Best on Arch



  • XXSairaXx - Archosaur
    XXSairaXx - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Pshhhh me fo' cleric. Fo'sho. :p
  • ViAudi - Archosaur
    ViAudi - Archosaur Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ImA MuVinG Up Slowly buT SureLY..


    Now , where did i missplace my Jumbo PWI Coloring Book..


    Ole.. Noes i left it behind in the swamp lands..


    Well brb got to get my Jumbo PWI Coloring Book..

  • Pew_Pew - Raging Tide
    Pew_Pew - Raging Tide Posts: 1,037 Arc User
    edited April 2010

  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I can prove I'm number 1 Cleric.

    If we say all female players = female in-game characters, and we say all male players = male in-game characters,

    then there aren't any female characters in the game, due to the fact they are in the kitchen making a sandwich.

    Furthermore, all males have a genital between their legs, which sometimes prevents movement, and we all know Clerics need to move!

    HOWEVER. Since we all know that the size of your IRL Genital in comparison to your E-peen is proportional, then those who have an other 9,000-size IRL, will have a HUGE E-peen; thus preventing fast casts/keeping up w/ squadies

    Me, on the other hand.

    Well you get the point.

    Therefore I am best cleric b:surrender

    IJS, Meatbunz and Rob can testify :<

    (total joke btw, <3 abigaail not making sandwiches during TT)
  • IlIuminous - Archosaur
    IlIuminous - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    LMFAO!!! GG You are the best lol
  • XXSairaXx - Archosaur
    XXSairaXx - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No wai Squirrel. I thought we all agreed I was the best. b:sad

    ...Did you still want that sandwich you had me make for you?
  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    havnt u all heard? chucking ur r/l money into this game makes u pro!

    it also makes u an amazing pvper(insert more exclamation marks here)

    spending r/l cash to buy trumpets makes u famous somemore (insert a few more exclamation marks here)

    k to be serious, this game has a huge influx of total morons that clearly cant play an mmo, since its turned into a 100% cash shop game, the losers realy do show here

    i aint saying every1 that heavly csers are, but damn its alot, u think of it, if they had something to spend there money on...a night out with friends and what not, there money wud go there, but since idiots just love to chuck there cash in here and claim there the god of the just tells me one thing

    "Get out the house more"
  • Pinkerbell - Harshlands
    Pinkerbell - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeaaa i think this post needs to be restarted from scratch now.
  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeaaa i think this post needs to be restarted from scratch now.

    You don't think my math is legit?

    Prove me wrong please :<

    ~Top Classes for SP~
    Barb: DeadGame :<
    Cleric: Me/Crelor/Gigglez/Aleven (Fail EQ tho)/Davus/Buffie
    BM: Dan/Pande [I heard Rob is pro too, but I want to see a 1v1 between him and one of these guys]
    Veno: Lolwut? Meatbunz/Orga/Buns
    Psychic: Acuity/IGF
    Assassin: Whisper, duh.
    Archer: Debatable, Moritar/Stagreous/MAYBE Kazamir, but he hates me b:sad
    Wizard: That 93 in Asuras, OMG fast casting <33

    This is totally biased towards Narla Faction seeing as I party most w/ Guildies
  • Bellatriix - Archosaur
    Bellatriix - Archosaur Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You don't think my math is legit?

    Prove me wrong please :<

    ~Top Classes for SP~
    Barb: DeadGame :<
    Cleric: Me/Crelor/Gigglez/Aleven (Fail EQ tho)/Davus/Buffie
    BM: Dan/Pande [I heard Rob is pro too, but I want to see a 1v1 between him and one of these guys]
    Veno: Lolwut? Meatbunz/Orga/Buns
    Psychic: Acuity/IGF
    Assassin: Whisper, duh.
    Archer: Debatable, Moritar/Stagreous/MAYBE Kazamir, but he hates me b:sad
    Wizard: That 93 in Asuras, OMG fast casting <33

    This is totally biased towards Narla Faction seeing as I party most w/ Guildies

    Don't let him see this, it'll give him self-esteem, and I have a hard time beating that down!

    "I got a ss of acu and bella spawning.."
  • Acuity - Archosaur
    Acuity - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Don't let him see this, it'll give him self-esteem, and I have a hard time beating that down!

    Hmph. Like what SquirrelPee says means anything anyways!

    Also, imo (also, this is from a pve standpoint <3)

    Barb: Kinda hard to find talented barbs here, but DeadGame has skills and the gear, esp. the tiny hammers lololo. WnbTank and Spanker_d deseve mentions here too

    Veno: Probably Orga, some good hercless venos out there though

    Archer: Azmerah is pretty decent imo

    Cleric: SquirrelP- oh... wait... hmm idk

    Wiz: Don't see many around... uh, ArchLvBu and Retain I guess

    BM: Best two I've seen are prolly Sharp_ and Majin_Boo

    Sin: Bellatriix would kill me if I didn't put her here so yeah qq. If I had the choice I would say Ninja_Please is prolly the scariest sin out there atm

    Psy: I'mma stay out of this one... b:avoid

    Tried to be as unbiased as I could b:surrender
  • EPro - Archosaur
    EPro - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    revisions in process
  • ergfg56h556h56h
    ergfg56h556h56h Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Who the hell is Asmerah?

    as for archers I would say Soochi/Obskurna, Obskurna/Soochi
  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Who the hell is Asmerah?

    as for archers I would say Soochi/Obskurna, Obskurna/Soochi

    PLEASE, please, tell me you're joking if you think Soochi is one of the best Archers in this server?
    Holy ****.

    Unless Soochi got mad skill/EQ w/in the last three-four days then I'ma doubt you on that one.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    PLEASE, please, tell me you're joking if you think Soochi is one of the best Archers in this server?
    Holy ****.

    Unless Soochi got mad skill/EQ w/in the last three-four days then I'ma doubt you on that one.

    Tbh, I haven`t noticed Soochi taking aggro while I run to mobs, which is sadly a criteria for good Archer on this server. Seen so many idiots, whom start shooting b4 I get to mobs & make my run that much harder. I could just let those die, but then I had to listen the QQ why I didn`t save they from their failness, tough to be barb these days =/. At least Archers haven`t started asking if I could leave FC to come help with something for them, like some clerics seem to do...

    Ps. I have to add Soochi in top3 Archers I have done FC with, she knows what to do and makes runs go smoothly.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Ersystelen - Raging Tide
    Ersystelen - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    soochi as best archer? lolz what a joke.

    kirbie's only good at charging zen....
  • Soochi - Archosaur
    Soochi - Archosaur Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    omg..this soochi person she sucks so bad that even ima better archerb:thanks
    oh wait.....

    i am soochi :D b:victory

    alright back to serious sht....

    i do admit i suck in where close to yoshi and the others...

    but !!

    i can be a decent archer in well prepared with many pots and ****...
    and yea i pulled a did a FC exp pull -____- (the barb went afk)pretty hard for any other archer to do... =/ and yea i can barrage at the right time and know bout STA's exp reuction and stun locking bishops etc etc which can make me a fit competetor for the best archer in pveb:pleased

    i cant shine really well in pvp...cause i am concentrating on lvling and not on gears...Obskurna has like 6k hp and i got like only 4k LOL xD.But !! i am learning fast :D
    will try to become better b:victory ....i do have good moment like when mono was ranting in WC and i went and amped lightninstriked him and got a 6k crit and 1 hit him LOL...
    and yea i generally end up fighting like 9-10 ashuras vs me in OT ( i go a bit early cause i want a hard fight...cause when pinka,dead,ieaz and the others come the ashuras chicken out -___-)
  • Meatbunz - Archosaur
    Meatbunz - Archosaur Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Are you still wearing ur lv 60 armor Soochi? b:shocked
  • Martiin - Archosaur
    Martiin - Archosaur Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    soochi as best archer? lolz what a joke.

    kirbie's only good at charging zen....

    QQ more about kirbie's high paying job b:thanks

    Soochi is a fine archer, I havent seen many "fail" ones yet.

    Archer - used to be yoshi but I dont have any other archers that pvp with me so yea

    Cleric - kirbie...for reasons I can't mention =p

    Veno - dunno, havent pked with any on this server so I will say pinkerboo since iv pked with her in HL server

    Barb - Wnbtank hands down, he works a little slower then most barbs to make sure everything goes right. He does not have the gear but knows his class. We will gear him to over 40k hp soon..

    Bm - can't say much, iv pvped some bm's but the only one to kill me without a gank is ULMOS so again not accurate

    sins - no idea honestly psy's havent been a bother and assasins have yet to kill me 1v1 so no names here

    mage - I am just gonna put proski here...only mage I have seen to pvp

    Base mine on pvp except for the barb so bleh I need more time.
    (anonymous) "If pwi brings out rank sale again, I will def increase my spending limit." Marketing, learn it, master it, and after that stop complaining about it.
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    man yall are noobs lol ijs b:surrender

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • yoshiibomb
    yoshiibomb Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the spirit of YoshiBomb lives on >:)
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    QQ more about kirbie's high paying job b:thanks

    Soochi is a fine archer, I havent seen many "fail" ones yet.

    Archer - used to be yoshi but I dont have any other archers that pvp with me so yea

    Cleric - kirbie...for reasons I can't mention =p

    Veno - dunno, havent pked with any on this server so I will say pinkerboo since iv pked with her in HL server

    Barb - Wnbtank hands down, he works a little slower then most barbs to make sure everything goes right. He does not have the gear but knows his class. We will gear him to over 40k hp soon..

    Bm - can't say much, iv pvped some bm's but the only one to kill me without a gank is ULMOS so again not accurate

    sins - no idea honestly psy's havent been a bother and assasins have yet to kill me 1v1 so no names here

    mage - I am just gonna put proski here...only mage I have seen to pvp

    Base mine on pvp except for the barb so bleh I need more time.

    You can tell she is in Impulse i mean (Soochi is a fine Archer) im sorry but Nuff Said

    Archer- None
    Cleric-None i know of atm
    Veno- Pinkaboo for meh, HA Veno w/ Nix FTL b:surrender
    Barb- Um not WNB im sorry but if u cant do FC well not good in my book, So BigFluffy takes it
    Bm- Lots of Good ones (mainly in narla so im not trying 2 say)
    Sin- Meh Duh! lmao
    Mage- Proski but he been slippin
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Cannibal - Harshlands
    Cannibal - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The best cleric: EpicBunny
    The best Archer: idk
    The best Barb: Bazarius
    The best Sin:Idk
    The best Mage:IRafaelI
    The best BM:kHRYSTALIZE
    The best Psy: hmm maybe nova ?
    The best Veno: idk

    how quickly destroy a good game b:sad
    Herc & nix failAnni packs fail Oracle fail oracle in item shop hahahahh.. genie fail hyper exp stone fail new race fail
    tolkens fail Pw botique agent fail Supply stash fail Auto pathing fail.. blcsmith, craftsman, tailor training... fail bh - fail Tiger pack fail
    mystical tome fail red weapons from packs fail FC fail shop licence fail chips for tolkens FAIL go farm cube...
    This game is now for fools...waiting when they add tt 60, 70, 80, 90 to Item mall b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • Proclivity - Archosaur
    Proclivity - Archosaur Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Best Cleric: Leaz, Purely becouse he knows his stuff, hes geared and he has the PvP skills.

    Best Barbarian: DeadGame, Takes an army to kill this guy, geared, knows his stuff.

    Best Psychic: INovaI, as much as it kills me to say, he plays his class well but theres a lack of good Psychics on Archasour.

    Best Venomancer: Pinkahboo, Played Veno all her gaming life, knows it inside out, knows the best builds, plays and pk's better then any veno ive ever played with.

    Best Archer: Cant tell

    Best Blademaster: ULMOS (The New one) already geared, knows how to stun lock and pk well, both me and leaz couldnt take him down.

    Best Assassin: BlackestSin, Best sneeky skills, nows the proper build, isnt afraid to fight w/o stealth and kills pretty dmm fact.

    Best Mage: Cant Tell
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Ieaz - Archosaur
    Ieaz - Archosaur Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok now i see ppl with better gear it getting harder for me to kill ppl and damm i am dieing to sins now so here is my top of the class

    Cleric self vote reasons i not seen any good cleric all cleric i see are HP sharded same hp as me and i have 5/6x p diff then them

    Sin has to be Darkshade *** me he eats my sage plume

    Archer Ob Gold 4 soc TT80 with a 95 purge bow with demon spark and demon quick shot OMG i hit SZ so fast my feet did not hit the ground

    Mage there all bad on the server 1 will pop up mayb when he his R8 (Archlubvsomethinh like that)

    Veno this is hard as i have my wife and pinka but pinka has to win this one

    BM has to be Illum or sharpie__<<he is 8x and fights well

    Psy CaoCao hits like a truck wot a jew

    and now for barbs this is a really hard one would like to see them in TW based on what i have seen has to be DG and spanker

    nice to see ppl geared and pking 1 month time and mayb more pkers?
  • asialana
    asialana Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Mmm seems Archers need to step it up on Arch server

    Gogo Hypers stones go
  • DarksShade - Archosaur
    DarksShade - Archosaur Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    hehe leaz i ate ur sage plummy =3

    im gonna be a lil more detailed

    best bm:

    axe: kiaxn or Nahktuul, both have GX and are pretty good
    fist: Ulmos, he has some scary speed + lunar claw
    troll... krystalise ftw

    best archer: from the high archers i've seen, ill say _Kazamir_, the only one i have never pked cuz the others pretty downed fast vs me so cant really tells..

    best clery:

    pvp: i hate to say but leaz hit hard in pvp and the hardest clery to kill for me
    pve: ill say mapril, shes the one that in FF/FC was barely never let my charm tick, so she was reacting quick when people where getting aggro, i can say the same for Mango_

    best sin :
    DPH : blackestsin
    DPS : me or ninja_plz, idunno whats ninja dps but might be close to me, i think he got more damage but i got more crit.

    best wizz: proski... he can 1 shot me T.T, so can i.

    best psy: ImaGayFish for hes skills and Archcaocao for gear and lvl

    best veno: proactivity or pinkhaboo, both are really skilled and hard to kill, but i like what pinka told me Quote"damn dark u got pretty high damage b:surprised"

    best barb: idk really i dont target much barb i know deadgame hes pretty tought but Arutiso is too and Unknowed really.

    so thats my tought ^.^ it might be wrong but thats what i think =o

    edit: i've read some post about kirby being hard to kill and nice def/gear w-e, i have to say that Ieaz is far better just that he hits pretty hard and harder to kill then kirby... "7.4k crit on kirby in TW >:3" debate closed
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    u need the correct funds to continue playing this game and remain being the respected best of any specific class. skill only takes you so far until your a unsharded undergeared uncharmed outleveld 1 shot. though its nice to see people remember how i played when everybody was in equal gear, or at least when it was to the point where gear couldnt make an advantage gap that early yet b:cute, but I play this server for fun now with a few close friends so I admit im playing weaker now cause my mind is on other things <3

    yet regardless of all that I still show up. its pretty hilarious when people who stayed blue/barely pked till they were comfortable behind tt90 and event gear talk **** on a guy wearing 5x boots. and i don't mean to brag but i'd say there are maybe 2-3 other people in total who have contributed to the servers PvP as much as I have. and only one of those guys would have kept showing up if you threw him in my clothes cause he isn't afraid to die either (ask if u want to know who they are)


    :edit: now if you want a list of pure unadulterated skill from what I remember pre frostcovered era, allow me. this list will undoubtedly shock some of you, but if you stripped everybodys gear and made them wear the same stuff 90+, these are the badasses in my opinion who would prevail

    cleric: qingfu/epicbunny - actually played like a cleric in all the good open field pk, instead of mindlessly plume shotting whoever the ** they wanted

    sin: ninjaplease /ghostz - to play a sin the only skill you need is patience, but these two have it

    psychic: GayFish - actually alternated between his voodos and was a great asset to any focus fire instead of running/potting/'tanking' while doing ** all in terms of dmg

    blademaster: dark_sin_ - the only BM i've pked with who did not get tunnel vision and go on his own rambo mission. actually had enough awareness to look out for his party.

    barb: badboy - simply does not give a **** like a true barb, what seperates all them 9x event gear barbs from him. ive seen literally every other barb have moments where they were reserved when pvping, but nah badboy understood how to constantly put pressure on the other teams robes

    archer: crunchi/headline - both actually played to my charm to determine when they would stun when pvping instead of mashing buttons

    veno: icezicle/parrena - both always understood proper veno nuke sequence and actually soul transfusioned
  • IlIuminous - Archosaur
    IlIuminous - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Shesh this topic is still going? >_>