Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • dramage
    dramage Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I figured we might as well try to put an end to the argument, or else it will go on forever. Sorry to steal your thunder. b:laugh
    true, i had an argument over which race is better, and Veno's were broken. went on for hours lol; and besides, i don't call it stealing, is either extended borrowing or tactically aquired. Much fun that way lol EX: Sorry to tactically aquired your thunder. lol
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think every point there is to be about them being game breaking or not has been stated, is it really necesary to continue an asinine thread for ...82 pages? This thread and topic has been beaten to death, and its corpse mutilated multiple times beyond recognition. Please mods, lock this thread!
  • KeeleyRin - Sanctuary
    KeeleyRin - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If they are so overpowered, make one, and buy a Herc or Phoenix. Sheesh, whats the problem.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yes, please, mods, **lock* this and all similar threads, and dont permit more on this moronic subject!

    ...and for those who think that venos are OPed...several things spring to mind:

    1. if you are so envious of us- go make a veno for yourself, save up the insane amount of money it takes to buy one of those pets you so loathe, plus the christmas blessing it takes to feed the crazy things. then you wont have anything to whine about, because then you will know the real story , from our side of the table.

    2. if you cant stand our winning in duels or whatever, then perhaps you need to brush up on your own skills...we are not immortal and neither are our pets. you are just a lousy BM/Barb/Wiz/Elf/etc.

    3. two words: Veno Envy!b:laugh

    I think every point there is to be about them being game breaking or not has been stated, is it really necesary to continue an asinine thread for ...82 pages? This thread and topic has been beaten to death, and its corpse mutilated multiple times beyond recognition. Please mods, lock this thread!
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Baraya - Dreamweaver
    Baraya - Dreamweaver Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos aren't overpowered but they are good survivors in PvE while other classes struggle. I think this is the real reason for the envy. Give the other classes ways to stay alive easier (without the cash shop) and the complaints will slow down. Of course we do have the genies coming soon. b:laugh
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos aren't overpowered but they are good survivors in PvE while other classes struggle. I think this is the real reason for the envy. Give the other classes ways to stay alive easier (without the cash shop) and the complaints will slow down. Of course we do have the genies coming soon. b:laugh

    Actually I'd like a cash shop equivalent for other classes. Even with spending or grinding up $200, there's nothing for other classes thats as good as a herc is to a veno. And don't tell me to +12 refine items, venos can +12 refine too FYI and more easily so than other classes, due to their uber soloing capabilities.

    EDIT: And for those saying roll a veno yourself. Thats BS, one should play a class cause they like it, and all classes should be balanced (more or less).
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos aren't overpowered. Hell, I don't think HERC is overpowered. I could care less how much money someone has. But when they can win any PK battle because of a skill that does MANY times the damage it should, that is irksome. No matter how skilled you are, if you're a char below 90, and you get hit by a flesh ream from a Nix, you're boned.

    Long story short, I don't care how good Venos are outside of PvP. But when showing up with a nix in tow causes people to scatter in terror, there's something wrong with that.
  • Baraya - Dreamweaver
    Baraya - Dreamweaver Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Actually I'd like a cash shop equivalent for other classes. Even with spending or grinding up $200, there's nothing for other classes thats as good as a herc is to a veno. And don't tell me to +12 refine items, venos can +12 refine too FYI and more easily so than other classes, due to their uber soloing capabilities.

    EDIT: And for those saying roll a veno yourself. Thats BS, one should play a class cause they like it, and all classes should be balanced (more or less).

    Yeah, you brought up the one exception I didn't concider: cash shop pets. I think they simply should never have been made at all. Other than those, I don't think venos are overpowered but are simply good survivors.

    PS: Based on that, then, shouldn't this thread be all about removing cash shop pets? Xp
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos are only OP when the server doesn't lag.
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos are only OP when the server doesn't lag.

    QFT oh yea..
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Mistigris - Heavens Tear
    Mistigris - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This has probably been said but I'm not reading through 83 pages to make sure because I'm lazy. I think that hercs and phoenixes make venos overpowered, especially since they're everywhere. I think the sale of battle packs should be ended to make them actually legendary and not everywhere.

    As for soloing TTs and FBs... yes, higher level venos can do this. The trade off? Until you're high enough a level to solo a TT you don't get many opportunities to TT at all unless you have a lot of friends. Noone wants a veno in their party for almost anything except bosses, at least in my experience. Zhen parties? Never. Yeah we can grind higher mobs solo but that's much less fun than playing with a group of other people. Until you make a lot of friends, life as a veno can be pretty lonely.

    As a somewhat shy person who doesn't make friends easily, I do enjoy my veno simply because I can play by myself if my few friends aren't around to squad with since I have problems squadding with strangers due to my shyness. I still feel I'm missing out on a lot of the social aspect of PWI though, because even when I try to squad with other people I'm ignored most of the time.
    images by ForsakenX
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Noone wants a veno in their party for almost anything except bosses, at least in my experience. Zhen parties? Never.

    Actually... >;o

    I get in zhen all the time as a lurer. I used a herc though. But I've seen other venos in lure parties using mounts and one used a nix. And we are always wanted in grind parties because we are fast killers.

    Veno isn't uncommon at all in zhen parties on harshlands. I think thats true for all servers actually. I don't know why this rumor is being spread. ;o
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Actually... >;o

    I get in zhen all the time as a lurer. I used a herc though. But I've seen other venos in lure parties using mounts and one used a nix. And we are always wanted in grind parties because we are fast killers.

    Veno isn't uncommon at all in zhen parties on harshlands. I think thats true for all servers actually. I don't know why this rumor is being spread. ;o

    Ive been zhenning since level 67 as well. Started off as fox form at Nightscream and moved on to mounts outside of instances. But as far as I know, I am one of the very few Venos in my guild that has done so. b:surrender I've been in a few grinding parties as well so I really don't know why people always think that Venos never get a chance to zhen...
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    o come on i hate when venos take they dont get invited to zhens as some huge loss. you know most of the archers i know dont even zhen because it leaves their asses poor and unable to get their equipment later on. grinding, squad grinding, is the way to go.

    granted, those chips do give you the molds for armor, but TT weapon path isnt cheap by any means.

    and Venos are gods in TT because their pets do great damage to the bosses. if no one's inviting you, THEY're missing out.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    o come on i hate when venos take they dont get invited to zhens as some huge loss. you know most of the archers i know dont even zhen because it leaves their asses poor and unable to get their equipment later on. grinding is the way to go.

    granted, those chips do give you the molds for armor, but TT weapon path isnt cheap.

    and Venos are gods in TT because their pets do godly damage to the bosses.

    Most of the Venos I know actually don't to TT unless they got a Herc to do it with for the higher level TTs. Sub mats + GAs + = low % of drop rates in single mode. On the server here Edges are at 90k with Drums at 100-120k. Sub Mats are 50-60k with GAs anywhere from 40k to 50k. Add up all of that and it's not much of a profit in my opinion, just a waste of time hoping for some good drops.

    Also, define "godly power"; my friend's pet still does 1-2k per hit to the bosses. Not much power there if you look at the boss's HP.
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This has probably been said but I'm not reading through 83 pages to make sure because I'm lazy. I think that hercs and phoenixes make venos overpowered, especially since they're everywhere. I think the sale of battle packs should be ended to make them actually legendary and not everywhere.

    As for soloing TTs and FBs... yes, higher level venos can do this. The trade off? Until you're high enough a level to solo a TT you don't get many opportunities to TT at all unless you have a lot of friends. Noone wants a veno in their party for almost anything except bosses, at least in my experience. Zhen parties? Never. Yeah we can grind higher mobs solo but that's much less fun than playing with a group of other people. Until you make a lot of friends, life as a veno can be pretty lonely.

    As a somewhat shy person who doesn't make friends easily, I do enjoy my veno simply because I can play by myself if my few friends aren't around to squad with since I have problems squadding with strangers due to my shyness. I still feel I'm missing out on a lot of the social aspect of PWI though, because even when I try to squad with other people I'm ignored most of the time.

    Venos are very wanted in fbs when bosses need to be lured. Imo wizard is the only class that actually has warrant to complain about being wanted in parties.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yes, please, mods, **lock* this and all similar threads, and dont permit more on this moronic subject!

    ...and for those who think that venos are OPed...several things spring to mind:

    1. if you are so envious of us- go make a veno for yourself, save up the insane amount of money it takes to buy one of those pets you so loathe, plus the christmas blessing it takes to feed the crazy things. then you wont have anything to whine about, because then you will know the real story , from our side of the table.

    2. if you cant stand our winning in duels or whatever, then perhaps you need to brush up on your own skills...we are not immortal and neither are our pets. you are just a lousy BM/Barb/Wiz/Elf/etc.

    3. two words: Veno Envy!b:laugh
    character countlol

    NO MORE!
  • Blade_Wolfe - Heavens Tear
    Blade_Wolfe - Heavens Tear Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The point of this thread is to come up with a list of advantages and disadvantages that each individual class holds. In a separate thread, there was an argument that the advantages given to venomancers far surpass those of other classes. I'd like to take that argument into its own dedicated thread.

    There are two possible outcomes:
    1.) The list shows that every class has an equal balance of advantages and disadvantages. Us, the people who argue that venomancers are overpowered, essentially lose the argument.

    2.) The list shows that venomancers do indeed have advantages that outweigh the advantages of all other classes. Us, the people who argue that venomancers are overpowered, essentially win the argument.

    If done correctly, this thread will PROVE beyond the shadow of a doubt that venomancers either are or are not overpowered. That will allow the people who argue over this issue (as you all love to do so often) to have a reference to point to, which will stop the arguments and flaming in their tracks.

    So, without further ado:


    - The best class for taking on multiple mobs at once due to heavy armor + loads of AoE spells (?)
    - Can solo mobs 20-30 levels above their own, depending on mob type
    - Fast leveling

    - AOE's limited mostly to axes
    - Weak against magical mobs
    - Skill points have to be spread out over atk, dex and vit, so balancing them can be tricky

    - Highest single attacks of any class
    - Possibly the most feared class in TW's

    - The weakest physical defense of any class, incredibly hard to solo with - might as well forget about some bosses
    - Long cast times, leaving them vulnerable and defenseless
    - Clerics can heal and buff better than wizards, and have faster-casting spells that do nearly as much damage - why roll a wizard then?
    - Difficult in PVP due to flashy attacks, long cast times and low HP

    - Hits criticals more often than any other class, crazy damage as a result
    - Uses both physical and magical attacks
    - Strong against all classes in PVP, backed up by the majority of the top PVPers in every server being archers

    - They miss more than they should (?)
    - Completely unable to solo higher-level bosses, at least not without being at a level far above the boss
    - High damage can grab aggro from bosses, thus leading to instant death - this forces archers to hold themselves back on bosses
    - Only class without an HP recovery ability

    - Heals and buffs, oh my
    - Very powerful magic attack
    - Looong stun skill
    - Possible the most sought-after class in the game for parties
    - Both physical and magical attacks, making them flexible against opponents

    - Drains mana quickly due to all that casting, buffing, etc., not to mention Plume Shot isn't exactly low-cost
    - Squishy, but ability to heal + buff better than anyone makes this not so bad (?)
    - Responsibility to heal the group makes leveling difficult, might spend most of the time healing instead of nuking that FB boss (thus getting less exp from it)

    - Usually highest HP, physical defense of any class
    - Tiger form makes this even better, and enables them to run much faster
    - Great versus magical mobs - Alacrity of the Beast cancels channeling of opponent

    - Lacking in damage due to focus on vitality over attack, also low dexterity makes this even worse
    - Repair costs through the roof due to soaking up loads of damage on heavy armor

    - HP and MP-recharging skills
    - Stun skill that does not miss, does not use chi
    - Phoenix = gigantic advantage in PVP that no other class has
    - Pets are able to pull single mobs out of groups, which all other classes are usually forced to avoid
    - Huge money-making potential due to being able to solo TT and more when others cannot, pets make this possible
    - Fast leveling

    - Squishy - this can be negated in PVE by simply using a pet, but they can be 2-shotted by an archer in PVP
    - Cost of phoenix and herc is huge
    - Mediocre at PVP - this is proven by statistics showing that most of the top PVPers of each server are not venos, phoenix or not

    Here's some tinder for the fire: ONLY VENOMANCERS can solo TT at 70, and tank, both with relative ease. That's not fair. Most other classes would be utterly demolished trying to attempt such a thing. Archers and wizards might as well consider it impossible. The advantage given to venomancers makes them overpowered. PROVE ME WRONG.

    Edit: One possible solution has been proposed! One of the biggest complaints about venos is the the phoenix and herc, which can enable venos to PVP like fiends and tank bosses solo, respectively. Instead of altering them (which venos do NOT want to see happen), what if every other class were given a $200 optional item or two which could compare to a phoenix or herc? This way, the venos and their pets would not be altered, players of other classes would have something that could compare and thus would likely stop complaining, AND it would make more money for PWI. If you agree or disagree with this, PLEASE add a comment about it. Thank you!!

    dude im going to clear this up for u on the venos solo TT

    they need a herc to solo it, or a really good rock wich can take hours with

    a herc in rl money is around $200, so if u pay that much for it thay do have a right to have the power to solo TT
    it is 24 mil in game coin which can take months of hard work to get, so stop your damn complaining and make a veno

    or is it your afraid to play a girl character cuz your a dude? (trust me i was that way at first, still tryin to get em to make a male veno lol)

    the veno is mainly for pve, the nix glitch in pvp woopty do just kill the veno the pets die

    the venos are not over powered unless if u just focus on their pets,(which your stupid if u do) just att the veno and there u win

    now stop complaining
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    NO MORE!
    oh my freakin god -.-;
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hey every 30 pages I always post something like this...Heres the new edition!

    This is why venos are OP :



    1 day of TT farming. ;o
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    wow you must like have alot of time on your hands. i can make more than that in a few hours of bean collecting and spamming nova O.o;
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wtf is that? Is that from the rebirth order? ;o
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes it is. Such a lovely place to be. Nothing like slinging AoE's into hoards.
  • Quetesh - Lost City
    Quetesh - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't get you guys. What's with all this threads about venos. Think a bit:

    Game description says that veno's are the best soloers in game... so they should have an advantage in soloing.

    You say venos have 3 heals: mana, hp and switch.

    Take mana and hp... at lvl 10 they recharge 50%. But did you stop to think about the cool down timer which is 300seconds? It's not like we kill one, two mobs then recharge and do it all over again.
    The only use these skills have is in combination. For mp: recharge mana, switch, recharge health. For hp: recharge hp, switch, recharge mana. If you do not have one bar at 100% then you can't recharge to full for both. And remember... once every 300secods!!!

    Pulling: this is effective only for bosses, fbs or TT. In grinding situations it takes too long to pull out a mob out of a group for this move to be any usefull. You have to go max distance, send pet to attack, store pet, resummon and then have it attack the mob again before you can attack with spells. So by the time you actualy lure one mob out you can just move to a single mob and kill it. And don't complain about the pulling as in fbs you kick out of the team a wf who doesn't know how to lure. You benefit from that more then the venos.

    You say elite pets are overpowered. For the price they have they actualy should be tougher then any other pet. And think about it... they don't help that much... you do stuff with them only a little better or earlier then you could do with a normal pet.

    You say flesh realm is overpowered... but this is the devs fault cause they don't fix the bug. If an archer skill was bugged so it crit everytime you say you wouldn't use that to your advantage? Same goes for every other class and skill. Don't say venos are overpowered because of this... say the venos are bugged. Blame the devs not the venos.

    You also say that they have a huge advantage because they have pets. But let's think a bit. A veno can take only a couple of hits from a mob before dying. How can a veno protect itself? Archers have the barrier, clerics have the shield, buffs and heals, mages have a heal, bms have heal, barbs have regen. What does a veno have? a skill that can be used every 300 seconds. Take away the pet and a veno is useless.

    You say they can make a ton of money... it's true... they make more then the rest of the classes. But think about the upkeep. Pet food: although it doesn't cost much... you have to feed your pet every 5 mins. Pet skills: to lvl a pet's skills to lvl 5 for all 4 skills you'll spend a couple of mills. Not counting you have to unlearn the skills that you don't want and learn the ones that you do before you level them. Add to that that a veno needs an absolute minimum of 2 pets (air and ground, water isn't that important) and you get over 5 mil in cash only for the pet skills... no other class needs that money and they can spend it how they want.

    Venos can catch rare pets and sell them for a lot of money. But have you ever been to one of the rare pet spawns and see what it looks like?

    And think about it... venos are good for solo... but kinda useless in zhen, aoe parties, pvp is good for venos only because of the bug. If they finaly fix the bug veno's will drop out of the map pvp wise.

    So your overpowered veno is actualy a char good at some things and bad at others.

    I have no ideea why you argue about venos and not about archers crit, priests sleep and paralyze combo with mag/phy debuff. Or about a barbs insane amount of hp... or any other classes strong points.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wtf is that? Is that from the rebirth order? ;o
    haha. yes that is a rebirth order gamma
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You say elite pets are overpowered. For the price they have they actualy should be tougher then any other pet. And think about it... they don't help that much... you do stuff with them only a little better or earlier then you could do with a normal pet.

    You also say that they have a huge advantage because they have pets. But let's think a bit. A veno can take only a couple of hits from a mob before dying. How can a veno protect itself? Archers have the barrier, clerics have the shield, buffs and heals, mages have a heal, bms have heal, barbs have regen. What does a veno have? a skill that can be used every 300 seconds. Take away the pet and a veno is useless.

    You say they can make a ton of money... it's true... they make more then the rest of the classes. But think about the upkeep. Pet food: although it doesn't cost much... you have to feed your pet every 5 mins. Pet skills: to lvl a pet's skills to lvl 5 for all 4 skills you'll spend a couple of mills. Not counting you have to unlearn the skills that you don't want and learn the ones that you do before you level them. Add to that that a veno needs an absolute minimum of 2 pets (air and ground, water isn't that important) and you get over 5 mil in cash only for the pet skills... no other class needs that money and they can spend it how they want.

    Venos can catch rare pets and sell them for a lot of money. But have you ever been to one of the rare pet spawns and see what it looks like?

    And think about it... venos are good for solo... but kinda useless in zhen, aoe parties, pvp is good for venos only because of the bug. If they finaly fix the bug veno's will drop out of the map pvp wise.

    So the lvl 53 says. ;o

    I'm not even gonna get into the elite pets thing where you say their only use is doing things at an earlier lvl. Show me a lv 90 golem that can tank some of the TT stuff a lvl 70 herc can.

    And zhen...LOL. Venos get into zhen all the time. We can use mounts/fast pets to lure easily.

    And I have never seen anyone in an AOE party except BM and cleric. Thats all thats needed.

    Venos are always wanted/needed for grind parties. Any class is except maybe barb. ;o
  • Baraya - Dreamweaver
    Baraya - Dreamweaver Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I said this way back in the PW-MY days and I'll say it now. Venos are fine; it's the other classes that need to be changed. I think the source of veno-envy comes from long-term tension over the other classes having a hard time playing while the venos run around really enjoying themselves. The other classes need to be balanced according to the current standard of the difficulty for the venos (excluding cash shop pets). That's the only way to actually end this debate. Gimping the venos would just create an uproar and PW-CN knows it. Besides, everyone wants improvements on the other classes anyway. If PW-CN doesn't offer these improvements, then this whole debate becomes more like pe**s-envy: there's not much you can do about it except to improve your skills. Now quit yakking and get to playing.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    haha. yes that is a rebirth order gamma

    You say you can make more money in rebirth gamma than a TT lol? You should take another look at prices on the same exact server you're on.

    I don't get you guys. What's with all this threads about venos. Think a bit:

    Pulling: this is effective only for bosses, fbs or TT. In grinding situations it takes too long to pull out a mob out of a group for this move to be any usefull. You have to go max distance, send pet to attack, store pet, resummon and then have it attack the mob again before you can attack with spells. So by the time you actualy lure one mob out you can just move to a single mob and kill it. And don't complain about the pulling as in fbs you kick out of the team a wf who doesn't know how to lure. You benefit from that more then the venos.

    I don't know what kind of **** pet and/or low level veno (no offense to them lol) you're talking about but venos don't have to pull anything while grinding. They can tank tons of mobs just fine, go look at how they grind with hercs please.
    You say elite pets are overpowered. For the price they have they actualy should be tougher then any other pet. And think about it... they don't help that much... you do stuff with them only a little better or earlier then you could do with a normal pet.

    A little better lol! Again what level are you? 200 dollars on my refines doesn't even get close to how much a legendary pet does for a veno compared to a normal pet.
    You say flesh realm is overpowered... but this is the devs fault cause they don't fix the bug. If an archer skill was bugged so it crit everytime you say you wouldn't use that to your advantage? Same goes for every other class and skill. Don't say venos are overpowered because of this... say the venos are bugged. Blame the devs not the venos.

    You must not read forums a lot lol. When anyone says it's bugged they'll get flamed by people saying a gm never said it was a bug.
    You also say that they have a huge advantage because they have pets. But let's think a bit. A veno can take only a couple of hits from a mob before dying. How can a veno protect itself? Archers have the barrier, clerics have the shield, buffs and heals, mages have a heal, bms have heal, barbs have regen. What does a veno have? a skill that can be used every 300 seconds. Take away the pet and a veno is useless.

    Mages have a heal that doesn't do **** if they are 2-3 shot, bm's and barbs stat for survivability and clerics are still as squishy as ever. You never mentioned archers too, they're pretty damn squishy. Don't think anyone ever really says take pets away from veno.

    Venos also have hood, can stat to light/heavy build without making them useless.
    say they can make a ton of money... it's true... they make more then the rest of the classes. But think about the upkeep. Pet food: although it doesn't cost much... you have to feed your pet every 5 mins. Pet skills: to lvl a pet's skills to lvl 5 for all 4 skills you'll spend a couple of mills. Not counting you have to unlearn the skills that you don't want and learn the ones that you do before you level them. Add to that that a veno needs an absolute minimum of 2 pets (air and ground, water isn't that important) and you get over 5 mil in cash only for the pet skills... no other class needs that money and they can spend it how they want.

    You don't have to feed with your pet every 5 minutes, only when they die. xmas blessing are down to 400k? on sanc, tome frags are down to about 175k each, so no unless they die you don't have to feed them. pet skill costs? sure they are kind of high, look at the long run though.

    I'll just counter with a bm since it's the class I play most but it costs me 80k in repairs an hour. Takes a little over 50 hours if I don't count in quests to level. Do the math.
    And think about it... venos are good for solo... but kinda useless in zhen, aoe parties, pvp is good for venos only because of the bug. If they finaly fix the bug veno's will drop out of the map pvp wise.

    So your overpowered veno is actualy a char good at some things and bad at others.

    Never really got why people liked zhen so much, not that great exp and charm burns are ridiculous. Only fail venos will drop off pvp map, there are venos who can pvp without phoenixes, just shows how ignorant you are.

    They're actually good at almost everything, bad at very few.
    I have no ideea why you argue about venos and not about archers crit, priests sleep and paralyze combo with mag/phy debuff. Or about a barbs insane amount of hp... or any other classes strong points.
    Because they can be countered easily pvp wise. Besides barbs hp.

    Not whining at veno's or anything, just countering your arguments on why they aren't overpowered which you mainly got it wrong.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You say you can make more money in rebirth gamma than a TT lol? You should take another look at prices on the same exact server you're on.

    xD LOL. You obviously have NOT seen sancs TT prices. Those same mats shes selling are like 250-300k, and 1-3 mats are even less.
    I get about 10 tome frags (100k ea) couple immac gems (couple hundred k to couple mil ea) and tons of coins on top of it. How is that -not- more profitable than TT?
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    xD LOL. You obviously have NOT seen sancs TT prices. Those same mats shes selling are like 250-300k, and 1-3 mats are even less.
    I get about 10 tome frags (100k ea) couple immac gems (couple hundred k to couple mil ea) and tons of coins on top of it. How is that -not- more profitable than TT?

    You say it like you always gets frags and/or immacs. You also can get gold mats in tt, sure not every run but just this week I've gotten 5 without even trying. and touches are about what? 4 mil each now?

    Also getting the actual rebirth runs, you can't just want them and then have them. If you say otherwise, you're a liar lol. On the other hand, TT you just need a squad of 4 to open the door.

    Both are mainly luck but as of right now, TT are better than gamma. When frags were 500kish each being done by mainly one faction which I won't even name, then you could have said it, but not now.

    More 2-2 please b:pleased. 2-3 aren't even worth it anymore. God the frustration.
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