Best on Arch



  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    whole idea of renewing this thead is to see everyones opinions on people who play there classes well, not to have ago at each others pk styles. ULMOS knew what i ment when i said about the TW thing, with the whole fisting people so thats cool.

    No one guild has all the best players, i myself named Narla, impulse, domain and fatalis, just remember people usally name the people they spend alot of time with and narla dose alot of faction only events.
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    About phisical defense shards im really sorry to say but of all the wiz i talked to i still have more phisical defense than them u think im noob to have vit stones on my ekips well i think u are the ones who are deeply wrong...

    Plus im demon i got demon stone barrier wiz cant one shot me with BT and im wating for pack to be gonne so i buy gold to refine more my ornaments.....

    And having this extra vit i wont die fast against mag clases like i see the other wizards geting ***** by phys and geting 2 3 shoots from me...

    And i got expel on genie and unfornantly i never fought u unelss in lagggin like hell tw so hope i see u soon on pk field, cause u seem like a guy who will say thing that really are not not get butt hurted by the others dear sorry sorry to have a 10plus wep i wonder if they say the same thing to Obskurna OR ULMOS GEARS or Katanya......

    you really are an idiot man, and no not just because your english sucks its good enough to understand but the thought process that goes into what you say must be fueled fresh from a proper beating at west gate or something since you only use hp as a meter of success for mages. it's like your banging your forehead on the desk raging about how if you only had one more citrine gem you'd show all those hater how great the tivas is ahhhhhhrahghghhg!!!11 .

    lol and of course hp isn't terrible on mage, but if you cry as hard about archers as you seem to, you give the impression your self buff even with event gear isnt in the bracket that allows you to take enough hits to live before you can event food around your charm + expel till your cooldowns are up. if you self buff pdef to or over 5k and cry about archers you probably either aren't 1v1ing, because it should be so rare that you ever lose straight up to an archer, or your butt-hurt and don't know how to accept the fact that wizards get ganked so learn to be crafty or just shut up and, before asher ruined Rhianna, take it take it take it take it love me love me. you obviously got that so i won't elaborate

    anyway you also say theres no wizard as geared as you but then as an excuse when you die in pk your gears suddenly arent good. nobody cries on caocao anymore after they've experienced him because its not the money or gear that ever annoys people about CSers, its the lot of you that cry like little ****ing babies when you do die on such a huge advantage and then you have the audacity to give excuses. change your attitude and laugh off a death and maybe people won't make you feel like the rebel of the server anymore and they may actually give you props if you ever do find yourself becoming skilled, heres a secret mate its all about 1) keeping things in context and 2) having fun.

    you seem to be upset that you don't have proof for yourself about me. well the proof is imprinted in peoples memories who were regular pkers back then, every time i stepped out on the field people knew to bring an umbrella because I made it rain out there for the rest of the evening. all i have to say is careful what you wish for tivas, because overcast skies might just be the forecast in 3 weeks.

    and proc don't lie you just wanted to bait me into posting so you had something to read in TT
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    All the shet proski said in the above post

    b:surrender fooled again. WB Btw, you and Tivas gonna have soooooooooooooo much fun now :D ill give you alittle help.

    Yo Tivas, proski is the best wizard ingame, hes way better then you, compaired to him your a nooby noob.

    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    you really are an idiot man, and no not just because your english sucks its good enough to understand but the thought process that goes into what you say must be fueled fresh from a proper beating at west gate or something since you only use hp as a meter of success for mages. it's like your banging your forehead on the desk raging about how if you only had one more citrine gem you'd show all those hater how great the tivas is ahhhhhhrahghghhg!!!11 .

    lol and of course hp isn't terrible on mage, but if you cry as hard about archers as you seem to, you give the impression your self buff even with event gear isnt in the bracket that allows you to take enough hits to live before you can event food around your charm + expel till your cooldowns are up. if you self buff pdef to or over 5k and cry about archers you probably either aren't 1v1ing, because it should be so rare that you ever lose straight up to an archer, or your butt-hurt and don't know how to accept the fact that wizards get ganked so learn to be crafty or just shut up and, before asher ruined Rhianna, take it take it take it take it love me love me. you obviously got that so i won't elaborate

    anyway you also say theres no wizard as geared as you but then as an excuse when you die in pk your gears suddenly arent good. nobody cries on caocao anymore after they've experienced him because its not the money or gear that ever annoys people about CSers, its the lot of you that cry like little ****ing babies when you do die on such a huge advantage and then you have the audacity to give excuses. change your attitude and laugh off a death and maybe people won't make you feel like the rebel of the server anymore and they may actually give you props if you ever do find yourself becoming skilled, heres a secret mate its all about 1) keeping things in context and 2) having fun.

    you seem to be upset that you don't have proof for yourself about me. well the proof is imprinted in peoples memories who were regular pkers back then, every time i stepped out on the field people knew to bring an umbrella because I made it rain out there for the rest of the evening. all i have to say is careful what you wish for tivas, because overcast skies might just be the forecast in 3 weeks.

    and proc don't lie you just wanted to bait me into posting so you had something to read in TT

    Did i ever QQ about my gears lol... i never cry against archer im just saying that even a monkey could kite put defensive skill and attack...
    Learn that u can have 10 plus in all and u will stil die lots of times, on LC server where i came from its normal for ppl to have 10 plus...its really not a big deal like u all make about my wep...
    And instead of making huges texts about me with ur 10 dollars words go farm ur gears cause i cant wait to meet u when u rdy till there my discusion with you is over....

    PS: sorry about that 7894 hit, Robin, oh right i got a 10 plus wep QQQQQQQ
  • Tivas - Archosaur
    Tivas - Archosaur Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    In small PK a 5 aps BM rocks socks. In TW they're non factors. Given the fact that the job of endgame TW BM's is to stun / hf and stay alive while doing so, Axes are the only necessary weapon choice.

    And Tivas.. I don't have +10 gears b:surrender ... yet

    Still you are blessed by a great defense seriosly worst bm i ever fight with still a clap my hands to you cause i know how much time you invested in TTs....

    Seiously man one of the best mora balanced players in PWI never QQs never, trash talk, helps the others and put fair price on TT mats... god bless youb:victory
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    tivas all anybody has to do is look at your evaluation of ulmos to know you're a ******, but nonetheless here goes nothing

    you're a mage, not a psychic yea? until you have recasted and def level, along with +10 ARMORS as well (i don't suspect your going to be elayne of archosaur), as an arcane your never going to be able to push your survability past a certain point anyway. you will still fall into a burst damage bracket from a wizard that.. so long as your armors dont have a major gap from that other wizards weapon capabilities (which yours wont from a +5 neon purgatory) it won't matter if your hp is 4k or 7k, and ele res 10k... you won't live from 4 nukes with bt as the last in the sutra sequence. this is of course assuming the wizard killing you knows when to commit to the target (check). by that I mean while you're in the middle of a fight, distracted, and burned of blink apoth genie, etc. and you don't even see me coming because your inadequate micro has made a blindspot in your camera angle, you'll finally experience all 32 delicious flavors of proski. see, you probably are a decent wizard and know how to ninja people, but your weakness is assuming nobody can ever be better than that. if you think i'm going to stand out there like a dope and just let you do all the killing your sadly mistaken i was the original glory wiz of this server b:kiss i'll take my title back.

    this may be out of line but LOL breh, i played dota i'm fully aware of whats going on at almost all times. i'll stay to what my gear and skill allows me to, and i'll run to what my gear and skill can't save me from. i'm not ashamed, theres no problem in knowing your limits and playing to your strengths. in fact i know i'm not the greatest wizard to ever play this game, i give an arrogant precense solely because thats my humor and its entertaining, but i know your not the greatest wizard either and thats all that matters. your going to die to me and i'm going to die to you, i won't get butt-hurt about it though.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    tivas all anybody has to do is look at your evaluation of ulmos to know you're a ******, but nonetheless here goes nothing

    you're a mage, not a psychic yea? until you have recasted and def level, along with +10 ARMORS as well (i don't suspect your going to be elayne of archosaur), as an arcane your never going to be able to push your survability past a certain point anyway. you will still fall into a burst damage bracket from a wizard that.. so long as your armors dont have a major gap from that other wizards weapon capabilities (which yours wont from a +5 neon purgatory) it won't matter if your hp is 4k or 7k, and ele res 10k... you won't live from 4 nukes with bt as the last in the sutra sequence. this is of course assuming the wizard killing you knows when to commit to the target (check). by that I mean while you're in the middle of a fight, distracted, and burned of blink apoth genie, etc. and you don't even see me coming because your inadequate micro has made a blindspot in your camera angle, you'll finally experience all 32 delicious flavors of proski. see, you probably are a decent wizard and know how to ninja people, but your weakness is assuming nobody can ever be better than that. if you think i'm going to stand out there like a dope and just let you do all the killing your sadly mistaken i was the original glory wiz of this server b:kiss i'll take my title back.

    this may be out of line but LOL breh, i played dota i'm fully aware of whats going on at almost all times. i'll stay to what my gear and skill allows me to, and i'll run to what my gear and skill can't save me from. i'm not ashamed, theres no problem in knowing your limits and playing to your strengths. in fact i know i'm not the greatest wizard to ever play this game, i give an arrogant precense solely because thats my humor and its entertaining, but i know your not the greatest wizard either and thats all that matters. your going to die to me and i'm going to die to you, i won't get butt-hurt about it though.

    Again im insulted by you among others then i get whispers saying im the one caling ppl names or whatever..

    keep ur **** title we will meet someday soon.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Again im insulted by you among others then i get whispers saying im the one caling ppl names or whatever..

    keep ur **** title we will meet someday soon.

    who cares if people say you call others names, relax and live a little its just a game about 90% of it is in good fun anyway. the only reason people probably troll you is because you take it to heart.
  • Daggster - Lost City
    Daggster - Lost City Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    *WONDERS* Proski = Tomski from LC? which is also known as Failski, Scamski, Trollski, etc?
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited July 2010

    the ski came from my raging tide name YoBroski, no where else. i do like the way trollski sounds though b:cute
  • _Pluto - Archosaur
    _Pluto - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    BM: ULMOS,Kiaxn,Authentic
    Clerics:Katanyia,Aratainia,GHealz,Minori(she can beat GHealz on a 1 on 1 :O)
    Archers: Kazamir,Zhadi,AgentPotato (alot more in Narla just can't spell their names :s)
    Assasins:yReMaeRD(The Best Assasin Ever.),Vitamins,Ninja_Please,MiniNote,B eeh