TW Schedule Sorted 8-27~8/29



  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Also..if I may add something..Momento in the first place was never denied from Enrage until he caused drama months later.
    The Assault group had *talked to some people about joining* but it never 100% went through, or information never got passed on that they were interested in joining. Then they went to Caesar.

    But..I'm probably wrong since you know everything right Mono?

    Why would we randomly deny someone..then 2~ months later just accept them, when their gear/level/playstyle had not changed? If we had known they wanted to join before they went to Caesar, we would have snagged them up.

    The entire ex Assault group were/are very experienced in TW and are a great asset to Enrage at this time, even though not many of them are here anymore. Also, yes Mono, the great assets include Morithiel.
  • Marin - Heavens Tear
    Marin - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So now you droped the ''you hate my guild'' line coz its not working, thats progress, how nice of you.

    No cowardly moves by you? 1st 200mil bids to lock Tao of Rad, fake factions to move the time slots (GMs knowing TW changes coming didnt ban you). Then adding trains with wagons of truly friends of Enrage, such as momento and tao hard core enrage haters.. thats something special - just so you could win and no show.

    Your heroic move was to gank Caesar for free land for months, what a hero, cowards just bid to have real wars (lol...)

    Enrage leader being the least hated? You must be high.. or with something up the.. well ... even with all the nice ppl there that close 1 eye when they see issues this is just for laughing. And you passing lead to your butt buddy rather than asking members .. man your bad, ppl that bash you are your ex faction members, your ex officers, ex leaderships there.. i dont give a ****, your 3 shot cleric for me and thats all that matters.

    edit: somehow part of the text i removed LOL

    Well I believe I already responded to most of those claims in previous posts, so once again the evil butt rat is infecting your mind with rubbish. I realize I was rather quiet on these forums when I was the leader of Enrage for 9 months, but I was too busy LEADING my faction to victory rather than defend myself from the jealous attacks on these forums. In fact, I recently just browsed through these forums to see if I was the subject of hate posts. And I was correct with my previous post, only YOU (Monofailmuch) have posted libel to deface my leadership. I was actually surprised to see members in Tao and Radiance write comments regarding my dedication and understanding of ethics. Even Lypi, who I must have seriously upset with countless TW wars, wrote nice comments regarding my leadership. So for some reason your desperate attempts to make me feel hated are not working, sweetheart.

    Ok, so my ex faction members, ex officers, and ex leadership are bashing me. Well, the only Ex-Leadership Enrage had besides myself was Clunker. I would seriously love to have proof that the original Clunker (pretty sure someone else is playing his account now) would ever bash me. The two of us respect each other too much to ever think poorly of the other. Also, HE ONLY PLAYED WITH ENRAGE ONE MONTH when I was leader before he went to ****. He must have had a lot of hatred toward me to promote me to Director and then Leader. Moving on to the Ex Members bashing me. Well, Enrage has gone through hundreds of members who were booted or left for various reasons. I personally can only think of 1 person who left because of me. Also, if EX-MEMBERS were talking about me, don't you think they were removed because of discipline issues? I can honestly see you believing the nonsense of ex-members who were kicked for starting fights, stealing mats, and killing fellow members. Yeah, some real choice players you go to to find the dirt on Enrage b:chuckle

    And finally, Ex-Officers who are saying I am evil incarnate. Well, when I was leader I hardly promoted any officers. I wanted to make sure all my officers were working constantly, and having more than 5 or 6 officers seems like overkill. I can make a list of all my "ex's" but I would like to keep their privacy. I doubt the officers I demoted for inactivity would hardly hold that against me; after all, I handed leadership over because I went to Australia for 2 months. An inactive leader/officer can only hurt a faction. Now, I can only think of 2 Ex-Officers of Enrage who would be upset with me. One of those joined Tao ages ago, and I now believe she plays on a different server. Also, the two of us never had a single fight; she may just be upset with me because I did not let her back in Enrage after she rage quit. And the other Ex who I believe may be your ONLY source of information regarding me (as far as ex-officers go) was an entire story on his own. Many members in Enrage and even some in Dominus know the rather shaddy qualities of this person. So, overall your sources are not impressive.

    You say it was dirty of me to hand leadership over to rcrmichael_? Well, why o why did I hand him leadership? Let me see. Because he was the ONLY PERSON with enough training in TW leadership, strategies, and rosters to run an effective TW guild. Also, he had experience on the structure of our spreadsheets and website to be an effective leader. True, he is my friend. But his experience is a PROVEN FACT based on the proof that Enrage is still strong. So yeah. That was so dirty of me. Gawd Mono, your desperate attempts to justify your abortions of truth are just amusing. Every damn comment you make can be countered with proof. What evidence what-so-ever do you have? Beside a few disgruntled ex-enrage members who are pissed their laziness and bad qualities were not rewarded.
  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Shiffy u r leaving me to Enrage how could u baby WAAAAA b:cry

    Don't worry Dan, let that guy say what he wants. I won't leave your side b:cute
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    i like it how people are wasting their time with long winded speeches when clearly no one gives a damn

    happy time wasting yey :D
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    So now you droped the ''you hate my guild'' line coz its not working, thats progress, how nice of you.

    No cowardly moves by you? 1st 200mil bids to lock Tao of Rad, fake factions to move the time slots (GMs knowing TW changes coming didnt ban you). Then adding trains with wagons of truly friends of Enrage, such as momento and tao hard core enrage haters.. thats something special - just so you could win and no show.

    Your heroic move was to gank Caesar for free land for months, what a hero, cowards just bid to have real wars (lol...)

    Enrage leader being the least hated? You must be high.. or with something up the.. well ... even with all the nice ppl there that close 1 eye when they see issues this is just for laughing. And you passing lead to your butt buddy rather than asking members .. man your bad, ppl that bash you are your ex faction members, your ex officers, ex leaderships there.. i dont give a ****, your 3 shot cleric for me and thats all that matters.

    edit: somehow part of the text i removed LOL

    Of course it's working, anyone can see you're full of bull. You're so stupid anyways though I can't tell if you're lying on purpose or if you're just too **** to realize it.

    How is cutting off Rad and Tao a COWARDLY move? Isn't that getting us MORE ganks?

    And how is it Marin's fault that bandwagon hoppers want to join Enrage? Maybe because he made it such a great guild that "Enrage haters" wanted to join Enrage in the end too?

    The only people who hate Enrage are people who don't know what the **** is going on and just believe whatever other sheep like inventor tell them to believe. Marin was a great leader. I have a lot of respect for him; not many people can keep a guild together after it takes as hard a hit as Enrage did when a chunk of its officers, squad leaders, and high profile players gave it up for A1ON. Heck you can't even keep a guild together when your guild and members are fresh.

    And people bashing him? Well of course ex-members would probably be butthurt if they ragequit and aren't allowed back. Maybe ex-officers would be butthurt too after they get demoted for totally not doing their job. As for ex-leadership, that is only Clunker, who I now can keep in touch with outside the game, and he would never speak ill of Marin. Why would he? He trusted Marin with his guild when he had to leave. There is no greater praise he can give than that. And as for REAL ex-officers, I was an officer of Enrage when Marin was Director and Clunker was Leader; Marin was a pleasure to work with and an honor to work for. Now, I cannot think of a more cool-headed, TW experienced person to take over for him than Mikey (even though they are butt buddies *snicker*).
  • EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear
    EbonyBlood - Heavens Tear Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Gawd Mono, your desperate attempts to justify your abortions of truth are just amusing.

    Lies and abortions. I can't stop smiling and laughing. That's the best description of it all, thus far.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Drakon collapses within the month....

    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    hmmm, anyone in the thread banned yet? How would we know...
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    hmmm, anyone in the thread banned yet? How would we know...

    mono hasn't posted in 2 pages, maybe he's banned
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    mono hasn't posted in 2 pages, maybe he's banned

    we wishb:lipcurl

  • MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear
    MissyLucifer - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    What your talking about is panda/dema/ and your friends icy and hoki - that, fight to get control over TW command, and rosters, and then leave the next week.

    I thought I'll just clarify this alittle bit. Expanda at that time, I believe was very busy, so he handed command and rosters out. He have not, will not and need not fight with anyone over 'control'. =)
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    wow took so long to catch up reading that i managed to die where i left myself afk .... win for monofail ..... mono 1 world over 9000.
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I thought I'll just clarify this alittle bit. Expanda at that time, I believe was very busy, so he handed command and rosters out. He have not, will not and need not fight with anyone over 'control'. =)


  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    o.O this thread is still going on and it's almost time for a new TW thread!! b:chuckle

    <reminds me of Police Academy I - II - III - ..... - 14 etc >
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Taleon - Heavens Tear
    Taleon - Heavens Tear Posts: 392 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    WTH Asmodiel...

    I get here at work, get coffee ready for eventful reading, all set to go and ...

    no new Mono QQ drama, you have failed me Asmodiel ( no more popcorn for you )
  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    did they ban mono?
    or... he finally realized he told too many lies and lost his credibility (if he ever had one)
    or... his members finally checked forum and asked him to stop embarassing them?
    or... he is still checking Steo's SS regarding the tree hax and trying to find where did steo change his pwi file to get that system option.
    or... searching dex online to find new insults ?
    or... he is posting on Drakon forum things that he will later quote here to sustain his lies?
    or... DID HE QUIT POSTING? O.o
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    <.< none of the above

    And Taleon....I'm sorry...maybe later ok? b:chuckle
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    <.< none of the above

    do tell!!!
  • Taleon - Heavens Tear
    Taleon - Heavens Tear Posts: 392 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Andro you left a few out....

    or did Mommy pull his plug finally after getting her Credit Card bill that he has been hiding
    or did Inventor forget to wake him this morning after another fail night
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Fail. I post out or boredom you trolls don't have a life - a big enrage hand holding festival.

    For those 2 squishy officers from Rad that claim I am wrong about some enrage members behaviours, what they do ingame and TW, and how these spammers are right - while Rad core members send tickets to GMs trying to ban smurf leader for some time now - I can only light up a candle in church yard for ya - with that kinda attitude you will lose every time .. fking 20min with 80 good ppl 100+ sign ups.. rad members deserve better than what they are stuck with.

    c u ingame b:bye
    Fortune favors the brave

  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    See just have to wait some time for him to recharge the forum battery a bit b:chuckle

    No I did all those exams and got all those diplomas...for nothing...damn waste of time that was...
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    See just have to wait some time for him to recharge the forum battery a bit b:chuckle

    No I did all those exams and got all those diplomas...for nothing...damn waste of time that was...

    furballs dont have sorry to break it to you this wayb:cuteb:chuckle

  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Okey, I just HAD to know what the hell a slap dance is. I think I got it... I present it to you now!

    This is a slap dance.
    *Semi retired*
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Okey, I just HAD to know what the hell a slap dance is. I think I got it... I present it to you now!

    This is a slap dance.

    That's.....way better then any waltz im sure b:chuckle
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Also, talking about ****.. anti-gravity wooot =D
    *Semi retired*
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Fail. I post out or boredom you trolls don't have a life - a big enrage hand holding festival.

    For those 2 squishy officers from Rad that claim I am wrong about some enrage members behaviours, what they do ingame and TW, and how these spammers are right - while Rad core members send tickets to GMs trying to ban smurf leader for some time now - I can only light up a candle in church yard for ya - with that kinda attitude you will lose every time .. fking 20min with 80 good ppl 100+ sign ups.. rad members deserve better than what they are stuck with.

    c u ingame b:bye

    Is calling me squishy an insult? God i hope not cause i openly call myself a squisghy *** cleric all the time. And if my Shiffy is Squishy then Mono is the smartest person that ever lived b:chuckle

    Oh there r some enrage members that r jerks and get banned all like 8 of them

    Yes mono we miss ur post TW speeches about how ENrage cannot be beat because of their awesome gear even though anyone with half a brain was telling u their gear wasnt much better if at all then Rads but hey we really miss u in Rad b:cute

    Also i cant remember a single Rad officer that really talked bad about how Marin lead Enrage he lead them to power without reali planned ganks he was just smart on how he bid but w.e last post till new TW thread b:victory
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    fail. I Post Out Or Boredom You Trolls Don't Have A Life - A Big Enrage Hand Holding Festival. i Am The Only Person On My Side Of This Arguement, Therefore There Must Be Something Wrong With Everyone Else. Maybe U Should Make Fun Of Everyone For Being On The Same Side, Which Is Not My Side So It Must Be Wrong, Its Just Enrage Sticking Up For Enrage, Man, I Wish Some Drakon People Would Stick Up For Me And Support Me, Oh Man Its Not Just Enrage Sticking Up For Enrage, Its Enrages Enemies Too, It Must Be An In-game Conspiracy Against Me

    For Those 2 Squishy Officers From Rad That Claim I Am Wrong About Some Enrage Members Behaviours, rad Members Are Calling Me On My Bullshart Too, I Should Make Fun Of Them And Call Them Squishy! Haha Clerics Can Not 1v1 A Bm With +12 Tt100 Fists (and Sword) With 2 Crit Stones, They Are Fail And I Am Awsome! What They Do Ingame And Tw, And How These Spammers Are Right - While Rad Core Members Send my Friends Are The Best And Most Powerful And Always Right Just Like Me, So Even If They Aren't In Leadership Positions, They Are The Most Important People, So They Are The Core Of Whatever Faction They Are Intickets To Gms Trying To Ban Smurf Leader For Some Time Now enrage Leader Should Be Banned Because He Figured Out How To Take The Trees Away, And How To Make Damage Reduction Charms, Even Though Some Sexy British Hamburger Girl Explained How To Remove Trees A Couple Pages Ago, Its Still A ****, And Everyone In Enrage Who Does It Should Be Banned - I Can Only Light Up A Candle In Church Yard For Ya since Rad Leadership Isn't Doing What My Friend, And Therefore The Most Important And Influential Person In Rad, Is Saying, They Must Be Terribly Misguided Lost Souls- With That Kinda Attitude You Will Lose Every Time .. Fking 20min With 80 Good Ppl 100+ Sign Ups.. Rad Members Deserve Better Than What They Are Stuck With. maybe I Can Trick The Rad Members Into Merging Into Drakon, The Reason They Are Losing Must Be Their Lack Of Leadership, They Need A Strong Leader Like Me Who Knows How To Do Everything, I Almost Win Every Time I Fight Enrage And Rad Always Loses Every Time They Fight Enrage. I'll Suggest All Rad People Join Drakon In My Next Post. By Then I Should Have Room For All Of Them In My Faction

    C U Ingame B:bye
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh my... consequences will be coming. Meanwhile closed.
This discussion has been closed.