The Chinese Servers got Server Merges. Why can't we?



  • mywisdom
    mywisdom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No you weren't. You said you never played PWI.

    Fail troll.

    I have never said I did NOT ever play PWI. Quote me.

    I played on Lost City & Dreamweaver.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sadly this thraed was going somewhere with actual sane arguements.

    Then some nobody who has proofless claims at being a pro continues posting garbage just to get some perverted pleasure of being an ****??

    Fail Troll is fail no matter what version they "claim" to have come from.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why hit a faction with like 3 lands when here's a fac with 20+ land? If Nef can't defend Regi for more than 40min (I think last time Nef actually fought) then what makes you think Enely/LG/Vind can do any better? Nef defends 15+ TW every week but how many of those TW last more than 20min? How many of those last more than 5? You complain about not having good fights, well here's Regi carving a big **** semi-circle on your territory week after week. If Nef continues to hit Regi then people will start to triple with Nef, then you'll hopefully get better fights. I mean what does Nef have to lose by attacking Regi now? More mirages?

    During triples on Nef with Regi, Regi has sat in Nef instance until the other fights were over and still no one shows up. One time I believe they took down Nef crystal without cats.

    no no no, you don't understand. Till recently i'm perfectly fine not going after reg since we had good tw that i enjoy till maybe 2 weeks ago. So, before two weeks ago i don't really care if we don't defend reg. What i was trying to say was to allow reg to have a better tw especially if every other faction is wipe off the map, nef has no choice but to attack reg.

    and once again, i don't see nefarious leader over my head. Dan on the other hand is in the position of power to do that.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes, that was my point. You put a blanket statement saying TW changes didn't affect anything, that it was all imagination. That's not true, it affected TW greatly. Perhaps it hasn't affected you directly, but it still affects a lot of people. The same with the DQ nerf. It didn't do anything to me, but just because it doesn't affect me at all, I do see the people that it has affected. That's what I meant about differentiating between fact or opinion.

    Most of the times you would be right. Most of those threads disappear in a day or two as well. When you see topics that outrage enough people to keep a thread reach a couple hundred pages, there's a good chance that there really is an issue that affects more than just a few people.

    Of course it affects everyone I never claimed it didn't I was saying that its being blown out of proportion and is not as relevant as they are making it. Oh right that 79 thing went on for a awhile you know thats a issue still?
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Actually your argument wasn't solid at all. You were basically saying through most of your post that you have no idea about anything except that PWI is still making money.

    My argument was;
    A)Whatever happens to TW is no excuse to demand server merges.
    B)Arguments should at least be founded on empirical evidence, not dogma, the OP provided none.
    C)Experience from other MMOs does show server merges do not improve the game for most users.
    E)Were the OP's assertions proven right it would be more profitable to quit the game than to demand changes.
    l2read noob.
    Rage more please. lol

    You hardly know me at all if you think i'm not enjoying this.
    Your post, that I went and completely read through just states you have no idea about anything only that it seems that PWI is making more money.

    You must be a solo player because if you can't even see that the servers are dying off, you're just lost.

    Unlike others i don't pretend to hold the absolute truth to anything, you obviously have mistaken sense with ignorance. And seeing as i mostly play in PUGs with people leveling up, i actually have good reason to say i have a better understanding on who the new players on my server are and what circumstances they endure that, say, a high level that spends most of his time exclusively squading with guildies.
    lol. Amazing QQ you have going on there.

    It wasn't QQ, i was insulting you. If you can't tell the difference you probably do have some serious social issues.
    Your post I responded to was a bunch of long-winded nonsense... you took probably 700-800 words just to say 'I really have no idea, please tell me why.'.

    Learn to be concise and learn how to make a point.


    At least i get along with passable grammar, an argument is built upon ideas that reinforce it...
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited August 2010
    How is merging servers going to fix anything?
    1- Everyone conquers PVE land in 1-2 weeks. 2 because of greedy fake bidders.
    2- Everyone stops defending when they know a stronger faction is going to attack since it's not worth the money just to lose.
    3- Eventually back at where we are now.
  • Desire - Dreamweaver
    Desire - Dreamweaver Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd like a real response from a GM about this... I definitely think server merging is a very plausible option at this point and a lot of people will agree with me here. What do the GM's think of the idea? I don't want to know if it's possible or not... I just want to know what they think of the concept behind it.

    Oh please respond at least.

    I wouldn't mind server merges...really now, basically everything is dead in this game unless you start alts over and over again, just like many of us log in game do daily then afk all day. Maybe server merges would help to get out of this routine , would help with TW and even better with PvP b:pleased
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    My argument was;
    A)Whatever happens to TW is no excuse to demand server merges.
    B)Arguments should at least be founded on empirical evidence, not dogma, the OP provided none.
    C)Experience from other MMOs does show server merges do not improve the game for most users.
    E)Were the OP's assertions proven right it would be more profitable to quit the game than to demand changes.
    l2read noob.

    You provided nothing as well. You're really going to make me do this aren't you?
    Ok, seriously, you cannot base a large part of your argument for server merges on freaking TW. It was always an elitist activity. At the height of the whole thing (before the maps were overwhelmed by a single color) what percentage of a server's population do you think was actually involved? How many of those actually got to TW regularly? I realize TW is a very important part of the game for many people, but it is conceited to believe its demise impacts a majority of players. It doesn't. TW's importance is largely blown out of proportion because it is an aspiration for many, but the reality is most players will not actually get to experience it. You're asking for server merges to benefit how many? Freaking 5% of the playerbase?


    TW means nothing to most people. People are elitist. What percentage of people actually TW, notice it's a question, even you have no clue. Nobody said it impacts a majority of the players. Just a large percentage of people that have already finished most of the game. Then you go on to make a guesstimate with absolutely no base for your made up percentage which doesn't really matter, only the fact that TW has been broken for a large segment of the server's population.

    As for the declining population argument, just exactly how do you know? Yes, questing spots do seem emptier but with the majority of players leveling mostly through BH this is hardly evidence of anything. Does Archo seem less empty than it used to be? World Chat any less busy? Is the supply of gold entering the servers diminished? And are you accounting for seasonal variations? Yes, finding a Barb or Cleric may seem overly difficult but it was actually never easy, and TB made things worse as the game was already imbalanced from the start when it comes to classes. Now, with most people doing primarily instances all day, demand for these classes has soared. And i want to make this clear, i'm not saying that the server's populations are not in fact diminished, but you can't simply throw that around as established fact. High levels are quitting the game? It happens, especially when you've been at that range for half a year with almost no content ,and no chance of competing with the top tier elite of heavy CSers and merchants dominating the field...


    What is the population? You don't know. What about gold? You don't know. Can't find people, they're in instances, it doesn't mean there are more or less players (speculation). You don't know. High level players quitting? You don't know. QQ about merchants and cash shoppers.

    The bottomline is wether servers remain profitable for the company and given the numbers of tokens you can find for sale in Westie i say they're raking in the cash. Even if this is just the heavy spenders the argument remains there is no incentive for PWI to change the current status quo, especially with what must be the most profitable quarter of the year coming up.

    Ok, you have a point, however profitability doesn't matter concerning what the actual players think of the game. People will still play, people will still spend money. Your point has no real validity to the argument at hand.
    And server merges do indicate a dying game, i take it as bad news for this game's future that China has done it twice (not to nitpick but can we have the source on that?) as it is precisely that market that drives further development. Most people will not simply hapily accept merges, many will quit through the first three months and the inflow of new players will be severely curtailed. And you need the new players since many people will be leaving the game anyway for whatever reasons. MMOs only merge servers when they absolutely have no other options. I would like you to imagine the state of the merged servers 6 months down the line... And here is another bit of sad news, PvP servers are always the first to go, this game got started with just 1 West Coast PvP server and it is likely it will return to just that since Euros have never been a priority and the company is based in California... Go take a look at the history of other MMOs, PvP is considered a niche and is not unusual for many games to close as many, if not more, PvP servers as they do PvE even with original ratios 1 PvP to 3-4 PvE. This is all wishful thinking...


    Server merges indicate dying game... China HAS already done that, TWICE. source Conjecture about players quitting as well as new players joining. QQ about PvP servers, though this thread was started by a PvE player, your point is moot.

    Blah blah blah, you're an idot.

    My argument was;
    A)Whatever happens to TW is no excuse to demand server merges.
    B)Arguments should at least be founded on empirical evidence, not dogma, the OP provided none.
    C)Experience from other MMOs does show server merges do not improve the game for most users.
    E)Were the OP's assertions proven right it would be more profitable to quit the game than to demand changes.

    A) You did not make that argument. FAIL.
    B) You provided no solid proof. Hypocrite? FAIL
    C) If the game is dying, server merges would improve the game for most users. FAIL
    D) You don't know your alphabet there is no D in your points. Idiot. FAIL
    E) The OP's assertions were opinionary, and he backed his opinion with his thoughts.

    You hardly know me at all if you think i'm not enjoying this.

    I know you enough from reading your tripe that you're not as intelligent as you think. What more do I need to know?

    Unlike others i don't pretend to hold the absolute truth to anything, you obviously have mistaken sense with ignorance. And seeing as i mostly play in PUGs with people leveling up, i actually have good reason to say i have a better understanding on who the new players on my server are and what circumstances they endure that, say, a high level that spends most of his time exclusively squading with guildies.

    Oh, you point the 'you don't know me' card but you play it yourself? Hypocrite.

    It wasn't QQ, i was insulting you. If you can't tell the difference you probably do have some serious social issues.

    I would be insulted if I found your intellectual capacity to be anywhere near mine. You're like a monkey who likes to throw poo at people pointing fingers at them in the zoo. Nothing more.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh please respond at least.

    I wouldn't mind server merges...really now, basically everything is dead in this game unless you start alts over and over again, just like many of us log in game do daily then afk all day. Maybe server merges would help to get out of this routine , would help with TW and even better with PvP b:pleased

    Server merges will not address lack of endgame content nor will they improve PvP, if you want to do those things with different people go start an alt on another sever, you'll even get to enjoy the part of the game that's not "dead".
  • Cleon - Harshlands
    Cleon - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Server merge.. sure why not.

    At least give us cross server PK tournaments (CN has those as well I believe).
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh I missed a paragraph...
    Now, convince me that the game is dying and i'll quit, not just hope server merges will buy us some more time. Worthy goals are simply too long term to accomplish without merchanting or heavy Cash Shopping and i won't waste my time on a game that will just die on me when i'm halfway trough. I don't know, maybe it will even be a good idea to rejoin my old footie team while i wait for the MMO i'll be joining next year to release... Server merges would mean i would probably stay long enough to enjoy the transition show and be gone after the first month.

    This is the only paragraph I actually see anything worth responding to in detail.

    Convince me that the game is not dying. The game engine is outdated, there is no significant end-game content, TW is now broken, new players will be forced to cash shop 99 armor so they can get Nirvana. Farming for coin has been killed for the lowbies (dq nerf) for the mid-levels (mid-mats worthless due to tokens), high levels (high mats and green mats worthless due to tokens and 2x and overfarming), end-game (3-x nerf makes it unrealistic to farm). Sure 3-x is still doable, but you're not going to be running it to farm for coin. This is a bad thing for both players wanting the mats and those farming it for money.

    Worthy goals that can be accomplished are what kept most of the players here from Oct 08. Most of them are ready to quit. In a faction of 150+ lvl 100's, most of them are ready to leave and are only staying because of the time and money they've already invested and the large group of friends they've made. If it were not for this, most of us would already have left.

    Server merges would **** a lot of people off, and I was one of the people that was very vehemently against it only a few months back. So much has changed and the proverbial end actually seems near (I wasn't one of those 'omg annipacks the game is dead people') add to the fact that a few actual amazing next gen games are coming out soon, the lifespan of PWI has been dramatically reduced by devs wanting to milk every last cent from it before everyone realizes that it's not really worth playing anymore.

    If you don't believe me, look at any of the recent "would you suggest this game to a friend" thread now, then look for one a year ago. You'll see vastly different reactions.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Convince me that the game is not dying. The game engine is outdated, there is no significant end-game content, TW is now broken, new players will be forced to cash shop 99 armor so they can get Nirvana. Farming for coin has been killed for the lowbies (dq nerf) for the mid-levels (mid-mats worthless due to tokens), high levels (high mats and green mats worthless due to tokens and 2x and overfarming), end-game (3-x nerf makes it unrealistic to farm). Sure 3-x is still doable, but you're not going to be running it to farm for coin. This is a bad thing for both players wanting the mats and those farming it for money.

    Worthy goals that can be accomplished are what kept most of the players here from Oct 08. Most of them are ready to quit. In a faction of 150+ lvl 100's, most of them are ready to leave and are only staying because of the time and money they've already invested and the large group of friends they've made. If it were not for this, most of us would already have left.

    Server merges would **** a lot of people off, and I was one of the people that was very vehemently against it only a few months back. So much has changed and the proverbial end actually seems near (I wasn't one of those 'omg annipacks the game is dead people') add to the fact that a few actual amazing next gen games are coming out soon, the lifespan of PWI has been dramatically reduced by devs wanting to milk every last cent from it before everyone realizes that it's not really worth playing anymore.

    If you don't believe me, look at any of the recent "would you suggest this game to a friend" thread now, then look for one a year ago. You'll see vastly different reactions.


    Quoted for Truth!
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You provided nothing as well. You're really going to make me do this aren't you?

    I was basing my argument on reason and there were no underlying assertions that required proof. I basically made that clear when i clearly stated i was not in fact denying diminished server populations.

    TW means nothing to most people. People are elitist. What percentage of people actually TW, notice it's a question, even you have no clue. Nobody said it impacts a majority of the players. Just a large percentage of people that have already finished most of the game. Then you go on to make a guesstimate with absolutely no base for your made up percentage which doesn't really matter, only the fact that TW has been broken for a large segment of the server's population.

    Phrasing my statements as questions was meant to indicate sarcasm. You really need to work on subtext and try not to be so literal minded, i wasn't making an estimate of just exactly how many people actually TW, just illustrating a point. The smart rebuke would have been for you to actually prove the percentage of TWers is more significant than that. Which you can't.

    What is the population? You don't know. What about gold? You don't know. Can't find people, they're in instances, it doesn't mean there are more or less players (speculation). You don't know. High level players quitting? You don't know. QQ about merchants and cash shoppers.

    Here i was illustrating some of the factors that you could use to determine how populated or active a server is. Once again i phrased my comments as questions to indicate sarcasm... Seriously, freaking get it...
    Ok, you have a point, however profitability doesn't matter concerning what the actual players think of the game. People will still play, people will still spend money. Your point has no real validity to the argument at hand.

    It does. It would be self defeating for PWI to enact changes that would affect its bottom line, as people on this forums often suggest it does. In order for a suggestion to be accepted, it must also make bussiness sense to the company, this was my pointing out to a flaw in the OP's proposition that relegated his argument to moot discussion of a pipedream...

    Server merges indicate dying game... China HAS already done that, TWICE. source Conjecture about players quitting as well as new players joining. QQ about PvP servers, though this thread was started by a PvE player, your point is moot.

    Blah blah blah, you're an idot.

    Yes, server merges do indicate a dying game, are you contesting that? And the fact players do leave the game (i made no assumptions regarding figures on this) and servers do require new players to support their population is not only elementary common sense, but known fact amongst the MMO comunity. This is not something i need to demonstrate... And i wasn't QQing about PvP servers but stating a reality that was apparently ignored in much of the speculation regarding the new servers throughout the thread.
    A) You did not make that argument. FAIL.
    B) You provided no solid proof. Hypocrite? FAIL
    C) If the game is dying, server merges would improve the game for most users. FAIL
    D) You don't know your alphabet there is no D in your points. Idiot. FAIL
    E) The OP's assertions were opinionary, and he backed his opinion with his thoughts

    A)I did in fact do so and it was the leading thesis on the first paragraph of my very first post. Apparently the concept of sarcasm confuses you, but reading is what i expressed in plain terms should be the least you could manage.
    B)My argument required no such proof as it was based on reason. And let's be punctual it was a counter argument so burden of proof would first lie on the OP before it was required of me.
    C)My comment about your grammar apparently really did hit home. b:chuckle
    D)No, they weren't, they relied in unfounded claims.
    I know you enough from reading your tripe that you're not as intelligent as you think. What more do I need to know?

    b:laugh Nothing else really, personal attacks characterize you, not attention to the issue being discussed.
    Oh, you point the 'you don't know me' card but you play it yourself? Hypocrite.

    I've spoken plainly and and called things as i saw them.
    I would be insulted if I found your intellectual capacity to be anywhere near mine. You're like a monkey who likes to throw poo at people pointing fingers at them in the zoo. Nothing more.

    My intellectual capacity is well established, thank you. Your bragging about being smarter than me you should back up with something more than escathological references to monkeys but as you have proven in your recent posts, your mind seems to automatically go to S***. Now, it's been theorized that people claiming to be smarter than others often prove themselves more unintelligent and that said boasts are nothing more than a defense mechanism designed to calm the fears of a deeply insecure psyche. That's Freud in case you need a source for that, smartboy. Oh, yea, and just in case you actually think this could somehow be turned on me, and since you have obviously shown it is hard for you to understand subtext, i do want to make it clear i mean this not as assertion or boast of my own capabilities, but that i plainly mean to insult you. b:pleased
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh I missed a paragraph...

    This is the only paragraph I actually see anything worth responding to in detail.

    Convince me that the game is not dying. The game engine is outdated, there is no significant end-game content, TW is now broken, new players will be forced to cash shop 99 armor so they can get Nirvana. Farming for coin has been killed for the lowbies (dq nerf) for the mid-levels (mid-mats worthless due to tokens), high levels (high mats and green mats worthless due to tokens and 2x and overfarming), end-game (3-x nerf makes it unrealistic to farm). Sure 3-x is still doable, but you're not going to be running it to farm for coin. This is a bad thing for both players wanting the mats and those farming it for money.

    Worthy goals that can be accomplished are what kept most of the players here from Oct 08. Most of them are ready to quit. In a faction of 150+ lvl 100's, most of them are ready to leave and are only staying because of the time and money they've already invested and the large group of friends they've made. If it were not for this, most of us would already have left.

    Server merges would **** a lot of people off, and I was one of the people that was very vehemently against it only a few months back. So much has changed and the proverbial end actually seems near (I wasn't one of those 'omg annipacks the game is dead people') add to the fact that a few actual amazing next gen games are coming out soon, the lifespan of PWI has been dramatically reduced by devs wanting to milk every last cent from it before everyone realizes that it's not really worth playing anymore.

    If you don't believe me, look at any of the recent "would you suggest this game to a friend" thread now, then look for one a year ago. You'll see vastly different reactions.


    Oh, and regarding this, you're actually making an argument here. You may be right and i won't dispute your reasons. This was not what the OP wrote nor what i was responding to however...

    Good luck on your new game, don't let the door hit you on the way out. b:bye
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think what was said a few pages back would fix a lot and would be amazing...

    Cross Server TW's: Guild versus guild but across the servers. Would definitely liven things up.

    This is an overall tough call to make, but imo I think that a merge would benefit the communities as a whole. So far two other versions have merged PWI next?

    Also, I would like to point out that I think had the newest server been PvP...many of the "older" players would have re-rolled. ijs imo

    ^ I would have b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Convince me that the game is not dying. The game engine is outdated, there is no significant end-game content, TW is now broken, new players will be forced to cash shop 99 armor so they can get Nirvana. Farming for coin has been killed for the lowbies (dq nerf) for the mid-levels (mid-mats worthless due to tokens), high levels (high mats and green mats worthless due to tokens and 2x and overfarming), end-game (3-x nerf makes it unrealistic to farm). Sure 3-x is still doable, but you're not going to be running it to farm for coin. This is a bad thing for both players wanting the mats and those farming it for money.

    It was already super difficult on the older servers (I bode form HT) when it took me 2 months of farming Nectars and re-selling to catshops to make 10 mil. I use my veno to grind on Arch server for hays and other crafting mats that still manage to sell well enough to make a veno worth raising for the moment. And Arch server is one of the worst hit by the TT update-now, anyone who wants their TT 99 armor or even their TT 90 chest piece have to rely on our top players in the faction to farm it for them, which puts uneeded stress on their already cramped playtime doing BH Warsong/Nirvana etc. There is no incentive to buy a herc because you can't solo farm the mats that make the most money-hence we have no real stable TT market on Arch-meaning everyone who isn't in the top factions will suffer because they don't have the geared players to farm the instances. Drops were still disgusting so that even venos who invested the 200$ would still get annoyed when no GBA's dropped after 5 runs. There has been no incentive to farm and even now more so because you can get the same results now with more charm destruction, squad wipes exp loss and all around headache. I am disappointed that everyone thinks its just the older servers who suffer form a lack of TW competition-Arch has already mass QQ rage quits due to the very reasons of no competition etc.
    Worthy goals that can be accomplished are what kept most of the players here from Oct 08. Most of them are ready to quit. In a faction of 150+ lvl 100's, most of them are ready to leave and are only staying because of the time and money they've already invested and the large group of friends they've made. If it were not for this, most of us would already have left.

    Server merges would **** a lot of people off, and I was one of the people that was very vehemently against it only a few months back. So much has changed and the proverbial end actually seems near (I wasn't one of those 'omg annipacks the game is dead people') add to the fact that a few actual amazing next gen games are coming out soon, the lifespan of PWI has been dramatically reduced by devs wanting to milk every last cent from it before everyone realizes that it's not really worth playing anymore.

    If you don't believe me, look at any of the recent "would you suggest this game to a friend" thread now, then look for one a year ago. You'll see vastly different reactions.


    This process has happened on Arch server with the hyper introduction and the BH craze as well as the oracle sale that happened so conveniently at the opening of the server, but it has been accelerated to the point of unhealthyness. I can not produce exact numbers server wide but I can give you numbers of people who quit our faction due to a "split" to "create competition" which died because there was no incentives to continue (we kind of beat them with sticks back into SZ however whenever they walked out so perhaps that attributed to some of the lack luster) And now we have another small faction trying to "go big" but with the payout for TW being so low, Im not sure how well their non CS members can live.
    You idiotic troll, you speak for no one but yourself and i could care less that you get your kicks being on a "top" faction ganking the "second best guild" regularly. You're nothing but a bully both ingame and on forums. I guess you might as well come clean about how many heavy spenders you cybered to get your gear while you were oracling your way up, then again, you're likely the kind that likes to talk dirty to 14 year old girls... But of course, being a no lifer (and your continued pressence in forums while leveling over a 100 suggests nothing else) you must feel "entitled" to "your" game. Yea, you know just exactly what is better for the rest of us, don't you? TW must be vital even to those of us who actually go to pubs on weekend nights to meet our irl friends and will never be able to fully participate on an activity that would require us to sacrifice even a small part of our SOCIAL life.

    Just because people aren't actually being actively voicing themselves as Dark is don't mean there's people who actually agree-just they choose not to scream their heads off at every opportunity. (BTW show me these sugar girls I need some of that CS loving *shifty eyes* I did read everything else I just thought to poke a bit of fun in the stuff that's red b:chuckle)

    I wouldn't say keep the TW pay as high but reduction of about half is a bit better than a reduction down to mirages and a chance at a rank 9 token that you'd still need general summer's tokens for (which costs 9999 chips per token and you need 35 (?)0 I believe). I liked how my TW pay kept me from CSing and I think its not so much the "power"people held in the money-more of "we can't have people riding though the game non-csing due to the 10 mil a week the leader will proportion out correctly with enough left over to TW with" The TW pay allowed me to actually buy gold from the Gold Market-meaning I, in my own small way, was sustaining the economics of the game. I'm sure I'm not the only one on Arch who bought gold willingly with TW pay to buy things form the boutique such as fash, packs etc. I really think that people severely blow out of proportion how so called "elite" TW is and how you're punishing those who are at the top because they worked their butts off to get there. That being said, I would appreciate no one rebuttling with that added argument of "CSers can spend their money as they please as well, why hate on them because they keep your game free"-I have my issues when they wave their 46 dollars in my face over virtual fashion when they could have used that money for some padded bras to fill themselves out. b:surrender

    But I digress-my beef is with arrogant CSers who will be "elitist" about their gear simply because they got it faster. That's really all they have vs. those of us who work for what we earned. The TW pay allowed someone like me who had no real chance on HT to have a small boost to what I could do-my horizons were drastically expanded because I had the same power to create my char to her full potential just as good as any CSer with the proper time, effort and continuing attendance/leveling/participation. I like having my "no life" because at least I dont run into people who will cause me sever problems otherwise. With how crazy the regular world is, the craziness of PWI is something "normal" to look forward to when I log on.

    Just to re cap-TW does have more of an influence on economics, more so than you think. Because on HT when I joined it, the markets were set and the trade flowed because the land holders were pumping money though the catshop/gold system. And the health of TW determined the prices on things because when you think about it-if someone wants to hide their build (ie. HA/LA veno, HA sin etc.) what do they need for it? Fash. They go out and use their TW money for gold to get fash, since why would they touch their own hard earned coin when they have the rewards form holding land to do so? They WC buying gold outside of AH (have the person buy the fash and then trade the fash for the coin with no fees) or arrange for someone to dump gold in there and they buy it out. It puts coin into the gold sellers pocket and fash into the hands of the customer who perhaps couldn't CS as much or at all. And the market continues freely, buying selling and trading and while the prices are set to a certain degree, its because people had that coin coming in in generous amounts and they were able to keep the economy moving.

    Nowadays I'm very very reluctant to buy gold and I keep seeing the same pile of gold for days on end and I have little to no money to really throw around. So please, don't point the fingers at these older servers (as in oh they're QQing because they have no competion)-when Arch people actually step out of the bubble mess we're in to talk we have exactly the same issues, just on a more painful scale.

    Cross server TW I hope would have actual coin rewards if they were to implement it, so it gets the old feel of "back in the day" as well as encouraging new faction on individual servers to step up their game to compete in a sort of "TW tourney" if you will. I actually like this idea alot.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I was basing my argument on reason and there were no underlying assertions that required proof. I basically made that clear when i clearly stated i was not in fact denying diminished server populations.

    "B)Arguments should at least be founded on empirical evidence, not dogma, the OP provided none."

    Phrasing my statements as questions was meant to indicate sarcasm. You really need to work on subtext and try not to be so literal minded, i wasn't making an estimate of just exactly how many people actually TW, just illustrating a point. The smart rebuke would have been for you to actually prove the percentage of TWers is more significant than that. Which you can't.

    Yes, I realized that, that's why I didn't bother responding to it the first time. I only did after you called me out for stopping at your second sentence, which in hindsight after completely re-reading your post, I was correct in doing so.

    OMG. "The smart rebuke would have been for me to actually prove the percentage of TWers is more singificant than that." Yet you go on to state "Which you can't." Of course I cant so the smart rebuke would not have been to prove the percentage which is not possible which is why I didn't respond. Contradict yourself more please.


    Here i was illustrating some of the factors that you could use to determine how populated or active a server is. Once again i phrased my comments as questions to indicate sarcasm... Seriously, freaking get it...

    Wow... you're dense. I didn't originally respond to it because it offered nothing significant to respond to. Idiot.

    It does. It would be self defeating for PWI to enact changes that would affect its bottom line, as people on this forums often suggest it does. In order for a suggestion to be accepted, it must also make bussiness sense to the company, this was my pointing out to a flaw in the OP's proposition that relegated his argument to moot discussion of a pipedream...

    This has nothing to do with server merge. Again, PW discontent is at an all time high, yet it is not affecting their bottom line, yet. I mean really, have you participated in the forums for the past year and a half or so?

    You are assuming that merging servers would hurt their profitiablity more than the other things that have done to displease others recently. Where is your research, your data, anything to back up your claim? Of course, there is none.

    Yes, sever merges do indicate a dying game, are you contesting that? And the fact players do leave the game (i made no assumptions regarding figures on this) and servers do require new players to support their population is not only elementary common sense, but known fact amongst the MMO comunity. This is not something i need to demonstrate... And i wasn't QQing about PvP servers but stating a reality that was apparently ignored in much of the speculation regarding the new servers throughout the thread.


    You asked for a source, I posted it. PW-CN has faced a second round of server merges. Continue being ignorant.

    This is a dying game. I already pointed out why. You have failed to do the opposite other than QQ and call me names and write extravagantly long winded posts which contain very little substance.
    A)I did in fact do so and it was the leading thesis on the first paragraph of my very first post. Apparently the concept of sarcasm confuses you, but reading is what i expressed in plain terms should be the least you could manage.
    B)My argument required no such proof as it was based on reason. And let's be punctual it was a counter argument so burden of proof would first lie on the OP before it was required of me.
    C)My comment about your grammar apparently really did hit home. b:chuckle
    D)No, they weren't, they relied in unfounded claims.

    A) Leading thesis.... lmao. You're really full of yourself. It's quite funny. I've already shown how you're just posting a bunch of nonsensical filler with nothing really important to say.
    B) Yet, you require that the OP does not while you just blow hot air. Hypocrite yet again.
    C) Did you comment on my grammar? I'm commenting on your intelligence. You have none. I didn't comment on all your previous spelling errors. If I were as stupid as you, perhaps I would have.
    b:laugh Nothing else really, personal attacks characterize you, not attention to the issue being discussed.

    You idiotic troll, you speak for no one but yourself and i could care less that you get your kicks being on a "top" faction ganking the "second best guild" regularly. You're nothing but a bully both ingame and on forums. I guess you might as well come clean about how many heavy spenders you cybered to get your gear while you were oracling your way up, then again, you're likely the kind that likes to talk dirty to 14 year old girls... But of course, being a no lifer (and your continued pressence in forums while leveling over a 100 suggests nothing else) you must feel "entitled" to "your" game.

    My intellectual capacity is well established, thank you. Your bragging about being smarter than me you should back up with something more than escathological references to monkeys but as you have proven in your recent posts, your mind seems to automatically go to S***. Now, it's been theorized that people claiming to be smarter than others often prove themselves more unintelligent and that said boasts are nothing more than a defense mechanism designed to calm the fears of a deeply insecure psyche. That's Freud in case you need a source for that, smartboy. Oh, yea, and just in case you actually think this could somehow be turned on me, and since you have obviously shown it is hard for you to understand subtext, i do want to make it clear i mean this not as assertion or boast of my own capabilities, but that i plainly mean to insult you. b:pleased

    lol quoting Freud? Seriously, are you that archaic? That's a topic for another discussion though.

    You're proof that education =/= intelligence. Clearly your logic is horrible, you're inept at being concise, and your posts read like community college essays with too much BS added to fill the space so you can make 500 words so your paper doesn't get kicked back.

    You're the type of person that thinks that because you can write 1000 words of nonsense you're intelligent. Sorry to tell you, the intelligent person learns how to accomplish what you attempt to do in a few sentences.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh, and regarding this, you're actually making an argument here. You may be right and i won't dispute your reasons. This was not what the OP wrote nor what i was responding to however...

    Good luck on your new game, don't let the door hit you on the way out. b:bye

    I'm responding to the part of your post that actually had something worth replying to. The rest offered nothing significant.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • EmpireMind - Harshlands
    EmpireMind - Harshlands Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Damn these forums are boring
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If the problem with TW is that people don't want to TW, then a server merge might help temporarily by injecting some new excitement and fresh faces to the PvP mix, but it wouldn't solve the problem in the long term.

    A server merge is a big deal-- it is a major logistical undertaking which, due to the risks involved, would require a very good reason to implement. As we continue to monitor TW, if we do come to the conclusion that they need to be tweaked, I'm sure we can come up with a longer-lasting and far less tumultuous solution than a server merge.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm sry for but I don't agree with this if RT's to be involved .

    Raging tide ain't too barren nor too populated & I like it the way it is . The TW pay change has ruined allot of our TW fun as well but a server merge wouldn't fix this unless it was with Arch which is on a different coast .

    You can't POSSIBLY expect a 8 month old server to compete with 2 year + ones in terms of overall gears/lvls . Our average gear is tt90 +3/+5 , some tt90/99 mix is considered good & tt99 is already considered very nice here even with lower refines .

    While the 2+ year servers's average gear standards are probably like our top 20 players or so .

    I went to Raging Tide after deciding to play PWI again because it was a newer server and I didn't need to farm/merch 24/7 or cash shop to be able to catch up with ppl that could play casual & still get OP gears just because they had plenty of time to do so on an old server .

    Here's a good comparison Dan :

    Before I quit sanc in september my gear was a bit better than yours . Yet I quit & you kept playing so of course you'll progress . If I would've kept playing ( which I didn't want ) my gears would be on the same level as yours which would be balanced pvp .

    Just picture how sanc was when it was 8 months old & think how a fight between old the sanc vs the new one would be . That would be much worst than arch & RT would do since there weren't even OP gears from packs back then ( 5-10m rolls any? )

    I'm an old school player as well that's on a new server just like many others and just because some of you guys are in end-game gears & have most of your skills doesn't mean every1 does , especially the newer servers .

    I wouldn't want to see balance completely ruined & lots of my friends here quitting because of it . The only server that could merge with RT is Arch and they're on different coasts .

    Sry for the long rant , just had throw this here :P I'm not against it , I know you guys are bored & all so I wouldn't say no to server merges between older ones but leave us out of it .

    PW-CN merged 6 servers into 3 for competitive end-game focus. I believe PW would only merge servers where a large portion of the population has reached end-game. Dying games that merge will reinvigorate the competition and challenge of whoever still plays actively. Despite being ghost servers on PW-CN... a large portion of their player database was end-game. Maybe a year down the line RT would follow suit, but for Sanc, HT, and LC... we've gone without a server merge longer than PW-CN and PW-MY did when their first servers came out in 2006.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    if they can wipe a TW map I'll eat my hat.
    Me has a 2 rather simple ideas how the map could be wiped.
    1st idea: Convince the local coders to wipe teh map through donuts + coffee or something.

    2nd idea:
    Just make a GM only faction (Me suppose one ban hamster could be enough though.)
    Use GM gear to om nom nom the entire map in a few weeks.

    But no wipe for you~

    FatherTed has to eated his hat now?
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If the problem with TW is that people don't want to TW, then a server merge might help temporarily by injecting some new excitement and fresh faces to the PvP mix, but it wouldn't solve the problem in the long term.

    The real difference is that a merge would put more people who were still willing to TW on the same server, it would be more than a temporary fix, it would give those that actually want disgustingly brutal and expensive wars to continue.

    Now, most people don't care... a few are willing to try it a few times, not to actually own land but to fight their KOS... which on LC is like 1 war per weekend, the other 2 are just the two TW factions doing what they've been doing even though the opponents have given up.

    Between the 2 largest factions on LC, there isn't anyone fully dedicated enough to fill an 80v80 war with 160 people taking it seriously anymore, let alone the 320+ that were before the patch.

    That's at least a reduction of 50%, not including the smaller factions who had been considering it or actually did participate from time to time who have already stated that they no longer have intentions of doing so.

    Things are a mess. The sad thing is, by the time you actually interpret all the data that you've gathered over the past several weeks, it'll mostly be too late.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If the problem with TW is that people don't want to TW, then a server merge might help temporarily by injecting some new excitement and fresh faces to the PvP mix, but it wouldn't solve the problem in the long term.

    A server merge is a big deal-- it is a major logistical undertaking which, due to the risks involved, would require a very good reason to implement. As we continue to monitor TW, if we do come to the conclusion that they need to be tweaked, I'm sure we can come up with a longer-lasting and far less tumultuous solution than a server merge.

    Hello frankie, thank you for the response; it was very much appreciated. I just wanted to know what the GMs thought of the concept behind it. I mean, I don't mean to preach that server merging is easy because there are risks involved, but I wouldn't doubt the Devs in PW-CN did it for a very good reason. They thought it would address a lot of the concerns. I was just suggesting maybe it would also work here as one possible solution to increase competition and challenge again. Someone also mentioned in my thread inter-server PvP. Maybe that would be less of a risk, and still definitely add a huge spark back to the game.

    But since you say that, I'm assuming if a day came to where PW 'needed' tweaking, server merging would still be considered a plausible solution, if at all last resort. Because even if it is only temporary injection of excitement, it's still better than nothing :/ With the time you temporarily gain, you'd still satisfy a lot of the community and maybe more of an opportunity to tweak the server merge accordingly to make it "longer lasting." Of course transition is very important, but at least with temporarily sparking the excitement of many players, the Devs will do the work for you in PW-CN since they are coping with the same issues.

    My only questions are: If the GMs/Devs in PW-CN didn't have a good reason to server merge, why did they do it? Shouldn't we at least consider server merging as an option to resolve some of the issues since the bosses in PW-CN think it's a long-lasting solution? Maybe if we took a more active approach of acknowledging the situation a lot of players would be very satisfied.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If the problem with TW is that people don't want to TW, then a server merge might help temporarily by injecting some new excitement and fresh faces to the PvP mix, but it wouldn't solve the problem in the long term.

    A server merge is a big deal-- it is a major logistical undertaking which, due to the risks involved, would require a very good reason to implement. As we continue to monitor TW, if we do come to the conclusion that they need to be tweaked, I'm sure we can come up with a longer-lasting and far less tumultuous solution than a server merge.

    People are unwilling to TW when the look at all the costs and wince at the repercussions of the new rules. No refund-discourages fake bids, however the community was well aware of what was considered fake and sometimes I've seen WC go out, calling out on fake bidders. Mirages in replacement of the 10 mil coin-in my long winded explanation, what I basically mean in that TW pay meated out and proportioned correctly by the leader resulted in a sort of "economy" if you will-where people who had their TW pay would invest into the gold market or buy form other players. I remembered another GM commenting that it's the bigger factions faults that inflation has rose (which is supposedly one of the reasons why the TW change was implimented (?)), but it's really due to packs and the change in the player base (aka more people wanting "more bang for their buck" while people fuel it with "I really want that gold, I'm willing to pay more') If you really wanted to keep inflation down, there are myriads of suggestions on that some of which have included

    -Taking out the 10 mil option form the Best Luck option (why TW anymore when you can CS what 1 lvl 3 land used to be worth? It's like owning 5 lands in the palm of your hands *shifty eyes*)
    -Reduction in TW pay but not to the extremities it's come down to-perhaps cutting the TW pay in half or paying in tokens (?) Its a running joke that the new currency when packs first came in was tokens, but they have since been proven wrong as mirages are the newest form of "currency jokes" EDIT-er scratch that dont pay us in tokens that would be bad b:surrender
    -Taking out packs -But I hear that it's been stated that packs are permanent so this suggestion is moot.

    Some logistical nightmares that could crop up-

    -Loss of data when merging-PWI's client make up and the way it holds its information is not as fail proof as we'd like it to be. That being said, you'd have to back up everyone's information on both servers (if you were to just recreate a whole new server and put that information onto there) or save the info from one or the other (in the case of say, making Arch server merge with the PvE servers that are both on our cost AND that shares the same namebase as us)
    -People wanting character transfers after the merge/giving the option for it. the names would have to be checked for cross compatibility so I doubt this would be an option being provided.

    A suggestion that has been put up is a cross server TW thing, if you will. I think that if you could implement something like this it would be a great way to put some vigor back into both big and small factions, especially if the rewards are coin based. I'm not sure how a cross server TW would be set up (if the matches would be randomized, pick you're opponents style, elimination, round robin etc.) but I'm a bit tired atm to really formulate any good suggestions for that b:surrender

    I don't see that a server merge would be a bad idea-the TT market would be tons better and all the prices/selection would increase. However I wouldn't want to go back to HT-I left because there was too much brokenness. If you are going to do a server merge the maps would have to be reset and the incentive to TW for mirages when it will eventually turn PvP (after all the PvE territories are gone) with still make the health of TW shaky at best.

    Thank you though for taking your time out of your schedule to come post frankie b:thanks

    *and sorry for my emo raging WC's that day on Arch server when the TW changes were announced-I ended up burning the Narla Boss Day teles that I meant to give back b:shocked
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh I'm not sure why people are so amazed that TW and a lot of PvP action is declining -- not that it was that much before to begin with. People don't like to go against uber people, plain and simple.

    Oh you just got that uber piece of gear you've been farming/cash-shopping? Congrats you just made more people not wanna fight you. Don't complain. b:bye

    With TW it's different -- it's more because of the sheep effect, since it's about average numbers more than few uber (or cash shopped) people. So it would sound like this:

    Oh you just got that in that big faction? Congrats you just made more factions not wanna fight you. Don't complain. b:bye
    end-game (3-x nerf makes it unrealistic to farm). Sure 3-x is still doable, but you're not going to be running it to farm for coin. This is a bad thing for both players wanting the mats and those farming it for money.
    I knew you would be butthurt over it since it was your proud source of income you've been boasting around by making so many millions and **** like that.

    Now you gotta work hard like the rest of us (i.e what you were preaching to us) with little worth to a run and you QQ about it killing the game -- no, this type of "hard work" and "barely worth it" stuff was already for 90% of the players, and we complained before only to get you telling your moronic remarks to "work harder" and "don't expect instant gratification".

    I wish you actually rolled a wiz from day 1 since you believe they are so ubertastic and overpowered anyway... then see what "barely worth it hard work" really actually means, instead of soloing an instance that you know wasn't supposed to be soloed.

    If this barely worth hard work didn't kill game before, no reason it would kill it now. 3-x was NOT an endgame farming for coin. It was only for abusing people like you with -interval. Now you QQ about it killing the game? Good at least you learn to experience what you preach. b:pleased

    Work harder! You want instant gratification you noob. Go with full squads and get a gold mat (for yourself) per month. That's too easy anyway even, it should be harder! b:chuckle /sarcasm
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh I'm not sure why people are so amazed that TW and a lot of PvP action is declining -- not that it was that much before to begin with.

    Of course there wasn't on your mostly barren server. Not every server is as empty as RT.

    I knew you would be butthurt over it since it was your proud source of income you've been boasting around by making so many millions and **** like that.

    *deleted mindless banter*

    You're an idiot. Ever since the changes I've said I'm fine with them and haven't QQ'd once. I was making a statement, that's all. I don't particularly care how difficult it is, only that it's not fair for people like you who can't get anything done cause everything is too difficult for you and not rewarding enough.

    Just like your "I won Forest Ruins but I wasn't rewarded enough" QQ post. WTF man, you won and you're crying like a baby? Go away.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tamias - Archosaur
    Tamias - Archosaur Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I knew you would be butthurt over it since it was your proud source of income you've been boasting around by making so many millions and **** like that.

    Now you gotta work hard like the rest of us (i.e what you were preaching to us) with little worth to a run and you QQ about it killing the game -- no, this type of "hard work" and "barely worth it" stuff was already for 90% of the players, and we complained before only to get you telling your moronic remarks to "work harder" and "don't expect instant gratification".

    I wish you actually rolled a wiz from day 1 since you believe they are so ubertastic and overpowered anyway... then see what "barely worth it hard work" really actually means, instead of soloing an instance that you know wasn't supposed to be soloed.

    If this barely worth hard work didn't kill game before, no reason it would kill it now. 3-x was NOT an endgame farming for coin. It was only for abusing people like you with -interval. Now you QQ about it killing the game? Good at least you learn to experience what you preach. b:pleased

    Work harder! You want instant gratification you noob. Go with full squads and get a gold mat (for yourself) per month. That's too easy anyway even, it should be harder! b:chuckle /sarcasm

    Er...he never said anything about soloing it-even fist BMs/Sins can't do that stuff solo not without dying or accruing alot of pot/repair/charm cost (and some bosses would have to be skipped of course) EDIT-Actually I just reread that bolded part and um there's a solo mode can be solo'd and was meant to in that mode...*gets confused look* Squad mode was obviously made for squad but like I said even veno's have a hard time (because they are essentially controlling another "character" if you will-hey the herc looks more than human enough lol)

    3-x is a viable option for herc venos to solo with their well spent 200$ investment. (You forget the main complaint was usually herc venos soloing it and making money not -interval BM's and btw they had to FARM TT in the first place for their interval gear + CS for lunar claws. Venos have to merely worry about a maxed pet heal enough crack chann to keep the heals up and a herc w/ or w/o bless) I wouldnt want to spend that much money and then realize its not worth anything and I hope youre also taking into account the less-than-desirable drop count from TT.

    What again makes this the hardest on anyone is Arch server. We have people running around in NPC 3* 8x molders etc. who cant even survive the GBA boss (because of course they were the idiots who hypered to 95+ before the update and was getting mats they DIDNT need to sell for the mats they DID need but I digress) our herc venos and our higher level farmers were the ones who were able to even get a half-**** TT market going but now it makes it a burden on the 10x to farm other people's gear in the faction. It's not like we 9x don't WANT to farm 3-x but now I can't get my 99 gold wheel for a LOGg time because no one (not even our Nirvana bow archers or our Nirvana chest piece BM) want to go in there and get murdered multiple times for mats they dont even need that wont probably drop after 5 runs and will cause a round of frustration like no tomorrow. I dont mind the upage in difficulty of the drop rate was also tweaked to make it a fun viable challenge PvE wise.

    Please take into account other servers' states and don't suddenly upheave a nice line of responses to frankie's post (I would really like to see her replies to what our feed back is if she can/is willing to) b:cute

    Also if we could get other Gm's responses it would be great ^^

    BTW Dark, I think Arch server can compete for the "most empty server award" tehee.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    "B)Arguments should at least be founded on empirical evidence, not dogma, the OP provided none."

    Dude, are you freaking twelve? No, i did not contradict myself, you can't just take something out of context and turn it into a blanket statement. For all this bragging about your intelligence you continue to ignore logic.
    Yes, I realized that, that's why I didn't bother responding to it the first time. I only did after you called me out for stopping at your second sentence, which in hindsight after completely re-reading your post, I was correct in doing so.

    I very much doubt you did realize it, you continue to prove your lack of understanding when it come to such things as simple abstractions...
    OMG. "The smart rebuke would have been for me to actually prove the percentage of TWers is more singificant than that." Yet you go on to state "Which you can't." Of course I cant so the smart rebuke would not have been to prove the percentage which is not possible which is why I didn't respond. Contradict yourself more please.


    You can't because TWers are in fact a minority, which is precisely the point i was making. If you wanted to prove me wrong, you would have also had to prove otherwise. Really, do you have to babied and have your hand held going through every single sentence i've written? Did you even bother looking up "subtext" when i brought it up?
    Wow... you're dense. I didn't originally respond to it because it offered nothing significant to respond to. Idiot.

    Yea, here's the pot calling the kettle black... You are in fact dense, i wasn't expecting you to respond to that since i wasn't even addressing you at all? What does that have to do with your inability to correctly interpret question marks? And ? once again, in case you missed it...
    This has nothing to do with server merge. Again, PW discontent is at an all time high, yet it is not affecting their bottom line, yet. I mean really, have you participated in the forums for the past year and a half or so?

    Have you? You seem to suggest they're more preocupied with the comunity's well being than with their revenue. I mean, honestly, for you to try and twist something as simple as PW cares about revenue is just beyond me...
    You are assuming that merging servers would hurt their profitiablity more than the other things that have done to displease others recently. Where is your research, your data, anything to back up your claim? Of course, there is none.

    There is a very real impact on the number of new players whenever an MMO anounces server merges. What proof do you need for that? Do you want graphics? I actually do speak from empirical experience, as i could quote relatively recent examples such as W A R or A O C, or we could go all the way back to U O and E Q if you like. Go to MMORPG.COM forums and use the search function... There are several articles written by actual professionals discussing this very issue, i don't have to waste my time educating you on gaming. This is like asking me to prove how governments printing money cause inflation, it is you who should go through the trouble of going to a college library and browse through their research if you're dumb enough to question it. Am i suposed to prove creationism wrong while i'm at it? This is common sense, few gamers are attracted to invest the amount of time character progression in MMOs requires after merges have been made on a game. What you can't do is provide me a single example of increased revenue after server merges, not one. That some comunities have somewhat managed to limp along happily after such measures is no precedent for PWI which is simply too small a game, and even those games only survived after dramatically downsizing their operations. This game will only survive through private servers once the plug is pulled, and merges are a death sentence of months...

    Right back at you, buddy.
    You asked for a source, I posted it. PW-CN has faced a second round of server merges. Continue being ignorant.

    I never challenged that claim, i merely asked for a source out of curiousity. Continue being illiterate.
    This is a dying game. I already pointed out why. You have failed to do the opposite other than QQ and call me names and write extravagantly long winded posts which contain very little substance.

    I honestly don't care what you think about me or my posting. Your histerycal ranting and obsession with QQ as a term (which btw, comes from W O W you fanboy) is midly amusing but that's about it. And little substance? Dad couldn't afford for you to go to college and you now consider elocuent and articulate expression useless, is that it?
    A) Leading thesis.... lmao. You're really full of yourself. It's quite funny. I've already shown how you're just posting a bunch of nonsensical filler with nothing really important to say.
    B) Yet, you require that the OP does not while you just blow hot air. Hypocrite yet again.
    C) Did you comment on my grammar? I'm commenting on your intelligence. You have none. I didn't comment on all your previous spelling errors. If I were as stupid as you, perhaps I would have.

    A) Yes, leading thesis, do look the word up. I started my post mocking the very idea that TW should be considered so important a factor as to demand merges. I continue to stand by that. That you don't like it or couldn't understand it doesn't make it any less true.
    B) You're probably the kind of PvPer that considers arcanes that kite melees are cheating... It's the OP that made the argument and i should be free to challenge what he said. Both he and you have made the claim the game is dying without bothering to offer anything in the way of proof other than your conviction that it should be self evident. I on the other hand did not challenge wether this was true or not, which means i don't have to prove a damn thingt, but merely pointed out you could not ask for server merges on nothing more than an opinion. And until you present evidence that's all your claims amount to.
    C) Apparently you are so dumb you missed it. And i was actually commenting on your intelligence as well, once again it's called subtext. And if you've really got nothing left but trying to attack my spelling by all means go ahead, it still won't your prove your claim about being intelligent true, but may provide further evidence to the contrary.

    **** you.
    lol quoting Freud? Seriously, are you that archaic? That's a topic for another discussion though.

    Yes, i guess we should dispense with quoting Einstein or Darwin as well...
    You're proof that education =/= intelligence. Clearly your logic is horrible, you're inept at being concise, and your posts read like community college essays with too much BS added to fill the space so you can make 500 words so your paper doesn't get kicked back.

    Comunity college? Lol, i would be willing to bet real money i enrolled in a better college than you. And you haven't exactly been writing short posts yourself, dear, but you probably do believe yours to be filled with substance. Pobre pendejito ignorante...
    You're the type of person that thinks that because you can write 1000 words of nonsense you're intelligent. Sorry to tell you, the intelligent person learns how to accomplish what you attempt to do in a few sentences.


    The intelligent person, so to speak, wastes no time in flame wars. Your pathetic attempts at proving yourself intelligent does prove my point concerning Freud to be right, whatever else you may want to say, and it should be obvious i speak the truth to anyone who would actually bother to read our exchanges. Go back to whatever hill it is that you came from and where they may share your contempt for education. You may be considered smart there, you're nothing but a troll here.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I honestly don't care what you think about me or my posting. Your histerycal ranting and obsession with QQ as a term (which btw, comes from W O W you fanboy) is midly amusing but that's about it. And little substance? Dad couldn't afford for you to go to college and you now consider elocuent and articulate expression useless, is that it?

    If you don't know how to use urban dictionary or something to check the terms you don't know, don't post. I bet you'd say the first operating system was Windows.
    My intellectual capacity is well established, thank you. Your bragging about being smarter than me you should back up with something more than escathological references to monkeys but as you have proven in your recent posts, your mind seems to automatically go to S***. Now, it's been theorized that people claiming to be smarter than others often prove themselves more unintelligent and that said boasts are nothing more than a defense mechanism designed to calm the fears of a deeply insecure psyche. That's Freud in case you need a source for that, smartboy. Oh, yea, and just in case you actually think this could somehow be turned on me, and since you have obviously shown it is hard for you to understand subtext, i do want to make it clear i mean this not as assertion or boast of my own capabilities, but that i plainly mean to insult you. b:pleased

    Please stop posting if that's all you can do.
    The intelligent person, so to speak, wastes no time in flame wars. Your pathetic attempts at proving yourself intelligent does prove my point concerning Freud to be right, whatever else you may want to say, and it should be obvious i speak the truth to anyone who would actually bother to read our exchanges. Go back to whatever hill it is that you came from and where they may share your contempt for education. You may be considered smart there, you're nothing but a troll here.

    So you admit you are not intelligent person? Good for you. You are also a bigger troll than Michael. Compared to you he's a good guy.
    It wasn't QQ, i was insulting you. If you can't tell the difference you probably do have some serious social issues.

    Banhammer is coming. I already see it.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
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