Untamed Cultivation Bug - post here



  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What really annoys me above everything else whit this is that well if there was somesort of notice on the main site or on the laucher about this bug i would have seen it 2 days ago when i started playing and i wouldn't have jumped head first into this bug.

    So please at the very less if you don't know when this will be fixed then put somesort of warning so that new players don't have to deal whit avoidable frustration, because quite frankly when i realized about this bug and it was to late i was pretty much mad enought to kill a cow whit a screwdriver.

    If it had been fixen within a couple days, it might not have been such a big fuss. It's been close to couple weeks now, and as stated, is known to last AT LEAST another week. At this point not making it clearly known to new players is in my opinion inexcusable, and is really starting to give a bad impression of responsible parties.
    ketsura wrote: »
    Okay so when is it going to be fixed? I just want a new character. Please dear gosh just give me a refund or a new inv $9 stone in my new character T_T it's not fair to be so bugged and have wasted $10 and have to make a new character. Then what? I spend another $10 for inventory? That's just not right. All the GMs said was "we're fixing the problem" instead of replying to me asking for a refund. This is complete BS.

    Ketsura here gives a pretty good example of the issues this lack of information brings to new players. I can somewhat understand the priorities are in things that keep people interested in cash shop - it's reality, that's what pays for the servers to keep running, so it's good for everyone.. including the players that opt not to invest in it. But nothing there excuses the added trouble this causes to every new player that chooses to pick the untamed class.
    Ketsura we all think it's complete BS and to be honest it comes off to me when they say "We're working on it." (the dev's that is) That they're saying, "we'll get around to it when we feel like it, sucks to be you guys." That's just me ya know, feels like they don't really care they just want money from the anniversery pack and **** everyone else.

    While I wouldn't put it in quite so harsh terms, if you put together the cost of the anniversary box, the rarity of the 'best luck' tokens, and the amount of spam shouted on 'red speak', it doesn't take a genius to do the math and conclude the event is very important from sales perspective. This does lead me to believe that at least one prospect would be higher priority than doing anything that might bring repercussions to the smooth conclusion of the event. Of course, I'd have to agree at least to the point that I personally hope they'll make enough income with this event to keep the servers running for a good while longer. But again, even if this was a related matter, it would still be no excuse for the abovementioned issue.
  • Lunatail - Heavens Tear
    Lunatail - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ketsura we all think it's complete BS and to be honest it comes off to me when they say "We're working on it." (the dev's that is) That they're saying, "we'll get around to it when we feel like it, sucks to be you guys." That's just me ya know, feels like they don't really care they just want money from the anniversery pack and **** everyone else.

    Because that's totally how businesses work.
  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ketsura we all think it's complete BS and to be honest it comes off to me when they say "We're working on it." (the dev's that is) That they're saying, "we'll get around to it when we feel like it, sucks to be you guys." That's just me ya know, feels like they don't really care they just want money from the anniversery pack and **** everyone else.

    No, I don't think that. I think they're doing their best but also I think they're staffed enough to be able to give those who've purchased things a refund. >.> C'mon! Paypal does most of the work anyways XD
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Withdrawing my prior statement since it came off wrong. Point being I HAVE seen games run where the developers and what not don't really care much about the players, just so long as they get their money. It may not be the case here but it's coming off that TO ME. And yes Luna some business' run exactly like that. I don't think they're doing what's needed is all, as stated in other posts they need to put some warning up for new players before they create an Untamed character. All i see there is "Happy Anniversery" or what ever else it says. So again I say that a lot of players think it's BS but again I... I!!! Think it's just coming off as they have more important things. But then again i'm just venting frustration cause i broke down and made a BM character when I hate having more than one character at a time.
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ketsura wrote: »
    No, I don't think that. I think they're doing their best but also I think they're staffed enough to be able to give those who've purchased things a refund. >.> C'mon! Paypal does most of the work anyways XD

    I don't think you need to be too worried about your new character per se, the problem isn't permanent. The bug will eventually get fixed, and you'll be fine from there. Until then, if you made a venomancer it's not overly difficult to get yourself up to 30s under current circumstances if you so choose, I can personally testify for that. For a barbarian it's probably a bit more difficult - but I know there are some who have done the same playing one. Besides it would be a shame to have lost another untamed for this bug, there's never too many of us. b:bye
  • pkpkx002n
    pkpkx002n Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yeah you gm are totally useless here. I maded a barb 3 days ago, when I hit 13 and still couldn't get my spirit culti I google all over and went to pwi.perfectworld.com for information to see if I missed something. But I couldn't find anything so I made a second barb, and level it to 9 after 2 days, ****ed was I pissed when I google again and found this thread. I mean what the **** you guys knew about this but didn't warn us? Not everyone is a forum troll. I just have one hour each day to play this game... Think about the people that didn't read this thread...
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Easy now it's not the GM's fault, they're just the middle man (As such sadly the one's that get all the anger usually) They have no control over it and in no way am I going to get mad at them. Just wish the Dev's would put a notice up so the newer players know about it.
  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *bangs head on desk a few times*

    Wow that was dramatic.

    Okay, all I want...is a character that has a big inventory that can do FBs and have skills. GIMME MY MONEY BACK *shakes fist* I'm a poor college student! Have some sympathy!! =x
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hey we can both be poor college students! *is in college also*
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Easy now it's not the GM's fault, they're just the middle man (As such sadly the one's that get all the anger usually) They have no control over it and in no way am I going to get mad at them. Just wish the Dev's would put a notice up so the newer players know about it.

    It's probably not devs either directly in this case. I believe this kind of decision would fall either for server admin(s) or community representative, or possibly whomever is in charge of whole PWI team. As to why there still isn't a notice, suppose without any official word, anyone's left to doing their own guesses.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Suppose you're right Kin (That's not me going for a "But what if" Kinna thing i'm agreein with ya) Well I'd hope they'd do something like that at least soon, whom ever is in charge. At least it'd stop the onslaught of more and more people coming here, finally realizing there's a forum... and going off the hook. Err... does that make any sense? *Carefully reaches for his beer* O.o
  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hey we can both be poor college students! *is in college also*

    Well dangit!! You're not use to me. You can't buy me things like a new inv *cough cough*. ahahaha jk :)
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *laughs* Oh yes... I can share a drink though *Wiggles a beer infront of Ketsura's face?*
  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    nom nom nom uh oh going off topic
    BACK TO COMPLAINING chyaaaa!!!! Crud..I need to figure out a way to transfer everything over to my new character...but I don't wanna get a MC
    Gahhh I'll just keep the vemon. Hey and i've been putting some though into this. I wonder if you trash all quests if you could some how get the spirit cultivation quest back after that. I'm scared to test it out though, I don't want to make the bug worse for me than it already is cause I don't now if you can ever get the quest back if you trash it o_o
  • Philisia - Sanctuary
    Philisia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ketsura wrote: »
    nom nom nom uh oh going off topic
    BACK TO COMPLAINING chyaaaa!!!! Crud..I need to figure out a way to transfer everything over to my new character...but I don't wanna get a MC
    Gahhh I'll just keep the vemon. Hey and i've been putting some though into this. I wonder if you trash all quests if you could some how get the spirit cultivation quest back after that. I'm scared to test it out though, I don't want to make the bug worse for me than it already is cause I don't now if you can ever get the quest back if you trash it o_o

    The problem seems to be whit a broken trigger that makes the npc not allow you to get the quest even if you meet the prereqs clearing out your quest log wouldn't help any.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yes you can get a quest back and no it won't help you get your SC quest back.
  • Sverrir - Sanctuary
    Sverrir - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Heh, some good points here and food (or drink maybe) for thought. b:laugh

    Maybe part of the patch will change the intro screen to add a notice; we'll see...
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ketsura wrote: »
    nom nom nom uh oh going off topic
    BACK TO COMPLAINING chyaaaa!!!! Crud..I need to figure out a way to transfer everything over to my new character...but I don't wanna get a MC
    Gahhh I'll just keep the vemon. Hey and i've been putting some though into this. I wonder if you trash all quests if you could some how get the spirit cultivation quest back after that. I'm scared to test it out though, I don't want to make the bug worse for me than it already is cause I don't now if you can ever get the quest back if you trash it o_o

    Most quests you can restart if you trash them. In this case it won't help with cultivation quest though, so don't bother to do it. Cultivation quest simply won't trigger no matter what. Glad to hear you're sticking with the foxi though b:cute

    By the way, while there's different 'schools' to 'what's good for venomancer', here's a couple of pointers you may find useful if you are new to the scene:
    Up till around level 30, put all attribute points to magic, except just enough to strength so you can use the best arcane/robe armor (NOT heavy or light) for your level, and the best 'magic tool' type weapon for your level. Ignore agility and vitality for the time being. At level 17 or 18, if you can get yourself a golem as a pet, go for it - it'll be very, very useful against any physical opponents, and you'll be using it likely for the rest of your life on occasion. When taming beasts, first smack them around until they have little life left (20-25% maybe), that'll make the taming stick to them much more easily.

    From level 30 and up, you should be able to figure out what you'll do - you can still at that point decide to turn for using light or even mixed heavy armor if you so choose, nothing's lost there.
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    good now that that's settled FREE BEER ON ME FOR EVERYONE! (who's of age of course >.>)
  • Sverrir - Sanctuary
    Sverrir - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    good now that that's settled FREE BEER ON ME FOR EVERYONE! (who's of age of course >.>)

    KainRaynier, my new best friend! b:victory
  • dante171121111
    dante171121111 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So is the bug fixed ?I mean can i get the spiritual cultivation quests now or do i have to make a new char the third time?b:cry
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hah ^_^ *Big thumbs up* I'm a lover of beer and vodka. Cheers! No it's not fixed as far as I know.
  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No no no! I know most quests like 95% of them can be trashed and taken up again. But even though the cultivation quest doesn't show up I'm just wondering if you trash all quests if it will somehow trash that and make it where you can get again. My concern is I don't know if spiritual cultivation quests can be trashed and can be retaken. There are random perma-trash quests. But yeah, I figured it wouldn't work and that there's no way to get it. Fail! lol
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yes vury Fail but at least ya tried.
  • kinkitsune
    kinkitsune Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So is the bug fixed ?I mean can i get the spiritual cultivation quests now or do i have to make a new char the third time?b:cry

    It's not fixed, but you don't have to make a new character either - once it'll be fixed (my money's on next month but that's just my personal guess, there's no official word on schedule) you'll be able to take the cultivation quest and catch up. Of course there's still an option of making an alt on some other race too.b:surrender

    (and btw, I left a couple pointers on edit of previous post (on previous page) for anyone who happens to be new to playing venomancers)
  • dante171121111
    dante171121111 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    thx for answer and good advice on veno .one last question .am i the only one woh cant get into the game right now?
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    yes! no actually it's server maint, so were all stuck not bein able to get in.
  • No_mercy - Harshlands
    No_mercy - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thx manb:pleased
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    uh not a problem lol
  • Rukidek - Heavens Tear
    Rukidek - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    there is the large possibility of me going berserk i thought it would be fixed by this weeks patch but you cant get it done lol???? really i mean deal with stuff now and rather have a wait on the expansion then to wait in agony... its not like you can say ohh just hop on another character thats just demented man seriously not cool label dudes. i miss my poor barbarian his spirit is a prune thanx to this bug...yes gms.... a prune....how you like thatb:cry
    "What's the matter Snake?!?!?
    You don't like girls?!?!?"

    -Psycho Mantis, MGS
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