Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    now then if Lessie would care to actually study anything she would learn that there are ways around the so called ream of death but sadly she acts as tho she knows everything just because she is on LC the server means squat when you do not know what does go on in other servers another thing there are a decent amount of white name people in HT and they do know how to get around a lvl 8x nix if you play accrodingly read my posts more carfully before you reply to them because they are on pages 50-51 and they do state ways to stop a idiot from killing you with a nix also it byou are to weak minded and just focus on what you can do but then dont focus on what they can do then you will meet an epic fail if you vs me as a veno i play veno i played barb wizz cleric my bro plays archer and my uncle bm so i have a decent understanding pf what each can do and how to avoid it also im a lvl 70exactly veno on HT i HAVE killed and survived a lvl 80nix with my own strategies i died to the veno but i killed her friken nix because i was a lower lvl then her and my pills were on cool down but it shows that if you do play your cards correctly you can and will win also this is to Lessie (Grow Up you think you know everything which no1 does i go by personal experience and i can tell you this you wont last if you htry to use nix and run or even nix with ream and im not LA im robe ur nix will die i may doe but ur nix will do even if your lvl 80+ you do not know everything i repeat if you think you can just use a nix to win everything you play your char wrong and wont have any real skill to win period) also to the person who i dont even care to remembers name because all he posts were basicly BS and the exact same post over a few times only with alterations about not being about to do anything about nix bugged ream ect dude if you cant beat a nix with ream and ur not veno with robes then you seriously do NOT need to play this game you SUCK at your class and need to either learn how to play it or pick a new class my pets are as follows if you wish to know i DO NOT HAVE A NIX OR HURC land pet frog lvl 62 shriek lvl 3 fireball lvl 3 icicle lvl 2 boost lvl 1 Kowlin lvl 69 ream lvl 4 howl lvl 3 piece lvl 4 bash lvl 1 flying petsilver wing vook lvl 48 bash lvl 3 toxic lvl 1 water pet its an undine i do not remember its exact name but is has icicle lvl 3 shriek lvl2 boost lvl 2 and i still beat BM's Archers Clerics are tougher but i can Barbs to on occasion venos and wizz because i know the classes and what they can and CANT do study your opponent learntheir weaknesses and exploit them for those of you that need to learn how to use pills to keep alive because you dont know how to use them correctly that is not my problem

    PS i went outside the venos heal range which is about 20.5meters to 25meters nic have low phy def but high mag def and high phy attack their ream is effected by your phy def value so use a pill raise it and then kill the dam thing while it tries to use a totally ruined skill which has no effect also you could use a different pill which is dew of goldy protection it prevents at most 3K dmg of 30secoind but it will make the ream practicaly not do anything take your pick if there is anything you do not understand i will reply next week or just message me
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    dieseasily wrote: »
    Here is where I am about to confuse alot of you.

    Playing a veno is like playing checkers. You can move one direction and with some hard work you can get a king(Hercu/Pheo) which can give you an upper hand in the game.

    Playing most any other class is like playing Chess. It takes stratagy, you have lots of options on movement and you have to carefully consider where you are going and if you are proficient you can easily predict 3 moves ahead. This requires more effort, but in my opinion, is more rewarding.

    I see most anyone complaining about veno's as chess players who do not get the simplicity of a veno and insist on trying to beat a check with a chess piece.

    See, at this point I have probably lost some of you. Thats ok, I don't care I will continue with this analogy anyway.

    If you are a proficient chess player, as I stated before you should be able to predict 3 moves in advance, and since venos are such a simple pattern to follow, it should be easier to think 6 moves ahead. But instead you rather say "she is overpowered because I cannot beat her at her own game." Well DUH YOU ARE A CHESS PIECE! Instead of complaining that a veno is overpowered because you cannot play her game, start making the veno play your game. Ever try to play a checker in a chess game? It doesn't work. Look at all the non venos that have said that they can beat a veno with a pheonix. They figured it out. They have become proficient at predicting the venos moves.

    And again if your complaint is that a veno with a pheonix is the only thing that can beat you then the veno does not need to be nerfed. Because as soon as the veno is nerfed to the point that they are not able to beat you, it becomes your turn to be nerfed. Cause how fair is it that now no one can beat you?
    and i can agree entirly with dieseasly because its true if you know how you get around it if you dont you die because yu wish to complain instead of using what brain you have left from using most of the computiong power to complina because you want to be better then a class ty have a nice dayb:victory
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow.. insanely hard to decipher wall of text.. add more breaks next time and spell check please..

    your entire post is null and void as soon as you say "to stop an idiot from killing you with a nix" .. anyone with half a brain can stop an idiot from killing them with nix.. if i'm the other person you are talking about.. i've never died to nix .. i'm a barb.. but i have seen what a nix can do in TW

    the issue is about flesh ream and how much it hits for.. sure you can spam apoths and kite and stun and knockback the nix and all this sorta stuff ... but if a veno is using apoths and bramble hood and kiting (especially with demon fox form..) they are insanely hard to kill and unless you are a heavy user.. the nix will most likely get you

    noone has said venos are unbeatable.. flesh ream is bugged and it gives huge advantages.. i'm so tired of this "learn to play your class .. if you die to a nix you obviously suck" argument

    but apparently to you people unless its unbeatable.. its not overpowered
  • Alyssamassan - Sanctuary
    Alyssamassan - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Would just like to point out the biased tone in the description of the Venomancer.

    Also, it is not always possible to pull a single monster from a group. Nine times of ten, I get two or more chasing after me at any level after 18.

    "Simply" tank in PvP? Who do you know that would totally ignore the player, and try attacking a pet that will only get healed? You already know that the Venomancer is weaker; why not target her, knowing she can't heal herself?

    This was never meant to be a debate to solve the problem; it was a witch hunt. I won't even bother reading through the replies...not after seeing this.

    P.S. I would point out that I have tried almost every class, and have had similar successes with all that I've tried.

    Leave the game balance alone. Stop trying to gain an unfair advantage by destroying any class but the one YOU play.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    just like to point out that venos' pulling is pretty reliable. if you can't do it 9 out of 10 times, you need to learn how it's done. venos dont get called upon to pull in fb's, tt's, for a 10% chance to not get the party in deep doodoo. it might've been a witch hunt for some, but im sure the majority just wants a bug fixed. counterable or not, a bug is still a bug.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    we aren't trying to destroy any class but the one we play.. we are trying to get rid of an unfair advantage already implemented in the game.. this isn't about venos.. venos have their strengths and weaknesses.. their purge and amp damage is indispensable in certain situations.. demon ironwood scarab is beastly.. sage purge is awesome in TW

    this is about the stupid nix that can solo players without the veno helping
  • Wickedqueen - Lost City
    Wickedqueen - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    no one class is more powered then the other. they all ballance out. some have pets, some have stun. some have heals. I for one love my veno. for the fact that not many people invite to parties, so yes. I solo alot. and me and a veno friend together. no different then a cleric and a archer AOE hundereds of spiders. wait... yes it is. we dont get as many kills. so. what ever. as I was saying. every class is good. every class has its perks. wow. isnt it ment to be just a game anyway? so have fun dont worrie bout other classes lol b:bye
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have only been hit with the bleed in pvp once. Last TW I was in, I killed 2 phoenixes (not the veno, the pet) before they got the chance to even hit me. I guess venos are the best anti-phoenix class? lol
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Geez people just let the thread die already. It was off the front page for 2 weeks.
  • Turnaround - Lost City
    Turnaround - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Genies. nuff saidb:bye
  • rsin
    rsin Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I dont see why these posts keep re-appearing. Are the original arguements from people who actually know what its like to roll a veno? Overpowered? I dont think so. My veno maybe more powerful than some depending on how people build their character. And Ive talked to many who apparently dont know the first thing about building a character. I dont play in Pk mode but have participated in enough duels to know that without the pet I dont stand a chance against a blademaster or barb. My veno is pure magic with hardly any phys def at all. Once the pet gets eatin alive, its run or die quickly. As for venos only fighting 1 or 2 mobs at a time. I disagree. I true veno knows how to react in a tight situation. Target a mob...send the pet. Target another mob and cast away with skills. Ive handled 3 mobs at one time, 2 on the pet 1 on me. You kill one as fast as possible and quickly change focus to another. Learn how to roll a character. Its not meant to be a cake walk. other than PK mode I wouldnt even worry about how powerful any class actually is since we all have the same option to role the same type of class. If venos were so overpowered to begin with then why isnt everyone using a veno to start with? Arguing about the matter is about as stupid as betting on a man who brings a knife to a gun fight and actually thinking he'll win that battle. You all have the option of creating a veno. Use that option. Each client allows 8 characters so you can easily role an alt veno to even out your differences or jealousy whatever. Personally though. Every barb or blademaster (even some clerics) who i have faced in battle all share the same practice because the use strategy of ignoring the pet and attacking the veno herself. Most venos if not all will collapse very quickly in that situation. Really now, How is that being overpowered? The nix and its bleed has been debated. How is a veno herself overpowered?
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow.. insanely hard to decipher wall of text.. add more breaks next time and spell check please..

    your entire post is null and void as soon as you say "to stop an idiot from killing you with a nix" .. anyone with half a brain can stop an idiot from killing them with nix.. if i'm the other person you are talking about.. i've never died to nix .. i'm a barb.. but i have seen what a nix can do in TW

    the issue is about flesh ream and how much it hits for.. sure you can spam apoths and kite and stun and knockback the nix and all this sorta stuff ... but if a veno is using apoths and bramble hood and kiting (especially with demon fox form..) they are insanely hard to kill and unless you are a heavy user.. the nix will most likely get you

    noone has said venos are unbeatable.. flesh ream is bugged and it gives huge advantages.. i'm so tired of this "learn to play your class .. if you die to a nix you obviously suck" argument

    but apparently to you people unless its unbeatable.. its not overpowered
    since i have yet to die from ream mind you. and the 8x veno did die im still

    lvling at my own pace for fun if you really care to come find me in HT and see

    that you dont need a nix to win i duel with more then just my pet sure a 9x

    veno killed me after because i didnt have anything left to use i had it all

    cooling down read carefully i never stated venos are the problem i never

    stated the skill as a problem because the sawfly was used before nix ever

    came out with equal results just less dmg also find some1 who really doesnt

    know anything about venos next time because apoc pots can and will

    prevent dying fin most situations i am currently looking for the veno 8x i killed

    last time to do it again and get a screenie of their nix dying btw 7x veno

    arcane nothing above +2 except my wep +4 i have good equipes and am eva

    based also if you cant be hit you cant die and if needed use the apocrathy

    items you make for TW for pk as stated by you before many BM's carry

    accuracy powder hmm guess what ream cant get you if you use different

    powders because of immunity to dmg from certain ones if needed i will post

    them btw only if you are to lazy to go look for them yourself but i can and do

    kill 7-8x venos consistantly in pk and TW i can hold my own vs a 8-9x wizz or

    a 8x BM barb 7-8x depending on build cleric not very well because of sleep

    ect if i dont have my debuff remover i die fast but for the record if you really

    cant kill a nix and you know they are out there then why go when im a 7x

    veno and am ready for it arcane and still live most times sometimes i dont but

    it isnt ream that kills me at all in fact i have yet to be effected by it i use a

    pill im imune to any dmg for 8seconds mind you ream cant effect you while

    you resist the attack so ream gets wasted it cools down for 30seconds which

    if you know what you are doing gives you plunty of time to either kill it after

    or the veno venos are squishy i have killed many w/o nix i dont have one as

    of yet as is and dont need one its a waste when the sawfly does the same

    thing now really people never complained about the sawfly when it did the

    same thing it hit so hard that ream was just as effective mind you so why

    not QQ about a over powered bug if it uses it no-one yet has this is why

    people dont consider it a problem because people didnt pay money to get it

    they are likly poor and cant afford it for themselves so they QQ and dont do

    anything about it even if they can use your head and get around ream or

    complain about it up to you it does no good you cant change it and even if

    you get rid of ream there is something else you will QQ about next really i

    know it will happen because not everyone gets placted and people will QQ

    over stupid stuff there are items the will prevent dmg there are items that

    restore hp and there are items that increase crt% and eva% and a lot more

    look into them i do they help use them effectivly and you will learn how to

    live and i know this is big if you even read it all thats your choice i wont

    blame you for complaining but it wont help you any and i have yet to see

    some1 actually use any ideas how to prevent ream which is possible

    remember ream is still based on your phy def values it still goes against them

    what it does do it go past buffs from certain things like cleric buffs and def

    buffs however apoc items do prevent it they dont go past that test it if you

    wish i have it works fine for me and if you are honestly lazy and wont pick a

    few herbs to protect yourself and yet pick others to get accuracy ect. then

    why be in pk mode or even pvp or for that matter why play if you are to lazy

    to do extra then i guess you would be to lazy to learn the difference

    between being so called OP which doesnt do any good for any1 when archers

    used to be the OP ones with thier 1 shot = death for most when a new

    threat comes out you will only QQ about it and not do anything you dont or

    you wont QQ you will do something and that will be when you make a change

    if you cant get around a nix thats is not my problem im doing just fine vs

    them and im not even LA im arcane i have w/o barb buff a bit over 3k hp with

    it i get almost 4.6K hp and i can still come out on top with out help from most

    sure it costs me time effort and patience to do it but with out that you dont

    complete anything its sorta how you would QQ about grinding but you do it

    anyways so do something about the nix and stop QQing that you cant i kill

    them often and im hated for it but it doesnt change things mind you most my

    quick slots have skills or apoc items but it keeps me alive and it does work if

    you cant deal with it then QQ like you do an dont expect things to change

    half my friends dont die from nix either anymore they carry a few apoc items

    now when pking just to combat a nix wow what a concept if you cant get

    around a problem go through it and get rid of it i do nix = a joke to me now

    they arnt worth the money and not worth the effort when sawfly if i wanted

    it can do the same thing. if you want to kill somebody you have to be ready

    for problems and have a plan incase of the flaws in your plan i dont leave

    town w/o apo items when in pk but if you cant live like that then you dont

    need to pk or pvp just have fun killing monsters because its all you are good

    at if you cant combat something you avoid it or find a way to thats life deal

    with it i hope you enjoy ur QQing now back to the game for me time to kill a nix yay ill be back next week to read on all the new QQ **** and i wonder if any of you even read the whole posts that people do because really would be interesting if you do take the time to analize things and pay attention also if you put as much effort as you do to QQing on the forums as you do to playing the actual game and learning how to kill a nix you might get somewhere now to find the 8x veno byes want my screenieb:victoryb:bye till next week
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    since i have yet to die from ream mind you. and the 8x veno did die im still

    lvling at my own pace for fun if you really care to come find me in HT and see

    that you dont need a nix to win i duel with more then just my pet sure a 9x

    veno killed me after because i didnt have anything left to use i had it all

    cooling down read carefully i never stated venos are the problem i never

    stated the skill as a problem because the sawfly was used before nix ever

    came out with equal results just less dmg also find some1 who really doesnt

    know anything about venos next time because apoc pots can and will

    prevent dying fin most situations i am currently looking for the veno 8x i killed

    last time to do it again and get a screenie of their nix dying btw 7x veno

    arcane nothing above +2 except my wep +4 i have good equipes and am eva

    based also if you cant be hit you cant die and if needed use the apocrathy

    items you make for TW for pk as stated by you before many BM's carry

    accuracy powder hmm guess what ream cant get you if you use different

    powders because of immunity to dmg from certain ones if needed i will post

    them btw only if you are to lazy to go look for them yourself but i can and do

    kill 7-8x venos consistantly in pk and TW i can hold my own vs a 8-9x wizz or

    a 8x BM barb 7-8x depending on build cleric not very well because of sleep

    ect if i dont have my debuff remover i die fast but for the record if you really

    cant kill a nix and you know they are out there then why go when im a 7x

    veno and am ready for it arcane and still live most times sometimes i dont but

    it isnt ream that kills me at all in fact i have yet to be effected by it i use a

    pill im imune to any dmg for 8seconds mind you ream cant effect you while

    you resist the attack so ream gets wasted it cools down for 30seconds which

    if you know what you are doing gives you plunty of time to either kill it after

    or the veno venos are squishy i have killed many w/o nix i dont have one as

    of yet as is and dont need one its a waste when the sawfly does the same

    thing now really people never complained about the sawfly when it did the

    same thing it hit so hard that ream was just as effective mind you so why

    not QQ about a over powered bug if it uses it no-one yet has this is why

    people dont consider it a problem because people didnt pay money to get it

    they are likly poor and cant afford it for themselves so they QQ and dont do

    anything about it even if they can use your head and get around ream or

    complain about it up to you it does no good you cant change it and even if

    you get rid of ream there is something else you will QQ about next really i

    know it will happen because not everyone gets placted and people will QQ

    over stupid stuff there are items the will prevent dmg there are items that

    restore hp and there are items that increase crt% and eva% and a lot more

    look into them i do they help use them effectivly and you will learn how to

    live and i know this is big if you even read it all thats your choice i wont

    blame you for complaining but it wont help you any and i have yet to see

    some1 actually use any ideas how to prevent ream which is possible

    remember ream is still based on your phy def values it still goes against them

    what it does do it go past buffs from certain things like cleric buffs and def

    buffs however apoc items do prevent it they dont go past that test it if you

    wish i have it works fine for me and if you are honestly lazy and wont pick a

    few herbs to protect yourself and yet pick others to get accuracy ect. then

    why be in pk mode or even pvp or for that matter why play if you are to lazy

    to do extra then i guess you would be to lazy to learn the difference

    between being so called OP which doesnt do any good for any1 when archers

    used to be the OP ones with thier 1 shot = death for most when a new

    threat comes out you will only QQ about it and not do anything you dont or

    you wont QQ you will do something and that will be when you make a change

    if you cant get around a nix thats is not my problem im doing just fine vs

    them and im not even LA im arcane i have w/o barb buff a bit over 3k hp with

    it i get almost 4.6K hp and i can still come out on top with out help from most

    sure it costs me time effort and patience to do it but with out that you dont

    complete anything its sorta how you would QQ about grinding but you do it

    anyways so do something about the nix and stop QQing that you cant i kill

    them often and im hated for it but it doesnt change things mind you most my

    quick slots have skills or apoc items but it keeps me alive and it does work if

    you cant deal with it then QQ like you do an dont expect things to change

    half my friends dont die from nix either anymore they carry a few apoc items

    now when pking just to combat a nix wow what a concept if you cant get

    around a problem go through it and get rid of it i do nix = a joke to me now

    they arnt worth the money and not worth the effort when sawfly if i wanted

    it can do the same thing. if you want to kill somebody you have to be ready

    for problems and have a plan incase of the flaws in your plan i dont leave

    town w/o apo items when in pk but if you cant live like that then you dont

    need to pk or pvp just have fun killing monsters because its all you are good

    at if you cant combat something you avoid it or find a way to thats life deal

    with it i hope you enjoy ur QQing now back to the game for me time to kill a nix yay ill be back next week to read on all the new QQ **** and i wonder if any of you even read the whole posts that people do because really would be interesting if you do take the time to analize things and pay attention also if you put as much effort as you do to QQing on the forums as you do to playing the actual game and learning how to kill a nix you might get somewhere now to find the 8x veno byes want my screenieb:victoryb:bye till next week

    w h y t h e h e l l i s t h a t s o s p a c e d o u t
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow...80 pages of veno hate.

    Ok Say this happens, Venos never had pets, then what?
    They would be weak mages and clerics that can't buff.
    They would most likely be played as a debuff class (if anyone played it that is)
    Every game has the Pet class, and every game flames it because "oh no they have a pet" hell with out one, what exactly ARE venos?
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Every game has the Pet class, and every game flames it because "oh no they have a pet" hell with out one, what exactly ARE venos?

    A way for people that like Anthropomorphs to play as a girl with a tail or ears.

    What... I'm just saying...
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    A way for people that like Anthropomorphs to play as a girl with a tail or ears.

    What... I'm just saying...

    Or furries...


    Don't judge me D:
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Or furries...


    Don't judge me D:

    I'll never judge you. I have a friend who is one. Nicest guy you'll ever meet.
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I'll never judge you. I have a friend who is one. Nicest guy you'll ever meet.

    Well I not one, just making a joke, but ya, people would be surprised how nice "weird" (and i put it in quotes because i don't know what to classify them as) people can be ;3
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Furries ftw, venos are the reason I started this game in the first place due to them with the fox stuff.

    Not all of us are "that" way. You just see the bad parts like on that CSI episode.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Furries ftw, venos are the reason I started this game in the first place due to them with the fox stuff.

    Not all of us are "that" way. You just see the bad parts like on that CSI episode.

    I remember that episode ;D
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think old useless threads should die already:| Seeing as its 81 pages of spam posted back to feb, mods can you kill this please @_@?
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Furries ftw, venos are the reason I started this game in the first place due to them with the fox stuff.

    Not all of us are "that" way. You just see the bad parts like on that CSI episode.

    if it wernt for the ream and maybe the dmg reduction in fbs/tts none of this would exist...

    if only the devs just fixed ream and added air to land penalty for pets
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    People just hate venos 'cause they are so versatile. b:chuckle
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    kill this threadddddddddddddddddddddddddddd desu D:<
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    kill this threadddddddddddddddddddddddddddd desu D:<

    Ok PLEASE kill this thread...the word "desu" is in it D'x
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    Damn it...
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
  • stormhydra
    stormhydra Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    THis seriously needs some HARD FACTS. Like numbers..
    You say things like "Has the highest physattack" But it would be better like "Has the highest physattack, At lvl 30 it is <number> with no weapon. For <other class> it is <number>"

    This thread is just another part of a beginner guide (helping beginners choose a class) except laid out as an attempt to stop the venoflaming.
    Steam Acc - Blugblugy || Steam Nickname - Blugyblug ||Xfire - Blugyblug || - Call of Duty 4/Modern Warfare 2/COD: Black Ops - Blugyblug ||League of Legends - Blugyblug||Forsaken World - Coalescence (mage)
  • stevep
    stevep Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    venos way overpowered herc pet stronger than a barb venos can 2 hit and class double thier lvl lmao
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