leaders who led the different wars against Evolution, Radiance, and Tao that night.

    Honestly, I see your hatred of Enrage as a personal vendetta because of all the times Clunker and I rejected your applications to Enrage. We viewed you as a traitorous little vermin who weaseled your way up into the leadership of the various factions you were let into. I even remember the day you were kicked from Radiance (Dec/Jan 2008/2009) because you made a statement regarding Charity's leadership. Just seems to me that you make a lot of noise until a faction caves into your demands or kicks you. Therefore, I am PROUD TO SAY THAT ENRAGE HAS BEEN MONOFAILMUCH FREE since Feb 2009 - Aug 2010.

    look kid, you like to hide behind a faction, and some **** members in your faction do that as well - no need to list names, when someone has issue with them - they try to say ''its issue against my whole guild'', thats not true.

    you rly have to jump of the ''you hate my guild'' wagon coz that pure BS and there is no way anyone smart can follow that fake line.

    Check the game, see world chats and you will have god knows how many that Rly hate enrage, not coz its your guily kid, but coz of the bad things that your guild members do IN GAME.

    Me, I love Enrage players, they are pro and good players and most of them are my friends, 90% of them, and 20 are on my friend list. How you like me now? I am Enrage lover ya? How can I have issues then.. ... its your delusion...

    Alot of enrage members (in this case, tho others do it also) flame, wchat spamm ****, cube pk/purge in 100sek stand rooms, event **** up regulary, glich, **** in TW's, **** up World bosses, bandwagon and troll on these forums and HT server game, too much. GMs have to work hard just for 1 faction with all the ticket they get.. i dont know a single other faction that had so many banned players.. LOL

    Look, i post TW info from my faction, and if you follow replies, its not me that flames 1st.. so lolz

    I have issues thos, with SOME players in your faction, some in other factions as well - just that your faction members spam forums more.. Just how many of them i have banned coz they do all of that stated above. ah...

    Your deluded however about everything else as well. When IceTank quit Triad members moved different paths and my best friend WalterRohan wanted us to TW in some Tw faction, Tao and Caesar were winning Enrage then, enrage members were moving to Caesar and Tao.. seems almost over for smurfs losing lands and players every week. So HE tough ya why not help some loyal members that stayed in Enrage, rather than bandwagon to winning factions. Bookman and Torm called me to go there long before that.. Now clunker had issue with you... about few of us.. not us.

    But interesting is what happen in Rad ..... I remembers Trom's post sayin 'we are all about to get booted while i type this message' on forums (this you and other ppl that were about to get removed... from Rad), you guys pretty much Run to Enrage before you all got booted.

    .. I was booted coz i said Rad is a click faction LOL - and they called me back after .. but.. I was in legion then, and stayed with legion ppls together in few guilds and won your guild in 3 diff factions, many times, with weak undergeared players.. me only made factions strong. b:dirty

    And about your tricks games fake bids and deals.. GMs have plenty of ticket about...

    One of my close ex friends was on vent with you every day... But Ya you are one of the sneakiest persons (his words) that is on PWI HT, as leader especially. 1st one to Start with 200mil bids to lock lands, 1st one to Arrange gank's against the 3rd guild just for free land and 1st one to organise large scale fake bidding factions to move the time slots and save his guild land.

    WTF GM's change TW rules coz of guys like you LOOOOOOOL

    Last and most important, you even knew Ese and 30 top TW players from Tao were comming to Enrage 2-3 weeks before they did, with whole Tao bank too! You accept ppl that steal just to win. As i said, if you cant beat them - recruit them.

    Fortune favors the brave

  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thread reads:

    Post #1 : Hey guyz guess what, my d**k is the biggest and your all gonna suck on it

    Post #2 : No U!

    Post #3 : No u!

    Post #4 : No your mum!

    Post #5 : No U!

    pretty much the same as every thread on HT now ._.
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Erm....don't want to say a thing have QueenBii...aka an officer of Drakon even...didn't he ran off with a bunch of charms *coughcough* hypocrite much?

    EDIT: Time to create Autumn_Blush soon !
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Taleon - Heavens Tear
    Taleon - Heavens Tear Posts: 392 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Erm....don't want to say a thing have QueenBii...aka an officer of Drakon even...didn't he ran off with a bunch of charms *coughcough* hypocrite much?

    EDIT: Time to create Autumn_Blush soon !

    Wow, took the words out of my mouth !!!
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    raw and bii had personal issue over that and its ownership... most charms were mailed to Rad members under GM supervision anyway, just not given back to the leader.. but but, this cant compare to any of things on my list above. Even if there was something taken, it wasn't brought in our faction. QBiii was never banned also.
    Fortune favors the brave

  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow, took the words out of my mouth !!! that's why those words were...sticky...ish
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    raw and bii had personal issue over that and its ownership... most charms were mailed to Rad members under GM supervision anyway, just not given back to the leader.. but but, this cant compare to any of things on my list above. Even if there was something taken, it wasn't brought in our faction. QBiii was never banned also.

    QB took over 500+ charms mailed 1 to each member of Rad so thats 200 or so. So didnt know that 200/500 was most of the charms good to know. Well actually only mails out like 120 or so if u wanna get techy
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    look kid, you like to hide behind a faction, and some **** members in your faction do that as well - no need to list names, when someone has issue with them - they try to say ''its issue against my whole guild'', thats not true.

    you rly have to jump of the ''you hate my guild'' wagon coz that pure BS and there is no way anyone smart can follow that fake line.


    Lol what a hypocrite. That rightthere is the same bs you are trying to pull with me. Telling people I'm an enemy of drakon cause I don't like you and I call you on your fail lies. Mono you have got to be the dumbest sob on this server. You say watch wcs for enrage bashing? I only see you and your boyfriend inventor talking smack about them. You say your about knight hood and honor, saying yu have friends in enrage then turn around and talk **** about them. You needto make up your mind and not be such a little ****
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Taleon - Heavens Tear
    Taleon - Heavens Tear Posts: 392 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    QB took over 500+ charms mailed 1 to each member of Rad so thats 200 or so. So didnt know that 200/500 was most of the charms good to know. Well actually only mails out like 120 or so if u wanna get techy

    But but but Dan.....

    We all know that Mono would not lie about all this...... all the other parties that where envolved must have been mistaken some how. Yeah that is it ......
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Being banned is a rite of passage for Enrage members, not a punishment.

    Enrage is one single entity with 200 personalities, the alpha and the omega, you are crossing over the event horizon and into the singularity.

    Prepare to be assimilated, resistance is futile.

    We ARE the Borg.

    P.S. No amount of pylons you build will ever be enough.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • Taintedxlove - Heavens Tear
    Taintedxlove - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Me, I love Enrage players, they are pro and good players and most of them are my friends, 90% of them, and 20 are on my friend list. How you like me now? I am Enrage lover ya? How can I have issues then.. ... its your delusion...

    Yeah okay, lets go with "no pic no proof" Cause I'm pretty sure our guild makes fun of you on a daily basis. Especially on the weekends after our TW's are over.

    Oh and ladies and gentlemen lets not forget Mono tried to make Marin look like a dumb ***, and then he goes and says "How can I have issues then... it's your delusion" Even though he says this right after.....
    Alot of enrage members (in this case, tho others do it also) flame, wchat spamm ****, cube pk/purge in 100sek stand rooms, event **** up regulary, glich, **** in TW's, **** up World bosses, bandwagon and troll on these forums and HT server game, too much. GMs have to work hard just for 1 faction with all the ticket they get.. i dont know a single other faction that had so many banned players.. LOL
    I have issues thos, with SOME players in your faction, some in other factions as well - just that your faction members spam forums more.. Just how many of them i have banned coz they do all of that stated above. ah...

    Yeah, you tell us that you're friends with 90 % of Enrage members, but then you say "A LOT" of us do all those things. Generally the "90%" would be a lot no? I guess you think 10% is clearly a lot. ...Gosh, maybe I need to go back to math class or something....
    And about your tricks games fake bids and deals.. GMs have plenty of ticket about...

    One of my close ex friends was on vent with you every day... But Ya you are one of the sneakiest persons (his words) that is on PWI HT, as leader especially. 1st one to Start with 200mil bids to lock lands, 1st one to Arrange gank's against the 3rd guild just for free land and 1st one to organise large scale fake bidding factions to move the time slots and save his guild land.

    I've been close friends with Marin for Months and Months. I have NO freaking CLUE what you're talking about. If there was someone that was on vent with him "every day" I'm pretty sure I would know about it; considering.... ...I was there with him.... Looks like you just pulled some more info out of your ***. I wonder what else is in there..... b:shutup
    Last and most important, you even knew Ese and 30 top TW players from Tao were comming to Enrage 2-3 weeks before they did, with whole Tao bank too! You accept ppl that steal just to win. As i said, if you cant beat them - recruit them.

    Last but not least, you are so freaking full of false information it's absolutely ridiculous. Ese and Hoshi came to Enrage because Lypi decided to talk sht about her in vent. Yeah, like she wasn't going to find out about it. Lypi thought he could do such a better job at being leader... Well look where Tao's at right now. OH THAT'S RIGHT, they're dead. b:surrender

    Pretty sure we accepted oh 5 Tao members during that week? And your info about the bank is complete bullsht as Fliiick has already mentioned. But I guess you fail to seek out the true information even though it's flashing right in front of you...

    Seriously, can someone please tell me how one person can be so full of themselves? Mono you have to be one of the most Moronic Idiots on this server, Hands Down.
  • Exegesis - Heavens Tear
    Exegesis - Heavens Tear Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    mmmm Ese and company never stole cash from TaoBling, but yeah some TT mats were gone but they claimed they gave it out to guildies a while back but nobody took notes of it......

    Without the QQ Enrage would never live - they survive on others QQing... Time for a change though b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's still funny nonetheless to see him make up random things to try and make others look bad..then when he gets smashed down he completely ignores those facts, and says the same things again and again, and adds new things to say.

    You may have been friends with Torm back in the day, but you also weren't as stupid then as you are now.
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's still funny nonetheless to see him make up random things to try and make others look bad..then when he gets smashed down he completely ignores those facts, and says the same things again and again, and adds new things to say.

    You may have been friends with Torm back in the day, but you also weren't as stupid then as you are now.

    maybe instead of growing smarter as you age mono does the opposite?b:shocked

  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    wow so many things id like to say but so little time ....

    so ill keep it to this ...

    I almost spit soda on my screen when Asmo basically called Mono the village idiot.... i always thought that was Inventor but i have been proven wrong Mono is truely king idiot and Inventor must be court jester.

    sorry for typos laughing too much!
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    mono=village idiot
    idiots child?

  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thread reads:

    Post #1 : Hey guyz guess what, my d**k is the biggest and your all gonna suck on it

    Post #2 : No U!

    Post #3 : No u!

    Post #4 : No your mum!

    Post #5 : No U!

    pretty much the same as every thread on HT now ._.

    Look at what your influence did. :(
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can see inventor being a court jester.
    He provides entertainment.

    Mono though..not the village idiot, those are usually funny as well or am I wrong Oo
    Just plainly call him.. idiot :P
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    every "village" (server) needs that one person whos ignorance is only outweighed by their need to demonstrate said ignorance so that we can all facepalm at least once a day ....
  • Rawthorne - Heavens Tear
    Rawthorne - Heavens Tear Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    raw and bii had personal issue over that and its ownership... most charms were mailed to Rad members under GM supervision anyway, just not given back to the leader.. but but, this cant compare to any of things on my list above. Even if there was something taken, it wasn't brought in our faction. QBiii was never banned also.

    Sigh how fking stupid can you be? Here are the facts for you since you believe so much in revisonist history (and sorry for your luck; I have the prrof to back it up). I was not here for the july 3rad tw (out w/ family) so Aubz logged onto my account and handed roughly 480ish charms to QB to pass out for tw. Aubz failed to get QB to give them back to my mule afterwords. The next day I came on and asked for them back. Over the next 2/3 weeks QB fed myself and others w/ a litany of lies as well as bs lies to the gms. The gms BEGGED me to bring QB back into Rad as the director. Eventually QB decided they'd send charms to everyone they thought deserving of them. Roughly 60-80 charms got mailed to members (95%+ which were sent back to me). So 300+ charms stolen/sold for profit doesn't equal what others have done (your words; not mine). Yah that was the bs you told me; you claimed what bookman/desi did before to Enrage's tw pay was worse (wasn't all/most all sent back; oh yes it was) and what Ese did was worse (she ran off w/ tt mats and herbs I believe; most of which were sent out to ppl). Now do a monetary comparison and tell me what's the worst "heist" in HT server history? At the time it was 250 million worth and with current charm prices it would be 1 billion. Ahh yes QB hands down w/ no one even close. But you are too fking stupid to realize this and tried lying to me saying what Desi/Bookman and Ese did (on vent) was much worse.

    Here is the full history of what happened if any one is curious; frigging hilarious reading how a grown man claims I had them living in fear and I had "scammed" them.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wow, this is just wow....

    Its like having the whole world vs 1 person. b:laugh

    ..and the world is winning.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Marin - Heavens Tear
    Marin - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    look kid, you like to hide behind a faction, and some **** members in your faction do that as well - no need to list names, when someone has issue with them - they try to say ''its issue against my whole guild'', thats not true.

    you rly have to jump of the ''you hate my guild'' wagon coz that pure BS and there is no way anyone smart can follow that fake line.

    Check the game, see world chats and you will have god knows how many that Rly hate enrage, not coz its your guily kid, but coz of the bad things that your guild members do IN GAME.

    Me, I love Enrage players, they are pro and good players and most of them are my friends, 90% of them, and 20 are on my friend list. How you like me now? I am Enrage lover ya? How can I have issues then.. ... its your delusion...

    Alot of enrage members (in this case, tho others do it also) flame, wchat spamm ****, cube pk/purge in 100sek stand rooms, event **** up regulary, glich, **** in TW's, **** up World bosses, bandwagon and troll on these forums and HT server game, too much. GMs have to work hard just for 1 faction with all the ticket they get.. i dont know a single other faction that had so many banned players.. LOL

    Look, i post TW info from my faction, and if you follow replies, its not me that flames 1st.. so lolz

    I have issues thos, with SOME players in your faction, some in other factions as well - just that your faction members spam forums more.. Just how many of them i have banned coz they do all of that stated above. ah...

    Your deluded however about everything else as well. When IceTank quit Triad members moved different paths and my best friend WalterRohan wanted us to TW in some Tw faction, Tao and Caesar were winning Enrage then, enrage members were moving to Caesar and Tao.. seems almost over for smurfs losing lands and players every week. So HE tough ya why not help some loyal members that stayed in Enrage, rather than bandwagon to winning factions. Bookman and Torm called me to go there long before that.. Now clunker had issue with you... about few of us.. not us.

    But interesting is what happen in Rad ..... I remembers Trom's post sayin 'we are all about to get booted while i type this message' on forums (this you and other ppl that were about to get removed... from Rad), you guys pretty much Run to Enrage before you all got booted.

    .. I was booted coz i said Rad is a click faction LOL - and they called me back after .. but.. I was in legion then, and stayed with legion ppls together in few guilds and won your guild in 3 diff factions, many times, with weak undergeared players.. me only made factions strong. b:dirty

    And about your tricks games fake bids and deals.. GMs have plenty of ticket about...

    One of my close ex friends was on vent with you every day... But Ya you are one of the sneakiest persons (his words) that is on PWI HT, as leader especially. 1st one to Start with 200mil bids to lock lands, 1st one to Arrange gank's against the 3rd guild just for free land and 1st one to organise large scale fake bidding factions to move the time slots and save his guild land.

    WTF GM's change TW rules coz of guys like you LOOOOOOOL

    Last and most important, you even knew Ese and 30 top TW players from Tao were comming to Enrage 2-3 weeks before they did, with whole Tao bank too! You accept ppl that steal just to win. As i said, if you cant beat them - recruit them.


    HAHAHA. I honestly believe mono convinces himself of his lies so much that he actually starts to believe they're true. First of all, I can hardly understand your crappy English so I will try to translate your rubbish. We all know you are "so" familiar with me, so you would obviously know I am far from a child. About your love for Enrage, I think I just got stupider reading that paragraph. Please try to avoid throwing in random sentence fragments and run-on sentences because the lack of testosterone in your body implodes through your fingertips. I'm not going to go into the Enrage banning thing because we do get banned occasionally; happens. Regarding the Enrage bandwagon thing, what the hell does Torm or Bookman asking you to join Enrage ages ago have to do with anything? Bookman didn't leave on good terms, and Torm left Enrage during the Orion split when Enrage originally got too powerful in April 2009. But I recall plenty of people joining Tao because it started getting powerful, so don't feed me that bullsh/t that Enrage absorbs other factions to become powerful.

    Let's move on, shall we? So I am delusional about everything? Hmmm. Well if you knew so much about my every decision and discussion on ventrillo, you would have to be some perverted ninja Jesus who stalked my private messages, vent channel discussions, and text messages to my fellow officers.

    You say I am one of the dirtiest and sneakiest leaders to have ever graced the likes of Heaven's Tear. Well besides your bull posts regarding me, I honestly have to admit that I have received less hate mail on this forum compared to ANY other major faction leader. Just go through the old threads and you will see that only you (and possibly Tomiko) have ever tried to bash me. Therefore, I must have been doing something right to earn the respect of members in Tao, Radiance, Caesar, Belial, and other competitive factions. You are right that it may have been dirty of me to be the first leader to place a 200mil bid to lock land. Who cares? We were at war with Tao and Radiance at the time. Tao started turning on Radiance because they couldn't win land from us. How dare you say it is dirty when we force Tao to attack us instead of Rad. We could of sat back and watched two weaker factions beat the **** out of each other, but we didn't.

    And for someone who is 'o so familiar with TW history, you would obviously know that the first three major factions to organize a gank on a 3rd were Radiance, TheEmpire, and Evolution bidding on RoC. A wise guy like you must of just had a brain-**** to forget something like that. O yes! That's right! You joined Radiance back in December 2008 when we already owned the entire western hemisphere, and you started to make demands even though you did not make any contribution what-so-ever to help Radiance gain that land. I guess a swell guy like you knows better than all of us.

    Oh, and me being the FIRST to organize a fake bid. Well, I personally think a move like that would be cowardly, and I never chatted with anyone to bid on our land but I guess your words alone are evidence enough that I did such a thing. And did it slip my mind, but I do believe that Evolution made a fake bid to save their land from RoC, so I love how you throw in the whole FIRST comments to make me look like a dirty little rat, much like this mono guy I know of.

    Now let us move on to the last post. The whole Radiance 2008/early 2009 thing. Your grammar sucks but it seems to me like you are stating that me, Torm, and a bunch of my friends in Radiance left Rad because we were about to be kicked? Where the hell did you get that miscarriage of information? A bunch of us left Radiance back in February 2009 because Charity bid on dead RoC land even though we were the strongest faction at the time. We owned the entire western hemisphere of the TW map, and Charity wanted to play it safe and not upset TheEmpire or Evolution by bidding on them. That is the reason a good 40 of us left Radiance and joined the newly formed Enrage.

    I'm sure there is a lot more bullcrap in your post I could comment on, but I'm sick and tired of correcting your nonsense when it is obvious you truly believe the evil little rat that crawled up your and started spouting idiotic rants in your mind. I hope the two of you are truly happy together.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I can't believe I have enough time on my hands to look at all those pics Raw.

    QueenBii: you're scaring me

    something like that. LOL at that
    Someone who continuously trash talks people every opportunity they get is scared like that by someone, even though they stole 480..490..500+ charms..number got changed so many times in those funny nonetheless

    On another note..BearClaw..just're so clueless..

    "Invite QueenBii back to the faction and make him director please"

    ................... ... ................ lol..

    nothing else to say..too much to handle

    Edit: keep posting people..watching Mono take a beating here is haylarious
  • Morithiel - Heavens Tear
    Morithiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lol Mono, you fail so much at pretty much everything to do with TW, I actually boycotted doing any more TW with Caesar because not only were you and Dema were incapable of making a single functioning roster, you managed to significantly **** off every person that would sign up week after with your pathetic excuse of an attempt at TW leader****

    Making a roster with only 70% of the singups, then QQing in GC, saying not enough people signed up and that was why we lost was one that sprung to mind, maybe if you had taken the time to actually read or check anything that might have been avoided... or maybe you are just incapable of anything that requires the ability to concentrate.

    I for one remember being disapointed on an epic scale when I came from Assault with the 40 people and we all thought we had a chance of good TW and being a real competitor, we may have been a little ambitious but the potential was definatly there, but week after week was just sad because it was stupid mistake after stupid mistake and eventully we just gave up, I for one really liked the PVE aspect of Caesar at that time, and had a lot of friends there that I was sad to leave, but my disgust at stupid fail after stupid fail meant that I refused to do any more TW with Caesar.

    Thankfully I was accepted into an Enrage, a well organised, fairly executed, experianced TW guild that has TW where everyone knows what where and how, thats why they are successful.

    10x better than anything you have ever been associated with, not just because enrage members have gear or w/e but because they know what they should be doing and are well organised in Every Single TW

    Friends in Enrage? Would be good to see some examples, you do realise that they don't count once they have deleted you off their list right? How many of these 'friends' do you see online on a regular basis?
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The gms BEGGED me to bring QB back into Rad as the director.

    The GMs are funny.

    I don't get where SDolfie comes in there. Explain that part to me. :O
  • _evil_angel - Heavens Tear
    _evil_angel - Heavens Tear Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    HAHAHA. I honestly believe mono convinces himself of his lies so much that he actually starts to believe they're true. First of all, I can hardly understand your crappy English so I will try to translate your rubbish. We all know you are "so" familiar with me, so you would obviously know I am far from a child. About your love for Enrage, I think I just got stupider reading that paragraph. Please try to avoid throwing in random sentence fragments and run-on sentences because the lack of testosterone in your body implodes through your fingertips. I'm not going to go into the Enrage banning thing because we do get banned occasionally; happens. Regarding the Enrage bandwagon thing, what the hell does Torm or Bookman asking you to join Enrage ages ago have to do with anything? Bookman didn't leave on good terms, and Torm left Enrage during the Orion split when Enrage originally got too powerful in April 2009. But I recall plenty of people joining Tao because it started getting powerful, so don't feed me that bullsh/t that Enrage absorbs other factions to become powerful.

    Let's move on, shall we? So I am delusional about everything? Hmmm. Well if you knew so much about my every decision and discussion on ventrillo, you would have to be some perverted ninja Jesus who stalked my private messages, vent channel discussions, and text messages to my fellow officers.

    You say I am one of the dirtiest and sneakiest leaders to have ever graced the likes of Heaven's Tear. Well besides your bull posts regarding me, I honestly have to admit that I have received less hate mail on this forum compared to ANY other major faction leader. Just go through the old threads and you will see that only you (and possibly Tomiko) have ever tried to bash me. Therefore, I must have been doing something right to earn the respect of members in Tao, Radiance, Caesar, Belial, and other competitive factions. You are right that it may have been dirty of me to be the first leader to place a 200mil bid to lock land. Who cares? We were at war with Tao and Radiance at the time. Tao started turning on Radiance because they couldn't win land from us. How dare you say it is dirty when we force Tao to attack us instead of Rad. We could of sat back and watched two weaker factions beat the **** out of each other, but we didn't.

    And for someone who is 'o so familiar with TW history, you would obviously know that the first three major factions to organize a gank on a 3rd were Radiance, TheEmpire, and Evolution bidding on RoC. A wise guy like you must of just had a brain-**** to forget something like that. O yes! That's right! You joined Radiance back in December 2008 when we already owned the entire western hemisphere, and you started to make demands even though you did not make any contribution what-so-ever to help Radiance gain that land. I guess a swell guy like you knows better than all of us.

    Oh, and me being the FIRST to organize a fake bid. Well, I personally think a move like that would be cowardly, and I never chatted with anyone to bid on our land but I guess your words alone are evidence enough that I did such a thing. And did it slip my mind, but I do believe that Evolution made a fake bid to save their land from RoC, so I love how you throw in the whole FIRST comments to make me look like a dirty little rat, much like this mono guy I know of.

    Now let us move on to the last post. The whole Radiance 2008/early 2009 thing. Your grammar sucks but it seems to me like you are stating that me, Torm, and a bunch of my friends in Radiance left Rad because we were about to be kicked? Where the hell did you get that miscarriage of information? A bunch of us left Radiance back in February 2009 because Charity bid on dead RoC land even though we were the strongest faction at the time. We owned the entire western hemisphere of the TW map, and Charity wanted to play it safe and not upset TheEmpire or Evolution by bidding on them. That is the reason a good 40 of us left Radiance and joined the newly formed Enrage.

    I'm sure there is a lot more bullcrap in your post I could comment on, but I'm sick and tired of correcting your nonsense when it is obvious you truly believe the evil little rat that crawled up your and started spouting idiotic rants in your mind. I hope the two of you are truly happy together.

    Marin your my herob:dirty
  • FurryKitty - Lost City
    FurryKitty - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sleepcat wrote: »
    The GMs are funny.

    I don't get where SDolfie comes in there. Explain that part to me. :O

    Probably because while SDollfie was gone, QueenBii played the toon. They were pretty close. Remember in Elysium Bii was leader SDoll was Director. SDollfie is pretty cool though.
    FurryKitty - 55 - barb - Lost Server
    ScarlettLady - 99 - cleric - retired - Heavens Tear
    ScarletLady - 73 - veno - retired - Heavens Tear
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sooo getting banned is bad? i know alot of people not in enrage that has been banned in the past.I have.Lol was funny.I was very very bored for the duration of that as well.O wells,umm sooo i think im gonna go read a dictionary or something to get rid of some of the stupid mono is trying to infect everyone with
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
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