Dynasty the Gank Masters?



  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    that looks arctan ish
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cirax beat you to it Cheze =P

    Still b:cool
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • GoatBoy - Harshlands
    GoatBoy - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2010


    lost my internet when my brother moved out, didn't give me any warning to even say that i was gonna be offline for a while, he's sort of a giant doosh. then, i spent some time in jail, which was a nice learning experience. but now that my name's cleared and my car's fixed i can get another job and whatnot and start paying for some interwebs again. i hear everyone's like, level 100 now, wtfness! the server was supposed to shut down whenever i'm not online, didn't you guys get the memo? :( now i got some catching up to do
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    that looks like some kinda green's theorem ish thinger i can't remember wtf im gonna go do my hw.
  • Cirax - Dreamweaver
    Cirax - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    noo don't do hw! so I can beat your to the answer >=)
    Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

    ~Albert Einstien
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I was tempted to go through my complex analysis book and pull something really obscure out... but then I changed my mind.

    I think I'll keep Green's theorem on my sig since it's pwetty :3

    Cheze - 2
    Cirax - 1

    I'll give Cirax a chance to catch up eventually if I feel like searching again =P
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    gz dynasty on your triple gank lost in a 35 vs 80 war. b:laugh
  • _vincent - Dreamweaver
    _vincent - Dreamweaver Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    gz dynasty on your triple gank lost in a 35 vs 80 war. b:laugh

    1) Dynasty had low attendence that TW so I hear

    2) Dynasty won, Gank is only a problem if you can't summon the people to help

    3) This thread needs to die.
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    1) All i hear is QQQQQ I'm a bad loser followed by more QQQQQ

    2) It was more like 40 vs 70, still not our problem. You have the levels and gear as well...

    3) It was the most fun TW i did for a long time, and a lotta people from both factions agreed that it was fun, so dun spoil it only because you are butthurt.

    4) I ran out of points but always making three points is kinda clichee

    5) WHERE IS DECUS? b:angry
  • _vincent - Dreamweaver
    _vincent - Dreamweaver Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    5) WHERE IS DECUS? b:angry

    Wacky's the one that wears the pants in the relationship, Decus wears a skirt b:chuckle.
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Wacky's the one that wears the pants in the relationship, Decus wears a skirt b:chuckle.

    b:chuckle I always knew it!
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    1) Dynasty had low attendence that TW so I hear

    2) Dynasty won, Gank is only a problem if you can't summon the people to help

    3) This thread needs to die.

    dynasty lost and i counted. exactly 35 ppl.

    38 assigned, 3 ppl didnt show up. so.. no. not 40.

    i say lose cause its gank of 35 vs 80 and it took 1.5hours to win considering vanquish was helping this time also.
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yea. Vanquish was helping for what? 5 minutes? But at least now I know for sure you are a butthurt cala member. Was always wondering which fac you are in. ;) And btw, you can "count" it as a loss all you want, fact is YOU lost. Get over it, it is a game, your faction has 200 members, 80 fit in a tw. Want me to do the math for you? Or better yet, ask Decus, he is a math pro. b:bye

    One a side note: I say it again, we had no more than 70 member on the battlefield. So if you start counting beans at least do it right.
  • _vincent - Dreamweaver
    _vincent - Dreamweaver Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wtvdie wrote: »
    dynasty lost and i counted. exactly 35 ppl.

    38 assigned, 3 ppl didnt show up. so.. no. not 40.

    i say lose cause its gank of 35 vs 80 and it took 1.5hours to win considering vanquish was helping this time also.

    Dynasty didn't have a full 80, but I wasn't exactly there to TW much so I would say Xegeth is right. and a victory is still a victory. Who's fault is it that Calamity couldn't or didn't have 80 people on both EQ and Dynasty (if EQ did TW, I didn't pay attention this week)? Definately not Dynasty's or EQ's.

    Solution for ganks =/= QQing on the fourms.
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Dynasty did a great job showing up with the numbers they showed up, considering it was their only war and they pride themselves of being a strong active TW faction, 70ish members of potentially 200 is sure a great outcome.

    Congrats to Dynasty on your victory, if our crystal dropped to zero before yours, then you clearly deserve the win. We need to work our attendance harder for Calamity, we had a very hard weekend where 3 of the most strong TW factions attacked us in the same day, we could've (some would say should've) lost 2 lands. All of Cala members that dwell this forums, and post under their ingame names will tell you we are very proud of this weekend outcome despite the loss. The way I see it we ended up losing one and weekly 10m. if we win RT City thats another land and 20m for the week, then it was a possitive outcome, if we lose, then we'll try again next week.

    But all in all, you are right, this is no place to grief about our loss. Instead, let me congratulate you, as many calamity members did in world chat, for your victory. See ya next weekend, we'll try harder and you guys will too. b:cute
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Teppeii - Dreamweaver
    Teppeii - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,206 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Best. Thread. Ever.

    Read the majority of it. Went from QQing to bitter hate to meltdown controversy to witty jokes and random oddness. Where will it go next? Nobody knowssss. =O

    I wonder if I made it to 1k streams on my WQ yet...
    -exits thread-
    On indefinite hiatus :3
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    @Andres: Dunno if your post (especially your first part) was sarcasm, but if not, thank you. :)

    It is no secret cala is the better faction and that we get rolled in 10 min if we fight one on one - nontheless teh fight yesterday sure was the most enjoyable for a long time, at elast for me. And I was happy that almost all cala members ingame were fair and did seem to enjoy the fight as well. That is why I hate that this QQ thread shows a pretty different picture...
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    to be honest if Dynasty had 70 into TW, and 33-40ish defended that for 1,5 hour, i still ind it pretty cool. considering it was jsut a try to laste as long as possible... and no we do not have 200 members. under 190 actually.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No one said it wasn't cool, heartie. ;) I found it a good fight and I am only not impressed because I expect no less from cala.

    But numbers ain't all.. We had a lot of 8x, even low 8x in that tw. People like SurferGirl just one shot those people non crit without looking. Don't wanna say you didn't do a great job, you were perfectly organized as well (somethign we have to work on...). But that has to be taken into consideration as well when talkign about numbers.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Im just happy we lasted that long. Im happy that our lower levels have been working hard to level up and get their tt90 gear to make all of this possible. Just you wait Xegeth, soon its gonna be 40 lvl 99-101 defending b:cute

    P.S. you give all the credit to SG! I was one shotting people without crits too!
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well, we grow as well. We all have to stay focused I think, looking forward to it. b:pleased

    Oh well Mizu, everyone knows you rock anyway <3
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited April 2010


    Right here Xeggy b:cute
    I always knew it!

    I have pants too!
    Or better yet, ask Decus, he is a math pro.


    On topic now:

    I hold much respect for the Calamity that PMed me after and said how much fun TW was, as I PMed in turn. Wtvdie, get over the fact that you lost and stop complaining about it. Quite frankly, it's immature and obnoxious. None of us complain when Calamity beats us, we know our place. If you are upset that you got "ganked," then leave Calamity and join a faction with only one land so you won't get "ganked" b:pleased

    OMG I'm ganking this thread again!!!! b:shocked
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Cirax - Dreamweaver
    Cirax - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This thread died when Decus stopped updating his sig :(
    Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

    ~Albert Einstien
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This thread died when Decus stopped updating his sig :(

    Done as requested b:victory
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Xegeth - Dreamweaver
    Xegeth - Dreamweaver Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You should put the awesome equation for yesterday's TW pay into your sig, Decus. b:chuckle
  • WackyTaffy - Dreamweaver
    WackyTaffy - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You should put the awesome equation for yesterday's TW pay into your sig, Decus. b:chuckle

    I have a giant spinning wheel IRL. Whatever it comes up with is how much you get paid.

    And good job whoever came up with this thread, I think it was Nisus maybe. About time we had a recruiting thread on the pwi forums. Dynasty the Gank Masters! I like the sound that b:cool

    Join Dynasty level 80+ TW/Vent/18+ pm WackyTaffy, Shezz or CharlieTuna for a short interviews b:flower
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:shutup Wacky stop revealing your secrets! b:quiet
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    until wtvdie shows his "main char" we cant really say he is in cala.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    double secert probation !!!!
  • wtvdie
    wtvdie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    until wtvdie shows his "main char" we cant really say he is in cala.

    miz... the wolfie almost got u.

    proof enough?