TW Schedule 2010/02/05- 2010/02/07



  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its easier being a barb since barb is a needed class :p.
    true and I expect it would be slightly harder for a DD to get BH and stuff done, but I can think of countless times when I've had problems finding enough DDs for a BH or HH (TT) run.

    Lots of people depend on their faction for things like bounty hunter or HH or rebirth, etc. and your faction is a good place to get people for this sort of stuff.

    But a lot of people ignore the other possibilities, using a tele, asking in west arch, and probably the biggest DON'T CHECK THEIR FRIENDS LIST.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm pretty sure every1 know's I'm Interia if it's not that obvious lawl. Everyone should know I was Bkeno/Orangina on HL nubs. :] And saying I hide behind my HL's char's name is rofl. I'm just waiting patiently till something gets interesting. :]

    oh and for infamy people saying they kick people who start drama? That's all BS rofl I love how you guys keep saying that when we all know it's lies <3

    p.s. asher when r ya free? i wanna go hit up some young girls :)
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    oh and for infamy people saying they kick people who start drama? That's all BS rofl I love how you guys keep saying that when we all know it's lies <3

    Enjoy the view from the outside much? The one person that challenged that rule in this faction was booted. Maybe you need new spies like it matters. What will they tell you? Infamy is strong.... we better do something. Go play the game and make something of yourself. Every time you open your mouth I LOL. You are such a joke and you believe actually amount to something.
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm pretty sure every1 know's I'm Interia if it's not that obvious lawl. Everyone should know I was Bkeno/Orangina on HL nubs. :]

    I highly doubt that anyone cares.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually.. If you read the posts, I have people asking who I am. :] And 1. Andro.. You got rejected by a 14 year old.. BeingHope my friend LAWL And she was telling me how much of a pedo/creep you were bud. Embarrassing much? And tbh my spies are ones you think are your friends, the ones who make fun of you behind your backs. <3
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Must of missed that part then, I only read a few of the posts, the rest I just kinda skim through.
    And tbh my spies are ones you think are your friends, the ones who make fun of you behind your backs. <3

    The spies are everywhere.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rofl@TF2 pic b:laugh
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • whatdoiputhere
    whatdoiputhere Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I guess they need a pyro to perform a spy check on their faction.
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually.. If you read the posts, I have people asking who I am. :] And 1. Andro.. You got rejected by a 14 year old.. BeingHope my friend LAWL And she was telling me how much of a pedo/creep you were bud. Embarrassing much? And tbh my spies are ones you think are your friends, the ones who make fun of you behind your backs. <3

    Once again, you speak gibberish that means nothing. Hope are good friends, nothing more. I wanted to marry for a marriage quest, and being shes the low lvl in the faction, I would have married her to help her in that aspect; however, I by chance happened to find Pareathe and am glad I did not marry Hope. Can you can tell me one thing that is going to keep you from losing in this weeks TW? If not your so called spies, even if they do exist, are useless to you. Go lvl so I have some sort of challenge.
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sir.. Level doesn't mean anything if you don't got gear lol. Says the lvl 91 barb with 7x gear and only HH90 chest? Stop talking big, my friend. You were spoon fed all your high lvls, nothing more. Didn't even work for them =]

    Oh and P.S. Don't give me that BS, you wanting to marry Hope just for marriage quest. Lawl Hope is my best friend's lil sister on HL and I'm very good friend's with her so I know everything my friend. And Your new wife, Parathe? The rebound you mean? <3 It's alright that you cried on vent when you got rejected by her. =] She is too good for ya.
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hehe, you will see what I have when I reach 95. On the other hand, I am glad leaders like you exist. My faction did benefit from your leadership. For that I am greatful. GETMADMUCH? lol
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Andro, that could be said by everyone. lol You and I both know I have all the event gears for when I hit 95. I just take my time. :] And deal with RL issues before I get on PWI like you lol tbh your faction makes fun of you :] and i think the one who would be mad would be u.

    1. Got rejected by 14 year old.
    2. Cried on vent.
    3. Get laughed at by your own members.
    4. You told me yourself you wanted to leave Infamy in the earlier days.
    5. You basically do everything for Nightrage and on his leash.
    6. You're a lvl 91 barb with 7x gear and ONE 90 HH chest.
    7. I love you.
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oh and P.S. Don't give me that BS, you wanting to marry Hope just for marriage quest. Lawl Hope is my best friend's lil sister on HL and I'm very good friend's with her so I know everything my friend. And Your new wife, Parathe? The rebound you mean? <3 It's alright that you cried on vent when you got rejected by her. =] She is too good for ya.

    Really? Is this the best you got? Me crying over a 14 yo? That ridiculous. I see nothing here that is going to help you this weekend. When you have something intelligent to talk about, let me know. Maybe then we can be sociable to each other.
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Not ridiculous when everyone know's it's true <3. And Andro, you replying to my posts makes you just as unintelligent as I am lol stooping down to my level, rage, rage, rage!
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    5. You basically do everything for Nightrage and on his leash.

    I try not to get involved with these pissing contests usually but I had to point this out, all the people I know in Infamy say that Andronikos is the one to run things.

    *sees oncoming wave of flames*
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • Orangina_ - Harshlands
    Orangina_ - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thus, I said.. Andro on Night's leash lol Night doesn't do as much as Andro does. Andro just does w/e Night tells him to do and listens obediently.. Hence.. the title for Andro =P
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited February 2010

  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Im not gonna lie, that's probably one of the best "U MAD?" pics I've seen in a while.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide
    MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited February 2010
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thus, I said.. Andro on Night's leash lol Night doesn't do as much as Andro does. Andro just does w/e Night tells him to do and listens obediently.. Hence.. the title for Andro =P

    For your info, Night and I disagree on many things, but at least as leaders we do discuss them and come to a point of agreement. I am on no leash. I do not have to ask for permission to do anything I do. It is one of those things that most factions do not have. We trust each other to do whats best for the faction. I build the faction and he runs it.
  • Pareathe - Raging Tide
    Pareathe - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sir.. Level doesn't mean anything if you don't got gear lol. Says the lvl 91 barb with 7x gear and only HH90 chest? Stop talking big, my friend.

    New server = crappy gear for all. I expect you know this already. You should be happy PWI provided you with packs on Day One for gear you didn't have to do anything but right-click to get. Go you.

    You were spoon fed all your high lvls, nothing more. Didn't even work for them =]

    I know, all the 80+ were handed to Infamy. The 70+ too if you want to be technical. Before then it was NightRage and Andronikos all by themselves. Take me for instance...wait, I joined at 59. And Infamy was my first and only faction on this server. Hm...

    And Your new wife, Parathe? The rebound you mean? <3 It's alright that you cried on vent when you got rejected by her. =] She is too good for ya.

    1) *sighs* Apparently I needed to use a simpler name for my toon. P-a-r-e-a-t-h-e. Should you feel a great need to use my name in pixelated drama in the future you may use this as your resource.

    2) I must have one helluva concussion considering how much rebound has come up. Is it even possible for pixels to suffer from rebound? If that's the case it's good I married a barb. He's fluffy so the impact is cushioned. b:chuckle

    By the way, thank you for giving me a good enough reason to finally post something on the RT server forums.b:thanks
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For your info, Night and I disagree on many things, but at least as leaders we do discuss them and come to a point of agreement. I am on no leash. I do not have to ask for permission to do anything I do. It is one of those things that most factions do not have. We trust each other to do whats best for the faction. I build the faction and he runs it.

    So it pretty much comes down to you invite people into faction and he Rules over it eh? Because if thats the case whats the point of being a director because i personally see Executors that do that job?

    And why would you have to argue that you and Night disagree on many things, because that just shows you to are humans.

    And if you believe that there is this so called "trust" in between you to, why dont you run the guild together as others do? Are you "staying in your place", because with what your telling me, thats what its seeming like.

    Now I know what your gonna say "I made a compromise for the good of the faction" but was this really your choice? Was your choice to have a name over your head, invite people to faction and thats it? You have a choice just to argue your point and odviously it comes to nothing because as you said "I build, he rules".

    Now sit back and see what it really is, because seems to be, your odviously decieved. Think about it, but *shrugs* im on the outside looking in, dont take my word for it, ask aroundb:chuckle

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know, all the 80+ were handed to Infamy. The 70+ too if you want to be technical. Before then it was NightRage and Andronikos all by themselves. Take me for instance...wait, I joined at 59. And Infamy was my first and only faction on this server. Hm...

    This statement makes no sense to me at all.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • _Whisper_ - Raging Tide
    _Whisper_ - Raging Tide Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This statement makes no sense to me at all.

    it pretty much meant they got those people because of other leaders mistakes,aka handed to them

    I got my Fishy Gills, And my Flippy Floppy's. Im a fish on land, no one can stop mehb:chuckle
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    I log onto the forums and see this? b:sweat Stop using me as a topic for your posts (Directed @Interia/Orangina_ and Andronikos) because that has nothing to do with TW... Anyways, I like having Pareathe and Andronikos as my in-game parents here so I'm happy and lets have everyone happy too b:cute

    Switch subjects! Anybody excited? I wish I was online so bad!!! I want to see the bidding >.< So who's bidding and what land? Lol, can't wait to see the schedule tomorrow b:victory
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    I log onto the forums and see this? b:sweat Stop using me as a topic for your posts (Directed @Interia/Orangina_ and Andronikos) because that has nothing to do with TW... Anyways, I like having Pareathe and Andronikos as my in-game parents here so I'm happy and lets have everyone happy too b:cute

    Switch subjects! Anybody excited? I wish I was online so bad!!! I want to see the bidding >.< So who's bidding and what land? Lol, can't wait to see the schedule tomorrow b:victory

    NO U
    You can't see me b:avoid.
  • darksniper00
    darksniper00 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NO U
    I concur
    Switch subjects! Anybody excited? I wish I was online so bad!!!

    You are online, at least, you were when you made this post.
    DarkSniper - 83 archer - quit

    The only way to win the game is to leave it
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You are online, at least, you were when you made this post.

    b:surrender I'm online the forums, but not the game. To answer you from previous pages, I can't level up to 65 right now because of the latest patches, the computers I use during the week days won't let me play PWI since it DCs me out like 30 seconds after I log in or if I try to use a skill.

    Also everyone is too busy in-guild to help me with BHs so I'm stuck there too. Yeah I can ask in public chat but usually I end up in fail squads without another cleric and die a billion times >.< So yeah.

    Scared I'm going to be kicked from Infamy now b:surrender Oh well, it was a fun time while I had it b:sad
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Andronikos - Raging Tide
    Andronikos - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So it pretty much comes down to you invite people into faction and he Rules over it eh? Because if thats the case whats the point of being a director because i personally see Executors that do that job?

    And why would you have to argue that you and Night disagree on many things, because that just shows you to are humans.

    And if you believe that there is this so called "trust" in between you to, why dont you run the guild together as others do? Are you "staying in your place", because with what your telling me, thats what its seeming like.

    Now I know what your gonna say "I made a compromise for the good of the faction" but was this really your choice? Was your choice to have a name over your head, invite people to faction and thats it? You have a choice just to argue your point and odviously it comes to nothing because as you said "I build, he rules".

    Now sit back and see what it really is, because seems to be, your odviously decieved. Think about it, but *shrugs* im on the outside looking in, dont take my word for it, ask aroundb:chuckle

    Maybe I should put it in 3 yo terms for you. I do the everyday duties of the faction, while he focuses mainly on the TW aspects.
  • Accel - Raging Tide
    Accel - Raging Tide Posts: 673 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe I should put it in 3 yo terms for you.
    Didn't understand that o.o. Andro lied to me when he said he wanted to join empire b:cry.

    edit: oh nvm, yo=year old xD fail me
    You can't see me b:avoid.