The Chinese Servers got Server Merges. Why can't we?



  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have one question, why don't you attack ene,leg or vindicate then? they usually get 1 or 0 attacks allowing them to allocate their full manpower to defend against you. Instead of blaming us for not showing up because we have to defend 15 tw every week, attack somebody that can defend?
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have one question, why don't you attack ene,leg or vindicate then? they usually get 1 or 0 attacks allowing them to allocate their full manpower to defend against you. Instead of blaming us for not showing up because we have to defend 15 tw every week, attack somebody that can defend?

    Well there is a grand idea why not try that?
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    How many people per server actually TW though ? Even before the changes I would bet it was a small percentage of the population.

    So merging servers based on the needs of say 30% of the population is stupid. Servers should only be merged due to lack of players not because of the needs of the minority.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Actually I got a better one. I know what nef did to deserve the numbers of attack we have today. And I'm fine with it, I don't regret it but I do feel bad, but what happen can't be change.

    The difference between us and you is the policy you used to obtain your power today. Nef has done it through brute force without coordination from any other faction mostly. You guys have done it through a coalition with ene, leg and amp. It is because of that, I feel most of this factions however strong they get, they won't attack you. What you need to do is completely break out of this being on friendly term. You guys have done nicely in limiting the amount of land they can play with, but by the way things are going, it is a stalemate inside there.

    How about you try this. Since Nef has always been painted as the "bad guy" why don't you make yourself be the "bad guy."

    No other faction can hold land unless they got it from you. So that means you guys take all the lands from ene,vind and leg. That way, if any of this faction wants to gain land, and not just attack nef because it is nef, they have to attack you.

    Now, doing so, will force two things. When nef runs out of land to attack besides you, we will definitely attack you, and the other faction might just be pissed off enough that you constantly harass them, that they will attack you. For example, if every week you go after legendary, whenever they gain a land, even with their vendetta against nef, they might be irk enough to change their plan.

    And you said you barely get 60 sign up, isn't that a good thing? 60 vs 80 will allow any difference of power to even out. Hell, if you want to make it interesting, limit the amount of people you allow into the tw when the people you are attacking isn't putting up much of a challenge.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Server Merge?? Sounds interesting but who will merge with Lost City??

    One of the carebear servers, I am thinking not.

    When I read that one faction is bored because they are rolling the second best faction in 5 minutes in TW why ask for a server merge.

    Perhaps you need to look at your own server and see how as an over-powered faction, how can you make this a better server.

    You can always shut the facton down or have members leave to make other more balanced factions to allow for better TW's.

    I just think that people need to try more inner-server ideas before thinking that the only fix would be to merge two servers.

    All I see is, instead of one faction being OP, you have two factions sharing land. So where does that leave for the rest of the community. Especially now that it has doubled since you wanted the merge. So twice as much people have nothing to do now.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And Michael your Superbowl and Indy analogies made me lol and are 100% accurate in expressing the way I feel about TW now. b:bye

    Thank you, I was trying to be absurd but relatively accurate on my analogy. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Funny, but kinda sad too.

    Your saying there is a problem that doesn't exist the fervor for TW hasn't gone its more of a fabrication of your own minds creating a mountain out of mole hill.

    Wait.... What?

    TW changes have had more posts than any other topic. Currently it's over 2600 replies. 1900+ in a thread that got closed, and another 700+ in the currently stickied thread.

    Now I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about as you're obviously ignoring a huge outcry. I also created a post trying to find the pros and cons of TW after the changes. Guess what? I gave up on the thread. The situation only got worse from the first two weekends.

    So you're haphazardly combining opinion and fact and stating it as the truth. You need to learn how to differentiate the two, seriously.

    Now look at this honestly how many players actually paid for their charms completely with TW money even in big guilds they claimed that they paid for their charms with money made elsewhere.

    You're actually right about that. I rarely bought gold to buy charms. I did buy gold to refine my GX to +10, I did buy gold to help get my interval cape, I did buy gold to get a number of other trinkets and things along the way. You act as if high levels didn't contribute to a nice share of gold supply, that's where you are mistaken. Now, I as well as most of my faction (the dominant faction in LC with over 160 lvl 100+ chars with no alts and are mostly active) from spending money at all on the game anymore.

    Hyper stones obviously took a dive in sales... otherwise they wouldn't have drastically cut the prices... as well as put them in the Luck Exchange for 8 tokens... I see some people selling them for as low as 85k.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd like to see a merge too. More TW, more PvP and more people to play with.

    Btw Dan you should've been in Silver Pool yesterday. 6 man squad with 2x level 100 and rest being 9x or 8x rolled three people from Regi. It was fun because those people had way better gear than us. b:chuckle
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:faint Someone from Sanctuary requesting a server merge for more PvP?

    What has this game come to.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm sry for but I don't agree with this if RT's to be involved .

    Raging tide ain't too barren nor too populated & I like it the way it is . The TW pay change has ruined allot of our TW fun as well but a server merge wouldn't fix this unless it was with Arch which is on a different coast .

    You can't POSSIBLY expect a 8 month old server to compete with 2 year + ones in terms of overall gears/lvls . Our average gear is tt90 +3/+5 , some tt90/99 mix is considered good & tt99 is already considered very nice here even with lower refines .

    While the 2+ year servers's average gear standards are probably like our top 20 players or so .

    I went to Raging Tide after deciding to play PWI again because it was a newer server and I didn't need to farm/merch 24/7 or cash shop to be able to catch up with ppl that could play casual & still get OP gears just because they had plenty of time to do so on an old server .

    Here's a good comparison Dan :

    Before I quit sanc in september my gear was a bit better than yours . Yet I quit & you kept playing so of course you'll progress . If I would've kept playing ( which I didn't want ) my gears would be on the same level as yours which would be balanced pvp .

    Just picture how sanc was when it was 8 months old & think how a fight between old the sanc vs the new one would be . That would be much worst than arch & RT would do since there weren't even OP gears from packs back then ( 5-10m rolls any? )

    I'm an old school player as well that's on a new server just like many others and just because some of you guys are in end-game gears & have most of your skills doesn't mean every1 does , especially the newer servers .

    I wouldn't want to see balance completely ruined & lots of my friends here quitting because of it . The only server that could merge with RT is Arch and they're on different coasts .

    Sry for the long rant , just had throw this here :P I'm not against it , I know you guys are bored & all so I wouldn't say no to server merges between older ones but leave us out of it .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Tygurr - Sanctuary
    Tygurr - Sanctuary Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just because the chinese servers have it doesn't mean other PW versions have to. I'll leave it at that.
    Somewhat retired from PWI, now playing Hellgate Global full time
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thank you, I was trying to be absurd but relatively accurate on my analogy. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Funny, but kinda sad too.

    Wait.... What?

    TW changes have had more posts than any other topic. Currently it's over 2600 replies. 1900+ in a thread that got closed, and another 700+ in the currently stickied thread.

    Now I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about as you're obviously ignoring a huge outcry. I also created a post trying to find the pros and cons of TW after the changes. Guess what? I gave up on the thread. The situation only got worse from the first two weekends.

    So you're haphazardly combining opinion and fact and stating it as the truth. You need to learn how to differentiate the two, seriously.

    You're actually right about that. I rarely bought gold to buy charms. I did buy gold to refine my GX to +10, I did buy gold to help get my interval cape, I did buy gold to get a number of other trinkets and things along the way. You act as if high levels didn't contribute to a nice share of gold supply, that's where you are mistaken. Now, I as well as most of my faction (the dominant faction in LC with over 160 lvl 100+ chars with no alts and are mostly active) from spending money at all on the game anymore.

    Hyper stones obviously took a dive in sales... otherwise they wouldn't have drastically cut the prices... as well as put them in the Luck Exchange for 8 tokens... I see some people selling them for as low as 85k.

    Increase in threads complaining about TW does not mean a huge uproar more its the same people complaining about a different thing now. I can differentiate between fact and opinion and actually put in my post when I am thinking something as opposed to stating it as a fact granted I don't outright say it and no TW posts do not have more outcry then any other one I would say its pretty normal. Yes it obviously has people bugged but don't mistake misinformation for a outcry too many people only read things that support their opinion and then never change what they think or hell don't even read anything at all and just state their opinion without any basis. See what I did there that last sentence I portrayed as a fact while the previous one was a opinion and it should be easily seen as such.

    And uh how do I mistake the amount of gold input by high levels exactly? I don't recall covering that. Of course they do I just say that the mirages for TW pay shouldn't effect anyone all that much since so many people pay for their pots and items and other things with something other then TW pay. Its just a slight disadvantage I would say unless people in the huge factions only paid for things with the TW pay and then this is a great opportunity to find another way to make money. The TW pay in mirages also shouldn't effect small guilds at all like at all at all since their cash just goes to the bigger guilds anyway so not much should change from that except the big guilds aren't getting a stipend from them anymore they should be happy about that. So saying that the change in TW to mirages and such is causing people to quit and to not do TW or to not bid seems quite well wrong. Then again I probably could be misinformed if I am why not point out what I am missing.
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i would like a server merge!

    just imagine double amount of catshops in archo b:chuckle ROFL

    (yea that would be the single bad thing about it)

    but really the most areas (specially the ones for lvl 20-60) are completly empty, more players for making partys when you start playing an alt, more ppl for bhs in those lvls, more ppl for TT runs, more ppl for TW,

    less servers would be nice b:victory
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • Siuki - Dreamweaver
    Siuki - Dreamweaver Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lvl 20-60 areas aren't empty, i get ksed nonstop lol
    on DW server i see new guilds appearing that plan to TW in future
    i have never been in big TW guild, my highest tw pay was 300k, so im used to farming money weekly for charms, apo, gears, skills etc. i came bk to this game only cuz they took out tw pay(somehow they also fixed my dcs in that patch). if big guilds who r used to tw pay aint coming to tw anymore, i couldn't care less.
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm just wondering one thing.

    Why is it that 98% of the people that want server merges I see are only from HT, LC and Sanc, aka the oldest servers?

    They just got bored because they are pwning the same faces over again in TW or PvP or other competitive events. But if they'd lose, I'm sure they'd rage and put a lot of effort to improve themselves so they can pwn and get bored again.

    Nobody to blame but yourself.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Nobody to blame but yourself.


    Current issue being talked about.

    160 100+ over-powered faction complaining about noone to fight.

    How silly does that sound.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just because the chinese servers have it doesn't mean other PW versions have to. I'll leave it at that.

    Actually, it does.
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I wouldnt mind merges. Tw scene going slowly. its not fun when there's only 1 other reletive good fac around.

    I play on a pve server, merge 2 PvE into PvP Anyone? b:cute
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Lejont - Raging Tide
    Lejont - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    how about no
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    how about no

    How about you give reasons?
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think allowing top factions of each server to battle each other is a good opportunity to vent all that TW frustration :P I am sure it'll burst a few egos too.

    Plus you wouldn't even have to worry about PvP server vs PvE since most members in TW guilds PvP regardless of their server's rules.

    Instead of a server MERGE I would recommend adding a server made purely for inter-server events.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    A new inter-server wouldn't work because of the clash in name database.

    Oh and to anyone wanting Archo and RT to merge, there would be a clash in name database too.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Increase in threads complaining about TW does not mean a huge uproar more its the same people complaining about a different thing now

    Yes, apparently you didn't read much of that thread.

    I'll reword what you said earlier...
    Your saying there is a problem that doesn't exist the DQ Nerf is fine its more of a fabrication of your own minds creating a mountain out of mole hill.

    The DQ nerf doesn't affect anyone, it's a figment of your imagination. Have you not been able to teleport that one extra time, or is there anything that you've actually not been able to do or buy because of the nerf? Of course not, you're silly, it didn't affect anyone. There is no proof, people still have money, they still play and look at that meaningless thread, it's dead.

    The fact is that the changes to TW may not affect you, but it does have an effect on many other people and if you actually read all of the replies, not by the people bickering, but by the people who came in for the first time, many of them faction leaders or long time TW players, you'd realize that it's not just a load of BS, there is truth to it whether or not it affects you directly is one thing, denying there is a problem is another.

    And uh how do I mistake the amount of gold input by high levels exactly?

    I misread your point.
    The TW pay in mirages also shouldn't effect small guilds at all like at all at all since their cash just goes to the bigger guilds anyway so not much should change from that except the big guilds aren't getting a stipend from them anymore they should be happy about that. So saying that the change in TW to mirages and such is causing people to quit and to not do TW or to not bid seems quite well wrong. Then again I probably could be misinformed if I am why not point out what I am missing.

    The big guilds get enough mirages that the cost, at least for the faction, is self-sustaining... that'e one of the reasons why we can still TW. Bids are covered, towers are covered, cata scrolls, charms for cata barbs, apoc pots for them as well... so that's not an issue.

    Also, the lack of involvement from the other top tier TW factions has made it cheaper to TW. They can't field a full TW anymore, we roll them in 5 minutes, no charm needed. And this is the beneficial reward of the changes?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why does Essence not just take the whole map?? You can easily without really any effort?

    I am a big Essence Fan for a long time now (Almon, Reds, Sus) but if you are getting bored then why not spread your wealth??

    I wonder how the Chinese server merged with the name issue?? Anyone got some insight on that. b:surrender
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    To everyone who says TW pay does not affect small factions:

    Yes it does. Small factions don't have land they can feed off. For example, a big faction might have 20 territories, that's alot of lands they get money from just by doing nothing. While a small faction have to attack or defend week in week out for pathetic 1.5m. It isn't even enough to cover a cata barb's charm cost.

    About name database, PWI has different name databases, not one for every server. For example, the older PvE east coast servers share the same database in case of the lack of population in the future.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have one question, why don't you attack ene,leg or vindicate then? they usually get 1 or 0 attacks allowing them to allocate their full manpower to defend against you. Instead of blaming us for not showing up because we have to defend 15 tw every week, attack somebody that can defend?

    Why hit a faction with like 3 lands when here's a fac with 20+ land? If Nef can't defend Regi for more than 40min (I think last time Nef actually fought) then what makes you think Enely/LG/Vind can do any better? Nef defends 15+ TW every week but how many of those TW last more than 20min? How many of those last more than 5? You complain about not having good fights, well here's Regi carving a big **** semi-circle on your territory week after week. If Nef continues to hit Regi then people will start to triple with Nef, then you'll hopefully get better fights. I mean what does Nef have to lose by attacking Regi now? More mirages?

    During triples on Nef with Regi, Regi has sat in Nef instance until the other fights were over and still no one shows up. One time I believe they took down Nef crystal without cats.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One time I believe they took down Nef crystal without cats.

    Hax! How can you damage the crystal without catas?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why does Essence not just take the whole map?? You can easily without really any effort?

    I am a big Essence Fan for a long time now (Almon, Reds, Sus) but if you are getting bored then why not spread your wealth??

    I wonder how the Chinese server merged with the name issue?? Anyone got some insight on that. b:surrender

    We still are going to TW, because that's what we do. We're a PvP/TW faction. We don't want to crystalwalk the whole map. We'd rather have good fights. We also want others to have good fights. Since the changes there haven't been any.

    Player names most likely were appened with an indicator of which server they were from, like I would become Michael_Dark-LC... that's how most MMOs seem to cope with name issues.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    boogiepanda - RT just sounds stupid b:cry
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    By just beating on it. That's how long they waited. I mean if you still get no showed by that point that's like getting stood up on a date.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Now inter server wars would be fun have a server meant for all the factions of every server to declare war perhaps make it bi weekly one week is your server the next week is the combined server. Everyday 1 hour before TW normally starts it updates your stats from your main character chosen at the players whim and everything carries over Faction status items in your inventory everything but more or less its the same world just this one only functions as a TW outlet having most of the npcs disabled to prevent lag from everyone entering from one area that is xD You make this server have some serious capacity to handle everyone at once. Or maybe make it update in real time and purposefully remove all the monsters on the new server making it only capable of attending TW through the Teleport npcs or similar ones. And the cost of servers could be cut down by only making it accessible for 2 hours before TW through 2 hours after. You could do two servers to prevent the timing difference for east coast TWs and west coast ones allowing for variance and completely settling the argument which faction would beat which xD for the most part.

    ........**** lost track of my thoughts I think there was more but b:cry I have become a victim of television distraction.
This discussion has been closed.