Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Saying its back by popular demand is wrong. Only people I see buying the packs and winning big items, I want to say name but i don't think i can...but imagine how many packs they are opening to make it on the annoying red least ten times a day. For the larger population, its the people being screwed over by this. For example, I need a heiro to make make money for another heiro..etc etc. At this point Im stuck, No money to make money for a heiro, and with the event, the prices are near 1 mil on this server. Hey I can do frost for one of those niffty coin boxes and gain money that way...Oh wait..I need to buy 5 gold ( about 600k per) for 1 mil...riight..

    I see a lot of people saying they are going to quit, and its true..Lets see we have a few weeks of this event and then its over..but during this time people will grow more and more frustrated, can't grind w/o a heiro, no money. Pretty soon people will slowly stop signing on so much.

    You people (the devs or whoever) saw that the vast majority of the fan base did not like these boxs the first time, and believe it or not, most people like to farm what people can open boxes for. You took the fun out of farming for gear and you dont listen to your main population. This is grounds for a business that is going under pretty soon.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    madacius wrote: »
    So its not that income is too low to maintain the game, but a nominal income is now not enough to satisfy..just my take...but if you dont believe it,do some stock exchange research : P

    You know who tried that a year ago? Oil companies that told us we'd never pay less than $3 a gallon again. What happened shortly after that? Huge drop, and even now we haven't risen back up to the levels they wanted to keep us at. Of course, Saudi Arabia walking out of the OPEC meeting where they tried to force everyone to cut production to keep prices high, followed by the US economy going bust helped that out and we don't have anything that major to change the PWI economy at this point, but it is possible.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    madacius wrote: »
    I dont know how many people follow the stock exchange..but during the first "anniversary" event,the pwi stock went up by over $40 due to people dumping in thousands of dollars over multiple servers during a rather short period of time. After it was over and the anni packs removed,you can imagine the zen sales went down and the stock would follow,and with any stock as soon as that magic number starts to drop..the people who bought the shares start to cry...gotta keep the share holders happy -.- So its not that income is too low to maintain the game, but a nominal income is now not enough to satisfy..just my take...but if you dont believe it,do some stock exchange research : P

    Wouldn't you think the players of the game who are changing the stock come before it's holders? Without the players there's no income for the stock to raise from. So the holders are the least important in this matter through my eyes. b:chuckle But that's just my view on things, I've done research on stock for school, and the companies usually care more about those who give them money daily than those who buy out one piece of the business with a small sum.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It was not in relation to the packs azara, also please obey forum rules:

    18. No public discussion about disciplinary action administered to members.
    If you have any questions regarding rules, disciplinary actions, user bans, or even a thread move, please use the Customer Support Ticketing System or PM function of the board to contact us.
  • madacius
    madacius Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The players who supply the money that makes the stock jump up may cross the share holders minds for a moment,but rich guys wearing suits in the nyse arent going to stop and think about the player base as a whole. They know its a game,people play it,and pay for something to do with it..that may well be as far as their knowledge gets them..but at the end of the day,game creator changed X..and X put tons of money in their they want X to stick around. Ive been farming my brains out just to try and be able to maintain a soloing character...and now that prices have gone up on gold...even things you cant buy with gold go up..b/c gold prices on auction set the standard for inflation. Becoming less and less Perfect World International and becoming more and more Pay2Win International...and it sucks : (. Dont get me wrong, i have NO issue with cash shops in game,never have,never will. But i think 95% of the player base would agree that these stupid anni packs are down right game breaking...and cost less than the normal items that people would be using in the game anyways. I try to stick it out with a game no matter how terrible things get..but this is just abuse.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It was not in relation to the packs azara, also please obey forum rules:

    18. No public discussion about disciplinary action administered to members.
    If you have any questions regarding rules, disciplinary actions, user bans, or even a thread move, please use the Customer Support Ticketing System or PM function of the board to contact us.

    At least someone got my name correct instead of making it sound like a sickness/disease b:laugh

    And alright Spoons, I didn't know, didn't think that'd need to be ticketed for... b:surrender

    spoons edit: you could have PMed me too
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Know what would be funny? To have a lottery like they use to have in the middle east. b:laugh

    All the players who have any gear, weap, or item from the anni packs have their names put into a "box" and they choose at least 2-5players from ALL servers and whoever gets their names drawn loses "xxxx" and this will continue once or twice a month until anni packs come back again next September. b:thanks

    Oh and have the duke announce it too! Their player name and what they lose! I bet they wouldn't wanna buy the packs then! At elast not as much as to rely on them completely. b:chuckle
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    So i see ppl havent realized that no matter how much u report how upset u r the GMs cannot do anything but report to ppl that wont do anything. But can u shut up the duke plz i cannot play seeing that red b:cry
  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    After 55 pages of skimming, all I have to say is...
    I'd rather play a P2P where company's don't cause drama within the player base, seemingly lie, and ignore players concerns. I guess P2P comes with mature company's as a package deal, might have to check it out.

    I didn't like the ani packs when they first came out, and I used to spend cash, but this, no wont get any money for it.
    I was excited prices were going down a little bit, so now the fun of grinding for a few hours for a reward would come back. But now there isn't really anything to do except daily's.
    Came here today, saw the banner, I thought it was a fail joke.
    Okay //endQQ

    Also, you can't have two anniversary in a matter of weeks. Otherwise give me and everyone else a free mount. //eyeroll
  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Everyone knows that people realy vote with their wallets, when it comes to where to spend their money. As mentioned, and linked already, PWE had a record month in september. Lots of gold was bought, and lots of packs were sold, which makes them very very popular.

    Also, keep in mind that number of players that use the forums is a small percentage of the overall player base. So we are the vocal ones, but we do not represent the player base of the game itself.

    I'm looking at it this way: Item A can appear out Box, and Item A is very popular. However, you have a better chance of getting Items B-Z. People who really want Item A will buy more of Box to try to get Item A. So they buy Box one at a time until they get Item A and end up with, say, 49 failed attempts. That's 50 Box sold, sure, but that's only because of Item A being popular, not Box. Another contributing factor would be because the item was supposedly available for a limited time, so people would be rushed to buy Box to try to get Item A before time ran out.

    Maybe we just think along different lines, who knows? To me, it just seems like a money making scheme without regard to customers. I'm a retail store manager IRL and I'd prefer to give a customer a good deal that leaves them satisfied so they come back for more than to rip someone off and they only come back when they have a gun to their head.

    I do realize that forum posters don't represent the entire player base. If they realize that, why have the forums in the first place? It's like them saying "We listen to you, but you don't matter since you're not the majority". They have entire sections devoted to taking our opinions, but for what good does it do? They have lists of reasonable and possible ideas put forth by us, the players, but I doubt they'll even see the light of day.

    I think a "Vote in Our Poll" announcement should have been made to appear on the launcher (possibly in-game too) before they brought the packs back, at the very least. I know another game that does just that and they deliver based on those poll results. And the players are happy with the outcomes and continue to play.

    *takes a deep breath*
    I'm not mad. Don't say that I am. I'm just saying that there are holes that were walked around rather than filled in.

    Alright, I think I'm done now. b:bye
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    First off, let me state my situation and how this re-release of Anni Packs does (or doesn't) affect me.

    1. I play an arcane Veno. I don't need charms for leveling/grinding/what-have-you.
    2. I'm not playing for levels, or TW, or PvP. I don't care about having the best or even decent equips.
    3. I'm on a PvE server. I don't need CS whatsoever.
    4. I don't need a Herc or a Nix. I love the pets I have.
    5. BH provides more than enough experience, canceling out the negative exp loss due to death-by-dc's. So Guardians are a mute point as well.
    6. Inflation doesn't impinge on me, I know how to "buy low, sell high" ingame items. Simple market economy basics.
    7. If I were desperate I could go buy a $20 cash card at Target, just a couple blocks away.

    These things being said...

    I want the anniversary packs gone. The anniversary is over. And (this is the main reason) they push Gold prices sky-high for anyone buying with coin. This is NOT cool for many players, especially those on PvP servers. My opposition has nothing to do with my own loss but of those around me. I'm watching what I consider the majority being stepped on by corporate greed. I understand all businesses need profit to exist but come on, be reasonable. We all know if you reach too much, you'll only get your hands chopped off in the end.

    Let the price of gold deflate before throwing another sale. This "back by popular demand" notion isn't fooling anyone. All you have to do is read the forums or chat with a few people ingame to know the truth: WE (THE MAJORITY PLAYER BASE) DO NOT SEE ANNIVERSARY PACKS AS WORTH THE GOLD INFLATION THEY CAUSE.

    *packages all the hate in the last sentence*ships to developers*

    Now that I've got my "side" stated. Let me introduce my stance on the future.

    I'm here because of my loyalty to this game and I still find it fun. I've been here over a year, since late September of 2008. If I wasn't a PWI vet, I would not still be here. I would've looked at the 500k (let alone the 800k) sales of Gold during the first Anni pack sale and I would've just quit instantly. That's excluding my notice of this weird trend lately, how every week seems to be a CS "sale" that just prevents Gold from deflating to a reasonable price.

    I took a break from PWI for a couple weeks at the end of September due to the Gold prices. Listening to all my friends complain and having to hide in whisper mode to avoid the stress wasn't worth it anymore. Once October started and the sale was done with, I peaked to make sure Gold was deflating. It was, so I decided to come back after exam week (college). Now I'm back and what do I see? "Anni Packs Are Back!" My reaction?

    "OMFG, PWI!"

    I've decided not to spend any money on this game at all, ever - if this "one hand stuck in my wallet" customer approach doesn't end soon. I was, for the majority of my one year here, planning on spending $200 a month easy on this game just to support it for being so effin' cool. It's not so cool anymore, rather "uncool" now. I doubt I'm the only one who's decided to NOT spend RL money thanks to these "sales".

    Right now I'm just glad I'm not one of the poor GM's here who has to take the brunt of the hostility even though it's not their fault whatsoever. (*hisses at GM-accusers*) I don't see a very positive or bright future for PWI. Competition from other games combined with a lot of enraged players AND customers will not bode well for PWI. It just won't. (I'd start searching for a new job if I was a PWI GM, I really would.)

    *hands GMs a bunch of early Halloween cupcakes and cookies* I'm sure you've already told your superiors this and they failed to listen, but tell them (again) to stop with the sales for about a month before hosting another. We need the price of Gold to cool off a LOT (below 200k please) before bringing it back to the firey sales pit of inflation. We used to have a sale about once a month for 1 week, then 3 weeks to rest. Things were great then. Why not bring the old ways back when they worked so well?
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Blahblahblah, Word Tidal Wave

    You put the exact way I feel into words better than I ever could. b:surrender
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You put the exact way I feel into words better than I ever could. b:surrender

    LMAO! I love the quote. *shares some of 'em cookies and cupcakes*

    It took me about 15 minutes to type up and sort out, so as to not just... slaughter the poor OP. b:surrender
    b:bye RETIRED
  • madacius
    madacius Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    *applaud* If that doesnt get some attention...i think we're pretty much screwed -.- Thanks for the very objective analysis of the situation : P
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You put the exact way I feel into words better than I ever could. b:surrender

    Lol, I feel the same somewhat as well. But it'd be nice to at least RAISE the price of the anni packs, I kinda thought it was the ONE year anniversary for PWI that they leave it at one gold. But since it was LAST MONTH they should raise to I dunno 15-30gold a pack? Make it so only people who are seriously willing to risk it all for a few good items to buy it. I'm sure a lot for people would still buy but the gold prices would be somewhat stable at least. b:victory
  • arabicforce
    arabicforce Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    yea pretty crazy ... gold is now 500 k ... again and again
  • Tamuz - Lost City
    Tamuz - Lost City Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sheesh people , learn perfect world logic , there is 2 anniversarys a year ! DUH !b:chuckle
  • JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver
    JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Bringing back ani packs has nerfed the economy before it had a chance to recover.

    Yes im a poor player trying to play the game with ingame coin but without poor players like me rich players would have no one to sell too.

    I am sure there are lots and lots of players out there who can only invest a little rl money into the game who are finding it hard to improve there char's as ingame coins just cant pay for skills,gear and mats for manufacturing/refining gear.

    The game starts to get boring when a whole days grinding brings little reward becouse prices of even low level mats is 10k+ per mat.

    I wonder how many new players over the last six weeks have played for a couple of days, reached level 15-25, then looked into how much it would cost to improve there char's gear/manu levels and walked away?

    Bringing back the ani packs was a bad call in my and many others opinion.
    It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  • Retailer_a - Sanctuary
    Retailer_a - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Lol, I feel the same somewhat as well. But it'd be nice to at least RAISE the price of the anni packs, I kinda thought it was the ONE year anniversary for PWI that they leave it at one gold. But since it was LAST MONTH they should raise to I dunno 15-30gold a pack? Make it so only people who are seriously willing to risk it all for a few good items to buy it. I'm sure a lot for people would still buy but the gold prices would be somewhat stable at least. b:victory

    Yep I do think Lazyluna put it way better than what i did, though i still feel what i said to be not far from truth, but thats just me and how i feel about things atm. and yes that would of been a great idea Azara.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yep I do think Lazyluna put it way better than what i did, though i still feel what i said to be not far from truth, but thats just me and how i feel about things atm. and yes that would of been a great idea Azara.

    b:laugh I just hope they take my idea into consideration! I mean when they released the black raptor for one time only it was at regular mount price (30 gold?), and I'm sure since the price of mounts is maxed at 15gold now they'll bring it back (hopefully to fit the halloween season) it'll only be 15gold and might find a permanent home in our outrageous boutique.

    So if the price of something rare that was at a high price can go down, something rare with a low price can also go up!

    EDIT: Another idea to add to the pile, how about only making these types of anni packs appear during the true anniversary and have the one for any other month have some random mats, orbs, maybe some expansions here and there but still have the tokens (of luck and best of luck) :3
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The disscussion recently has been that this event has screwed economy up. well yeah it has but not because of the GMS or developers but basic HUMAN GREED.

    This is a free to play game the boutique keeps the money generated to further develope the game take it away this game dies or becomes subscription. you want the the prices to fall then grow a spine and boycot the stores. prices will have no where to go but down if noone buys.

    Complaining about wont fix anything and quiting wont achieve anything. We hold the power to fix this. Its just a matter of standing firm. Blaming the gms for this is unfair granted someones pockets are gettin ined for this but most of the money is poured into the developement of PW. get a grip people.

    Voice of reason out.......
  • BladeHunnter - Sanctuary
    BladeHunnter - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i agree its not the GMs fault just suck it up and deal with it and quit complainingb:angryb:angry

    I dont take **** for nobodybodyb:angryb:victory

    And BlakMagik is recruting anyone lvl 15-50+ on the Sanctuary server we are a very fun/helpfull/nice faction so plz join us by contacting any1 of the's names (Chaosz_Crazy/Hart_Core/FosakenDesyr/Lanfo/Sinker/Far_Sight/DemonicChic/QueenFairy/NYer/starstepper or me BladeHunnter) so come join us we are the best b:victoryb:victory
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Appreaciate the back up dude. some people can be ignorant easier to blame someone then take responsibility. sad if u think about it
  • BladeHunnter - Sanctuary
    BladeHunnter - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    np like u said we need the aniversry pack to keep this game free and not have to pay monthly
    oh btw u have a faction animosatas?

    I dont take **** for nobodybodyb:angryb:victory

    And BlakMagik is recruting anyone lvl 15-50+ on the Sanctuary server we are a very fun/helpfull/nice faction so plz join us by contacting any1 of the's names (Chaosz_Crazy/Hart_Core/FosakenDesyr/Lanfo/Sinker/Far_Sight/DemonicChic/QueenFairy/NYer/starstepper or me BladeHunnter) so come join us we are the best b:victoryb:victory
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Appreaciate the back up dude. some people can be ignorant easier to blame someone then take responsibility. sad if u think about it

    You really think by people on a game with what I bet has MILLIONS among MILLIONS of players? No ones gonna boycot, because people need this and that to do this or go and do that. No ones gonna do that, b:embarrass at least we can ask for some help from the GMS. b:bye

    Besides from your current lvl (though it might not have much to do with it) you really don't know how people above your lvl need certain items to get by on a day to day basis. b:shutup
  • BladeHunnter - Sanctuary
    BladeHunnter - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You really think by people on a game with what I bet has MILLIONS among MILLIONS of players? No ones gonna boycot, because people need this and that to do this or go and do that. No ones gonna do that, b:embarrass at least we can ask for some help from the GMS. b:bye

    Besides from your current lvl (though it might not have much to do with it) you really don't know how people above your lvl need certain items to get by on a day to day basis. b:shutup

    who me? i have bearly 50k to my name in game so dont tell me we have it easy.
    and no they dont if they play the game then they neeed to deal with the probs and not complain about it.

    I dont take **** for nobodybodyb:angryb:victory

    And BlakMagik is recruting anyone lvl 15-50+ on the Sanctuary server we are a very fun/helpfull/nice faction so plz join us by contacting any1 of the's names (Chaosz_Crazy/Hart_Core/FosakenDesyr/Lanfo/Sinker/Far_Sight/DemonicChic/QueenFairy/NYer/starstepper or me BladeHunnter) so come join us we are the best b:victoryb:victory
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    im all to familiar with the needs of a player. this is a new account i have many character above 60+ so i know. plus i been playing these mmo rpgs on and off for years. so thanks for pointing out my lvl but i know what im on about.
  • Jolin - Dreamweaver
    Jolin - Dreamweaver Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The disscussion recently has been that this event has screwed economy up. well yeah it has but not because of the GMS or developers but basic HUMAN GREED.

    This is a free to play game the boutique keeps the money generated to further develope the game take it away this game dies or becomes subscription. you want the the prices to fall then grow a spine and boycot the stores. prices will have no where to go but down if noone buys.

    Complaining about wont fix anything and quiting wont achieve anything. We hold the power to fix this. Its just a matter of standing firm. Blaming the gms for this is unfair granted someones pockets are gettin ined for this but most of the money is poured into the developement of PW. get a grip people.

    Voice of reason out.......

    ya i aggre wif u on that.

    the fact that gold is so expensive with respect to in game coins is a sign of the increase in demand for gold. it is obvious frm the price of gold that the demand is still there. even if gold is 500k, there are ppl buying them. so if some of u say that the event is driving many palyers away, i tink it may not be very correct.

    what we see here, may not necessarily be the majority of the pwi players. ppl who post in this thread in the forum is definately a very biased sample of the whole population. players who enjoys the event will not bother to post here.

    we do not have the stats on the percentage of players who stopped buying gold from AH, but it wont be vry high. if not there is no way for 1 gold to be able to be sold at around 500k coins.
  • BladeHunnter - Sanctuary
    BladeHunnter - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i agree
    10 char

    I dont take **** for nobodybodyb:angryb:victory

    And BlakMagik is recruting anyone lvl 15-50+ on the Sanctuary server we are a very fun/helpfull/nice faction so plz join us by contacting any1 of the's names (Chaosz_Crazy/Hart_Core/FosakenDesyr/Lanfo/Sinker/Far_Sight/DemonicChic/QueenFairy/NYer/starstepper or me BladeHunnter) so come join us we are the best b:victoryb:victory
  • Bearleeable - Lost City
    Bearleeable - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    First off, let me state my situation and how this re-release of Anni Packs does (or doesn't) affect me.

    1. I play an arcane Veno. I don't need charms for leveling/grinding/what-have-you.
    2. I'm not playing for levels, or TW, or PvP. I don't care about having the best or even decent equips.
    3. I'm on a PvE server. I don't need CS whatsoever.
    4. I don't need a Herc or a Nix. I love the pets I have.
    5. BH provides more than enough experience, canceling out the negative exp loss due to death-by-dc's. So Guardians are a mute point as well.
    6. Inflation doesn't impinge on me, I know how to "buy low, sell high" ingame items. Simple market economy basics.
    7. If I were desperate I could go buy a $20 cash card at Target, just a couple blocks away.

    These things being said...

    I want the anniversary packs gone. The anniversary is over. And (this is the main reason) they push Gold prices sky-high for anyone buying with coin. This is NOT cool for many players, especially those on PvP servers. My opposition has nothing to do with my own loss but of those around me. I'm watching what I consider the majority being stepped on by corporate greed. I understand all businesses need profit to exist but come on, be reasonable. We all know if you reach too much, you'll only get your hands chopped off in the end.

    Let the price of gold deflate before throwing another sale. This "back by popular demand" notion isn't fooling anyone. All you have to do is read the forums or chat with a few people ingame to know the truth: WE (THE MAJORITY PLAYER BASE) DO NOT SEE ANNIVERSARY PACKS AS WORTH THE GOLD INFLATION THEY CAUSE.

    *packages all the hate in the last sentence*ships to developers*

    Now that I've got my "side" stated. Let me introduce my stance on the future.

    I'm here because of my loyalty to this game and I still find it fun. I've been here over a year, since late September of 2008. If I wasn't a PWI vet, I would not still be here. I would've looked at the 500k (let alone the 800k) sales of Gold during the first Anni pack sale and I would've just quit instantly. That's excluding my notice of this weird trend lately, how every week seems to be a CS "sale" that just prevents Gold from deflating to a reasonable price.

    I took a break from PWI for a couple weeks at the end of September due to the Gold prices. Listening to all my friends complain and having to hide in whisper mode to avoid the stress wasn't worth it anymore. Once October started and the sale was done with, I peaked to make sure Gold was deflating. It was, so I decided to come back after exam week (college). Now I'm back and what do I see? "Anni Packs Are Back!" My reaction?

    "OMFG, PWI!"

    I've decided not to spend any money on this game at all, ever - if this "one hand stuck in my wallet" customer approach doesn't end soon. I was, for the majority of my one year here, planning on spending $200 a month easy on this game just to support it for being so effin' cool. It's not so cool anymore, rather "uncool" now. I doubt I'm the only one who's decided to NOT spend RL money thanks to these "sales".

    Right now I'm just glad I'm not one of the poor GM's here who has to take the brunt of the hostility even though it's not their fault whatsoever. (*hisses at GM-accusers*) I don't see a very positive or bright future for PWI. Competition from other games combined with a lot of enraged players AND customers will not bode well for PWI. It just won't. (I'd start searching for a new job if I was a PWI GM, I really would.)

    *hands GMs a bunch of early Halloween cupcakes and cookies* I'm sure you've already told your superiors this and they failed to listen, but tell them (again) to stop with the sales for about a month before hosting another. We need the price of Gold to cool off a LOT (below 200k please) before bringing it back to the firey sales pit of inflation. We used to have a sale about once a month for 1 week, then 3 weeks to rest. Things were great then. Why not bring the old ways back when they worked so well?
    All i can say is I'm dang glad you said it... I'm so tired of trying to explain to my wife why we can't get xyz cuase it costs 10x more then it should... I was JUST thinking maybe prices could get down to normal where people wanted to use the gold trading system for more then SELL IRL coin...
    This is no longer an ANNIVERSARY pack. Its those that have thousands of dollars in free money to spend in a seemingly endless supply controlling the behavior of the majority of those that can't... i.e. the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.b:surrender
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