Top Factions



  • IlIuminous - Archosaur
    IlIuminous - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Geez, Someone is upset about the necklace issue to just change topic like that <_< lol.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    damn right im upset he stole it and then used it to fail harder lol gimme a cube necklace
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Filter circumvention is a banable offence - Aryannamage
  • LSl - Archosaur
    LSl - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Impulse still Strong, and Sure, a few ppl Left (tnkz god for that cuz we want loyal ppl).
    Resume - Impulse FTW
    lSl - Veno @ Impulse
  • Macenza - Archosaur
    Macenza - Archosaur Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Edited quote due to filter circumvention - Aryannamage

    u said u wud give 200 tokens at each time till uve given 1000, to puppygirl was it?
    u then stoped paying after the 1st 200 and started claiming to her *it was given to u as a gift*

    hmm...ur a bad lier, screenshots prove all, who fails now scammer?
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ulmos do not go around the forum filter again.
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    whoops, my bad, force of habit.
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Edited quote due to filter circumvention - Aryannamage

    u said u wud give 200 tokens at each time till uve given 1000, to puppygirl was it?
    u then stoped paying after the 1st 200 and started claiming to her *it was given to u as a gift*

    hmm...ur a bad lier, screenshots prove all, who fails now scammer?

    Ask her how I got it. Ask her when she asked for 1K tokens. Ask her what she changed the deal to. Ask her why she then, after all of those answers, did she rage quite the faction and then call me a scammer.

    Tell her to show you the screen shots of all that. You should look further into things, then again, so should everyone, so I don't expect you to. Instead, I just don't care.

    Oh... and ask her why she wanted back into our faction. After she RQ'd and slandered.

    You fail.
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the reason why me and ulmos left impulse was because... quite frankly, staying would have meant everything would've been too easy. prob a blow to all your guys egos but I'm sure you'll get it over it.

    interesting how 2 people begin to believe that they have the control to change whether a guild rolls everyone or they lose. Quite frankly this arguement is a horrible one mainly because i know for a fact one outta the 2 of the names said went from their failing faction, made up some excuse, and went to the number 1 faction, which he in fact said he hated so that reason is truly and utterly bull

    narla, templar, sense, etc. we're all badly irrelevant off the bat, the most they could do was talk from a blue name. as far as I'm concerned, impulse losing power is a good thing, I mean **** I welcome all these narla supporters too, but why don't you guys let the impulse thing be. everyone is trying to read too much into it or take credit/assign blame when there is neither to give because its not a big deal

    First of all this could not be said because as others, everyone of these factions had white names and in fact pked if you had not noticed. The main fact as others went blue name was 1. they wanted to level so they could withstand the ganking which impulse had on every player that was white.
    2. Because Impulse was in fact a Cash shopping faction, so in order to keep pace with them, they had to quest efficently without getting killed everytime a random impulse dropped from the sky with random people
    3. We (Narla) Never said anything out of the ordinary. This is what you call a Rivarly. They say things about us, us about them and visversa. But in the end its not as big of a deal which your trying 2 make it seem.

    I know a lot of you are caught up in the long term of this game and so you try and manage your resources well by only putting yourself on the line when you feel comfortable. having that security of a really big, 'organized' faction suits your interests, understandable. but players like me and ulmos play this game for the moment no matter the odds, see we recognize this thing called fun and are able to keep things in perspective:

    Not all people are trying to get in to the "Biggest faction" some were there from the beginning and they watch the faction grow even before these Servers were begun. So trying to say some epopel dont play this game for the moment is totally horrible considering, anyone of these now big factions could have failed at any moment. Now if you wanted to put things in perspective it seems as though you and Ulmos left Impulse for more then those reason your trying 2 defend, but I might just be the only one seeing this

    (before you say something **** realize that I'm talking in general and accounting for all occurences not just the one you hold imprinted in your memory because you may be bitter. I'm not saying there was never a time an asuras member didn't kill somebody and then had a good time about it at the expense of the other)

    This ^^ Happens all the time, you guys are pretty much a mini Impulse when you stated yourself as a "PK faction". This only brings Big Egos and Drama magnets which in turn give you guys a bad name. In fact I have seen constant reminders of how many big Egos there are, when some Asuras gank someone and when they get beat, end up QQ, and saying they got ganked and other BS, which i dont feel like saying

    asuras: guy a kills guy b but does not brag about it, instead appreciates guy b's effort to at least contribute to the well being of the server by having the nuts to PvP / flipside: a lot of our members including myself have been killed but I don't see us raging or trying to spoil the fun.

    mostly the rest of the server: guy a kills guy b in favorable circumstances, then brags about it or is actually stupid enough to make outrageous claims such as.. for instance... lets say michael jordan, while accompanied by high school teammates, lost a pick up game to the '91 lakers. then every member of that laker team went and told everybody they knew they had bested michael jordan, not accounting for anything but their own sad lust for instant gratification. wtf am I trying to say: can you ****ing noobs stop trying to worry about how you look and just have some real fun ; )

    Just making this post as a whole is trying to make yourself look better. Dont try to put others down for being Humans, because if you havnt noticed thats what they do. Less QQ and the QQers, mmmk hot shot b:victory

    that is allb:chuckle
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Nosirrah - Archosaur
    Nosirrah - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Any discussion/argument about who the "Top Factions" are is irrelevant. Everyone will always think their faction is the best and will attempt to prove it by trolling and spamming as much as they can. Have fun wasting your time though guys.b:bye
  • Ritalin - Raging Tide
    Ritalin - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This entire thread is tl;dr
  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Narla, holla.

    QQ @ my avatar

    :) GJ to everyone.


    Top Factions

    1. SquirrelPee
    2. Narla
    3. PetSquirrel
    4. ImaSquirrel
    5. DYNO-mite

  • Liquiador - Archosaur
    Liquiador - Archosaur Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    go pee ! ! !
    ty pwe, you made me throw away 3 years pw-exp b:sadb:surrender
  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    go pee ! ! !

    Jamie Foxx- Winners (ft. Justin Timberlake & T.I.)


    Invest in a SquirrelPee* today, all items/money...

    How it Works
    -Mail SquirrelPee money
    -Receive money back with 55% interest added, over 18 years, first payment starting 3 years after item/money recieved.

    *Terms subject to change

    QQ my avatar, it wont change T_T
  • Anri_Rose - Archosaur
    Anri_Rose - Archosaur Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    what rose saidb:surrender

    ?? wait what did i say ??

    Oh and im a lvl 50 mage, should i be in my current faction, i mean am i wanted by any one, v.v i just dont know if im in a good spot or if i can get a better deal elsewhere ^_^ YES I am a merc bish ^_^
    Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
    Who altered my siggy im
    kinda scared b:shocked
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Quests aren't fun, grinding isn't fun, doing quests don't make you pro, grinding doesn't either. In terms of fun, we're all here for different reasons, in terms of pro, there's alot that defines that, but ones thing is for certain. There's a huge difference between a newb who oracles to 7X and doesn't know their class, and someone who does.

    If you're white name, you decide to pk, then you're going to die, whether you're high level or not, don't cry about it.[/QUOT

    ULMOS you make me want to hyper everyday just to one shoot u and post on forums...
  • Liquiador - Archosaur
    Liquiador - Archosaur Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Quests aren't fun, grinding isn't fun, doing quests don't make you pro, grinding doesn't either. In terms of fun, we're all here for different reasons, in terms of pro, there's alot that defines that, but ones thing is for certain. There's a huge difference between a newb who oracles to 7X and doesn't know their class, and someone who does.

    If you're white name, you decide to pk, then you're going to die, whether you're high level or not, don't cry about it.[/QUOT

    ULMOS you make me want to hyper everyday just to one shoot u and post on forums...

    go for it b:victory
    ty pwe, you made me throw away 3 years pw-exp b:sadb:surrender
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Quests aren't fun, grinding isn't fun, doing quests don't make you pro, grinding doesn't either. In terms of fun, we're all here for different reasons, in terms of pro, there's alot that defines that, but ones thing is for certain. There's a huge difference between a newb who oracles to 7X and doesn't know their class, and someone who does.

    If you're white name, you decide to pk, then you're going to die, whether you're high level or not, don't cry about it.[/QUOT

    ULMOS you make me want to hyper everyday just to one shoot u and post on forums...

    Bring it Marry Poppins.
  • Theavenger - Sanctuary
    Theavenger - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Bring it Marry Poppins.

    I'm officially using this from now on.
  • StormChaos - Heavens Tear
    StormChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    so now ur high lvl then most the server with crazy cash shoped gear (such as ur helm with +125 phy def shards) ur rdy to pk...

    You are joking right ? If not o dear o dear b:chuckle
  • Oniwabanchu - Archosaur
    Oniwabanchu - Archosaur Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    let me tell you a history about "ULMOS" = "Nuala" in RT server

    he lvled and took the leadership of Empire, some ppl left the faction and joined QQme...then Nuala who "was against the red beast" and was leader of what it was the top faction of the server left the faction cuz hes probably **** and joined Infamy (the big red faction)

    then he sold his account in RT to a dude for 200$ lol (that isnt event legal in pwi) and is here to do the same **** again :D

    now enjoy b:bye

    If you know the past, then u can predict the future.. LOL
    PK 4ever! if u dont like to be pwned, ambushed or ganked... STAY BLUE AND DONT QQme

  • Soochi - Archosaur
    Soochi - Archosaur Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Impulse is way better than narla...but the thing is ppl dunno wat they are not seeing. tbh Impulse will win a TW against Narla in like 2 hrs easilyb:bye
  • ULMOS - Archosaur
    ULMOS - Archosaur Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you know the past, then u can predict the future.. LOL

    Without going into how unreliable memory is, without going into how biased, myopic, and uninformed you are, I'll simply say:

    Bring it Mary Poppins.
  • Siege_ - Archosaur
    Siege_ - Archosaur Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Impulse is way better than narla...but the thing is ppl dunno wat they are not seeing. tbh Impulse will win a TW against Narla in like 2 hrs easilyb:bye

    The constant flow of incoming ex-impulse applications say otherwise.
  • BigFIuffy - Archosaur
    BigFIuffy - Archosaur Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Impulse is way better than narla...but the thing is ppl dunno wat they are not seeing. tbh Impulse will win a TW against Narla in like 2 hrs easilyb:bye

    Bring it Mary Poppins.
  • XRoyalKingx - Archosaur
    XRoyalKingx - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    In my opinion it is...

    1. Narla- Nothing has gone wrong, promising community
    2. RavenZ- They are polish, but there good gamers
    3. *Templar*- Promising group, took really long to finish tw
    4. Impulse- Would've been number one but Proclivity is gone and too much drama
    5 Asuras- b:shocked pk pk
    6. Sense- NINJAS b:dirty
    7. Cultblood- Should've won tw just some bad communication
    8. TrueMythz- Don't B*tch at me for having cultblood first cuz TM won a land but TM has good communication skills and loyalty but I dont think there as good, but communication and loyalty might make them the yellow blob b:chuckle
    9. WeRRoyal- Most active good leveled guild i've seen other than the ones listed above b:surrender
    10 HellsCore- Not really sure what to put here


    how is ravens better than us we took their territory they are just desent
  • _FroZ_ - Archosaur
    _FroZ_ - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    What about "Destiny"?
    I know they have 200 members, are very active and have numerous 70+ and 60+.
    They just didnt TW cause the Leader was off when they were outbidden b:shocked

    Think they should at least be in your top 10, but i must admit i am not sure about the lvls the others have.

    Thank you for mentioning us. ^^ Although, I do not care what other lamers care and think about "Destiny". Let it be rated top ten or even top 100. In the end, what's truly matter depends on the game not "crazy" talk on forum. =]

    Thanks for mentioning our name though. And plus. You should join us. ^^b:thanks

  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I still say LastStand, Rule34 and RageQuit are the best Guilds!

    Wait...wrong server b:cute
  • Pandalos - Archosaur
    Pandalos - Archosaur Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thank you for mentioning us. ^^ Although, I do not care what other lamers care and think about "Destiny". Let it be rated top ten or even top 100. In the end, what's truly matter depends on the game not "crazy" talk on forum. =]

    Thanks for mentioning our name though. And plus. You should join us. ^^b:thanks


    Joined like a month ago FroZ, just forgot to change my avatar at first post b:surrender

    Wtf im not lvl 39 lol
  • wokendream
    wokendream Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Haha, I want my 20 minutes back plz. trianwreck thread.