75 Million Gold Contest!



  • Keenan - Dreamweaver
    Keenan - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    aww... well even if this is on HT and not DW, the fanfiction will still be awesome to read. Someone please write a 500 page novel? I need something to last me the rest of the summer b:chuckle

    You're wonderful for doing this Shota b:victory
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    aww... well even if this is on HT and not DW, the fanfiction will still be awesome to read. Someone please write a 500 page novel? I need something to last me the rest of the summer b:chuckle

    You're wonderful for doing this Shota b:victory

    It's my pleasure. I earned every penny the hard way and while I gave some away, the bulk goes to people who also put forth some effort... they deserve it most. I'm not interested in how empty or full the winners' pockets are, just that they gave something of value for something of value :-)
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    August 10th?! But I have a really good plan for this story and I think I'll need more than just 7 days to finish it!! I mean, I have it all planned out......in 10 chapters...

    If I write 10 chapters in 7 days, I better be getting some good prize. Dx

    Or, you know, you could extend the deadline a bit more....this was a bit of a sudden contest thrust upon us...

    EDIT: can it be a half-finished story? Or will there be points deducted for not finishing the story?

    ANOTHER EDIT: Nvm, it's August 12th.......still short, though. >.>
  • Atheeni - Heavens Tear
    Atheeni - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Your intro to this contest was very beautifully written. I might give this a try seeing how writing/coding my thesis is giving me a headache.

    What you wrote in your first post actually kind of inspired me a little, haven't written short stories in ages but this would be fun.
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Your intro to this contest was very beautifully written. I might give this a try seeing how writing/coding my thesis is giving me a headache.

    What you wrote in your first post actually kind of inspired me a little, haven't written short stories in ages but this would be fun.

    Awesome! I love being a muse and look forward to seeing what fruit is born of it!
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    August 10th?! But I have a really good plan for this story and I think I'll need more than just 7 days to finish it!! I mean, I have it all planned out......in 10 chapters...ANOTHER EDIT: Nvm, it's August 12th.......still short, though. >.>

    You weren't the only one with issues as to the due date for submissions, so, since it's my contest and I just posted it, I have extended the deadline a week so that the due date is now Wednesday August 19.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Chabi - Heavens Tear
    Chabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hey Shota!
    Sad to hear you leaving. I have sometimes wondered why you not been seen in my paths anymore. We crossed paths many times back in our early 75-80:s.

    Whenever i wanted to pick a mine and not got my rounds going i figured Shota was in the neigbourhood.

    Anyways hope you having fun with what ever you do now.

    Ps Dont want any of your money. Ds

    Take care
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hey Shota!
    Sad to hear you leaving. I have sometimes wondered why you not been seen in my paths anymore. We crossed paths many times back in our early 75-80:s.

    Whenever i wanted to pick a mine and not got my rounds going i figured Shota was in the neigbourhood.

    Anyways hope you having fun with what ever you do now.

    Ps Dont want any of your money. Ds

    Take care

    Hey you! *hugs* have missed everyone very much, thanks for remembering me! Tell your guild about the contest, I'm sure lots of people want my money!
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The way you worded that makes it sound as if we're all in it for the money ._.

    We could be in it for the goodness of fanfiction too~!!
    ...Although a little bit of money would be very very nice. b:laugh
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The way you worded that makes it sound as if we're all in it for the money ._.

    We could be in it for the goodness of fanfiction too~!!
    ...Although a little bit of money would be very very nice. b:laugh

    I don't see earning money as a bad thing and good fan fiction deserves to be rewarded. I gave a lot of time to helping people in-game when I played as I was here since it launched, this is my last gift so it's ok to want the money... I imagine 75 million goes a long way still :-)
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well...I guess it's time for me to give a crack at it. A bit of brainstorming, a dash of meditation, and an ounce of insanity culminate into this short story:

    Konari Raiden no Shi Souwa! (Roughly: "Four Episodes of Konari Raiden!")

    Souwa Ichi: Konari Raiden no Gesen! (Episode One: Humble Birth of Konari Raiden!)
    Not since the time of Pan Gu's Great Cleansing had there existed a being of true enlightenment, of true knowledge and understanding of the world. Of pure kindness and devotion, chivalry and honor, dedicated to spreading their learnings to any and all willing to listen to them. Not since the Age of Spirits has there been one that could truly be called...pure.

    In the small village of Sanctuary, however...another was to come.

    A small crowd was gathering around the humble home of Tenshi Raiden, a young woman of twenty-two, pregnant with her first child. Normally, a childbirth in Sanctuary was a cause for celebration...but this was much different. The Elder of Sanctuary, Yuan, foresaw that the child that Tenshi would bear would be one capable of achieving true enlightenment. Not just a Master of the Void or Myriad, no...he would be able to comprehend both...a feat not heard of outside of Duke Blacke's tales of the Legends of the Age of Spirits. A quiet murmur slowly waved through the gathering of villagers, each trying to get a peek at the child's first moments of life. The pangs of Tenshi's childbirth grew stronger and stronger with each passing minute, and as the pain mounted higher and higher, nature appeared to do the same, clouds gathering and growing darker and darker over the peaceful village of Sanctuary. Finally, as Tenshi pushed her last push, a peal of thunder raged overhead, and a single lightning bolt struck the canal of the village with such beautiful yet powerful vigor, it was as if the child was to be born out of Nature herself.

    The skies then grew clear with an almost unnatural speed, and the evening moon reappeared, glowing a pure white...some say that the moon could not have been brighter than on that night, and never will be again.

    The villagers gasped in awe as the newborn emerged into their world and took its first breaths of the fresh Sanctuary air. The were completely stunned by the infant's appearance.

    "Look at his hair!" remarked one villager. "It looks so soft and black, like the evening sky!"

    "Look at his eyes!" exclaimed another. "They're such a dark and mature shade of brown, like the fertile earth that surrounds our town!"

    "Look at his skin!" yet another townsmen commented. "It's such a pure and light hue, it's as if he was crafted out of the essence of the moon itself!"

    "So, what's his name, Tenshi?"

    "Yeah, Tenshi! What are you gonna name him?"

    Tenshi looked deep into her child's innocent eyes for a few moments, though it seemed like eternities for her. Finally, she opened her mouth and spoke seven simple words.

    "...I shall name this boy...Konari Raiden."

    Souwa Ni: Konari Raiden no Younen! (Episode Two: Childhood of Konari Raiden!)
    Five years had passed since Konari's birth, and the town had decided to send him across the world to learn its various aspects and cultures. He was to spend his childhood in the human town of Etherblade; more exactly, in the nearby Inn of the Eagle. And so it was there that he grew into adolesence, each day learning something new about the society around him, for better or for worse.

    "Look alive, kid!" shouted a middle-aged man to a younger, dark-haired child. "These Packs aren't gonna trade themselves!"

    The child nodded in response to the man. "Yes, sir, Uncle Jones!" The two of them were surrounded by a crowd of people who were frantically waving around what looked like portable cherubim. It was that time of the year again; Jolly Jones' Spring Pack Giveaway, where he would trade one of his famous Small Packs of Spring for either a Guardian Angel, a precious, protective item in the world, or for 100,000 coins. Of course, as the Angels were much cheaper to obtain, everyone took the former route. Every day, hordes of Angels would be bought from everywhere imaginable, and traded to Jones by the hundreds, even thousands at times.

    Jones and his little helper were happy to oblige to their "customers" demands, and constantly handed out Pack after Pack for Angel after Angel. At the end of the day, they were always cleaned out of Packs, and spent most of the night making more for tomorrow's inevitable rush. It was then that Jones and the young boy had most of their conversations.

    "...Uncle Jones?" the child inquired to his guardian.

    "Yeah, kid?" Jones responded.

    "Why does everyone love your Spring Packs so much?"

    Jones drew a deep breath and slowly sighed. "...because they're greedy, kid. Because they're greedy."


    "You see, kid...'greedy' is a word to describe people who constantly want more and more, even if they have what seems like enough."

    "Like, how I am with picking flowers? I pick just two every day, one for you and one for me!"

    The boy's childish comparison gave Jones a chuckle. "Hehe...yeah, kid...kinda like that. But you see, they want more than just one flower. They want all the flowers in the world. And they want them all to themselves."

    The child gasped in horror. "B...but if that's true, then there wouldn't be any flowers left for anyone else!"

    "Exactly. But they don't care. Look around you every day. I trade these packs for Guardian Angels. A precious treasure that is supposed to protect you from the horrors and pains of death, and restore your life without penalty. They are the essence of life...and yet every day, countless people just throw them away for the money...the power...and the easy skill experience that my packs can give. Do you hear what I'm sayin', kid...? They're throwing their LIVES away...for material things."

    Surprisingly, the young boy nodded in complete understanding. "I understand...and...it's all their fault in the end, right? When they die and have to suffer those pains and penalties...they'll have nobody to blame but themselves...right?"

    Jones flashed the kid a smile and gave a hearty laugh. "That's right, kid! That's right...nobody but themselves." He patted the young one on the head and continued to craft more Spring Packs.

    A few moments later, the child piped up with another questions. "Hey, Uncle Jones?"

    "Yeah, kid?"

    "...why do you always call me 'kid'? Is that my name?"

    Jones shook his head. "Nah. You have a very special name. And I didn't want to wear it out with repeated use."

    The boy tilted his head with curiosity. "...well...what is it?"

    Jones set down the last Spring Pack of the night's work and picked up the boy, setting him upon his lap and looking into his innocent brown eyes. He then gave the child a warm smile, slowly opened his mouth, and spoke six simple words.

    "Your mother named you...Konari Raiden."

    And that's enough for one post! Expect Episodes Three and Four, right after this!

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Okie-doke! Here I am again! Now...where exactly were we...?

    Souwa San: Konari Raiden no Seijukuki! (Episode Three: Adolescence of Konari Raiden!)
    After spending nine years around the city of Etherblade, he was sent to the main hub for those who called themselves the "Untamed", the City of the Lost. There he resided with the city's leader, who was simply called "The Elder". It was there that he learned the ways of the Untamed and their harmony with nature, and how they weren't afraid to live off the land and resort to their natural primal instincts when confronted with danger. It was in the City of the Lost that he achieved his greatest amount of inner peace...but it was also where he found one of the darkest sins.

    It was an average afternoon in the City of the Lost. Merchants were peddling their goods, and adventurers were telling tales of their most recent exploits. Around the center of the city, looking upon his city's denizens, was The Elder of Lost City, accompanied by a young man of pubescent age. His hair was spiked behind him, and his skin was a beautiful golden-tan hue, from spending so much time outside. It reminded the Elder of a meal he always loved to reminisce about...Hsiako's Fried Mantou.

    All of a sudden, there was a commotion to the south. The adolescent and the Elder looked to their right to see two beasts, one of Panda descent, the other of Tiger descent, hacking away at each other with a barbaric ferocity. Surrounding the two warriors was a crowd of spectators, who, instead of trying to break up the fight, were actually cheering it on, egging on whoever they wanted to win.

    The young teen gasped and spoke to the Elder. "Elder! Those two Untamed are trying to kill each other! We've gotta he--"

    But the boy's words were silenced by a single hand gesture from the Elder. "...just watch, Young One," he said in an aging, yet authoritative voice.

    The teen swallowed his urge to aid the warriors and just stood there, watching. Eventually, the Panda had gotten the upper hand on the Tiger, slashing away at his abdomen and leaving his body in a crumbled heap of bloodstained fur. The Panda simply sheathed his weapons and walked away, as the crowd of onlookers closed in on the Tiger and began to kick and prod his lifeless body without remorse.

    "...do you see what they do, Young One...?" asked the Elder to the boy. "The Panda and the Tiger...two sworn enemy species of the Untamed society...drawn into battle simply by their looks, and their heritage. They hold on too tightly to the past, and refuse to see the unity in the future."

    The young teen nodded. "I see, Elder. They believe that by killing one another, their ancestors will be proud of them, and that they will gain more honor and glory with the Heavens...is that right?"

    The Elder responded with a firm nod. "Yes. But it is not true. The Heavens judge us all equally, regardless of our heritage, race, or our class. The Heavens will judge you, a Human, just the same as they'd judge one of us. It is your deeds done that matter...and not the false 'honor' that blinds these poor, violent souls. We shall pray for them at tonight's meditation, Young One."

    Again, the boy gave an agreeing nod. "Very well, Elder. But may I ask one thing?"

    "You may, Young One."

    "Why do you insist on calling me Young One? I do have a name, you know."

    "I do know...but that name is too sacred and precious to be used in such a common, everyday language. But...if it pleases you, I shall call you by it this one time."

    The adolescent bowed thankfully to the Elder. "I humbly ask that you do."

    The Elder smiled at the boy and placed his hand-like paws on the boys shoulders, looked into his innocent brown eyes, and gave him a smile. He then slowly opened his mouth, and spoke five simple words.

    "Your name is...Konari Raiden."

    Souwa Shi: Konari Raiden no Jiritsu! (Episode Four: Independence of Konari Raiden!)
    Five more years after the incident at Lost City, Konari was sent off to live with the Winged Elves in the City of the Plume. There he was watched over by the Taoist, Mangmang. Every morning Konari and Mangmang engaged in ritualistic meditation, and every evening they would converse on what they had perceived during their meditation.

    "So, my pupil...what have you learned in your meditation today?"

    "Well, Master Mangmang, I believe that I perceived a--" Konari's words were cut short by a young girl's crying, coming from behind him. "...excuse me one moment." Konari whirled around and headed toward the source of the crying, a very young Winged Elf girl who had lost her mother in the main marketplace of the city.

    Konari gently took the girl's hand and smiled down at her, which seemed to instantly calm her down. He took his other hand and placed it upon the girl's forehead. "Be calm, my child. Mourning and crying should only be done at a loved one's passing...the rest of the world's problems are unworthy of such pure tears of sadness."

    The child just blinked and looked up at Konari. "...I don't... *sniffle* ...know what you just said."

    Konari just smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing. Nothing. What is your name, child...?"

    The girl wiped away the remaining tears from her eyes and gently bowed to Konari. "I'm Sayo."

    "Well, a pleasure to meet you, Sayo." He gently took Sayo's hand in his and shook it as a gesture of good faith. "Now, what seems to be the problem, young one?"

    She looked up at Konari and began to explain her story. "Well, my mother and I were shopping for groceries today, and she said that, since I was extra-special-good this week and helped out around the house a lot, I could go and get some sweet bread to eat after supper! So, she gave me the money and I ran over to the sweet bread seller and order two pieces of sweet bread, one for me and the other for my mother. But when I began to head back to where I thought my mother was, she wasn't there anymore...I..." She began to sniffle and cry again, but she remembered Konari's words and regained her composure. "...I just want to see my mother again."

    Konari smiled brightly and picked up the girl, setting her on his shoulders. "Well, no worries, Sayo! I shall find your mother for you, no matter how long it takes!"

    "Yay!" Sayo cheered. "You are a very kind man, mister!"

    Konari chuckled modestly. "It's just how I was raised...and what I learned throughout my life." He then set off around the City of the Plume in search for Sayo's mother.

    A few hours later, there was still no sign of the young Elf's mother, and they were almost out of places to look. "Hm...you know what, Sayo? I know a man who knows almost EVERYTHING!"

    Sayo's eyes opened wide in astonishment. "Really? Everything?"

    He nodded and smiled confidently at the girl. "Really! He's a very wise man, and he's actually my teacher! Come on!" Still carrying Sayo on his shoulders, he jogged off towards his mentor, Mangmang, to ask where he should look next.

    But to Konari's surprise, waiting right beside Mangmang was a young woman, crying and sobbing with guilt and sorrow. She looked up for just a moment to wipe her tears, when she saw the unmistakable image of her daughter being carried towards her. "SAYO!" she cried out. "Oh, Sayo!" The woman ran over to Konari, who happily handed Sayo over to her mother, who in turn held Sayo as close to her body as possible. "Oh, Sayo, I was so worried...! I thought that you had been lost forever...!"

    Sayo hugged her mother just as tightly. "And I thought that YOU had been lost forever...!"

    The reunion brought a pleased smile to both Konari's face and Mangmang's, who also gave his pupil a hand gesture of appreciation.

    The young woman stood in front of Konari and bowed profusely. "Thank you! Thank you, young man, for bringing my daughter back to me! I thank you with my life!"

    Konari just blushed and shook his head sheepishly. He was not used to receiving this sort of praise. "N..Now, now...it's nothing, really...it's just how I was raised to act..."

    The woman smiled happily. "Well, whoever raised you sure did an amazing job. Young man...what is your name...?"

    It was then that Konari realized something. In his nineteen years of life, not ONCE had he spoken his own name...he was always called by some nickname or another. A broad smile came across his lips as he bowed to the woman, looked into her innocent brown eyes, slowly opened his mouth, and spoke four simple words.

    "I am...Konari Raiden."

    Whew...! What a tale, eh, folks? Would you believe that it took me only about 20 minutes to brainstorm it, and about two hours to write it? I hope you liked it as much as I did...!

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am impressed that you made such long posts without incorporating your awesome sauce face (or some derivative of it)
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, entries already! My contest has 3 purposes...

    1) giveaway 75 million gold
    2) stimulate some fan fiction
    3) to amuse me as PWI always has

    I am a very happy camper... I hope this is the tip of a very large iceberg with lots of talent and entries to follow!

    I love you PWI, you will all be missed!
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am impressed that you made such long posts without incorporating your awesome sauce face (or some derivative of it)

    When I get in a creative mood, everything else is blocked out. Even Awesome-Sauce-Face.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    (Old man voice) "Long ago the Perfect World was swarming with wraiths. They consumed everything in their path. Many warriors banned together to fight these beasts but to no avail. The wraiths kept coming and-"

    "Come on, Old man! You gathered us here to say that? This story sucks." a young tiger barbarian stated with his hands folded.

    "If you'd be listening, you would sit your furry butt down and Shu'd up!" the man with the long white beard and hair replied.

    The barbarian growled then sat down between a wizard girl with long aqua blue hair and a male blademaster with short brown hair to his right and a fox venomancer with long medium reddish-brown hair to his left.

    "As I was saying..." the old man started again.

    "We just wanted to know who to give this Nameless Hero's letter to." the barbarian whispered to the others.

    "Quiet!" the old man shouted and hit the barbarian with his cane (Starter Stick/Wand).

    "Ow." the barbarian said with a wince.

    "Whoa, that hurt you?" the blademaster chuckled along with the girls starting to giggle. "That should be illegal." The blademaster saw that the barbarian was glaring at him. "Uh. Oh."

    A moment later, the barbarian (Now in tiger form) was chasing the blademaster back and forth through Etherblade behind the two girls and the old man.

    The old man sighed and shook his head. "I guess I will tell you ladies then."

    The two girls smiled.

    "Foxy, help!" the blademaster yelped as the barbarian kept chasing him.

    The fox venomancer, known as Foxy, sighed. "Down, boy." And in an instant, there was a big thud where the barbarian landed on the ground completely immoblized.

    "Nice. Thanks, Foxy." the blademaster smiled and sat back down.

    "Traitor." the barbarian growled. "How does she have this power over me anyway?" he whimpered.

    "Now as you all know, your ancestors fought a great battle. But there was no greater a warrior than the Nameless Hero. This hero was a great warrior. He was a legend. Some would call him even a super hero. He defeated most of the world's toughest bosses that you do not know to this very day. However his greastest wraith enemy of all was Harpy Wraith." The Old man finished, looking away to the side after his last sentence.

    "So who wants this letter from him?" the barbarian asked as he walked towards the group.

    "Wait, if all those years passed then..." the wizard paused. "Wouldn't that person be.. dead?"

    The old man nodded slowly. "Go to the Messenger of Time. He will take you back in time to that place if you are destined to be there."

    Note: I'm going to make this a video eventually.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 2: Back In Time

    "We what?" the barbarian growled at the Messenger of Time.

    "You need to get the Chrono Key to pass." the Messenger of Time replied.

    "There must be some other way to get through." the wizard said softly.

    "Watch and learn, Aqua." Foxy replied to the wizard with a wink. "Please, Messenger. We just want to visit the Nameless Hero. Couldn't you do us a small little favor?" she said in a cutesy voice.

    "Hey, no flirting with-" the barbarian started.

    "Wait, Fang. She's getting somewhere." the blademaster butted in.

    "Well, ok. But you need to get me some things so the portal will work." the Messenger of Time said with a grin.

    Several Hours Later

    "Something tells me, we've been had." Fang, the barbarian, said.

    "Oh quit it, at least he let us go." Aqua, the wizard, replied.

    "I still wonder why he needed those monsters. It took us a long time to capture them." the blademaster said as he thought.

    "Ya, I didn't know you need so many monsters for one portal back in time." Foxy added.


    The Messenger of Time grinned with delight. "Ahh... this is great. I haven't eaten good food in a while." He chuckled. "They did me a great favor. Bacon from the Windwaking Piggy; crab meat from the Overclocked Mechrab; antelope meat; turtle and rabbit stew; and eggs from 12 Elysium fowls and 6 firebath phoenixes for spice."

    Back to the Adventurers

    "Lets just not go into it." Aqua said as she walked and started to look around on the Heaven's Tear platform. "Come on, Foxy and Hojo."

    Foxy and Hojo, the blademaster, walked over to where Aqua and Fang were standing.

    Fang looked around. "This place doesn't seem so different."

    "Except plenty more monsters." Aqua responded.

    Something caught Foxy's eye. "Hey, what's that?" She asked, pointing to an archer that was destroying every monster in his path.

    "Eh, it's just an archer." Fang said as he glanced over. "We'll never find the Nameless Hero standing here. Lets go."

    Once the group left, a cleric flew over to the archer. "Sir, we have a wraith general (World Boss) terrorizing the city of Plume."

    "I'm on my way." the young archer replied and followed the cleric.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Keenan - Dreamweaver
    Keenan - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Very elegant writing Konari, g'luck to you! That was definitely an interesting read. I wouldn't mind if you kept on going; I feel like there's so much more story to tell!

    Nice start joker, looking forward to seeing more!

    I love that they're rolling in already! b:pleased
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I love it too. To be fair I won't comment other than to say thank you for sharing and participating :-)
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 3: He's the Nameless Hero?

    "We've been basically all around the world and still no sign of him." Hojo stated as he walked in the grass. "Too bad Fang isn't a wolf barbarian else he could sniff him out."

    "What?!" Fang growled. He sighed when the two girls giggled. Sadly, it was true that he was not a good tracker like the wolf barbarians were. "We're close to Archosaur. We might find him there."

    In the Middle of Archosaur

    "Why hello, ladies." a calm cool voice of a male flowed through the air.

    The group walked along the bridge then stopped to see the same archer from before in the middle of a group of women. His hair was long pure red; his eyes were the color of fresh blood; and his skin was unordinary; the color of the night sky. Red tattoos outlined his eyes. He was very young and with all the commotion from the girls; very handsome. He gave a smile that shined like a lunar moon.

    "Talk about a flirt." Fang stated. "Might as well ask him if he knows the guy. He looks popular enough. Though he doesn't look so great. Tell 'em, Foxy." He glanced over to an empty space. "Ugh." His eyes looked back over to see the venomancer join the group around the archer. "Foxy, how could you?"

    "Heh, looks like you've just been replaced. I know Aqua doesn't go for guys like that. Right, Aqua?" Hojo smiled, but then shifted his eyes behind him to see that Aqua is gone. The blademaster turned his attention back to the group of girls. Aqua was definitely one of them.

    "Am I pretty?" Aqua asked the archer.

    "You all are lovely." the archer replied with a warm smile. "A venomancer has great beauty like the blossom trees in Sanctuary that make a man do her bidding like her tamed beasts. And a wizard has mysterious powers as does her beauty which can make any man fall to their knees."

    "No, Aqua. Why have you forsaken me?" Hojo whimpered.

    Foxy looked back at Fang and Hojo. "We just like guys who make us blush and tell it how it is."

    "Alright, enough of this." Fang growled and walked over to the archer. "Where is the Nameless Hero?"

    The archer blinked. "Hmm... The Nameless Hero, eh?" He pondered for a moment. "That's a new name."

    "This is the past so the hero might have an actual name, Fang." Hojo said to Fang.

    "Past?" the archer repeated with an eyebrow raised in inquiry. "Why do they look oddly familiar?" he thought to himself.

    "Nothing." Hojo and Fang replied in unison.

    "We are looking for a guy that wrote this letter." Foxy said as she took out the Nameless Hero's letter and gave it to him. "It was some sort of love letter."

    The archer studied the letter's writing as he read it. His eyes widened and on his face, his smile faded. "Where did you get this?"

    "We found it from a corp-" Foxy was cut off from Aqua.

    "It was near Heaven's Tear. Do you know who wrote it?" Aqua asked.

    "Yes..." the archer replied slowly. "It is I."
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Very elegant writing Konari, g'luck to you! That was definitely an interesting read. I wouldn't mind if you kept on going; I feel like there's so much more story to tell!

    Nice start joker, looking forward to seeing more!

    I love that they're rolling in already! b:pleased

    =D I'll be sure to finish it.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    uh, strange contest... gl to every1 who is trying to claim that prize
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 4: Meeting Her

    "So you are the Nameless Hero?" Hojo asked as he walked towards the archer who was sitting down in the grass and staring up at the sunset.

    "Yes." he replied. "Though I go by many different names. The most common name now given to me is the Red Reaper."

    "Oh.." Aqua sat down next to the Red Reaper. "So what is your real name?"

    "That, dear lady, is of unimportance." the Red Reaper replied. His words were distant like from the world to the moon. "Everything is of the past..."

    "Ok, Red Reaper. We came here only to get our quest done. That is to deliver this letter to whoever you wanted it go to." Fang stated a bit agitated. "So what is the name of the girl you were flirting with so we can give the letter to her and be on our way?"

    "She is now deceased..." Red Reaper responded as his eyes wondered to the ground. "She meant more to me than anything. No girl would ever take my heart like she has..."

    Fang shrugged. "Guess we can trash the quest then. Come on you guys." he said, walking away.

    "Fang, you're so rude." Foxy gave the barbarian a sharp glare, then sat down next to Red Reaper.

    "What did I do?' Fang asked.

    "He does seem really down. You're so inconsiderate." Hojo added and sat down with the group.

    "Can we ask you what happened?" Aqua asked.

    "Like what she was like?" Foxy asked along with Aqua.

    Red Reaper smiled. "She was the greatest woman of all. She believed in me like no one else had. She was kind, sweet, and very beautiful. She made me what I am today."

    "A womanizer?" Fang stated.

    The three (Hojo, Foxy, and Aqua) turned around and said, "Shhhh..."

    Red Reaper continued on, ignoring Fang. "I was not always like this..."

    Red Reaper's Past

    "Ha! You're such a fail archer." a male archer laughed along with other archers. "You can't even hold your bow right. Let alone shoot."

    A boy was laying on the ground, beat up, in front of them. He had red hair and regular peach skin.

    The boy stepped on a bow and it broke. "Opps. I accidentally mistakened your level one bow for a stick." he laughed with the others. "Oh well, you're a loser anyway. You can always find a bow like that around. It's not like you're going to become any good in the army." He turned around and started walking away with the others following. "Do everyone a favor and just die."

    "I should have died actually. Right then and there, but I didn't." Red Reaper's words pierced through the air.

    The young archer started to stir in his sleep.

    "Hey, don't move so much. You're still badly injured." a girl's voice cut through the darkness. Her voice was sweet as honey and was as soft as a cloud with the beauty of an angel's harp.

    Slowly the boy opened his green eyes to look upon the owner of that heavenly voice. "Am I dead?" he thought to himself once he saw her. She was breathtaking. Her eyes were a soft blue and her hair was golden like the sun on a sunset. A gentle peach tone touched her skin to make it shimmer like gold.

    "Is something wrong?" she asked, seeing that he was staring at her for awfully a long time.

    "Guess not." He shook his head. "No. Nothing, just..."


    "Why did you save me?" he asked. "You shouldn't waste your powers on me."

    "Silly archer boy, I couldn't just leave you in the snow to freeze to death. That wouldn't be right at all." She smiled. "Besides I can't help myself when someone is in need of help."

    "Oh.." he grimaced as he sat up.

    "Hey, don't sit now. Your wounds haven't healed yet."

    "Thank you. What is your name...?" He smiled back to her.

    "Serenity." the young cleric replied. "Your's?"

    "Serenity" he echoed in his mind. "Xaldain." he replied to her.

    "Wow, that's a cool name you have.... well, had before Red Reaper." Foxy stated.

    "Hey, I thought my name was cool." Hojo whimpered.

    "It is, just that his is more unique and all." Aqua said to Hojo.

    "Shhh... This is story time." Fang said. He was now interested.

    "You have a nice name." Xaldain said after a while.

    "You too..." Serenity replied.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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  • Axe - Heavens Tear
    Axe - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    A Perfect World
    - Love Poem

    A Perfect World for you and me,
    A Special bond one cannot see.
    Im am here from heaven and above,
    Because of you, the guardian angel whom i love.

    I love the way you look at me,
    I love the way you make me happy.
    And the ways that you show you care,
    And the way you are always there.

    I thought love was just a trick of the mind,
    it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find.
    But the day I met you, I began to see,
    that love is real, and exists in me.

    In a Perfect world where love is a river,
    But a river that goes on forever.
    Our love will bind us and keep us strong,
    In a Perfect world, where we belong.
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    A Perfect World
    - Love Poem

    A Perfect World for you and me
    A Special bond one cannot see
    Although our Love is strong
    But it might soon be gone

    I love the way you look at me
    I love the way you make me happy
    And the ways that you show you care
    And the way you are always there

    I thought love was just a trick of the mind
    it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find
    But the day I met you, I began to see
    that love is real, and exists in me

    In a Perfect world where love is a river
    But a river that goes on and on forever
    Our love will bind us and keep us strong
    In a Perfect world, where we belong

    Nice poem, Axe =D
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Axe - Heavens Tear
    Axe - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Btw, how are you gonna give use the money? By mailbox?... Hope i win, GL TO ALL CONTESTANTS!
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    uh, strange contest... gl to every1 who is trying to claim that prize

    The originator of the contest is strange... oh wait, that's me!
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Btw, how are you gonna give use the money? By mailbox?... Hope i win, GL TO ALL CONTESTANTS!

    I'll meet all winners in game to give out the prizes.. might even have some kind of group gathering. Anyone unavailabe to recieve their prize can have it mailed to them.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Axe - Heavens Tear
    Axe - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hey like my peom? lol
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hey like my peom? lol

    Since i'm the only judge for the contest, I won't be specifically critiquing anything til the end, but I enjoy all entries :-)
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]