75 Million Gold Contest!



  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    A young pregnant Cleric was spying on the Wraiths near Turkstown with her husband. It wasn't usual for an pregnant elf to go somewhere. But all the warriors were sent away on different quests assigned by the Elder of Plume City.

    Her husband, an Archer, was sent to Tusktown to spy on the Wraiths who amassed in front of Tusktown, according to the local elves. They were supposed to gather armies of Wraiths to overthrow the current leadership over the Perfect World. And by doing that messing up the whole balance between Good and Evil. The young Cleric was just protecting her husband against the very strong Wraiths, in case he needed it.

    Somehow the information given by the local was incorrect, there was no Army of Wraiths near Tusktown. But before the young female knew her husband was attacked by an Supreme Foxwing, she tried to spamheal him, but it didn't work. Her husband died. She began to weep. 'Oh... WAIT... The Foxwing is coming to me! Fly, quickly!!' As she thought she flew as fast as possible back to Elf territory. Over Bamboo Village, back to City of the Plume.

    Even if female Clerics are pregnant, they are to stubborn to sit down and do nothing at all. But she was already far into pregnancy; anytime that day the baby could be born. She was rather curious what it would be, a boy or a girl. And what the baby wanted to be, a Cleric or an Archer. Of course that would take time as the baby needs to be raised first. Raised only by her, as their father died on the battlefield. It was like that for ages.

    Flying over the level 8 monsters around Bamboo Village, she was attacked. She hadn't noticed the Evolved Vipions and realized she couldn't make her Plumeshot in time as she got into labour by shock. She flew as fast as she could in the direction of Plume City. Soon she would be there but the Evolved Vipions were still after her. She needed to go faster as the Evolved Vipions got closer and closer. One had a powerful weapon on the back and shot at her. She evaded the beam, but she became weak as the baby wanted to come out.

    She couldn't get to Plume City in time, she had trouble avoiding the broad beams of the Evolved Vipion. The other Vipions went back. But the one with the beam still tried to hit her. And it did! The female could still fly, but she didn't knew how much longer she could. Another beam struck her and torn her clothes apart. With ripped clothes she fell to weak to be able to fly anymore. The baby slipped out of her, because she was to weak to hold her muscles together and the clothes were ripped.

    “NOOOOO!!!” she cried, “My Baby! Please, not my baby.” Then she was vaporized by another beam who'd struck her. The baby fell down, above the Lake of the Plume. Just before the baby would hit the waters, it got an strange blue glow around it; and disappeared into thin air.

    The same moment a baby appeared between the slippery fish in the basket of the Shipyard Owner at the Lake of the Plume. "Huh, that's no fish..."
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I tried to make something out of it. It might just be an prologue, not that really well written. I'm a bit out of it, at the moment. But it might be getting better. Of course, I want to know how well it's been written. And no, I won't ask you Shota. As I well know you don't have opinions about the written art, because you are the judge. But anyone else wants to say it's well written? Always welcome, of course. If you have suggestions about any grammar mistakes, don't reply in this topic, please PM me, then.

    But it has been about one year ago, since I wrote my last story. Although three chapters... All in Dutch, never really tried it in English.

    There might be more coming. But I'm not sure if it will finish, of course trying is the best way to do things.

    Is it allowed for the story to be edited for grammar mistakes, or even additions to the current storyline?

    ~The Ren
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I like the prologue so far, but just some things I'd like to say...Can't really call it a critique if you wanted it to be that way, so I'm just pointing it out there.

    Using words like 'spamheal' and 'level 8' kinda took away the magic of the story for me. The story felt almost real (I don't know if this makes any sense...I'm trying as best as I can lol), but when you used such words, it feels like you're still in the game and not a separate world where there's a 'real' pregnant cleric (I say 'real' because obviously she's not) and 'real' monsters roam around killing things.

    Aside from that, it's a good story. Just my two cents, and good luck in the contest. ^^
  • Joshinator - Heavens Tear
    Joshinator - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, that's insane. A story so long O.O. That makes my story look like a little baby b:sad
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, that's insane. A story so long O.O. That makes my story look like a little baby b:sad

    Quality > Quantity, but both doesn't hurt :-)

    PS that was not a judgement of either entry, just a general comment
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I like the prologue so far, but just some things I'd like to say...Can't really call it a critique if you wanted it to be that way, so I'm just pointing it out there.

    Using words like 'spamheal' and 'level 8' kinda took away the magic of the story for me. The story felt almost real (I don't know if this makes any sense...I'm trying as best as I can lol), but when you used such words, it feels like you're still in the game and not a separate world where there's a 'real' pregnant cleric (I say 'real' because obviously she's not) and 'real' monsters roam around killing things.

    Aside from that, it's a good story. Just my two cents, and good luck in the contest. ^^

    Thanks, I appreciate your comment. As I sometimes, well, take over words. Especially in-game words, but you are right. The words 'spamheal' and 'level 8' doesn't really fit.

    I'm just 18 years and Dutch, I've learned my whole English vocabulary by just mimicking words, repeat it and eventually learned how to write the words I've heard. Ten years ago English became one of my favorite things, though back then just being 8 I couldn't speak nor understand a word.

    But I will take the advice in consideration for further parts.

    Also; I've never written any fan fiction before. I suppose mostly based upon, but apparently also as real as possible and no words that could take away the 'real' part.

    ~The Ren
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter I: The Guard and the Tree

    Late at the High Moon, a boy sneaked out the house of his Elferic Parent; an old man who owned a shipyard at the Lake of the Plume. The boy could be very swift in his sneaking.

    Eventually he stopped at a dead tree with strings attached to it. *Knock...Knock...* He did tap on the wood. From the inside the wood flung away, the boy climbed down a wooden ladder in to the depth of the tree.

    “Hi, Ren. How are you?” A voice of a girl asked.

    “I'm fine, thank you. How are you?” Ren replied.

    “Now with High Moon it couldn't be even better. Could it?”

    “I dunno. Why do you ask?” Ren asked the girl in curiosity.

    “Well, the Elder is talking a lot, you see. Not just with anybody, but with the Celestial Ones from Heavens Tear.” She added spotting: "He never does that."

    “Something is going on, I suppose.” Ren suggested.

    “By the way Ren, have you heard the news from Etherblade?” The girl asked.
    Ren looked at the girl, “What news. Is it a new plague? Or on attack of the Wraiths? Or both? A plague of Wraiths.” He almost saw it in front of him. Small tiny Wraiths overthrowing the stinky Guard Rain. He grinned.

    “No, don't be that stupid. No, a Master of the Blades was sent into battle, a fierce battle near the Ancient Peak. The monsters were in big masses, and he was on his own. He fought the Wraiths and their Servants. He managed to kill a few of both. Next thing he knows is standing in the Walled Stronghold.”

    “Wow...” said Ren speechless, “how... is that possible? The Oldest of Generations have stories about their Ancestors who had immense powers, but...”

    “Yes, I know.” The girl said, “They have long been gone. Disappeared from the face of dusts and waters. But... What if there is one left? The only ones who might get to an conclusion, are the Celestial Ones.”

    “So...” Ren began, “you think the Elder is planning something with the Celestial Ones?”

    “No, not planning. More like discussing matters. I think I've heard a legend once.” The girl tried to remember it, but it wouldn't come to mind.

    “A legend? Whahaha, please you don't believe that **** do you?” Ren tried to keep it as quiet as he could. But he woke an guard, which on his turn tried to find the source of the noise. He wouldn't find them here, nobody but the kids knew of this place. After the girl shot an green Scarab through a hole in the tree, the guard followed that noise instead.

    “But you don't believe legends, Ren?” The girl asked.

    “No, certainly not. Not after it's proven to be right.” Ren answered stubborn.

    “Let me tell the legend anyways?” The girl said.

    *SQUEEEEK SHHHHHH* “Ah, it was you who woke me. Little brats. The Kittens of the future. I don't like them. But the old ladies wants to have them on their sheets, for fun... Can you believe that? Well, let's go to sleep then, already.”

    Ren was immediately focused. But when he noticed the guard talked about all the cats walking around, he relaxed.

    The girl began: “As you know the Ancestors of the Oldest Generations in their stories. They told this story, too. Although, it's not as popular as the one with Ancestor Rwentie. This one was a story about the future. A future for the Perfect World. The Legend of the Perfect World...”
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I hope you'll enjoy and like it. Just fresh from my keyboard, into a 'real' story. No references to any gaming related terms/words. But still based upon PWI.

    When I wrote the Prologue, I was actually already very tired. As it was 5 in the morning in the Netherlands. So I might have had trouble concentrating. I know, pretty dumb to do it, but hey, there was an prologue. Not everywhere is an prologue.

    Enjoy another bit of PWI outside the narrow boundaries of games.

    ~The Ren
  • heavenlycleric
    heavenlycleric Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    im going to write a poem... (perfect world is a sacred place that everyone should know,the monsters are most deadly and severe,but to have fun is oh so sincere,to experiment with all characters is like different personalities,so try all of them you should,to find which one you like the most and and fits your personality,i wrote this poam to thee becuase perfect world is my home away from home,even if i dont win i had fun writing this and expressing my feelings to perfect worl) to all fellow PWI players enjoy the game and good luck!!! b:bye
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter II: The Legend of the Perfect World

    “This one was a story about the future. A future for the Perfect World. The Legend of the Perfect World.”

    'Woow... That almost sounded mysterious.' Ren thought

    It is said the Ancestors of the Oldest Generations had a mysterious book. A book so wonderful, but also too horrifying to look in. The Ancestors didn't make the book, it was even before their time. The Time of Great Mysteries, everything of that time was lost except that book. Which, is said, floated in the hands of the Worthy. Only the Worthy was able to read to book. He had the book but never opened it, because the Worthy knew the consequences.

    The Time of Dread, as it is said, although, nobody knows for real. The Time of Dread, was the time the Ancestors were in fear of great danger. The Worthy then chose all by himself to open the book, no matter what consequence. He saw a glimpse of the future, but immediately he was thrown backwards by the book. And was in a coma for 32 cycles of the moon. Then he rose again, crying: “It's the boy, the Elferic boy, slippery Elferic boy, save the world, save us! Save all of us! We will be saved!”

    “Well, what did he say after?” Ren was getting curious. He was after all an Elferic boy, but slippery, that certainly not. But the story had his attention. “Well, what did he say after that?” He asked.

    “Nothing.” The girl said.

    “Nothing?” Ren asked, “Nothing at all? No hint, no direction, no secret? Nothing?” Ren was stunned by confusion.

    “Well, now you mention it. There is one thing that has been left out for many times. '32'.” The girl said.

    “It has always been left outside the story, because nobody knows what it means.”

    “32? That's an number, so obvious. You said an coma for 32 cycles of the moon, right?” Ren asked to be sure.

    “Uh, yes? Why?” The girl frowned her eyebrows while she asked. She didn't seem to realize where Ren went with the story.

    “In a coma for 32 cycles of the moon. That's the period between High Moon and the next High Moon.” Ren explained to the confused girl.

    “Yes...?” The girl replied, still not getting the point.

    “The 32 cycles of the moon is as what we call now High Moon. According to the story the Worthy rose at High Moon. Maybe the Worthy is rising again, to help us destroy the Wraith armies. Maybe that's why that Master of the Blade rose from the dead too. Somehow the Worthy might be blocking the way to death for us, the original citizens of the Perfect World. The Wraiths came here to destroy and conquer. The Worthy might not want it to happen.”

    “Wha... what are you babbling about.” The girl looked at Ren in astonishment. “How do you make that up? It's just an legend. I thought you didn't believe in legends.”

    “Well, this might actually be something.” Ren said. “Of all the nonsense, this might be what's happening now.”

    “You don't say...?” the girl began, “The Legend is Now?”
  • Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear
    Renegade_Elf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Lol, made two chapters on the same evening. I even like to write. Although it is based upon PWI, I make up a lot of things too. Is that allowed? As I'm not really such a geek on Perfect World Internationalogy. I know there are many stories in PWI itself, but I don't know them at all. So I'm improvising with my own imagination. I don't know if that is allowed?

    ~The Ren
  • Purgatori - Heavens Tear
    Purgatori - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I love being a veno, always cute and full of life.
    With my foxy ears and tail, I'd make a cutesy little wife.

    I have a wardrobe full of clothes, everything I need to look so cute.
    I don't like to show my armor because I'm a lady not a brute.

    I like to carry a glaive with a glow so pretty and nice.
    Shame it is a weapon, something this cute shouldn't be used to fight.

    I travel around with pets, so strong, protective and cute.
    They help protect me from the bad guys and find lots of cutesy loot.

    Now if I could only tame a barbarian, he would be quite a catch.
    I would cuddle him and pamper him and make the big boy play fetch.

    But alas I can not catch him so for now we will just embrace.
    He will hold me firmly in his arms and put a smile on my face.
  • Berserkir - Heavens Tear
    Berserkir - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    As the night becomes dark and the wind becomes cold,
    the mysteries of a barbarian start to unfold.
    His face with a snarl an animal like grin
    and his eyes as fierce as the beast which lies within.
    His fur is dark and wild. His flesh is torn and scarred.
    His stance is always firm, always strong and always on guard.

    His armor oh so heavy, battered and damaged from the fight.
    Still like a badge of courage sparks a shine from the moon's pale light.
    His shoulders strong and massive with a helmsley draped of red
    like the color of the blood flowing from the pile of dead.
    In his powerful hands, he holds his axes with all his might
    as the edges drip with blood and the mobs stare on in fright.

    He starts to lose feeling from his head down to his toes,
    as the beast inside his heart continues to grow.
    His body is taken over with hatred and fear.
    Then out of the darkness the white tiger appears.
    With a cleric healing and blademaster by his side,
    no mob can stop him and all wraiths will die.
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, that's insane. A story so long O.O. That makes my story look like a little baby b:sad

    It's ok. Don't feel bad. I have Rped a lot before I came to this game. Actually I still do roleplay when I get a chance. So making stories and writing long things comes naturally to me.
    Quality > Quantity, but both doesn't hurt :-)

    PS that was not a judgement of either entry, just a general comment

    Whew, I was about to have a stroke lol. That's good to know.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I likes all of the entries so far! It's great to see may talented writers hidden here on HT! I'm also really glad that I'm not the only one to go a "learning" route with there story, where you kinda learn a lesson at the end. Good show.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • opheilia
    opheilia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow. Haha. I didn't believe this thread existed when a certain birdie told me about this. Such a pity though, to see you go, Shota. Yet at the same time, what a commotion! Oh my. =P Well, I think I may make an attempt at this merely for the joy of it! ... And, of course to indulge you since it is your contest. n.n
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    9 more days until the contest closes. Oooh, I'm so excited, I want to see who has the best story around! ^^

    ....And I'll post mine last minute because....that's what procrastinators do. >.>
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Finally finished Chapter 11. Don't you guys go tearing up on me. Ah what the heck, it made me sad writing it. ='(

    Edit::.:: I finished Chapter 12 =D
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 13: The Blind Blademaster

    "Damn you, Xaldain. I won't be able to sit for a week." Hojo growled and winced as he rubbed his behind.

    Serenity, Luna, and Maria giggled behind Hojo. It had been one day since that event and Hojo still was complaining about the arrows that Xaldain shot him with.

    Hojo sighed. "So you two are coming with us?" he asked.

    Luna shrugged. "Me and Rocky have nothing better to do. Sure." She gave a big smile.

    "I will go wherever my Lady Luna will go." Stripes replied with a kind cat grin.

    "So where are we going anyway?" Maria asked Hojo.

    Hojo stopped walking. "Good question."

    "We can start by trying to find the whereabouts of Harpy Wraith." Xaldain suggested.

    "H-Harpy Wraith?" Stripes studdered.

    Everyone turned their eyes on Stripes.

    "Is something wrong, Stripes?" Serenity asked.

    "I know that foul monster." Stripes replied. His eyes hardened. "She killed my father and my clan when I was very young..."

    Stripes' memory

    "Dad, what is wrong?" a white tiger cub asked a large tiger. "What's that smell?"

    "Hide, Stripes." the tiger comanded. His eyes flamed red and he walked around, taking in the scent of death.

    Young Stripes obeyed his father and barrowed himself in a hole that was partly covered by a log. A purple mist surrounded the entire area him and his father were in.

    The mighty tiger then roared ferociously. There was a woman who had the body of a snake in the violet shadows. "What do you want here Wraith?!" he growled. "Where is my clan?!" he roared. His claws dug into the dirt as he was getting ready to pounce. "Answer!" he demanded.

    The Wraith woman had a chilling voice when she spoke. Indeed it sounded like a snake's, yet it was not human nor beast. "Why, they are all dead." she replied with a chuckle. "You must be their leader. They would be happy if you join them." Once the tiger leaped into the air, his throat was caught by her claws. "I have devoured many souls. What makes you think you, a lone tiger, can defeat me?" Her mouth opened and she began to suck the life out of him.

    "Father!" Stripes jumped out of hiding. "Let him go!" he growled only for it to sound like a baby cat.

    "No, son. Run." the tiger groaned.
    "What do we have here?" Harpy Wraith spotted the young cub. "Ah.. the son of the leader. I struck gold."

    Stripes glared up at her. "You don't scare me. Put him down or I'll-"

    "You'll what? Bite me with your baby teeth?" Harpy Wraith mocked. She then finished eating Stripes' father's soul. "Mmm... tastey." She threw the corspe down and slither towards the cub. "I wonder how cubs taste."

    Stripes could not help but to cringe and shake under the shadow of the Wraith.

    Harpy Wraith grinned. "I thought you weren't scared." Her tongue flicked in amusement. "When you're older, I'll come get you. Fear me. Hate me. Either way, your soul will be mine." After he statement, she vanished in purple fog.

    End of Stripes' memory

    Everyone gave Stripes sad looks. Stripes shook his head. "Don't give me those frowns. Nothing can come of lingering on in the past. We shall only move forward."

    A poleblade struck the ground in front of Xaldain and Hojo. "You may not pass any further!" a male voice echoed through the mountains. The group looked upward and spotted a figure in the mountains. The shadow leaped out into the sunlight and landed on his feet right in front of them. He was bald and his eyes were a ghostly white. Was he blind? "You travelers must turn back now." he stated as he stretched his hand directly in front of him and grabbed his poleblade. "Or I will have to make you." the strangersaid and pointed the bladed end towards Xaldain and Hojo.

    "Why?" Xaldain asked.

    "We walked all this way here. There's no way we're turning back." Hojo growled and unshealthed his sword. "If it's a fight you want then I'll give it to you." he said with a smirk.

    "Hojo, he's blind." Maria stated as she gave Hojo a glare.

    "What? If he's big enough to point that stick at me. He's big enough to take a beating." Hojo explained while twirling his sword around before pointing the blade at the blind man. "He's probably not even blind."

    "Hojo." Serenity crossed her arms and shook her head.

    "Is he always like this?" Stripes asked Luna who only gave a shrug in reply.

    Hojo ran towards the blind blademaster, ready to attack. However the blind man was ready as well. "Piercing Winds!" the man shouted and an incredible force knocked Hojo backwards.

    Hojo spat out some blood and smirked. "See. He isn't so fragile. Now I don't have to feel sorry when I whip him." He got back up and the fight began.

    "And there he goes." Xaldain stated as he shook his head. Hearing a branch snap, he turned to see a woman dressed in pink and green. His brow arched as he looked closer at her. That was not an ordinary woman. "Guys, we have company."

    The other three turned their heads to see the woman and many others that looked exactly like her.

    "Orchid Pentails." Stripes growled.

    "You know them, Stripes?" Luna questioned.

    "Yes. I ran into them earlier on my way to Archosaur. They shoot you with posion." Stripes replied.

    "Then we must be careful." Maria said before a red card formed in her hand. "Pyrogram!" She threw the flaming card into one of the Orchid Pentails, making fire damage.

    "Arcane Empowerment!" Serenity shouted as she raised her hand. She had raised her friends' weapon magic attack so the fire would be more effective on these wood type creatures.

    "Blazing Arrow!" Xaldain called out. His hand glowed red and he shot arrows that were now of fire.

    "Blazing Scarab!" Luna yelled before casting a fire attack.

    Stripes turned into a white tiger and ran towards the crowd of enemies."Flesh Realm!"

    Ten minutes later

    "To be a blademaster, you have to have the master not just the blade." the blind blademaster joked.

    Hojo was getting up off the ground. "Why you-" He winced then fell back down. He was weaker than ever.

    "Xaldain, look!" Serenity pointed to an Orchid Pentail that had casted a posion spell on Hojo.

    "Got it." Xaldain replied as he shot and killed the monster.

    "Hojo!" Maria called as she ran to him. She stood in front of the blind blademaster. "Please, don't hurt him."

    "Maria.." Hojo whispered.

    The blind man lowered his weapon from Maria's neck. "I was not planning on killing him." He nodded. "I see you all are fine fighters."

    Serenity started to help heal Hojo.

    Xaldain and the others walked over. "Why won't you let us pass?" Xaldain asked curiously.

    "Many Wraiths have come to this part of the mountains. It is my duty to prevent anyone from passing into such a death welcoming place." The man replied with a bow. "I am the last of my people in the village. Everyone else's soul was taken."

    "What type of Wraiths?" Stripes asked.

    "Flying ones. They are no dinosaur nor bird. They use purple skulls to fight their enemies and also to take lives as well." he explained.

    "Purple skulls?!" Hojo quickly sat up and his eyes burned with hatred. "Harpy Wraith..." he growled in between his grunts.

    "Who?" the man perked a brow in confusion.

    "A mighty Wraith who takes souls and uses then just like you described." Xaldain responded.

    "So those birds must be her trusted minions." Stripes stated.

    "Then we must go and try to get them to tell us where she is." Xaldain suggested. "Let us pass. We must destroy Harpy Wraith."

    The blind blademaster nodded. "Very well, but I shall accompany you." He looked back at Hojo. "He is in no shape to go."

    "I will stay with Hojo." Serenity said as she finished wrapping his wounds. "You all just come safely back, ok?"

    Xaldain and everyone else nodded before heading off.

    Five hours later

    The group came back from the mountains. There was no sign of those birds anywhere.

    "They must have left." Luna sighed. "Now what?"

    "Then Harpy Wraith must know we are looking for her." Xaldain stated. "So she's now covering her tracks."

    "Aye." Stripes replied.

    "Earlier, I heard flapping and it faded towards the north. Perhaps the Nameless Isle may have clues to the wraith you are trying to find." the man suggested.

    "Nameless Isle?" Maria repeated with a puzzled look.

    "Yes." The man pulled out a map and pointed to a small island that was just north from them. "Here."

    "Oh." Maria said in suprise.

    "Wait..." Xaldain looked away from the map and gave the man a suspicious glare. "How did you know exactly where to point?"

    "I thought you were blind." Stripes crossed his arms on his chest.

    The man gave them a nervous look (Anime sweatdrop). "Whoever said I was blind?" he laughed nevously.

    "See! I told you!" Hojo's voice rang. Him and Serenity came into sight and met up with everyone.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Authors Note: The setting for this tale is "Pre-Perfect World", which means that the time before the races lived in harmony. This is the era during which the humans are feuding over land with the winged elves and the untamed are caught in the crossfire. Yeah....that's basically the timeline anyways. Enjoy reading!

    The Untamed Spirit

    Chapter 1:

    Light flashed before my eyes. I could feel the energy within me drain with every passing breath. “Barbarian,” they called me, but I do not know what that is. All I know is that my story is short, but I shall tell it to you, if you’ll let me.

    My story begins not with my very first breath when I was born, but long after that, when I am full grown. I live in a forest at the edge of the mountains, where the grass grew tall and the trees seemed to reach as high as the sky. In the spring the forest was full of life; birds sang their sweet song, deer frolic and play, foxes, rabbits, and all the like of creatures lived in harmony, and I was their protector. All of them lived and shared the same forest as I called home.

    My kind rarely sees one another. White tigers are independent throughout their life; it is what I had grown to learn. And so I lived alone, mainly hunting for food, but also protecting my little sanctuary. I was at peace with where I lived, and the animals were at peace with me. It was here that my heart was at rest.

    This all started deep within the heart of the forest in the middle of winter. It was early morning, and already I noticed that there was a strange quietness in the air. It was not a winter serene as I normally would expect, but a haunting quiet that seemed to chill the air around me. I sensed something was wrong.

    Sniffing the air, I felt a waft of coldness rush into my lungs, and the smell of winter breeze drifted through the air. There was not even a hint of animal scent around for miles. Something was definitely wrong.

    There was an intruder in the forest.

    I ran through the forest as fast as I could to the west, powdery snow blowing in the wind, creating a mist of diamond dust and impairing my vision, but I only had one thing on my mind: to get rid of this trespasser.

    I rushed through the forest at a breakneck speed. I knew everything about this forest; the grand trees and their deep roots, the rolling hills in the east, and the mountains far away in the north. My paws padded through the snow as quietly as if the wind blew. I did not pay attention to much detail around me at this time. If I had known that it would be my last sight of freedom, I would’ve reveled in the beauty of it all.

    My instincts told me to run west, but as I ran, a scent pricked at my nose and I stopped immediately. It was an unusual scent, and not far off in the south. I hesitated. It was not the scent of another tiger, that I knew for sure. It was something I never smelled before. However, one thing I did know: they were the invaders within the forest.

    I padded softly through the snow, keeping my eyes and ears alert for any sudden movement. The scent was not far from where I stood, and so I moved with caution. Soon I could hear the new creatures; their piercing sound shattering the uneasy silence of the forest. They were loud and communicative, but not as pleasant as the birds. I remained cautious as I approached within view.

    As I hid behind the thick brush of the forest, I observed the strange beings. They walked on two legs, and their fur was hard and shiny. It was nothing I’ve ever seen before in my life, but I’ve heard of them once from my mother when I was young. Humans, she called them. The greatest predator in the world. There were many of them; more than I could count. As I looked further on, I noticed another scent in the air, and the imposing sense of danger dawned on me. The scent was hard, and coppery. It smelled bitter to me, but I knew it all too well.


    It was then I realized that they were collecting animals – animals in my forest – in cages, locked up and beaten senseless and stripped of their freedom. Many of them lay wounded and injured, while others lay almost lifeless, their small puffs of breath in the cold air the only indication that they were alive.

    It was at this point that the anger within me sparked. How dare they intrude on my territory? How dare they take away the animals of the forest? And how dare they strip away their being and take away their freedom?

    I was ready to attack the humans. My claws were out, and my fangs ready to dig in deep in their flesh. I edged in closer to them when I suddenly noticed another creature off in the distance.

    Her red fur was a clear indicator that she was a fox, and a young one at that. She must’ve picked up on the strange scent and came looking too. A wave of panic, worry and fear rose within me, hoping that she would think nothing of the creatures and just move away. Away from the danger further ahead of her.
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Continued on again.


    But she didn’t. My heart leapt as the naive fox jogged towards the humans. She seemed to be a friendly soul, but I did not want her to get hurt as the other animals did. I felt useless as I crouched behind the bushes, watching as she approached the humans.

    When they saw her, they jumped in surprise. One of them took out something long and sharp, but the fox thought nothing of it. She merely stood there, with her fox grin and wagged her long tail. She must’ve thought they wanted to play.

    One of the humans, the closest one to the fox, cautiously put out his hand towards her. She remained happy and continued to wag her tail as the human patted her on her head.

    “Soft fur,” the human said. “How much do you think this fox will sell for?”

    The one holding the sharp object spoke. “Not much. She’s still pretty young. Probably enough fur to make a small scarf.”

    “Well, better than nothing. Get the cage, I’ll distract her.”

    Their speech confused me; I did not understand what they said, but when one of the humans took out a small cage, I knew then that her fate will be sealed soon.

    The anger that slowly dissipated due to curiosity now came back in full force. There was a low growl in my throat as I prepared for attack. They will not take away another animal of the forest. Not while I’m here.

    As one of the humans held down the fox, now panicked and scared, and the other stuffed her in the cage, I leapt. With a roar, I pounced down on the first human, my claws digging deep into his flesh. I bit into his neck, tasting the bitter blood that gushed out. The other humans scrambled and shouted, but I heard nothing. I attacked the other human that held the fox, pinning him down with my weight. From the corner of my eye, I could see the young fox running away. ‘Good,’ I thought. ‘At least one is safe.’

    But I wasn’t finished with the humans just yet. My business with them now was purely territorial. I growled deep in my throat as I held one dead human in my jaws, his throat spewing out his life blood. My claws were poised for attack as more of the humans appeared. All of them were holding a sharp and shiny object of their own.

    “Be careful of cutting the tiger’s fur with your sword now men,” said one of the humans. “This white tiger’s fur is worth millions.”

    I gave out a loud roar and pounced on the human in front of me, the others jumping out of the way. I slashed away at his face, anger and adrenaline coursing through my veins. I did not look at anything else now but the enemy in front of me. His blood stained my fur and as I bit down hard on his neck, I could hear his bones shattering
    All of a sudden a shock of pain shot up through my body, causing me to lose my grip on the human. Another was stabbing at me, slashing away with his long sword. I backed away, growling loudly and swiping with my claws.

    “Careful, moron!” Said the other. “That fur is priceless! The more you **** at it, the more the price is going to go down!”

    I had no hesitation. I lunged forward at the man as he was distracted. But before I reached him, something tugged at my neck, pulling me back. The other man was holding a rope, tying me down. The fire in me grew hotter and hotter and I lunged again, this time at the man holding the rope. I was tugged back again. There was another man, holding another rope tying me down.

    It began to get harder to breathe the more I struggled against their pull, but I resisted. I refused to let them win. They surrounded me from all sides now, and I tried to attack them, but more and more rope lassoed around me. My side stung from the wound and I was losing blood fast. I swung a paw at a nearby human, but to my surprise, was jerked back as well. My paws were tied, and the more and more as I struggled, more and more ropes tied me down.

    It was hours before exhaustion made me give way. The loss of blood made my head spin and I collapsed on the snow, feeling the biting winter on my wound. My paws were bound and I could barely move but the anger surged within me, and as the humans closed in, I jumped up, trying to swipe one down but to no avail. The rope seemed to choke the life out of me, but I could still breathe, albeit barely.

    I don’t know how long I lay there, blacking in and out, but soon the humans closed in on me again, and this time I could not resist. I was too weak to fight and it seemed like it would be the end for me. And I as took what I thought would be my last breath, I took one last look at the man who hovered above me. And when I saw him smirk, the anger flared within me again, just before I blacked out.

    These humans will not take away my freedom.
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 2

    I woke up to the light of the moon high in the sky. As I stood, the sharp pain in my side throbbed numbly. When I looked around, I saw that I was in a large cage. This agitated me, and I couldn't help but mumble a low growl in my voice, but I didn’t move from where I lay. Looking around, I’ve noticed carriages around me, each carrying different animals from the same forest I’ve been. One carriage carried only dead foxes in piles.

    The sudden smell of death in the air made me feel dizzy, and I tried my best to block out the heavy metallic scent of blood. When I tried to get up and walk around, I found I couldn’t walk far; rope bindings around my legs kept me to one spot within the center of the cage. It dawned on me then that I was completely confined by these humans. My freedom was stripped bare from me in no more than a day.

    And I couldn’t do anything about it.

    And I cried. It was the first time ever that I cried in my whole life. My heart felt shattered and broken and I howled like a dog to the moon. The sadness I had that I will never return home again, never see the vast valleys or the great mountains again shook me to my core. To never look up at the sky and know that I am free to roam and run wherever I please, I cried for that.

    And as I cried, others began to cry with me; crying for their freedom, through their confines and cages. Soon, the whole night was filled with our longing for home and freedom. I looked out through the bars of my cage and saw that all animals; foxes, deer, wolves and bears, they all cried, for they shared the same longing as I have for my home.

    Eventually, the crying stopped. Not because we were tired, but because the carriages stopped. I had a glimmer of hope that maybe the humans understood us and decided to let us go, but I knew it was not the case. They’re the ones who put us here. They’re the reason why we’re crying.

    When one of them came out, I growled loudly, baring my fangs. He shouted something at us, and beat one of the animals – a wolf – to silence it, and left again. Soon, the carriages carried on as before, only this time it was quiet. No one dared to cry out this time for fear of being beaten. But this only flared my anger even more.


    A few more days passed until the humans reached their destination. It seemed to be like a large habitat for them, for they were everywhere. Etherblade, I heard them call it. I never understood their use of naming territories. Their customs were strange to me.

    Upon arrival, all of the animals were taken and put on display for other humans to watch and look at. Some animals were traded for small trinkets while others were slaughtered for food and fur.

    One man, a tall, strong and well muscled man came up to my cage and looked intently at me with dark eyes. I glared at him hard, daring him to even think of using me for anything.

    “Oh, General,” said one of the human traders to the large man. “A fine tiger, he is. I’ll trade you ten thousand coins for him.”

    “Ten thousand?” Replied the man. His voice was as low as a tiger’s growl. “That tiger’s wounded. He’s only good for maybe half that price.”

    “Oh, but his fur is still good, General. He would make an excellent—“

    “I don’t intend on using him for his fur, trader.” He said. “You don’t know what you have there. This is not a tiger. This is a barbarian.”

    Barbarian? In all my years, I’ve never seen myself anything other than a white tiger, and never have I seen a ‘barbarian’ before, only other tigers.

    “You know how you can identify a barbarian from a normal tiger, trader?” Continued the General. “You know by looking deep into his eyes. A barbarian always holds a strange fire in his eyes. A fire to fight, that’s what they call it,” He looked at me in the eyes again and smiled darkly. “Yes, fighting’s all they’re good for. I’ll give you seven thousand for this one, and I’m not going any higher.”

    Within a heartbeat I was traded, now a prisoner to this General. Soon, they took me and some other animals out farther south, to a campground that was out farther from Etherblade. There were high walls and bigger confines that held other wild animals, but it was not that that astounded me.

    There were other humans. But they were not fully human, which confused me. They were humans, but they were animals too. Females with fox ears and tails, males striped with tiger fur or wolf ears on their head. They did not look human at all. They had something primal within them. Something wild.

    And they were not treated as humans were. The humans stood by the walls, brandishing swords, whips and other weapons, while some of these ‘animals’ were set in a tight line, marching around the campground, while others held small wooden sticks and performed drills in unison to the commands of the humans. Anyone that disobeyed was beaten over and over again.

    A rush of fear, panic and worry overcame me. Was this what I will be forced to become soon? A soulless, lifeless slave for these humans to do their bidding? Mentally, I shook my head and rumbled quietly as I stood in my cage.

    I will not be broken by these humans.
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 3:

    Soon I was forced into another cage, one that is bigger than the other, and did not bind me with harsh ropes. When I leapt into the cage, I paced around furiously, growling deeply and lunging at anyone who came near. I refused to let the humans come close to me.

    It was long before the General came by to look at me again, and this time I wasn't bound by anything. When he came close enough to the cage for me to charge, I went for it.

    I ran towards him at full speed, claws out, ready to pounce. I was ready to taste the man’s bitter flesh within my jaws. I swiped at him through my cage.

    And missed.

    I tried again. He was still only a bit farther from my grasp. I tried again and again in a poor attempt to at least just scratch him, but I never got close. And the General, standing there with his infuriating smirk, never flinched. I growled and roared and swiped and reached as far as I can, but I never was able to get to him.

    Suddenly, ropes swung around me again. ‘Oh no,’ I thought to myself. ‘Not this time.’

    They had me by my outstretched paw while I was distracted, but I won’t let them get me again. I roared loudly, but did not make any sudden movements. I looked around and saw that the rope led to the top of the cage, where many of the humans pulled and tugged at my paw. They were trying to lift my paw up.

    I was confused, but I refused to let them have it. I pulled on all my weight down on my paw, I ran around the cage and I bit hard onto the rope. But as I resisted, even more men came and pulled harder on the rope. The tightness stung raw on my paws, but still I tried to keep it down but to no avail. Soon, my right paw was tightly bound, raised high in the cage.

    Then they bound my left paw. I growled and swiped at the rope, but eventually my left paw was caught and bounded. I was standing on my hind legs now, powerless.

    They bound my legs too. I struggled to get away, but I could not get far. These humans were far too strong together for me to resist. Eventually, I was fully bound within my cage, facing the General who did not move throughout the whole ordeal.

    “Do you know how to make a barbarian transform into his humanoid form, soldier?” He said to a nearby person. “You torture him. You shock him with enough force that he’ll learn to do anything we say. Soon, the energy running through him will be so much, it’ll mutate him into a humanoid super soldier, ready and perfect for war. Only barbarians can do this, not any other animal will do.”

    He commanded the soldiers to open the cage for him to enter. Anger coursed through my veins, twitching my muscles. Soon, he was within inches of me, looking deep into my eyes. A low, guttural growl rumbled in me, baring my fangs, and I struggled to break free of my bindings to snap at his throat. The General merely smiled.

    “Get the prods ready,” shouted the General. “It’s high time we have a new barbarian within our ranks.”

    And he left, leaving the other soldiers around the cage. I was left alone for a while, but soon there were soldiers holding a long forked metal stick and stuck it into the cage. I struggled and tried to wriggle free of my bindings. I did not know what the stick was for, but I did not want to find out.

    Suddenly a wave of pain shot up through my spine. I screamed, blocking out everything from my mind. For a moment, it seemed like I couldn’t breathe; the shock was so painful. My body convulsed furiously, contracting my muscles and burning everything from the inside out. Suddenly, as soon as it hit, it stopped. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was from that one shock, but it seemed as if I couldn’t move.

    And then it came again. A piercing shock came through my abdomen and traveled through my spine. I couldn’t help but roar with pain again, my body arching backwards through the shock. I shook violently as waves of white pain ran through my whole body. I thought I was going to black out from the shock.

    And again it stopped. My body became numb from the aftershock and I still shook violently, even though they did not shock me again. I felt so weak and in pain and when they stopped I thought that they would be done with me.

    But I was wrong.

    It happened. Again and again and again. For days and weeks, I could not count how many times they did it to me, and how I could describe the pain I felt. Sometimes it would feel as if I could not feel anything anymore, that I was numb, and then another shock and the slashing pain pulsed through me like fire.

    I lost track of time after each shock, but eventually the General came back again. Already, I was beginning to faze in and out of consciousness. I had no sense of surroundings or anything any more. But I could still hear his voice mocking me.

    “One last time,” he said. “He’s getting there, I can see it.”

    The shock of pain rose up through me again, but it was different. There was a shudder within my spine and something within me changed. My hind legs changed, elongating and allowing me to stand on two legs. The bones in my front paws bent and changed into humanlike arms. The pain of the changes in my body was excruciating and I thought that the bindings became loose as I stood on my new legs, but it wasn’t. I just stood taller now.

    As sudden and quick as that change was, I changed back even quicker. The horrible shocks slashed through me again and again, but I didn’t – couldn’t – change back into that strange form.

    “Alright, I think that’s enough for today, soldiers,” he said. “Time for some rest. We’ll start again tomorrow morning. First transformation’s always the hardest.” And with a chuckle, he was off.

    I was so weak that night, I couldn’t even stand. My hind legs could not hold me up, and my front paws were sore from the bindings. My body felt numb and in pain at the same time. I breathed in shuddering breaths and I shivered in the winter cold. My stab wound from long ago reopened again, sending throbs of pain through my body. I began to fall in and out of consciousness, and my mind wandered back to my home where I once been before.


    I remembered running through the forest at night, free and in the wild in the hot summer air, with the moon chasing after me. I remember smelling the scents of the forest, running wild and free and I remember calling that place home. I remember the animals that had lived there, that had lived in peace with nature as I did.

    I remembered when I was young, and living as carefree as ever. Running around, seeing new sights, touching new things, smelling new smells. Everything in the forest was a wonder, and it was all there, waiting for me to come back to it again.

    I cried that night. My heart yearned for my home and I cried out to the starry skies above to take me back to the forest. I felt heavy and tired and for the first time, lonely. I felt ready to give up, to stop resisting and wait for the humans to come back and kill me. There was nothing for me here anymore.

    As I cried, I heard a howl near me. It was the wolf I saw from before in the carriages. It looked beaten and bruised and was tied to a wooden pole. It looked at me with intense eyes, and howled loudly to the moon. Finally, the wolf looked at me again and wagged its tail once. Somehow, through this whole predicament, its spirit has not been broken. It still held the determination that it will return home.

    That was when all of the other animals in the cages began to cry as well. Throughout all the difficulties and hardships that they have faced, they still cried out to their home. All of them knew that they would return home again. Even the human-like creatures, deep within their own confines in the campgrounds cried out as well. They were all crying. Crying for their home.

    The wolf looked at me again and howled. It continued to stare at me intently with its gaze, as if waiting for something.

    I realized it then. If a lone wolf still holds hope for his freedom and that it’ll come home, then so will I. With all the energy I could muster, I gave off the loudest roar I could that shook the whole campgrounds, much to the cheer of the animals. It was then that I made to myself a vow. I was ready for the humans now.

    I will not give up this fight.

    These humans will not break me.
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 4:

    The sun rose high in the sky, bringing in the next morning, but offering no warmth to the cold, biting winter. The unattended wound at my side looked crusty and had long ago stopped bleeding, but the pain remained lightly throbbing. The soldiers woke up early and the humanoid animals follow suit, falling into line and practicing their drills without taking in even a moment to stop.

    Eventually, the General appeared. Out from his cabin, he walked straight to my cage. Somehow, I regained some of my strength to struggle against the robe bindings. Just to get closer to him, close enough to attack.

    “Still got a little bit of fight left, huh, barbarian?” He said. “That’ll be taken care of easily.”

    And with a wave of his hand, he turned and left, leaving me and the soldiers with the long sticks again.

    The weeks before, I thought they did not hold back as they tortured me with the prods, but I was dead wrong. This time, they used two and used them relentlessly. One would seem to pierce right into me, stabbing me with excruciating pain, while another would stab me again in a different area, paralyzing my body from movement and feeling. It seemed as if I was being burned alive and sliced and **** with tiny sharp swords.

    I roared with pain for what felt like forever when they finally stopped. My muscles tensed and twitched as pangs of electricity rushed through me in aftershock. When they stopped, I noticed that something was different. They were looking at the prod as if something was wrong. It must’ve been broken.

    This was my chance. Ignoring the searing pain throughout my body, I looked around. I noticed that one of the rope bindings around my paw that held me up was halfway burnt. It was then I knew that if I could just pull at it enough, the rope might just break, setting my paw free.

    I tried to move, but to no avail. All the shocks that ran through my body seemed to thoroughly paralyze me, and any slight movement sent my body into waves of horrible pain.

    But I had to endure. I knew that this was my only chance and if I did not take it, my fate would be sealed and I would be dead. I summoned up the last bit of strength I had, clenched my jaws and pulled hard. The rope felt stronger than I thought, but I kept pulling. The humans were still busy looking over the broken prods, giving me ample time to let loose.

    The bindings began to sting into my fur and into my skin. Exhaustion was beginning to wash over me and the excruciating pain at my side seemed to hold me back, but I kept pulling. I swore to myself that I would not let these humans take away my freedom, and I knew that I must stand by it.

    Eventually, the bindings began to break. One by one, the threads within the rope began to snap. I pulled with my last ounce of strength and suddenly, my paw was free. Still, the humans seemed distracted, so I took the chance to cut through the bindings of my other paw. Using my claws, I swiped at the rope, cutting through it like a knife. Soon, all my bindings were loose, and my heart raced with excitement as the door to freedom seemed to open before my very eyes.

    But it was not to last. One of the humans looked and finally noticed that I was free of my bindings. There was a sudden loud commotion as all of the humans scrambled to find a weapon of some kind, but I was ready for them this time.

    I charged head-on straight to the wooden cage. There was a loud, resonating crack and I feared for a split second that I may have broken my shoulder, but it was the wood that cracked. This was good.

    There were humans crowding around in front of the cage now, but I could see in their eyes that they were afraid of me. With a loud roar, I backed up and charged straight for the cage again, this time breaking the wood and setting me free.

    I was running purely on adrenaline now, as my energy was sapped away from me from the shocks, but it seemed to be all I needed. All of the humanoid animals that saw me cheered me on, only to get beaten again by their masters. I lunged at one nearby, biting straight into his throat. Suddenly it seemed like all the humanoids followed my example, jumping forth into the chaos and attacking their masters.

    With a triumphant roar, I led the attack. I rushed to the wolf that was tied to the pole. It wagged its tail happily at me as I cut its bindings with my claws. ‘See?’ It seemed to say. ‘Told you that we would soon be free.’ Once it was free, it ran to the various cages that held all the other animals and freed them from their confines. Soon, all of the animals were released, and headed straight for the campground gate.

    Some of the humanoid animals pushed open the heavy gate, allowing all of the animals to escape. As I was about to run away and finally taste the sweetness of freedom once again, I caught a glimpse of the General. His astonished face quickly turned into anger as he caught sight of me, and I too turned with anger as I charged towards him. He will not live to torture more animals again.

    When I was well within striking distance, I lunged forward. He quickly grabbed one of the prods that another soldier was holding and held it straight at me.

    The prod’s electrocuting end pierced right through me, and as I fell on top of him, I roared with pain. However, something felt different. Something inside me shivered against my spine. I could feel my bones changing and my muscles forming into something different. My paws elongated into what looked like fingers. My hind legs felt longer and I felt that I could not stand on four feet anymore.

    The General looked at me with amusement and surprise. “Barbarian,” was all he spoke. It was then that I bit into his neck, and upon hearing the last gurgles of breath as the life blood flowed from him, I knew that he was dead.
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 5

    All of the humanoid animals were gone now, free and in the wild, where they belonged. I remained in the small camp; the scent of blood, death and gore nauseated me to no end, but I stayed. I looked at myself at that moment, and saw what I had become. What they had made me become.

    I could not stand on four legs anymore, but the feeling of standing on two legs felt uncomfortable to me, so I sat leaning against the nearby wall of another cage. I was able to remove the prod that was stabbed into me, and through blurry eyes I could see the blood flow freely from my chest, staining the white snow around me.

    The sun was high up in the sky now, but somehow, it seemed to me that it had begun to snow. Snowflakes, light as feathers, fell softly to the crimson stained ground. It did not feel cold at all as the snowflakes landed onto my face and human-like hands.

    Light flashed before my eyes, and my mind fluttered between the past and the present. Suddenly, it was summertime again; the warmth of the sun and the cooling of the breeze tousled my fur. I was sitting beneath a large tree near a cool lake, watching as the animals passed by for a drink; knowing that I would not harm them.

    Suddenly I was back at the campgrounds in winter again. Dull pangs of pain stabbed at my sides, but I took no notice. I closed my eyes again, wanting to feel the wind through my fur and the soft ground underneath my paws as I ran freely through the forest.

    It is here that I know that I am not a barbarian as the humans so call me. No, I am not a barbarian, nor any animal that can be tamed as the humans tried to tame. I am Untamed, wild, with a spirit that belongs to the free and nothing can hold me down, not rope, not bindings, nothing.

    It is also here, as I lay with my own life blood flowing from me that my story ends. Live free, my untamed brethren, for your life is yours to hold. Never let anything hold you down.

    You are free to live as you live.

    You are free.


    Sorry for the multiple posts....Had to post all the chapters into nice, chunky pieces for people to read....GMs/Mods please don't kill me. >.<
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ಥ_ಥ ...so beautiful, Vixe.

    ...I thought mine was decent...I know I don't stand a chance now.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ಥ_ಥ ...so beautiful, Vixe.

    ...I thought mine was decent...I know I don't stand a chance now.


    Really?! Aaah!! *super excited now*

    Honestly, I was hoping for like, at least 6th place or something...then I can pay back all my debts.

    But now I got Konari's Awesome-Sauce face of approval! I can die happy now! xD
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Really?! Aaah!! *super excited now*

    Honestly, I was hoping for like, at least 6th place or something...then I can pay back all my debts.

    But now I got Konari's Awesome-Sauce face of approval! I can die happy now! xD

    I was gunnin' for first...but...honestly, any kinda win is good in my book.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I looked at my short story for days on end because I kept feeling something was missing...Then I gave up and was like, "**** it....6th place is good too. Maybe 5th if I'm ambitious."

    I was gonna post later because I wanted to see the competition, but....then I just got lazy....I kinda like it now, but I don't know. Shota's the one and only judge in this, and she can't say anything right now. She may hate it for all I know. I may end up in last place, or no place at all. b:sad

    Here's to hoping. b:thanks
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I looked at my short story for days on end because I kept feeling something was missing...Then I gave up and was like, "**** it....6th place is good too. Maybe 5th if I'm ambitious."

    I was gonna post later because I wanted to see the competition, but....then I just got lazy....I kinda like it now, but I don't know. Shota's the one and only judge in this, and she can't say anything right now. She may hate it for all I know. I may end up in last place, or no place at all. b:sad

    Here's to hoping. b:thanks

    *chuckles* I posted quickly because one, I wanted to make a good impression, and also, I don't think it'll make a difference when you post. Just post, is all.

    Here's to hopin' with ya. b:thanks

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...