[Discussion about the new UI]
Very hidden in those 20+pages of QQ and obvious trolling there are some more i saw.b:chuckle
The major problem with this is it seemes like they didnt even check how it would look in our Version before they updated. Then again they dont make me pay 15$ a month to play or force me to charge zen by makeing playing a pain without the 25$ premium membership which kinda makes me ok with beeing their free tester.b:chuckle0 -
Zairi - Dreamweaver wrote: »@OneHottShot:
Very hidden in those 20+pages of QQ and obvious trolling there are some more i saw.b:chuckle
The major problem with this is it seemes like they didnt even check how it would look in our Version before they updated. Then again they dont make me pay 15$ a month to play or force me to charge zen by makeing playing a pain without the 25$ premium membership which kinda makes me ok with beeing their free tester.b:chuckle
What.. I don't troll !! I don't know what the problem is honestly.. and I like the way you look at it.0 -
The font is nice now..but seriously, we're not stupid enough not to know whats world or guild chat or squad chat. We need to get rid of those >.> oh and yeah, the channeling bar so ugly... the other one was nicer and actually could read it.0
frankieraye wrote: »Hmm, I thought the chatbox itself looked good, especially when you decrese the size a notch. About the other menus (faction/nearby players/etc..) yeah, we need to fix it so the text doesn't bleed out across the button borders. What if we, say, made it a little smaller and bolded it?SugarPrinces - Sanctuary wrote: »but then it'd still be jagged and rough, which is whats causing the headache issues.. fonts should be smooth, not pixelated like this font is, it essentially looks like an overscaled windows terminal font, that or it was drawn using needlepoint... like i said, have some form of font smoothing turned on and u'll solve most of the issues (aside from the overlapping/bleeding from being too large of course) turn your pc's font smoothing options off for a bit then back on and you'll see what i mean
yep. Wrong font, no aliasing, pixels very easiliy.
Lets look @ the main things in order.- a) What is that?
text overlap bounding area
- C) excessive padding, lose all the extra space around the text.
This be seen in H () & I (
) also
- D) Lets just face it that's flat UGLY!!
- E) lets face it this hole genie box is a disaster, basically unusable.
- F) ok, so HOW many lucky points did I just get?
I) ( posted above ) show's not only does the padding exist there also but the stupid chat identifier box's are just play cheap and unnecessary. In every game I've ever heard of the UI ALWAYS has the most significant impact on a game and for many is the make/break feature. That why a LOT of major gaming company's higher a UI specialist who has training in this kind of thing... its obvious pwi does not.
You need to change the font to one which will support vairous pixel sizes, increase the number of steps that can be changed in the font resizer so that the difference between font size selection is more smooth. Right now there is no small steps in font resizing.
Change from a dedicated 4:3 screen format to a more fluid one which will help with the font pixelizing.
the linking as everyone has said is kinda cool... Right now this UI reminds me of DOMO and thats not a good thing. I appreciate that the fonts are easier to read due to their larger size but the jaggedness results in being blurry so its just as bad. The fact that I can't more selectively choose the font size means I'm stuck with either it being too big, or too small, and just plain too cluttered.
I'll give u a grade of A for thought, but F for implementation.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad if the text size on everything was linked properly to the slider in the UI settings. Its as if the dev's were rushed and forgot how to properly tag code. For instance, knowing how to write and implement strict xHTML/CSS should be a requirement before hiring a developer for a game with such a widely diverse user base. Me personally, I had to turn the font size slider ALL THE WAY DOWN to make it liveable, and still am more than slightly irked by the change, more so about the image "tags" for chat type; wouldn't a W/S/F/ in front be sufficient instead of a whole word?
At the very least, turn the UI font size and chat type images into optionable items in the UI settings, and make them consistent throughout the UI instead of focusing so much on the chat window. If you REALLY were concerned about the chat windows, you'd KILL DUKE SHOUTS FOR GOOD! Who cares that so-and-so got perfect this-or-that? Maybe they don't want their business broadcast?!?
Be honest to yourself and others will follow suit. Treat yourself with respect and others will follow suit. Do unto yourself what you would have others do unto you.
Just my $0.02, for what it's worth...
-D0 -
The text and font is HORRIBLE imo...b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!
"Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous0 -
It hurts my eyes and gives me a headache after 20 minutes of playing/reading in-game text. Everything is just so large, boldfaced and too in-your-face; changing them in the options doesn't really help and just makes it hard to read.
It physically hurts to play this game now.b:surrender0 -
RedsRose - Lost City wrote: »The text and font is HORRIBLE imo...b:surrender
Normal:No you mean ieo, in everyone's opinion0 -
like the linking, but everything else needs to be changed back. only font size change that i do like though is the numbers on the hp/mp/exp/name/level on the upper left near character face.
things like the numbers on the genie bar, friends list, guild, almost everything else is just way too big, wide, and bulky.
also, really really need to have an option to turn off those box things that way world/guild/private etc. its not a bad idea with them, but i think most people would like it turned off.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character0 -
b:angry change it back b:sad it looks fked up0
Deora - Lost City wrote: »Normal:No you mean ieo, in everyone's opinion
This made me lol. XD0 -
Normal: What are you talking about nothing wrong with this[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
Well now we know for sure that the Packs are never being removed:
Press "o", there's a tab for "Packs" there -_-[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
A good moderator should:
- Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
- Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
- Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool0 -
NORMAL: This is totally a well designed and well thought out patch, I can tell where they really did a lot of testing and made sure everything was changed for the better.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
tags in chat is redundaaaaaant
Like when I have it filtered to only faction chat do i need to be told every 5 secs I'm in faction chat?
Nevermind I hate this<
I think the Item Linking feature is a nice addition, props on bringing that over.
The font style/size? Ew. It doesn't look cleaner at all. The [Private], [Guild], etc. boxes clutter is up waaaay too much. It is color-coordinated for a reason. No point in adding those. I know you can adjust the chat box size, trust me, already been working on that... but I just can't get it perfect... how it used to be. x_x And all the other text in the menus... ew again.
Why did all of this need to be changed? What was the reasoning behind it? It looked perfectly fine how it was...
And then there's the TW system now, but that's a whoooole 'nother story. b:shutup
-insert Sadness Card here-
b:shocked0 -
Tags in chat is annoying, some of text in the windows and menus are bugged.
However, font can be resized in game.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Rawrgh - Raging Tide wrote: »NORMAL: This is totally a well designed and well thought out patch, I can tell where they really did a lot of testing and made sure everything was changed for the better.
lol caps[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ok, honestly speaking, the UI looks just HORRIBLE, and that's not even going mildly.
sure, the item linking is very practical;
but so many colors in the same message? that is just plain confusing.
Before, we could simply tell from the single color what chat it was int (ie. personal, private, guild etc..) but now, we have instead a messed up chat where you cant tell ANYTHING, other than having to look at tiny tittle icons next to the message EVERY TIME. I'm not a game creator, but I thought that the UI was all about making it more simple for the users/players??
just HOW is it cleaner when you have a bunch of text that is too big for the buttons, and a bunch of overlapping text????
Sure, some argue that players need to buy better monitors or update their screen resolution or whatever. But ive never heard of a game where the players need to accommodate the creators needs just to play it. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't the creators try to accommodate as many people as possible so they can have as big of a player base as possible?
Just how a homepage designer needs to think about making it possible for people with different internet browsers to view and open the same page in a comfortable manner, is it not the game creators duty to do the same equivalence for gamers?
this is just plain STUPID, why would you implement things that nobody likes??
if this continues, and nothing is being done, then it just goes to show how much (more like little) you guys care about the players; no point in continuing playing is there then?0 -
FACTIONS DAMMIT!!!!! b:angryb:cryb:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Personally, I like the item linking. I even don't mind (note, I didn't say 'like', I said 'don' t mind') the tags for the different types of chat.
However, it would be a LOT better if the name of the person chatting followed the color scheme of the chat type. (ie, green name for TEAM chat, blue for GUILD, yellow for WORLD, etc...) It's hard on the eyes to have ALL the names be that khaki (sp?) color, and much harder than before to discern which type of chat you're getting from someone at a glance.
Oh, and one color for the items being linked in chat too please. More random colors = less intuitive of a chat interface.
TBH, one of the major reasons I have uninstalled every other MMO I've tried is the fact that their chat system was way too cluttered with random tags and colors.
As for the fonts in general, absolutely horrible. Please bring back the old font so that it doesn't look like an amateurish attempt at an MMO interface.
I know you guys have minimal input into the nuts and bolts of the game, but these types of releases really brings into question whether or not there is ANY game testing being done prior to releasing patches.0 -
@OneHottShot: Nooo i didnt meant that you or everyone is trolling and QQing just most. Sorry my english skills arent the best.b:surrender
Beware incomming sarcasm:
Like people claiming someone has to be stupid to be unable to seperate the chats at a glance since its totaly normal that party chat always is green in every single mmo out there. And of corse every person in the world has played atleast 3 mmos before and is 100% aware of that fact.
Of corse the size of the font was fine before, you know they better would have made it even smaller because eagle eyes are a must have these days. People with anything less best dont even touch a PC because sight loss only comes at the age of 80+ where you belong to a seniors home with nurses 24/7 anyways. Of corse then you lost your right to play an mmo by law.
Also the Developers in China can speak and write perfect english, everyone in the world can. Chinese developers are even better: They work 8h a day for a cookie. They breed children who dont need food at all.
/sarcasm off
If they rezize the windows chinease players will have the issue that they have big empty windows with very little text.
If they start programming diffrent Interfaces etc for the diffrent versions.. oh my thats gonna be expensive. XD
I found another thing i like:
Yay i got my ping and fps shown ingame! b:laugh0 -
Dear Devs,
Please for the love of god, get rid of the maple story like tags, the horrendous font and the designer who created this visual abomination. It is totally at an unprofessional level.
However good thinking on the item links.
Mill0 -
WORLD: I am going to say something and most will take it for sarcasm but I am being totally serious here.
I am almost convinced that they did this to get more people to move to Forsaken World. I don't see any other explanation.0 -
After playing for awhile...
The amount of color in the chat now is just plain annoying/confusing. It was perfectly fine using color coding to distinguish. The name being a different color than the message just makes it pointless. Why add more clutter to distinguish if something is squad, whisper or whatever when you can have less?
And my eyes actually, literally hurt from playing now.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I like how forging people's names in chat will not work now.0
I like how forging people's names in chat will not work now.
Completely useless interjection with absolutely no value. That being said, PWE you're incompetent. You can keep deleting my posts but it doesn't change the truth. FIX (aka revert) this "update" please.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
iwotm8?0 -
Would be just fine if the text size were smaller... =-__-=
That, and removing the WORLD NORMAL and so on the chat windows...[insert sig here]0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Bleh.
For most complaining of the chat font, you do can change that did you know that?
Press "U" - Game Tab - Font Size all the way down.
However as many said, there's no real need of adding more into the chat, I mean the "World", "Guild", "Trade", "Normal" things. Colours were there for a reason, enough for people to recognize where the chat was coming from.
Anyhow, the font of most "accept & cancel" windows is messed up, way too big, also the genie window is messed up, you can't even read a thing.
- Linking, I love it, just wondering if more than one per chat would be allowed, it would be better this way (add a cap to max of 5 or 6?), this would help those who wants to sell more than one item via world chat and not waste a tele for every item.
- TW change, love it, I don't TW, for one main reason, people being so possessive that they'd do whatever it takes to keep the land, its over now.
- Bid system, I don't know how it works o .o but it looks cool to have it I guess? If it works as we're thinking we'd be able to get items for cheaper (unless people go crazy and bid 84357938457 gold on 1 token LOL)
- Encyclopedia fix, I mean the search fix, I love that it is not key sensitive now.
- Scroll bar on quest log, hated the times I was not able to see the full name of a quest~ b:cute
Might be missing something o .o but thats pretty much all that came to my mind
General Question...
What is the "event boutique" used for? I see a lot of items overpriced over there
Ok, i can change the chat font size, what about the font size on my genie stats screen? or my mailbox? how about the font size of the squad window or my friends list? can i change those as well? if i can please tell me how, if not your argument has simply been brought down to the groundOriginally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.
(8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)0
This discussion has been closed.
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