"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!



  • chaoshint
    chaoshint Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Make shard affordable it will cost 960,000,000 coins to get 7 incomparable and 5 Perfect shardsd

    which is 6 Million a day for .44 Years

    3 Million a day for .88 years

    1.5 for 1.76 years

    etc the money and time to get these is just unfair please make the average citrine shards like 500 coins so people can afford getting + 50 without going broke

    and if you do that please don't change it so adding HP is harder not as effective or anything else to render buying HP shard useless pointless etc

    I just want to shard equip without having to pay so much or have a event where you can get shards extremely cheap like 500k for Incomparable

    well please consider this
  • HolyNymf - Heavens Tear
    HolyNymf - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wonder why the events 'almost' always have to be in cs.
    Why not let the anni packs drop from mobs?

    I say anni packs now, but it can be any event ... like battle pack-sales, charm-sales, and so on....

    Then not only ppl with gold have chances to win.
  • kurohigi
    kurohigi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    game channels for the servers
  • Jolanar - Dreamweaver
    Jolanar - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't know if anyone has suggested anything like this but....
    I was thinking since there have been so many changes in the genies maybe one that would hugely help clerics could be added. I mean some sort of "res skill". I'm not asking for a hand out make as diffict as you want to obtain. If you consider that clerics are always "ressing"others and we don't have the ability to "res'ourselves it would be nice if our genies could res us. Also as we raise the genies skill level in that ability it could award us similar bonuses to Exp loss. (and yes I'm a cleric and I'm not whining) It just a suggestion.
  • Hecklar - Sanctuary
    Hecklar - Sanctuary Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Show the wings for Winged elfs at all times, And Make Barb tails :D. That Would Make Pw Much more Attractive to others that might want to switch to say ****, or an up and coming Game.

    Ooops, didn't know I wasn't allowed to say that, sorry (Said a name of another game) oopsy
    I support true forms :3
  • daemonnnn
    daemonnnn Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    make more daily quests and make set items :D that would really balance the auction and the economy on the game tbh
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm not sure that they're planning on doing it but it would be very unwise to up the level cap....

    No one has even reached the level cap yet and it's killing the game's TW system already. :/ when one guild can conquer the entire map... (well not yet but it's coming, they have all but 5 territories) then something's wrong.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • rollercoaster
    rollercoaster Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    1) Random spawn times for rare pets so same people don't monopolize the rares.

    2) Have more pet skills available for use on pets instead of just four and allow them to be re-organized on bar.

    3) Have more of the mobs in game able to be tamed.

    4) Sell rare pet skill scrolls in boutique or available somewhere other than in PVP events especially on PVE servers!

    5) I loved the PVE TW's so why not allow Faction leaders to pay a fee to do the PVE TW's without actual territory rewards. Fees would be 500k, 1m, 2m, for the 3 levels of TW and the factions that complete them could get 10m, 20m, 30m or xp, sp and rep; and allow this to be done once a week.

    6) This is a business so something for the accountants to consider: Make refining an actual possibility. Price the dragon orbs $1 to $10 for levels 1-10 then $12 and $15, for levels 11 and 12. That's still $82 for one +12 but better than the $50 dragon orb 8 offer you just did. I mean how many of those actually sold versus how much you could sell with these prices?

    7) Quests to help lower classes that give both levels good xp, sp and rep, a sort of level requirement friendship quest with mobs or try to get a lower level safely through a high fb to gain bonus etc.

    -Of the suggestions from others that I would very much like to see done:

    Female Barbs: White Wolf, Cheetah, Snow Leopard

    Male Venos: Lizard/Snake, Moose/Elk (HUGE helmet friendly ANTLERS FTW), Grizzly Bear

    I wanna see my helmet.....optional.

    More quests, more quests, more quests!
  • zozo1
    zozo1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Add like a battle ground where people go and fight with others with no consequences and lv 1-30 in one arena and lv 30-50 in another arena and so fort. I would also like see more dungeons and more mini games and more stuff for low of and high lvs to do. And more quest for high lvs.b:victory
  • zozo1
    zozo1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wht i mean is more mini games and other cool stuff for low and high lvs to do when there bored of questin or trying to lv. What i mean about the arena thing is there are arenas for diffrent lv's so the high lvs dont take up the whole arena.b:thanks
  • Xiao_Qian_ - Sanctuary
    Xiao_Qian_ - Sanctuary Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Add the Pinata mob request =D
    [Its not Eion anymore its Unknown]
    Done by ForsenX
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    b:thanks How about pirate outfits like puffy ones and wonderful outfits for the girls too cause everyone knows pirates defy gender.
  • shabuilder21
    shabuilder21 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Pwi Would Be As Good As Wow If U Guys Added Some Efin Pvp For Low Lvls Make The Prices For The Gold Less And Remmember The Pvp Part Capiche
  • Reide - Sanctuary
    Reide - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    How about my suggestion? The one about character creation slider limits. i.e. It goes to 255, why can't I access it normally?

    And now I'm one of my characters on here? o.o
  • Koyge - Lost City
    Koyge - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Here are some suggestions i have again...Everyone tell me if u agree of disagree with me

    1. Ever since we started playing there's been 2 ulti pets Herc and Nix..well how about some new ulti pets cause every veno now has one of the two if not both its not so rare to see anymore, if the dev's created two new ulti pets it'd cause a craz and ppl would want the new OMG ulti pets to be different than the others.
    2. How come there are now shields in this game? shield and sword sounds pretty smart to me also another item to add to the char so it would increase his defense if they chose to use a sword and shield or a weap that can be used with shield.
    3. Ever heard of a Great sword??? ya axes are fun and do the most dmg, but add a great sword make them do the most dmg so bm's can be real DD's not a gimped class that no one really needs in game besides for TW or pk.
    4. Make cape's and helmets visable we have them anyways why not.
    5. BM fly mounts okay ya some swords are cool but for real the untamed get dragons and a gryphon how fair is that? how about a dragon only BM's get to ride. that looks like the dragon of DBZ
    6. Dragon temple is a joke if u want to accomplish anything there you have to make it past the wall of pk'rs then try and fight mobs that one hit you. why not make the instance non-pk so ppl can actually get stuff done in there.
    7. Have a skill that u can use once per day that lets u kill one person instantlyb:laugh i say this cause then pk'rs would think twice b4 pking lowbies b:chuckle i personally kill lowbies but i think it'd be funny to see a 9x get dropped by a 3x(this is more of a joke than a suggestion)
    8. Map resets(saw a thread a lvl 29 posted about the map) really CQ has held map for a long time, and no one can do anything about it.
    9. When you add elem dmg to ur weap why not have it glow on ur weapon like fire=fire on weap you know then maybe ppl would be more prone to buying those crappy shards no one wants past common for CS.
    10. PWI Server lottery= a npc u visit and pay say 1-5k coins to get a ticket and at the end of the week or month a winner is picked and gets either the amount of coins everyone paid for a ticket or a item the gm's have picked. each server would have its own lottery and own npc.
    11. I'm tired of having the same armor as everyone else. all the 7x in each class look the same as eachother. why not make armor customizable. Like this Gold trim on armor requires certain Tailor lvl skill, or black trim. make armor colorable, make it possible to put diamon edging on armor so ppl will sparkle. something to make other players distinguishable besides the armor lvl and some ppl have lightning.
    12. Faction logo's every faction has some logo that looks like a gold bird from the aztec times. why not let ppl customize that to fit there faction. And ranking in game for doing certain things certain special quests.
    13. A Notice board in Archo to allow players to make quests of there own like: kill this monster to get this and the reward is this much. You take the quest, quest leaves the notice board you get the items and send them to quest poster once he gets mail and says quest complete u get ur reward. Just a little player interaction idea i thought about.
    14 Also on the notice board idea have a tab for bounty. which means players can put a bounty on a player they want killed. The req for the bounty is a SS submited via email and coins will be paid. so ppl can't place false bounty the coins are taken from inv when bounty is placed and is held till someone kills that other player.

    Thats all i have for all of you at the current time give me some feed back on what you think so far.

    GM's if u read this leave comments as well or msg feed back from you guys is appreciated.b:pleased
  • Sashera - Sanctuary
    Sashera - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okay I have 2 ideas...

    1~ Theres supposed to be more baby pets? (this is from lookin at ecatomb) I think it would be nice if we could get em eventually :3

    2~ What about if the winged elf's head feathers matched the kinds of wings there wearing?
  • Majin_Mihawk - Dreamweaver
    Majin_Mihawk - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My Dream would be to have Guild Homes/Bases :D
    Let it be an instance so only guild members can go in their own Homes and interact with their friends
    I don
  • Ouuka - Lost City
    Ouuka - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    They should make a item like genie or fairy for marriage couples ._. Also bind scrolls should be allowed on anything xD I have a few things id like to bind cuz i keep dropping em!! Quests should give more spirit as well, with genies now involved skills along with lvling of genie kinda lowers it down. Wat also would be awsome is a picaxe u can refine to harvest faster ^o^
  • Hip - Lost City
    Hip - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'd like to suggest make the Secret Passage a safezone, as well as fixing the bug in the corner of cube. If you're not allowed to pk in the Secret Passage, make it so you can't.
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    New "Fetch" option for veno pets and baby pets that makes the pets pick up items.

    There was a thread about this that I also posted in, so I'll quote my old paragraph with the details...
    Haha, my sister and I have also talked about that before! I think that it would be cool if it was an option on that "Pet" list. It would just be this little check box in the corner of the pop-up or something.

    You know, since baby pets are basically useless (with the whole "they basically only follow you around" thing), it could also be that baby pets could pick up stuff too. Make the pick-up option be called "Fetch" or something. b:chuckle

    Because really, does anyone have a pet that doesn't like to do something? I never had a pet in my whole life that just liked to follow me around. That's actually kind of creepy now that I think about it... My pet would basically be stalking me if it did that. b:shocked

    Thanks Rho for making the thread (http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=455282) in the first place and reminding me of my idea!

    EDIT: Oh, and also try making an official thread in the Official Announcements forum where you guys post about the stuff coming out in the next patch before it actually comes out and when you think that the patch could be coming so that we know when to come racing home from home or school to log in.

    You know, like with the Rising Tide expansion: I wanna know about when to expect it to happen so that I'm not all crazy for many weeks before I actually have to be...
  • k0t0m0t0
    k0t0m0t0 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I know how all of you complain about how hard it is to level and how some quests are just ridiculously hard and how its hard to get rich in game to buy the things u want to have, so for that i have thought of something that wont only make all those become the opposite, but it will also engorge the GMs to make this game even better and more appealing with less lag.
    Here's what I think

    Make a cash shop item (lets call it super start scroll, or amazing ticket) and sell it for a min price of 10$ which erryone can maje in a month a item that does that all of the following for a month:

    1. 3X EXP (for people who like to grind, well for everyone just to make it a grind-able game)
    2. 3X coin drops (coins in this game is so bad, people just never pick them up sometimes -_-)
    3. increase drop rate with a percentage let it be 30% more 40% more or even 50% more (and if someone in squad has the item it wont work unless everyone else have it, so people wont think, we ll just get a person with a super star scroll and we ll get more drops coz hes with us, that would be unfair)
    4. blessing that increases Def lvl & ATK lvl outside dungeon, for easier questing and grinding
    5. no exp or item penalty when dead( it sux when you die bcoz of lag n sux even more when you dont have GAs especially in TTs and FBs and i guess everyone agree with this, death sux in this game)

    now GMs look at the bright side of this, if this was true..more people will buy your Gold, more money for you and the game, which is good.
    now players, also look at the bright side, the more money this game gets..the better updates and the less bugs it will have, the more fun stuff they make and an everlasting fun in PWI. the formula says (more payers= better game+ more people+ better servers+ less lag)
    sorry to refere to this..but look at the patches wow has and its all bcoz of the money people put in the game and for those who cant afford rl money its still easy..just grind a lil n get some coins n buy the superstar ticket, its a win win thing, rl money folks will sell you the ticket to be rish n ull grind for a month and get all ur dreams gears in a month or so, you might even be able to reach lvl 150 one day ;) , i hope this comes true
  • Sky_queen - Heavens Tear
    Sky_queen - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I wish we could have sub classes to help balance out our characters.
  • TW_spy - Heavens Tear
    TW_spy - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    add more coin sinks.. lots more...
    Like 1-5 billion a week removed would be great.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    add more coin sinks.. lots more...
    Like 1-5 billion a week removed would be great.

    is that per character? Because if you talking all server that would represent less than 2-3 players worth of coins...
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    is that per character? Because if you talking all server that would represent less than 2-3 players worth of coins...

    I hope it's not per character. If it is, I'm in more debt than the country is. b:surrender
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
  • SoulTedSu - Lost City
    SoulTedSu - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    May I have "unbound scroll" please so that I dont need to npc the binded items b:laugh
  • Hecklar - Sanctuary
    Hecklar - Sanctuary Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Perhabs it will be cool if the devs do things more than changing the UI
    Perfect world is calling like that because of housing so if i didn't see it i
    was b:angry .
    Finding games which are 10 000 better than your sheat that you call perfect world , i don't think that resting in this game will be a good thing.
    Look to allods online , runes of magic , C9 , Tera ...
    All those games are better than perfect world and it is for one reason :
    The developpors want money without doing anything for the gamers.
    All the patches are for cash shop users.
    All the patches are (adding new mount of 50$-adding Dragon ob 6 for 25 $)
    Is that possible ?
    You're calling it F2P with micro transcration or the more exepensive mmorpg in the world.
    You know i want one thing , the destruction of this server .
    Perfect world had a very good "potentiel" but you PWE destruct this and you change perfect world to perfect boring.
    You have to remember that we are gamers and not (des portes feuilles).
    If you don't agree with that i prefer quiting the game before being banned by an idiot of GM who bought the last BMW last night.

    Bye perfect

    Good riddance, not to mention What you said was incorrect. Yes many of the patches are for the cash shop.. But are you forgetting the Gold exchanger? That's what makes pw so great.. you Can Get the Cash shop items, by working your butt off in the Game.. Don't be so childish, Of Course the people that Use their money to play have an advantage.. but get this.. They are using money... That means.. when they use it.. they don't have it anymore... they are paying to get something. It's just as fair, if you can afford it. And if you can't, there are plenty of other ways to make coins.. Ie Mining, Merchanting.. Or Tw.. Also.. that Genie you have likely Floating around you... did you buy it in a Cash shop? Without People buying gold and selling it in the Gold exchanger, the people that don't buy in game won't be able to even Get anything from the CS, the Gms Make so many Addons to the Cash shop, so that people continue to keep the Cash shop and gold exchanger running. That's a Fact, Accept it or leave.
    I support true forms :3
  • dawnwitch3000
    dawnwitch3000 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    with the current system its very hard to choose the color your after also it would not be a bad idea to add more shades of each color and i cant see the blue in less i move through the entire thing it would be great if at least that is fixed
  • LucienWilde - Dreamweaver
    LucienWilde - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I have suggestion about barbarian tiger form. Could be there option to alter tigers appearence, especially I dont like these burning paws and eyes much.
  • Quickening_ - Lost City
    Quickening_ - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Less cash shop sale events, more time in between each one without a sale or some sort of reasonable restriction on gold prices
This discussion has been closed.