TW Schedule 2010/02/05- 2010/02/07



  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Who are you again? Oh yeah the one that RQ'd HL server b:chuckle
    TBH I never even saw you in last friday nights TW. Hmmm.b:surrender

    I didn't rage quit out of Harshlands, get your facts straight. I didn't even want to leave it TBH but what, people like you kept on trolling me 24/7 and spam whispering me in-game to kill myself b:bye

    And I haven't TW for two weeks now I think, lowest level in-guild atm b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oh darn, when did I click the Dreamweaver forums? Wait nevermind, the QQ here just looks the same (is the same).

    If you want to beat Calam.... Infamy, you'll need to form a few good strong factions with good leaders. The problem with Armag.... Empire, Immort.... Resolve, and Equin.... Insight, is that you guys don't have good leaders. They might be nice people, that is Empire has usually had nice people in command, but faction wise, it's not working out so well.

    And those of you looking to be saved by BloodP.... QQme, well, in case you haven't gathered, you're looking to the wrong guys. They keep our world chat lively, our PK trashy, and some of the map sperm-colored, and Asher has a cool Vent and we get along. But as far as TW, I think Asher would agree for the most part, what he has now will not stand up to Infamy.

    The rest of the server has enough high levels to do something about it. But you'll never win with the sort of leadership and TW tactics you have now. Please, for God's sake guys, I just left a server where all we did was win. Get it together and do something. For my sanity's sake.

    I don't think anything will stand up to Infamy in short term, unless every faction folded their faction now and formed 2 good factions and hoped for stacked wars, the most logical way atm is to let the map play out see Infamy take all the lands now which people hold which are keeping them glued to the faction then the server will have more flexibility with its players. But with the player base of this server not generally wanting to do something about it if a new PvP server comes out generally everyone who is a little challenge to you will be gone and there will be no challenge you would have to split the guild to make a challenge or just sit on the top and play +12 for years.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Idk about you, but since this server was released about 2 months ago and still doesnt have a stable "player base" i dont think they will be making any PVP servers anytime soon, im not saying they couldn't but com'n if a pvp server comes out Ill be one of the first to say I'm outta here.

    But you must understand that while we are here we should worry about the present and having fun with what we have. If you guys want to go against infamy please stop trying to say what needs to be done and Do it.

    The funny thing is that you know no one will do it, due to the amount of trusts broken, amount of high levels that want to "level" and just navigate to Infamy, and many because when it comes down All Mighty Letter I 2 trumps the guild leaders point of view.

    Everyone wants to be on top, and due to corrupt human ways, our plan to join together are slim to nun.

    And to the people that I talk to, seems like we might as well Give up now...

    But as for me, I'm going to have fun, and ill do what I think is right not only for me but for the server, lets see if others join me and do the same*turns and walks away*

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Idk about you, but since this server was released about 2 months ago and still doesnt have a stable "player base" i dont think they will be making any PVP servers anytime soon, im not saying they couldn't but com'n if a pvp server comes out Ill be one of the first to say I'm outta here.

    But you must understand that while we are here we should worry about the present and having fun with what we have. If you guys want to go against infamy please stop trying to say what needs to be done and Do it.

    The funny thing is that you know no one will do it, due to the amount of trusts broken, amount of high levels that want to "level" and just navigate to Infamy, and many because when it comes down 2 All Mighty Letter I trumps the guild leaders point of view.

    Everyone wants to be on top, and due to corrupt human ways, our plan to join together are slim to nun.

    And to the people that I talk to, seems like we might as well Give up now...

    But as for me, I'm going to have fun, and ill do what I think is right not only for me but for the server, lets see if others do the same*turns and walks away*

    True freedom is an inner thing. It is a state of mind. It is a deliberate exercise of choice. Thus, if we think we are bound by external forces, we are deceiving ourselves. It is our willing acquiescence to these outer demands that imprisons. Free yourself today. Take control of your thoughts.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    But as for me, I'm going to have fun, and ill do what I think is right not only for me but for the server, lets see if others join me and do the same*turns and walks away*

    I already got my freedomb:victory

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • Esuna - Raging Tide
    Esuna - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just got back from college to receive another lecture from Infamy member telling us whats best for us again b:surrender Tbh i don't care anymore let the server play out to what it's going to be, talk when the map has been finalized.

    Best for us? I wasn't advising you on what to do. I only give advice to those that would actually know how to use it. For someone who's in college you need to start learning how to read properly.

    I'm just pointing out the contradictions in your daily world chat and how ridiculous you make yourself look. It's quite funny though.
    So.. who wants to lead a faction to go against Infamy? b:puzzled

    Oh, OH! me me me!
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Not all ppl take this game as serious as others and so they won't try to act like the most matured person in world chat.

    Only stupid ppl try to act not stupid all the time D:

    Btw there is already a PvP-Server...what's the point in joining a new?
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Best for us? I wasn't advising you on what to do. I only give advice to those that would actually know how to use it. For someone who's in college you need to start learning how to read properly.

    I'm just pointing out the contradictions in your daily world chat and how ridiculous you make yourself look. It's quite funny though.

    Oh, OH! me me me!

    you're really annoying saying i can't read but the ONLY sole beef you have on me is my world chats look esuna il put it out to you nice and big just so you can see ok :)
    I'm a **** on world chat get over it and move on.

    P.S nice job on keeping andron rage free while we spam WC about him keep it up! prevent that Ascii soldier!
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    P.S nice job on keeping andron rage free while we spam WC about him keep it up! prevent that Ascii soldier!

    P.S. You are not worth my time; hence, you have been blacklisted for days. You ruin your own faction with your mouth, but are to ignorant to realize it. Good game. Keep it up. I cannot see it anyways. I have responsibilities to deal with in my faction. It seems like your only responsibility is to waste your coin on WC trying to talk to someone who does not hear you.
  • Exkaede - Lost City
    Exkaede - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I never understood why anyone would bother to make a schedule, why not just look on the map...
  • YoBroski - Raging Tide
    YoBroski - Raging Tide Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2010
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you've ever been in a faction that ever does a territory war then I garuntee you that you will see:

    "When do we have TW"

    approximately 50000000000000000000000000 times in guild chat.

    People will ask before the bidding starts, before the bidding ends, before the war starts, and after the war ends.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Esuna - Raging Tide
    Esuna - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Not all ppl take this game as serious as others and so they won't try to act like the most matured person in world chat.

    Only stupid ppl try to act not stupid all the time D:

    There's a difference in being immature and an idiot.
    Btw there is already a PvP-Server...what's the point in joining a new?

    I've addressed this before, to be the first, highest and richest right off the bat. They know very well they can't compete in the skill/wealth/level of PvP servers like Lost City, so they don't try. They QQ about the position Infamy has as the gigas of the server, but the truth is they won't be satisfied until they can fulfill that role- regardless of the server.

    Asher wrote:
    you're really annoying

    LOL pot calling the kettle black much? Oh jesus christ you made my morning.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I never understood why anyone would bother to make a schedule, why not just look on the map...

    Eh , the name of the thread shouldn't really matter as long as it's somewhere where we can discuss the server TWs . After all , every server need's one .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Melack - Harshlands
    Melack - Harshlands Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i only see a lot of QQ

    its not that hard...merge into Empire (im not going to say insight cuz their leader sux) u will have 5 - 6 lands already...let kissie resign cuz (he/she sux too) and start kicking all -70 and get a good group, ppl from QQme, Resolve, Insight, Aurora, Exodus etc to get 200 7X+ and you are going to have a good faction to TW against infamy. the rest of the server can make another faction n im 100% sure that infamy cant beat 2 factions with 80 ppl 8X+ :D so just do it or stop QQing and do something now!.....otherwise they are going to take the server....

  • Saeli - Raging Tide
    Saeli - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I only see alot of ppl telling everyone else to leave their faction and merge with whatever faction. No one wants to leave their current faction to merge it seems.
    Too many people want a free ride with infamy they are a pretty solid faction right now.
    I very much doubt anyone that joins there will get to TW as they have so many ppl that level already.
    I'm in Aurora I've stuck through our losses and I've had fun in every TW I've been in. Currently most of our high levels are working to get everyone equipped with TT weapons of their level, and of course leveling ourselves too.
    Why would I want to join another faction where I might get help I might not:S
    We do have a **** position on the map but this is clearly where all the fun TWs are.
    So if you want a faction that helps farm TT AND has fun HARD TWs where you have to work at it rather than having 80 ppl that could win it without you then why not come to Aurora???
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I only see alot of ppl telling everyone else to leave their faction and merge with whatever faction. No one wants to leave their current faction to merge it seems.
    Too many people want a free ride with infamy they are a pretty solid faction right now.
    I very much doubt anyone that joins there will get to TW as they have so many ppl that level already.
    I'm in Aurora I've stuck through our losses and I've had fun in every TW I've been in. Currently most of our high levels are working to get everyone equipped with TT weapons of their level, and of course leveling ourselves too.
    Why would I want to join another faction where I might get help I might not:S
    We do have a **** position on the map but this is clearly where all the fun TWs are.
    So if you want a faction that helps farm TT AND has fun HARD TWs where you have to work at it rather than having 80 ppl that could win it without you then why not come to Aurora???

    *Rushed to lvl so he can join aurora * . Sound's like my kind of hardship loving faction. b:dirty
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow... Esuna, Asher, you two calm down.... b:surrender
    Anyways, @Asher, stop attacking Andronikos in all of your posts, and @Esuna, leave his WC to himself... I think we're all better off if we do that b:cute

    So! Calmed down? :D Now lets... Oh geez, this isn't school or club, or hanging out with my friends >.< You guys aren't anything like my friends. Uhhh, so instead of being friends.... Lets be... Acquaintances??

    Now then, lets change the topic up a bit! Omg, who do you think people are going to attack this week? Personally I'm excited, but thats since I just love to see those words on my screen, even if someone loses b:chuckle

    Edit: Oh and also in my opinion of course... There is a point to writing a territory war schedule lol. Its for people (like me) who currently can't log in or barely log in due to computer issues, real life issues, etc. Plus, its more organized than the map in-game and people can do commentary here and discussions :D
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Btw there is already a PvP-Server...what's the point in joining a new?

    So what was the point in joining this server?

    @Hope, Got that hair dye yet? b:chuckle
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • Esuna - Raging Tide
    Esuna - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I only see alot of ppl telling everyone else to leave their faction and merge with whatever faction. No one wants to leave their current faction to merge it seems.
    Too many people want a free ride with infamy they are a pretty solid faction right now.
    I very much doubt anyone that joins there will get to TW as they have so many ppl that level already.

    Maybe if any of our surrounding neighbours would man up and attack us we could have multiple TWs.. oh well.

    no, just no.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Saeli - Raging Tide
    Saeli - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe if any of our surrounding neighbours would man up and attack us we could have multiple TWs.. oh well.
    Well the issue is I'm sure the surrounding factions know their chances of winning against infamy are slim, so why bother attacking lol.
    Better to try to beat another faction and get some practise in than be butchered in less than an hour. :S
    So the one attack per week of every faction surrounding Infamy should be sacrificied to hope we all get the same timeslot? I admit that would be alot of fun but its just not going to happen is it :P
    Also theres the fact most of the other factions just don't get along, which has been mentioned in another thread somewhere.
  • Olee - Raging Tide
    Olee - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well tbh I got bored at some point of this thread and I didnt read more after it, somehow I want to share my wiew with u all.

    First off tbh, I think Infamy , as we know it today ( the super overpowered faction) , wasnt born till the day Empire and Insight started their KoS, where all empire nembers would dislike Insight, and all Insight players would dislike Empire ( dislike isnt a exactly word, but still we all who saw it happen, knows what Im speaking about ) so why I say this, cuz well, drama did happen in both faction, for different reasons it came to them and so the ppl who werent loyal, or somehow didnt like the drama, or whatever reasons u can think about, after they left where they did join ? Infamy obviously cuz Insight/ Empire ppl thought since day 1 than Empire/Insight were their enemys so they didnt even think in join each other, and so they did chosse to join by that times, the third faction of the server.

    Well somehow I as well did see the ppl who left from Insight, a part of them left cuz obviosly after all **** we had, the drama was too big, and they didnt want to get it solved , so they just left, there was another part that just radom leave in the middle of a good day without even say good bye ( When that happens we know the chance of him joining Infamy are 90 %) and yeah, when I PM them, as tbh I do pm each single guy that leaves guild for see their reasons and try to fix it for a future, so yeah the reasons were '' Infamy is stronger, so they will have more lands, so we will get a better pay'' '' Infamy does have highers lvls , and I want to lvl the faster I can '' TBH I dont know what to say. but just going to make a few questions, somehow is not easy to answer them, so I wont even try to do it.

    -Its FC - RB - HH - Coins a reason for leave a guild ? or even join one? - Shouldnt u care more about the fun u can have in that guilds?- Will the ppl that left their faction because of drama, stay in Infamy if drama time comes ?( Infamy ppl will say yeah they are loyal to us because we give them faster lvl and so on, tbh loyalty means put effort when some goes bad, and a big part of ur guys, only know how to put effort when they need gears / lvls )

    SOOOOO anyways Im going to end with the 2 ways infamy can be. theres no more tbh, or either Infamy will be the best faction or either all this un-loyal ppl joining them is making a bomb wich is just waiting for make a big ''BOOM''

    PS I got more things to say but got bored of write, I will wirte them in hopefully future replys, and BTW I do respect Infamy , not a lot but still respect them, and I did say obviously the bad stuff only, Im sure their nembers/officers can defend their own faction good enough alone, so no need of me saying their good stuff.

    Cu Olee
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What you said is pretty much true Olee.. but what you got to understand aswell that a LOT of members in Infamy are only there for the sole purpose of getting some HH and FC done, after the whole gap closes and they've got their gear they will return to their selected factions.

    I'm sure majority of them will grow to like it there and stay but theres still a few i guess 'using' them to get stuff done. My insight on it is i've done PERFECTLY fine with my guild i've got my 90 gears (nearly) got level 94 through FC.

    So the reason of joining Infamy to get stuff done is kind of you know.. they can probably get it done with multiple groups but still if you have to sell yourself out and join a guild to get stuff done your kind of selfish there, if you can't grow with your faction and help them out so then they can help you get your stuff done you're unloyal and won't go very far.(I know Infamy done this with GV etc) No disrespect to core Infamy before the Empire & Insight drama i have respect for you guys, but bandwaggoners b:surrender
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Asher, I guess thats how people join big factions. "I want my TT gear, I want exp in RB/FC/weekly tourney, I guess I'll go join the guild that spams it" Soon they just get used to being in the guild and won't leave. Some might even join so they gain protection from being pked..

    I wonder how things would have been if Insight and Empire didn't have drama.. Who would be the top guild now? b:shutup
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • Nuala - Raging Tide
    Nuala - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Given the introduction of Hyper EXP I forsee 1 month before other factions are capable (level wise) to contend with Infamy.
  • Esuna - Raging Tide
    Esuna - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well tbh I got bored at some point of this thread and I didnt read more after it, somehow I want to share my wiew with u all.

    -Its FC - RB - HH - Coins a reason for leave a guild ? or even join one? - Shouldnt u care more about the fun u can have in that guilds?- Will the ppl that left their faction because of drama, stay in Infamy if drama time comes ?( Infamy ppl will say yeah they are loyal to us because we give them faster lvl and so on, tbh loyalty means put effort when some goes bad, and a big part of ur guys, only know how to put effort when they need gears / lvls )

    What if doing TT and leveling swift is some people's fun? Who are you to state or frown upon their views on "fun"? For some people this game is about community, for others about spending 500 dollars on fashion and stand around in archosaur and for a lot of others perhaps just enjoying the view, gameplay and obtaining that next armor set.

    I don't really see where you come off judging others about loyalty, aren't you the guy disbanding/leaving your own factions? b:chuckle
    SOOOOO anyways Im going to end with the 2 ways infamy can be. theres no more tbh, or either Infamy will be the best faction or either all this un-loyal ppl joining them is making a bomb wich is just waiting for make a big ''BOOM''

    Dramastarters get little warning before a swift kick in the behind outta here. Ask Gsnipes and Fox. b:chuckle (for those looking to recruit Gsnipes, got kicked for being a coldblooded **** people hater, proclaimed they deserve hanging and such, really likable fellow)
    Asher, I guess thats how people join big factions. "I want my TT gear, I want exp in RB/FC/weekly tourney, I guess I'll go join the guild that spams it" Soon they just get used to being in the guild and won't leave. Some might even join so they gain protection from being pked..

    I wonder how things would have been if Insight and Empire didn't have drama.. Who would be the top guild now? b:shutup

    It's a fairly common goal of wanting to join a faction. These instances are what the majority of the gameplay is made of. Even though we did take in a great amount of Empire people and Insight people (to a lesser extent) they've integrated into the faction fairly well and there seems to be no visible drama. Maybe it was the way their previous faction was constructed that was the issue rather than the people in it.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Haven't you gotten banned yet, Rudy? This might be a record for you in an MMO.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Olee - Raging Tide
    Olee - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    first , a faction has 200 nembers Esuna, so Im not going to be a nerd who says **** it, I love all my guilders. I will allways dislike someone, and so because of it ( mainly ure the type of type I dislike tbh) sometimes I would just want to be factionless and chill around without see the ppl I dislike on the same roster than me, but somehow if I sit a second and think about my friends, I rather stay and help, and work, with a lot of effort for the things I want to happen. and about my factions thats the past( U dont know a **** of what happend)tho we all got our past, and tbh I dont know a **** about urs, so makes me be happy after see u know bad/good stuff about my past. Hope it answers u, and if it didnt **** it, I dont need to explain anything to ya at all.

    and about gears lvl and whatever.. well if u read my post Im not saying that is bad, but whatever u did skip a lot so hmmm I guess with this hyper exp stone whole infamy is quitting in 1 month after they reach lvl 101 and has all gears. as their fun is farm / lvl, Im looking forward for see what u guys do after u dont need to lvl / farm, somehow u will say this game has different stuff u can do, probally u can think in 50 things u can do for have fun in this game, or even more, and the ppl that did join Infamy only had 3:
    OOHH and well a good TW payament :) ppl usually finds it as a funny thing to open their mailbox and find money weekly:)

    As allways got bored of write and so on so I will reply more when needed b:shutup

    Cu Olee
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't really see the point in going to a guild just for HH or BH or RB or FC or anything like that.

    I can't walk through west arch without getting a dozen PMs from people asking me to do rebirth with them. So to join a faction just for those things is kind of a weak argument in my opinion.

    -Just my 2 cents, inb4flames.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its easier being a barb since barb is a needed class :p.
    You can't see me b:avoid.