Untamed Cultivation Bug - post here



  • Einswald - Dreamweaver
    Einswald - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *sigh* And another day goes by with my Barbarian not getting the skills he should have by now. I won't complain about it not being fixed since everyone else did their fair share of it, but can we at least get a rough estimate as to when it will be fixed?
  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *sigh* And another day goes by with my Barbarian not getting the skills he should have by now. I won't complain about it not being fixed since everyone else did their fair share of it, but can we at least get a rough estimate as to when it will be fixed?
    Next week.
  • Imarth - Dreamweaver
    Imarth - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To everyone who say that they cant fly without the cult quest that's not true. I'm lvl 34 and i got the quest which lets you fly its not part of the cult quest.
  • goddessoffates
    goddessoffates Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thank you Anton, I was worried. So I will just be able to go the the taoist and get it once it's fixed right?
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thank you Anton, I was worried. So I will just be able to go the the taoist and get it once it's fixed right?

    Indeed. After it is fixed you will be able to get the quest. ;)
  • salemosa
    salemosa Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okay, well, that is good news;)
  • Haerle - Sanctuary
    Haerle - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So the culti that we have been missing since level 9 will be able to get done without a problem other than possibly taking longer to get once this bug gets fixed? Outside of not being able to learn new skills *saves mana woo*
  • Orphin - Dreamweaver
    Orphin - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rolling back the server is not the same as rolling back characters, the server could be easily done untill a fix is found, they just need to add the ani packs to the 175 update, not that difficult

    If its a server rollback or a character rollback the outcome will be the same...the character looses levels or is lost completely depending on how far back they go. There is no middle ground with a rollback.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well when they fix it we'll know, but it was pretty sad and pathetic that not even a notice was put up with the last patch. Guess they don't care much heh.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well when they fix it we'll know, but it was pretty sad and pathetic that not even a notice was put up with the last patch. Guess they don't care much heh.

    We did give notice in last night's maintenance thread about this issue. Kantorek also said that hopefully we can get it fixed next week *crosses fingers*
  • hoodieninja
    hoodieninja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Surtr wrote: »
    We're hoping to have it fixed in the next patch.

    Next patch came and went and still the bug is present!!! My barb is level 25 with 2 abilities (stomp and garrotte) which is severly underpowered!!!! if your not going to fix the bug atleast give us some special equipment or something to make up for the lack of abilities; please!

    btw; i really appreciate the work you guys are doing and just wanted to point out i know there is no monthly fee but i invested $100 into this game within the first week of playing and additional $100 a few weeks after. $200 in less than a month and still no bug fix for an item that is REQUIRED to properly progress within this game!

    This is truly sad and is obviously affecting more people than YOU guys (PWI) originally thought...

    Surely this is affecting your bottom line if players are unhappy and wanting to move to a different game.
  • hoodieninja
    hoodieninja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It is affecting a lower amount then people think. Due to the size of such a game, even if you have a small army (30-60) of testers, you won't find everything in each new patch.

    When we have thousands of players playing through the game, then things can get found quicker that may slip through.

    That is why we highly appreciate you guys telling us so that we can pass it along to get it fixed.


    over 400 posts and you still think it is not affecting many players?
  • atheum
    atheum Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm really just glad to know that the issue is being worked on. I was in the dark like many of you when I couldn't move up in skills. I sent in a GM Ticket, which looking at the 40+ pages on this thread, lawl, I wished I didn't because I may have slowed down the process. Thank you for responding to my ticket btw, I had low hopes when someone told me it'll take weeks. It didn't, took a few days.

    What I did was, and suggest to others, is to just park your toon and roll a different class for the time being. Also, when I'm in the city of the lost, when I hear of someone having the same issue as all of us. I give them this link to go to the forum and read for themselves, request that they not fill out a GM ticket, and touch on why. It's important that they learn to use PWI's forums imo.

    The GM's gave an eta as to when the issue may get resolved, and if that's not good enough for some of you then use your freedom of choice and decide what you're going to do. I personally hope it gets fixed asap like everyone else, but personally, I'm not going to argue to PWI about their game when it's free and I'm not paying to play. They want you to play their game, and make it work for you.

    Yeah, so I'm playing a different class then I would like to be playing for the time being, but so what, I'm still able to play the game.

    "I really believe convenience is destroying us as a people. You know, your fridge back in the day was called an icebox because you had to actually put ice in it to keep things cool. How are you ever going to be content if you can't be grateful for the things you do have."
  • Prosh - Harshlands
    Prosh - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    come on devs we know u can do it!! b:kiss

    i'm just hoping for the best -- this coming tuesday night possibly? is that when maintenance is normally done?

    i really wanna turn into a fox b:pleased
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Mmm noodles!
  • Raffaena - Dreamweaver
    Raffaena - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hi, just wanted to say that I just discovered this game this previous Friday and was quite enjoying it. Tried 3 classes before I settled on the Veno class, then of course I started running into this bug not even realizing it was bug. I just assumed the game was more complex and difficult than I realized. Of course after speaking with various people in game I found out I was missing skills due to cultivation and the class wasn't as limited as it seemed. It took a while for me to come to the conclusion I'd done nothing wrong and even longer to come to the website and find this thread - heck I pushed through to level 19 trying to find a work around on my own. I have to admit I'm pretty disappointed that there was no warning when I logged in to the game saying I should not bother with this race at this time, at least a warning shop pop up when creating a new class or perhaps when you log in. While I like the game, I've decided to walk away for now and check back in a few weeks to see if this fixed, the fact that an entire race is broken to new users just leaves a bad impression.
  • Kempatchi - Lost City
    Kempatchi - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ok to all of you complaining that it wasnt fixed last night.... read before you post. it was posted several times that it wasnt going to be fixed last night

    yes i would have liked a notice to have been posted at log in but it hasnt so...... oh well with the mount of ppl who know about it and still continuing to work on those chars word will spread to the neww ppl wondering why things arent working

    and leave the gms alone..... they have no power over whats going on

    so in short.... itll get fixed when it gets fixed stop complaining and either continue working on you untamed chars (which i have both a lvl 20 barb and veno) or make a new char in another race..... there are 2 other spellcasters and 1 mele and 1 ranged try them out... theyre just as nice as the untamed
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    We did give notice in last night's maintenance thread about this issue. Kantorek also said that hopefully we can get it fixed next week *crosses fingers*

    Oh no no I know that Spoons... I'm talkin about ingame notice... that's all.
  • Lunatail - Heavens Tear
    Lunatail - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "These quests are still in the process of being fixed. We hope to have this finished very soon."

    Bahaha, I almost expected this to happen XD Really though? It's all good. I think I wanna level an Archer. b:victory
  • hoodieninja
    hoodieninja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the fact that an entire race is broken to new users just leaves a bad impression.

    This is my point exactly - if people are walking away form the game than surely this is affecting PWI's bottom line and they should fix this ASAP!

    again - i DID invest over $200 into this game within the first month of playing... please respect those who actually pay to play instead of catering to the high levels who can simply buy gold with in-game coins instead of using hard-earned cash (the difference here is the cash actually gets into the pocket of PWI where the coins is just swapping the two currencies around)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This isn't about respect, this is about taking the time to get something fixed correctly. I think people would be much more angry if we rushed out a hotfix that ended up breaking something else. b:surrender
  • hoodieninja
    hoodieninja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think people would be much more angry if we rushed out a hotfix that ended up breaking something else. b:surrender

    oh you mean like the v182 update?
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    oh you mean like the v182 update?

    Right now you're violating forum rules, please keep your comments civil if you wish to continue using these forums. Patching is a really difficult thing to do, sometimes things that work on the test server break when they're being patched to the live server. Computers are inherently fallible objects, we cannot always prevent issues from arising, insulting our staff will not prevent issues from arising either b:victory
  • agamemnoch
    agamemnoch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Right now you're violating forum rules, please keep your comments civil if you wish to continue using these forums. Patching is a really difficult thing to do, sometimes things that work on the test server break when they're being patched to the live server. Computers are inherently fallible objects, we cannot always prevent issues from arising, insulting our staff will not prevent issues from arising either b:victory

    First, even civil comments can/have been deleted. I fully expect this one to go that route.
    Second, I feel comfortable saying that anyone using these forums has a well founded understanding of the inherent complexities involved with computer hardware and software.
    Third, assuming that your customer base is incapable of observing the changing state of the game from patch to patch, recognizing the waxing of both the inherent instability of the game (more bugs) and the apparent greed of the game designers(I mean I hope it isn't the franchise holders that keep forcing more sales on us even after they had spoons tell us they're trying to balance the game economy), is more insulting IMO.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I was responding to a specific post from a user who seemed to be oversimplifying his rationale for the sole purpose of trolling, my comments weren't directed at the majority of posters in this thread
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This isn't about respect, this is about taking the time to get something fixed correctly. I think people would be much more angry if we rushed out a hotfix that ended up breaking something else.

    So, how far has the fixing come? They know what's causing it and how to fix it? They've fixed it in development branches but it's still going through regression testing? They don't have a clue what's bugging them?
    Right now you're violating forum rules, ...

    Intimidation really isn't going to accomplish anything right now. He is right, devs and qa made a mistake in releasing that patch, proper testing procedures should have found this particular bug. Barking at customers will not fix the flaws in the development process
    Computers are inherently fallible objects, we cannot always prevent issues from arising

    No, computers are not inherently fallible objects. People however, are. Computers don't create bugs, people do that.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This will be my final post here as people seem to want an excuse to attack regardless of what I say.

    I do not know about the exact state of the bug fix, this is because I am a community manager, if our QA guys say that it's being fixed then it is, especially when they specifically say that they are hoping for a fix next week

    My job is not to intimidate, my job is to enforce the rules, and I was stating a fact. Attacking staff members is also a violation of forum rules.
  • CillerCat - Sanctuary
    CillerCat - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Im sorry that some comments got the previous thread closed.
    Well it is now Thursday 9/10 and I was wondering if there was anymore updates about the fix. Patch 184 I thought was going to fix it? Just wondering whats going on.
  • CillerCat - Sanctuary
    CillerCat - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sorry didnt check the date before i posted thread b:shocked
  • CillerCat - Sanctuary
    CillerCat - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    didnt mean to start the same day
  • _Miku_ - Lost City
    _Miku_ - Lost City Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    WOOOOOT!!!! They know whats wrong :D
    And plan to fix it as early as Monday!!! :O
    -crosses fingers-
    Hope this isnt a get your hopes up so you will leave us the heck alone thing.
This discussion has been closed.