An Early GM Response to the TW Changes



  • Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
    Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All right, time to add the two cents I've been holding onto all week.

    The changes are stupid, plain and simple. I have seen no change in the gold prices, and apparently the devs can't see this. What, does 1 gold have to be 2 coins each before you'll say, "yay, the changes made the gold prices go down?" Yes, we complained about the high gold prices, but, as you can see, not NEARLY as much as what's going on now.

    Replacing TW winnings with mirages...that was a **** move, if I ever saw one. You've only made it even harder for smaller factions to develop and grow, and you're putting more money into the pockets of the map-dominating factions. It's like replacing minimum wage with acorns, with the CHANCE of getting a yummy walnut. Why must everything be chance? There's a chance you might get a pet out of a marriage quest. There's a chance you might win with the new bidding system. There's a freaking chance you might get Rank IX gear after winning TW. Faugh! Even better, this fabled Rank IX gear DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET.

    People aren't happy with this new change, Devs. Not a bit. You've ruined the only aspect of the game that was keeping people playing the game. You don't even get how much money you're losing. Without TW, there's no point in buying cards for gear, weapons, ect. There's no point in spending at all. Do you know how many people left our faction today because they were quitting the game altogether? I still stay because I really want to see how you guys are going to clean up this mess. Honestly, I can't wait to see your next asinine excuse as to why you're not taking us seriously. You know curst well that you've only changed this game to better the rich cash shopping players and the bigger factions. Basically? With this new system, the smaller/territoryless factions don't stand a chance. And now we don't even get refunded for bids? That's ridiculous.
    The TW victor no longer receives any part of the winning bid. This should also minimize the occurrence of dishonest or fake bids.

    Please, give me one good reason why you thought this was a good idea. Just. One. You're not getting any money from this player ever again, PWI, unless you shape up and stop **** us over.
  • Warmheart - Archosaur
    Warmheart - Archosaur Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    U know what dudes, I dont even think Gee Ems care at all, neither do devs...
    rip pwi
    Fail Archer with no bow.
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Have you considered that this may be on purpose?

    I considered that but I don't think they meant to. Really, a character my level spends way more on charms, etc than lowbies (I don't even buy charms till level 40+ or even need pots generally until at least 30 so far (on the 5 classes I've played anyway)) and refining equipment on low characters is a waste so we are far more cash valuable at high levels. Seriously, ever seen what delta does to a charm? OUCH. So, no, they didn't do it on purpose which suggest they aren't thinking the ideas through to the end.
  • _Mango - Archosaur
    _Mango - Archosaur Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Replacing TW winnings with mirages...that was a **** move, if I ever saw one. You've only made it even harder for smaller factions to develop and grow, and you're putting more money into the pockets of the map-dominating factions. It's like replacing minimum wage with acorns, with the CHANCE of getting a yummy walnut. Why must everything be chance? There's a chance you might get a pet out of a marriage quest. There's a chance you might win with the new bidding system. There's a freaking chance you might get Rank IX gear after winning TW. Faugh! Even better, this fabled Rank IX gear DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET.

    To further validate your point that they are tailoring this to the cash shoppers I don't think you (the devs and GMs) realize that this Rank 9 item is worthless to 99.99% of the population on the server.. I calculated it out it if I did PQ every day 3-5 times a day it would take me at least a year to get 200,000 rep if I am lucky.. Do you think I am stupid enough to do one thing 3-5 times a day? Nope! I will it will be more like 2-3 years. Furthermore, lets say a cash shopper does it with tokens, you're looking at spending $10,000+ U.S. currency on it. If you're lucky you can get some items you can sell on the market and buy more tokens to make it cheaper but... it is probably marginal. No one cares about the stupid rank because you guys made the rep system f'ked!

    What amazes me is that you guys rendered the quest system in this game useless because 80+ you get like 5-10 quests per level but they attribute only 10% of your level then you are stuck roaming Archosaur or grinding for an hour on a miji (I'm old school). That part of the game should be re-calibrated. Then these hypers come out and now EVERYONE quits doing quests. 1 FC run gets a level 80 2-3 levels in less than an hour.. wtf? You broke the game and now you took a broken game and put it through a meat grinder and you're trying to feed it to us... You all are robots I swear... The only reason I played this game even with the broken PvE was to PvP and TW and you took that away from us.

    I will never ever spend another dime on this game.

    Ilwyn_ I feel your pain we've had about 20 people who just up and walk away from the game for good because they aren't willing to drop the kind of money required to play anymore..
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    alot of my guildies, including my guild leader are giving up on this game and going to the private server bcuz of the TW changes which is really stupid bcuz we dont even own land! this **** doesnt affect all the noob guilds that dont own land so why is everyone ********!

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Narin_ - Sanctuary
    Narin_ - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I understand that it takes time to get fixed. But I also think that the 'fixes' and preventative measures that are continually established aren't making this game any better. Taking the cash flow out of the system won't help. A couple hundred mil divided by 200 members? Sure, it's a pretty pay check, but... I doubt it's part of our economy problem. And especially since we STILL haven't gotten our DQ price compensation. Stop fixing a non-existent problem. Start fixing the existing ones. Or rather, tell the people in charge to start making changes that benefit the player AND the producers. Not just teh greedy producers.

    I just joined a TW faction. I want a DECENT REWARD from it. There's no point in TWing if it COSTS you more money than it does to do it, so that you can't run a decent TW with competition and everything anymore. That's bogus. It's a serious problem, and I won't be surprised if it causes people to rage quit.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ...this Rank 9 item is worthless to 99.99% of the population on the server.. I calculated it out it if I did PQ every day 3-5 times a day it would take me at least a year to get 200,000 rep if I am lucky.. Do you think I am stupid enough to do one thing 3-5 times a day? Nope! I will it will be more like 2-3 years. Furthermore, lets say a cash shopper does it with tokens, you're looking at spending $10,000+ U.S. currency on it. If you're lucky you can get some items you can sell on the market and buy more tokens to make it cheaper but... it is probably marginal. No one cares about the stupid rank because you guys made the rep system f'ked!

    I hated when they announced that by tw you could get that item for rank9. They were saying it like if that was something you could afford. Just go to hell GMs...
  • ChopChop - Raging Tide
    ChopChop - Raging Tide Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Its plain and simple . Remove the method to make ingame coin and the only alternative is to spend real money.

    Anni packs ,Tiger Packs, Sunshine packs one or the other are constantly in the boutique.

    Even Duke is back to shouting out who got what. ONLY reason to have Duke shout that out is to tempt people to buy the packs.

    The game is no longer about skill and dedication but how big your wallet is.

    I personaly dont care about the changes but i can see there not aimed at preventing Bots.
    What ever effects bot farmers also effects normal players to the same degree if not worse.

    If you want to stop bot farming make quests more viable as a source of income.

    Also why do we have to have the same patches as the other versions ? infact just dont patch the game set it back to before DQ price reduction.

    Im not blaming the GM's for the patches but as you can guess i dont belive the reasons either. Why should I when nothing has been done to address the DQ price changes after we were told we would recieve some other form of compensation .

    If it were upto me i would have halved the DQ price and for PWI version 2x drop permanately.

    It would make farming TT less prophitable and encourage people to farm there own mats . Maybe even encouraged people to start doing DQ's again.

    But then i guess none of that would encourage more cash shoping.
  • LordCyth - Dreamweaver
    LordCyth - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010

  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    do this,

    take out all the sales and biddings and everything out of the boutique including packs for one week, check gold price. Then put the tw pay back up for another week without any kind of sales or packs. check the gold price.

    Now put the packs back up and the sales back up check the gold price.

    this is the most legit way you can see where the issue is at. that is if your willing to do it or not.

    Anyways i guess with the CB of FoW coming out i will bid farewell to this game.


    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • iamcleric
    iamcleric Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Saw Milyen in Sanctuary with 200,000 rep equipments :) twas nice. too bad I wasn't able to make screenshot :(
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    iamcleric wrote: »
    Saw Milyen in Sanctuary with 200,000 rep equipments :) twas nice. too bad I wasn't able to make screenshot :(

    You should do the quote here that locked all the other threads LOL
  • iamcleric
    iamcleric Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    which quote?
  • MadameFrost - Heavens Tear
    MadameFrost - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my opinion, I think changing TW was a good idea. Now this is just my opinion and I am not raging against factions or anything but, some factions have people that cash shop thousands of dollars every month into this game, and I am glad they do cause it keeps the game alive, but all that money is making all those cash shoppers so strong that they all gather in 1 or 2 or even 3 factions and take over the map. Now with them owning all the territories, they get even more richer, and gold value even goes higher and, not everyone can have a fair chance in tw. I think of this as a way to give other people a chance to have fun in tw instead of cashshopper factions exploiting all the fun. But I am not spazing about factions or anyone, and this is just my opinion.
    Bow Down to me, your Queen. For it is Me that brings the Lustrous beauty of winter among Perfect world, without me, There is no Perfection in the world
    -MadameFrost b:heart
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my opinion, I think changing TW was a good idea. Now this is just my opinion and I am not raging against factions or anything but, some factions have people that cash shop thousands of dollars every month into this game, and I am glad they do cause it keeps the game alive, but all that money is making all those cash shoppers so strong that they all gather in 1 or 2 or even 3 factions and take over the map. Now with them owning all the territories, they get even more richer, and gold value even goes higher and, not everyone can have a fair chance in tw. I think of this as a way to give other people a chance to have fun in tw instead of cashshopper factions exploiting all the fun. But I am not spazing about factions or anyone, and this is just my opinion.

    Funny, the only people not hurt by this are the massive cash shoppers. Nice logic you have going there.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • SheebaBaby - Raging Tide
    SheebaBaby - Raging Tide Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The reason is this: The patch just came out, and some time really has to pass before any of us truly knows the effects of it.

    I'm reading all of your concerns and I've thrown in some of my own opinions about the patch. Kantorek has done the same. I read you loud and clear; the TW pay has been decreased and you're worried about not being able to afford charms anymore. You feel like we're ruining a beautiful part of the game. I understand that; this is a pretty big change to the system, so it's normal that you're worried about it.

    I love TW. It and the Gold Trade system are my two favorite parts about PWI; TW brings factions together for a hardcore, team-oriented endgame event. The Gold Trade system makes it so that no player is excluded from the Cash Shop, as long as they're willing to put time and effort into the game. These two systems are what differentiate PWI from every other F2P out there. .

    Well, to can use gold trade system u need coin... TW pay was around 3 mill coin for me, now it's 45 mirages = 450k = 1 gold in auctioner...
    I'm thinking about leave game and some of my friends too. Because i spend some gold in this game, but it's expensive purchace zhen for ppl from south america. If u have not a international credit card u can't get e-money.
    I'm so sad, my favourite game is so bored now and i can't get good gear, charm, and another stuff with new tw rules.
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Funny, the only people not hurt by this are the massive cash shoppers. Nice logic you have going there.

    Care to elaborate on that? You sound quite idiotic as it stands right now.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Stilleh - Raging Tide
    Stilleh - Raging Tide Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my opinion, I think changing TW was a good idea. Now this is just my opinion and I am not raging against factions or anything but, some factions have people that cash shop thousands of dollars every month into this game, and I am glad they do cause it keeps the game alive, but all that money is making all those cash shoppers so strong that they all gather in 1 or 2 or even 3 factions and take over the map. Now with them owning all the territories, they get even more richer, and gold value even goes higher and, not everyone can have a fair chance in tw. I think of this as a way to give other people a chance to have fun in tw instead of cashshopper factions exploiting all the fun. But I am not spazing about factions or anyone, and this is just my opinion.

    I'm in one of the 'big beast'-factions on RT and I can honestly say that the majority of our members don't cashshop at all. Some even rage about it in our chat that they don't want anything to do with it. You honestly think that owning alot of land makes all the members in faction rich? We own a around 17 lands and that gave our members just enough to get charms for next war. We have many members as we are a big faction and are always attacked by 2-4 factions at once each week. Not really the cashcow now is it?

    Second thing I get really mad about it that people don't seem to understand that other players actually CAN have good gear without CS. People actually enjoy farming their own gear, making it themselves and working towards goals. Run TTs, set up catshops and get the stuff out on the market.

    "I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing...
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my opinion, I think changing TW was a good idea. Now this is just my opinion and I am not raging against factions or anything but, some factions have people that cash shop thousands of dollars every month into this game, and I am glad they do cause it keeps the game alive, but all that money is making all those cash shoppers so strong that they all gather in 1 or 2 or even 3 factions and take over the map. Now with them owning all the territories, they get even more richer, and gold value even goes higher and, not everyone can have a fair chance in tw. I think of this as a way to give other people a chance to have fun in tw instead of cashshopper factions exploiting all the fun. But I am not spazing about factions or anyone, and this is just my opinion.

    I am in one of those big factions. Yes, there are a few people like what you describe that cash shop thousands. However, not as many as you seem to think. I use the cash shop (though no where near the thousands. i wish, lol) and what you don't see is that the people who cash shop some or none are all hurt by this because we actually use that coin. The people who cash shop a ton don't care about a couple bucks a week (they have thousands, remember?) but the rest of us don't and for people who don't cash shop at all it's even worse. The people hurt by this will NOT be the major cash shoppers, it will be the rest of us.
  • TehFluffyOne - Archosaur
    TehFluffyOne - Archosaur Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In response to the recent update conserning TW and such.

    This comment is from the entire FireLordz Faction on Archosaur server.

    We are not crying over the recent change to territory wars. No we didn't participate, but we had yet to reach a level where it was a major part of our guild. PK, TT, and the random events ingame are still active. So we don't see a real loss there. Again, we don't make money from TW. If our members want money in game we have some very generous members who help our lower level members out with different items on occasion or even lend some other members some coinage (thanks again Archly, my axes rock).

    We like many others were effected by the recent text update, and while we love the new font, we've found it poses some problems. (which are being fixed tonight with the new update)

    The members of our Faction applaud the GMs for their coolheaded professionalism in this "dark time". We'd like to make a final suggestion for the next update you make, how about some more quests for lv 65+.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I am in one of those big factions. Yes, there are a few people like what you describe that cash shop thousands. However, not as many as you seem to think. I use the cash shop (though no where near the thousands. i wish, lol) and what you don't see is that the people who cash shop some or none are all hurt by this because we actually use that coin. The people who cash shop a ton don't care about a couple bucks a week (they have thousands, remember?) but the rest of us don't and for people who don't cash shop at all it's even worse. The people hurt by this will NOT be the major cash shoppers, it will be the rest of us.

    I think all these recent changes are a conspiracy to drive the higher level players away.

    I've noticed a lot of high level players posting in these threads with low post counts, to me, that's significant...
  • Stilleh - Raging Tide
    Stilleh - Raging Tide Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think all these recent changes are a conspiracy to drive the higher level players away.

    I've noticed a lot of high level players posting in these threads with low post counts, to me, that's significant...

    I've been thinking the same thing actually. We have had several highlevel players quit the game totally as they now feel they have nothing fun to do anymore now that TW is what they made it.
    "I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing...
  • Eriion - Raging Tide
    Eriion - Raging Tide Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So... the TW changes were made to drop the gold price inside the game right? Well guess what, the prices are not droping AT ALL! And now is even harder to buy it without the tw payment. So I'm guessing we will have the coins payment back soon since ur "amazing" idea was a total failure right? At least if what u said was true about the reason for the change. b:chuckle
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Care to elaborate on that? You sound quite idiotic as it stands right now.


    Have you not read anything else in this thread?

    Ok, I'll make it more simple for you in hopes that you can grasp simple concepts.

    Major cash shoppers use lots of real money in game. They are not poor, but generally have lots and lots of coin and resources in-game. Are you still with me?

    The average person who plays for free does not spend a lot of real money in the game. There are ways they can make money, but can't compete with those spending hundreds or thousands of dollars a week. Still following this?

    TW pay, in my faction for example, is about 3m a week and we own half the map. In an attack and defense weekend, which is one major faction attacking us and another major faction that we are attacking, wars can last a long time. Sometimes up to 3 hours.

    In a 3 hour war against an equal opponent, many people go through 2-6 charms in a war. How much would you say even 2 charms cost on your server? Do some simple arithmetic. A gold charm costs 4 gold. If Jane had to spend 450k per gold, how much would she spend to get 2 gold charms?

    So that player has to come up with that amount of coins. Yet, a cash shopper will just swipe his credit card, no effort necessary. Still too difficult a puzzle for you to understand?

    Do you really need the rest of this spelled out to you like you're a mindless little child? Or, do realize how much of a moron you are yet? Yes, you really are this stupid. b:bye

    P.S. Nice sig. So you're a nub and a fail cleric. And yet you call me stupid. Hahahaha. Oh, the irony.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my opinion, I think changing TW was a good idea. Now this is just my opinion and I am not raging against factions or anything but, some factions have people that cash shop thousands of dollars every month into this game, and I am glad they do cause it keeps the game alive, but all that money is making all those cash shoppers so strong that they all gather in 1 or 2 or even 3 factions and take over the map. Now with them owning all the territories, they get even more richer, and gold value even goes higher and, not everyone can have a fair chance in tw. I think of this as a way to give other people a chance to have fun in tw instead of cashshopper factions exploiting all the fun. But I am not spazing about factions or anyone, and this is just my opinion.

    If you think Enrage is too strong, bid on us and help everyone else destroy us. Oh wait, your bids don't get refunded and you don't even know if that bid was successful, and even if you win you only get mirages. My bad, I guess there is no reason for you to want to take down Enrage then.
  • bibbibi
    bibbibi Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    From what i can tell people who agree with this TW change are the ones who never really attended TW..
    or attended with a low lvl guild uncharmed, hard to enjoy it then

    For the rest of us who have enjoyed tw wars a lot and attended often,
    we know how bad this patch is for us.
    No TW salary=No charms for tw or any other TW related/needed items
    or like the money needed to build the towers
    And going uncharmed in tw is fail no matter how you look at it

    And the money we make from TT runs etc go into upgrading equips
    so yeah
    TW is ruined and pointless now
    80vs80 fights were fight, but now it became expensive nvm it better =/
  • Srigala - Heavens Tear
    Srigala - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hah, no it's not a bad time to ask a very legit question. We've not forgotten about DQ, I promise.

    yes not forgotten but ignoredb:shutup
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm sure Frankie and the rest of the GMs mean well, but its about time we realise they have no power whatsoever, they can ban players and stuff but they cant actually bring change to the game. (My god don't say perfect horns, so what u had an item removed from boutique, that's nothing, I mean REAL CHANGE).

    They are all just slaves to their bosses, we're screwed (Well, you guys are, Im not, Im off role playing games, I love them but I hate the people behind them.)
  • Srigala - Heavens Tear
    Srigala - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i agree don't shoot the messanger, but its ok to give them hard time so they can let the bosses up stair know whats up.
    GM are only the police of the game/forum, they have no control over this game, they don't make this game, they know only what they have been told and have to stick with itb:laugh
    if the bosses upstairs told them the earth is square thats what the GMs know, and they have to convience you all the weakling the earth really is square b:chuckle
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm pretty sure the GMs can easily tell the people are complaining about this because of their intense greed. They always want more money than they use, well sorry, that's not how things work. You want everything for nothing, now you can't get it so you rampage.

    Feel free to leave and have new players replace you.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
This discussion has been closed.