FF squads lately



  • Pixydust - Heavens Tear
    Pixydust - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well my 2 cents on this is ,if a person wants something .they usely waste alot more time on it than they should to get it.. but to want a herc/veno is not wrong or right just mislead in that they are the only good 1's .. i have a herc/veno but i prefer to help the barb / bm by haveing my pet attack while i dd not just setting there healing the herc over and over and not dding .. to me a herc helps u dish more damage out before healing in reagular grinding but on bosss if u have a tank . besides is best to dd and herc attack at same time.. just my thought on it
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ussally the reason ppl have venos tank ...at least in my experiance is so the cleric can DD and more DD makes it die faster. but i am happy to tank any boss it doesnt matter to me as long as the boss dies

    I'm with him, I'll tank any boss that I can handle, if I didn't want to have a repairs like I do, I would be a different class. I like the tanking, I would rather get hit than my squad mates getting the damage. The FFs I went on never had a veno, just set up BB BM was ready to stun I lured and use Roar to keep mobs from attaching cleric in BB and BM stuns. Really if you have a squad that communicates with each other things run more smoothly than one that doesn't. And when you usually get a Veno with a herc they don't say anything until the herc dies and they QQ about it.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Slashreaver - Heavens Tear
    Slashreaver - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this is a pretty old topic. yes veno herc is easy mode for any party. but will it be imposable without a herc of course not we did it the days before hercs. and as for joining random wc party's its never a good idea. the players in most cases are just not very good players. if they where don't you think there faction would be doing these runs with them.

    if you have issues with less then good players giving you gruff then join a different party.don't cry hear abought these players. we know most pwi players these days are just orcal noobs who probably spent more on there player then a army of hercs. if your faction gives you gruff leave it and find another. trust me thers still some good player and good factions out there. but it takes time to sort threw the garbage amd find the good community. we are still hear. we just got garbage dumped on us alot lately.
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well I kinda have to join WC parties, I'm the highest in my Guild, and well my guild isn't about running FFs, TTs, TWs, or anything else like that, we simply play a game that we enjoy playing, and avoid all this **** that has been dumped into the system
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm with him, I'll tank any boss that I can handle, if I didn't want to have a repairs like I do, I would be a different class. I like the tanking, I would rather get hit than my squad mates getting the damage. The FFs I went on never had a veno, just set up BB BM was ready to stun I lured and use Roar to keep mobs from attaching cleric in BB and BM stuns. Really if you have a squad that communicates with each other things run more smoothly than one that doesn't. And when you usually get a Veno with a herc they don't say anything until the herc dies and they QQ about it.
    Haha. You actually WANT the repairs? It's one thing to merely deal with the fact that you get reamed with repairs, but wanting it is pretty stupid imo. There's really no logical reason when a herc veno is in the squad that the barb tanks bosses with the exception of fragrance.

    It is very reasonable that barbs might just like being able to DD sometimes --- as it is, they pull the groups of mobs. Barbs get stuck throughout their character's time being a meat shield, and likewise clerics healing. It's nice to take a break, and if you can do that in FF and get a crapload of xp, then it's certainly a good thing. Sure, barbs can do it without a herc veno, but this puritan-like attitude as if hercs destroy some element of FF merely because they can tank just about all of the bosses is beyond insensible and ridiculous.

    I look forward to (as in, can't wait to smack upside the head) clerics that say they'd rather heal/puri the whole thing with a barb tanking than be able to DD and occasional group heals / bb's with a herc tanking. I likely wouldn't wanna FF run with the type who can't be sensible anyways.
  • Tweezer - Heavens Tear
    Tweezer - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    why do people perfer herc. they can tank well (allows Barb and cleric to really DD, and veno can still DD. well so can a cleric when they heal, but the bond between your little herc is much greater then any random cleric/barb combo.
    Meaning you know what your herc can do. when it needs healed.. how many times u can cast DD skills.
    If i (cleric) switch to DD then i hear the Barbs complaining my charm is going to tick.. (as if my MP charm hasn't ticked 50 times..)

    PS: O why is it. FF squads refuse to take a 2nd Cleric as a DD. Dont they realize with my 3 AOEs i can cause about 60% of mobs HP in dmg in about 5 seconds? (trust me those mobs better die quick or im dead but got to luve plume shell)

    O another point several class can tank FF bosses.. i've done complete FF with An archer tank.. a Wiz can tank several of the bosses as well. also a BM can tank every boss. so a barb isn't required nor is a veno/herc. but man is it nice with the 3rd FF boss with the bishop adds.. if the herc tanks.. makes it so much easier.

    but my FF days are nearly over now. who wants a lvl 99 in there FF?
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Haha. You actually WANT the repairs? It's one thing to merely deal with the fact that you get reamed with repairs, but wanting it is pretty stupid imo. There's really no logical reason when a herc veno is in the squad that the barb tanks bosses with the exception of fragrance.

    It is very reasonable that barbs might just like being able to DD sometimes --- as it is, they pull the groups of mobs. Barbs get stuck throughout their character's time being a meat shield, and likewise clerics healing. It's nice to take a break, and if you can do that in FF and get a crapload of xp, then it's certainly a good thing. Sure, barbs can do it without a herc veno, but this puritan-like attitude as if hercs destroy some element of FF merely because they can tank just about all of the bosses is beyond insensible and ridiculous.

    I look forward to (as in, can't wait to smack upside the head) clerics that say they'd rather heal/puri the whole thing with a barb tanking than be able to DD and occasional group heals / bb's with a herc tanking. I likely wouldn't wanna FF run with the type who can't be sensible anyways.

    veno DDing and amping > cleric DD will ever be

    do not say RB that absolutly kills BM and archer DDpast a certain point due to the spark cancle do not say debuffs cause any decent cleric can debuff while healing all but the most murderous bosses, and barbs have **** DD and devor is a stronger debuff than penetrate armor ever will be

    barb or BM tank will always go fasterb:surrender
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If barbs go on FF they are realizing the cost of the repairs in exchange for a good amount of exp. They can't go in and expect to have low repair cost and low pots use and large amounts of exp without some type of cost. It would be like a cleric zhenning(if people still do that) and then complaining about the use of the mana pots or heiro. You can't just float through FF and not have some cost involved. Wizards have mana cost, Archers have arrow cost and bow repairs, clerics have mana cost, and barbs have repair cost. I think that since the new stuff in game, people get "the end' results faster and dont make the connection of how much it cost them and how to deal with that. You're exchanging a repair bill for EXP and if they don't want a repair bill but still want exp, they are better off doing dailies...but then they will complain about the cost.

    I don't see the point of having a veno tank it WITH a barb. Whats the point of having two tanks? Barbs will most likely hit harder in human form than in tiger, and if the barb is in human form attacking, why do you need a barb in the first place? And with bramble on the herc, it wont matter if its not tanking, its not like I throw on bramble on an EA and whenever I shoot arrows far away to a mob and it deals ranged damage to me, it doesn't deal bramble damage back to the mob (its not soul of venegence). So if the herc isn't getting meleed by the boss or mob, bramble is pointless. And if the herc isn't tanking, I don't see why a non herc veno wouldn't chosen for the spot.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    veno DDing and amping > cleric DD will ever be

    As a cleric I +1 that

    Why? Mainly because Herc or no Herc, pets do the same damage regardless of the boss defense...They just plain hit harder while clerics are affected by the defenses.

    That and while I can out blast a pet any day, it's not just the pet I'm "up against" in terms of DD. The veno also attacks at a rate and power a bit under mine so, Veno + Pet = damage > Cleric. Not to mention if I debuff the mob, the veno+ pet benefits as well ^^;;
  • Tweezer - Heavens Tear
    Tweezer - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok if WC says need DD. why isn't a cleric a DD?
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A cleric can be a DD o__o;; A good one at that too. Sometimes too good if their tempest is leveled. Lol. (Almost got ***** earlier for casting it before BM got enough hits in)

    Whether the person wants you in or not is their preference. But if they say "Want DD" and you say "I want in" and they ask for class, then you might want to consider not bothering with them because it shows they have specific class(es) in mind =/
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    now ppl arguing about a good or a fail veno, they both can do the job in FF. all you need is a good cleric and very good BM (even more rare)
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Godwin's Law invoked.

    Kephras has decidedly lost the thread. Game over.

    I tried. Clearly, even sacrificing myself to Godwin hasn't worked.
    Nobody's gonna read this on page 17 anyway, but for you poor saps who still feel like posting here:


    ...and yes, that includes me. Also, it applies around page 5-6 anyway.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ..and you keep wasting your time doing that. if you dont read it doesnt mean i didnt read. try something constructive instead of increasing your post count with ****
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pfft. I don't care about postcount. :) Never have - it means nothing.
    I already gave my constructive opinions, back around page 4 or so. But this thread has long since ceased to serve any reasonable purpose. Everything worth saying has already been said, and the only reason to post in it is to repeat (possibly unknowingly) what someone else stated, or to quote and "+1" it.

    And if you think I'm wrong, just read back through the last four to five pages or so, and find something that wasn't stated in the first six.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I tried. Clearly, even sacrificing myself to Godwin hasn't worked.
    Nobody's gonna read this on page 17 anyway, but for you poor saps who still feel like posting here:


    ...and yes, that includes me. Also, it applies around page 5-6 anyway.

    Will you stop that -.-

    You're pushing it now, no more being nice. It's a public dicussion forum, we can discuss whatever the damn hell we like. If you don't like it or don't want to read...don't read. And hit that back button and never look back. Simple.

    Now get lost.