[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    They never listened or cared about their playerbase anyhow.

    Do as me, start looking for a non-broken game. P2p mayhaps?

    Personally Im waiting for a certain MMO to come out.

    But don't tell anyone I posted that here b:quiet
  • Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Personally Im waiting for a certain MMO to come out.

    But don't tell anyone I posted that here b:quiet

    Nice. Thanks for info.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Nice. Thanks for info.

    That is too violent. Thats one reason I love PWI. I'm not into all the blood spatter and **** n slash.

    On topic: I see all the major TW factions still recruiting for TW. Apparently the new changes had less of an impact than everyone thought they would. They are still going at it.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    On topic: I see all the major TW factions still recruiting for TW. Apparently the new changes had less of an impact than everyone thought they would. They are still going at it.

    See them recruiting, how? World chats? If a major faction is world chatting for people to TW, things must be really desperate for them.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is by far the worst update i have ever seen or even heard of on mmorpgs....wtf are ppl gonna do with mirage stones? honestly...now theres no reason for ppl to even do TW's..many of us did it for the money we get to help pay for gears n stuff...but mirage stones? MIRAGE STONES?! r u guys kidding me with that ****...LMAO mirage stones...that's the best u guys could come up with? hell if u guys gave hypers or anythin else that was worth SOMETHING i wouldnt have cared as much...but MIRAGE STONES?! WTF were u guys smokin wen u came up with the brilliant idea to give mirage stones as a reward for land?! n the only reason gold prices r so freakin high is cause u ppl keep puttin out new packs every dam week which raises the god dam gold price! MIRAGE STONES?! holy ****...i still can't believe mirage stones were the best idea u guys had for rewards...goodbye to TW...u guys honestly ruin this game more than u do improve it.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh i love this i really do i really haven't played in a couple of months now but i love this its about time that all the greedy ppl i used to see running around with +5 and up nirvana gear and Nef holding all the land on sanctuary get a kick in the teeth. i lost interest in this game for several reason :1 : TW was pointless unless u spent all u could make in a week on charms and refining gear. 2 : anni packs 3: i had lost most of the friends i had for various reasons some left the game some were my fault some were due to just following along with all the greed in this game. 4: getting ppl to actually do TT lunar Nirvana to have some fun and maybe make a small profit was almost impossible . basically this game has lost all its fun aspects it had when i started playing in CB . as Frankie said over the past year buying zen has went from around 100k to 400k + some of that is PWI fault mainly anni packs drove prices up but Frankie is also right that the prices have stayed up because the players kept it their due to the fact that large factions with lots of TW income were able to buy the gold at those prices and for us casual gamers it was hard for us to do anything beyond log in and chat. i TWed most every week i played after joining Legendary back before anni pack but watch a once great faction with really good ppl go to hell in less than a month. so i am glad to see the TW changes i think that in TW ppl should not have to spend all their money or have to rely on +5 armor or charms to ENJOY !!! what TW is suppose to be about this is a game ppl not ur real lives so u should be treating it accordingly . If u dont want to play anymore cause u wont get 10 mill a week in ur pocket from TW then so be it . for those of u that still play this game because it is FUN i wish u all the best . maybe i will play again who knows but i will wait and see how this all plays out . Frankie and other PWI Gm's and staff i hope that the TW changes stay and maybe just maybe this game will become fun for casual players again . i say Thank u for some changes that are actually for the good of the game and not for the good of the greed b:victory
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    See them recruiting, how? World chats? If a major faction is world chatting for people to TW, things must be really desperate for them.

    No different than always. The weed out the ppl who aren't logging on anymore or who dn't show up.. then wc for new ppl to join.. xxxx has xxxx spots pm for interview kind of thing.

    Desperate, maybe. I don't know.. I'm not in the faction to see. However; its nothing different from before the update.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No different than always. The weed out the ppl who aren't logging on anymore or who dn't show up.. then wc for new ppl to join.. xxxx has xxxx spots pm for interview kind of thing.

    Desperate, maybe. I don't know.. I'm not in the faction to see. However; its nothing different from before the update.

    If one of the top factions are actually world chatting for recruits, that would seem to indicate they're getting a bit desperate. I can tell from the patch things have changed a bit here too... some pretty key players have left two of the three top factions, and I know we lost a few as well and the top 5-6 factions on LC are certainly accepting applications, but none actively recruit. Then again, just could be the dynamics of a different server.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If one of the top factions are actually world chatting for recruits, that would seem to indicate they're getting a bit desperate. I can tell from the patch things have changed a bit here too... some pretty key players have left two of the three top factions, and I know we lost a few as well and the top 5-6 factions on LC are certainly accepting applications, but none actively recruit. Then again, just could be the dynamics of a different server.

    I am also on a PvE server vs your PvP. The class here is all together different in what is enjoyed. Everyone on PvP (I'm guessing) enjoys TW and PK. PvE people join there in efforts to just play against mobs and not other players. Making the people who want to TW a bit less on our server to begin with.

    The specific faction I saw recruiting doesn't own land anymore. Although I didn't spend a lot of time online today on the game to see if there was a whole lot of others. I do notice that there is at least one new color if not two no the TW map. ( I don't check it often but made a point to this week) So I'm not sure if ppl are giving up land and giving up? I really don't know.
  • Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Considering that multiple TW related threads went up within minutes of the Content Update post being published, I'd say there's a lot to discuss.

    Frankie, no disrespect, but the TW system was fine the way it was. Stop with the Packs you will see a positive out come. And people will thank you for getting rid of them.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Frankie, no disrespect, but the TW system was fine the way it was. Stop with the Packs you will see a positive out come. And people will thank you for getting rid of them.

    They might even add=FrankieRaye is GM of the Year to their sigs too!
  • Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No different than always. The weed out the ppl who aren't logging on anymore or who dn't show up.. then wc for new ppl to join.. xxxx has xxxx spots pm for interview kind of thing.

    Desperate, maybe. I don't know.. I'm not in the faction to see. However; its nothing different from before the update.

    The three most powerful and most major landholding factions on HT (Enrage, Radiance, TE for sure) do not recruit by wc, they are app only in the same process micheal explained. b:kiss
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The three most powerful and most major landholding factions on HT (Enrage, Radiance, TE for sure) do not recruit by wc, they are app only in the same process micheal explained. b:kiss

    3 most powerful? I really only see 1 maybe 2 that could be described as powerful. At least up to this point for the last year or so. I've been around since Dec. of 08. I've seen Rad Roc and others come, go, defend, and go home! Enrage has been around a long long long time! Regardless of how they attain their gears or recruit, I will give them credit they've got something together to be able to keep up how they have for so long.

    I don't even keep up with who is fighting who.... and I have figured that much out! I know a lot of them don't just add people. But for factions like *B****l to be recruiting in wc.. wow.. u know!

    BTW... if I have to apply like a job and give a resume to get in a faction... thats too much for me... I think thats nuts but hey.. to each their own!
  • Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No different than always. The weed out the ppl who aren't logging on anymore or who dn't show up.. then wc for new ppl to join.. xxxx has xxxx spots pm for interview kind of thing.

    Desperate, maybe. I don't know.. I'm not in the faction to see. However; its nothing different from before the update.

    None of HTs top TW guilds are recruiting on WC. Enrage is the one that owns 7/8s of the map & i assure you they havent WCed to recruit in... well ever. Radiance is the only guild now that can give us in Enrage at least double digit in minute fights (tonight actually 58 minute fight, almost hit that hour mark b:victory). TheEmpire is the retirement home, they have sometimes WCed but they dont take TW seriously, they just have some of the best people who retired from serious TW and can give the lesser guilds a thrashing. Noone else on the map is even worth mentioning.
  • Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    3 most powerful? I really only see 1 maybe 2 that could be described as powerful. At least up to this point for the last year or so. I've been around since Dec. of 08. I've seen Rad Roc and others come, go, defend, and go home! Enrage has been around a long long long time! Regardless of how they attain their gears or recruit, I will give them credit they've got something together to be able to keep up how they have for so long.

    I don't even keep up with who is fighting who.... and I have figured that much out! I know a lot of them don't just add people. But for factions like *B****l to be recruiting in wc.. wow.. u know!

    BTW... if I have to apply like a job and give a resume to get in a faction... thats too much for me... I think thats nuts but hey.. to each their own!

    Are you active on the TW scene or living in the past? lol. Enrage are undisputed #1, Rad give enrage the 'best run' when they fight (just got out of TWing for enrage vs rad for 1 hour) and TE hold the 2nd most land and claim the '3rd best' mantle.

    and yea... the faction you mentioned are nonfactors.

    general rule -> wc recruit = nonfactor faction or once 'big' faction hit by turmoil and trying to rebuild. Same as all servers i assume b:shutup
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Are you active on the TW scene or living in the past? lol. Enrage are undisputed #1, Rad give enrage the 'best run' when they fight (just got out of TWing for enrage vs rad for 1 hour) and TE hold the 2nd most land and claim the '3rd best' mantle.

    and yea... the faction you mentioned are nonfactors.

    general rule -> wc recruit = nonfactor faction or once 'big' faction hit by turmoil and trying to rebuild. Same as all servers i assume b:shutup

    I am very inactive on the TW scene. Just mentioning what I've seen recently since the virtual poo hit the fan!

    I already gave Enrage props, don't make me take it back!
  • Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey guys,

    Use this thread to share your thoughts on the recent TW changes.

    Please keep it civil so we can get a good discussion going.




    Thank you for all your feedback. We understand that this is a drastic change to the Territory War system. However we believe that in time, things will shape up in PWI for the better. Something I'd like to mention since nobody has yet brought it up: There is one constant complaint that the economy is becoming inflated with coins. So much in fact that you can't purchase 1 Gold without paying 400-500K worth of coins. A big reason for this is that large powerful guilds have been sitting on their property and collecting a fat paycheck every week without doing anything. Since they are the ones that can afford the high priced Gold, the Gold being sold at 400K is still being bought, and prices remained.

    Oh yeah, that's the reason!


    The one and only reason for the gold inflation are those damned packs devs decided to make permanent, want evidence? here's some evidence: during the brief period between corals of luck and tiger packs, boutique was pack-clear and gold dropped to 265k a piece, i know because i bought 15 of those to get my acc stash, but then when packs returned gold went sky-high again!

    The reason of inflation is the overflow of tokens reducing the value of pretty much every lootable or farmable item and rendering the cash shop the only viable way of getting in-game coins

    Moreover, with DQ mat price drop grinding was rendered useless as a viable method of gaining coins, since the profit was barely noticeable when you deducted your expenses (repairs, pots, etc.)

    The reason of inflation is not a big fat guild holding 90% of the map, the cause are those packs devs decided to keep permanent
    Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.

    (8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)
  • Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I am very inactive on the TW scene. Just mentioning what I've seen recently since the virtual poo hit the fan!

    I already gave Enrage props, don't make me take it back!

    Want my autograph? b:cute
  • Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The specific faction I saw recruiting doesn't own land anymore. Although I didn't spend a lot of time online today on the game to see if there was a whole lot of others. I do notice that there is at least one new color if not two no the TW map. ( I don't check it often but made a point to this week) So I'm not sure if ppl are giving up land and giving up? I really don't know.

    The faction you mentioned, had about 90% of the guild quit and form another guild (B****l => Dom***s) because the leader did nothing at all ever. Its all in the HT forums. The new guild which will take TW more seriously (tho still probably never be a contender) i havent even seen WC for members. When 90% of you guild leaves to form a new guild, of course you'll WC for members, but you're also at the bottom of the barrel.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Want my autograph? b:cute

    Not exactly, but ur sig is hilarious!
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The faction you mentioned, had about 90% of the guild quit and form another guild (B****l => Dom***s) because the leader did nothing at all ever. Its all in the HT forums. The new guild which will take TW more seriously (tho still probably never be a contender) i havent even seen WC for members. When 90% of you guild leaves to form a new guild, of course you'll WC for members, but you're also at the bottom of the barrel.

    I was unaware that the old guild was part of the new one you named or.. didn't name lol. I did that b/c I didn't want to call out anyone specific and get it removed! Thnx for keeping up lol!

    I never read the HT forums, I figure all the important stuff will be in General Discussion. Well the stuff important to me anyways. I might stroll on over there and read some! I think every small TW faction wants to take TW seriously, they just don't have the money or the man power. Enrage clearly has both!

    Sorry to have derailed the topic at hand... but this was something changing for tw lol
  • Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Not exactly, but ur sig is hilarious!


    Enrage: facerollin' since (way before!) January this year!

    (credit sgt for the vid!) b:victory
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The specific faction I saw recruiting doesn't own land anymore. Although I didn't spend a lot of time online today on the game to see if there was a whole lot of others. I do notice that there is at least one new color if not two no the TW map. ( I don't check it often but made a point to this week) So I'm not sure if ppl are giving up land and giving up? I really don't know.

    Well you said all the major factions are openly recruiting. In all my time on PWI I've never seen the top 2-3 factions on any server world chat that they were recruiting unless it was a troll... so it just had me curious.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well you said all the major factions are openly recruiting. In all my time on PWI I've never seen the top 2-3 factions on any server world chat that they were recruiting unless it was a troll... so it just had me curious.

    Honestly, I don't keep up enough. The specific faction I saw I believe used to be one of the big ones!

    I was just shocked at the one I saw doing the wc, I suppose.

    However; Since the largest faction on HT did not lose land this weekend (to my knowledge) one can assume they are still doing TW despite the changes. Either way.. still not affected as bad as ppl assumed they would be.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    However; Since the largest faction on HT did not lose land this weekend (to my knowledge) one can assume they are still doing TW despite the changes. Either way.. still not affected as bad as ppl assumed they would be.

    Still really too early to tell. However guild chat and overall activity on the server seems to be at a recent all-time low.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Honestly, I don't keep up enough. The specific faction I saw I believe used to be one of the big ones!

    I was just shocked at the one I saw doing the wc, I suppose.

    However; Since the largest faction on HT did not lose land this weekend (to my knowledge) one can assume they are still doing TW despite the changes. Either way.. still not affected as bad as ppl assumed they would be.

    [Forum] Lenore: I did say Enrage wouldn't stop TWing because many of us do it for fun. Then someone came in and chirped about some 20+ people who do it for money. Well, maybe so, but we haven't lost 20+ people yet, so apparently even with no income there's money or some sort of gain to be had, or they are taking their time deciding if they want to leave.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Forum] Lenore: I did say Enrage wouldn't stop TWing because many of us do it for fun. Then someone came in and chirped about some 20+ people who do it for money. Well, maybe so, but we haven't lost 20+ people yet, so apparently even with no income there's money or some sort of gain to be had, or they are taking their time deciding if they want to leave.

    I was the one who mentioned that there are a lot of ppl in there who don't like half of the faction. And there are more than you think, but seriously.. no 200 ppl randomly put into the same room are always going to agree and get along. There are ppl in Enrage I think the world of, and others I'm not sure I'd even pee on if they was on fire. (I been done wrong by a few... yep) and no I don't pk!

    I think that this change has likely put people in shock. They don't know what to do exactly and some probably don't want to make rash decisions until there is an official word on if things are going to change back at all where TW is concerned. Can't blame them there either.

    Many ppl who are used to TW, can't imagine not doing it. I know a few ppl who actually plan their life around it. (I don't think thats a good thing but I don't have to live their life)

    Anyways, I'm anxious to see the long term effects.
  • Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I was the one who mentioned that there are a lot of ppl in there who don't like half of the faction. And there are more than you think, but seriously.. no 200 ppl randomly put into the same room are always going to agree and get along. There are ppl in Enrage I think the world of, and others I'm not sure I'd even pee on if they was on fire. (I been done wrong by a few... yep) and no I don't pk!

    I think that this change has likely put people in shock. They don't know what to do exactly and some probably don't want to make rash decisions until there is an official word on if things are going to change back at all where TW is concerned. Can't blame them there either.

    Many ppl who are used to TW, can't imagine not doing it. I know a few ppl who actually plan their life around it. (I don't think thats a good thing but I don't have to live their life)

    Anyways, I'm anxious to see the long term effects.
    [Forum] Lenore: I know you were. And I was the one who said 200 people can't possibly get along and that you totally missed Sgt's sarcasm. GF.
  • Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Forum] Lenore: I know you were. And I was the one who said 200 people can't possibly get along and that you totally missed Sgt's sarcasm. GF.

    Enrage will run the table, own all the land, take the 76mil a week in mirages and nobody will ever be able to take land off us with this new phantom bid bullsh*t, lol.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If they really want to reduce the massive influx of coin going coming from TW then this strategy may work. Instead of feeding factions cash for every land they own at the end of the week, give them the pay out of lands they had to attack/defend. This way, the territories they own won't just be constantly feeding them cash and in order to make any cash out of TW, they will have to work for it. This would also appease the ones saying that TW funds their charms because they aren't technically losing any cash. In fact, they are gaining the same amount. However, this would reduce the income of the factions that hold a massive amount of land while still providing them the funds they need to support themselves and their individual players.

    at some point i sugested something like this. but to prevent fake TWs, just send coins for 2 factions lv 3 fighting for 1 hour+ , there is when start having charm bills
This discussion has been closed.