Best Pker in HT



  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I need to 1vs1 Puma... I promised him yesterday but I was at work and when I came back he wasnt there... he does good dmg... hit me for 6.8k non crit (with amp + poison and spark, but it's still nice dmg).

    I dont really care much about PKing... Im just a HP freak (13.1k buffed right now) and I like staying there waiting for barbs to armageddon me and live through it and run around... am I silly? ofc... :D
    Or I like Brandonsan thinking he can own me by standing still when he demon sparks :P b:kiss
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    heeros44 wrote: »
    I'd like to offer this post by a widely respected archer before he left regarding sadpuma. This comment was made before anni packs came out

    This quote came from this post (which you are free to look through) where sadpuma is referenced maybe more than any other venomancer. This post was created before annipacks came out.

    I'd like to lastly point out that, I may be a no-name alt, but at least I offer credible proof to my arguments instead of worthless opinions ( that you offer regarding a veno that has obviously always been a good pker).

    PWND b:victory

    Everyone already knows sadpuma is the best PK veno in the server, why would ANYONE put that into question?
  • Antigone - Heavens Tear
    Antigone - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WoW. A pk thread. Since i love pking. i'll make this my first and last post on the forum b:cute
    gear IS everything, you CAN DO ALOT with it. Ppl with "lower" gear WILL GET PWNED by ppl with "high" gear with NO skills

    I fixed it for ya =). this is why people "REFINE" their gear. think before posting.
    Everyone already knows sadpuma is the best PK veno in the server, why would ANYONE put that into question?

    Sadpuma. really? hmm maybe he's the best now. what do i know about HT's TOP GUNs today. lets not talk about them. but from experience.. Sadpuma was pretty sad.. his build was somewhat ****. I remember "lmao" when Kalia said "omg puma hits like a wuss" ..well i witnessed that in cube couple times and sent him to room 1.

    My vote goes to Szanti (in normal pk) or Jiggly (in TW)
    heeros44 wrote: »
    I'd like to offer this post by a widely respected archer before he left regarding sadpuma. This comment was made before anni packs came out

    This quote came from this post (which you are free to look through) where sadpuma is referenced maybe more than any other venomancer. This post was created before annipacks came out.

    I'd like to lastly point out that, I may be a no-name alt, but at least I offer credible proof to my arguments instead of worthless opinions ( that you offer regarding a veno that has obviously always been a good pker).

    PWND b:victory

    stupid no-name alt :O . wanna know why? look below
    While we have very skilled pvp venos in Enrage and on HT, I'd like to mention sadpuma as my vote. puma is the only one who doesn't use that stupid flesh ream/bramble hood/demon fox speed and run away as fast as possible while nix bites me and I'm unable to attack because he's out of range. I'm constantly using Aim Low on every other pk veno on the server but him. puma would fight me toe to toe with no nix, and come out the victor. To top it off, the other big name venos are 95+ if not level 99/100/101. puma used to do all this without even being level 89.

    flesh ream + nix = uh. iono. PWI gave us something powerful to play with. y not use it????????????????????????????
    demon fox speed = (use for kiting) why else would veno get this skill? use it to run around pw instead of a mount?
    @ Sadpuma fighting toe to toe. he obviously wasn't arcane.hence the low dmg i mentioned before. it'd be very dumb to tank against melee if u were arcane. :p and Stickygreen pointed it out below
    people say sadpuma is a good veno, just because he stands there and nukes you, or *can* kill you without a nix. venos can kill people without nix's, we are just used to crappy veno qqing about their damage because they cant play their class. venos DD is almost as good as clerics.

    this doesnt make him a good veno. if he dies, hes dead. bye bye.

    smart venos run and send their nix after people, hell if i had a veno, and i wasnt full vit build, id send my nix in, kite, and occasionally send in a nuke or two to help the damage.

    standing and tanking damage as a magic class against a melee class is freaking retarted, unless your heavy armour build.

    well said b:victory


    pking was fun during the roc/enrage pk fest. but since all my friends have left the game.

    GOOD BYE PWI & GOODLUCK EVERYONE ON HT (i'll be on to steal ur WBs when im bored) b:bye
  • Someones_alt - Heavens Tear
    Someones_alt - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BM = Curse_ , (Suntear, CrimsonX, and kasmog don't even compare to him)

    Wizard = Haven't seen too many but I guess the only one that deserves this spot is _Evil_Angel

    Barbarian = Most of them just either stand and tank damage or run around failing miserably to kill anything. The only one that would have the highest DPS while retaining decent HP is Wolfgore.

    Venomancer = sadpuma, anyone else sucks in my book.

    Archers = They all suck. Even QueenBii. He's just a kiter that relies on apoths and triple spark crits.

    Cleric = fimmelpotze

    Assassin = I guess the only one viable enough to actually PK against the big guns is Kidx

    Psychics = None yet although I'd love to see one in action.

    Troll post is troll
  • heeros44
    heeros44 Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well I remember back in the day when you were considered the be all of pk venos. You rarely if ever pk'd alone, always had high gear, was one of the highest levels, and ALWAYS ran away (just like Szanti I might add) when your nix died.

    As far as I know sadpuma has always been arcane (at least he has touted so in the veno forums), he also has always been a lower level compared to the large majoity of pkers. As pointed out by others even before he hit demon/sage level he was killing those that were already 95+. That was before anno packs came out and that takes skill.

    If Antigone thinks that sadpuma is "sad" (which is particularly funny because sadpuma has said frequently he doesnt think much of you either, in a post on the referenced link in my last post) then why dont you guys 1v1. I hear puma JUST reached level 100 within the past week. You guys should be on pretty equal footing (you are still a higher level). I have seen too many people back down with some sort of excuse from him when he challenges them at west gate. I'd like to see your response to a challenge from him.
  • randomplayerl0lz
    randomplayerl0lz Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    heeros, last i check, you werent sadpuma so shhhhh with the challenges.
    StickyGreen can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anti remembers our 1v1s a few weeks ago b:chuckle
  • Ihnamere - Heavens Tear
    Ihnamere - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    is i had to chose the best pker i'd a look as his surviving skills such as kiting and using apoth ant potions
    lateley i dont see annyone doing that well but veno's but veno's r just noobs when they do sthat and send theyr nyxes at arcane users only (WEAK!)
    though i dont do PK but i watch it sometimes
    id say theres room for a good PKer on here
  • whateverwhatever
    whateverwhatever Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Couple things, i'd like to point out.

    sadpuma is a okay guy lol. sadpuma used to be LA with +5 on his tt80. sadpuma changed to arcane at tt90. he is most likely the best veno on the server atm. he's also probably the best or close to the best geared veno on the server. i can vouch he's a good veno from the triad vs avenger days. but i'd say he only recently became dominate on this server.

    Being lower level doesnt make you better. It makes you worse.... I dont understand how being lower level makes you better. If anything it means you have less options for skills (e.g. level 100 skills). Its more of a crutch than anything else. If you lose, its because the other person is higher level. If you win, you won in spite of being a lower level.

    Also, in the advent of the anniversary packs, you dont really need to be a higher level anymore lvl 95 is end game gear that refines better than any tt99 set you will ever have, in reality it balances out statwise. Also, puma benefited more for anniversary packs than any of the other pk venos mentioned here. I'm willing to bet that the majority of his sage veno skills come from tokens.

    Also, sage became a lot more viable with the addition of genies

    And standing and fighting is sooooo stupid. It goes against everything from every game, every real life situation i know. You are gonna take damage when you can avoid it, how fken stupid are you? If you take charms and potions out of the equation, lets see how you fight then...

    And are you stupid nix is half a veno's attack power. why would you fight with half damage... Its more or less impossible to kill another veno/barb if you dont have your nix with current gear standards.

    If Defected opinion means something... I am willing to bet I handed him his **** 100x more than sadpuma ever did.

    Best venos by era
    Antigone/Momento/Szanti (Szanti skips in my rankings because of genies and anni packs)

    but if there is no more new stuff added, and sadpuma continues to reign then he is undisputably the best veno ever. Because if he can win when everyone is 100+ with similar gear then he effectively has proven that end game, he's the best.

    The best pker doesnt even pk. The Best pker is probably Gyonax. (Although... out of everything i've heard about him, i've only seen him once ever LOL)
  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wish I had puma's necky, belt and rings b:sad
    I need more pdef to be more PK-useful... my 13k hp aint enough yet... b:cry
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sadpuma. really? hmm maybe he's the best now. what do i know about HT's TOP GUNs today. lets not talk about them. but from experience.. Sadpuma was pretty sad.. his build was somewhat ****. I remember "lmao" when Kalia said "omg puma hits like a wuss" ..well i witnessed that in cube couple times and sent him to room 1.

    My vote goes to Szanti (in normal pk) or Jiggly (in TW)

    flesh ream + nix = uh. iono. PWI gave us something powerful to play with. y not use it????????????????????????????
    demon fox speed = (use for kiting) why else would veno get this skill? use it to run around pw instead of a mount?
    @ Sadpuma fighting toe to toe. he obviously wasn't arcane.hence the low dmg i mentioned before. it'd be very dumb to tank against melee if u were arcane. :p and Stickygreen pointed it out below

    GOOD BYE PWI & GOODLUCK EVERYONE ON HT (i'll be on to steal ur WBs when im bored) b:bye
    if ur vote goes to szanti means in ur opinion sadmupa IS still "pretty sad"

    Mystic owns szanti easily.... sadpuma>mystic... so szanti b:bye

    nowadays when most ppl have very high refined weapons u need like 2-4 hits to kill every nix (expel veno so he cant heal nix and poke nix)... then wat? run run run? yah demon fox speed ftw lol

    and if veno with 11k+ hp cant tank against melee it means... he should quit pwi like u didb:laugh
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • whateverwhatever
    whateverwhatever Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well heres a good reference (d. orbs set to 100k):

    Szanti's gear: 190 million
    (+5 tt90, 2 lunar rings, +5 broken dream, + refinement)

    Momento's gear: approxmately 60 million
    (tt90 +5, +7 divine aegis, + refinement)

    Antigone's gear: approxmately 300 million
    (tt99 +4-5, +6 neon, 2 lunar rings, event helm, + refinement)

    ylime's gear: 100-150 million <--the only LA veno ROFL
    (tt99 +5, perfect shards, event items, etc)

    Mystic-Night's gear: 400ish million
    (+7 tt90, event boots, +10 broken dream, event helm?, + refinement)

    sadpuma's gear: 700+ million
    (cube necklace, 2 lunar rings, tt90 +5, +10 neon, warsong belt, event helm +8, event boots, + refinement)

    Twilae's gear: 1 billion+
    (+10 tt90, +10 broken dream)

    Also, i'd like to mention that out of the above people, sadpuma is the only one to ever charge zhen. And these are very generous estimates because these are the stats i can remember off the top of my head. More than likely they are out of date.

    So as you can see, the skill of a player is correlated to the price of their gear.
    Also interestingly enough, skill is also related to their gender. As female's seem to fare consideribly worse than their male counter parts.

    sidenote: whoever just said _Evil_Angel_ is good a pk is super fail lololol. the guy spent like 30 grand to be less than the average player. Imagine how much he would suck if he didnt spend a dime.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ylime has a +10 TT99 weapon
    Twilae charged alot and has a +11 broken dream :|
  • Ihnamere - Heavens Tear
    Ihnamere - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    do tsungfai's gear momo XD
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    do tsungfai's gear momo XD
    that's easy...
    Tsungfai's gear: 5k $
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This thread makes me sad.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    that's easy...
    Tsungfai's gear: 5k $

    i think you've underestimated by a factor of 10 or so
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • Ihnamere - Heavens Tear
    Ihnamere - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    than what about littlesheep? X-D
  • MsEvilness - Heavens Tear
    MsEvilness - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Probably the same. Just much less known because he doesn't pvp/tw, and being a cleric, doesn't hit as hard
    Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
    Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup
  • LaWlbLUe - Heavens Tear
    LaWlbLUe - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    update on this old **** thread, yes indeed lawlblue is the best
  • randomplayerl0lz
    randomplayerl0lz Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ive one shot you.... l0lz
    StickyGreen can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.
  • Skilzman - Heavens Tear
    Skilzman - Heavens Tear Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The best pker that would be Curse_
  • Terodorn - Heavens Tear
    Terodorn - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    pfff me is/was best pk arma bomb, rest is/was fail
  • QueenBill - Heavens Tear
    QueenBill - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Step aside for the man.

    I'm the best PKer there ever once was.


    ~I kissed a boy and I liked it~
  • Sadpuma - Heavens Tear
    Sadpuma - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sorry to rez this, but i thought I'd post a reply since my bashing from Antigone...

    First, I'm not surprised to see Anti doesnt think much of me, as I have vocally always expressed that i do not think Anti has ever been a skilled pker. Anti along with the ego-crew and many other venos rely on the nix too heavily. Anti has always been on top of the pk standing bc of a few factors, 1. his gear 2. he was always higher level than everyone 3. he learned to exploit the glitched bleed skill on every pk pet he uses

    Yes, we are veno's and are made to fight with pets. But come on... Is it necessary to only use the nix (or a pet with a skill that is glitched)? Why is it when the nix is dead you dont use herc something that wont die so much? OHH YEAH!! It's because you want to use the glitched skill.... Hey, if you want to stake your reputation on killing people using pets with the bleed skill hey, by all means. I remember Djkinetic and Anti 1v1ing when i was in my low 80's and they were 95ish Dj would kill the nix and Anti would run and run and run..... not unlike too many venos in this server.

    I have never worn anything but arcane armor. Regarding my weaker hitting, it may be because I was a lower level than everyone else... but i still pk'd. I reached 100 within a couple weeks from today. Anti has been 100+ for what like 6+ months?

    Anti has similar gear to mine currently and has waay more HP than i do and is a higher level. I welcome a 1v1 fight with anyone... I dont pick and choose my 1v1's I always fight my 1v1's without a nix (unless its a 1v1 with a veno and the veno wants to use nix but at least then it is on an even playing field) because it is challenging. 1v1's using a glitched bleed skill isnt fun or challenging its cheap. If Anti would like to have a 1v1 (nix or no nix) I'm always available.....

    Edit: When i talk about using other pets or not using the glitched bleed, I want to clarify that I do not think it is fair to use these skills in 1v1's. In group fighting/ganking whatever else, it is not about being fair, it is about using any advantage you can and that includes the nix. I readily promote the use of the nix in any other fighting situation except 1v1's.
  • GolsBytch - Heavens Tear
    GolsBytch - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    With great moments like these comes the urge of singing a great song

    I wanna be the very best

    Like no one ever was

    To PK them is my real test

    To pwned them is my cause

    I will travel across Perfect World

    Searching far and wide

    Teach all the noobs to understand

    The killer just arrived


    Gotta kill 'em all--

    It's you and me

    I know it's my destiny


    Ooooh, you're my PK count

    In the rankings I must achieve


    Gotta kill 'em all--

    Our gears brand newwww!!

    The cashshop will pull us through

    You see me then I kill you


    Gotta kill 'em all!

    Gotta kill 'em all!

  • _xXRoXaSXx_ - Heavens Tear
    _xXRoXaSXx_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    this ain't pokemon b:chuckle

    some people actually take this seriously b:shocked
  • Malord - Heavens Tear
    Malord - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I do agree with puma Djkinetic is and always will be the best PK archer i've seen and if u disagree find him and tell him to get bak on the game and prove me wrong :)
    Fashion Mastery

    "The skill for fashion tailoring. A master who is proficient in
    producing fashion can make the most eye-catching, colorful clothes around!"
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Half the people who PK would one shot him :S
  • Antigone - Heavens Tear
    Antigone - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Damm Starcraft 2 is so awesome!!
    I'll get back to it as soon as i put some sense into sadpuma's head b:chuckle
    Anti has always been on top of the pk standing bc of a few factors, 1. his gear 2. he was always higher level than everyone 3. he learned to exploit the glitched bleed skill on every pk pet he uses

    1. his gear (unlike u, i farmed for my gear)
    2. he was always higher level than everyone (unlike u, i was grinding on Array Sentries instead of trying to figure out how to gear myself)
    3. he learned to exploit the glitched bleed skill on every pk pet he uses (don't hate the player, hate the game. )

    Playing the game well enough so you could have an advantage on other players. Isn't that the whole point of a MMORPG? SADLY, i realized that i could never outgear those cashshoppers, U included, so i stopped trying.....
    Yes, we are veno's and are made to fight with pets. But come on... Is it necessary to only use the nix (or a pet with a skill that is glitched)? Why is it when the nix is dead you dont use herc something that wont die so much? OHH YEAH!! It's because you want to use the glitched skill....

    God.. u're such a dumbass. The answer is YES! IT IS NECESSARY TO USE A NIX (stop asking dumb questions) Why SHOULDN'T u use it? So when your nix dies. u create some space between ur opponent and revive ur nix..why summon a herc? they will fly up and you are left with no pet.. **** man.. isn't that common sense? Do you need a pk guide?. wth..
    Hey, if you want to stake your reputation on killing people using pets with the bleed skill hey, by all means.

    Yea.. ALL my pets have bleed skill. My pets not only kill people....You should watch my herc bleed Armageddon to death. so GG.
    I have never worn anything but arcane armor.
    Fail. U wore mixed armor (heavy, light, arcane combo). U only switched to arcane after realizing how **** ur build was.
    Regarding my weaker hitting, it may be because I was a lower level than everyone else...
    Fail again. U hit like **** cause u pumped all ur stat point into HP so u can brag about being able to tank people.
    I reached 100 within a couple weeks from today.
    Super Fail. Lvling is so easy nowadayz and u finally got 100? sad man..geez
    I remember Djkinetic and Anti 1v1ing when i was in my low 80's and they were 95ish Dj would kill the nix and Anti would run and run and run..
    Super F***en fail. Dj was a joke. Lol. I would snipe him with my nix just to **** him off so he could call his Emolution guild so our crew could have some pk fun.
    Anti has similar gear to mine currently and has waay more HP than i do and is a higher level.
    Dont crack me up fool. I don't have similar gear to urs..what kind of bs is that?..god.. being higher lvl doesn't make me that much superior. lower lvl can balance it out with refinement.. geez. stop using that "low level excuse" lol..
    1v1's using a glitched bleed skill isnt fun or challenging its cheap.

    When i talk about using other pets or not using the glitched bleed, I want to clarify that I do not think it is fair to use these skills in 1v1's. In group fighting/ganking whatever else, it is not about being fair, it is about using any advantage you can and that includes the nix. I readily promote the use of the nix in any other fighting situation except 1v1's
    If you haven't seen me pk. Don't open your mouth. Unlike U, I don't go around challenging people to 1v1 (and you called us the "ego-crew"? lol!!! ). In fact, I don't do 1v1s . 1v1s is mostly luck (critical hit) and some skill. I only enjoy group pking (where real skills come to play) and this was the reason why i left Enrage and made them QQ so much.(**** got warned so many times for harassing Enrage members) It was fun and challenging because we were always outnumbered and never had bm/barb/cleric in our group. Despite that, we always came out on topb:victory

    Anyways. The pking was fun while it lasted. Before PWI **** everything up. And if you wanna talk about skilled venos. each and every veno in our group had more skill than you...maybe with the exception of ToffeeApple..she only played PWI for the fashion!! b:chuckle

    Just wanted to clear some things up. I'm just wondering why this fool, SADPUMA, is bashing on the nix with bleeding so much. After all.....

    Sadpuma is a veno....
    Sadpuma has a nix....
    Sadpuma's nix has bleeding....

    so WTF?!?!?!!?!?!

    Back to SC2 b:bye

    PS. that was great Gol!! lol
This discussion has been closed.