The hibernating cleric

Posts: 278 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Tideswell (East)
I once vowed I would get all my cleric skills at any given level.

I am still going to but today I was clipped of my wings by the big bad dude with the stone hammer (turns out he had scissors too).

I just managed to get L7 of 1 skill (took 62k) and the next will be some 84k spirit points away. I mean OUCH.
Since I still have not seen why I should start getting Zen/gold (none of the items in the store seems worth it) and as I completely lack marketing skills making cash to buy scrolls etc I see no reason to get myself yet another day-job grinding out the spirit-points needed.
Att I would guess I would need about 50+ genies just to absorb the EXP gained to stay L45 while maxing out the skills I have so far.

So I m going to "hibernate" while I get all skills like I promised but through the Crazy Stone quest only. Of course this means I will be only 20min online max per day for the next weeks (months?) to come.

So to those I befriended: fair thy well.
I might be online some day again for longer then those required 20min for the Crazy stone quest.
I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
Post edited by Promivius - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    nobody told u before that cleric's life under 80s is pain? D:

    just play normal..

    Edit: post fixed for dummies

    sry flu, my eng skll sux sometimes badly D:


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    nobody sed u that before 80s cleric's life is real pain? D:

    Me no understands watt yuu meen Paramedic

    Call 'em "Sins"..."****" just sounds wrong.
    "Hey mom just 5 more minutes im playing with my ****"
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    nobody told u before that cleric's life under 80s is pain? D:

    just play normal..

    Edit: post fixed for dummies

    sry flu, my eng skll sux sometimes badly D:

    Hmmm, if you say it like that I might as well get the first-aid kit and crack my skull on a brick wall. Just as painful and just as mind-numbing (did I write that correctly?).

    I am looking for challenge here not a bloody cracked skull.

    Anyway done with today's Crazy Stone. Off again :P

    Take care
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    um me suggest you try to level up first.
    me currently have 7,103,103 spirit at level 82.
    but me are a wizard.
    (me forget which class cost more.)
    hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.

    Me are hibernating. *poof*
  • Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    storehammy is magichamsta!!! but what happened to our magichamsta! b:sad

    magic mmmb:dirty
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Lol, the last thing I want to do is level up as it would open up even more skills I would have to max out.

    This is even apart from the fact that I am to get a perfect hammer for the L50 stash which I have seen go for 2-2.3mil on the market if not mistaken. (Still not convinced I should invest cash into this game.)
    Frankly I do not think I can make that kind of cash in 5 levels.

    Unless maybe if I have a shop up all the time I am online...
    Thing is if I am online I like to be productive. "Well get another account and use that as a shop" you might say. Oke, did think about that. Here is what I do not like about that idea: 2 computers running which cost me a higher energy bill for a "free" game.

    Remember: multiclient setups are bannable even if you use a virtual PC (which to me personally is a full blown pc in it own rights) to run the non-moving non-productive non-leveling shop account in that virtual pc.

    Btw nodes gratefully to Eatwithspoons for making it very clear what is and it not allows client-wise in a private message exchange.

    Of course I could ingore that (which I will not) and still work with up to 4 virtual pc's if it comes to that as my main gaming PC has 8 CPU's and 6GB of RAM in it (Yes the Core i7 has but 4 physical CPU's and 4 hyperthreaded) without it having that much trouble running 1 actively played account and the others on either standby, fly-by or shop mode.

    But as I have agreed to allow this company to access my CPU/RAM (still not very happy about that as it feels like spyware-monitoring but hey that's me) as stated in the ToS I might add, I might get gotch anyway and therefore loose what I worked for so far.

    Anyway off again as the movie is about to start.
    (I watch TV on my PC too lolz).

    Back tomorrow for another Crazy Stone,

    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yeh, as Para said, it is kinda hard under 70-80 to do it... But trust me, if you dont use the sp for raising genies, you will have Millions and Tens of millions of spirit points at your 80s.
    Just raise the skills you REALLY need until that time... IH... buffs... Purify... Rez if you like (even though it will never help yourself), plume, wind and wield thunder if you like.
  • Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I probably won't be able to change your mind, but consider this.

    At your level, I was literally spirit deprived. Yes, even with CS and the little bit of quests that I had. A lot of my skills were not leveled or even maxed as I hit the levels. I had enough spirit (and coin) to level/max out stuff when I was level 60-85 thanks to zhens and gammas, then I hit a spirit lull again until I hit...get this, around 95. So I'm just now getting enough spirit (and coin thanks to herb/dice ticket/etc sales) to max out my level 59 skills that I could have (and would have liked to have) done at 86.

    And I'm still not done; but it's not much the spirit issue as it is the coin issue--herb sales are down, so I'm relying heavily on dice tickets, and guess what came back to haunt the addictive personality...b:angry

    Now that I'm done with are a very lucky player. You not only have CS to get spirit off of, but you have Boun--um...Treasure Hunter to do so as well. Don't worry about spirit woes--just level like normal and whenever you get the spirit (and coin, don't forget you need BOTH), level your skills as needed. Get the important skills first (like purify, revive, ih...etc), then the others will fall into place.

    No such thing as hibernating. b:cute
    Of course I want to make you giggle, but this is serious. b:chuckle

    Other Characters:

    Ivy_>Psychic>Level 92>Sage>Active
    Serenata>Venomancer>Level 44>Inactive until further notice
    Avocet>Cleric>Level 25>same as above
    Descorian>Blademaster>Level 5> The love child of Destini and Escorian...but I hardly play her...b:surrender

    PS: Caffeine Detox sucks!
  • Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    At lower levels, coin is excess. You run out of spirit.

    At higher levels, spirit is excess. You run out of coin.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yeh, as Para said, it is kinda hard under 70-80 to do it... But trust me, if you dont use the sp for raising genies, you will have Millions and Tens of millions of spirit points at your 80s.
    Just raise the skills you REALLY need until that time... IH... buffs... Purify... Rez if you like (even though it will never help yourself), plume, wind and wield thunder if you like.

    Uhm, I am using the genies to take away the experience points not the spirit point.

    I am using the spirit points to fuel the skills I have myself:

    Current List of skills + level and what I could have at L45 between {}:
    • Blessing of the Purehearted {maxed}
    • Ironheart Blessing 8 {8}
    • Wellspring Surge 8 {8}
    • Revive 6 {6}
    • Purify 4 {4}
    • Chromatic Healing Beam 2 {2}
    • Elemental Seal 6 {6}
    • Vanguard Spirit {maxed}
    • Magic Shell {maxed}
    • Celestial Guardian's Seal 8 {8}
    • Dimensional Seal 4 {4]
    • Silent Seal 2 {2}
    • Spirit's Gift 6 {6}
    • Greater Protection Aura {maxed}
    • Plume Shot {maxed}
    • Plume Shell 8 {8}
    • Razor Feathers 5 {5}
    • Great Cyclone 9 {9}
    • Thunderball 6 {6}
    • Siren's Kiss 4 {4}
    • Wield Thunder 1 {1}
    • Flight Mastery 8 {8}
    • Metal Mastery 4 {4}

    As you can see if I had not already started a 3rd genie I would not even have what is listed here to begin with (sure I made some unwise chooses in certain skills).
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hmm, well, on my new cleric, which is umm... 35 or something... I decided to max out only the skills i critically need... For now...

    Plume Shot
    All buffs
    Flight Mastery

    the rest I don't need yet or just keep on one - e.g I won't need rapid purifying (which you get to do when you max it) until the Krimson battle. Resurrection only does good to other people, but I'm not in such position to help everyone, so go figure... All other offencive spells look neat but I don't NEED them - I will raise them, however, later when I start getting more coin and spirit to do so.
    Lightning add to attack - haven't touched it yet... Other heals - havemn't touched - since I'm very used to using IH (even though I can see where you could use the other two - but all that fun for later, again).

    This way I will not have to "hibernate" or anything... Even though I might do so once I reach the last level I can farm purified oils and stuff (I want to bring up the manufacturing skills as well :))
  • Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm running into similar fun with Assassin skills.
  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    challenge is to heal toons with all u have

    is not numbness spirit farming



    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The healing/helping of other players is a challenge and a reason I started a cleric.
    My take on this charecter in this game is that I am like a flying doctor (hence why I called my own faction Medic_inc).

    The SP farming I do is pretty efficient if you would ask me.
    At L45 I do from time to time those One-man-army quests (managed to get 1000 rep points just a bit back).
    The ones I take is 1 that asks me to kill 40 Guaingut Arenoid kings (or something like that).

    1 mob would grant me 73 sp per kill
    To kill 1 mob like that takes 4 Plume shots.
    With the current mana-pool I have I can kill 40 in 4-5 sit-down as not all mobs are 4 shot mobs as weak mobs take me 2 shots.
    To kill 40 takes about 4-5 about 5-7min breaks to replenics my mana-pool.
    Killing itself cost me about 5min if the mobs are near one-an-other.
    I get a grant total of about 10-23k coins per run + a celestial fragment stone.

    Now let's look at the Crazy Stone reward:
    1 run at 20min max to complete = 7200 sp.
    Costs 8k

    In a group I might bag more sp I am sure then when I solo but I am again pretty sure that 7200 sp in 20min in a group my level is a little to high to exspect.

    You do the match :P
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I thought only Bears hibernated?? b:chuckle But I agree with Destini on the whole Spirit thing. And with genies needing to be fed as well it's hard to keep up. I am finally almost at 10 on all my 59 skills. Has taken foreeeever and ever. GL to ya.
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Doing CS and Treasure hunter now as adviced.
    Rest of the time I do a little of this and that on other characters I have.

    The Qingzi one's are fun to do as you get all kinds of different parties.
    Last 1 I did was with a Wizard(35) and Blademaster(43).
    Other time we had a L77 cleric as tank ;P
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Maxing everything out at that level dosnt make any sense at all anyway what good does that do u honestly ur playing for fun it is a game lol an ur worried about an energy bill an ur comp has all that in it lmao come on get a grip dude if ur that picky u should pick up .......omg sum other mmo that u dont have to worry about all the spirit an coin just have fun man an i know i cant type but oh well it took me a grand total of 3 days to get 31 cleric an it is my 1st PWI toon if ur going to "hibernate" just quit an save urself the trouble sense u obviuosly have a nasa super computer anyway why r u playing a free game so either a} u dont have such a strong computer or B} u r a horrible NEWBLET
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Maxing everything out at that level does not make any sense at all. Anyway, what good does that do you honestly. You are playing for fun. It is a game lol and you are worried about an energy bill and you are computer has all that in it. Lmao, come on get a grip dude if you are that picky you should pick up....... Omg some other mmo that you don't have to worry about all the spirit and coin just have fun man. And I know I can't type but oh well, it took me a grand total of 3 days to get 31 cleric and it is my 1st PWI toon. If you are going to "hibernate" just quit an save yourself the trouble since you obviously have a NASA super computer anyway. Why are you playing a free game?
    So either:
    A} you don't have such a strong computer
    B} you are a horrible NEWBLET

    I have no NASA computer so here are the specs and judge for yourself:
    Intel i7 965EE
    6 GB Ram
    ATI Radeon HD4870 1GB
    WD Velociraptor RAID array (4x 300GB)

    As to you comment.
    I have fun when I take the time for it. I just do it more effective in my view when possible in the way I typed up (see previous comments).
    When I get all skills I can move forward to have fun with all the skills I have.
    If I party and have the (de)buffs I can get at the top of what I can get, it might help the party in general and maybe even make the game play more effective. I am willing to put it to the test.

    Getting top level is so not my thing at all. Being L31 in 3 days... Jeeez, that long??? I dare to think you can do it in less if you really wanted to.

    I myself rather be a level with the skills you can get at that level then getting higher level and catching up on said skills.

    That's the choose I made and that is all.
    Furthermore this is but one of the online games I play and have played.
    The way I get spirit points now is rather easy and I still have time to have fun somewhere else. I see that as a "Win-Win" all the way around.

    I edited the quote to make it more readable to me not to spell-check for other reasons (hell, I am not a native English speaker so I better not even try). I also refrained from unwanted remarks.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Pointless exercise...but whatever floats your boat man. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I am looking for challenge here not a bloody cracked skull.

    If looking for a challenge why play only to do crazy stone? Why not play and do your quests....Crazy stone will not give you the reputation that you need.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If looking for a challenge why play only to do crazy stone? Why not play and do your quests....Crazy stone will not give you the reputation that you need.

    Hehehe I wish more quests are available at this time to me.
    Point in fact is I have none left I could do apart from killing mobs for the DQ-quests, killing mobs that would take my head of if not careful (Heavenware Fragments, Golden Blades) or killing a mini-boss called Rattus Lord.

    So I do kill mobs from time to time like the Giangut Aneriod Kings for reputation points and cash to keep my coins up for the CS quests I take.

    Works out pretty well so far so to me it's not really that pointless.

    (managed to get the 3rd genie to L40 already)
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Go and do a BH. That will level you up I bet you. Then you would have open quests again. Also it would give you an opportunity to actually put those cleric skills to good use. You might even find some people there willing to help you with khewy.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Att I would guess I would need about 50+ genies just to absorb the EXP gained to stay L45 while maxing out the skills I have so far.
    I feel your pain. Took me a month to get enough SP for my skills at that level; had 4 genies at my disposal. Didn't do crazy stone quest much. I skipped all the "PvP" and AoE damage skills. The real killer is Celestial Guardian Seal. That's a fun one to keep maxed.

    Good luck!
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    heheh, yeah. That skill you mentioned is indeed a spirit sink.
    Nevertheless I am getting there.

    Most Qingzi treasure hunts I am part of end moslty on their feeth.
    And with the Crazy stone I am now updating the skills I have (or did not have).

    (3rd genie at L42. I am wondering how many I still need, lolz)
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm a level 73 cleric and this is what I have to say about your decision.

    I think you have a noble idea. But consider this, I'm FAR from maxing all of my skills.

    Vanguard Spirit: 10
    Celestial Guardian Seal: 10
    Spirit's Gift: 10
    Magic Shell: 10
    Ironheart Blessing: 10
    Wellspring Surge: 10
    Great Cyclone: 10
    Plume Shell: 10
    Plume Shot: 10
    Revive: 10
    Purify: 9
    Weild Thunder: 8
    Elemental Seal: 7
    Tempest: 4
    Blessing of the Pure Hearted: 3
    Chromatic Healing Beam: 3
    Stream of Rejuvenation: 3
    Dimensional Seal: 1
    Chromatic Seal: 1
    Thunderball: 1
    Siren's Kiss: 1
    Silent Seal: 1
    Squad buff Greater Protective Aura
    Squad buff Arcane Empowerment
    Squad buff Exalted Renewal
    Squad buff Aegis Spirit

    In my personal preference:
    Skills in RED are a must to be max asap! These are your primary protection if you play mostly solo and are not in a squad doing a TT or a boss.
    Skills in YELLOW are secondary and not so required.
    Skills in ORANGE you need to have level 6 by Character level 60
    Skill in PURPLE are if you want to DD and are not the primary healer.
    Skills in PINK you should not be wasting spirit on. Basically they are useless.
    Skills in GREEN are mostly used in PVP
    Skills in GREY are if you have trouble with squads and need to do MASS healing all the time.
    Skills in BROWN are your squad buffs. Only obtainable after you max your buffs to 10. (Ex. You need level 10 Vanguard Spirit before you can get Greater Protective Aura."
  • Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    I don't understand why you'd set yourself that kinda limit, really. Isn't it taking the fun outta the game completely? 'Cause I know it would do for me. Because you can be fully functional without having maxed *all* your skills for your level. My 61 cleric has most needed skills at a nearly maxed level (exception of Plume Shell, which I've never even used so far). Else, I consider my cleric functional to be a main healer in teams.

    Then again, I don't PVP. I barely heal for squads outside the faction, and in general, I'm also playing the tank (cleric on laptop, BM on desktop - separate accounts for those who wonder).

    I guess it can be some sort of challenge, but it's highly restrictive, and I don't think I could pull it off. My hat off to you if you keep doing it however, because I'd afraid that'd seriously hinder my fun on this game.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Most Qingzi treasure hunts I am part of end moslty on their feeth.

    I tend to hang around near Orchid Temple / Secret Passage PKing, you are more than welcome to PM me if you see me and ask if you need it run. I can solo it all. I usually run in there for people's BHs when I get bored or there is a lack of kill-able players (haha!)
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I tend to hang around near Orchid Temple / Secret Passage PKing, you are more than welcome to PM me if you see me and ask if you need it run. I can solo it all. I usually run in there for people's BHs when I get bored or there is a lack of kill-able players (haha!)

    Alrighty, I will keep it in mind.

    Holidays are over tho so I am back to my daily job again <sigh>.

    4th genie at L27....
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I edited the quote to make it more readable to me not to spell-check for other reasons (hell, I am not a native English speaker so I better not even try). I also refrained from unwanted remarks.

    Dedication man...

    I did the same thing with my barbarian :) At lvl 43, I farmed rep and spirit points... for my lvl, I was, at that point, unbeatable in duels and the like, against those I tested my skills against. Mobs died easily. The effects of having my skills up to date back then made my levelling up easier for the next 20 or so levels. At lvl 85, most skills are maxed already... its pretty nice. Good luck ^, and most importantly, have fun. But I think you understand that already :)


  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, the farming is going rather well att so I just keep at it.

    Skills are getting upped tho I am saving up for a big one (82k spirit points for a skill upgrade), muahahaha.

    Genie at L34 now.. Will have to get another one soon again....
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.


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