[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Charms shouldn't be allowed in TW at all anyhow. Its about who is the best, uses their skills the best farms the best gears etc... not about who has the most HP to outlast someone elses CHARM.. or who does uber damage to 1 shot you so ur charm can tick.

    Signing bellow... Agree with that b:victory
  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I completely disagree with you >_>
    Without charms it's just my gear>your gear. Having charms gives a person more ample opportunity to USE their skill, especially true if you're a squishy robe class. And not giving the catapullers charms?...lol.

    One of the things that keeps me playing is TW. Having a fair all out pvp war with an opposing faction is awesome. Why shouldn't we be rewarded for being better than the losers?

    Are you sure you are awarded to be better or to have bigger charm? Robe class is squishy because have other advantages. If you power it up with HP charm, is it still robe class? Isn't it unfair to tankers? (HP charmed wizzard is harder to kill but still does one of highest damage in game but MP charmed barb will not help self much.. Sure HP charm will help him, but not much against HP charmed magic DDs )
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Without charms it becomes as simple as who has the better gear instantly wins, mages are instant win class, as are sins.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Are you sure you are awarded to be better or to have bigger charm? Robe class is squishy because have other advantages. If you power it up with HP charm, is it still robe class? Isn't it unfair to tankers? (HP charmed wizzard is harder to kill but still does one of highest damage in game? MP charmed barb will not help self much.. )

    First of all
    nice BR
    Also what does being mp charmed have ANYTHING to do with anything? If you have EVER been on cata ep you NEED that charm to not just get instakilled by billions of people focus targeting you. and uh I'm pretty sure it's still robe class....I'm pretty sure if everyone is charmed everyone is harder to kill therefore it takes more skill and creativity to kill a person instead of getting a few lucky crits or being stunlocked+ganked.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Are you sure you are awarded to be better or to have bigger charm? Robe class is squishy because have other advantages. If you power it up with HP charm, is it still robe class? Isn't it unfair to tankers? (HP charmed wizzard is harder to kill but still does one of highest damage in game but MP charmed barb will not help self much.. Sure HP charm will help him, but not much against HP charmed magic DDs )

    Yes but mages are also SUPER hard to lvl. <-before bhs hyper frost n all that.They deserve all that power imo. Also you chose to be a barb. a TANKER class not a DD class. Theres a big difference. Unless you go n be a 5.0 fist/claw barb O_O;;. N isnt that why in TW you have other DD's? To kill off the other factions attach teams n all that ****. Also seeing as your 82 have u ever REALLY twed? like a 3hour defense for example Essence VS Spectral?. (idk the factions in Dreamweaver srry <,,<)
  • SpaceDazee - Dreamweaver
    SpaceDazee - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't care so much about the payouts for tw.. I never took pay anyway... I don't really care about the silent bid thing.. though it has turned bidding into a guessing game. I completely, though, disagree with the not returning bids for those who did not win said bid. That is stealing, plain and simple.

    I also don't agree that this is good for the PWI 'economy'. You don't increase the value of money by giving people less of it.

    TW is one of the few reasons I still played PWI. But I don't see many, if any of these 'fun' TW's happening anymore. All I see are the few hardcore factions who only care about having land bidding, and those factions aren't usually enjoyable to TW against because they're so dead set on 'winning' that it feels personal.

    I really don't see what I have left to do in PWI. Except level, but for what now? I'm surprisingly disappointed in this game right now. And if it wasn't for the fact that this is just a game, I'd probably feel rather betrayed. I do know that I probably won't put any more of my money toward PWI... I.. just don't see the point.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Signing bellow... Agree with that b:victory

    Erm.. kinda to lazy to find OneHottShots post that you quoted x.x. But they dont farmthere uber gears they CASHSHOP em. Well most ppl do.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ignoring uber cash shoppers, and talking about average players here:

    It takes a level of skill and know how to break past somebody's charm if you don't have the uber gear to one shot them. This can be skill either through coordination with friends or fighting hard to break through a charm and then kill somebody before cooldown is over.

    TW isn't about who is the best. TW is about a faction coming together and working as a team to take down another faction working just as hard and cooperating just as much. Or at least, that was the idea. So in that sense, you're wrong in the first place. TW is about coordination, teamwork, and skill, and for the players who aren't cash shopping their gear, they are working hard in their team to try and help their faction win.

    These same average players by charms and pots and other things because it's part of being part of the team. You let your team down if you say "**** this" and decide that you don't care whether you die or not. If cata barbs in TW all had that attitude, I promise you five minute steamrolls would be considered long. This is a royal kick in the teeth to those players because the money they got from their teamwork in TW generally went towards making sure they could be part of the team next time.

    I understand you want to generalise this into a "everybody who TWs is obviously a cash shopper and none of you - not any single one of you - deserve a dime for what you do" but please keep in mind the average players before you throw everybody into one giant melting pot and then pretend they're all exactly the same.

    You missed my take entirely, thats ok.. everyone has. I am not the one who generalized every TWer as a cash shopper. Someone else did that and I started my response at him based on that "idea" he threw out there. You guys can't have it both ways. You can't say the money is justified and then turn around and say you do it for fun. It doesn't work that way.

    I would never say **** it.. I dont' care if I die or not. bottom line is not everyone can afford the best this game has to offer (this is why they have the cash shop, to give ppl who CAN afford it and to supply the game for free). I certainly have decent stuff for my lvl but I don't have the best this game has to offer. TW has been left out of the biggest portion of us having fun for a long time. If this is what it takes to bring it to where we can actually do the functional purpose of TW I'm all for it.

    When its not about the money, people won't be so uptight. Won't matter if my gears wasn't the best but me and my faction went out and had fun. I AM the AVERAGE player.
    I completely disagree with you >_>
    Without charms it's just my gear>your gear. Having charms gives a person more ample opportunity to USE their skill, especially true if you're a squishy robe class. And not giving the catapullers charms?...lol.

    One of the things that keeps me playing is TW. Having a fair all out pvp war with an opposing faction is awesome. Why shouldn't we be rewarded for being better than the losers? We're not being PAID to have fun, getting that sum every week is like a recognition of all the work you put in, a reward for the toils of the previous week. What they've done is cut down the tw salary by 90%, so what makes it worth it to go to war every week now? 100 mirages? Great because we really need more of those. Also even people who don't TW will aspire to TW, maybe not all but a vast majority do.

    TW is a goal for so many people who play. Why gear up? Why refine gear? I know the reason I farmed my gear/refines is because I joined a faction that TWs and I wanted to see my faction succeed. When you ruin something so central to the game like TW it takes away the motivation to play level up and gear up, not only for the higher levels but for the lowbies that aspire to TW too.

    So what you are saying is that you couldn't be another class if you wasn't charmed? Because thats what I just got out of all of that. If that is the case, well.. I don't even know what to say. If you have the skill, the knowledge of other classes and the intelligence to farm herbs and make apoth items you should be able to effectively use your class and your skills against another opponent of the same level. If you can't do that without a charm, you've no reason to be in TW in the first place. OTHER THAN FUN.. which brings us back full circle.
    Without charms it becomes as simple as who has the better gear instantly wins, mages are instant win class, as are sins.

    With charms, they still have the better gears they still win.. Charms have nothing to do with it. It doesn't take much skill for a bm to learn they need to roar then attack. Use your class wisely.

    What you are saying as well is that YOU (as a barb with the most HP) can't beat another class without your charm. This I find sad and *face palm*
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Who are you kidding ? I can name at least 25 ppl in Enrage that can't stand half the ppl in the faction. They are there for the pay check .. thats it.

    Name them, I am sure to call them out and have them booted or leave the faction.

    I bet you won't(can't)
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Name them, I am sure to call them out and have them booted or leave the faction.

    I bet you won't(can't)

    Of course I won't, they are my friends. DUH! I have friend/friend confidentiality. Just wonder...

    Had to edit this, cause wow.. you'd want ppl booted out just b/c they didn't like you? Thats vain.. truly.. You are smart enough to know that not everyone in every faction likes everyone thats in it right? Or is your world butterflies and rainbows where everyone gets along?

    With 200 ppl in a faction.. I can assure you NO FACTION has all 200 ppl liking each other. Its just not possible!
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    With charms, they still have the better gears they still win.. Charms have nothing to do with it. It doesn't take much skill for a bm to learn they need to roar then attack. Use your class wisely.

    What you are saying as well is that YOU (as a barb with the most HP) can't beat another class without your charm. This I find sad and *face palm*

    Have you been in a TW? Tell me, have you?

    I don't mean some dinky little guild getting rolled in 5 minutes, I'm talking a full 80 vs 80 everyone 90+. Have you?

    Because a charm is a necessity there, it is not option, it. is. a necessity.

    Charmed vs. Uncharmed is too huge of a difference, and the people that charge tons of gold will still have charms while the rest of us are even more helpless against them than we were, if you were in a real TW then you would know what it would be like if everyone was uncharmed. Just imagine all cata pullers being uncharmed lol.

    Please, go to a REAL territory war, before making those types of comments.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Normal] NightRage: It's quite easy to tell who has been in real TWs and who hasn't.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Have you been in a TW? Tell me, have you?

    I don't mean some dinky little guild getting rolled in 5 minutes, I'm talking a full 80 vs 80 everyone 90+. Have you?

    Because a charm is a necessity there, it is not option, it. is. a necessity.

    Charmed vs. Uncharmed is too huge of a difference, and the people that charge tons of gold will still have charms while the rest of us are even more helpless against them than we were, if you were in a real TW then you would know what it would be like if everyone was uncharmed. Just imagine all cata pullers being uncharmed lol.

    Please, go to a REAL territory war, before making those types of comments.

    OK so the question is... for the fun of TW are you or are you not willing to suck it up and fund your own TW fun?

    That is the real question. If not.. ur in it for the pay check.. if so.. then hats off to you, you are in it for the fun of the game. At this point .. as I said the ability to use a charm in tw should be removed. There are apoth pots for everything and event food. People can use their wit and hard work (gathering stuff) to win.

    As I said in wc tonight when ppl was griping..

    I sure don't see ANYONE who gripes about having to use a charm while they are in Pk mode. No one cared to respond. Why is it that you feel you should be paid above the reward you get for being a land owner? TW needs to be brought down to an ENJOYABLE level, not a monetary one.

    And I mean this on both ends. PWI and the TW factions greed.
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One Of The Most Entertaining Things Of This Game Is Tw, It Cost A ****ing **** Load Of Coin To Do Tw, All Pwe Wants Is Everyone To Cs More And Make More Money, Here Is A Suggestion, Why Dont You Just Make It Pay To Play And Gety Rid Of Boutique, Then Ppl Will Grind More And Zhen Party Forever To Make Coin, 93k Fans And Players Paying 10 Bux Amonth Equals =$930000 A Month That Should B A Problem, Oh But Wait You Are Too God Damm Greedy, U Need To Realize Alot Of Ppl Are Going To Otehr Games, Hell You Can Even Put All The Items In The Forges To Be Found, And Wtf Is The Use Of Cs Anymore,

    i Call For An All Out Boycott Of Purchasing Zhen, Month Or 2 Of That And They Will Rethink It, I Personally And Sevreal Others Will Start Doin It, But If You Ppl Are So Concerned About Cs Then Mother ****ing Stop,

    boycott All Zhen

    already started doing it, 300-400U$ less for PWE each month until a better way to fix economy b:bye
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Of course I won't, they are my friends. DUH! I have friend/friend confidentiality. Just wonder...

    Had to edit this, cause wow.. you'd want ppl booted out just b/c they didn't like you? Thats vain.. truly.. You are smart enough to know that not everyone in every faction likes everyone thats in it right? Or is your world butterflies and rainbows where everyone gets along?

    With 200 ppl in a faction.. I can assure you NO FACTION has all 200 ppl liking each other. Its just not possible!

    You said you can name 25 ppl who are only in Enrage for the money, well there is no more money and I can guarantee nobody wants them in the faction if thats all they are there for.

    So name them, they wont care, they have no reason being there anymore, right?
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes but mages are also SUPER hard to lvl. <-before bhs hyper frost n all that.They deserve all that power imo. Also you chose to be a barb. a TANKER class not a DD class. Theres a big difference. Unless you go n be a 5.0 fist/claw barb O_O;;. N isnt that why in TW you have other DD's? To kill off the other factions attach teams n all that ****. Also seeing as your 82 have u ever REALLY twed? like a 3hour defense for example Essence VS Spectral?. (idk the factions in Dreamweaver srry <,,<)

    You maybe understand me wrong - I like be TANK and I am proud of it b:chuckle. I don't want have highest HP and make highest damage in game. And yes, I agree with strategy that you have DD squads to kill enemy's DDs before they kill cat-puller barb. That is about what TW is.

    But mine post targets opinion that robe DDs have to be charmed to give them more opportunity to use their skills, what I disagree. This turns robes onto deadly damage dealing chars with tons of HP, what disbalance this class (they kill all close attackers before they are able to come to them and most ranged DDs are not able to kill them due high mDef and HP charm). You should answer Alliekatt to not turn robes to "deadly attacking ranged tanks" ;)

    To be honest, best for me could be TW without charms :) (now I will get again much responses cat-pullers without charm? are you crazy? - yes, they will have it harder, but enemy cat-pullers too)

    And yes, I was in TW..
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    OK so the question is... for the fun of TW are you or are you not willing to suck it up and fund your own TW fun?

    That is the real question. If not.. ur in it for the pay check.. if so.. then hats off to you, you are in it for the fun of the game. At this point .. as I said the ability to use a charm in tw should be removed. There are apoth pots for everything and event food. People can use their wit and hard work (gathering stuff) to win.

    As I said in wc tonight when ppl was griping..

    I sure don't see ANYONE who gripes about having to use a charm while they are in Pk mode. No one cared to respond. Why is it that you feel you should be paid above the reward you get for being a land owner? TW needs to be brought down to an ENJOYABLE level, not a monetary one.

    And I mean this on both ends. PWI and the TW factions greed.
    So you are ackonwledging that they are necessary yes?

    You make it sound like any dumbass can just make an account and jump into TW and have fun, nah bro, it don't work like that.

    There is a TON of effort that goes into getting into TWs. You have to level to 90+ at LEAST, to really enjoy it you need to be 100+. You need gear, you need full endgame gear with decent refines/shards to be able to get into a serious TW. And THEN you still need to improve, because everytime you're not improving and your oppenents are you lose an advantage. And THEN, even to have the cost of a charm ALMOST paid for, you need to own half the map at least.

    And you're saying that's not enough? That you should also work all week to get a charm AND to improve your gear?

    It's like working hard in school, studying for years, doing extracurriclar activites, not having a social life, to get a scholarship for college, and then having to pay for college anyways.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So you are ackonwledging that they are necessary yes?

    You make it sound like any dumbass can just make an account and jump into TW and have fun, nah bro, it don't work like that.

    There is a TON of effort that goes into getting into TWs. You have to level to 90+ at LEAST, to really enjoy it you need to be 100+. You need gear, you need full endgame gear with decent refines/shards to be able to get into a serious TW. And THEN you still need to improve, because everytime you're not improving and your oppenents are you lose an advantage. And THEN, even to have the cost of a charm ALMOST paid for, you need to own half the map at least.

    And you're saying that's not enough? That you should also work all week to get a charm AND to improve your gear?

    It's like working hard in school, studying for years, doing extracurriclar activites, not having a social life, to get a scolarship for college, and then having to pay for college anyways.

  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Erm.. kinda to lazy to find OneHottShots post that you quoted x.x. But they dont farmthere uber gears they CASHSHOP em. Well most ppl do.

    If you click little red dot after server name in reply quotation, you will be moved to original post ;)
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So you are ackonwledging that they are necessary yes?

    You make it sound like any dumbass can just make an account and jump into TW and have fun, nah bro, it don't work like that.

    There is a TON of effort that goes into getting into TWs. You have to level to 90+ at LEAST, to really enjoy it you need to be 100+. You need gear, you need full endgame gear with decent refines/shards to be able to get into a serious TW. And THEN you still need to improve, because everytime you're not improving and your oppenents are you lose an advantage. And THEN, even to have the cost of a charm ALMOST paid for, you need to own half the map at least.

    And you're saying that's not enough? That you should also work all week to get a charm AND to improve your gear?

    It's like working hard in school, studying for years, doing extracurriclar activites, not having a social life, to get a scholarship for college, and then having to pay for college anyways.

    Have you looked at my level before asking all these questions? I'm lvl 98. I have already admitted I don't TW. I didn't say that charms was necessary for anything, I just stated that people who PK don't gripe when they use them. TW is much like Pk but on a bigger scale. I just don't understand all the complaining.

    People work hard in school all the time, doing all that stuff you say.. and they do still have to pay for parts of college. NOTHING in this life is free. Not the food you eat, the house you live in, the electricity you use, NOTHING. You have to work for it all.

    Do you want them to give you everything in this game? Should they pay you to play it? Yes, perhaps I am missing the point... but all you ppl have done for 100+ page is whine about what is. Very few of you have come up with solutions to the problem....

    Is that because its easier to gripe about what you don't like rather than try to come up with suggestions and solutions that everyone can live with?

    Years ago.. I was told... in life if you aren't part of the solution, involving yourself; then you are part of the problem. That said.. solve it! But no sense to continue beating a dead horse.

    Options- suck it up, adjust and keep on playing; enjoy the game.///// uninstall and you have nothing further to complain about.//// continue complaining and playing the game which gets you no where except more annoyed.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    TW is much like Pk but on a bigger scale.

    This quote proves that you have NO idea what TW is or how it works. It makes your post completely null.

    TW is NOTHING like Pk.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have already admitted I don't TW.

    Then shut up already. You don't have any valid experience... you're just talking out of your **** and arguing for no reason. Armchair quaterback for the win?

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This quote proves that you have NO idea what TW is or how it works. It makes your post completely null.

    TW is NOTHING like Pk.

    ok so...

    2 factions don't enter in.. use skills and tactics against each other and battle it out amongst themselves to get to towers to win? If this isn't what you guys do in TW then you are right, I've no idea what it is.

    In essence, much like PvP you fight each other right? I mean if you didn't there would be NO charm ticking eh? Regardless of if 100 ppl show up or 10, you do the same thing. You try to defend your towers and try to get to theirs. ? yes? no? ... If I've not got the right idea, ... please enlighten me.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Normal] NightRage: It's quite easy to tell who has been in real TWs and who hasn't.

    [Normal] Lenore: QFT

    I can't be bothered to quote everyone but here's my general response to what I skimmed over.

    Robe classes have less HP so the charm heals less. That's the balance in charms. If you have more HP you can heal more with a charm. It would be stupid if you can hit as hard as a robe user but heal twice as much HP per tick. Tradeoff.

    Levels mean jack squat in the game now.

    People have suggested several solutions for several perspectives of the problem. Just because you refuse to see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

    It's fine to lecture about being part of the problem or the solution...except you are contributing as much to the problem as anyone else.

    TW can be done without charms if pvp damage is lowered. I honestly don't think being 2 or 3-shottable by a wizard/archer is good for TW, and that was what charms were for.
  • Aquilez - Sanctuary
    Aquilez - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    For those of you griping about this change have you actually looked at the bigger picture here?

    TW generates 560 million coins per week per server. Over a 6 month period that is 130 billion (13,000,000,000) coins exxhanging hands. Is there a npc that sells charms or gold to remove these coins from the game never to been seen again?

    TW a coin sink I don't think so. To the indiviual it may appear that way. But suppose half of that money goes to npc's for skills, ammo, gems, bh fees etc etc. That still leave 65 billion coins floating around the server. When you got to by your equipment it isn't from a npc it from another player or the AH and that 65 billion coins remains in the system and each week it was geting topped up by TW pay.

    So when you blame the pack for the price hike. Where did those coins come from?

    When I play the times i have seen high lever chars rushing around killing mobs and rarely bothering to pick up the coins. Some of you have become so rich from the TW pay that picking up 20-1000 coins from a mob drop is so beneath you its crazy.

    When you moan about the prices and say its the packs thats putting the cost of gold. Pause and thinke where did those coins to pay for come from? Did PWI say right we sold x amount of packs today we better drop x millions of coins on the server to pay for these packs? No they did not

    The coins used to pay fro these raise prices has come from TW pay which was pumping 560 million coins into server every week.

    When you say but it costs me more to play tw than I get out of it. It may very well do but what pay you do get most of it ends up in the hands of other players. Unless you spend every coin you get at an npc which will remove the coins from the game totally.

    TW pay will slowly but surely grow and grow and there will be more and more coins floating around in game driving the prices higher and higher.

    So the next time you blame packs for the price hike. Ask yourself now did that coinage come from people doing hard grind or did it come from TW pay.

    ALL of those you griping this is too much the game isnt worth playing now. Im betting not all but a lot of you TW'ers have enough coins to go out and purchase the next release of fashion or mount striaght away and dont have to grind to get it.

    The coins from TW to an indivual may seem like a coin sink but as the figures show collectively they are drive the prices behind the packs. Its not grinding for coins that making coins its the 560 millions a week dump ito the economy and people hanging on to the coins.

    you prolly wasnt around the game when it started at 2008 until packs in 2009, i will tell you the short version of it.

    2008: TWs were around already, most of lv 3 lands were taken that was like 400 mil each week going to game and gold price was 80-120k, NEVER over that (in sanctuary at least)

    2009(midle of year): Chests of coins came to the game (if you never heard of them its because people npc those, why? you get 1 mil coins for 5 gold) at that time gold price went from the 80-120k to around 200k (yeah, i'm sure TW payment made that in 1 week only *sarcasm*)

    2009(end of year): Gold still around 200k. Anniversary packs came to the game, gold sky rocket to around 500k in 1 day

    so everyone who played this game from the beginning know the gold price went up after packs. You can see this for yourself, each 2 tokens of best luck can be trade for a 10 mil bank note. Now pay attention to duke in your chat window and count how many of those people get in 1 hour. In sanctuary is like 20-30 easy.
    20 tokens of best luck = 100 mil more coins in game, THAT IN 1 HOUR

    now if you cant see the truth behind what PWE is doing, i'm sorry for you but you are realy dumb and will mostly fail in your life

    i almost forgot
    if you going to argue that people get the nice +10 gear because they make tons of money from TW, think again those people (just as myself, even tho i dont got that good gear spending only around 300U$ each month for the last 5 months or so), anyway theyh CASH SHOP!!!!!!!!
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Then shut up already. You don't have any valid experience... you're just talking out of your **** and arguing for no reason. Armchair quaterback for the win?


    Hey, didn't you "quit" the last update you didn't like? yeah thats what I thought... You really showed them huh?

    I have as much right as you to voice my opinion on this forum... don't like it.. don't read it.

    Arguments are different than debates. They are simply stating how this is the downfall of this game. I am simply stating I think its one of the best content updates ever. You have your opinion, I have mine. And guess what. ... apparently they aren't the same so get over it.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    [Normal] Lenore: QFT

    I can't be bothered to quote everyone but here's my general response to what I skimmed over.

    Robe classes have less HP so the charm heals less. That's the balance in charms. If you have more HP you can heal more with a charm. It would be stupid if you can hit as hard as a robe user but heal twice as much HP per tick. Tradeoff.

    Levels mean jack squat in the game now.

    People have suggested several solutions for several perspectives of the problem. Just because you refuse to see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

    It's fine to lecture about being part of the problem or the solution...except you are contributing as much to the problem as anyone else.

    TW can be done without charms if pvp damage is lowered. I honestly don't think being 2 or 3-shottable by a wizard/archer is good for TW, and that was what charms were for.

    Now see.. herein lies a decent start at solutions.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ok so...

    2 factions don't enter in.. use skills and tactics against each other and battle it out amongst themselves to get to towers to win? If this isn't what you guys do in TW then you are right, I've no idea what it is.

    That is indeed, not how TW works. You, by your own words, have no idea what TW is.
  • Sedochlup - Dreamweaver
    Sedochlup - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Have you been in a TW? Tell me, have you?

    I don't mean some dinky little guild getting rolled in 5 minutes, I'm talking a full 80 vs 80 everyone 90+. Have you?

    Because a charm is a necessity there, it is not option, it. is. a necessity.

    Charmed vs. Uncharmed is too huge of a difference, and the people that charge tons of gold will still have charms while the rest of us are even more helpless against them than we were, if you were in a real TW then you would know what it would be like if everyone was uncharmed. Just imagine all cata pullers being uncharmed lol.

    Please, go to a REAL territory war, before making those types of comments.

    Do you want tell us that when charms will not be available in TW, TW will not exist more?

    Of course if one side have charms and other one haven't, side with charms have BIG advantage, but it still doesn't mean it will win.

    But I think when territory rewards will be so low, charms will slowly leave TW. Of course, catapult pullers will have them longest time. But if noone will want donate charms in TWs, they will be away from TW in few weeks-months, and TW will be again better.
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Now see.. herein lies a decent start at solutions.

    You must have missed all the solutions proposed on the other 130 pages? The ones shot down and not even addressed by PW staffers?
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
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