TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    At the height of Legendary's power we got lucky to make it to the end of a 3 hour defense against Nef. You lasted an hour you say? It's already over Dan, your faction is already the captives of Nef. If you think Nef wasn't toying with you these last two nights, then well...first I am're thinking b:shocked but second...consider how many people in Nef have been waiting for some TW fun. Of course they dragged out your TW's...they wanted to have fun. If they wanted to roll you, as Remi said, they would.

    Why do I bash you? Because it is fun. Because I like to see you come on here and parade your faction's "high level of sportsmanship" and "we have come through so much to get to where we are"... comments like those make me lolz. If your faction had any level of sportsmanship, I really need to explain this? Regicide has almost zero sportsmanship. Your accomplishments... are took land from a crippled faction. You're a faction of vultures, not skilled players. Your faction just happened to have the most high levels and got their teeth into LG. But I guess that's all part of the game. Guess what, Dreaming also got land... and unlike your factions players who have gone out of their way lately to antagonize people on this server, Dreaming hasn' far their strategy already annihilates anything you claimed to have "planned".

    I can play more than one game at a time Dan. I have a lot of friends that still play this game and like to talk to them. Making fun of your train-wreck is an added bonus :p

    I don't know what happened back when LG took land from Regi... I wasn't in the faction at the time. I can assume that you lost land in a more fair situation than LG has had. They have done an excellent job holding onto what they have, considering what their numbers look like.

    Again, you start spewing BS, I don't know what you talk about most of the time. You make up all these things about us deserting you as allies and QQ here and there.
    Any past alliances with leaders other than Akasera are beyond my knowledge...Although if I had to take a shot in the dark I would assume Milari/ Des_X or whoever denied you guys on an alliance simply because she/ he didn't see the need. Milari was a very level headed person, and an excellent leader...if she didn't see your "excellent sportsmanship" and other "great qualities" well then, I am gonna go ahead and assume regicide has never had them ;)

    *edit* Ah, just informed of your attack failing. My condolences Regi. I'm sure Dan planned to lose because it will somehow effect the Nef psyche, don't week!

    Why do you continue to assert sad propaganda to try and justify yourself?

    Okay, you are saying we are vultures for attacking Legendary, and not Nef. You guys stopped attacking Nef yourself, did you expect us to try and solo them? By your statement, no one can TW otherwise they will be accused of being vultures. Leg took land from a crippled Outlaw, Nef took land from a crippled "Rebirth" and Steel. Nef and Leg wiped off all the weak factions before confronting each other. I don't see where your justification is coming from.

    Umm, last I checked, being accused of "cheating" or whatever assumptions would give reason for people to hate us would place as the victims of antagonists.

    And you're one to talk about train-wrecks hehe. We aren't the ones who gave in. I don't have any reason to hide anything, and you've given nothing to justify how I've spewed BS, other than the fact that you've admitted to harassing people because you find it entertaining. I've always respected LG members for their friendliness and respectfulness and to see their ex-members drag their good names down is just sad to see.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Risen, your opinion on Freya means about as much as nothing, You are bitter that she divorced you after a couple weeks because of what you are like. As for killing low lvl's that leave safe, 90% of pk'ers on server do this, not just her. You call a nix a haxbird, what idiocy is that, almost as good as dan's "why cant i bid 200mil and an item". You say nef started the gank wars, incorrect. Way way before i joined nef, the gank wars were started by LG. Regi just hoped on lg's side, leeching until lg were down so they could rise up. It squite sad that the guild dan worked so hard to make respectable, has had its once proud reputation destroyed within a matter of 2-3 weeks

    Cute. :) You assumed that she divorced me.

    Even cuter is that you talk as if this game is a direct representation of real life events. And that you actually think Im affected by what goes on in this game.

    Lets set the facts straight, everyone who knows me knows the following:

    I paid for the wedding

    I paid for her wedding outfit (pure black fairy set)

    I paid for the divorce

    I did the divorce in the middle of the night when she was logged off, then told her in a online message why I did it.

    The reasons to our divorce is nunya biz, stop acting like you know everything.

    I dont care about what a girl does who lives in a different country that is seperated by a massive ocean does with her time in a MMORPG. You need to grow the hell up, kiddo, and realize that there is a real life outside of your computer monitor and headset. Im happily engaged in real life and quite comfortable where I am :) I just despise little know it all kids like you who think they talk trash on the internet means they are a 'man'.

    You, on the other hand, have some issue with me because of the supposed things I 'did' and how I 'treated' her, or so you say she says. Funny, you you speak for her all the time. I think its really laughable, because she told me she thought you would be the first to ask to marry her in game, and you never fell through. Then you just got jealous (over an ingame marriage, really dude?) and told me to be careful with her, because she leaches money from people. Remember when we met? You were still leader of your faction (that you dumped to join the winning team and earn a free fat paycheck, good job on that, btw), and you told me that she had borrowed a ton of money from you to put towards her haxbird she has now....she was so thrilled you lent her that money, when she got it, she named it after you. I wonder....did she ever pay you back? Whatever the case may be with you, I never did anything personal towards you, and you are just pissed off because you feel you are less of a 'man'.

    I call it a haxbird because its a catchy phrase, and I like it. I could care less what it does, and why most veno's fail in PvP because they rely so heavily on it in PK. I know how to beat a nix, and its not very hard. Anyway, done with you, I just wanted to set that particular record straight.

    Regicide has fought Nef long before anyone else has besides Legendary. Time and time again, they lost, so of course, when Regi decided to switch gears and focus on Legendary and get a few win's in to boost morale, Leg gets all butt hurt and QQ's about how 'Regicide is ganging up on us!' And Nef just jumps in to take advantage of the situation, in order to gain an upper hand in destroying Regi's somewhat honorable reputation that barely dangles in the public view nowadays.

    Insulting Regicide's struggles through nonstop months of losing to Nefarious is a slap in the face to those who build Regicide from the ground up. There ARE people in Regicide who arent vultures, who moved there because they saw something about it that, if nurtured, could bear amazing possibilities. Sad to say, it never got to that point, because people became power hungry, bitter, and frustrated. Clique's started forming and separation grew.

    Nefarious and Legendary, or any TW faction for that matter, is not perfect, and cannot please everyone. When you cram 200 people from all walks of life, society, nationality, beliefs and thoughts, its amazing it stays together long enough to keep afloat.

    You all need to stop b*tching and moaning, and keep on punching in your debit/credit card numbers to charge zen to cash shop your way to victory, or to 'win' the game.

    QQMOAR....thats why half your people betrayed you and jumped ship on Regicide and Nef eh? Sounds to me your real problems lay within loyalty, not Regicide. Stop using it as an excuse and move on, you pathetic chumps.

    And as far as TheDan's personal choices, I could care less. He dropped the ball a few times on critical points that could affect Regicide's future, everyone knows it, but talking about it is like preaching to the brick wall that it should move by itself. Pointing the finger at him, ganging up on him in PK and trying to show him that your a better PvP'er than him just to justify your own hurt feelings about your failed faction is really obvious and sad. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And the rage continues... b:chuckle

    Gogogo guys!!! I need something to read during lectures.
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hell yeah! After 10 months of PWI, and behaving myself and keeping my mouth shut while in Regicide for 5-6 months (seems so much longer than that), I can finally let loose and troll to my hearts content! b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This is battlefield report, plz fokus on TW talk need for all the personal attacks... You seem to divert everything I say and turn it into me being some kind of bully...which we all know isn't true b:cute

    No small secret that I am an *******...get over it...

    Differences between your faction taking land versus Nef is that Nef had been taking land for several Legendary and Nef had been going at it *hiya hiya* while you guys moved in only after a complete collapse (which still took you guys quite a while to bite into, all planned I am sure :p)

    *hurr hurr* "respect legendary" and yet you mock our factions fall... moar quality sportsmanship from Regicide clearly...

    You still neglect to address any of the stuff that I bring up pertaining to what this thread is about...what is Regi planning to do? They can't take anymore land since they are cut off from any easy land. Your plan for expansion conquest looks like it is going to blow up in your face. Do you honestly think Regicide stands a chance because Nef toys with you all in TW?
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Okay, you are saying we are vultures for attacking Legendary, and not Nef. You guys stopped attacking Nef yourself, did you expect us to try and solo them? By your statement, no one can TW otherwise they will be accused of being vultures. Leg took land from a crippled Outlaw, Nef took land from a crippled "Rebirth" and Steel. Nef and Leg wiped off all the weak factions before confronting each other. I don't see where your justification is coming from.

    I uh...don't think that is what he was saying.

    "Why do I bash you? Because it is fun. Because I like to see you come on here and parade your faction's "high level of sportsmanship" and "we have come through so much to get to where we are"... comments like those make me lolz. If your faction had any level of sportsmanship, I really need to explain this? Regicide has almost zero sportsmanship. Your accomplishments... are took land from a crippled faction. You're a faction of vultures, not skilled players. Your faction just happened to have the most high levels and got their teeth into LG. But I guess that's all part of the game."

    Pretty much the bashing is for you making regi seem like that awesome faction who is always in the right and is the best TW faction because they hung in there all the way to this point when its really more or less (old news ahead) most of Leg quitting because the game turned into something terrible and grotesque then you guys being the 3rd best faction took some of the lands and recruited the portion of Leg who used to be in regi and some other high levels.

    Anywho none of it really matters. Surely everyone already knew when Leg quit Nef would take the lands one by one regardless of what the other factions did.

    And you're one to talk about train-wrecks hehe. We aren't the ones who gave in. I don't have any reason to hide anything, and you've given nothing to justify how I've spewed BS, other than the fact that you've admitted to harassing people because you find it entertaining. I've always respected LG members for their friendliness and respectfulness and to see their ex-members drag their good names down is just sad to see.

    Gotta give credit to the rest of Legendary. Their goal since the massive quits has been to not relinquish a land to a faction other than nef. They have not been perfect with this goal but they still have multiple lands and that is saying something. Strife is not in Legendary. All "ex Leg" are no longer in Legendary. As you can plainly see Legendary is still on the map with many members and they have just as much fight as regi. Anything any Ex Leg says doesn't matter for we are not in Legendary. Only Legendary themselves can effect their good name.

    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This is battlefield report, plz fokus on TW talk need for all the personal attacks... You seem to divert everything I say and turn it into me being some kind of bully...which we all know isn't true b:cute

    No small secret that I am an *******...get over it...

    Differences between your faction taking land versus Nef is that Nef had been taking land for several Legendary and Nef had been going at it *hiya hiya* while you guys moved in only after a complete collapse (which still took you guys quite a while to bite into, all planned I am sure :p)

    *hurr hurr* "respect legendary" and yet you mock our factions fall... moar quality sportsmanship from Regicide clearly...

    You still neglect to address any of the stuff that I bring up pertaining to what this thread is about...what is Regi planning to do? They can't take anymore land since they are cut off from any easy land. Your plan for expansion conquest looks like it is going to blow up in your face. Do you honestly think Regicide stands a chance because Nef toys with you all in TW?

    I don't have anything against you Strife, so with all due respect, I'd appreciate it if you'd lay off your bashing on me for "fun." I'm not asking you to like me, but leave my name out of it as per ToS.

    And as a matter of fact I do respect Legendary members. I may not have agreed to all their faction objectives, and they may not have agreed to all of ours, we have our differences, fair enough, I'll respect that. I hold respect for all legitimate factions including Nefarious, albeit a rival faction, shouldn't be discredited for what they accomplished so far.

    I could tell you what we plan to do, but I can't guarantee it will work. Not everything we plan to do goes according to plan, and I will not say they will, so rather than tell you something that "might" happen, it's best to keep the audience in suspense until it "does" happen, wouldn't you agree? :) If you really do you have concerns, then you're more than welcome to contact me in game so I can address them for you.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    /drops popcorns all over the thread
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Actually when I was pking it was like we got a group of 5 or 6 and we would **** your group of 8-10. Then you would come back wait in SZ then the whole effin faction shows up to take out 6 people and usually when I QQ about you guys calling the whole faction you guys say they came on their own (I guess they came on their own the hundreds of other times as well).

    IMO good sportsmanship would be to try to take us out after being defeated rather than doubling your numbers lolol.

    Also I have nothing better to do than to troll these forums so save your breath.

    i rarely see ppl in FC say help me pk... most of our PKers go check sp and west gate to see if we can find any pk going on and if there is pk and regi is there ofc were gonna join in
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2009


    Me want TW against Regicide again! :B Fun fun.
  • Shandelzare - Sanctuary
    Shandelzare - Sanctuary Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    *Looks at thread title*


    *Reads some more comments*

    I'm confused. b:surrender
    Maybe I should pay attention to my lectures. They hurt my head less.
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    /drops popcorns all over the thread

    *eyes the popcorn, wondering if its the movie theatre extra butter kind and if it is, if Dominatiger will share*
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • MichaelBhB - Sanctuary
    MichaelBhB - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I can only lulz @ all this except to say that yah LG did lose alot of members due to the anni packs but I am rebuilding the faction with the support of my officers and as displayed quit well today we have not fallen and we are once again a match for triple attacks on our lands >_>
    ~Proud Leader Of Legendary~

    Mikey eats anything!!!

    You are what you dare!!!
  • bloodredmage
    bloodredmage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I must say this was quite entertaining to read ; especially when ppl that kept the "silent , calm & cool" act all this time finally unleash themselves :D . I'm still curious to see an unleashed Dan but that can't happen until the day he quits xD .
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    *eyes the popcorn, wondering if its the movie theatre extra butter kind and if it is, if Dominatiger will share*

    its sugar popcorns... for a sweet timeb:victory
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Cute. :) You assumed that she divorced me.

    Even cuter is that you talk as if this game is a direct representation of real life events. And that you actually think Im affected by what goes on in this game.

    Lets set the facts straight, everyone who knows me knows the following:

    I paid for the wedding

    I paid for her wedding outfit (pure black fairy set)

    I paid for the divorce

    I did the divorce in the middle of the night when she was logged off, then told her in a online message why I did it.

    The reasons to our divorce is nunya biz, stop acting like you know everything.

    Well, shows how much you know, you said i left my faction while leader, incorrect, i have never been a leader of ANY faction in this game, so you also need to get your facts straight. I know you paid for everything for the wedding, at the time i thought that honourable, however it was purely a rouse. Yes i helped pay for her nix, and has she paid me back, however this is irrelevant as after a while i told her NOT to pay me back for it. Reasons behind your divorce i didn't need to know, but she told me freely from the moment u2 married about how you acted and the reasoning behind why she wanted NOTHING to do with you. About how you got jealous for her giving chi to people, even forbidding her to do so. Im sorry but you were the jealous person. Whoever actually initiated the divorce, matters not. She was planning the divorce for a while and was saving the money, im glad to hear you wasted yours. I would like to thank you for all the stuff you bought her though, the money gained from selling them came in extremely helpful.b:victory
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hell yeah! After 10 months of PWI, and behaving myself and keeping my mouth shut while in Regicide for 5-6 months (seems so much longer than that), I can finally let loose and troll to my hearts content! b:victory

    You mean 5-6 months with two ragequits from regi and an failed application to nef
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ummmmmmmmm..........doesnt Dan do a report for each days tws? Where are they o.O or is he gonna just wait till weekend ends and do one tw report?
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    more drama plz i havent finish my WQ yet b:chuckle
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you guys are so silly....

    i'm perma banning you all from this thread b:angry
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary
    NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    uh damn no sleepy emote here


    will have to work

    The knife slides down the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You mean 5-6 months with two ragequits from regi and an failed application to nef

    See, there you go again. You think that Im going to QQ about how your right that I ragequitted Regi twice and am gonna slit my wrists over the fact that both Nef and Leg rejected my app. This is once again a pathetic example of how you confuse this game and reality. The world outside of your computer screen. Who cares if I left Regi twice, or if I didnt get in to factions? Its not like OMG, my life is SO OVER! Its a game, on the internet.

    Thats all you can come up with? Guess you just got stomped, go QQMOAR somewhere else b:cry
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • HealingCake - Sanctuary
    HealingCake - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    See, there you go again. You think that Im going to QQ about how your right that I ragequitted Regi twice and am gonna slit my wrists over the fact that both Nef and Leg rejected my app. This is once again a pathetic example of how you confuse this game and reality. The world outside of your computer screen. Who cares if I left Regi twice, or if I didnt get in to factions? Its not like OMG, my life is SO OVER! Its a game, on the internet.

    Thats all you can come up with? Guess you just got stomped, go QQMOAR somewhere else b:cry

    So he's right? Lulz. The fact that you ragequitted a faction twice and weren't accepted to two prestigious factions on the server says something about your personality. The fact that you're trying to make the case that it's separate from your real life is lame, because you're probably not much different as a person. Go figure.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    uh damn no sleepy emote here


    will have to work


    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    True sentence: Whatever you say wont make everybody happy.
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    See, there you go again. You think that Im going to QQ about how your right that I ragequitted Regi twice and am gonna slit my wrists over the fact that both Nef and Leg rejected my app. This is once again a pathetic example of how you confuse this game and reality. The world outside of your computer screen. Who cares if I left Regi twice, or if I didnt get in to factions? Its not like OMG, my life is SO OVER! Its a game, on the internet.

    Thats all you can come up with? Guess you just got stomped, go QQMOAR somewhere else b:cry

    No risen, just stating facts, you know, these to prove what you say. I do forget you aren't used to backing up what you say with them.
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • bloodredmage
    bloodredmage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    o.O Risen , when did you apply to leg ?
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    o.O Risen , when did you apply to leg ?

    awhile ago. I quit Regi when I was with Freya, because we both wanted to apply to Nef. I wasnt happy with Regi's dis-organization, the sudden merge of Rebirth without the faction's input, and TheDan's stubbornness to implement easy systems that would contribute to his faction's progress. When she got in and I got rejected (I assumed from YngWiE's response that it was due to my overly critical attitude of nef in the past, which is completely understandable), I applied to Leg in response to a friend's suggestion who was in there. Never asked why I was denied from them either, but whatever the case may be, I never pressed the issue.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • riddiculus
    riddiculus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you guys are so silly....

    i'm perma banning you all from this thread b:angry

    I feel ya holy... if i could b ur mod...b:chuckle... i would definitly move those unrelated threads about:
    "PK" (the word "battlefront" is for tw battles in this thread ppl not for personal battles)
    "marriage/divorce" (wtf... r u serious?? did dat get in a battlefront report)
    "personal attacks" (<---this too...hello?? love hate thread... go make one)

    or... like u sed ... BAN THEM...although maybe not Dan cos i want those weekly reports b:chuckle
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    riddiculus wrote: »
    I feel ya holy... if i could b ur mod...b:chuckle... i would definitly move those unrelated threads about:
    "PK" (the word "battlefront" is for tw battles in this thread ppl not for personal battles)
    "marriage/divorce" (wtf... r u serious?? did dat get in a battlefront report)
    "personal attacks" (<---this too...hello?? love hate thread... go make one)

    or... like u sed ... BAN THEM...although maybe not Dan cos i want those weekly reports b:chuckle

    I.....just wanted to troll Johnny's post. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye