[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]
Kupuntu - Sanctuary wrote: »My life is neither about this game, far from it. I'm actually leaving the game in a week to study for my finals. And honestly, if a laptop costs 50$ and you profit hundreds of dollars worth of in-game coins that you would otherwise spend on the game, which one is a better idea? I sure don't know what has happened recently. I think you leveled your char pre-hypers so you should know that MMOs are about achieving gears/levels/anything, not rushing to level 100 and buying your gears instantly.
LOL, did u miss to look at the joining date? If u did, then let me enlighten you, it says 2009 Feb wich is by 7 months earlier than yours.
And what.. heck.. what are you talking about? "if a laptop costs 50$ and you profit hundreds of dollars worth of in-game coins that you would otherwise spend on the game"?
My laptop cost me 1000$ that I bought when I started college and is the only computer I use, so I don't need 2nd lap top. PLUS I don't even spend real life money on the game, so your argument doesn't work with me.
EDIT: Btw, at what point do you think I should have started working on full Nirvana +10 gear? At lvl 70? 80? 90? Oh wait.. Nirvana wasn't even out yet.*Semi retired*0 -
Aquilez - Sanctuary wrote: »i guess that changes from person to person, i started PWI without charge zen, that was in 2008, kinda had decent gear with only merchanting things like sub mats, after i got to lv 90+ people sudently started geting dam good gear, and since i wanted to be able to TW without being 1 hited i had to spend some cash, it will suck leaving friends i made in PWI, but i guess i will need to do that to prevent spending even more cash in a game where devs dont even fix glitches b:sad
on the long run i believe it will be worth spending 20U$ each month than sudently spend 150U$+
Free is FREE.. If I allowed you to play golf for free, but you had to buy your balls and clubs would you complain? That is the equivalent of what people are doing. In the real world you have to play to pay golf, pay for the equipment and take the time to walk from hole to hole. People in this game are just spoiled. They want to reap rewards without any work at all. I agree that the work should be a lil fun, after all this is a game. But if you want to breeze through the game why be here? There is no point to that.SATII - Lost City wrote: »So... is there really any point in TWing anymore? I mean, for factions not on the map, there's really no point at all to try and get land now except for the tele. It costs way to much and rewards next to nothing now. Oh wait, I forgot that you get a medal for gear that's not even implemented yet. Just like how we got friendship stones for gear that never got implemented and eventually taken out. And how races never had monthly races implemented and then taken out. Pretty soon, this new gear will never get implemented and TW will just get taken out due to "lack of participation."
I'll say it again, everyone seems to keep forgetting there are other "perks" to owning land other than just the Pay. If people are smart they will start using that more to their advantage.
The friendship stones work, they give their exp and spirit. The final part of the quest, I can't speak for I don't know how it works or even if it does work. People like you tend to see stuff all in black and white. This company can not guess what their playerbase is going to think/say about things they implement or how it will be received. They can only guess... Yes, maybe they've taken things out but they keep putting a lot of good stuff in too. I don't see you praising them on how much the events or other stuff is liked.
Roll on over to the other threads about the nien beast event and all the people who enjoyed it. You ppl are never happy, quit complaining just for the sake of complaining .. really!Nahktuul - Archosaur wrote: »Michael, I think people would take you more seriously if you put headlines in pretty bold colors as landmarks to making your point. People might think your super 1337. IJS.
People would take him more seriously if he wasn't as arrogant and mean. As the saying goes you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. You can even say mean things without being mean and rude, its called tact.0 -
Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear wrote: »LOL, did u miss to look at the joining date? If u did, then let me enlighten you, it says 2009 Feb wich is by 7 months earlier than yours.
Lady the joining date on the forums only depicts when you made your 1st post i didnt get to 96 in 1 day ^^0 -
HotHotShot - Heavens Tear wrote: »PS. notice the name AINT OneHotShot cos i'm a much better and pro'er archer b:pleased
PSS. My mains a barb who has been a cata barb for a full 3 hour war so please don't attack me cos i do know the full expense of it!
NOTE: I've two t's in my name OneHottShot ... you think you are better, and maybe you are.. but what did any of that have to do with who you are? Having problems with self-esteem?SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear wrote: »Why should I have to buy another computer to play 1 game? Why should I devote 90% of my effort to AFFORD TO BE ABLE TO HAVE FUN?
I can fire up some CS or Halo and I'm instantly having fun, no need to waste my day being able to afford fun, this is Perfect World(lol WAS) not Lemonade Stand Tycoon.
So they should have just given you end game gear when you started right? Would that make you happy? Cause you play the game to be the best and win at everything and you can't be bothered to do a little work? That gets in the way?....No one said you should devote 90% of your effort to be able to afford to have fun. But the way you are putting it is that you shouldn't have to work hard to achieve anything. That doesn't work in real life nor here.. it just don't.. and I don't know what to say about someone who thinks they need 2 computers to enjoy the game.. I'll agree thats just jacked!HotHotShot - Heavens Tear wrote: »Lady the joining date on the forums only depicts when you made your 1st post i didnt get to 96 in 1 day ^^
Yep... I joined on my first character in Dec of 2008=she's retired. I been here a long long long time.0 -
Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear wrote: »LOL, did u miss to look at the joining date? If u did, then let me enlighten you, it says 2009 Feb wich is by 7 months earlier than yours.
And what.. heck.. what are you talking about? "if a laptop costs 50$ and you profit hundreds of dollars worth of in-game coins that you would otherwise spend on the game"?
My laptop cost me 1000$ that I bought when I started college and is the only computer I use, so I don't need 2nd lap top. PLUS I don't even spend real life money on the game, so your argument doesn't work with me.
EDIT: Btw, at what point do you think I should have started working on full Nirvana +10 gear? At lvl 70? 80? 90? Oh wait.. Nirvana wasn't even out yet.
1) I said "I think you leveled your char pre-hypers" which is a compliment.
2) I joined one week late to get my anni mount.
3) I meant some crappy laptop from a flea market or something. For merchanting purposes, you know.
4) I meant that merchanting is an option to zen charging.
If you have 10m coins, you can make around 700k per day by using AH. Of course I could tell it to you, but I think I won't. If someone started it on Sanct, it would mean less coins to me.
Also, you're level 100. You can farm 3-3 with friends and sell/split drops. Pretty sure you do it already though.OneHottShot - Heavens Tear wrote: »So they should have just given you end game gear when you started right? Would that make you happy? Cause you play the game to be the best and win at everything and you can't be bothered to do a little work? That gets in the way?....No one said you should devote 90% of your effort to be able to afford to have fun. But the way you are putting it is that you shouldn't have to work hard to achieve anything. That doesn't work in real life nor here.. it just don't.. and I don't know what to say about someone who thinks they need 2 computers to enjoy the game.. I'll agree thats just jacked!
It's okay to have just one comp and you don't really need more but I wanna have my electricity bills as low as possible, hence using another comp that's half broken anyway. I agree 100% with the rest of your post though.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Double post...100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
OneHottShot - Heavens Tear wrote: »NOTE: I've two t's in my name OneHottShot ... you think you are better, and maybe you are.. but what did any of that have to do with who you are? Having problems with self-esteem?
So they should have just given you end game gear when you started right? Would that make you happy? Cause you play the game to be the best and win at everything and you can't be bothered to do a little work? That gets in the way?....No one said you should devote 90% of your effort to be able to afford to have fun. But the way you are putting it is that you shouldn't have to work hard to achieve anything. That doesn't work in real life nor here.. it just don't.. and I don't know what to say about someone who thinks they need 2 computers to enjoy the game.. I'll agree thats just jacked!
Yep... I joined on my first character in Dec of 2008=she's retired. I been here a long long long time.
to what extent does this link apply to most players above lvl 80?
"The beauty of it is it lets games use the tedium to their advantage. As we discussed elsewhere, there's a "work to earn the right to play" aspect of [-insert game here-] , where you grind or "farm" for gold for the right to do the cool stuff later. The tedious nature of the farming actually adds to the sense of accomplishment later. And it also helps squash any sense of guilt you might have had about neglecting school, work or household chores to play the game. After all, you did your chores--the 12 hours you spent farming for gold last Tuesday was less fun than mowing the f[censored] lawn. Now it's time for fun."
I would say almost everyone above lvl 80 would recognize some of the things in that link.
It's just plain EBIL b:shocked0 -
Remmi - Raging Tide wrote: »to what extent does this link apply to most players above lvl 80?
"The beauty of it is it lets games use the tedium to their advantage. As we discussed elsewhere, there's a "work to earn the right to play" aspect of [-insert game here-] , where you grind or "farm" for gold for the right to do the cool stuff later. The tedious nature of the farming actually adds to the sense of accomplishment later. And it also helps squash any sense of guilt you might have had about neglecting school, work or household chores to play the game. After all, you did your chores--the 12 hours you spent farming for gold last Tuesday was less fun than mowing the f[censored] lawn. Now it's time for fun."
I would say almost everyone above lvl 80 would recognize some of the things in that link.
It's just plain EBIL b:shocked
So that's why it feels so good getting good grades AND playing games. b:victory
Anyway, if you play games you can't think you can always enable god mode without facing some kind of problems. In console games it means it's boring and in MMOs it costs money. I know people who maxed their stats and killed plenty of enemies in a certain game and when completing it, got an item called Mark of Conquest and it still wasn't enough. After that they killed all the dark versions of something and defeated that last boss who was called Der Richter (in the Japanese version). Now that felt something.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
For all those who think this update will help PW - U are wrong
For all those who think this update will ruin PW - U are wrong
The update will not help cause the real gamers(real gamer=player who plays this game to be competitive to prove to other fellow gamers he is the best,he doesn't need real life currency to achieve his goals) will leave the game. Those are the players who spend their time running instances farming materials herbs and other stuff to make money to get better gear to be able to participate in TW's .Until now they knew that if they win In TW's they will be rewarded whit fame and ofc a small amount of coins to cover the expenses. But now the only reward they will get is fame.....now show me one competitive player who spends his time playing the game for real and not choosing the easy way( easy way is = spend 1k dollars in a month) that will stay and play a game that only takes money from u and doesn't offer u a fair chance to be able to achieve u'r goals without having to spend real money. U will proly start flaming and say i am a noob...but let me tell u something i playd this game since open beta i have spent over 3k dollars in the game and i can say for sure that since the first anniversary this game is not ftp it's "pay or gtfo" now how can this new update help PW? when the core players of the game will choose to leave!!
Now to second part: Tis Update will help cause:
1. a part of the player base are people who spent a huge amount of money in the game and still are . Those are the ones that chose the easy way. and they will stay here and play the game no matter what happens. They DON'T need to run instances or farm for mats if they do it it's just for fun.
2. another part are the casual players who play a few hours a week are not competitive and do not care about economy or TW changes or even gold prices..why cause they are happy whit what they have.
3 last part of player base are the "passive" ones who play the game to be in the company of their girlfriend, boyfriend,husband or wife...i call them "passive" cause they enjoy their time together and no changes in the game will ruin that.
So here u have u'r answers
Update was good for those who chose to play the game the easy way or just play the game and enjoy the company of their friends.
And bad for those who want to achieve their goals by using gaming experience.
For those gamers i am sorry but don't worry this winter the gaming world will provide u more then one MM'O to prove u'r skills.
Sorry for the wall of text or my bad English.
Have fun and enjoy PWI( if u can)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Just another veno!!!0 -
I am a player, who has not once done TW, been in are terrible. TW was something I was looking forward to do when Im higher lev, fight some players(always fun) and get some much needed coins from it. Might as well forget that and grind...wait the drop reates have been terrible (atleast for me) lately (mabey 6dq items for 70 mobs and then those DQ sell at a reduced price )....ehhhhhh fml0
Kupuntu - Sanctuary wrote: »1) I said "I think you leveled your char pre-hypers" which is a compliment.3) I meant some crappy laptop from a flea market or something. For merchanting purposes, you know.4) I meant that merchanting is an option to zen charging.If you have 10m coins, you can make around 700k per day by using AH. Of course I could tell it to you, but I think I won't. If someone started it on Sanct, it would mean less coins to me.
Also, you're level 100. You can farm 3-3 with friends and sell/split drops. Pretty sure you do it already though.
There are plenty of ways to make money, ain't what I was arguing against. I payed for alot of expensive stuff in game by just in game coins. But it still takes effort and dedication. And that kind of effort to get full nirvana +10 gear that it takes, I jsut ain't gonna bother with. Im not even gonna start calculating how much coins it would cost... It's waaaay too much anyway and takes waaay TOO long time. Did you even estimate how long it will take YOU to get that stuff with the profits YOU gain per day?*Semi retired*0 -
Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear wrote: »There are plenty of ways to make money, ain't what I was arguing against. I payed for alot of expensive stuff in game by just in game coins. But it still takes effort and dedication. And that kind of effort to get full nirvana +10 gear that it takes, I jsut ain't gonna bother with. Im not even gonna start calculating how much coins it would cost... It's waaaay too much anyway and takes waaay TOO long time. Did you even estimate how long it will take YOU to get that stuff with the profits YOU gain per day?
I know that it would take too long with my profits. I also know that some people (Michael_Dark being my example here) have farmed their +1-+10 refines in a matter of weeks for their weapon. Getting decent refines (+7 armor for example) could take a couple of months, but who wants to be spoon fed anyway?100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Nice idea I guess... lower the amount of ingame coins circulating so that more people will buy gold (making PW more money), but also lowering the gold prices because gold will be more available and people will have less ingame coins to spend on it (thats if it works perfectly), BUT the whole part about not knowing what the highest bid for a territory is, and not getting your bid back will make even less guilds able to do TW. so epic FAIL.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
-Dr. Seuss
b:victory0 -
Aelric - Lost City wrote: »Nice idea I guess... lower the amount of ingame coins circulating so that more people will buy gold (making PW more money), but also lowering the gold prices because gold will be more available and people will have less ingame coins to spend on it (thats if it works perfectly), BUT the whole part about not knowing what the highest bid for a territory is, and not getting your bid back will make even less guilds able to do TW. so epic FAIL.
The idea was a good one, it definitely could use some tweaking! I do however agree that if your bids are non refundable the minimum bid should be lowered down to 100k or something reasonable. They have started on the right track I think, there are just a few improvements that can be made with the new stuff going on.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »Nobody does get rich off 6m a week. 2 gold charms will cover one 3hr war. 2 gold charms is close to 4m right now. Imagine if you had an attack/defend weekend with more than one other guild? That's not even including how much you have to spend for attack and defense charms and PK pots.
It's not a stable income. You can't predict how much charm usage you get and if you don't go to all the wars you won't get as much coin. You go to war you incur more expenses.
And you don't get 6m a week if you own a few territories, you need to own nearly the whole map to get that kind of payment.
Charm charm charm charms, and about the payment, lmao.
1. As I said, TW is not meant to be controlled by 1 faction.
2. TW is not supposed to pay for your game play.
3. TW is not supposed to be the only end-game thing to do.
Grind? You're kidding right? You don't make money grinding, you make money merchanting or running HH.
And is LG:Ornament really 24m on your server? It's 60m here. So you'd have to not TW to save that money, but you wouldn't get that money if you didn't TW.
Are you even geared well enough to apply for an actual TW faction? If you were, you'd know that 6m isn't anything.
Sorry, you just don't get it because you don't TW. You think it's just free money when in fact it's far from it.
No, I am not kidding, this is why you're all whining. These kind of games are meant to make players:
1. Farm
2. Merch
3. Play with buy/sell
4. Grind / aoe grinding
5. I'm missing somethng... just don't remember it... *insert option here*
You think I did not TW before? lol, I do get it and I do TW.
If you're in a small faction fighting for land, you don't even get 1k for your charms.
6m is a lot actually, and yes I am geared and looking forward for my TT99 gear. 6m means a lot, and if you think that is not a lot, dude, you need to play more and learn saving up for something.
About the ornament, my friend got one yesterday for 15m LOL.
Now, get it right,
TW =/= Income
TW == Fun
If you can TW, do so, if not then save up. That is all. Now stop for once all this QQ no one is going to do nothing. Ragequit if thats what you want, lose all those hours of gameplay for nothing.
Bye, and PLEASE GET OUT MORE.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »1. As I said, TW is not meant to be controlled by 1 faction
Says who???"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu
"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear wrote: »Since im from same faction as furey, Imma comment on this to make few stuff clear. First off,as it was said, not everyone get 6mil pay ea week. Idk how many but I dont think it's even a majority, since I've been to Enrage since last October/November and my TW pay at most been a bit more than halft of that.
Now for the rest.. Ppl do usually get rotated for TWs, some weeks you may not get rostered at all (means no TW pay), other times you just get to fight small 5-min factions (smaller pay). So you will not get a 6mil pay check in your mail box each and every week. Also if you think that extra 3mil+/week makes you rich then.. Well, I just don't think that's exactly rich since that only cover a very small % of all gear cost you need. Even with an extra 3mil per week it would still take you 16,5 weeks to buy a Lunar ring, so LOL. Idk how 2-3 payments are supposed to cover your lunar rings and shards... Unless you just gonna use em all up to buy packs.
My TW pay ALWAYS went to cover charm costs, which I think was nice and that I agree is a luxury, that way I could use all the money I farmed elsewise to spend on other things that I wanted/needed. If I used my TW pay, I made sure I put the money back to my own "charm fund", because as I said, some weeks you may go w/o any TW pay and in 2 weeks you might need buy a new charm.
Someone from enrage that owns pretty much everything except 8 lands (soon 7 buh bai radiance...) saying a charm is a luxury.
Indeed it is!
And yellow = THANK GOD I LOVE YOU.
As I said, LG Ring = 15-20m according to yesterday announcements b:chuckle
So to sum it up, you buy charms but you don't really need to you just want it since it is easier to go in TW with it.
^ My whole point is there.
TW is not about funding charms, as she said, some times you don't even get paid, will you QQ to your leader because of it? Guess not, because that would mean a boot of it and you'd not TW with them at all. ROFL.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Now, get it right,
TW =/= Income
TW == Fun
If you can TW, do so, if not then save up. That is all. Now stop for once all this QQ no one is going to do nothing. Ragequit if thats what you want, lose all those hours of gameplay for nothing.
It's very simple, what's going to happen.
Costs of TW just went up -> Demand goes down -> Less people TW
Not everybody can afford to devote a whole week to grinding charms and apoths and pots. Dishing out 5-10m every week hurts.
Of course, in this whole thing, the average players get hurt the most. They're the ones who rely on in-game coin to TW. They either farm/merch a lot more, or they charge zen. People who are in school, like me, have less time to devote to farming.
The options for people like me are to: go in uncharmed, don't TW.
The two options are basically equivalent if you're in a TW faction. Uncharmed? Not in formation.
You can all say "Guys TW is all in the fun, who cares about the cost, who cares about charms". It sounds great and bubbily, but when it comes down to reality, you're going to have to fork over that money somehow, if you're going to enjoy TW. Unless you find the notion of getting assf*cked a million times fun.
Ever fight against +12 mages and archers uncharmed? Getting camped over and over again? I did. Uncharmed BMs and barbs don't stand a chance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear wrote: »Says who???
Here it is it is BOLD and YELLOW so you can see it.Kantorek wrote:Greetings,
Thank you for all your feedback. We understand that this is a drastic change to the Territory War system. However we believe that in time, things will shape up in PWI for the better. Something I'd like to mention since nobody has yet brought it up: There is one constant complaint that the economy is becoming inflated with coins. So much in fact that you can't purchase 1 Gold without paying 400-500K worth of coins. A big reason for this is that large powerful guilds have been sitting on their property and collecting a fat paycheck every week without doing anything. Since they are the ones that can afford the high priced Gold, the Gold being sold at 400K is still being bought, and prices remained.
With this source of income gone, we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will.
That's not to say that we don't have any power to change this system, or that this system is not going to be tweaked with. Over the next couple of weeks we will be monitoring TW activities, as well as the economy to see what kind of affect this change has in these two areas.
Thanks again for your passionate responses. It truly shows the love you players have for PWI.
Hope that replies your question.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Here it is it is BOLD and YELLOW so you can see it.
Hope that replies your question.
You know what I say to that answer?
We all know Tokens of Best Lucks pump in more money than TW does in a day or two, yet they do nothing to address that. Way to address the big perpetrator.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Here it is it is BOLD and YELLOW so you can see it.
Hope that replies your question.
1. He doesn't play, he just logs in and stands in archo
2. "Sitting on all that money and doing nothing" shows he is out of touch with reality and doesn't actually play, thus he is talking out his butt.
3. Didn't see the part where he said "one faction wasn't meant to own all the land"
4. He is a GM not a dev and as they have made it clear, their opinions are just that, opinions. Show me a Dev saying the land isn't supposed to be owned by one faction.
I rest my case."Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu
"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
Asperitas - Lost City wrote: »It's very simple, what's going to happen.
Costs of TW just went up -> Demand goes down -> Less people TW
Not everybody can afford to devote a whole week to grinding charms and apoths and pots. Dishing out 5-10m every week hurts.
Of course, in this whole thing, the average players get hurt the most. They're the ones who rely on in-game coin to TW. They either farm/merch a lot more, or they charge zen. People who are in school, like me, have less time to devote to farming.
The options for people like me are to: go in uncharmed, don't TW.
If you cannot afford a charm, then don't TW, TW is meant to be an EVENT for FUN not a wegottaripthemappartin5minutesRUSHRUSHRUSH thing.
The two options are basically equivalent if you're in a TW faction. Uncharmed? Not in formation.
Then that is TW for pay, not for fun, see?.
You can all say "Guys TW is all in the fun, who cares about the cost, who cares about charms". It sounds great and bubbily, but when it comes down to reality, you're going to have to fork over that money somehow, if you're going to enjoy TW. Unless you find the notion of getting assf*cked a million times fun.
Again, yes, reality says you have to be charmed to "enjoy" it, but it is as I have said millions of times (note sarcasm), a charm is a luxury and it should not be funded from TW pay, the only real reason why people were TWing was for the chance to get that big fat paycheck to "gain" something, not for the FUN of it.
Ever fight against +12 mages and archers uncharmed? Getting camped over and over again? I did. Uncharmed BMs and barbs don't stand a chance.
Yes I have. I was in several TWs which we did not win, was I uncharmed? Yes.
Don't you see those evil charms ruin the fun? Someone with +2 HP bars (BM/BARB) from nowhere gets GODLY with all those Apoth potions. Including the immune to damage one... its just not fair.
Yellow = comments.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
Asperitas - Lost City wrote: »You know what I say to that answer?
We all know Tokens of Best Lucks pump in more money than TW does in a day or two, yet they do nothing to address that. Way to address the big perpetrator.
Dude, you are in a free to play game, deal with it already.
Cash > Game play / time.
ALWAYS in F2P.SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear wrote: »1. He doesn't play, he just logs in and stands in archo
2. "Sitting on all that money and doing nothing" shows he is out of touch with reality and doesn't actually play, thus he is talking out his butt.
3. Didn't see the part where he said "one faction wasn't meant to own all the land"
4. He is a GM not a dev and as they have made it clear, their opinions are just that, opinions. Show me a Dev saying the land isn't supposed to be owned by one faction.
I rest my case.
2. Mmmm not really.
3. Was NOT stated, but you get the POINT of they NOT WANTING 1 faction controlling it. You don't really need to think much about the yellow part to understand it. Would be like parking on the middle of the street and say "I did not see the no parking sign here" to the cop. LOL.
4. You don't really know what their job is, do you. It is not simply get online and deal with all the QQ. You'd not stand 1 day of being GM. Haha.
Seems that all my tries to stop this QQ will not end.
Keep QQing then, I don't really care.
I tried explaining what TW was about, no one listened.
I have played OVER 15 ONLINE GAMES and they all have something similar. EXPERIENCE says, THIS EVENT SHOULD NOT BE CONTROLED BY 1 FACTION/GUILD.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yellow = comments.
In my opinion, a good, fun, TW is equivalent to a challenging, 3 hour war with the two factions duking it out. That is fun. Not rolling over the opponent in 3 minutes.
That being said, to make a TW challenging:
You need to be charmed -> dying in 1 hit does nothing
You need to be in formation (freeballing does no good)
You need apoths
You need pots
You need genie fuel
You need a lot of ****
All of those things costs money.
The relationship being:
Lots of coins -> charms, apoths, pots -> factor in TW -> has fun in TW
I don't see charms ruining the fun. I don't think it would be very fun if all the attacking catas were dropped within seconds they entered base.
That's just me.
edit* I know it's F2P. Just don't offer me bullsh*t answers that everybody knows is a lie.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Lenore - Harshlands wrote: »Except you're forgetting the part when gold was 100K-125K on a stable basis, and that 560M (?) coin was pouring into the servers at that time too. As someone pointed out a HUGE source of coin on this game is from the tokens, and it FAR outweighs the TW coin spillage. The only difference is you have to cash shop for it...and guess what? It comes from those packs that we keep blaming the economy on!
Agreed, I started this game gold was 100k steady. Packs came out prices went up right away, when they did actually take a small break in selling them prices went down. Then Packs came every month, if one stopped the next one with a new name started. Gold prices haven't been the same since. Funny though wasn't TW the same setup then when gold prices were 100k and Conquer owned dam near the whole map? Sorry GM's this comes off as a cash grab to many players as a way to get us to buy more zen, even some of the ppl you least expect to complain.0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »GET IT RIGHT TW IS NOT ALL ABOUT MONEY!
Try playing without money, real or in game. Yes TW is all about fun but at the end of the day, everything's about money.
That piece of +6 chest top you've always wanted, guess what? It costs money. Even farming it costs money - subs, repairs, pots, even my herc costs money (real or in game). A lot of people make the mistake of not equating time and money. Google opportunity cost. If you've got so much time to sit in front of the computer and in game to farm everything, you're the one who really needs to get out more often.
If you've managed to do anything without spending any money, real or in game coins, (repairs, pots, charms, etc) please DO enlighten us on your methods. We'd love to hear about the kind of 'FUN' you're having. I believe you've heard of this saying - one man's meat, another man's poison. What's fun for you may not be fun for the others and in this case, the majority of the other players. In every society, the majority always out vote the minority but in this case, both sides lose except PWE since everything is decided by them and none of us gets heard, even yourself.
Look at the other side of the picture. Every graph of a company's share tells a story. Compare this quarter's earnings to last year's quarter. This is just purely another corporate decision to cut down in game coins forcing the players to spend more real money on the game. Doing it for the good of the players is just BS they're feeding us with.
P/s I sent in a ticket about the CoA event ending early 3 times consecutively in 3 weeks. The reply I got?Thank you for the report. It has been forwarded to the appropriate people. Please note we do not have an ETA on when testing will be completed concerning this issue.
Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns!.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6J9LLe2Jlg<- One of my best loved piece of trance track0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Dude, you are in a free to play game, deal with it already.
Cash > Game play / time.
1. Lol, QQmoar.
2. Mmmm not really.
3. Was NOT stated, but you get the POINT of they NOT WANTING 1 faction controlling it. You don't really need to think much about the yellow part to understand it. Would be like parking on the middle of the street and say "I did not see the no parking sign here" to the cop. LOL.
4. You don't really know what their job is, do you. It is not simply get online and deal with all the QQ. You'd not stand 1 day of being GM. Haha.
Seems that all my tries to stop this QQ will not end.
Keep QQing then, I don't really care.
I tried explaining what TW was about, no one listened.
I have played OVER 15 ONLINE GAMES and they all have something similar. EXPERIENCE says, THIS EVENT SHOULD NOT BE CONTROLED BY 1 FACTION/GUILD.
I point out facts and your reply is.
"QQmoar", HORRIBLE analogies, and blind assumptions. You sir are a moron and a brown noser."Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu
"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »So to sum it up, you buy charms but you don't really need to you just want it since it is easier to go in TW with it.^ My whole point is there.
TW is not about funding charms, as she said, some times you don't even get paid, will you QQ to your leader because of it? Guess not, because that would mean a boot of it and you'd not TW with them at all. ROFL.*Semi retired*0 -
SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear wrote: »I point out facts and your reply is.
"QQmoar", HORRIBLE analogies, and blind assumptions. You sir are a moron and a brown noser.
You cuss because you know I am right. Can't you state your points without cussing?
Thank you.
Now, blind assumptions?
I'm not the one who said GMs don't play. Nor the part that said "shows he is out of touch with reality and doesn't actually play, thus he is talking out his butt."
Making SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear aside, since he's blocked with his "I am right" idea.
Lets say, all the player base says that they don't want this change.
Same happened with the packs.
Did they remove them?, there's your answer.
So there's no REAL point to be QQing here.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0
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