Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Who the hell rez'd duke?
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • DemonFox - Dreamweaver
    DemonFox - Dreamweaver Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you might want to check again, I've already commented in this thread today, Surtr wasn't the first so don't attack him. b:chuckle

    Not 'attacking' him per say. I was up till 7:30 in the morning east coast time (since the servers went down) looking at these threads and didnt see a single response from a GM. This was up to page 20 and there was nothing. I just looked through about 20-40 to see and didnt see any so i looked at the last page and just saw those 2 comments. I mean idk what you guys are doin on that side of the screen after maint, but it seemed like no GM was to be seen when people were up waiting for answers.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Alot of packs were sold. But were they bought by the people who were maxing out their cards to buy thousands? Or the average player who might have bought a couple hundred?

    Not sure we will ever know. However we all know how popular the sale was tough as a whole.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Not sure we will ever know. However we all know how popular the sale was tough as a whole.

    Yea, but to me, and I may be wrong. Popular demand means that the majority of the players asked to bring the anniversary packs back. Not that a few people with near limitless credit lines can dictate whats popular.
  • Lainn - Dreamweaver
    Lainn - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    All I want to know if there is going to be another event like Jolly Jones later on :P
    I miss the old geezer and wouldn't mind if he came for a month instead of these ;).
  • Mephistic - Dreamweaver
    Mephistic - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Thats a load of nonsense. Whether it's the game or real life, if u can make profit, u will.
    It's those that aren't able to make profit that are the ones who are complaining all the time. Those who can don't complain (and it's not just the paying players, that I know)

    lol, exactly my point... We players will always try to use things to our advantage, those who can't just have to live with it. Sad but true. Unless the players at the top of the food chain decide to be more fair, nothing will change. GMs can only do what they can to keep things civil.
  • Mephistic - Dreamweaver
    Mephistic - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Someones a Mr. Angry pants today, ARE YOU benefiting any from these packs? ARE YOU getting mils and mils of coin to spent on gear, weaps, and oracles to power lvl yourself? From the look of the your current player lvl I think not. b:laugh You should be just as angry as us if you do not cat shop your way to the top. Though it may be the asses reason for upping the prices for gold and other items it is also the GMs for giving them that chance while knowing what happened last month. b:cute

    LOL, I have always had a wide angle lens for a brain. So I try to see more than the avarage person would. All I see is GMs! GMs! GMs!!... Not many people see that the players have a HUGE impact on how the game plays out. I'm just here to enlighten the masses xD (or not lol) Haha.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    lol, exactly my point... We players will always try to use things to our advantage, those who can't just have to live with it. Sad but true. Unless the players at the top of the food chain decide to be more fair, nothing will change. GMs can only do what they can to keep things civil.

    ~__~ I'm guessing you're living with it? The GMs/mods wouldn't have made this thread if they didn't want feedback on the packs. So if you're just going to tell people to deal with it I'd like you to kindly leave because your point/opinion doesn't matter if it is not feed back to the GMs about how you feel on the packs. Not how you feel about the people complaining about the packs.
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Moved ..................

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ~__~ I'm guessing you're living with it? The GMs/mods wouldn't have made this thread if they didn't want feedback on the packs. So if you're just going to tell people to deal with it I'd like you to kindly leave because your point/opinion doesn't matter if it is not feed back to the GMs about how you feel on the packs. Not how you feel about the people complaining about the packs.

    The Op actulay makes no mention on only talking about if you are favour or against.

    Here is what it says.
    "Please discuss the recent addition of Anniversary Boxes within this thread. Any flaming or non-constructive criticism will result in your post being removed."

    Him talking about people complaining about the packs is still related to the topic, since it has to do with the addition of the AnyPacks or those people would be so upset.

    And going by the locking of the threads asking for the Duke to me muted and pointing people to this thread is also an indication that this thread is not just about the packs themselves.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i mean i guess its OK BUT...................
    NO1 or ANYTHING i have heard of has had 2 MONTH anniversary.
    and i was REALLY hoping for JOlly jones this month b:shedtearb:shedtearb:shedtearb:shedtear no luck in gettin a midnight horse now :(

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The Op actulay makes no mention on only talking about if you are favour or against.

    Here is what it says.
    "Please discuss the recent addition of Anniversary Boxes within this thread. Any flaming or non-constructive criticism will result in your post being removed."

    Him talking about people complaining about the packs is still related to the topic, since it has to do with the addition of the AnyPacks or those people would be so upset.

    Though think about it, do the GMs really wanna know what other people think about how other people should feel about this? As if that'll give much reason for the GMs to try and solve any of this or leave it be.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Though think about it, do the GMs really wanna know what other people think about other people should feel about this?

    Not at all, someone lying to this thread this morning and then changing the post back proves that.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Though think about it, do the GMs really wanna know what other people think about other people should feel about this? As if that'll give much reason for the GMs to try and solve any of this or leave it be.

    It will give them as much reason as people saying "only 8 gready people buy the packs" or some of the other generalizations that people have been making on this thread.

    For me, since the AnyPacks are here to stay, I think the most important thing for the GMs to do is to silence The Duke again. The spam is driving me nuts.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Not at all, someone lying to this thread this morning and then changing the post back proves that.

    Ok then, so like I said before, pople who are telling others to just DEAL should just leave if they have no real opinion on this subject matter. b:surrender
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Not at all, someone lying to this thread this morning and then changing the post back proves that.

    Careful where you are going.... I like reading your posts even if sometimes we don't quite agree.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok then, so like I said before, pople who are telling others to just DEAL should just leave if they have no real opinion on this subject matter. b:surrender

    I guess I should have stopped my quote sooner. They didn't listen last month, why would the listen for the next 2.5 weeks?

    edit: Okay, Spoons listened, I'm talking about the powers that be here.
  • Retailer_a - Sanctuary
    Retailer_a - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Page 1
    xarfox wrote: »
    Please discuss the recent addition of Anniversary Boxes within this thread. Any flaming or non-constructive criticism will result in your post being removed.

    Page 30
    That is out of line.

    Page 40
    keep expressing your displeasure in this thread, I appreciate those who have kept it contained to here. b:victory

    Everyone else, consider this:
    -We can't read all duplicate and spam topics on days like this, there's just not time.
    -The above is why we ask you to post here, makes it much easier.
    -GMs and moderators do not control sales, so making their jobs harder is not helping anything.
    -Less spam threads needing lock means more time I can compile this feedback and count how many folks are responding here, so it's a win-win situation to post here.

    I'm sorry to those who are angered by this sale, but please remember that feedback that is written calmly and without flames is what we need, flames come a dime a dozen and they don't help the situation.

    Page 50
    As a reminder:

    Going around the chatfilter is still a banable offence. Quit it or there will be consequences.
    Surtr wrote: »
    We really do read all of your comments and suggestions and take them into consideration. If what you suggested was true, we'd simply close and/or delete all of the threads and not leave any avenue for discussion.

    Page 51
    you might want to check again, I've already commented in this thread today, Surtr wasn't the first so don't attack him. b:chuckle
    Spoons and myself have answered in this thread before that. b:surrender

    Well I went through every page thus far in this thread and the above quotes are the only times any GM/Mod have posted and well, there aint nothing in them posts to really placate the angry playerbase, but then what has been posted is as much as i would expect, and i seriously doubt anyone will get much more of a response from them than what has already been posted.

    Money talks mighteir than the playerbase.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Retailer A this is your final warning (I sent you one already today) regarding making accusations on the forums. Don't do it.

    I think it is unrealistic to think that any one thing I could say would completely placate the entire community. That's not something I seek to do and it would be an insult to everyone if that was truly my goal. I'd prefer that players discuss the situation.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Not at all, someone lying to this thread this morning and then changing the post back proves that.
    It will give them as much reason as people saying "only 8 gready people buy the packs" or some of the other generalizations that people have been making on this thread.

    For me, since the AnyPacks are here to stay, I think the most important thing for the GMs to do is to silence The Duke again. The spam is driving me nuts.

    It's a fact though, after the first person who bought them showed that the packs contained gear and rare items like that I'm positive anyone who is money/power hungry would be more than willing to spend w/e it takes to but and sell the packs or the items within it.

    And silencing Duke will only do so much, you know who gets them and who doesn't still just buy viewing world chat and see whose selling what at what prices. Or even looking at Auction House and/or guilds with a lot of land for that matter.

    These packs whether the GMs/Mods know it or not they are helping those who cat shop or pay real money for gold more of an advantage of an average player. I mean this is a FREE game and you can CHOOSE to cat shop or buy gold. But on a PvP it's basically mandatory for you, seeing as how you need charms so you don't die easily, you need angels so you don't drop items, and you need (if a veno) legendary pets if you want to get ahead. Also you'd possibly need to expand your inventory/bank/pet pack/cupboard if you want to save items for better gear later on.

    I personally don't know anyone who hasn't at least bought one thing from the cash shop (boutique) on the Harshlands server. So yeah =P
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    Well I went through every page thus far in this thread and the above quotes are the only times any GM/Mod have posted and well, there aint nothing in them posts to really placate the angry playerbase, but then what has been posted is as much as i would expect, and i seriously doubt anyone will get much more of a response from them than what has already been posted.

    Money talks mighteir than the playerbase.

    That proves that they are reading the posts, which is something they were being acused of not doing.

    There is nothing that they can say that would help here. They already showed that they are carefuly reading the posts, so now, you just have to wait and see.

    Any player that uses this boards know that players will use whatever the GMs say, take it out of context, than proceed to quote it back for their benefit. There are tons of examples of that being done. So the GMs are doing the proper thing, start a place for people to vent, than sort through, summarize, and pass the information to the higher ups or whoever makes the decisions. What else do you want the GMs to do? To quit their jobs to show they support the forum players????

    @AzaraxGore - I know what you mean, and on pvp servers, you almost have to buy something from catshop, being angel or binding scroll (or from other players), since there is a chance you can drop items when getting killed. It is not mandatory, as long as you are willing to drop something... (not likely)
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    We still haven't gotten any sort of response as to whats going to happen.

    I'd be happy to just get a "The packs are staying, deal with it".

    I still disagree with "Back By Popular Demand" >.<
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I am against this change. It is a really uncreative way to make the Cash Shop important. I know the company wants to sell items, but from what I have seen, to a good majority of us, it is making it far too obvious that the entire game, and end game, is for sale (Probably to the company's detriment). It all should be a little bit more subtle, maybe require some actual effort playing the game? That is what this is right? A game?

    I understand convenience from the Cash Shop, that is all well and good, and I am happy to purchase convenience (Like Guardian "Scrolls", and Charms), but the Cash Shop is just playing the game for me now. Here is an idea: why couldn't the Lunar Insignia's still require at least a few Lunar Mats to actually make the Weapon? Same for the other end game type items, that seem only attainable through the Cash Shop.

    I have spent many times more on this game than I would for a subscription type game, and that doesn't bother me. But these items in the Cash Shop, are a poor indicator of which way the game is headed, to me (Again, because of the lack of subtlety and moderation with the Cash Shop). I would feel it is silly to make an investment in a game where only the biggest spenders can succeed (Again, my opinion, but after being here more than a year, it is an informed one). I mean, I play MMORPGs with both cooperation and competition with my peers as a critical element in my enjoyment. The gap in competition has grown to the point were it is no longer entertaining. Reasons for cooperating with my peers are also slowly eroding, due to the people who quit, or can't afford Charms for instances, or simply have less reason to play the game, when the items they once used to earn through play, are now easily attained in the Cash Shop.
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    dude seriously get my name outa ur sig >.> i dont want it there

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The only thing I've seen regarding the packs from last time was that they were a waste of gold for the most part and that they drove up the in-game gold prices by quite a large margin. Those same posters stated that they should be taken out and not brought back any time soon and let the in-game prices come back down. All of the user responses were either in total agreement or of a "don't like it, don't buy it" mindset. Posters of the latter idea were still in agreement that the packs did drive the prices up (they just weren't effected since they use RL money for their gold). I have yet to find ONE post stating that the packs are an amazing idea and should be kept in the CS indefinitely.

    I'd like to know what part of that was read and taken into consideration for this rerelease.
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
  • Norgannon - Lost City
    Norgannon - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    All I have to say, is **** you whoever thought about bringing this **** again.
    I don't care if this gets deleted, this is just so low.

    One month of the **** was bad enough and they say by popular demand we want them back? By greedy demand I say, making money, you're a business, I get it. But this is too much.

    Rant over.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The only thing I've seen regarding the packs from last time was that they were a waste of gold for the most part and that they drove up the in-game gold prices by quite a large margin. Those same posters stated that they should be taken out and not brought back any time soon and let the in-game prices come back down. All of the user responses were either in total agreement or of a "don't like it, don't buy it" mindset. Posters of the latter idea were still in agreement that the packs did drive the prices up (they just weren't effected since they use RL money for their gold). I have yet to find ONE post stating that the packs are an amazing idea and should be kept in the CS indefinitely.

    I'd like to know what part of that was read and taken into consideration for this rerelease.

    Everyone knows that people realy vote with their wallets, when it comes to where to spend their money. As mentioned, and linked already, PWE had a record month in september. Lots of gold was bought, and lots of packs were sold, which makes them very very popular.

    Also, keep in mind that number of players that use the forums is a small percentage of the overall player base. So we are the vocal ones, but we do not represent the player base of the game itself.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok I want to purposely ask a GM this (I don't know if I can send them private messages but I'm not up to figuring out either).

    If "rich" players buy a lot of gold (in-game or otherwise) and then you release these anni packs again. They buy them up and start to sell the gold they've stored away. They get all the rare end game gear, gems, weaps, etc. They buy all these things with tokens (luck and best luck) and sell those items as well or just the tokens. People who've farmed for their gear for weeks or even months come on to figure out that people who may have been 10-30 or so lvls lower than them power lvl'd with oracles+mijis are just a few lvl's shy of them or even others about same lvl have this awesome gear only obtainable through the packs. I am also stating this person is a normal gamer, in a normal all lvl faction.

    Don't you think they're gonna quit?

    And if they quit don't you think they're friends will soon follow?

    And if their friends follow their friends friends will then too. And the more players you lose. The less people will buy any items from these "rich" players. The less they buy the less these "rich" players buy. Which in turn they might quit as well or just stop buying all together and use what they already have.

    Making it so only "rich" players play this game making it into a another WoW and after that point you should just make them pay to play. ~__~ Seeing as how they won't NEED to buy anything since they're set until this games bores them, ending your "Perfect World".

    Now can you answer me why you brought these anni packs back afetr that little skit? :3
  • Silver - Dreamweaver
    Silver - Dreamweaver Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ok i got 1 question so Seriously.... If this was an "annual" event, why in the h*ll did it come back again....I mean i have seen QQ for the first one and they come around like "HEY we made alot of money from that event, so lets just put it in the next patch see what we get..." God that kinda gets meh pissed
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • madacius
    madacius Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I dont know how many people follow the stock exchange..but during the first "anniversary" event,the pwi stock went up by over $40 due to people dumping in thousands of dollars over multiple servers during a rather short period of time. After it was over and the anni packs removed,you can imagine the zen sales went down and the stock would follow,and with any stock as soon as that magic number starts to drop..the people who bought the shares start to cry...gotta keep the share holders happy -.- So its not that income is too low to maintain the game, but a nominal income is now not enough to satisfy..just my take...but if you dont believe it,do some stock exchange research : P
This discussion has been closed.