Expansion Preview - Genie System



  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My opinions of current skill list
    Electro Dance: HORRIBLE idea
    Blood clot: sufficient protection against phoenix
    Frozen Domain: decent idea, maybe
    Earth Blaze: LOL but no
    Banish: O_o
    Rainbow Blessing: I like the casting one and crit rate, but the rest will probably overwrite cleric buffs and **** off clerics, best to split these into multiple skills
    Rumbling Thunder: Good, but there should be an equivalent single target fire, water, wood, earth

    i don't get why veno can't get Rumbling thunder? what's up with that? i mean i don't see how it can be unbalance at all

    but i do know is electro dance is nice to help in tw, cause i do air pvp most of the time. probably use earth blaze for aoe farming :P
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i don't get why veno can't get Rumbling thunder? what's up with that? i mean i don't see how it can be unbalance at all

    but i do know is electro dance is nice to help in tw, cause i do air pvp most of the time. probably use earth blaze for aoe farming :P

    I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere(in the first post he said "some example skills" so I'd assume theres more) that this wasn't all of the skills. My guess is there IS a similar spell for each element, and for each one class cant use it.

    ie. Rumbling Water, water element, All class but Cleric
    iie. Rumbling Fire, fire element, All class but Barb
    (this idea, not neccisarily the combonations/names obviously)
    etc etc

    I migth be very very wrong, but if I'm right about not all the skills being listed, it's probably fairly close to accurate.
  • Xtonyx - Heavens Tear
    Xtonyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    aaaaaahhhh it seems that the devs got nice and full content pockets with the QQbird and its little flesh ream "problem" and are ready to stop hearing people overflow the forums with it.
    guess for all the people in LC time to see whos the noobs and the pros in venomancers huh b:chuckle
    i guess its safe now with the genie b:thanks *heads to harshlands*
    ~sig by Saitada, a total badass b:laugh
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere(in the first post he said "some example skills" so I'd assume theres more) that this wasn't all of the skills. My guess is there IS a similar spell for each element, and for each one class cant use it.

    ie. Rumbling Water, water element, All class but Cleric
    iie. Rumbling Fire, fire element, All class but Barb
    (this idea, not neccisarily the combonations/names obviously)
    etc etc

    I migth be very very wrong, but if I'm right about not all the skills being listed, it's probably fairly close to accurate.

    if that's the case then i'm perfectly happy. then that means there will be spell for human only and also untame only b:dirty i wonder what it will be
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    fix mages ><
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    iie. Rumbling Fire, fire element, All class but Barb
    I agree, though I think archers or clerics will be unable to use the fire version. Veno's are "wood-aligned" (for lack of a better term), and they can't use the metal attack which wood is weak against. It'd make sense to me for a "metal-aligned" class to not use a fire attack. o.o

    There are 5 elements though... 6 classes... I wonder if one element will have 2 classes that can't use it or if 1 class can use all elements. o.O
    if that's the case then i'm perfectly happy. then that means there will be spell for human only and also untame only b:dirty i wonder what it will be
    Me too b:pleased

    Hmmm... I'm only guessing, but there will likely be "antidotes" for several debuffs beyond bleed... I wonder what all can be cured. o.o
    Banish: O_o
    Banish whoever's stolen aggro from the tank? ... idk just a thought o.O

    Hmmm... what costs are there to using a genie's powers? Obviously, there'll likely be a cooldown... but what else? MP, Chi or something completely different. o.o
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hmmm... what costs are there to using a genie's powers? Obviously, there'll likely be a cooldown... but what else? MP, Chi or something completely different. o.o

    Veno pet skills dont cost mp or chi, maybe it's the same.
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste: img12.imageshack.us/img12/4148/lolzpendulum.jpg
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Veno pet skills dont cost mp or chi, maybe it's the same.

    Could be, yeah. I doubt it though... Other all-class stuff (aerogear/mounts/pots/charms) do have some sort of cost for maintaining certain functions... I'd be surprised if genies didn't. o.o
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Although I haven't played the Chinese server and don't speak Chinese, I think the following images are one of the genies... cant be sure though... could just be some odd veno pet


    I am sooooooo looking forward to these... Personally I think they should be a cash shop item, something to balance the herc/phoenix advantage. I am surprised that PWi has decided to be so generous.
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Laranda wrote:
    There are 5 elements though... 6 classes... I wonder if one element will have 2 classes that can't use it or if 1 class can use all elements. o.O

    My best guess would be a physical/[non element] attack for the 6th. Of course dont quote me on that lmao.

    Also I agree with your fire statement, I was just making spells up as you saw
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2009
    Although I haven't played the Chinese server and don't speak Chinese, I think the following images are one of the genies... cant be sure though... could just be some odd veno pet


    I am sooooooo looking forward to these... Personally I think they should be a cash shop item, something to balance the herc/phoenix advantage. I am surprised that PWi has decided to be so generous.

    Those are the sprites you get upon achieving the final Demon cultivation level.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Leprechaundh - Sanctuary
    Leprechaundh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Xarfox, I really hope ur a chick, cauze you are so close to havin a little green man humping your leg

    XDXDXDXDXDXD PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETish kinda things that are not really veno pets and cant tank which is what pet a wizzie rly needs but ill take any thing i can really yay
  • Katryn - Heavens Tear
    Katryn - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol Surtr beat me to it on that reply

    On another note.. in Xar's first post.. he mentioned genies having equipment slots. If an entity (pet/genie/fairy/call what you will) does not atack, takes no damage, and doesn't tank.. why would it need equipment?
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm betting its gonna be something REALY similar to ESO's pet system but with weakened pets because that would be unfair to venos
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My best guess would be a physical/[non element] attack for the 6th. Of course dont quote me on that lmao.

    Yeah that's true. XD It would be the best guess.

    Hmmmm... the one class that would really benefit from [non] genie skills is the same one that would most likely be "restricted" from them: wizard. o.o
    On another note.. in Xar's first post.. he mentioned genies having equipment slots. If an entity (pet/genie/fairy/call what you will) does not atack, takes no damage, and doesn't tank.. why would it need equipment?
    My guess: base damage would be controlled by the genie's gear, not the player's gear. o.o

    ... It could also be that genies want an "offering" for their services... probably the former reason imo. o.o

    Oh! Don't quote me on this, but genies may be able to attack, it's just for aggro/targeting purposes, it's treated as if the character was the one who did it... o.o Either that... or I read things wrong...
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blood Clot seems so nice and about time ( even tho they could just have fixed bleed) b:thanks

    And i dont care if u need a costly cs item to get the damn genie, i gladly pay 25 mil for it. It will be cheaper than refining my gear to achieve 10k hp ....which is about the amount of hp 90+ archers need if they wanna be able to tank lvl 90 nix + veno 4-5 sec and survive b:bye
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blood Clot seems so nice and about time ( even tho they could just have fixed bleed) b:thanks

    And i dont care if u need a costly cs item to get the damn genie, i gladly pay 25 mil for it. It will be cheaper than refining my gear to achieve 10k hp ....which is about the amount of hp 90+ archers need if they wanna be able to tank lvl 90 nix + veno 4-5 sec and survive b:bye

    you know it would be funny if it has double the cooldown compare to a pheonix bleed or even 10 seconds more b:thanks
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    But if venos get genies too...then doesn't that give them 2 pets?
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bobzilla21 wrote: »
    But if venos get genies too...then doesn't that give them 2 pets?

    People are under the misinterpretation that the genie is a pet. No it doesnt give Veno's 2 pets, nor does it give other classes a battle pet. Its merely an iconic/graphical representation of a new set of all-class skills everyone is getting.
  • Aerodynamix - Sanctuary
    Aerodynamix - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Having a lil thingy follow me around and more skills? and no more pheonix worries? ahh this is just 2 good^^ I hope these things wont be too hard to get when they come out and might take sum time 2 get used to aww well
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are under the misinterpretation that the genie is a pet. No it doesnt give Veno's 2 pets, nor does it give other classes a battle pet. Its merely an iconic/graphical representation of a new set of all-class skills everyone is getting.
    I dunno, the OP did say it was a new pet system...though he did also say it was different than the veno pet system too.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are under the misinterpretation that the genie is a pet. No it doesnt give Veno's 2 pets, nor does it give other classes a battle pet. Its merely an iconic/graphical representation of a new set of all-class skills everyone is getting.

    I agree, thanks for clarifying. I almost freaked when I thought all classes were getting Pets. I would have left the game since I love the Veno Pet concept.

    The term "Genie" IMHO gives the wrong idea. If you read the original post carefully, it is simply a way of adding more skills. It doesn't sound like a Pet at all. Please clarify if I am mistaken.

    I think it will simply make PvE easier (unless the MOB get extra abilities too) and PvP more complex.
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bobzilla21 wrote: »
    I dunno, the OP did say it was a new pet system...though he did also say it was different than the veno pet system too.

    It can be called a skill system, but it's themed and flavored as a pet system. Depending upon how it works, it may prove to be more pet than skill... But in either case, it's nothing like the veno pets. o.o

    In fact... there may end up being veno-only skills that affect pets, but it's too early to tell what all is possible with genies. o.o
  • Senyo - Heavens Tear
    Senyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now after reading most of this thread I have several questions of my own.

    1. are the skills in a skill tree like for the main characters? or do you need to purchase them like veno pet skills?

    2. I was also wondering if the skills are used concurrently with your own skills, or if the character can't use any skills while the Genie uses a skill.

    3. do the skills need to be manually activated? or does the pet act on it's own, given a certain trigger (if you start taking bleed damage, and it auto removes it)? (I saw the question about active/passive skills, but I'm not sure if this was addressed with that)

    4. I believe the question about feeding hasn't been answered yet.

    5. I saw questions implying that you can own more than one, and I saw someone saying that you can only own one. could you please clarify?
  • Daji - Heavens Tear
    Daji - Heavens Tear Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now after reading most of this thread I have several questions of my own.

    1. are the skills in a skill tree like for the main characters? or do you need to purchase them like veno pet skills?

    2. I was also wondering if the skills are used concurrently with your own skills, or if the character can't use any skills while the Genie uses a skill.

    3. do the skills need to be manually activated? or does the pet act on it's own, given a certain trigger (if you start taking bleed damage, and it auto removes it)? (I saw the question about active/passive skills, but I'm not sure if this was addressed with that)

    4. I believe the question about feeding hasn't been answered yet.

    5. I saw questions implying that you can own more than one, and I saw someone saying that you can only own one. could you please clarify?

    Just did some research but not much information release yet. This is from what I know

    1. No information on this yet.
    2. can be concurrent.
    3. can be auto or manually control by player.
    4. There isnt a need to feed as far as I understand.
    5. Only one but you are free to select the kind of element such as fire/metal. Each element does different things like metal does stun and enchant attack on owner.
  • Darksky - Heavens Tear
    Darksky - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well here go the overpowered veno's .. go ahead ..

    this is realy pathetic ...
    this game goes around venos and guess what ?? venos ....

    now, a combat pet and a buff pet .. nice ... in abit venos will create a country just for themselfs ... since they will need nobody ...

    Oh noes...my avatar is bald b:shockedb:shocked <
    WTF b:laughb:laugh
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well here go the overpowered veno's .. go ahead ..

    this is realy pathetic ...
    this game goes around venos and guess what ?? venos ....

    now, a combat pet and a buff pet .. nice ... in abit venos will create a country just for themselfs ... since they will need nobody ...


    Know what's even more pathetic? People running around complaining about something that doesn't even matter.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well here go the overpowered veno's .. go ahead ..

    this is realy pathetic ...
    this game goes around venos and guess what ?? venos ....

    now, a combat pet and a buff pet .. nice ... in abit venos will create a country just for themselfs ... since they will need nobody ...


    Want some Cheese with that Whine?

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Want some Cheese with that Whine?


    He gets cheese? NO FAIR! b:angry

    *pickets Saitada*
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    He gets cheese? NO FAIR! b:angry

    *pickets Saitada*

    I have Sushi for you. b:chuckle

This discussion has been closed.