[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • paypaal
    paypaal Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    without packs goldprice was down to 320k

    guilds still had their lands

    so guess what is the most reason for a 400-500k coin price ???

    before those packs started, the gold price never reached 400-500k

    and most guilds need the income to spend the money on charms (which brings money to you, it doesnt matter for u, if they pay themself the dollar or someone else spends them and sells them ingame)

    its a fact, that tw income wasnt the reason for the high gold prices
    tw income just made high guilds able to buy more of the gold

    tw income is like 2M for each player on good guilds with some lands
    they get it once a week... its around 4 gold per player they CAN buy
    gold price is constantly up the whole week

    TW's pump alot of money into the PWI-economy, thats right, but they arent the main reason for the inflation
    if u truly want to stop it, stop packs

    but i guess inflation to make profit is ok ... right ?

    u reduced the dragon quest item price to stop pwi getn more money
    price still ricing
    u reduced the amount of chests ingame
    inflation still there

    even the stopped tw income wont have any effect

    also i think, 500k per gold, is like a natural cap for 1 gold
    people wont pay more than 500k

    if u want to reduce the amount of coins ingame
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Says who???
    In my opinion, a good, fun, TW is equivalent to a challenging, 3 hour war with the two factions duking it out. That is fun. Not rolling over the opponent in 3 minutes.

    That being said, to make a TW challenging:

    You need to be charmed -> dying in 1 hit does nothing
    You need to be in formation (freeballing does no good)
    You need apoths
    You need pots
    You need genie fuel
    You need a lot of ****

    All of those things costs money.

    The relationship being:

    Lots of coins -> charms, apoths, pots -> factor in TW -> has fun in TW

    I don't see charms ruining the fun. I don't think it would be very fun if all the attacking catas were dropped within seconds they entered base.

    That's just me.

    edit* I know it's F2P. Just don't offer me bullsh*t answers that everybody knows is a lie.

    I imagine, this is how the losers probably feel every week. The lose tw and get no pay for their charms etc... really..
  • Sugar - Raging Tide
    Sugar - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think the bidding hall is the cause of the gold increase.

    Just dont TW for a week or two and dont spend money on the game that should do the trick.
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I imagine, this is how the losers probably feel every week. The lose tw and get no pay for their charms etc... really..

    Maybe that's one of the reasons why they try for TW? So they can get land payout to offset the costs, so they can afford to have fun without having to grind the entire week?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I imagine, this is how the losers probably feel every week. The lose tw and get no pay for their charms etc... really..

    No, that's the sentiment of most of the people who TW against relatively equal opponents every weekend whether they win or lose. Again your ignorance of not participating in tw for as long as many of the people who do who have TW'ed every weekend for months or a year or longer.

    You don't even PvP or TW. This matters to you why? For no other reason to argue? b:bye
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm not up for a compromise. The factions that own land (at least, on my server) worked hard to get them. Either by strategy, skill, in-game coin, real money, or a combination. TW is an end-game goal for many, and the recent changes to the system destroy all my motivation. I can hardly stand to look at the game now.

    My personal solution will be to boycott the game. No more money from me. Hopefully others will do the same. Hopefully actions will speak louder than words, seeing as how there's been no real response to these issues yet. I'll be patient for 2 weeks, if there is still no hope, I'll bind all my gear, quit my guild that I love dearly, and RPK until I get bored. Live off the drops. Set my auto response to: "the devs made me do it - blame it on them QQ" Let's see how long the lower levels will want to play on a PvP server after that.

    So in your vanity, you've decided to irritate and aggravate other players because you are ticked off at the devs? Thats like a mother justifying child abuse b/c her job ticked her off. If you really want to quit, quit. Uninstall and go.. but no sense in making others pay for what they didn't do.
    No, that's the sentiment of most of the people who TW against relatively equal opponents every weekend whether they win or lose. Again your ignorance of not participating in tw for as long as many of the people who do who have TW'ed every weekend for months or a year or longer.

    You don't even PvP or TW. This matters to you why? For no other reason to argue? b:bye

    This matters to me because I finally see the opportunity for others to TW. ME being one of those "others". If I'm doing it for fun, without reward of money or otherwise... I won't let anyone down if I'm less than perfect.

    If it was just to argue with you, I'd have left a long time ago b/c most of your posts are arrogant and rude. Filled with malice, and destruction of other people. You sir, are not someone I would choose to debate with. You bring your debates down to the level of a person of a young age. You can make points without calling people ignorant, uneducated and dumb.

    You are just ticked b/c not everyone agrees with you. Yamao (or however it is spelled) has brought up some very valid points on the same stance as I.. and you've called him ignorant as well. Everyone is just ignorant to you if they don't agree with you. That is immature and vain. All I have to say bout that...
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So in your vanity, you've decided to irritate and aggravate other players because you are ticked off at the devs? Thats like a mother justifying child abuse b/c her job ticked her off. If you really want to quit, quit. Uninstall and go.. but no sense in making others pay for what they didn't do.

    This matters to me because I finally see the opportunity for others to TW. ME being one of those "others". If I'm doing it for fun, without reward of money or otherwise... I won't let anyone down if I'm less than perfect.

    If it was just to argue with you, I'd have left a long time ago b/c most of your posts are arrogant and rude. Filled with malice, and destruction of other people. You sir, are not someone I would choose to debate with. You bring your debates down to the level of a person of a young age. You can make points without calling people ignorant, uneducated and dumb.

    You are just ticked b/c not everyone agrees with you. Yamao (or however it is spelled) has brought up some very valid points on the same stance as I.. and you've called him ignorant as well. Everyone is just ignorant to you if they don't agree with you. That is immature and vain. All I have to say bout that...

    Why would smaller factions TW? They dish out money, without knowing who they're bidding against. If they don't bid high enough, they won't win the bid. If they bid too low, they'll lose their money. And if they win, they get some mirages to compensate them for their costs. Do you really think a small faction can continuously dish out coins like that?

    If you can and will, props to you. No sarcasm. It takes real dedication to run nonprofitable operations.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why would smaller factions TW? They dish out money, without knowing who they're bidding against. If they don't bid high enough, they won't win the bid. If they bid too low, they'll lose their money. And if they win, they get some mirages to compensate them for their costs. Do you really think a small faction can continuously dish out coins like that?

    If you can and will, props to you. No sarcasm. It takes real dedication to run nonprofitable operations.

    Well my guess is that with the silent (secret) bidding a lot of the higher factions won't risk 100's of millions of coins neither. The bids will go down. No one will know who is attacking who unless everyone shouts it out on wc. I believe that the larger factions will lose some interest leaving TW to those of us who just want to enjoy it and have fun.

    I'm just speculating, of course I don't know what the outcome will be. But I think that the change will be substantial enough that the rest of us will be able to try and have fun at something we never been able to do. It may not work that way, but I'm willing to wait to see.

    What I think is truly sad.. is that there are people here complaining about the lack of TW pay sitting here saying that the 5 or 6 mil they got a week was nothing... if they have so much money in game that 6 mil coins is nothing, they can feel free to share the wealth with the rest of us and quit complaining about the drop in tw pay. Since that money is so insignificant.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So in your vanity, you've decided to irritate and aggravate other players because you are ticked off at the devs? Thats like a mother justifying child abuse b/c her job ticked her off. If you really want to quit, quit. Uninstall and go.. but no sense in making others pay for what they didn't do.

    1. Yes, welcome to PvP

    2. No, it's like a mother taking excellent care of a child and raising them properly, then the child screams "child abuse!" to the cops, when in fact, there was never any. I've supported this game for a year and a half and if you notice my number of posts, I don't complain about much.

    3. I don't want to quit, I want to find a reason to stay. This is the only one I can think of. This way will be much more fun. The devs are effectively making us pay for something we never did, and this isn't the first time!
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1. Yes, welcome to PvP

    2. No, it's like a mother taking excellent care of a child and raising them properly, then the child screams "child abuse!" to the cops, when in fact, there was never any. I've supported this game for a year and a half and if you notice my number of posts, I don't complain about much.

    3. I don't want to quit, I want to find a reason to stay. This is the only one I can think of. This way will be much more fun. The devs are effectively making us pay for something we never did, and this isn't the first time!

    Then you know that hundreds of ppl said the same things bck when they put the packs in for the third time. Then when they put silver manes in the cs. Idle threats are just that unless you carry out what you say you are going to do.

    I've been here since dec of 08. In that time I've seen a LOT of things change. Did I like them all, no. but the fact remains this game is still free. Its still awesome and its still fun.
  • GHealz - Archosaur
    GHealz - Archosaur Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Then you know that hundreds of ppl said the same things bck when they put the packs in for the third time. Then when they put silver manes in the cs. Idle threats are just that unless you carry out what you say you are going to do.

    I've been here since dec of 08. In that time I've seen a LOT of things change. Did I like them all, no. but the fact remains this game is still free. Its still awesome and its still fun.

    i have been here a while also and most of the changes were for the worse and no the game isnt fun anymore, i would sell my account if i didnt use it to play HOTK, PWE end goal is to run us off PWI, the game isnt fun not awesoem is fail sauce, cash shoppers now punish non cash shoppers as my self, TT mats dont sell for much, merchanting doesnt work when over 30% of PWI just quit game

    This game is now a Cash SHopper's Paradise
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This matters to me because I finally see the opportunity for others to TW. ME being one of those "others". If I'm doing it for fun, without reward of money or otherwise... I won't let anyone down if I'm less than perfect.

    Yes, because small factions will get stronger when they constantly ask their members to donate 100k+ every week so they can participate in regular TWs? Do you see this as a real viable alternative? Minimum bid was raised, no refund is given. Who does that hurt more? If you win a land, you'll need to spend 3m+ as a faction, and if you're attacking you'll need to spend twice that. How many smaller faction leaders can constantly ask their members to donate 100-200k every week or spend 6m+ out of their own pockets so they can TW regularly... and compete?

    If it was just to argue with you, I'd have left a long time ago b/c most of your posts are arrogant and rude. Filled with malice, and destruction of other people. You sir, are not someone I would choose to debate with. You bring your debates down to the level of a person of a young age. You can make points without calling people ignorant, uneducated and dumb.

    I'm an ****, I don't deny that. You are just arguing. Your opinions are not based on fact, merely speculation. A debate requires reasoned intelligence, experience or knowledge and fact. You're just bantering on 'I think this, I think that' when there are plenty of people who actually are involved in weekly TW telling you otherwise. How is that not ignorance. Also re-read my response to your other paragraph above.

    You are just ticked b/c not everyone agrees with you. Yamao (or however it is spelled) has brought up some very valid points on the same stance as I.. and you've called him ignorant as well. Everyone is just ignorant to you if they don't agree with you. That is immature and vain. All I have to say bout that...

    No, I'm not. I'm just pointing out those who are disagreeing with the majority of people who actually do have experience in this matter have none, or close to it. If you applied your logic to any other real world situation; endorsed sports, scientific/techincal professions, even hobbies, you would basically be told you're an idiot and would be laughed at because you're telling people how things should work when you don't even participate in it.

    At best, your comments would represent that of an uneducated 'off-the-streets' focus group member.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Then you know that hundreds of ppl said the same things bck when they put the packs in for the third time. Then when they put silver manes in the cs. Idle threats are just that unless you carry out what you say you are going to do.

    I've been here since dec of 08. In that time I've seen a LOT of things change. Did I like them all, no. but the fact remains this game is still free. Its still awesome and its still fun.

    No, I didn't know that about the packs but thank you for the insight. I don't care about packs much. I've purchased approximately 300 and received nothing but regular tokens, so, yeah. How about when they put the Ninetails mount in the cash shop? I wasn't too happy about that, but I didn't come straight to the forums and say it was outrageous either.

    If you've been here since Dec 08, you probably remember when they introduced the "chest of coins" reward in Cube of Fate. I don't know what happened on the HT server, but on LC it doubled the price of gold overnight. I wasn't happy about that either, but, I didn't feel it was a big enough issue to post my opinion on.

    These changes to TW, as MANY have said, ruin the motivation for TW completely. At least that's the general consensus on my server, I truly believe. I've never been to TW, and I don't see much hope or point in going now. Part of the reason that I'm upset is because that dream is gone... that end-game goal for MANY.

    The other reason I'm upset is because I can't look at the game for more than an hour now without getting a headache. b:angry

    I will carry out exactly what I said I'd do. It wasn't intended as a threat, it's just my personal way of dealing with this. I'll give it 2 weeks and see what happens. And by the way, plenty of RPK guilds on my server go around killing low levels all the time anyways, I'll just be another one of them, no one will probably even notice...
  • Thedarkrealm - Lost City
    Thedarkrealm - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    only problem I have with the new TW set up is you lose your coin if you get out bid, ok so it may cut down on the fake bidding but so would banning fake bidders. Other then that I dont have much of a problem with it, then again the faction I'm in doesn't own land so I'm not profiting off it anyway...
  • Keyven - Lost City
    Keyven - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The major differences I keep seeing pop up is that Lost City and the other servers have next to nothing in common. The only thing this patch has done is upset everyone. I mean Lost City has some of the heaviest cash shoppers in pwi. People spending from $20,000 upto $150,000 EACH. The only thing that this has managed to do is extenuate the void between heavy cash shoppers and regular/non cash shoppers.

    They killed grinding for money. They killed super fast nirvanas for money.. Amid taking 13minutes instead of 10minutes isn't THAT big a deal.

    Now they kill TW salary which was the main way TW kept going. In all honesty, no one now is going to TW. it will just be rpk random pvp. Or West Gate everytime people want to fight as usual. An inactive map and a dwindling number of players/customers. If they want to equal it out, they should of never had the packs around for the last year constantly. I've been here 2 years this september watching it get more and more rediculous and ill thought out patches, to date this is the worst. If the packs went and you had a way of farming all the things the packs had as contense that would of been the most sensible way of doing things.
  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    would you people stop arguing about stupid things, and stick to the thread topic? and thats tws maybe come up with solutions? b:bye
  • Aeyris - Sanctuary
    Aeyris - Sanctuary Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What's there to discuss? Did you forget the Anni pack thread? 100+ pages discussed, and packs are still around. You all won't do a single damn thing, and EVERYONE already knows it. Oh and sorry completely forgot (My bad Mr. GM) - The Duke shouts are still here, and no DQ drop compensation.

    Again for the 4th time: Take your company, and pass the ownership to someone who actually gives a damn about the player. Until then: Morons.


    I agree with everything this guy just said.

    By using mirage pay for TW, you aren't evening out the game's economy, you are going to send it pit-falling. This is why:

    At first, I thought "Hey, the guilds could always sell the mirages in cat shop and then split the coin among their members", but then I realized that this vain hope was extremely flawed for 2 main reasons. One: that would take way too much time, for major factions (like Nefarious, Regicide, Legendary, Vindicate, etc on Sanctuary) this would not work at all. They fight TWs all the time and no one would get paid on time. Two: this is going to drop the prices of mirages down to trash-value. I predict at most 5k within a month. You see this as a good thing and it isn't; that's where the Devs and GMs seem to be severely flawed. You all said that packs would drop down the prices for items too...are you effing kidding?!

    I know a lot of people are running around without a worry about this, but it really upsets me. I've been in a faction (LIONSOUL) for over a year now. The faction almost died until leadership was changed and now we're gaining power fast. Within a few months we'd be 80+ and were planning on TW. This decision is ruining that goal. The other people that are running around not worrying about this are those who claim the TW is nothing but fun. I agree with that, to an extent, but these mirages have taken the competition out of TW and without the competition there is no fun.

    To make that simpler for the Devs and GMs (because they seem to have trouble understanding the simplicity of our arguments): TW-coins=no reason to compete...no reason to compete=NO FUN

    Now, the market...

    Let me say something before I make my next point: I am not a cash player. I've worked hard for the coin I do have and have NEVER had over 9mil in this game. Besides TW being an extra motivator for this, by lowering the gold prices you are inducing a state of virtual poverty in PW. I only recently decided to sell my gold to buy my TT99 gear, because there's almost no way I can buy them with the coin I have now. Sure, a lot of people are going to flame me saying, "Oh, you can just do TT runs to get your mats, even the gold ones". Um, excuse me? Have you opened your eyes lately? With the current state of affairs in PW, not many people run TT anymore. I am an old player and remember when a lot of people wanted to do TT, but that isn't how things work anymore. You say you're trying to reduce the cash-players, but you are forcing people into becoming cash players.

    This TW "quick fix" is a market crash, change it back to how it was, or find a compromise between the old and the new.

    That is all.

  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    would you people stop arguing about stupid things, and stick to the thread topic? and thats tws maybe come up with solutions? b:bye

    Solution : remove patch entirely, add item linking and OPTION for new font
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    would you people stop arguing about stupid things, and stick to the thread topic? and thats tws maybe come up with solutions? b:bye

    Return TW the way it was. Small factions can afford 100k refundable bids, but will be hurt with 500k non-refundable bids. Also if they bid and lose, no TW for them that week instead of being able to take the refund and bid elsewhere. This means less smaller factions actually participating. Factions that actually take their time and expense to recruit players who are active and constantly upgrade their gear and can actually win some territory to have the means to where they don't need to come out of pocket for expenses that individuals should not have to bear. As for fake bidding, fake factions who bid never got a refund before. They won't now either. Now you'll have no idea if there are fake bidders until bidding has ended.

    The whole premise that TW was changed: To make it fair for smaller factions? Failure. To keep people from fake bidding? Failure. To help stabilize the economy? Failure. Keeping people who don't massively cash shop or play 24/7 playing? Failure.

    It's all lies and it's sad how many people actually believe the BS if a GM speaks.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Aeyris - Sanctuary
    Aeyris - Sanctuary Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Return TW the way it was. Small factions can afford 100k refundable bids, but will be hurt with 500k non-refundable bids. Also if they bid and lose, no TW for them that week instead of being able to take the refund and bid elsewhere. This means less smaller factions actually participating. Factions that actually take their time and expense to recruit players who are active and constantly upgrade their gear and can actually win some territory to have the means to where they don't need to come out of pocket for expenses that individuals should not have to bear. As for fake bidding, fake factions who bid never got a refund before. They won't now either. Now you'll have no idea if there are fake bidders until bidding has ended.

    The whole premise that TW was changed: To make it fair for smaller factions? Failure. To keep people from fake bidding? Failure. To help stabilize the economy? Failure. Keeping people who don't massively cash shop or play 24/7 playing? Failure.

    It's all lies and it's sad how many people actually believe the BS if a GM speaks.

    ^smart, smart man.

    The faction I am in is a growing/aspiring TW faction; but this has crushed us. We can't afford to bid and be outbid with no refund.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Return TW the way it was. Small factions can afford 100k refundable bids, but will be hurt with 500k non-refundable bids. Also if they bid and lose, no TW for them that week instead of being able to take the refund and bid elsewhere. This means less smaller factions actually participating. Factions that actually take their time and expense to recruit players who are active and constantly upgrade their gear and can actually win some territory to have the means to where they don't need to come out of pocket for expenses that individuals should not have to bear. As for fake bidding, fake factions who bid never got a refund before. They won't now either. Now you'll have no idea if there are fake bidders until bidding has ended.

    The whole premise that TW was changed: To make it fair for smaller factions? Failure. To keep people from fake bidding? Failure. To help stabilize the economy? Failure. Keeping people who don't massively cash shop or play 24/7 playing? Failure.

    It's all lies and it's sad how many people actually believe the BS if a GM speaks.

    As the leader of a small level 3 faction, I agree 100%.

    By the way Michael_dark your sig is FTW. lol evertime
  • Keyven - Lost City
    Keyven - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Michael_dark although I don't always agree with you, you're 100% right. The system before was perfectly fine, the only refinements they really needed to make were:

    1. limit the amount of lvl100s the strongest guilds can field against lesser guilds in TW.
    2. scrap packs, make the contense farmable.
    3. limit the amount of lands a guild can have, maybe increase their value to compensate.

    These are merely suggestions, not be all and end all. I'm not the devs n gms.. I don't rush in and go "this absolute truth will cure everything because we know what we're doing"

    Well maybe they would if they actually thoguht about it rather than rushing to make a one size fits all solution. PWI like real life, is not black and white. There's grey areas, taking the time to address those areas properly which actually add content and quality.

    Painting black over white and white over black =/= [DOES NOT EQUAL] Grey.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No, I didn't know that about the packs but thank you for the insight. I don't care about packs much. I've purchased approximately 300 and received nothing but regular tokens, so, yeah. How about when they put the Ninetails mount in the cash shop? I wasn't too happy about that, but I didn't come straight to the forums and say it was outrageous either.

    If you've been here since Dec 08, you probably remember when they introduced the "chest of coins" reward in Cube of Fate. I don't know what happened on the HT server, but on LC it doubled the price of gold overnight. I wasn't happy about that either, but, I didn't feel it was a big enough issue to post my opinion on.

    These changes to TW, as MANY have said, ruin the motivation for TW completely. At least that's the general consensus on my server, I truly believe. I've never been to TW, and I don't see much hope or point in going now. Part of the reason that I'm upset is because that dream is gone... that end-game goal for MANY.

    The other reason I'm upset is because I can't look at the game for more than an hour now without getting a headache. b:angry

    I will carry out exactly what I said I'd do. It wasn't intended as a threat, it's just my personal way of dealing with this. I'll give it 2 weeks and see what happens. And by the way, plenty of RPK guilds on my server go around killing low levels all the time anyways, I'll just be another one of them, no one will probably even notice...

    Yea, the second time they put the anni packs in game there was a riot.. the 3rd time it was worse. yes I remember the chest of coin. I also remember a lot of other things that was good about this game. I've seen it come and go. The fact remains though it is still FREE. Could they make a lot of changes for the better, of course. Main point is, ppl have rioted on these forums over lots of things and in the end they put on their big boy pants and sucked it up and adjusted to change. Thats what we have to do in real life as well, shouldn't expect it that much diff on a game.
    The major differences I keep seeing pop up is that Lost City and the other servers have next to nothing in common. The only thing this patch has done is upset everyone. I mean Lost City has some of the heaviest cash shoppers in pwi. People spending from $20,000 upto $150,000 EACH. The only thing that this has managed to do is extenuate the void between heavy cash shoppers and regular/non cash shoppers.

    They killed grinding for money. They killed super fast nirvanas for money.. Amid taking 13minutes instead of 10minutes isn't THAT big a deal.

    Now they kill TW salary which was the main way TW kept going. In all honesty, no one now is going to TW. it will just be rpk random pvp. Or West Gate everytime people want to fight as usual. An inactive map and a dwindling number of players/customers. If they want to equal it out, they should of never had the packs around for the last year constantly. I've been here 2 years this september watching it get more and more rediculous and ill thought out patches, to date this is the worst. If the packs went and you had a way of farming all the things the packs had as contense that would of been the most sensible way of doing things.

    If someone is spending 20,000$ to 150k on this game even in 5 years they are nuts. Do you have any idea what that kind of money can do? There are familes out there with both parents working for minimum wage whose kid could be put through college with that... and more... Thats just crazy. And shameful imo-of course.
    Solution : remove patch entirely, add item linking and OPTION for new font

    Removing patch would not solve the issue. Its deeper than that.
  • Flatpaw - Lost City
    Flatpaw - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I love how everyone is complaining about packs being here but everyone is buying packs?!?! duke dont shut up about who has won what lol.
    everyone is complaining about gold prices but constantly buying gold at those inflated prices!
    everyone is complaining about how noone will be able to afford to buy charms for TWs anymore! but if noone can afford to buy charms aint it still gonna be the same playing field, everyone will die much eaiser!
    everyone was complaining about how expensive everything was getting to buy and now complaining about how prices are gonna drop?
    everyone needs to deside what they are gonna QQ about and stick to it. QQing about everything kinda makes it loose its effectivness.
    anyways thats my post for the year have fun peoples and to all the people running this game i say good job at fixing things when you can, and thank you for all the extra content you have given us
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I love how everyone is complaining about packs being here but everyone is buying packs?!?! duke dont shut up about who has won what lol.
    everyone is complaining about gold prices but constantly buying gold at those inflated prices!
    everyone is complaining about how noone will be able to afford to buy charms for TWs anymore! but if noone can afford to buy charms aint it still gonna be the same playing field, everyone will die much eaiser!
    everyone was complaining about how expensive everything was getting to buy and now complaining about how prices are gonna drop?
    everyone needs to deside what they are gonna QQ about and stick to it. QQing about everything kinda makes it loose its effectivness.
    anyways thats my post for the year have fun peoples and to all the people running this game i say good job at fixing things when you can, and thank you for all the extra content you have given us

    Two gigantic thumbs up! Nicely done.
  • Keyven - Lost City
    Keyven - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm fully aware of what that kind of money can acomplish in the real world. Still though off the top of my head atm I can probably think of almost 200 people that have spent that much. What some people decide to spend is entirely up to them, just like real life game life on a cash shop based game will have all walks of life reflected in it. The rich and powerful will always be the rich and powerful.

    The way to take away their monopoly was to work together, but Flatpaw. Now nothing will change because there will be nothing to entise change, no insentive at all. For one I know it wont level the playing field on Lost City. Essence have had the most 10x and well geared players for the longest time. Most of them can one shot anyone from any other guild. Same goes for spec and kamisama.

    Take Essence for example. They cash shop yes, not the heaviest cash shoppers no, but they're organised in TW and in general guild day-to-day activities. Charmed or uncharmed they will still always win in a TW because of how strong they already are. Beating Spectral and other guilds in 10minutes, or sticking it out 3hours they have the power behind them in their levels alone to win. Then take in the mere fact most of there bms barbs have +7 gear. Oh and that they have the most poweful and most amount of mages on server.

    If they put less enfises on the cash shop packs and more on farming the stuff from the packs it would equal out. the smaller guilds would have to work together. the larger guilds would hit a point and be able to go no further.

    Alot of the content they give is good btw. The patches at times people are greatful for, especially when they're actually fixing things that need fixing. [Shame thats few n far between] But alot of it is mindless 'carpet patching' to try and cover everything at once and causes more problems and unrest than it's worth.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Michael_dark although I don't always agree with you, you're 100% right. The system before was perfectly fine, the only refinements they really needed to make were:

    Actually I think the TW system did need a few tweaks. It wasn't perfect and there was a lot of room for improvement, however all the recent changes are pure BS and based on lies.

    The real truth is that these changes were made so PWI would have more people spending real cash. It's a trend that started a little over a year ago and they have systematically removed any way to earn coin in-game one by one other than merchanting or buying packs.

    1) Bikinis put in cash shop. Dragon Temple no longer worth farming for money.
    2) Tokens pretty much removed mining mats as a way to make coin.
    3) Cut DQ prices.
    4) 2x drops ruined the green mat market.
    5) ????

    I know there are a few that I missed, those (with the exception of DQ prices) are just the ones that primary affected me.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1) Bikinis put in cash shop. Dragon Temple no longer worth farming for money.
    1.1) DQ Horsies placed in Boutique. DQ questing no longer worth it for rewards to sell
    2) Tokens pretty much removed mining mats as a way to make coin.
    2.1) Tokens pretty much removed farming WBs for Gem drops as a way to make coin.
    3) Cut DQ prices.
    4) 2x drops ruined the green mat market.
    5) Purple Mirage decomposition nerf
    6) Perfect Stones instead of Mirages as some Boss drops
    7) TW reward nerf (how can we forget to list this!?)
    8) Tokens of Best Luck yeilds 10 mil bank notes (Cash Shoppers can generate coins, boost to wrong side)

    Just a few more i thought of.

    10 ways in which they've destroyed in game farming for money listed.

    #4 was the one that basically pushed me out of the game. (Except for TW)
  • MiniST - Sanctuary
    MiniST - Sanctuary Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The green mat market was ruined? I left about a year ago(right after anniversary packs came out), the prices are the same or higher for most mats. I was npcing astral stones before, now people are buying for 150k each. And Tsu's ghost mask went from worthless to 2mil each... To me the gold mat market was ruined with the chips thing, even then, it wasn't that much.
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have no problem with the 2x drops events people are talking about, I think its nice to encourage a little farming every once in a while. Nice change of pace from pack sales don't you think?

    btw posting in this really annoying font and size to protest the UI changes so I appologize to all you forum-goers :3
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
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