New prices on mounts



  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    kosake666 wrote: »
    My point is this: These events are really just sprung on us. We can all cry about it, flood world chat with needless complaints, and go sit in the emo corner, -OR- we can just accept that maybe our being impatient, greedy, selfish players has something to do with it some times.

    Oh, and god forbid the idea of it just being bad luck that you bought something full price right before it goes on sale.


    There's really no other way for them to do it than "spring it on us"...if they announced a week before the sale that there would be one, people who bought right before the announcement would feel it was sprung on them. XD
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    But here's the kicker.. It's 20 Gold in the cash shop, which works out at around 2 Mill (for the time that I got him) or 4 Mill-ish for current coin/gold conversion rates. So here's my question. What did I spend the best part of 18 million coins for? I have, for all intents and purposes thrown 14 Mill coins down the toilet and wasted a whole chunk of my life for nothing.
    For nothing? You got the horse you wanted, how is that for nothing? If you buy a car today, when you drive it off the lot it depreciates in value. These are just pixels yes, but I see a bunch of children learning valuable life lessons. That is how life works, most things go down in value over time.

    This only solidifies my belief that PWI bigwigs do not care for their existing players, and prefer to cater only to drawing in new people. It happens everywhere, heck even my ISP does similar marketing strategies. "I'm sorry, this deal is available to new customers only" comes to mind.
    But you still have internet don't you?

    I loved PWI from the first day I set foot in this game. I am still trying to love it almost a year later. But stunts like this certainly make it difficult.
    Love the game, its still the same game. Just like every1 complaining of the bounty hunter. Don't do it, welcome to the same game you had before. You will likely not find a game this nice that is free to play. Truly, this game is enjoyable. Too many people sweat the small stuff.

    So what if I leave? I am just one person. So what if some others of similar mind sets also go? There will always be someone new, with much more ready cash to spend who will take my place. But is that what you really want PWI powers-that-be? Do you really want to lose your loyal players in favour of the casual gamer who spends a bit, then leaves in search of something new, some three months down the line?

    With all the people suggestion what they do and don't want in forums and in emails, PW can't be anything but confused. People want want want.. they give give give. No one is still happy. No matter what the company does people complain. They are trying to change things FOR the loyal players, DQ was one of the main complaints. No one could get a horse and it took forever, they've changed that; and now the complaints will roll.

    ~ Kymi
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I originally tried to post this during maintenace, but found threads were getting closed faster than I could hit reply. So I gave up and went to sleep. Now I realise this subject has been well discussed, but I wish to post my own thoughts. Please bear in mind, I very rarely post any dissent no matter what curve ball we get thrown.


    I do not post often. I hardly ever air my grievances. When I saved up, then took the plunge and treated myself to a black bikini top for a few million.. only to find it in the cash shop for peanuts some 2 weeks later, I did not post. I got angry. I got really angry. Then I let it go.

    But now this.. not only takes the cake, it stamps on the box and mashes it into tiny, tiny crumbs.

    Let me tell you a story. From almost day 1 of playing PWI, I wanted a horse. I started during the middle of the Jolly Jones event that had the Midnight mount as a prize. I knew I'd never afford one of my own. "Certain" people were buying up all the Midnights and reselling at stupidly inflated prices. But then I discovered I could get a horse from DQ. I knew it would take a long time. But if I spent a lot of time and energy, one day I could have a horse of my own - one dragon order at a time.

    I did many, many dragon quests and spent many, many hours (and days, and weeks) farming for coins to buy orders from other players. And eventually, after a very long time, I got my horse, who I love. His name is Derek.

    But now, the wonderful people at PWI have decided to release it into the cash shop. And that part in itself is ok. I don't mind that there will be more like Derek. For me, it was never to stand out and be special. It wasn't a "look at me" statement piece. The reason I got it, and love it, is because it's something I enjoy having. It's not only a horse, it's a pretty sparkly horse and that makes me happy. (Hey I have aspergers syndrome.. I like what I like, ok? Don't give me a hard time).

    But here's the kicker.. It's 20 Gold in the cash shop, which works out at around 2 Mill (for the time that I got him) or 4 Mill-ish for current coin/gold conversion rates. So here's my question. What did I spend the best part of 18 million coins for? I have, for all intents and purposes thrown 14 Mill coins down the toilet and wasted a whole chunk of my life for nothing.

    This only solidifies my belief that PWI bigwigs do not care for their existing players, and prefer to cater only to drawing in new people. It happens everywhere, heck even my ISP does similar marketing strategies. "I'm sorry, this deal is available to new customers only" comes to mind.

    I loved PWI from the first day I set foot in this game. I am still trying to love it almost a year later. But stunts like this certainly make it difficult.

    So what if I leave? I am just one person. So what if some others of similar mind sets also go? There will always be someone new, with much more ready cash to spend who will take my place. But is that what you really want PWI powers-that-be? Do you really want to lose your loyal players in favour of the casual gamer who spends a bit, then leaves in search of something new, some three months down the line?

    Yes you'll still turn over a rather hefty profit, but somewhere along the way the heart of the community will die. And that my friend, is the beginning of the end.

    I spent 3 years playing the last MMORPG before coming here. I was ready for the long haul here too. But now I am not so sure. And it's a shame, a real shame.

    For what it's worth..

    ~ Kymi

    See this is the line where pride breaks and anything else that comes with it, btw so beuatiful post b:sad couldn't have said better then myself b:sad.

    Oh and they are closing down threads, wow, proves a point that they know what there doing there just not admitting it to afraid? Seems like they're going down the road less road.
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    kosake666 wrote: »
    I only have 1 major complaint about the new mount prices...

    All the damn crying over World Chat about "oh noez! I wurked so hard! End of world!!!!11111oneone"

    - How many people spent 25m+ for a herc right before a Battle Pet Pack sale?
    - How many times have people bought fresh charms, right before another charm sale?
    - How much "bonus" gold has been lost by them randomly announcing a 15% bonus zhen, AFTER people have charged hundreds on there accounts?
    - How often have people bought a new mount just to have the special edition mount of there dreams released soon after?

    My point is this: These events are really just sprung on us. We can all cry about it, flood world chat with needless complaints, and go sit in the emo corner, -OR- we can just accept that maybe our being impatient, greedy, selfish players has something to do with it some times.

    Oh, and god forbid the idea of it just being bad luck that you bought something full price right before it goes on sale.


    You don't get it enough is enough, people are on there last nerves here. The gms have done enough with the result of disadisfaction and quitting, with all these threads still no solution. Well this has almost got to the point where it seems like they're doing it on purpose. Maybe that's why.
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Oh and they are closing down threads, wow, proves a point that they know what there doing there just not admitting it to afraid? Seems like they're going down the road less road.
    Last night when they news came out there were literally probably 50 threads on the subject. All were flaming and this is against the Terms of Service on the forums. THAT is why they were shutting down threads. This is one of the main ones that was left open due to the fact it was the first one started.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You don't get it enough is enough, people are on there last nerves here. The gms have done enough with the result of disadisfaction and quitting, with all these threads still no solution. Well this has almost got to the point where it seems like they're doing it on purpose. Maybe that's why.

    Please note: the GM's have NOTHING to do with the sales, the patches, the updates or anything else you are unhappy with this game about. They are merely the complaint department and damage control. Please quit blaming them for anything, they are here to take your concerns to the owners/developers.
  • Qwin - Sanctuary
    Qwin - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    .... This is a game. We set goals for ourselves. This is one of those things that allows us to enjoy the game....

    I agree completely.
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Last night when they news came out there were literally probably 50 threads on the subject. All were flaming and this is against the Terms of Service on the forums. THAT is why they were shutting down threads. This is one of the main ones that was left open due to the fact it was the first one started.
    Please note: the GM's have NOTHING to do with the sales, the patches, the updates or anything else you are unhappy with this game about. They are merely the complaint department and damage control. Please quit blaming them for anything, they are here to take your concerns to the owners/developers.
    well since you said please, but who is then?
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    well since you said please, but who is then?

    The devs in China. ;x
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    my god, this entire thread can be summed up with "suck it up and deal with it."

    Devs do what they want, and whining about it in forums doesn't make them care any more.

    EDIT: GMs do care though, so give them a break. Hi spoons b:bye
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Did the feeling of accomplishment and pride you or she had the moment she got her mount fade the moment they went on sale? If the answer is yes, please replace the captain of your brain ship, because he's drunk at the wheel.
    Nice gratuitous insult! I'll be sure to pass it along to my friend's wife. It will make her feel much better.
    I would never let something becoming significantly easier to attain force me to let go of the pride I felt when I accomplished something I felt was absolutely cool at the time I did it.
    Good for you and me. I guess we're special, because we both feel this way.

    So, in summary, I'll be sure to pass along to my friend's wife that not only did she waste all that time and effort, but she also needs a brain transplant for feeling bad about it, and that both you and I are better people than her.

    Check, check, and check.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I've played games before where rare items became more common later in their life cycle. The thing is, I cherish the experience I had in getting these items over the item itself. I know it's not always about that for everyone, and by no means am I asking anyone to agree with me. The thing is, my enjoyment of MMOs comes from two things:

    a) the challenges that are presented to me that I overcome
    b) the friends who I collaborate with to overcome said challenges

    So yeah, it sucks when I see every one with something that previously was very rare, but that doesn't devalue my experience and the memories I have working with friends to achieve my goal.

    We understand player concerns, and we really do our best to voice them to our developers. The process is definitely not easy, but as long as people don't flame and keep telling us their personal feelings in regards to content changes we will get the message loud and clear. We appreciate your feedback, I know that sounds like a canned response but we're serious, I didn't become a forum admin because I'm a robot, I actually like this stuff!
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Let me see if I get this right.

    Last week:
    "PW is greedy for introducing things that cause raising of gold prices, this is so not fair for new players that now cannot afford to buy things as quickly and will have to grind forever to obtain them. PWI does not care that now it will cost 1 million to buy a charm, or 2 million for a mount, with the current gold prices, etc etc"

    This week"
    "Announcement: We are lowering the prices of mounts and introducing 2 horses to the game"
    "PW is insensitive to our hard work, why would they lower the prices of the mounts, I just got one... and the horses... I spent 20 million to get one, why should a new player be able to buy it for 20 gold now,that is, I quit since PW is catering to new players and is lowered the costs of stuff while I had to spend 20 million to get mine"

    So.... You want PW to lower the costs of the things you need, afterall it would not fair to have prices go up, but not lower the costs of the things you have, so they do not loose value, after all it would not be fair for YOUR things prices to go down?
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So step off your high horse Brat its unsightly.


    Can I buy one of those in the cash shop aswell or are they only a "status" symbol b:chuckle
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So yeah, it sucks when I see every one with something that previously was very rare, but that doesn't devalue my experience and the memories I have working with friends to achieve my goal.
    Seeing something drop in value by 20% or so, just after you bought it, is simply the way things go.

    It's an issue of degrees, though. The Silver Mane / Violet Lightning dropped in value by 80% overnight. That's one heck of a market swing, and it's a lot to expect people to just swallow it with a smile on their face.

    I figured out awhile ago that PWI's economy is very unstable, and I use it to my advantage to make big profits on the backs of these kinds of wild market swings. However, I'm not under any illusions that everybody wants to play the game like I do. A lot of people prefer stability.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You post in Quotes makes it hard to reply but i will try.
    I am on the verge of thinking your a GM alt or some such thing similar.

    Wow look at that, I achieved status without even trying. Anyone who knows me on this forum can definitely tell you, I am no such thing. Altho I think its quite awesome you would imply so.

    You are welcome.

    I have been working towards getting a Silvermane. Its not easy. I'm not rich. I'm poorer for it. (not selling DQ's sucks)

    And now you know why I didn't do the quest. Too many people said it wasn't worth it when I started. Now looking back, I can see why. I made way more coins in game then I ever would have if I'd done the quest. But I can tell you one thing, I do every single quest other than DQ this game has to offer, I work my tail off grinding in game to get the things I think I deserve.

    Was the above paragraph even necessary?? for you?!

    I would congratulate them. Such perseverance deserves a reward. And a bit of respect.
    Now this I can agree on. The perseverance does deserve respect and reward. Both of which they still get by completing the quest. But how many people used a spur from the CS to make their horse faster? If they did that, then the reward truly wasn't the original...

    You start off well here. But at the end more.....

    Now I understand your statements before saying that they might/could have been high level players that bought the DQ's with coin. Or they are players who sold gold. But understand, not all are like this.

    Quite frankly, a lot are like this. If there wasn't so many CS sales do you think they'd keep putting new stuff in there? They put it there, because someone buys them.

    Another meaningless statement of nothing.

    Your belittling of this achievement, I find to be rude. Your "Suck it up drive on. This is life." attitude, although accurate I find to be a little out of place in this particular area.

    I have not once belittled the achievement. If you do the DQ you still get the horse. Its still an achievement. Even more now since you can buy it in the cash shop and not getting it that way and taking the easy way out makes it more of an achievement you should be proud of by doing so.

    Why would someone work to get this now with DQ orders? It doesn't make sense. You could sell all the DQ's drops needed to get your DQ orders and buy the horse in auction or from another player. And have coin left over.

    This is a game. We set goals for ourselves. This is one of those things that allows us to enjoy the game. Like the 13 year old boy who worked so hard just for a panther.

    Your goal can still be set. I am failing to see this. They did not remove the option to DQ your way to a mount. They just gave a secondary option to get it.

    The 13 year old boy has a luxury some of us don't. At 13 I was working, I had a job. At 16 when I got a learners permit I bought MY own car I earned. I took care of it, and cherished it more than my friends who had parents buy them a car. But today... I am a better person for it. I appreciate things more b/c I know the value of earning it myself. That same little boy learned that same lesson. My car I bought at 16, decades ago is not worth what I paid for it then. Thats just life.

    Exactly that's life. This is a game.( a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.) And changing up the rules in the middle of a game is not the best thing to do. DQ'n your way to the mount now would be a waste of time. As for the rest it has no relevance.

    So step off your high horse Brat its unsightly.

    My soap box is in the same city square yours is, its just a different kind of soap.

    Today its plum.

    Whew....a sigh of relief. I've worked hard for over a month doing DQ's. And now I can stop and take the easy way out. And get the mount I wanted for my cleric. Either with my coin or some Gold. Heck I could have bought the mount with all the DQ's I've given to NPC's during the quests. But a feeling of sadness is with me. What I was working so hard to get is now so easily attainable. The image I had of my cleric being on the hard to achieve Silvermane is tarnished. Eh..what can I do.

    So after all your complaining and justification instead of finishing the quest so you can feel that sense of pride you are going to just buy it? What was your argument agaiN?

    Complaining?? Justification?? Let me put my point a bit more bluntly.

    You don't understand. And I don't think I can help you along the path to that understanding. So I am not going to bother to elaborate.

    As my final statement why would I continue to do Dragon Quests when I can sell all the DQ's drops on me and buy the mount with the coin. I have over 1 million worth of DQ's drops right now. It would be a waste of time and energy at this point to continue to do the Dragon Quests for orders.

  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Seeing something drop in value by 20% or so, just after you bought it, is simply the way things go.

    It's an issue of degrees, though. The Silver Mane / Violet Lightning dropped in value by 80% overnight. That's one heck of a market swing, and it's a lot to expect people to just swallow it with a smile on their face.

    I figured out awhile ago that PWI's economy is very unstable, and I use it to my advantage to make big profits on the backs of these kinds of wild market swings. However, I'm not under any illusions that everybody wants to play the game like I do. A lot of people prefer stability.

    You are making a sacrifice for all the new players that could not afford the old prices. Remember all the complaining last week about high prices and how it was unfair to players, and how prices needed to come down?

    You got your wish.
    Horses price got reduced by about 15million - Good thing, more people can afford them now. 20 million for a horse was obviously PW was ripping off the unsuspected player.... Or you mean that when you have the expensive item it is not fair for it to be made affordable to everyone else?
    All mounts took a big discount - also good thing, more people can afford them now.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • metorica
    metorica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I've played games before where rare items became more common later in their life cycle. The thing is, I cherish the experience I had in getting these items over the item itself. I know it's not always about that for everyone, and by no means am I asking anyone to agree with me. The thing is, my enjoyment of MMOs comes from two things:

    a) the challenges that are presented to me that I overcome
    b) the friends who I collaborate with to overcome said challenges

    So yeah, it sucks when I see every one with something that previously was very rare, but that doesn't devalue my experience and the memories I have working with friends to achieve my goal.

    We understand player concerns, and we really do our best to voice them to our developers. The process is definitely not easy, but as long as people don't flame and keep telling us their personal feelings in regards to content changes we will get the message loud and clear. We appreciate your feedback, I know that sounds like a canned response but we're serious, I didn't become a forum admin because I'm a robot, I actually like this stuff!

    I can respect that you actually care for all of us since we play the game, but swallowing the feeling of hard work and determination for something we actually want in a game is more than some of us can handle when it's being dished out to people who want it immediately in the form of cold hard cash ._.
    As for the rest some of us didn't grind for the DQ's because we were greedy and wanted to resell the DQ mounts, I actually wanted it because it showed that it was something I want, I did this and this and spent that and that to get it. When I see that it's basically handed out on a silver platter to some, well, then what else am I supposed to do? Only option I do have is what most people are arguing to, suck it up and deal with it. Rather than making the game easier to lure more people into spending money to keep the game afloat, I'd rather keep people content and have loyal players who'll support the game because they like it ._.
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You are making a sacrifice for all the new players that could not afford the old prices. Remember all the complaining last week about high prices and how it was unfair to players, and how prices needed to come down?

    You got your wish.
    Horses price got reduced by about 15million - Good thing, more people can afford them now. 20 million for a horse was obviously PW was ripping off the unsuspected player.... Or you mean that when you have the expensive item it is not fair for it to be made affordable to everyone else?
    All mounts took a big discount - also good thing, more people can afford them now.

    Well as much as i couldn't give a fig about any mount and their price dropping,no one got their wish,people want prices down on the items you use everyday from boutique,consumables,not a rubbishy mount.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I definitely understand that, but the nature of MMOs pretty much denotes that even rare items cannot be rare forever. The only option really is to just deal with it unfortunately. But like I said before, no one can take away the experience that you had working to get that mount, even if it's not going to the super rare anymore you still know how hard you worked to attain it.
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Any chance of an 80% price drop on boutiqe mats?Now that'd be an update worthy for me to brownnose some on the forums b:pleased
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    By: Eatswithspoons

    I definitely understand that, but the nature of MMOs pretty much denotes that even rare items cannot be rare forever. The only option really is to just deal with it unfortunately. But like I said before, no one can take away the experience that you had working to get that mount, even if it's not going to the super rare anymore you still know how hard you worked to attain it.

    ^___^ This I agree with.

    Heck all I have is a Panther Mount upgraded and it is worth so much considering the amount of herbs I had to sell to afford one.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Any chance of an 80% price drop on boutiqe mats?Now that'd be an update worthy for me to brownnose some on the forums b:pleased

    lol. Change comes gradually, we don't ask you to brown nose, we just ask that you take into account our perspective as well b:victory
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well as much as i couldn't give a fig about any mount and their price dropping,no one got their wish,people want prices down on the items you use everyday from boutique,consumables,not a rubbishy mount.

    You cant please everyone, for you a mount is rubish, but as you can see by this thread, lots of people think it is very important. I have a jaguar, so I do not care either way :)
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • metorica
    metorica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Does that also mean Warsoul fragments will be sold in the Boutique also for that same reason?
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    metorica wrote: »
    Does that also mean Warsoul fragments will be sold in the Boutique also for that same reason?

    That's called jumping to conclusions. Also, if you have no constructive criticism why post?
  • QTKyuubi - Sanctuary
    QTKyuubi - Sanctuary Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You're a lunatic. Suck time out of people? I don't think any super-villain would spend time on this one. I can see it now:

    "Lex! The players of many MMORPGs have far too much time on their hands, and they're spending it how they want to! You must do something!"

    "I think I have the perfect plan. Let's fubar the PWI economy by influencing some sales having to do with an item to be determined, to be input to a character named Jolly Jones. Then, after the gold prices have inflated to a coin-valued number not determined by us in the first place, let's have a sale such that more people will be afford them if they spend real-life money, but could somehow innocuously offend those who use in-game cash to purchase their Boutique itemry because said economy whose control belongs to said players themselves has become ever-so lofty. By employing this divisive maneuver, the offended players will be forced to write inane posts portraying the evil corporation that is PWI's staff using conspiracy theories to shut them down. By displaying bad word-of-mouth and sticking it to "the man", the other users, ones content with our sale plan in the first place, will be forced to respond in copious amounts, whereby they will use flowing imagery to prove their points valid, and the PWI staff innocent. Internet-wide flames will ensue, and the entire infrastructure will collapse within years.

    What do you think of THAT, minion?"

    "Brilliant sir!"

    Dude, just play the game. It's free. You don't have to pay anything, and there are ALWAYS alternates to acquire the things available that are buy-able with real money. If I were you, I'd take advantage of the sales and try to turn a profit for myself. I have, in fact, already done this, and have no regrets in doing so.

    This is the by far the funniest thing I've read on this forum, love it b:kiss

    Honestly, not that it needs to be said again but people really need to get over cash shop and gold trading and accept it as part of the game play and play/plan accordingly.

    Everything said here to debunk complaints has been fair play, things become less rare the more time there is to acquire them, auction house/gold trading prices does it need to be reiterated, PLAYERS CONTROL, you don’t want to spend don't spend b:chuckle at the end of the day pw is enriching the game play experience of a broader audience by making these smexy perks available to more people so the can enjoy the game as much as the next uber grinder/zen charger. b:pleased
    Mascot of Apocalyps b:cute
    Eldergoths FTW Go Mojo Go
  • metorica
    metorica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    That's called jumping to conclusions. Also, if you have no constructive criticism why post?

    Nah, that was a guildie's thought since she went through the same process I did to get the DQ mount. But I already left my opinion a few posts back, so I'm done steaming for now
  • Lolite - Heavens Tear
    Lolite - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Does Silver mane stay permanent in cash shop?
    Moved to WoW b:bye
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    pwi is just farming money before it dies its only a few months before the new games comes out and with this stupid short term management pwi wont last long,