Untamed Cultivation Bug - post here
The Dark Lord of the Bamboo obviously meant this week's patch. Whether or not he was not informed of the move of scheduled maintenance, is so used to it being on Tuesday that it was a force of habit, or just forgot... if it was in this week's patch, he would have told us.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
seriousley this is a bit ridiculous I'm probably gonna give up as a Veno and just keep a Blademaster annoying as i've spent so much time getting two veno's too lvl 9 and 11 as i thought i'd done something wrong the first time. as i've said before on page 14 at the bottom if you haven't read it. I think spirit cult is a waste of time also these forums are quite bad people just ignore loads of posts and whine about a particular one. Don't criticise other peoples posts if their stupidthey won't take any notice anyway. Just to confirm is movement glitches where you say jump through a tree of course as this is possiblebb:pleased then it keeps placing you at the start of your jump in a loop untill you've moved forwards enough to get out if it? This happens to me all the time it's not that annoying. I'd much rather have the spirit cult sorted out than a mildly annoying movement glitch. The spirit cult actually prevents you from progressing at all and i really wanna turn into a fox.0
10 char0 -
Since many players, if not most, do not read the forums, it would be nice if there was a message sent to each affected player's account(s) explaining the situation to them.
I'm sure quite a few are wondering what is going on.
Thanks.0 -
That would be nice but sadly it wont happen. See in order to sift through every character thats unatmed and under the age of say 40 (for the rare cases people made it that high since this bug has been in effect. On every server then send a message to each one, the time it would take to do this would be better diverted to fixing the problem to begin with.
If most players dont read the forums when something goes wrong then they simoply dont care enough, eventually they will either try and look for the solution and accidentally find the answer by googling one simple word such as cultivation. Or they'll quit playing, either rate its not the dev or gm's that are responsible for other's ignorance to inquire about what matters to them.
Now I am not defending the dev's because this is rediculous, this is the first mmorpg I have played that had a problem this large (literally game stopping for 1/3rd of the populas of new characters) and taken this long to fix. It should have been fixed the same day if not one day later.. but a week +? come on!! really? seriously? a week? At anyrate my ranting whining moan is done with lol, I think we are all sufficiently pissed enough as it is. Lets hope they can pull the heads out of the perverbial #$%es and get this game working again.0 -
It is not going to be fixed in this week's patch, I'm sorry.Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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yea I guess there are more important things to fix then a bug thats literally stopping 1/3rd of your new player base populas. This is totally unprofessional and unexcusable, no reason this should take this long. Let alone what now we are at 2 weeks eta? You guys are a joke if an issue like this happens and you cant fix it within a reasonable time frame. God I'd hate to see what happens if something important and major goes wrong.. can we say spagetti coding?
I am seriously contemptating after dumping alot of money into this poor excuse and unprofessionally run game and going to another mmorpg.0 -
b:cryb:cryb:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Mmm noodles!0
There is NO MMO that does not have bugs out in the wild.
Doing quick fixes for this might have resulted in breaking something else for all players, and maybe they are working to fix it so something else isn't broken. On a game this huge, you have to be careful.
I am guessing that since things are being added for the new expansion, that something they were working on was close to the Untamed part of that code and got mixed up a little bit. So this setback isn't as easy to fix as you may think.
We thank you all for your patience. Us GMs on our game accounts, have to deal with this too, and are dealing with it.Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera0 -
Power to the people!!0
it's still annoying Darth. Even more so for the new players who come in and don't know what's going on. But what do I know i'm just a normal player heh.0
y dont they send a letter on the post to the lpayers affected? i'm sure its in their power. and surely we should get compensation when the problem is fixed.
in the mean time im just doing random quests to lvl up.0 -
:O i think my thread got killed
It was about asking a date of when the GMs think they will have this problem fixed...
Why was it deleted?
I want to know a time frame but since you deleted my post now im getting a feeling this will take pretty long to fix so all the untames will be screwed up for a while.
Thx alot -__-0 -
darthpanda16 wrote: »It is not going to be fixed in this week's patch, I'm sorry.
After it'd taken about a week, I wouldn't expect it to be fixed until the end of month when the anniversary event ends. However, I'd like to repeat the sentiments I expressed earlier - and which at least some people seem to agree with: This issue touches 1/3 of the new players who are not yet familiar with the game, and probably don't have the experience to realize that something is wrong with the game when they can't find a quest complitely critical to their character advancement. Could we at least have a notice posted about this issue either on login news or the popup message that comes every time you enter the game, so that people know how to deal with it instead of wasting hours trying to find where THEY supposedly went wrong? I think this would be a prudent thing to do in the given situation - if the problem cannot be fixed in reasonable timeframe, at least people should be informed of it's existence so they can deal with it. The nature of this problem is such that it is not readily apparent for new players.0 -
Don't think they care enough KinKitsune. It's comein off to me right now as they don't care if it effects the Untamed, they have bigger issues to deal with. *Shrug* But that's me.0
your totally right there isnt an mmo in exsistance without bugs in the "wild" however there isnt an mmo that has a bug so large that it haults progression of 1/3rd of its player base and doesnt devote 100% of all resources to fixing it. I can rattle off a few dozen companies with mmo's out there that have had severe issues and I can tell you I have never witnessed a bug this large being put off for two weeks.
I am very well aware of how dynamic and difficult to find and resolve this issue is, however i can also tell you that a team of programmers can successfully go through code and resolve a missing command string within a reasonable amount of time. Putting something like this off for two weeks is a priority choice, ergo the choice isnt top priority. I am possitive that the 1 or 2 people max working on this issue are working their hearts out. Sadly they need to deligate the work load and just get this thing fixed over night.
If they divided the workload amungst say 8 people vs 2 you can and will find the problem significantly faster.. not just due to the fact theres more people but mathematically you divide the location of the problem significantly. I know whining and moaning about the problem wont make it go faster but dont pressume you know how programming works as a gm, i've been a gm before and in no way is that duty anything like a dev.
Where the issue lies is the communication from dev to gm which in every mmo is actually pretty weak.. its actually quite common, the gm's get the basic info they need as soon as the pr rep gets it to them. It doesnt change the fact this is taking way to long.0 -
darthpanda16 wrote: »There is NO MMO that does not have bugs out in the wild.
Doing quick fixes for this might have resulted in breaking something else for all players, and maybe they are working to fix it so something else isn't broken. On a game this huge, you have to be careful.
Quite true, there's numerous examples of this - not just in MMO, not just in games even, but with anything to do with programming. Often comes in launch of new games when they are rushed to particular schedule, like holiday sales (Horizons was a terrible example of this on the MMO genre).darthpanda16 wrote: »I am guessing that since things are being added for the new expansion, that something they were working on was close to the Untamed part of that code and got mixed up a little bit. So this setback isn't as easy to fix as you may think.
We thank you all for your patience. Us GMs on our game accounts, have to deal with this too, and are dealing with it.
Just to be clear, personally I don't put any blame on this issue on GMs shoulders. If the job picture is anything like what I'm familiar with in other MMO, you have precious little power regarding this issue, aside from informing upwards of it's existence. Normally you'd even be pretty tightly tied up regarding what and how much you can say about any particular issue. Certainly you wouldn't have the luxury of ranting about this any more than any other issue regarding the game, or generally give back an angry statement - for that I do sympathize. b:shutup
That said, I find it unlikely this would be an issue in some code regarding game mechanics on larger scale. It can't be a generic problem in cultivation system since it does work fine for other classes - and to my understanding works fine for untamed aside from this first quest. It can't be a problem with quest trigger mechanism on a whole since the level trigger works fine on other quests, as well as the cultivation limiter - which we're all too well aware of right now.
Generally speaking, all the basic mechanisms that make up the quest seem to work without problems. I can't say 'impossible', no one ever can when it comes to complex programming like this. However I can say it's relatively likely it would be an issue with this single quest. This begs for a question: how difficult is it in PW (or PWI) to create a single quest with given triggers and given rewards? It shouldn't take an excessively long time to create - if necessary - a new quest as a workaround to trigger on level 9 with 'level zero' cultivation, which would simply advance the cultivation level, along with the appropriate message. We actually have a working example of the quest trigger like this - the very quest that originally leads you to mister Disfunctional Taoist.
The only conclusion I can draw from this - and I stress again it's just speculation, though with a decent amount of experience behind it - that it's not so much a problem of not being able to fix a particular quest, as it is the problem regarding the bigger picture. If PWI uses the same code base as other versions of PW (I assume it does?), then any conflict in local customizing would be the most likely cause of this kind of glitch. If the current anniversary event is such a local feature (again an assumption), then it would be the first place for me to look for a problem. E.g., wether there is some internal ID system in quests, and wether some customized quest that was released in the big anniversary update would conflict/override this particular quest? Or wether there was some custom work done for the taoist, or perhaps there's a bigger database for the quests that was altered, and something accidentally got overwritten/deleted?
Be as it may, the timeframe of over a week seems impossibly long for this kind of fix, which again leads to yet another assumption - in this case, that this particular problem is considered of lower priority by whomever is in charge of allocating resources that could be tasked with this problem. That, or it could simply be unclear whose territory this truly rests on.
I'll live with it, it's just a game. b:surrender On my personal records though, it's a rather big minus, and I imagine it's shared by a growing percentage of new player base.0 -
I just wanted to contribute a little, I had just started the game like two days ago and gotten some of my friends to join. I was the only one to pick the untamed class, because well, I loved it. I've been going about doing quests, leveling and whatnot, and when I couldn't do my Spiritual Cultivation Quest I was really worried, because well, there was no Quest. @.@ So I checked online and whatnot, and I finally found this thread, which I'm thankful for because I had no idea what the heck was going on and if I was doing something wrong.
Anyways, stuff like this does take tons of time to fix and it really does hurt the race as a whole, but there are still things to do outside of the SC Quests. It does suck, but you could do other quests while you wait or crafting and whatnot, so there are other things to do. And when it finally is fixed all those spirtual points you have saved up from running around doing all of these things should boost your new skills [the ones that you should've gotten at the previous levels] up to the proper levels. Right? Unless I'm completely in the dark about boosting skills and paying points to get new ones.
It does make things harder with only one skill and whatnot, but there are other things to do. I just thought I'd add my two cents for those who appear desolate without these new skills. And, worse comes to worse, you could always make an alternate character or something of the sorts to pass the time, or do something completely unrelated to the game. ^o^ I do hope the issue is fixed soon, but I'm not going to be raving to the high heavens about waiting for it. I'd rather have it fixed the right way then have it **** up other things in the game.0 -
*wants to kill thread with fire* Mainly because it's turned into a, "LET'S BASH THE GM'S BECAUSE THEY'RE AT FAULT" thread. Just relax and mine mats or craft or something. Use and alt, give your exp to your genie and level it up. If you're a veno, mine fbs or mobs and sell the items. Same for the barbs. It's not that hard to find SOMETHING else to do other than the main point of the game. All the time you spend whining about it, you could be using to increase your profit ingame by mining or something.
Just leave the bloody GM's alone and stop trying to blow them away with your misery at not being able to get your little fb's. You can progress just fine without all the skills, especially if you're a venomancer. And fb's aren't really that big a deal anyway, definitely not the 19. You'll be able to do your spiritual cultivation WHEN it's fixed, they've already said you would. Just progress like nothing is wrong, even though it'll make the game a big more challenging since you don't have your tanking form or your fast fox form. So what? Big deal? Get over it and suck it up. Just please stop flaming the GM's, they're not at fault here. Although everyone seems to be forgetting that... =_=0 -
ChesireLeo - Dreamweaver wrote: »
are you completely stupid... listen.. gm means game moderator not game maker... the game developers are trying to fix it.. in the meantime users like me who have a little experience programming are trying to tell them of a possible work around... so please.. stop complaining and taking up space if you don't know what the hell your talking about... the game moderators are doing their best... you want to complain to who's responsible go talk to the developers b:laugh if you can!!b:laugh just sit tight while the experienced people take care of it.. i know i'm a level 9 barbarian right now... i deleted because of **** going on.. my winged elf was having trouble.... so was my gfs... so we had everything forwarded to our new accounts.... our untamed are wealthy now... but i still can't turn into a tigerb... do you hear me whining and asking "when is it going to be? if it's not fixed i'm quitting!"? no you don't.. because i did a little amateur programming in high school in visual basic c++ and that was for little apps like a talking mouth.. and that was hard! so imagine how these guys feel! stop complaining and think about how the gms and the gds are feeling about how much your complaining..
I'm sorry to tell u, but u r the 1 that seems stupid b:shocked
Experienced programmers can resole a problem like this quite fast! 1 entire week is more then enough to resolve this problem. I am a software programmer so i can tell u that!
If they didn't resolved this bug in this patch is just because they really didn't thought that this was an important bug to solve and i really feel sorry about that.
So, programming can be hard in the beginning but after 1 year doing it (at least as a profissional), it turns quite easy, so don't talk about u don't know...
So all i can say is that i'm really disapointed about the way devs see players problems.. but well, there are more free games to play b:victory0 -
Hey I'm new to this game. Been playing for about a week now. Love playing as a barb (even though the cultivation is messed up) From what I've read, there's a lot of ticked off players. But c'mon ladies ant gents it's not that bad. I've been spamming 2 skills for 23 levels and sure I'm upset I can't turn into a tiger or use my other skills but I'm quite sure the problem is going to be fixed ASAP. Just hang in there ^^. I've got two friends on here same level as me and they're hangin' in there. Also, it's not the GM's fault the cultivations messed up. It's the developers fault and I'm sure they've read our comments and are working hard to fix this problem and also prevent it from happening again. Just hang in their my furry friends b:victory.
Lost City Server fa life DEUCES CUZ!!!
Your future tank and faction leader0 -
Akikoa - Dreamweaver wrote: »*wants to kill thread with fire* Mainly because it's turned into a, "LET'S BASH THE GM'S BECAUSE THEY'RE AT FAULT" thread. Just relax and mine mats or craft or something. Use and alt, give your exp to your genie and level it up. If you're a veno, mine fbs or mobs and sell the items. Same for the barbs. It's not that hard to find SOMETHING else to do other than the main point of the game. All the time you spend whining about it, you could be using to increase your profit ingame by mining or something.
Just leave the bloody GM's alone and stop trying to blow them away with your misery at not being able to get your little fb's. You can progress just fine without all the skills, especially if you're a venomancer. And fb's aren't really that big a deal anyway, definitely not the 19. You'll be able to do your spiritual cultivation WHEN it's fixed, they've already said you would. Just progress like nothing is wrong, even though it'll make the game a big more challenging since you don't have your tanking form or your fast fox form. So what? Big deal? Get over it and suck it up. Just please stop flaming the GM's, they're not at fault here. Although everyone seems to be forgetting that... =_=
The people at fault are not the GMs yes but we cant contact the programmers and teh GMs are our link through so we are bugging the GM to bug the programmers.
U might not see it as a big deal because frankly its not effecting you but without cultivation we cannot fly, we only have 1 or 2 skills to fight with and you know for barbs the 1st skill is a waste of spirit if u lvl it up so yes this is a big deal.0 -
PandaXDenwen - Lost City wrote: »Hey I'm new to this game. Been playing for about a week now. Love playing as a barb (even though the cultivation is messed up) From what I've read, there's a lot of ticked off players. But c'mon ladies ant gents it's not that bad. I've been spamming 2 skills for 23 levels and sure I'm upset I can't turn into a tiger or use my other skills but I'm quite sure the problem is going to be fixed ASAP. Just hang in there ^^. I've got two friends on here same level as me and they're hangin' in there. Also, it's not the GM's fault the cultivations messed up. It's the developers fault and I'm sure they've read our comments and are working hard to fix this problem and also prevent it from happening again. Just hang in their my furry friends b:victory.
Lost City Server fa life DEUCES CUZ!!!
Your future tank and faction leader
By ASAP do you mean 1 week... possibly more.0 -
Really sucks that this is not getting fixed this week..i hate leveling alts myself..new to the game as it is and i actually like the veno..outside of the 1 skill ive been leveling with. Until this is fixed i guess i have nothing else better to do but craft..craft..craft..yay..[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Kokin - Dreamweaver wrote: »I'm sorry to tell u, but u r the 1 that seems stupid
I'm not sure if that was ironic or not.
Experienced programmers can resole a problem like this quite fast! 1 entire week is more then enough to resolve this problem. I am a software programmer so i can tell u that!
Everyone is a programmer on the internet, I've noticed. Even the ones who can't spell or type.
If they didn't resolved this bug in this patch is just because they really didn't thought that this was an important bug to solve and i really feel sorry about that.
Yes, PWI could totally have fixed it, like, a week ago, but they like listening to you *****.
So, programming can be hard in the beginning but after 1 year doing it (at least as a profissional), it turns quite easy, so don't talk about u don't know...
So, spelling can be hard in the beginning, but after 19 years of doing it(at least, as a professional), it becomes quite easy. Don't speak of what you don't know...
So all i can say is that i'm really disapointed about the way devs see players problems.. but well, there are more free games to play
That was your conclusion? Well, I guess it means we don't have to read to your idiotic posts.
10 rebuttals0 -
_Miku_ - Lost City wrote: »Im srry but did you think it through before you posted?
The people at fault are not the GMs yes but we cant contact the programmers and teh GMs are our link through so we are bugging the GM to bug the programmers.
U might not see it as a big deal because frankly its not effecting you but without cultivation we cannot fly, we only have 1 or 2 skills to fight with and you know for barbs the 1st skill is a waste of spirit if u lvl it up so yes this is a big deal.
Oh no no, I'm using a venomancer friend. She's lvl 25 at the moment and she is affected by this as well, and I'm hanging on just fine. And constantly bugging them isn't going to solve anything, pushing and nagging people doesn't fix anything. All it can do is make them want to work slower or bog them down because they're having to listen to the complaints and they're being sidetracked by having to listen to complaints. I did think the post through. It's just from my point of view, personally, not having cultivation isn't that big a deal. Everyone is entitled to their opinions though, I'm just a bit tired of having to browse through pages and pages of complaints just to see a GM's post is all.
If they could, I would suggest locking the thread and only unlocking it when they have updates for us so this thread doesn't get filled with useless spam about QQ'ers.0 -
Akikoa - Dreamweaver wrote: »Oh no no, I'm using a venomancer friend. She's lvl 25 at the moment and she is affected by this as well, and I'm hanging on just fine. And constantly bugging them isn't going to solve anything, pushing and nagging people doesn't fix anything. All it can do is make them want to work slower or bog them down because they're having to listen to the complaints and they're being sidetracked by having to listen to complaints. I did think the post through. It's just from my point of view, personally, not having cultivation isn't that big a deal. Everyone is entitled to their opinions though, I'm just a bit tired of having to browse through pages and pages of complaints just to see a GM's post is all.
If they could, I would suggest locking the thread and only unlocking it when they have updates for us so this thread doesn't get filled with useless spam about QQ'ers.
Cultivation is quite a big deal, because at the moment it prevents, I think, hundreds of people from playing the game as intended - more so because a large number of them isn't even aware there's something wrong in the game, for a new player the first assumption would be that they did something wrong themself. It's emphasized further still by the fact that it's close to 'first impression' of the game, and you can bet it's not a positive one. 'Just make another class' isn't a very good solution either, if it were we'd only need 'human adventurer' to begin with.
What comes to locking this thread, it would be totally counterproductive. People will get heated over this issue, and they will want to express it. Locking this thread would simply see a new one born, and people would be even more heated about the 'attempt to shut them up'.0 -
kinkitsune wrote: »Cultivation is quite a big deal, because at the moment it prevents, I think, hundreds of people from playing the game as intended - more so because a large number of them isn't even aware there's something wrong in the game, for a new player the first assumption would be that they did something wrong themself. It's emphasized further still by the fact that it's close to 'first impression' of the game, and you can bet it's not a positive one. 'Just make another class' isn't a very good solution either, if it were we'd only need 'human adventurer' to begin with.
What comes to locking this thread, it would be totally counterproductive. People will get heated over this issue, and they will want to express it. Locking this thread would simply see a new one born, and people would be even more heated about the 'attempt to shut them up'.0 -
@explodebear: lol, have fun with your "perfect bugged world".. i might give it another try when i know this bugg is fixed (if it will be ever!! hahahaha). At least this game seems to have a good potencial... 2 bad devs don't take it seriously.. b:cry0
Akikoa - Dreamweaver wrote: »Nevermind, it's not even worth the discussion. Humans always have to make such a big deal about everything. End of discussion for me.
I would love to see your race bugged for 2 weeks.. i would really love b:laugh0
This discussion has been closed.
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