[Discussion about the new UI]



  • Shynrae - Sanctuary
    Shynrae - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The new UI....well...heres my 2 zen on it

    The Item linking ....awesome

    The new Font... I had a migraine within 5mins of loading in after patch.
    something about your font size and type is giving some ppl migraine
    headaches cause i'm not the only on on Sanct. that its happening to.

    I liked it the way it was it was perfectly readable and i never hear ppl
    complaining if there were anyone that didnt.
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    when you cant even buy that low resulutions anymore? its standard 1680

    *cough* http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824185013 *cough*

    This style monitor is the most common anyway http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824114005 and a lot of people have a 1280x800 or 1366x768 laptop display so... gtfo with your invalid argument
  • Breathe - Lost City
    Breathe - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I hate it. Change font size/font color please -_- I have a headache from 10mins of playing PWI already.
  • draggonhatchling
    draggonhatchling Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So, how about that new UI?

    Personally, I think it looks a lot cleaner, and the item linking is something I've been hoping for for a long time.

    How about you guys?

    (and please keep it clean in here)

    Update: I like the chatbox, but a lot of the menus could definitely use some work. Please keep up the opinions.

    Cleaner are you NUTS?

    1. Its tooooooooooooooooooooo BIG
    2. Words do not fit in some of the buttons!
    3. Can't even get the game to look crisp and clean anymore. I used to run Max settings. Now I can put it to max settings to get the best out of the graphics, but not no more the the fonts OMG the fonts they are not CLEAN AND BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Being a web developer myself I definitely and I mean Deffinatly would not use such a fant like these. It hurts the eyes and well gives headaches really quick.
    5. Ya all screwed it up I want all my money back LOL or compensated for the headaches I am getting just from playing for 5 minutes and then have to shrink the screen just to get rid of my headache from the fonts and the size of them!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't get me wrong the linking to the items is great though saves on typing. Game was great until the font change. At least you all could have warned us that the font was gonna be so BIG that way we all could have moved our monitors across the room instead of logging in and going cross eyed and getting a headache from it.

    Makes ya all wounder if this was a smart choice since almost immediately after the patch there was a thread on this PROBLEM then the admin have to create a thread just for use to post to.

    Does this not make you wounder if it was a smart choice? I know many of us feel that it was not.
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Item linking is very nice but the whole font and UI now is terrible

    please revert it back to how it was before, its giving me getting a headache
  • Engeli - Sanctuary
    Engeli - Sanctuary Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    okay just to get my 2cent too...

    i really like the item linking, really good when selling stuff (mostle weaps, etc) u can what the stats/colour and so on are.

    the font is oookay, needs some work someplaces.. genie, autopath. although i dun see what was wrong with the old one.

    but wut i REALLY dislike is the chat boxes, that tells you what chat you are talking in. omg. they limit everything you can say in one line sooo much! it reminds me of elementary school. i know my colours, so i really dun need to have a box telling me which chat i'm in or speaking too.

    well that was my thoughts on this matter.
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    FORUMS: I don't think you should be told where the chat is coming from....it pretty much is safe explanatory when someone whispers. Opposite colors together or certain colors close together can hurt the human eye as well. My eyes where strained right after the update... I had to just turn the entire chat off and rely on ventrillo. b:cryb:cry

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Saelyssa - Sanctuary
    Saelyssa - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok Why did you have to change the font size really now was it so needed to change? Now the game simply reminds me that you 13+ requirment was thrown out the window.......please change it back it hurts my eyes and feels like its burning a hole through them.
  • Zairi - Dreamweaver
    Zairi - Dreamweaver Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I just noticed i can actually see now if i have 2 glues or 4!
    And um i currently play on 1280x1024 and it isnt half has big as you could think by reading post here. XD
    Besides that you can scale down the Font size of the chat window and turn off bold at the option menu. :X
    The font not fitting inside the windows is the only thing which kind of sucks. Also the xp bar at the Infuse XP menu from the Genie is totaly broken. ;_;
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It's the half-assedness of so many of the changes we're getting that really gets my knickers in a bunch. Some recent examples to give you an idea of what I mean:

    * UI font is changed, but nobody looked at the genie screen or many of the other dialogs to notice that it completely messed them up. Or if they did look, nobody bothered to delay this change until it could be fixed.

    * The same thing happened a few months ago (developers forgot, I guess) when the faction screen was totally messed up for 2 weeks due to a font change.

    * Lunar Glade is closed pending changes. Why not make the changes and then roll them out when it's finished? Why did a working instance need to be closed while you worked on it? They didn't close Frost while they reworked (ruined) it.

    * Lunar Glade is reopened but not actually completed. There's still something like 2/3 of it that isn't done.

    * Tournament is brought back but still has bugs (according to your own announcement).

    * TW changes implemented, including some kind of Rank 9 material as a reward, but the Rank 9 stuff isn't actually in the game yet.

    * Edit: I forgot how Tideborn had to wait 6 months before half their skills and weapons were implemented.

    Just once it would be nice to get a patch that actually seems well-tested and complete before it gets pushed on us.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Fuzzy agrees with the rest of the community...

    The updates the UI of the game are huge detriment.

    The idea of adding tags to distinguish between world/guild/trade etc is not needed. The color coding system worked just fine. These tags monopolize far too much of the chat window.

    The hot-linking, while perhaps an interesting feature, has the negative side effect of introducing even more color into the chat system... Combined with the change in the font size and type it is near impossible to distinguish actual chat from the amount of useless information being essentially shoved in the players face.

    When running an instance with a squad who don't have the luxury of being on the same vent server, there should be no excuse for the UI of the game itself to slow the speed at which the squad can communicate. It is so jumbled and awkward it is a detriment to the ease with which the players themselves can interact. For an multiplayer game.... this can only be seen as a negative.

    Also, the text over-runs are horrible! There have been multiple screen shots posted of the complete mess that has been made of things such as the genie interface etc. How is it possible that a patch like this that has such glaring and obvious issues was released onto the general population? Did anyone even look at this patch before its implementation? It is hard to believe they did when such obvious problems were either missed or overlooked.

    When it comes to changes to aspects of game mechanics such as the TW system, or DQ prices or any of that, Fuzzy has always been a player willing to let the dust settle and see the result before QQ'ing...

    ...but changing the fundamental manner in which every player interacts with the game itself in such a drastic and negative way is simply bad news.
  • EverDoom - Harshlands
    EverDoom - Harshlands Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ughh the new fonts hurts my eyes and makes me throw up in my mouth a little everytime i look at it
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I vote that everyone use size 7 bolded text on the forums now so it can match the game.

    I think you are absolutely right! This font is just too bloody big!!! The only mistake PWe made yet again (like with the horns) is NOT HAVING A WAY TO TURN IT OFF !!!!!

    I just want my old UI back, is that too much to ask for ???

    on a side note: it's a real good thing I am a geek and I know almost all my different screen resolutions by memory! Because had I not, the font is so big I cannot even see it anymore in the settings: instead of 1920x1080 all I see is 1920x1 !!!

    That and those little boxes that say world, trade, private etc... comon' we REALLY do not need those! Simple color coding was sufficient! Now I keep looking for a player named "WORLD or NORMAL" :( I want to PK him/her b:chuckle

    Please PWe, put it back the way it was... and make the new way OPTIONAL, and learn from your mistakes; in the future when new things are implemented -- remember to have an opt out!
  • Svvagger - Lost City
    Svvagger - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Linking is cool but omg the chat is so terrible. please take it away b:cry
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Normal:Yeah I do think it's too cluttered now the changes are not good ones. It reminds me of when they "upgraded the forums" and they looked horrifying.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ok Why did you have to change the font size really now was it so needed to change? Now the game simply reminds me that you 13+ requirment was thrown out the window.......please change it back it hurts my eyes and feels like its burning a hole through them.

    Same reason u just changed your font to dark red. Something different, new and a bit exciting.
    I just noticed i can actually see now if i have 2 glues or 4!
    And um i currently play on 1280x1024 and it isnt half has big as you could think by reading post here. XD
    Besides that you can scale down the Font size of the chat window and turn off bold at the option menu. :X
    The font not fitting inside the windows is the only thing which kind of sucks. Also the xp bar at the Infuse XP menu from the Genie is totaly broken. ;_;

    I think you are the first person to actually notice u can now see things you couldn't before!
    drjiggle wrote: »
    It's the half-assedness of so many of the changes we're getting that really gets my knickers in a bunch. Some recent examples to give you an idea of what I mean:

    * UI font is changed, but nobody looked at the genie screen or many of the other dialogs to notice that it completely messed them up. Or if they did look, nobody bothered to delay this change until it could be fixed.

    * The same thing happened a few months ago (developers forgot, I guess) when the faction screen was totally messed up for 2 weeks due to a font change.

    * Lunar Glade is closed pending changes. Why not make the changes and then roll them out when it's finished? Why did a working instance need to be closed while you worked on it? They didn't close Frost while they reworked (ruined) it.

    * Lunar Glade is reopened but not actually completed. There's still something like 2/3 of it that isn't done.

    * Tournament is brought back but still has bugs (according to your own announcement).

    * TW changes implemented, including some kind of Rank 9 material as a reward, but the Rank 9 stuff isn't actually in the game yet.

    * Edit: I forgot how Tideborn had to wait 6 months before half their skills and weapons were implemented.

    Just once it would be nice to get a patch that actually seems well-tested and complete before it gets pushed on us.

    Of all the posts at least you brought out actual points instead of just griping. In comparison to this, the new chat thing shouldn't even be an issue!
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If it ain't broke, Don't fix it

    that's the truth
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So, is this ever gonna be fixed or are we gonna have huge text forever that doesn't match at all and makes everyones eyes bleed

    ps. quote me and look at text size D:
  • urizen2112
    urizen2112 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Devs, is it really sooo difficult to make all game windows looks like the the current Character Info window? This window is clean, no text bleeding over each other, the fonts are well sized and placed and colored! Well, its not a Masterpiece in terms of design, but it works.

    About the new chat, I didn't feel it is awful, the fonts are readable and if you configure font size and background intensity it fits well.

    BUT, one thing that was totally unnecessary: those "labels" showing World, Normal, Trade and etc. WHY THE HELL do you need that!?!? It polluted the chat, the name of the person who is saying something is more difficult to find.

    I am a graphic designer/interface designer and it's a simple rule: if you have some feature that shows what is needed, in this case..the color of each kind of chat, when you see that color, you know EXACTLY which chat is. So, it's TOTALLY REDUNDANT to add one more feature (the label) that does the SAME THING!!! Only the color for each chat is ENOUGH.

    I think if PWE add some kind of skin design feature, that let skilled designer players to create new skins for the game UI, maybe it can work best. Because PWE designers sometimes sucks in their ideas. Let us create skins for this game, then you guys choose the ones that is suitable and players can load the skin that they like most.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I love this, if the changed in TW payment and tw bidding system didnt want to make you leave the game, these changes surely will. Nice way to destroy the majority of your playerbase PWE. I hope all your awful games crash and burn. Seriously, Invest in a marketing department for the west, from the west, who have some freaking authority, ok? It's not hard to ask.

    Maybe it will help you maintain some of the customers who havent left. You're too late to save me though, im going to greener fields and leaving this customer spanking company in the dirt.
  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    what did they think about it, there are no 80+ aged players out there who has problems with eyes and couldnt read something b:angry WE ARE YOUNG WE LOVE SMALL THINGS!!b:angryb:angryb:angry
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Without reading 21 pages of this:


    Get rid of it.

    Failing that, at least allow us the CHOICE whether or not to use it. One thing pointed out is that it allows colorblind people a clearer picture of what chat they're in.

    I'll buy that.

    But it's UGLY AS HELL so please, please, PLEASE, for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, allow us to TOGGLE it.
  • Daikataro - Dreamweaver
    Daikataro - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Auction... what? auction success? auction failure? what about other kind of mail? seriously does that seem right to you? by the way that image was taken in a full screened PWI client in 1280x800 resolution so don't blame my monitor here

    Seriously, if not a rollback make it so we can choose between "new PWI for dummies" and "regular PWI for regular players", as said before it feels like we're playing a kids' game where the font must be huge and everything has to be labeled so anyone gets lost
    Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.

    (8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)
  • SlashSin - Lost City
    SlashSin - Lost City Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Terrible pretty much sums up the new look. I adore the item link, so good on you for that. But the UI is just terrible. I don't understand why any changes were necessary AT ALL. I've never heard one person complain about it haha.

    The only legitimate change I could stretch to make a case for is the chat tags (Guild, World, etc) in the chat box. Maybe this would be able to help color blind people? I know... it's a stretch. All other changes were unnecessary and crappily done.

    In all honesty this patch does not look like it was tested at all. Isn't that what someone is getting paid to do?. Heck, I'll test out the patches FOR FREE before they are released so the whole of PWI doesn't have to suffer through this garbage.
    The only sin to go from 1 to 102 completely nude b:cool
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    For most complaining of the chat font, you do can change that did you know that?

    Press "U" - Game Tab - Font Size all the way down.

    However as many said, there's no real need of adding more into the chat, I mean the "World", "Guild", "Trade", "Normal" things. Colours were there for a reason, enough for people to recognize where the chat was coming from.

    Anyhow, the font of most "accept & cancel" windows is messed up, way too big, also the genie window is messed up, you can't even read a thing.


    - Linking, I love it, just wondering if more than one per chat would be allowed, it would be better this way (add a cap to max of 5 or 6?), this would help those who wants to sell more than one item via world chat and not waste a tele for every item.

    - TW change, love it, I don't TW, for one main reason, people being so possessive that they'd do whatever it takes to keep the land, its over now.

    - Bid system, I don't know how it works o .o but it looks cool to have it I guess? If it works as we're thinking we'd be able to get items for cheaper (unless people go crazy and bid 84357938457 gold on 1 token LOL)

    - Encyclopedia fix, I mean the search fix, I love that it is not key sensitive now.

    - Scroll bar on quest log, hated the times I was not able to see the full name of a quest~ b:cute

    Might be missing something o .o but thats pretty much all that came to my mind

    General Question...

    What is the "event boutique" used for? I see a lot of items overpriced over there :o
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Terrible pretty much sums up the new look. I adore the item link, so good on you for that. But the UI is just terrible. I don't understand why any changes were necessary AT ALL. I've never heard one person complain about it haha.

    The only legitimate change I could stretch to make a case for is the chat tags (Guild, World, etc) in the chat box. Maybe this would be able to help color blind people? I know... it's a stretch. All other changes were unnecessary and crappily done.

    In all honesty this patch does not look like it was tested at all. Isn't that what someone is getting paid to do?. Heck, I'll test out the patches FOR FREE before they are released so the whole of PWI doesn't have to suffer through this garbage.


    This is the most unprofessional thing I've ever seen. We create more aesthetically appealing things in elementary school.
  • Killmin - Harshlands
    Killmin - Harshlands Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I hate the new UI The numbers are way to big, the chat is totaly screwed up, why would you take one of the cleanest ui's in gameing and make it into this???

    The chat looks like a straight copy of Runes of Magic
  • XXMonaXx - Heavens Tear
    XXMonaXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Two questions:

    Why did you choose that type of font?
    Why did you add the chat tags?

    I've always loved PWI - it's beautiful with stunning scenery but this new font looks horrible and makes the game look cheap. The tags in chat (private, system, squad) are clutter and unnecessary since it's already colour coordinated. One other thing, what's with the two Hyper Exp buttons? One is next to the performance button and the other is in the tray...seems pointless.

    The marriage system is a joke now b:chuckle PWI use it to gain extra money - gamers use it to gain extra experience.

    I do love the quick links in chat that display the item though :)
  • NonameWiz - Sanctuary
    NonameWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    It is terrible, change the Font back and bring back the ability to press ESC to clear what you're about to type.

    The font size and the font is like for people who have problems with their eyes.
    Rank 8 Wizard: 1% farm b:shutup
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The font size and the font is like for people who have problems with their eyes.

    I don't have a problem with my eyes, but if they don't give us a toggle soon, to allow us to turn this atrocious change off, I'm going to.
This discussion has been closed.