[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ok so...

    2 factions don't enter in.. use skills and tactics against each other and battle it out amongst themselves to get to towers to win? If this isn't what you guys do in TW then you are right, I've no idea what it is.

    In essence, much like PvP you fight each other right? I mean if you didn't there would be NO charm ticking eh? Regardless of if 100 ppl show up or 10, you do the same thing. You try to defend your towers and try to get to theirs. ? yes? no? ... If I've not got the right idea, ... please enlighten me.

    [Normal] Lenore: Wrong.

    I don't care to explain the whole thing but if 80 people are in TW that's a lot more people hitting you at once. Also as a barb in PK you don't have to worry about tanking 4+ wizards attacking you while you try to pull a cata. And it's harder to assist when there's 80 targets to choose from instead of 6 isn't it? You think 80 people attacking randomly will clear the field faster or squads with organized targetting and assisting will clear the field faster?
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Do you want tell us that when charms will not be available in TW, TW will not exist more?

    Of course if one side have charms and other one haven't, side with charms have BIG advantage, but it still doesn't mean it will win.

    But I think when territory rewards will be so low, charms will slowly leave TW. Of course, catapult pullers will have them longest time. But if noone will want donate charms in TWs, they will be away from TW in few weeks-months, and TW will be again better.

    My charmed 80 will beat your uncharmed 80 any day of the week, hell, my charmed 40 will beat your uncharmed 80 any day of the week.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey, didn't you "quit" the last update you didn't like? yeah thats what I thought... You really showed them huh?

    I have as much right as you to voice my opinion on this forum... don't like it.. don't read it.

    Arguments are different than debates. They are simply stating how this is the downfall of this game. I am simply stating I think its one of the best content updates ever. You have your opinion, I have mine. And guess what. ... apparently they aren't the same so get over it.
    You're talking about something that you have NO EXPERIENCE WITH, AND KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

    It's like you're walking into debate on abortion, and you think abortion is the name of a band.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    you prolly wasnt around the game when it started at 2008 until packs in 2009, i will tell you the short version of it.

    2008: TWs were around already, most of lv 3 lands were taken that was like 400 mil each week going to game and gold price was 80-120k, NEVER over that (in sanctuary at least)

    2009(midle of year): Chests of coins came to the game (if you never heard of them its because people npc those, why? you get 1 mil coins for 5 gold) at that time gold price went from the 80-120k to around 200k (yeah, i'm sure TW payment made that in 1 week only *sarcasm*)

    2009(end of year): Gold still around 200k. Anniversary packs came to the game, gold sky rocket to around 500k in 1 day

    so everyone who played this game from the beginning know the gold price went up after packs. You can see this for yourself, each 2 tokens of best luck can be trade for a 10 mil bank note. Now pay attention to duke in your chat window and count how many of those people get in 1 hour. In sanctuary is like 20-30 easy.
    20 tokens of best luck = 100 mil more coins in game, THAT IN 1 HOUR

    now if you cant see the truth behind what PWE is doing, i'm sorry for you but you are realy dumb and will mostly fail in your life

    i almost forgot
    if you going to argue that people get the nice +10 gear because they make tons of money from TW, think again those people (just as myself, even tho i dont got that good gear spending only around 300U$ each month for the last 5 months or so), anyway theyh CASH SHOP!!!!!!!!

    There is NEVER a good time to call people dumb. Especially when you've misspelled several words here. Just because someone doesn't see things the same way as you doesn't mean they are ignorant, stupid, or dumb. It just means you have a difference of opinion.

    I won't disagree that the large amount of coins circulated by the tokens are a problem, but if there wasn't such a large amount of people out there who could afford gold at 500k per, then it wouldn't keep being bought and it wouldn't keep going up. Part of the money comes from tokens, part from TW and part from people using real money to buy and sell gold. Now PW isn't going to shoot themselves in their own foot. They have to think of ways to stop all the coin circulation without hurting their business. What the poster is saying is that the coinage gained from TW as a whole there is a lot of it. Even though each faction member may not receive a lot, there is still a lot of it out there.

    2 things would fix this game. 1, quit selling gold through the auctioneer. Make people buy from others who buy with gold. Then price would be negotiated between buyers and sellers of goods, not gold. 2. Implement something different for TW all together including the usage of charms, and other boutique items generally used. Maybe even make catas and other things needed free to obtain.
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    when gold was 100k how many level 100's where there needing to level there manufacturing skills there own skills there was a place for the coins to disappear off the server for good? Now there is far more high levels not needing to level these skills..

    do the maths first month 65 billions coins to go round. 2 month 130 billion coins to go round 3 month 195 billions coins to go round. over the months there is a gradual build up of coins.

    anyone want to bet that this person is a GM under some alt name? b:chuckle
    i bet a chance to get a 12* orb b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    There is NEVER a good time to call people dumb. Especially when you've misspelled several words here. Just because someone doesn't see things the same way as you doesn't mean they are ignorant, stupid, or dumb. It just means you have a difference of opinion.

    I won't disagree that the large amount of coins circulated by the tokens are a problem, but if there wasn't such a large amount of people out there who could afford gold at 500k per, then it wouldn't keep being bought and it wouldn't keep going up. Part of the money comes from tokens, part from TW and part from people using real money to buy and sell gold. Now PW isn't going to shoot themselves in their own foot. They have to think of ways to stop all the coin circulation without hurting their business. What the poster is saying is that the coinage gained from TW as a whole there is a lot of it. Even though each faction member may not receive a lot, there is still a lot of it out there.

    2 things would fix this game. 1, quit selling gold through the auctioneer. Make people buy from others who buy with gold. Then price would be negotiated between buyers and sellers of goods, not gold. 2. Implement something different for TW all together including the usage of charms, and other boutique items generally used. Maybe even make catas and other things needed free to obtain.

    If you can't debate their ideas, attack their grammar!!
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No idea why anyone is arguing about the change to TW pay at all... It was pathetically low to begin with and now its pretty much been removed... so what? That doesnt make any difference at all, to anything. Noone was using that ridiculously low amount of TW pay to get charms... it pays for 15% of ONE charm for me. I can earn TW pay through TT in under 30 minutes.

    The worst problem with the new update is the secret and non-refundable bidding. Ah well, at least it will stop fake bidding... oh wait one second... how the hell will it stop fake bidding? It'll just mean genuine factions bidding wont be able to report fake bidders or counter bid them until they've already lost the bid.

    Nice work PWE.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You must have missed all the solutions proposed on the other 130 pages? The ones shot down and not even addressed by PW staffers?

    No, I didn't read every page.. but I read most of them. Most all of them are complaints.

    [Normal] Lenore: Wrong.

    I don't care to explain the whole thing but if 80 people are in TW that's a lot more people hitting you at once. Also as a barb in PK you don't have to worry about tanking 4+ wizards attacking you while you try to pull a cata. And it's harder to assist when there's 80 targets to choose from instead of 6 isn't it? You think 80 people attacking randomly will clear the field faster or squads with organized targetting and assisting will clear the field faster?

    I understand its on a larger scale. We have captured that already. Btw, I've seen 4 wizards gank a barb outside of TW.. it happens.

    Look I'm not saying you people don't have a right to be a bit upset by whats going on. But find solutions to the problems, that is the best way to make your voice heard. All the complaints and the cursing gets you no where.

    I honestly still think this is a good thing. I believe that if you guys will just wait it out, and see how it turns out... the problem is that those who already tw with big winning factions will never be happy with anything else. Those of us who have always wanted to TW but didn't have the opportunities due to gears etc.. will now have a chance and love it.

    I've seen people with nothing but pack gears/weps on. I have no idea how they afford it and I won't even suggest that TW pay is how. But seriously, if the pay isn't that great (wasn't) then why bother complaining that they take it away?

    That is like being upset that your grandma gave you oranges in your stocking as a kid, and then being even more upset when she stopped giving you oranges and just gave you a card. NO matter what its just a big storm of no one ever being happy.
  • Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary
    Duke_Atticus - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you have the skill, the knowledge of other classes and the intelligence to farm herbs and make apoth items you should be able to effectively use your class and your skills against another opponent of the same level. If you can't do that without a charm, you've no reason to be in TW in the first place.

    Let's put it plain flat and simple.

    Imagine two people, with equal ability, identical build, identical gear and identical everything. Both of them come from highly competent teams.

    Now one team pops on a charm and the other doesn't.

    Tell me who wins.

    You have to be assuming that the charmed party sucks to think that an uncharmed party has a chance against a charmed party. Otherwise, I don't see your logic.
    With charms, they still have the better gears they still win.. Charms have nothing to do with it.

    I can't remember who said it, but I'm inclined to believe it takes skill to kill a charmed player, doubly so if that person happens to be well geared and knows what the hell they're doing. If they're fail asses, obviously charm makes no difference. But like apo items, charms are tools. And tools can be utilized 'intelligently'.

    The reason charms have almost become a 'necessity' is because of the easy access to refinement and therefore, super gears. We're not talking about just a select few with super gears...it's an entire team or faction. To take out charms, you would first have to balance the playing field...which is obviously no longer present with the way things are today. That's a different topic altogether so let's not discuss it. But the fact remains, that things have become so out of balance that charms are becoming a protection, just like any apo item you use.
    When its not about the money, people won't be so uptight.

    I don't know if you can see it from others' responses but on the surface, they look like they're sulking about the money. But it's not.

    What is the real issue here is the whole idea of 'reward and punishment', *and most importantly agreement.

    If TW started out without a paycheck, everyone would've understood the complications of joining a TW. No one would be sulking about costs, because the focus would have been very different then.

    But right now, most who complain have been in TW for two years, and have treated it as a constant to get a paycheck. Maybe they took it for granted. Yet, picture this. This is TW, aka Territorial War. And in wars, when you siege someone's land, you get money, property, loot, etc etc. There are tangible rewards for doing so much.

    Yet now it looks as if you've spent so much effort...just to raid a barren land. Does that make any sense to you? It's fun to kill so many people JUST for a barren land?

    Let's put it in modern context. You sign up on a job with no contract that promises you a payout of a certain amount for every time you do a job. You like the job. The pay is measly, but you like the job. Then one day, your job giver just tells you, "Hey, we've completely changed the system and now we're on a volunteer basis. By the way, bring along your own resources so we can use it. You like the job right? So you'll still continue doing it right?" And you can't protest to the changes because there was no contract.

    If you can honestly tell me that you don't mind this sudden smack in the face and still love the job and even sacrifice everything just for it, then...it actually makes you sound more like a cash shopper than not because you still have the capabilities to do it, such that the paycheck has no effect on you.

    If from the very beginning, this WAS a voluntary job in the first place, no one would complain, because they willingly signed up for it. And conversely, if this voluntary job suddenly started paying people...tell me a person who wouldn't be happy about the change, ignoring the fact whether people actually accept or reject the pay itself.

    Do you see the point now after my wall of text?

    And at the idea of secret bidding and losing money, I completely disagree with it. This isn't even lottery, please!

    Edit *left out that point.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey, didn't you "quit" the last update you didn't like? yeah thats what I thought... You really showed them huh?

    I have as much right as you to voice my opinion on this forum... don't like it.. don't read it.

    Arguments are different than debates. They are simply stating how this is the downfall of this game. I am simply stating I think its one of the best content updates ever. You have your opinion, I have mine. And guess what. ... apparently they aren't the same so get over it.

    No, I didn't quit. You keep insisting that I spend real money or quit. That's your prerogative.

    Oh you have a right to voice your opinion, it's not based on fact or experience. And as almost everyone here is saying, you just don't have a clue.

    This is an argument. You have no TW experience so you cannot have this conversation as someone who has walked the walk, but you obviously talk the talk. That is hypocrisy. Instead you should be listening to what a majority of the people who actually do TW have been saying all along.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No, I didn't read every page.. but I read most of them. Most all of them are complaints.

    I understand its on a larger scale. We have captured that already. Btw, I've seen 4 wizards gank a barb outside of TW.. it happens.

    Look I'm not saying you people don't have a right to be a bit upset by whats going on. But find solutions to the problems, that is the best way to make your voice heard. All the complaints and the cursing gets you no where.

    I honestly still think this is a good thing. I believe that if you guys will just wait it out, and see how it turns out... the problem is that those who already tw with big winning factions will never be happy with anything else. Those of us who have always wanted to TW but didn't have the opportunities due to gears etc.. will now have a chance and love it.

    I've seen people with nothing but pack gears/weps on. I have no idea how they afford it and I won't even suggest that TW pay is how. But seriously, if the pay isn't that great (wasn't) then why bother complaining that they take it away?

    That is like being upset that your grandma gave you oranges in your stocking as a kid, and then being even more upset when she stopped giving you oranges and just gave you a card. NO matter what its just a big storm of no one ever being happy.

    [Normal] Lenore: You can't seem to grasp what Pattoe said in the post right above yours. The pay isn't the main problem (at least to some of us?). Some of us feel the whole system has been broken down, and the way to fix is to just reverse it, which PLENTY of people have suggested, so it is quite rude to say that no one is offering suggestions.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No idea why anyone is arguing about the change to TW pay at all... It was pathetically low to begin with and now its pretty much been removed... so what? That doesnt make any difference at all, to anything. Noone was using that ridiculously low amount of TW pay to get charms... it pays for 15% of ONE charm for me. I can earn TW pay through TT in under 30 minutes.

    The worst problem with the new update is the secret and non-refundable bidding. Ah well, at least it will stop fake bidding... oh wait one second... how the hell will it stop fake bidding? It'll just mean genuine factions bidding wont be able to report fake bidders or counter bid them until they've already lost the bid.

    Nice work PWE.

    I'm waiting for you to get attacked, b/c THAT is exactly what I've been saying the last 30 pages! But you can rest assured someone is going to have an answer!

    It will stop fake bids. I am sure that no one wants to lose 100 million coins on a fake bid because someone in secret bid made a bid of 101 million coins. The chance is too great.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    But seriously, if the pay isn't that great (wasn't) then why bother complaining that they take it away?

    This thread is entitled "[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]" that isnt exclusive to the change in TW pay but also includes the changes in the bidding system.

    The changes in the bidding system are why I am complaining and they are why I have left the game. End of story.

    For your latest post, Shot, I know factions that would gladly do a 101mil coin fake bid because coins are nothing to them. These are the people who have spent over 10,000 dollars on this game each month.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Do you want tell us that when charms will not be available in TW, TW will not exist more?

    Of course if one side have charms and other one haven't, side with charms have BIG advantage, but it still doesn't mean it will win.

    But I think when territory rewards will be so low, charms will slowly leave TW. Of course, catapult pullers will have them longest time. But if noone will want donate charms in TWs, they will be away from TW in few weeks-months, and TW will be again better.

    Just wondering.....By better do you mean getting 1-3shotted? Cuz honestly that does NOT sound like fun to me @___@ Or for the better. Then it would be based on who has the highest damage, best gear n all that right?O_o Lol catapullers without charms...Noone would ever touch the crystal then. Well unless they have some uber godly strategy.
  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    My charmed 80 will beat your uncharmed 80 any day of the week, hell, my charmed 40 will beat your uncharmed 80 any day of the week.

    You didn't read what I wrote ;-) I didn't wrote that is be uncharmed is equal to be charmed. (I wrote it's BIG advantage to be charmed)

    btw. charmed 80 probably yes ... charmed 40? I doubt.. ;)
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just wondering.....By better do you mean getting 1-3shotted? Cuz honestly that does NOT sound like fun to me @___@ Or for the better. Then it would be based on who has the highest damage, best gear n all that right?O_o Lol catapullers without charms...Noone would ever touch the crystal then. Well unless they have some uber godly strategy.

    I dont think people will stop charming, noone really uses TW pay to buy charms, TW pay is insignificant compared to the costs of TW.

    with the old pay system TW pay couldnt cover the cost of my charms never mind the crab meats and other stuff id use to get an edge, and im a DDer... for a tank TW pay wouldnt even scratch the surface of what he'd need, so everyone should stay charmed just as they are.

    TW pay being changed wont change anything, really. The real change comes from the bidding differences.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No idea why anyone is arguing about the change to TW pay at all... It was pathetically low to begin with and now its pretty much been removed... so what? That doesnt make any difference at all, to anything. Noone was using that ridiculously low amount of TW pay to get charms... it pays for 15% of ONE charm for me. I can earn TW pay through TT in under 30 minutes.

    The worst problem with the new update is the secret and non-refundable bidding. Ah well, at least it will stop fake bidding... oh wait one second... how the hell will it stop fake bidding? It'll just mean genuine factions bidding wont be able to report fake bidders or counter bid them until they've already lost the bid.

    Nice work PWE.

    THIS is what I said at the very beginning but people keep coming up with reasons I am WRONG. My question was at the very beginning if ppl are going to argue that the pay wasn't great before then why are they so upset with it being removed. It didn't make that much of a difference.... then it exploded into all the other junk you've seen.
    [Normal] Lenore: You can't seem to grasp what Pattoe said in the post right above yours. The pay isn't the main problem (at least to some of us?). Some of us feel the whole system has been broken down, and the way to fix is to just reverse it, which PLENTY of people have suggested, so it is quite rude to say that no one is offering suggestions.

    Maybe 2 or 3 of you that have been repeatedly posting the past 30 minutes with me.. but there are 100 pages of ppl who just want to gripe and complain, that is what I meant.
    This thread is entitled "[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]" that isnt exclusive to the change in TW pay but also includes the changes in the bidding system.

    The changes in the bidding system are why I am complaining and they are why I have left the game. End of story.

    If you've truly left the game, then it none of it really matters and I'm not sure why you are still here. (this isn't meant rudely, its a genuine statement.. I don't understand).

    The changes in the bidding system was needed more than even the removal of the pay. I don't know about your server but on HT there were multiple bans multiple times because of factions that had "fake" factions and outbid others. That extremely defeated the purpose of TW. Cowards! They should be able to defend their territories or lose them to genuine players. I honestly think that the reward should be a charm (1 for each participant) for the winning faction. If that be the problem.. and it would be a nice reward for a once a week win! There are so many things they can do to improve this game, but we all need to work together to try to get change implemented.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Do you want tell us that when charms will not be available in TW, TW will not exist more?

    Of course if one side have charms and other one haven't, side with charms have BIG advantage, but it still doesn't mean it will win.

    But I think when territory rewards will be so low, charms will slowly leave TW. Of course, catapult pullers will have them longest time. But if noone will want donate charms in TWs, they will be away from TW in few weeks-months, and TW will be again better.

    [Normal] Lenore: In a TW against a smaller faction today I took down around 10 people more or less by myself. They were not charmed but I was, and I am an archer, so I don't have a lot of 'tankiness.' If one charmed player can take down several uncharmed players (which, let's be honest, they can), then the only way to 'level the playing field' is to remove charms from TW altogether, but I'm betting you PWE won't let you do that. So to answer your question, TW will exist in its competitive form either if charms are relatively available to EVERYONE or to NO ONE. If just a HANDFUL of people have access to it and the rest done, TW WILL NOT EXIST ANYMORE (in the form it does today).

    And yes charmed 40 can beat uncharmed 80.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Normal] Lenore: You can't seem to grasp what Pattoe said in the post right above yours. The pay isn't the main problem (at least to some of us?). Some of us feel the whole system has been broken down, and the way to fix is to just reverse it, which PLENTY of people have suggested, so it is quite rude to say that no one is offering suggestions.

    ^--Agreed 100%. Ive read through all erm 130+pages ok fine maybe i skipped a few 100+pages is NOT that fun to read x.x but almost EVERY page had 1 or more ppl suggesting a solution or atleast every other page <,<. So thats erm wat 1.5k repliesnow? so atleast 500replies on some suggestion whatever. N im pretty sure 100+ replies were all arguments/agreements with you goshdarnit forgot your name..oh wait nvm <,< OneHotShot
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I dont think people will stop charming, noone really uses TW pay to buy charms, TW pay is insignificant compared to the costs of TW.

    TW pay covered the cost of 2 gold charms. That's not insignificant.

    with the old pay system TW pay couldnt cover the cost of my charms never mind the crab meats and other stuff id use to get an edge, and im a DDer... for a tank TW pay wouldnt even scratch the surface of what he'd need, so everyone should stay charmed just as they are.

    TW pay being changed wont change anything, really. The real change comes from the bidding differences.

    I just about broke even with TW pay.
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    am late reading the newer posts...
    but why are we still arguing with onehotshot, who obviously has no idea what he/she is talking about? Never been to a tw? And you think you can sit here and spew your faulty claims about it?

    Also hai mike b:cuteb:bye
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    am late reading the newer posts...
    but why are we still arguing with onehotshot, who obviously has no idea what he/she is talking about? Never been to a tw? And you think you can sit here and spew your faulty claims about it?

    Also hai mike b:cuteb:bye

    I dunno, why, she is obviously trolling.

    And hai allie b:heart

    Have I told you lately that you're amazing? b:shy

    And you're the best TW cleric I've ever had. ;3
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I dont think people will stop charming, noone really uses TW pay to buy charms, TW pay is insignificant compared to the costs of TW.

    with the old pay system TW pay couldnt cover the cost of my charms never mind the crab meats and other stuff id use to get an edge, and im a DDer... for a tank TW pay wouldnt even scratch the surface of what he'd need, so everyone should stay charmed just as they are.

    TW pay being changed wont change anything, really. The real change comes from the bidding differences.

    I agree but the pay they get does lessen the cost they need to use in tw? Honestly 6mil (I dont use that much but other ppl do or more o.o;;.)seems a whole **** load of money to me. So even a lil money would help ^^ But thats just in my opinion :P
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you've truly left the game, then it none of it really matters and I'm not sure why you are still here. (this isn't meant rudely, its a genuine statement.. I don't understand).

    Ah, it's easier to understand. I just want it changed back, the bidding system mainly.

    I don't want to leave the game, I love PWI, it'd a great game and I can't find an mmorpg which even comes close but they're ruining it with these changes that stop me TWing (Because I decide to stay in a smaller faction which cant afford to risk non-refundable bids)

    And I dont want to move to a larger faction. The main reason I love this game is because of my faction, but because we cant TW due to the new bidding system, people are getting bored with the game and are leaving the game and people are leaving the faction due to their friends leaving...

    If it gets changed back, people (myself included) will change their minds about leaving the game and come back to it and we will all be happy again, anyway, that's my dream, if I come and let my voice be heard here, MAYBE, just maybe, there will be changes.

    Can you understand now? Im sure you'd feel the same way in my shoes.
  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No idea why anyone is arguing about the change to TW pay at all... It was pathetically low to begin with and now its pretty much been removed... so what? That doesnt make any difference at all, to anything. Noone was using that ridiculously low amount of TW pay to get charms... it pays for 15% of ONE charm for me. I can earn TW pay through TT in under 30 minutes.

    The worst problem with the new update is the secret and non-refundable bidding. Ah well, at least it will stop fake bidding... oh wait one second... how the hell will it stop fake bidding? It'll just mean genuine factions bidding wont be able to report fake bidders or counter bid them until they've already lost the bid.

    Nice work PWE.

    I hate non-refundable bids. I understand secret and single bid, but not not-refundable. Not refundable overpayed bids are worst mistake of this patch, by mine opinion.
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I dunno, why, she is obviously trolling.

    And hai allie b:heart

    Have I told you lately that you're amazing? b:shy

    And you're the best TW cleric I've ever had. ;3

    oh darn we fed the troll!

    and aww sweets you're pretty amazing too b:kissb:cute <3
    and you're the best tw party leader i've ever had. Stun squad for life :D
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes but mages are also SUPER hard to lvl. <-before bhs hyper frost n all that.They deserve all that power imo. Also you chose to be a barb. a TANKER class not a DD class. Theres a big difference. Unless you go n be a 5.0 fist/claw barb O_O;;. N isnt that why in TW you have other DD's? To kill off the other factions attach teams n all that ****. Also seeing as your 82 have u ever REALLY twed? like a 3hour defense for example Essence VS Spectral?. (idk the factions in Dreamweaver srry <,,<)

    Mages where never hard too level to 99+ even before hypers. Its a ranged DD-class that deals pretty heavy dmg already at 60+.

    This hole "wizards need to be OP at 100+ since its so hard for them at lower level" its complete BS.

    Wizards might suck in pvp before 99, but they still own in pve already at 80+. Griding with wizards is just watching them 1-2 shoot everything. Most classes sucks in pvp before 99 anyway.

    The leveling process was the same for my wiz as for any other ranged DD-class with high dmg - which means easy pve mode..

    Go make a tank build barb and you will see what hard to level really means b:cry

    You dont "deserve" the power you get as 99+ as wizards, you just get anyway and can feel content about the fact that you picked the right class if you're into PvP XD.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    am late reading the newer posts...
    but why are we still arguing with onehotshot, who obviously has no idea what he/she is talking about? Never been to a tw? And you think you can sit here and spew your faulty claims about it?

    Also hai mike b:cuteb:bye

    No, I know a bit about economics. Its amazing, 100 ppl can disagree with me just for kicks n giggles or because they truly do.. but 1 person can say the same exact thing and OMG they are awesome!

    I didn't claim to know anything about TW tyvm. My claim is that if (IF) people can say that TW pay wasn't enough to cover cost BEFORE... then why are they so upset that the money be taken away? If it wasn't much of anything before.. what is the big deal. Pattoe (or whatever his name is .. sorry I can't remember spelling atm) at least said his issue is the fact that they changed the bidding. I then countered with reasons it was needed.

    If I said 2+2=8 and just said suck it up and accept thats what it is... and you did.. then we'd both be wrong.

    But if I said wait a minute, lets look at this different with rationalization, and we got the right answers.. we'd both be right...

    Its silly how some ppl can be so defensive just because not everyone agrees with them.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I just about broke even with TW pay.

    I don't break even with mine, I guess in a larger faction, you are getting pay from lands which arn't constantly under attack by factions of equal/greater strength and losing charms defending them as best as you can, and those dormant lands are generating you money, like your little cash cows.

    Perhaps that would be a better solution if PWI wants to take coin out of the game... if a land hasnt been attacked within 3 weeks you dont get pay from it... this would give smaller factions more incentive to fight and also bigger factions will encourage smaller factions to attack them...

    ofcourse that will be abused by factions using fake factions to attack them... *sigh*

    Whatever... TW pay doesnt matter.

    Bidding back to normal - Please.
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ROFL at this guy

    Where to the coins come from? Did you read my entire post? PWI does not drop coins onto the server for people to come across. They do not say ooh look well sold 10000 packs today so we better drop 10000 pack inflated prices in coins on the server so people can by them.

    Where do these inflated coins come from they do not just appear in someones bank account so they can go buy the packs.

    Or is that what you saying? That PWI suddenly injects in game coins into peoples accounts so they can buy the packs......

    i will give you a hint for this one,

    open your wallet,

    get your credit card,

    go to this page -> https://billing.perfectworld.com/ <-

    believe me, some people spend over 1kU$ montly in this game (1060 packs)

    [/QUOTE]No since day one TW pay across the board as slowly but surely been building so when there is a new release like packs people had accumulated the coins form TW and they where willing to pay the price

    I do not know the figures of how much of coinage from TW pay is going off the server. I do know that 47 territories produces a minimum of 560 million coins per week onto the server

    If after 1 week 500 million of those coins remain on the server and have not disappeared of the server through the likes of npc purchases and bh fee then week 2 there will be 100 million coins floating around the server swopping hands

    If 500 million coins remain on the server each week from TW after 1 year there would be 26000,000,000 coins on the server.[/QUOTE]

    you need to keep in mind that any economy in the world, countrys keep making money, if they make more money than the market can handle there apears inflation
    because of repairs, pots and stuff i will almost agree with you, when the TW expenses are gone, there is around 100 mil left, but game could handle that very well because of new players (like borned people in real life, requires more money in market, but that dont means there will have more inflation), so prices stay around same

    [/QUOTE] How long did TW run before the tokens where released?[/QUOTE]

    TW ran in servers for like 1 year before packs were release (they were released at 1 year anniversary of PWI)

    [/QUOTE]Where do these coins come form it is not from TW pay out. Are you suggesting that PWI are sceretly funding the buys behind your back?[/QUOTE]

    it all started with people who could spend some real cash in game to get the packs(some got best luck tokens, if you still remember 2 of those = 10 mil coins added to the game)
    also at that time TT mats were worth some money(they bough gold from AH to try luck, wich means they gave money to cash shopers, also some of those got luck and got more best luck tokens(need to explain?)), and people could sell DQ mats because there had dragon quests (anyone remember those?) to be done (again gold bough from AH, again more coins to cash shopers, and even more best luck tokens in game).

    this is why 90% of people who played for the beginning of PWI (or near it) believe its not TW payment to be blamed for inflation

    just hope this can make things a bit easyer to undersand
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