Best on Arch



  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Same old toon. Name any of the Narla's you've nominated for the top of their class, and tell me they don't CS...

    Oh Im sorry, Did i say they didnt Cashshop, yah i didnt think so either. I said its a POPULARITY CONTEST. So if I liked them, I voted them. Thats what this whole post is and Its a Joke lol. Even me voting on this Post was a Joke
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    its true, everybodys opinion is skewed because of gear. so many of these people didn't pk, let alone even turn white, till they were comfortable behind event gear or their full hh90 sets. then people will say 'oh the true pvp is late late game when you get to maximize your skills/items to the fullest.'

    i call bull **** on that tbh because the later you go into the server the more misleading it gets and too many factors come into play. technically even in TW, you can't say nahktuul or kiaxn, for instance, are better bm's because of what they've done there as opposed to what others may do better in open field pk. there is no replica scenario for other bm's to be tested under, that as well as the fact that their supporting cast in every tw is unlike anybody elses and will probably always be the case. similarly to the effect of ULMOS being the best bm for what he does in his realm where nahk and kiaxn don't, you could argue he's always got 2 sins with him if you've never seen him pk before recently.

    they all got lunar claws now, one is clearly better geared and so it translates to better results but it is not glaringly obvious who is THEE best. tbh i don't think any of the bm's playing here were even bm's on old servers, or if they were probably not of the top echelon for that server. there is something to be said for experience, its one thing to know information about your class on paper and its another to have played it to 99-100 like badboy with barb for example.

    as far as wiz goes, not even guna defend myself cause people are idiots and can never keep things in proper context anyway. but for the sake of my nose, please stop voting retain as best wiz .. really anybody else, it actually hurts when water flows with such velocity at that awkward of an angle. if u've actually seen the guy pk vs formidable opponents u will laugh ur **** off on how stage frightened he gets when he isnt out cashing everybody. i mean for ** sake one time he forgot to put his weapon on and was fighting for about a minute before realizing it. no awareness whatsoever.

    anyway an opinion of mine is you either catch skill early during 6x-7x pk when its pure unadulterated raw skill where micro, pathing, ease of mobility, kiting, actual team pk, etc determine how long you're going to hold ground and form your opinions then and there or you don't really ever find out on a game like this which is so heavily influenced by cash.

    all i gota say is, beginning of the server, anglers village, 2 hour war. yo nova nice base buffers!


    ps i'm not complaining about the cash shoppers, they deserve to get some votes if they want to spend that much on a game, its their choice how they want to have fun. but just be mindful of the fact that you may get called a dumb **** for mistakenly praising such trash

    ~cheers b:cute
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Just because You have the numbers in TW does not mean you are skilled...No I am not saying Narla has shty players either, cause yes they are skilled...Well some.

    But that Certianly does not mean that Narla has all of the best people on the server. Open your eyes a bit and look at skill. I mean hell How is Retain the best wizard when he went back to HL? Do you not have other Wizards in Narla?

    P.S. I love Proc's Post about the best he lists off of the skill that they show, Not what faction they are in...

    1. proc added that kazamirs original post did not have that\
    2. Retain took a break from game
    3. PWI puts a limit on how many people r allowed in TW. Not narla's fault that no other faction on this server can find 80 people to tw.
  • _Kazamir_ - Archosaur
    _Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    srry guys for not being up to your standards on this but tbh...whisper is right...this is only a popularity contest. i picked out of my own experience with these people. im not saying theyre the best period but its the best that i have personally seen

    secondly its not my fault that most of my list is narla...that doesnt factor into my list at all. its just the ones that i have seen that are the best of thier class...if we did a second best thread there might be alot on there that arent not saying everyone here is better but out of MY PERSONAL experience...this is my opinion

    lastly i dont base on who has the best gear, but it is part of what makes you can be the best dam player out there but you arent going to do anything with NPC gear

    and pro you are very right there is no way to really compare people because you cant dupicate exact conditions are never really exact so you never really know

    so if you didnt make it or dont like it...stop QQing and prove youre better
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lastly i dont base on who has the best gear, but it is part of what makes you can be the best dam player out there but you arent going to do anything with NPC gear

    so if you didnt make it or dont like it...stop QQing and prove youre better

    its sad but true you can't out-skill somebody who naturally deals double your damage with the same skill based on statistics/calculations from gear advantage, or similarly not be a 1 shot to where you can regain hp/particular survivability skills etc versus being a 1 shot to where you have no chance to defend yourself.

    it changes everything, here for example if it takes bob two skills to kill somebody after a charm tick and jim only 1, everything flips. bob has to now account for the fact that after the use of 1 skill, whoever they were trying to kill may now be disabling him or a plethora of other scenarios and so your comparable reference between skill of these two players with the same class is irrelevant just like that - but do the other players watching know this? nope, never do. its why its so difficult to call, and why so many people are often mistaken.

    but fair enough opinion is opinion
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    So what can be said is, there is no "best" because as Algebra could show us, their are to many variables in which "best" can be stated on. Until you find a control group in which you souly base your accusations on, this is souly popularity.

    Ill be waiting for that day, but until then *shrugs* its a toss-up

    and in the words of Yoda, time i see you Till the next.
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Bun$ - Archosaur
    Bun$ - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    T.T why are they're so many ppl qqing about saying your own faction members if you think the ppl in your faction are the best compared to everyone else then say it what you want them to lie i'm pretty sure some of you dont wanna say someone else just because you hate them

    and just to stay on topic

    BM: dont really no any bms that really pk expect ULMOS and Kiaxn i've been able to go 1v1 with both of them i think ULMOS i'm not sure everytime i get stun by him i see two other ppl coming to attack me too b:chuckle cause apperently ULMOS needs help taking down a veno with 3k hp unbuff

    WIZ: o.o i've never really pked with or against a good wiz proski attacks me when every i go after ice LOLRaped i've killed her she's killed me and there was even a time when it was a double O.K. and the only time i was online for Retain PKing i was in TT farming for ppl 90 gear

    CLERIC: Katanyia freaken decked out q,q, Mangos really good strategic wise and Ieaz.... well he's been kicking my bottom since server started only got him twice cause one he was running away towards me and i sent in my nix and two he was rez proc during the event D:< just go to town you lazy and Aratainia T___T you move too much

    ARCHER: b:cry I HATE YOU ALL WITH YOU 4K CRITS AND STUNS. Kazamir_ is the only archer i cant take down solo or in group pk OBs killed me in ganking but normally when i come back i kill her without much problem

    Sin: T___T i dont think Blackest likes me very much but he's the only sin out of faction i pretty much wanna run into safety from DarksShade's good too good pk'er and makes a lot of friends doing so D: i forgot about Ghost!!!! he's like mango awesome with strategy if it wasnt for him we would have ran away with our tail between our legs while pking bunnies i like pking bunnies they're a good faction to pk again >^.^< <3

    Psy: dont really know on this one ArchCaoCao is just high level imo :/

    Barb: The only barbs i fear are MrPandaKing, YellowLight, and i've never fought against DeadGame. v.v most other barbs i'm able to take out solo just using a nix to hold them still

    Veno: Ice never had the honor to go one on one with her only veno i know if her nix goes down she can still be able to finish the person off Proc kill his nix and he runs like a cheetah with his two set AA and HA armor making him a even more pain to kill MizAndry same thing as proc but she's squishy to magic and doesnt have a second set good fashion sense though :3Meatbunz D:< you fail i love to hate you stop talking about my armor before someone gets hurt b:shutup

    o.o done?
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    @Bun$ - In a dual you can probably kill me. But at PK, you'll never get past my charm. 5k elemental resistance(with HA) and 23k hp. I've never seen anyone burn through it fast enough to kill me.

    Archer - iiJester or Rynis (Probably Rynis)

    Cleric - No one anymore, the top clerics left the server. Lincella and Ieaz QQ. It's time for better clerics to step up

    Assassin - Ninja_Please and DarkShade (DarkShade takes the win)

    Psy - Ehh.... Mexycan I'd have to say. Arch has good stuff but not too good at playing his class.

    Barb - I can't vote for myself I guess, so I'd have to say DeadGame. I've never been in any kind of run with Spanker, so I can't really judge him. He's a str barb so idk.

    Veno - Proclivity and Pinkahboo (Can't choose) They're the top, done. MizzDream is getting there but eh....

    Blademaster - I'd still say ULMOS. Not many people can compete at his level. He has good gear and knows his class.

    Wizard - Proski, no one else matches. Proski has moderately high gear but his gaming skills are 1337
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Bun$ - Archosaur
    Bun$ - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    :p i wasnt talking about 1v1 as in duel i was talking about if they ever happened to get pulled out of their group (who 1v1 duels you're in pk mode duel eachother that why)

    o.o o and by the way i never see you pking just proc ice proski and pinka(hardly anymore)
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Proc kill his nix and he runs like a cheetah with his two set AA and HA armor making him a even more pain to kill MizAndry same thing as proc but she's squishy to magic and doesnt have a second set good fashion sense though :3

    b:angry you got something to say about my fashion?! maybe you should pick me out some clothes Miss Buns...

    also if you had 5+ Narla killing your nix then turn for you, i think run is the first thing u think off xD
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Meatbunz - Archosaur
    Meatbunz - Archosaur Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Proc I'll hook u up with some of bun$'s personal fashion b:laugh
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Proc I'll hook u up with some of bun$'s personal fashion b:laugh

    mail me some of her panties and ill give you leas +8 budda leaf b:dirty
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Icezicle - Archosaur
    Icezicle - Archosaur Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well thank U Bun$ ^_^<3

    And **** No offence Guy But you aint played in wat 2 weeks, dont think i seen u in pk, there me thinking we would have another Talkblade QQ.

    wats You Hp now.... Oh my bad Its LEET HAX OVER9000.


  • Meatbunz - Archosaur
    Meatbunz - Archosaur Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mail me some of her panties and ill give you leas +8 budda leaf b:dirty

    Imma have to raid some panties then, hope I dont get caught b:shocked
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    :p i wasnt talking about 1v1 as in duel i was talking about if they ever happened to get pulled out of their group (who 1v1 duels you're in pk mode duel eachother that why)

    o.o o and by the way i never see you pking just proc ice proski and pinka(hardly anymore)

    I'm always in PK mode. Just normally when I get there, everyone runs away. XD
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Bun$ - Archosaur
    Bun$ - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mail me some of her panties and ill give you leas +8 budda leaf b:dirty

    b:shocked ABIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • IIZoaII - Archosaur
    IIZoaII - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    instead of how well u play, lets name it how much u paid.
    i used 20$ on oracles lvl30-58, another 20$ hypers from 77-90, all my gear i farmed tt and sold it to buy skills and paid for my chest and wrists pices lol.

    i could easily spend 500$ on this game buy my way to lvl100, buy gold mats, buy packs cape, buy a nix and a herc, buy cube neckless, immac and 4 socket, +4 refine all, get charmed, and lie my **** off and say that this is only 40million that i transfered over from HL server.

    but then that would kill the game for me and take the challenge out of it!!!!

    oh and did i mention that i could've bought leaz weapon with those 40mil from HL?

    this server is already too pathetic b:shy
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    instead of how well u play, lets name it how much u paid.
    i used 20$ on oracles lvl30-58, another 20$ hypers from 77-90, all my gear i farmed tt and sold it to buy skills and paid for my chest and wrists pices lol.

    i could easily spend 500$ on this game buy my way to lvl100, buy gold mats, buy packs cape, buy a nix and a herc, buy cube neckless, immac and 4 socket, +4 refine all, get charmed, and lie my **** off and say that this is only 40million that i transfered over from HL server.

    but then that would kill the game for me and take the challenge out of it!!!!

    oh and did i mention that i could've bought leaz weapon with those 40mil from HL?

    this server is already too pathetic b:shy

    OMG Hes good he MUST be a cashshopper.

    QQ Moar, i refer you to this post i made earlier if you want proof
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Meatbunz - Archosaur
    Meatbunz - Archosaur Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Proc, we use the same operating system, and our layout is almost the same b:shocked
  • Nahktuul - Archosaur
    Nahktuul - Archosaur Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Proc, we use the same operating system, and our layout is almost the same b:shocked

    Nerds >.> All the bookmarks are PWI related.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Nerds >.> All the bookmarks are PWI related.

    b:sad i see how it is, u finally see i havent CS'd so you attack my firefox favs :(

    if you notice i got lots more bookmarks in the little underscore thing, i just happen to have my PWI stuff first b:chuckle
    Proc, we use the same operating system, and our layout is almost the same b:shocked

    you know how that old saying goes bunz, smexy minds think alike!
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • IIZoaII - Archosaur
    IIZoaII - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    OMG Hes good he MUST be a cashshopper.

    QQ Moar, i refer you to this post i made earlier if you want proof
    my brother also didn't pay for this game so far, want a SS of his billing history? but yeah 40mil from HL can buy you alot trust me!!
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    my brother also didn't pay for this game so far, want a SS of his billing history? but yeah 40mil from HL can buy you alot trust me!!

    so what if i got a friend to transfer me some cash. That money ive been saving up for almost a year and a half of playing harshlands, anyone could of done it so really the only thing you can QQ about is the fact ive been playing longer then you b:surrender
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • _Bad_Boy - Archosaur
    _Bad_Boy - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Barb: The only barbs i fear are MrPandaKing, YellowLight, and i've never fought against DeadGame. v.v most other barbs i'm able to take out solo just using a nix to hold them still


    Hmmmm, you drop most Barbs, true . . .forget about me???
  • Bun$ - Archosaur
    Bun$ - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Hmmmm, you drop most Barbs, true . . .forget about me???

    o.o i did actually...... my bad
  • ergfg56h556h56h
    ergfg56h556h56h Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Since its been a while, a new ranking is needed.

    In my humble opinion:

    Best veno -Ulmos

    Best wizzard -Spanker some strangge magic seems to surround him ;)

    Best assasin Proski

    Best barbarian Katanyia

    Best archer ArchKaoKao

    Best cleric me

    Best psychic Proklivity cause Im having a psychic trauma everytime after I pvp with him
  • Kiaxn - Archosaur
    Kiaxn - Archosaur Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol this thread comletely is not really needed =S *facepalm*

    give the server a few more months then ittl be cool to see

    P.S no im not the best bm .. only played a bm for 3 month and I still got a **** load to learn

    Edit .. wow PWI forums still has me as lvl 99 QQ
    Blood Red for a reason.
  • ACLucius - Archosaur
    ACLucius - Archosaur Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    lol this thread comletely is not really needed =S *facepalm*

    give the server a few more months then ittl be cool to see

    P.S no im not the best bm .. only played a bm for 3 month and I still got a **** load to learn

    Edit .. wow PWI forums still has me as lvl 99 QQ

    It still has me as 71 as well. I'm assuming though that means you reached 100, so congrats!
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • INovaI - Archosaur
    INovaI - Archosaur Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Archer -- Obskurna. He has a +10 wep and now hh99 pieces, so decent interval.

    Assassin -- BlacketSin. you seen his interval?

    Barbarian -- Spanker_d. Knows how to pull cata very well, pvps well, tanks well.

    Blademaster -- ULMOS. Purely cuz of attack speed, i really havent seen any impressive BMs on this server.

    Cleric -- GHealz. Hes pro in PvP and TW situations, knows what to do.

    Wizard -- ArchLvBU cuz of gear, Falfasia for excelling at the class in TW and PvP

    Psychic -- MeXyCaN. +10 wep and plays his class well.

    Venomancer -- Obviously Proc is a great veno but recently ive been really impressed by WoGuy. Pro ****'ing veno in disguise.

    People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    impressed by WoGuy.


    :edit: u see those green brows? killer