Pandora's PVP Wizard Guide
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Uhmmm, I don't even think it's possible to hit somebody for 3k when they have the TE shield on. I've come to the conclusion that either.. you do a sh1tload more damage than I do, or the BM's on your server don't have any survivability. I can't kill a good BM with just sutra, most of them just live through it and use a pot or something.
i think that too, on my server too when a normal wr at lv100 going to pk then got atleast 10k mdef and same pdef and 10k+ hp and atleast 2 skill for catch u (occult ice + paralyze), pots and genie then barb and bm not the easiest because they fly with good speed too.
(example my friend in guild got 12k+mdef and same pdef with demon skills and wihtout godly refined eq or any hard eq like[anniversary things if u get it normal way])
mostly barb's dont use domain, they got turtle,bm's got another shield too. i dont say its impossible but rarly can get 3 90+ bm in pvp server i think who cant catch u if they attack in same time.0 -
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »I[/COLOR] have massive dmg 1 of the best if not the best on dream waver so far best hit i did was 50k crit on a bm without HF or amp all by myself
That means having a picture of the victims HP and status to show that there was no HF/Extreme poison. Either that BM was ungeared, or you're lying.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Astoru - Heavens Tear wrote: »Pics or it didn't happen.
That means having a picture of the victims HP and status to show that there was no HF/Extreme poison. Either that BM was ungeared, or you're lying.
there u go a clean ss u can see there was no bms or veno around to amp or HF just cleric and archer near us -
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »there u go a clean ss u can see there was no bms or veno around to amp or HF just cleric and archer near us
Btw, I see the effects of a spark and an attack charm. Failed to mention those I see.
EDIT: I see in there he was told to use physical marrow. Uh.....huh. You can't prove anything then, since the status effect you see in there is BLANK because he's dead.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Astoru - Heavens Tear wrote: »Then I say he's ungeared.
Btw, I see the effects of a spark and an attack charm. Failed to mention those I see.
EDIT: I see in there he was told to use physical marrow. Uh.....huh. You can't prove anything then, since the status effect you see in there is BLANK because he's dead.
The archer is also flagged, could have been blood vowed as well.60 / 250.0 -
auka had all of his gear on ye i did told him to use phy marrowi sparked i didnt use magic attk charm idk what did u said about the archer but if its that 100 skill she doesnt have it and any1 on dream waver can confrim u that whathappend dont have that lvl 100 hf look a like skill there wasnt any bm or veno around to hf or amp only reasons shes flagged its that she and auka were testing each other ''best dmg'' before i came trying to 1 shot each other then i felt like showing off my dmg told auka to phy marrow and did 50k on him u can say w/e u want but to do 50k all by urself on a phy marrowed bm isnt so bad at all and u said prove and i proved good day :P
the glow u see around me and that icon is frenzy
just wait faw more days till i +12 my wep then ill try to get a 180k or so pvp dmg on auka with HF amp and all the **** out there0 -
We're not trying to bash on you, but when you originally said you did 50k on someone you didn't mention Frenzy, triple spark, physical marrow. Now we see why you got 50k.60 / 250.0
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »auka had all of his gear on ye i did told him to use phy marrowi sparked i didnt use magic attk charm idk what did u said about the archer but if its that 100 skill she doesnt have it and any1 on dream waver can confrim u that whathappend dont have that lvl 100 hf look a like skill there wasnt any bm or veno around to hf or amp only reasons shes flagged its that she and auka were testing each other ''best dmg'' before i came trying to 1 shot each other then i felt like showing off my dmg told auka to phy marrow and did 50k on him u can say w/e u want but to do 50k all by urself on a phy marrowed bm isnt so bad at all and u said prove and i proved good day :P
the glow u see around me and that icon is frenzy
just wait faw more days till i +12 my wep then ill try to get a 180k or so pvp dmg on auka with HF amp and all the **** out thereBloop - Harshlands wrote:We're not trying to bash on you, but when you originally said you did 50k on someone you didn't mention Frenzy, triple spark, physical marrow. Now we see why you got 50k.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
Astoru - Heavens Tear wrote: »How the **** do you manage to type in such long run-ons? My eyes bleed.
Basically sums up my thoughts. Try it when a BM is using a magic marrow, like they will ALWAYS BE USING.
tbh if u fight a bm and he always have magic marrow on ur doing something wrong u can easly make the bm mag marrow to run out i have a bm on my server with same hp as a barb and +12 fist and set and he have same magic deff as arcane iwth marrow i just make his marrow go off then bid him to deaeth.
anyway on a real fight with bm id never go sage spark bid i use my chi for better stuff then that. + it can always go wrong the can domain or occlut u or w/e.
i didnt said i was doing it during battle i jsut said i did 50k on a bm all by myself0 -
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »tbh if u fight a bm and he always have magic marrow on ur doing something wrong u can easly make the bm mag marrow to run out i have a bm on my server with same hp as a barb and +12 fist and set and he have same magic deff as arcane iwth marrow i just make his marrow go off then bid him to deaeth.i didnt said i was doing it during battle i jsut said i did 50k on a bm all by myself●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
@Astoru, if your eyes bleed, take a break, do some bird watching.
You wanted a PS, you got a PS. Then you found another excuse, and another, and another ... I was expecting something like " meh, it's just a game" when you run out of arguments. Hey, dude, is 50k and she posted the full PS. End of story. You need some serious lack in game mechanics knowledge to think that someone, any class, can just pull out a 50k crit out of their arses with one of the spam skills. Not even with a +12 warsoul on a BIDS crit. Sheeesh....
I know SurferGirl for a while, and if you guys don't have any idea how she's playing wizard just shut up please. I know she knows what she's doing. She might not be Hemingway but like I've said many times: the ones who talk about someone's spelling when posting either don't understand the subject or don't have any arguments to fight it.
@SurferGirl, Hun, I'd love to and I'm looking for it, but I need to stack on some Guardians first.
@PWI - Guardian scrolls sale any time soon?____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »@Astoru, if your eyes bleed, take a break, do some bird watching.
You wanted a PS, you got a PS. Then you found another excuse, and another, and another ... I was expecting something like " meh, it's just a game" when you run out of arguments. Hey, dude, is 50k and she posted the full PS. End of story. You need some serious lack in game mechanics knowledge to think that someone, any class, can just pull out a 50k crit out of their arses with one of the spam skills. Not even with a +12 warsoul on a BIDS crit. Sheeesh...can just pull out a 50k crit out of their arses with one of the spam skills.
Meh.●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
do you have a point or you're just bored?____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
hm u really think u cant make a bm marrow go off? im not dumb i know they can recast it anytime they want. but they dont bms recast it about every 10 sec or so. u can wait about 10 sec then u can seal them then u can sleep them then u can stun them then u can expel them and then u can bid them
and im done talking 2 u u clearly dont know how to pk
and another thing chack again ursa posted here for quite a while . i just posted 2 days ago how could i call him?
and ursa hun dont bother with guardian's i know safty lock a ***** but it works 20 -
and the target bm is just going to stand there while you chain stun/seal them? After you've used sleep and mountain seize.. any decent BM would just drop or run away (or even use a genie skill) until they can do something again. After you've used sleep -> MS, you basically need to finish them off before they can move again (expel is nice, but it doesn't stop them from running away until they can attack again)Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »First, just to clear things up from beginning , I'm sage, and this is just one person's opinion, not a bible, not a post to rule them all. Read it, take what you consider useful, USE YOUR BRAIN TO take the decision about culti. I will try to give as much info as possible from my point of view.
well, demon vs sage is a never ending discussion. Why? because both paths are equally powerful when played on their strengths. If one of the paths would have been way better than the other, ppl would have found all the hidden benefits so far. But the argument is strong and it's , like I've said, a proof of how balanced these cultivations are for wizard.
Before I chose my cultivation I spoke with a lot of endgame wizards, both sage and demons. Take whatever is told with a grain of salt, and make your own decision. Every wizard should do the same thing, don't let other ppl take decisions for you. I've been in Seraphim's guild for about 9 months, I spoke a lot with him about wizards, I learned everything I know about wizards from him. If you read his guide he's quite biased when it comes to cultivation options, and with some good arguments, but I went Sage.
Back then (In august 2009 I think) I chose my cultivation based on a few things:
- I wanted first of all to be a nuker in TW - chi build skills and BIDS were the most important here.
- I wanted to have an easy life in PvE ( 20% Mana regen, 25% less damage from Sage spark was just perfect)
- I loved the decreased channel on Stone Rain and the Cooldown bonus on WoTP. WoTP is quite a spam-able skill with awesome dmg. Gush/pyro/gush/wotp is probably the biggest DPS a sage wizard can have in this game.
What skills I love on Sage:
- Pyro Chi gain (20% chances to gain 45 chi)
- SR lower channel
- WoTP lower cooldown
- Ultimates
- materies adding 5% more dmg.
- master li technique (50 chi every minute)
- distance shrink costing 10 chi.
I chose to be a sage wizard and I was and I am really happy with my choice, because it servers the above purposes perfectly. I'm not a big PvPer, and honestly, if you are one, there are at least 2 other classes out there that are better suited for it (endgame archer -with fists- and Sin and also a BM played with skill. BMs don't be upset, I give the upper hand to Sins for stealth and archers for both range and melle fist dmg.) so rolling a wizard just for 1v1 PvP purpose I say is a gamble. Low native survivability and control skills means u have to be a very skilled player endgame to play well a wizard. Wanna take that expensive gamble and see how it ends?
Now, demon wizards - as I played one on a private server ( sure, there is a difference, but I played it to learn the mechanics, strengths and weaknesses compared to sage) - are pretty nice too.
What I like on demon:
- Lower channel on pyro
- 20% Stun on SR
- 50% freeze on Hailstorm
- added dmg on SS and gush
- 33% chance of freeze on Pitfall
- range on MS - 35m- basically you can stun an archer at his max range (unless he has a x-bow with +range add.
If you compare this list with the one for sage, you can pretty much see what the difference is , no need to be a rocket scientist. Demon has more target control and HP restore from spark, Sage has more survival and potentially a bigger DPH coming from masteries (5% is important when your weapon is +10 or above) combined with a bigger chance for crits on Nukes.
PvP is easier with a Demon wizard giving the control skills available, but if you learn to play around the sage strengths in a 1v1 you can be as deadly as a demon.
As you can very well see, I left out one of the most impressive features of the Demon cultivation: Stone barrier add of 150% pdef from gear. It sound awesome, at it really is, for the most part. People usually forget about the sage version giving 120% pdef also, and how rare and hard to obtain these skills are.
Now, having demon barrier at 89 can be incredibly awesome, but later on, at endgame, the advantage is reduced by the laws of diminishing returns. Self buffed the diff between the Sage SB and Demon SB on phys dmg reduction will go from a 4-5% at 89-90 to 1 , maximum 2% at 100. When full buffs come into place, especially if they are lvl 11, the advantage of that 150% vs 120% is almost null.
Take this build for example: (my curent build - well except a few refines for HP)
set the BM pdef buff to sage/demon, and then play with Demon/Sage Stone barrier. The pdef reduction is only 1%. no matter how you swap them around.
Now, this is with some 95 gear only. Take nirvana, with bigger bonuses, shard with garnets for higher base pdef and the advantage of a demon stone barrier becomes null.
This is the reason why I don't consider Demon SB a game changing skill. It's nice at 90, but it makes no real diff at 100.
One other skill that demons are bragging about is the 30m vs 25m on distance shrink. I have to give it to demons, this is a nice, very nice skill. But it was more important when genies were not ingame. Now how much diff it makes if you DS 25 or 30m? If you flee, after that DS comes Holy Path so you're in the woods anyway. It has some advantages in some "at the limit" situations, but you're going to be in those kind of situations so rarely that it's really not a factor worth considering.
Well, these are my opinions ... feel free to discuss.
Thanks, thats exactly what I was asking for
Now you can all return to bashing each other for no reason O.o If Surfer says she can own BMs easily and you dont believe it, come watch her or something. I haven't but I know she PvPs all the time so she must have some sort of experience no?0 -
Exitium - Dreamweaver wrote: »Thanks, thats exactly what I was asking for
Now you can all return to bashing each other for no reason O.o If Surfer says she can own BMs easily and you dont believe it, come watch her or something. I haven't but I know she PvPs all the time so she must have some sort of experience no?
ye ty.
im done posting here
if any1 doubts my methods make a noob cleric come to dreamwaver orchid temple and watch me fight
btw adroit u can always use snare to reduce their speed by 80% during expel its as good as stun tbh.. and u dont need to worry about bms to holy path they will use true epmtiness for MS so their energy will be good as 00 -
SurferGirl - Dreamweaver wrote: »ye ty.
im done posting here
if any1 doubts my methods make a noob cleric come to dreamwaver orchid temple and watch me fight
btw adroit u can always use snare to reduce their speed by 80% during expel its as good as stun tbh.. and u dont need to worry about bms to holy path they will use true epmtiness for MS so their energy will be good as 0
I can only assume BMs are really different between the servers. I just cant relate to your experiences at all. If BMs here used TE for my MS they'd be cake, they know how to kite sparks/apoth pots etc, and in general just aren't dumb. I'm almost tempted to put my safety lock on and let some of these other wizards try to pvp on lost city. Not gonna happen right now, but if I ever really quit, I might consider it.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I can only assume BMs are really different between the servers. I just cant relate to your experiences at all. If BMs here used TE for my MS they'd be cake, they know how to kite sparks/apoth pots etc, and in general just aren't dumb. I'm almost tempted to put my safety lock on and let some of these other wizards try to pvp on lost city. Not gonna happen right now, but if I ever really quit, I might consider it.
i said i wont post here but i wanna comment that
only reasons bms use TE for my MS its cuz they know i can 1 shot them with it , its enough that i gushed them once and undine them to let MS take their rest of the hp even with mag marrow on i got really nice dmg like i mentioned before and 15% crit rate so crit is always considerable option to them cuz they know me, and i always use frenzy just incase they dont use TE so they will die either if they use TE cuz they will lose all their energy and be helpless to me during expel or die cuz ill prolly do a 8k-7k non crit with just MS undined + frenzy(some bms got more hp so ill prolly had to gush them once during force of wil or something)
oh and btw i got 192 genie energy so even if i use frenzy i can stil use expel since if u got str/dex it lows frenzy energy consuming i only need about 70 or so energy for frenzy
0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I can only assume BMs are really different between the servers. I just cant relate to your experiences at all. If BMs here used TE for my MS they'd be cake, they know how to kite sparks/apoth pots etc, and in general just aren't dumb. I'm almost tempted to put my safety lock on and let some of these other wizards try to pvp on lost city. Not gonna happen right now, but if I ever really quit, I might consider it.
I'll take you up on that offer. b:laugh
Dreamweaver pking is SO MUCH FUN [/sarcasm]. Btw, Surfer, next time you try one of those pics, just get the BM to frenzy. Then you can honestly say that he wasn't HF'd, veno amp'd, naked, w/e else.0 -
Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver wrote: »I'll take you up on that offer. b:laugh
Dreamweaver pking is SO MUCH FUN [/sarcasm]. Btw, Surfer, next time you try one of those pics, just get the BM to frenzy. Then you can honestly say that he wasn't HF'd, veno amp'd, naked, w/e else.
auka dont have frenzy tho0 -
Nice work
0 -
first time i read this guide just to find out is terrible outdated and pretty much a junk nowUrsa - Dreamweaver wrote: »
only an idiot bm use TE and all those noob moves0 -
Just thought I would stop by and give u credit and thanks for the info Pandora I been following your guide for like a year.....yea I work so it took me a year to get to 9x decided early in game to go to heaven and been gearing according to your guide. I have a light armor mage that is just for lack of a better word EPIC.....ty and yes robes suck balls for that i have went sage time to pvp....ill post again and let u know. b:victory0
Pandora - Lost City wrote: »
~Light Armor~
This is the secondary build, which can save your **** in PVP. While the bonus from con is minimal, mages are able to build themselves to equip light armor and this is especially effective on them because of Earth Barrier's huge pdef modifier. Keep in mind that you will hit for significantly less damage (UPDATE: Actually, a full int guild member of the same level and I tested our damage on the same target, using the same gear, and he hit for 200 more sandstorm than me. 2900 vs 3100 average. Since then, most of our full int have restatted light armor...), however, you will be able to take a lot of hits. With proper use of blink, the only way to really die on a light mage is to be chain stunned. You will crit significantly more than full int and every sandstorm crit on an archer is a oneshot, so keep that in mind. This is the build I use.
As a light mage, you have all the pdef you need. It's a good idea to pick either your necklace or your belt, and make one of them pdef based, and the other one magic defense based. Then, when picking armor, you're looking for +hp modifiers (NOT +PDEF, YOU HAVE PLENTY AND MORE SUFFERS FROM DIMINISHING RETURNS) and +hp stones. I cannot stress enough that +hp is infinitely better than +pdef for you.
To follow a light build, your STR and DEX must be your level +4, and 3 int every level. If you put stats in any way other than this you will not have enough int to equip your level's weapon, or enough str/dex to equip your level's armor. It is not possible to equip everything your level and put con on in a light armor build.
Update: The HH90 green light set makes light mages basically impossible to kill. A 9X Conquerer archer with a +4 HH90 bow described fighting me today as "like fighting a warrior that can actually kill me." Robes do roughly the same damage but drop dead fast as hell. I am fully confident now that light armor is the way to go.
im a newbie and i was wondering, since u add 3 mag 1 str and 1 dex each lvl do u NEVER add vitality points? PLZ REPLY0 -
Kaminara - Lost City wrote: »im a newbie and i was wondering, since u add 3 mag 1 str and 1 dex each lvl do u NEVER add vitality points? PLZ REPLY
Indeed you dont. Quoted from your quote: "It is not possible to equip everything your level and put con on in a light armor build.". Con = vit.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
CeliaZ - Sanctuary wrote: »Indeed you dont. Quoted from your quote: "It is not possible to equip everything your level and put con on in a light armor build.". Con = vit.
so i will never ever add vitality points? sorry, i have alot questions, im kinda new >.<
and im at a really low level, so how do i make my hp pool bigger? cuz i dont want 2 die alot. im currently lvl 10 and i have 280 hp. is dat bad or good (on da stats it shows 6 in green so my armor added a point so its basically five)?0 -
Kaminara - Lost City wrote: »so i will never ever add vitality points? sorry, i have alot questions, im kinda new >.<
and im at a really low level, so how do i make my hp pool bigger? cuz i dont want 2 die alot. im currently lvl 10 and i have 280 hp. is dat bad or good (on da stats it shows 6 in green so my armor added a point so its basically five)?
this belongs in the beginner section, but basically you can get hp by refining your gear, putting hp shards in your gear, wearing gear that has hp bonuses, adding vit points (difficult with light armor), or just leveling (there is a small increase to hp every time you level)Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »this belongs in the beginner section, but basically you can get hp by refining your gear, putting hp shards in your gear, wearing gear that has hp bonuses, adding vit points (difficult with light armor), or just leveling (there is a small increase to hp every time you level)
thanks b:thanks0 -
auwsom guide but what about my genie wich skils are best with a wizard?0
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