


  • Esemeli - Heavens Tear
    Esemeli - Heavens Tear Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Go with the first option Sleep.

    And <3 Illy dont' hate me to much!
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Disclaimer: FYI, It's always easy to point the finger - when things are said and done. But: Before pointing fingers, maybe you should think and actually listen/pay attention.
    Also: Raw, this post is for you.

    Okay, Where do I start...
    I think this post as been well over-due: But honestly, Raw. Come-on.
    Tao, as it stands: is and will be dead in the water. There was not a single person that I know of in Tao, that could Lead it - back to it's prestigious way. This has been a on-going infliction I've been thinking about for a month and a half at least.

    Jes, living in the past gets no one ANYWHERE. The desire of the senior members of Tao wanting to keep Tao the way it was, or close to it, is what helped kill Tao. There was almost no initiative to allow Tao to evolve beyond the ideologies of what it once was.

    The reason I Left the vent, was because: No matter what I said - what was the point? You wouldn't of heard a single Word. You where too busy throwing obscenities, and verbal insults. Then, after all that: you TOLD ME to PASS YOU LEAD, and G.T.F.O. of YOUR faction. (That isn't like the Tao Doctrine) You don't have a respectful and decent bone in your body. That's another reason: Most of the 'Original-Core' left as well.

    Since when did this become all about Raw? Respect is earned, it's not something that is freely handed out. You disrespected 100+ people by not talking to the guild and asking what the guild, Tao, wanted to do.

    Back to the Leading part: If I had passed You, or your Wife Lead... I knew Tao would be dead - and disrespected greater.

    And why was my name brought up here? I told you I didn't want to lead Tao, that was never even up for consideration. The BIGGEST thing that I have ever wanted you to do as leader, was to enforce the rules that Tao was formed on, to hold to what you said you were going to do, and give Tao the change you promised us all when you assumed lead...none of which did you hold up to.

    Raw, no matter what: Even if you had got Lead, will never be yours. Your the reason Tao was started. (As noticed by Rocky's old forum siggy) But, like a bunch of fools - we let you join, none-the-less. I didn't know how you acted - Nor did I use common sense and look deeper, I just went with the old Tao Policy, of giving everyone a fair chance.
    Tao was not formed solely because of Raw, a simple signature image can't tell you that. Unless you were there, then you'd have no idea why Tao was formed. Tao was formed because Edya, and her clique, didn't want to uphold themselves to the guild vote. Radiance, as a guild, voted for Edya to be lead and Raw as director. She, as well as her clique, refused to honor the guild's request.

    My Reasons...

    Section A: Tao Doctrine.

    1) Respect: Was gone, within the faction. If you only knew how much you helped to kill it, and how many you drove away through your rash speaking, and lashing out about petty things - Non-TW related.

    What about those that you, as well as the rest of the officer staff, drove away from the lack of actions taken? You promised action and you gave none, and failure to uphold to your word is not respectful as well. Like I've said before, people were allowed to break the doctrine repeatedly, not just Raw, and got NO punishment for it. Hell, biscuit told scarlet to go shoot herself and he was allowed to remain...

    2) Loyalty: as it stood, was gone. Some people would not show to war when it counts. Come-on! Defending 3 Lands with 5x/6x people? I was kicking people, as the attendance was given - through your Wife giving me the list of Tao In-actives to war.

    Would you honestly have done that if I didn't provide the list to you? I highly doubt it, I think you'd keep inactives there just so the guild would appear fuller, to make the situation seem less than what it was. Sweeping dirt under a rug doesn't make it go away, it's still there.

    4) Reputation: What Reputation did we honestly have? Most of the reputation we had gained was from the OLD TAO, and the time we used to own a Mass Majority of the Map (1/2 of the map). The Reputation, as from the server out-look was the Tao Doctrine, (which was - the key fundamental: that got people to join us.) Because we STRIVE'D to be above the rest.

    There is that OLD TAO BULLSHYT again. When will you realize that old Tao died when Edya left? It was THAT attitude that helped chase people from Tao. It was THAT attitude that essentially poisoned Tao. The guild rotted from the inside out, and you, as well as the other officers, did LITTLE TO NOTHING to change that. In order for anything to survive, it must adapt and evolve, change with the world around it, else it's doomed to extinction. People in Tao wanted a change and looked to YOU to lead them to it, NOT walk all over them because "old Tao was dead and YOU thought it was for the best."

    Section B: As Tao Stood.
    1) Recruitment: Yes, we were recruiting numbers, but - only numbers. The mass majority of the people which were joining, and had interests where people with little to NO, T.W. EXP. Lack of Gear, and Drive. Yes, we did get some good people, but 10/15 people. When the Main Core of people that T.W. constantly, wake up early. Come to War Charmed, and ready... Got Burned out. You, of all people should know about this, Raw. You where one that constantly nagged me about it. And So... We where bleeding more, than we were getting in. Recruit 5/6 people, lose 6/7. It has always been -> Take 1 Step, Take 2 Back.

    This goes back to the lack of action taken by the leadership team. Charmless TW'ing was allowed to go on for so long that people didn't care anymore, and the effort to limit, if not eliminate it, came too LATE. Honestly, how long did peopel have to nag you about it before you finally gave in and said enough was enough?

    2) Inner Drive: It wasn't there. It was with a handful of people, Maybe 10/20 people total Where you could honestly say. That they had the Drive to continue. There was constantly people asking for help, but no one willing to help. You were one of the few. Along with Ararat, Birch - that did help, besides Myself.

    If the guild actually FELT that it was being lead, I firmly believe more people would have done more. Yes you were there, but just being there isn't good enough. You needed to LEAD and you didn't.

    3) I was always asking for suggestions, and feed-back. I was always trying to make the changes which were needed but, no matter what I did - it was constantly questioned and ripped apart, Even after talking to you hours in advance, one on one. All Faction Meetings - when they would happened: would end up scream-fests, and you and LoR trying to force your opinion on everyone else. It was my wrong-doing: by not kicking you sooner, but I knew you had no-where to go, because you burned all your bridges. You know this as well...

    I will admit I can be very vocal with my opinions, and so can he, but we NEVER TRIED TO FORCE ANYTHING ON ANYONE. We noticed what was happening a few days after being brought into Tao, we told you guys this, and begged you to do something before it got too late. The ONLY reason I even accepted an officer position in the first place was because I wanted to try to get some changes going to try to SAVE Tao from crumbling, but every attempt was thrown in my face. I will admit that my methods may be less favorable as compared to others, but the intention was always there. A person will only try to complete a task a specific way for so long and fail every time before they change their methods.

    4) More things I did wrong:
    - I Tried to give everyone a voice, and to do the best: to make the mass happier - I may of went around somethings, the wrong way but I did my BEST.

    No Jes you didn't do your best, you were capable of doing so much more, but didn't.

    - I Didn't kick you sooner.

    Ok, honestly, to be fair and just as a leader, if you had kicked Raw for failure to maintain the doctrine....would you have kicked EVERYONE who did so as well? There isn't a thing that you can say to persuade me otherwise.

    - Due to all the R.L. **** I've gone through lately: MY Grand mother trying to kill herself more-so, Now. Miss-carriages, etc - from all the Stress of R.L. and I.G., from trying to keep Tao going. I wasn't able to lead it 24x7. My Health was becoming a Issue. That's another reason I played with this Wizard you hate so much. I didn't do it to hide, but I tried to find fun in this game. I Made the wizard: to replace the one's which were leaving the Faction. Yes, I ran her in T.W. We may of been low on Clerics, but What can I do? One Cleric wouldn't make or Break anything. Esp when the numbers for Clerics were already so low.

    Thus the case and point being, you were there but you weren't there where the guild needed you the MOST. Yes, one cleric would not have made MUCH of a difference, but every bit helps. You had left your cleric in Tao in case it was NEEDED for war, TT, or whatever, but since you passed lead to your wizard, you didn't TW on it.

    - Putting my Foot-down: I tried, several-times. It got to the point: Every-time I would try, not even my own Officer's would back me up. There was no one, that could replace the Officer's that were there, because NO ONE WANTED to TAKE THAT ROLL.

    I supported you Jes. Again, my methods may not have been favorable, but I was there for you. Yes, I may have argued with you about things, but our intentions were always the SAME. Yes, I may have had my disagreements and voiced ways that things could have been tweaked, but either way, I WAS THERE.

    5) After all the griping, and complaining about the Tao Doctrine being too cryptic: and easy to mistranslate. I took the time: To write every single value about it down. I Mailed it to __oOo__; Yourself; and nihillaes, etc. Along with posted it to all the Officer's in Tao. My Own Officer's complained it was too long, and responded with 'tl;dr'. This was after You, your wife, and several Officer's stating what I've already said. You had even told me I should Scarp the Tao Doctrine. Nor, do you understand... SCRAPPING THE TAO DOCTRINE, MEANS SCRAPPING TAO.

    Yes, I agree that I said it was too long. But, in the same respect, we wanted it to be something that was short and easy to read so that people would actually read it and not just skim through. I even suggested ways to shorten it down some and still convey the same meaning.

    Tao Doctrine = Tao

    To Everyone that is still in Tao, I want to say: I'm Sorry.
    I know many of you may not of understood me reasons, but hopefully you do now. I Really do miss many of you guys. I do believe my reasons were made justified upon my departure, but a few people's actions. The Names, The Crude Comments - ETC. That honestly showed, Tao - as it stands: Is dead in the water. Tao, isn't Tao. I have done a lot of thinking, and trying to fix Tao's problems: Taking Actions, but until people can actually do the things which are needed for Tao to over-come, and grow. Tao as it stands is Dead. It is only alive, through everyone in Tao. Tao is, You. It's your Actions, and how you handle situations. Tao is how you over-come the Odd's, and have a mutual respect for everyone, even people you do not like. Name-calling, and belittling others: and pointing finger's isn't the way.

    I'm Sorry for the Actions, but in all honesty: To give Tao some respect, of whatever is left. It would of been best if we had just restarted Fresh, when Ese/Hoshi did their **** MONTHS ago...

    You can't live in the past, doing so is poisonous to your well being and will permeate to those around you. The lack of actions taken, as stated, was one of the driving forces behind the fall of Tao, not just an individual.

    And to Crysella... I wish you Luck, and hang in there. I know you can do it - if you try. Tao may have a chance: but please, as I've begged... DONT Forget your Roots... and if it doesn't Work... Take the funds, and restart anew... And allow Tao to retire as respectfully as it Can... With Edya in Lead, She was the founder: and was the only-one, that I know of: that could Lead Tao, the way it was needed.

    And if you thoroughly believe this, then why didn't Tao then, start over? Why try to force it to succeed and fail and succeed and fail? Why drag its name through the mud like it was? Why not respect the people of Tao enough to ask them to start over months ago? And above all else, why didn't YOU, the guild's LEADER, enforce the doctrine that was being walked over so much? You, more so than anyone else, know how important it was to people, what it stood for, and how upset several were that the leadership TEAM allowed members of Tao to use it for toilet paper. Why didn't YOU, the LEADER, take the INITIATIVE to make the needed changes before it got too late? You claim that the officers didn't support you and the only reason you didn't demote them was because there was no one to take their place. It doesn't take a whole lot of people to lead a guild, it can be done with just a few as long as they are assertive, outspoken, and strong. I would have helped you with anything you asked me to, if you had of taken the time to actually ASK me. I busted my **** for Tao, tried to give advice where it was due, made suggestions that were disregarded because "it would hurt someone's feelings" or because YOU didn't have the courage to do it. I had no issues with being the bad guy, I would have been the one to enforce the policies, I would have been the one that made sure the everyone was doing their part, but YOU never gave me the permission to do so, and when I took the initiative to try to change something on my own accord, I was told no. So it wasn't a case of you not having ANY officers there that did something, you had a couple. It was a case of allowing them the power to do what was needed to be done.

    /ten characters
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    where is the TL;DR warning?
  • _evil_angel - Heavens Tear
    _evil_angel - Heavens Tear Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ENRAGE ROCKS kiss my **** tao you have sucked from the dawn of time. im glad to see you go.b:byeb:byeb:bye
  • NuDe - Heavens Tear
    NuDe - Heavens Tear Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ok, i read 1 to 15, then i stopped...
    Already lost an hour on this.

    I just want to say :

    To all "old members" who dont wanna see tao like a "fail" TW faction....
    pshhhhh, if you care, why you left? If you stayed, tao would have been stronger, etc etc

    Tao "will never be like it was"...again, who cares?
    It's a game, just a name of a faction. First, tao was an awesome TW faction, then it became pve faction or small tw guild....so what?

    Crysella as leader?
    naaa it will fail, she doesnt like to see my ****....it cant work !

    Tao disappear from the map? Everyone could say that 3 months ago, since Enrage will be the only one on the map...Nothing new there.
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ok, i read 1 to 15, then i stopped...
    Already lost an hour on this.

    I just want to say :

    To all "old members" who dont wanna see tao like a "fail" TW faction....
    pshhhhh, if you care, why you left? If you stayed, tao would have been stronger, etc etc

    Tao "will never be like it was"...again, who cares?
    It's a game, just a name of a faction. First, tao was an awesome TW faction, then it became pve faction or small tw guild....so what?

    Crysella as leader?
    naaa it will fail, she doesnt like to see my ****....it cant work !

    Tao disappear from the map? Everyone could say that 3 months ago, since Enrage will be the only one on the map...Nothing new there.

    and your point is?...i fail to see the point of this post...

  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I look forward to your next moves, watching for that attack on Enrage since you guys are the big powerhouse now! Ex Tao and Ex Caesar saved your butts.

    Looks like you know nothing about HT history if you state this offensively. Every big faction at one point was "saved" by the falling of another faction or built on the ruins of one. Tao: built on the ruins of Evo, Legion or w/e other guild not sure the names since at that time i wasnt really interested in TW scene.
    Enrage built by the ex-ROC, last year around this time was continuously losing lands to Tao/Caesar in ganks and almost got down to no land (i think we were down to 5 lands) when it was "saved" 1st by a group of Caesars, then by a 2nd group of Caesars and later at the begining of 2010 highly reinforced by a large group of Tao.
    TE was having fun TW since they were like 10 ppl in the faction, the constant tw and never giving up made ppl join them, they did everything to build up - even if that meant recruiting enrage alts after TB came out and everyone was making fish alts and wanted to try out TW with fishies, TE was the best choise, then salad and Tao ppl leaving their old factions due to drama and highly reinforce TE, then most of the Enrage alts left TE when Invidia got resurected and at this point TE cannot be considered enrage alt faction.
    The question is now... will Radiance be "saved" by the Tao ppl that just left to join them?
  • Esemeli - Heavens Tear
    Esemeli - Heavens Tear Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'm gonna say this as nice as possible.

    LoR you need a life. I heard walmart is selling them cheap enough for you.

    For the love of god get the **** over it people. Sorry to break it to you but Tao is dead, was dead, and is not coming back. The Amount of effort you put into flaming jess or anyone else coud

    A. Be spent fixing that shipwreck you call a guild.
    B. Idk maybe getting better gear?
    C. Hmm Playing the game?
    D. Doing shots at the bar Till you pass out and wake up naked in a field Hancuffed to your bestfirend who has A unicorn across her ****. Idk i'm creative like that. lulz

    Seriously ppl get the hell over it and move on. If they are not in your legion who cares about them, they left. Unless you have some odd attachment to Them or some **** which you need to seek help for. It's a game ffs OMG SO AND SO LEFT ME. Maybe you should put some effort into trying to lead a successful tw faction. Cough oh wait MOST Of you ahve failed at that or are too damn stupid to EVER Lead. /end flame

    Oh and ps way to **** up again lypi...
  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    <33333333 Ese!!! b:chuckle
  • Esemeli - Heavens Tear
    Esemeli - Heavens Tear Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    <3333 you more andro have my children
  • The_Wall - Heavens Tear
    The_Wall - Heavens Tear Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    I generally dont post on PWI forums, because I have better things to do than to instigate and troll others' posts, unlike many here. Sorry, I dont have the time or energy to read everyone's post in here.

    I have been away studying for important exams in RL. But today by shear luck I check faction forums and ....

    I joined Tao rather recently; just before its recent [forced] decline. I joined Tao for those principles. I respected this faction, regardless of changing leaderships from the day I started playing this game. However, once I joined it, I noticed there were several individuals (now they have left) that lacked much of those principles on what Tao was actually built on; in fact, there were a few particular that I despise - and Rawthorne is not one of them. Jess, you have your reasons for leaving - thats fine (I kind of was anticipating it already, actually). But, what Raw did took a lot of guts to call you out in the manner you were trying to achieve this change. I stand by his loyalty to the faction. (He didnt become a war general out of shear luck, obviously.) I admit I was not around when all this happened, but I have read and spoken to several before formulating my opinions.

    I am very disappointed in how all this was done. Actually, I'm quite livid. To all those old Tao that have recently left citing pathetic reasons ("oh my friend left, so I must leave now too" or "Old Tao is dead" excuses), thanks for abandoning the principles of Tao. I've had friends leave this faction, and I could have followed suit, but I stayed because I believed in the principles of Tao. And the recent officers that have left, know that there were conflicts involving me, and yes I still stayed, when I did not have to.

    So, to Jess and the officers that left Tao in an upheaval and in a conniving manner...I hope you find that being in Rad or whatever other faction helps you to beat Enrage. Because, Enrage has far more important nuances going on for them- their core has stayed (as some have already mentioned) through the harsh and bitter times of their faction. So...why cant you? Sounds, like Enrage should adopt the Tao motto/principles... (Sorry, I have friends in Enrage so I will stop there).

    Whats done is done. Lets all move forward and mind our own businesses now.

    PS. Gratz to Crysella and sweet_kill. Please shape Tao in a more principled manner.

    I myself being one of the first 150 in Tao can say the three things: Loyalty, Respect and Honor know it was just general good sounding principles. Just like saying honest, hardworking and experienced for a job. The thing Tao did do wonderfully in the first few months was doing anything and everything to be the greatest.

    Start of by recruiting the most knowledgeable and most active players in the server. Know who your letting into the faction as well as you know your co-workers or more. Get investors to invest in your faction. Not only money to get the faction from Lv: 1 to Lv:3, TW bidding, TW towers but much more. Money to double the size of the checks your TW attending members should be reviving from the game. Money to buy the Lv: 6 apothecary for those in battles. Having an insanely active leader. Just the person having that position being online over half the hours of the day just to talk to people helps so many things.

    Once things were up and running strong there was a great deal of effort in encouraging the Zhen leveling style. After that there was much more effort of getting Twilight Temple materials for members instead of for profit and squads with people out of faction. After that Rebirth Delta training style started becoming possible and getting everyone up to speed to do that leveling and money making style. Especially working on the gear and levels of wizards and barbarians at the time. Then getting FB99s completed for the Demon/Sage kill books and apothecary 8 books.

    Other than level and gear once things are up and running recruit those who you know do well in Territory Wars and get along with people well. The best chances were when several people left another faction to process their applications right away. Not accept all of them but to process it right away.

    If there was a battle that was lost in Territory Wars your going to have at least a 2 hour meeting after that battle even if that battle lasted 3 hours. You are going to sit there and discuss how you can improve your performance the next battle. Discuss what the other side did right discuss what you did wrong. Bring forth other strategies and ideas. Mix who is in what squad. Change what classes are in squads. Change which classes you recruit. Sometimes just completely change what the roster for the next battle looks like.

    Now to bring up the less nice things. Keep everyone out of the faction in the dark about everything in the game PvE instance, PvP of all kinds. Do not teach anyone who did not have Tao over their head about any aspect of the game. If they do not know kick them out of the squad or whichever. On the other side of that make sure everyone in your faction does know everything. Give easy access to a great deal of guides. Make sure everyone knows where they were and constantly update them. Do not help anyone outside the faction level up or gear up. Make sure all you help in a squad is on your side.

    Loyalty: Ever since the founding it was mostly groups of 5-20 people breaking off another faction to join Tao. From Radiance, Evolution, Legion, Triad and so on.

    Respect: We poked fun at each other all day long. Calling each other noobs and fail and mixtures of their names and those terms. Once someone does a cybering wrong chat you laugh at that person for a good five minutes. If someone sucks at doing something you tell them openly all the time.

    Honor: Anything and everything to be the best. Step on everyone outside the faction and sometimes even inside the faction to make yourself the greatest. Subvert others, scam others, kick others out of squad.

    It is all about making every member of the faction one of the best in the game. Best in all the parts of PvE and PvP. Highest activity, best levels, best gear, largest knowledge, best attitude, most drive to improve even more. Being I was in Tao its first month of existence to its 9th month I know this. From when there was 3 lands down to 1 land to the maximum lands Tao ever had. Nearly impossible to know almost all of that from the outside. Edya herself is one of the most h0rny, passionate, emotional and very often blunt women I have ever known. A master of secretively making her faction the strongest with backhanded shadow moves. Myself and her were rarely respectful with each other. Yelling at each other in whisper, ventrilo and sometimes even faction chat (That scared a bunch of people -laughs-). No point in holding onto ideals that never were.

    Enrage has very useful principles. I see them as one of the main reasons Enrage has been so resilient over time. Minimal rules all together. Don't Pk other Enrage members unless there is consent on both sides. Even in Cube of Fate or Thursday Tournament unless it is the only option left. On our forums the only thing you can't do is cause problems for the sake of causing problems. If the only thing everyone sees all day is you trying to start a fight with someone else in the faction there is a problem.

    All things related to TW are very strict. Works like a military like any #1 TW faction should. Commander overrides all others and anything they do not say is up to the discretion of the captains. Everyone has to be an active member in TW at least. Optional to be active beyond that.

    Other than that you can do whatever you feel like. Pk anyone out of the faction anywhere you want. Can kill people trying to kill a world boss, take credit from the others, reset the boss. Kill others with boss AoEs and switches of aggression. What people in other factions think doesn't matter. What officers in other factions does not matter. Enrage officers will not care unless it hurts Enrage in TW. Talk to GMs if you have a problem with an Enrage member.

    RAWR! I'm a tiger
  • Esemeli - Heavens Tear
    Esemeli - Heavens Tear Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why the ** did I read that
  • The_Wall - Heavens Tear
    The_Wall - Heavens Tear Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why the ** did I read that

    Because I type Blue. The color of my fairy, axes and eyes that Hoshimi has fallen in love with and that you one day will too.

    Also on a very off topic note I do not understand these whole concepts of democracy and "What the guild wants". The person with the rank of Leader can demote and kick everyone in the faction. In all things that are real that means they are a dictator. They change the faction icon. Do the TW bidding. Collect the TW income. If they don't like your character's name they can kick you. If the leader wants all the faction's income they are able to keep it. Doing things like that probably won't let the faction do well overall but its their choice. There is nothing that happens to them if they do so.

    RAWR! I'm a tiger
  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I was wondering when we will see the blue wall o' text, kinda late wall-e b:chuckle

    now brb to read it, hope i wont have same reaction as ese had b:laugh
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    First of all....@The_Wall: I'll send you the bill to fix my eyes....again.....

    @DarkFury: We have 57 enrage alts , 40 caesar alts and 20 radiance alts, not to mention those 60 tao alts in TE (lol lol lol) anyway just go believe that and stay in your fantasyworld. The others are inactives and kittyshops. b:chuckle b:bye

    We never had the thought in the beginning of getting any land at all, just to TW for fun of the game (since that's what the game is all about nowadays). But if you see that even by getting a fun TW you get closer and closer to an enemy base and even IN it...you would be the biggest moron ever to say "K we had our fun, let's retreat and gtfo before we win..."

    While if we attacked enrage it would've been over in (probably) 10 minutes max which definately isn't worth waking up for in the ****** early morning. But sure like some other people keep claiming (cough Monof cough) we're bandwagons.


    @Tao-thread: Whatever happened, happened and QQing about it here isn't going to rebuild it, on the contrary, you'll make what is rest of tao even look more bad then it was already. All you can do is support the current leader/officers to regain some respect (yea it'll be hard with the history of the faction) but one can try right?

    ....Back to music...which is way more important then this ****...

    iTunes - Slayer - World Painted Blood
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear
    Summer_Blush - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Tao was always dead

  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    The question is now... will Radiance be "saved" by the Tao ppl that just left to join them?

    Didn't know radiance had to be "saved" by anything. But hopefully those people who came to radiance this week will make longer fights possible. And I'd rather lose tw's then lose what radiance stands for.

    Other then that Raw you really need to take meditation classes or something cause you really need to relax your going to give yourself a ulcer. You have a good talent for leading if it wasn't for your temper and foul attitude at times people would gladly follow you to hell and back because you have a certain charisma. I wish the current leader good luck you are going to need it.

    Lol this. You're a good guy, but i agree with pressa on this.
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • Thehate - Heavens Tear
    Thehate - Heavens Tear Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Some observations:

    Darkfury: About TE losing to Tao when it was weaker than it, and beating it when it was stronger than it, I can't see why any emotions should be attached here. Only time there was undeserved result in TW was when RoC didn't get a TW and disbanded, due to server being taken down. Sorry to be harsh on my evolutionary view, but why wouldn't stronger/one stronger with current advantages win? This applies to stuff like Caesar having exceptionally low attendances at sunday, it is a built in weakness and definitely not unfair. Also, yes noshowing means losing, (at least if opposing faction finds the crystal with their catas) factions are either able to fight off 3 opponents or they aren't, noshow is just losing against challenge of beating all involved in gank, and also a sign of the noshowed faction being the strong enough/bidding (maybe even by luck, but that is not the point) on correct spot, which are both ways to win.

    Ese: I wouldn't be that sure Edya was only one able to lead Tao up at those circumstances, even though it may very well have been so. But what happened, happened. IFs are reserved for alternate realities and would require different starting points. Also, this is not to say I'd actually sympathize with what happened to Tao, idc much :D

    LoR: Actually that thing which is in sig should tell big part of the story, though I don't see why it would be a thing to be bothered about. The way you put it about her not wanting to abide by guild vote is also correct, she just clearly didn't feel like she should be bound to such stuff as a player, is my view of it (too lazy to ask). Anyhow, with Charity leaving and her as director, she already planned to restart Rad under another name, before the guild vote, this was likely discussed amongst officers, and for example raw knows it better, I didn't much follow such stuff even that I was exec. So indeed, she didn't want to work with raw, and instead followed an alternative path of creating non-rad affiliated faction.

    Wall: Lol I can't remember when I saw those words/doctrine for first time, but my first reaction was, "cool we now have a doctrine, guess it is a part of every faction". Yes I agree with your view, Tao was never built on those, even though I've seen such statement repeated like a mantra in forums. I for once never considered Tao doctrine a single bit during my gameplay while I was in Tao, even though I guess nubis is correct on me not following enrage's concepts, and not actually being enough an a-hole, which may be around the opposite of this doctrine, but I just play how I play. Also I'd generally agree with how you see Tao treated its doctrine, nice way to put it :D
  • Dajaji - Heavens Tear
    Dajaji - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    That was SOO much too read. You people sure has alot on heart. Great psychologist's in here. b:laugh
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Meh, I read a very large portion of this thread. I must say a few things. Firstly, Tao... I'm very saddened to hear more drama has hit your faction. I myself am a very large fan of Tao, and never wanted to have anything like this happen. HOWEVER, all of this **** about you guys not being able to rebuild is just that - ****.

    To start rebuilding, remove any players that are inactive and/or causing issues. Create a hard lvl req, and push a limit on it (So like 90+ w/ a 85+ limitation). Create officers from the people in the faction. If none of them are officer material, roll w/ no officers or very few to start. The leader needs to be a hardcore leader - able to command attention, and do what is needed for your faction. In due time, if you get someone to wc every few hours, every single day, for a month, you will have MANY members. Skip TW for a while. Don't worry about defending those lands, or anythin'. Work on gearing up your current playerbase so you CAN TW, and well. Have PK/Duel events so the inexperienced people can learn how to use their class PvP-wise. Have some events to get people involved, etc. Don't let drama queens take over, don't let cliques form, don't let known morons enter your faction. In due time, you will grow and become greater than you once we're. The "Tao" name being tarnished and unable to aquire new members is BS. As a leader of a TW faction, I know what it takes to create such a faction.

    Give it some time, and do what I said above ^---, and Tao can be great. Problem is, you need a dedicated Leader, which from what I've read - you guys have found. If this is correct, then start doing what I wrote above. Don't worry about moron's giving out BS, and all that junk.

    <3 Tao. Start recruiting like mad guys, I wanna see you all stronger than ever. b:victory
  • _Blazin - Heavens Tear
    _Blazin - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    even here it seems to be all about pointing fingers about who is wrong and who isn't yet no one that had anything to do with the matter looks in the mirrow and try's to see there own wrong doing

    as for the laying tao to rest i would love to see that happen cause it isn't what it was and it will never be anything close to it i would rather see them form a new guild under there own rules and own sight of what it is ment to be

    but here you see it again officer blaming each other for what they did wrong yet most failed to uphold the rules as for what jess did even some may think it's wrong but every one has there own view on it instead of respecting each other view you all yet again begin to trash talk each other but it seems the last members that are left in tao got what they wanted a new leader off there chooice

    crys all i can say is i hope you can uphold you're self as a guild leader and do not crumble

    as for me back to game and ya'll have fun and be save
  • NuDe - Heavens Tear
    NuDe - Heavens Tear Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    and your point is?...i fail to see the point of this post...

    no point in my post, like in all this thread

    People argue on something who is totally normal in a game : faction's drama

    But i'm proud, i'm the one who created the thread with way more pages than any other thread recently ^^
  • Exegesis - Heavens Tear
    Exegesis - Heavens Tear Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    That was SOO much too read. You people sure has alot on heart. Great psychologist's in here. b:laugh

    Shuh... dont be on the forum too please b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    If there was a battle that was lost in Territory Wars your going to have at least a 2 hour meeting after that battle even if that battle lasted 3 hours. You are going to sit there and discuss how you can improve your performance the next battle.

    Holy mew. What masochists have attention spans that long?
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    b:avoid OMG did i read it all ? i last replied on page 11 or something .... so many things and people to reply to directly but i think i broke my attention span .... so ill give you the condensed version of everything i wanted to say ...

    DarkFury - youre missing so much of the point and making yourself look silly ... TE's whole point is they did everything for FUN with no planning and still ended up winning w/o trying against guilds that did try and that is sad for the guilds they beat and kinda pro on their part. the BEST TW's are the hard ones that you go into having no idea if youre gonna win or lose.

    TE - GJ you keep having fun <3

    Ese - god i miss you and comments like - wake up in a field cuffed to your best friend who has a unicorn across their **** - is why <3

    Wall - i love your Walls of Text and they way you put things my little bricks can never live up to yours :)

    Tao - R.I.P

    Enrage - <3 you lots for being too stubborn to die when things get tough :) we have survived changes and losses and leadership changes ... no i wasnt there at the start but ive been there nearly a yr and joined at a low point and worked hard to help as much as i can.

    HT - yes looks like we will end up with the map .... so do something about it :)

    * waits for 10 more pages to spawn while i nap*
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    sleepcat wrote: »
    I will conclude that DarkFury is a fanatical bigot who continues to believe that TE consists of worthless nonfactors and Enrage alts and nothing anyone says will change his mind. Or maybe he's just a really good troll. :O

    Sleepcat please learn to read, then learn what the words you use actually mean.

    I said, clearly, you have Enrage Alts ( who cannot be in 2 TW's at once ) I proceeded to say yes, Ceasar ppl went to TE, and Tao went to TE, etc....... How defensive you all are is actually funny and pathetic at the same time. In the past TE did SEEM to have a lot of Enrage alts, it was obvious every time Enrage had TW at same time as TE, you had hardly anyone show up.

    TE's attacks on Tao were ALWAYS coordinated in relation to what Enrage, Belial, etc, was doing so you could be part of a gank, only very recently has TE been able to stand on it's own and fight and win. If this is fanatical or bigoted in your mind I suggest you go back to school and get educated.

    Lets see what TE can do now, besides kick a guild when it's down, and personally attack people who express an opinion you don't like.
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Lets see what TE can do now, besides kick a guild when it's down, and personally attack people who express an opinion you don't like.

    I remember a TW vs tao where we got heavily insulted in our base and being spawnkilled because the TW lasted like...20 min or so max.. (so much for the myth called Tao Doctrine)

    But meh, be as hypocrite as you like <.<
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Fimbulvtr - Heavens Tear
    Fimbulvtr - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Tao recruiting lvl 70+ at http://taopwi.roflforum.net/
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    To UntamedFury and theHate:

    I totally got it believe me. TE started out just having fun blah blah blah..... They actually do plan what they do it's not random, see above. They planned where to attack, they recruited ppl, etc this is work and planning, not random stuff happening. I said it before I'll say it again, grats for building up and winning on your own TE. Yeah, there is no big injustice, guilds win, guilds lose, so be it TE won against Tao in TW after Tao's time had basically passed, grats, no big deal really. Not a big accomplishment either actually.

    A few of you must have just skimmed this enormous post based on your comments--Grats NuDe...rofl longest post I ever bothered to read ( kind of ).
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I remember a TW vs tao where we got heavily insulted in our base and being spawnkilled because the TW lasted like...20 min or so max.. (so much for the myth called Tao Doctrine)

    But meh, be as hypocrite as you like <.<

    Yeah after pestering Tao for so long, they finally let the TW last longer than 6 minutes, and held off the catas for a while, isn't that what you guys wanted a longer fight? Actually many disagreed with that, and it was not done again. Yawn...... BTW it's hypocritical, and that TW had nothing to do with me! How lame.