Ability Wishlist



  • mistigrikitty
    mistigrikitty Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Venomancer
    Skill: Charm skills (either mesmerize or timed tame) ( with level limitaion)
    Reason: Solo: could take care of adds when in hard situation
    Squad: could help dealing damage by using a "special pet" on bosses or so..etc...

    Class: Cleric
    Skill: Root
    Reason: Solo: could stop an add and avoid dying.

    Class: Cleric
    Skill: Quick Escape (Let you escape to a nearest safe location)
    Reason: Easier for cleric to come back and rez squad

    Class: Cleric or Venom
    Skill: Another kind of Bramble(caster regain HP each time mob touch the "bramble", and a group version one when higher level , all squad regain HP each time mob touch the "bramble"

    Class: All
    Skill: Innate Run ( gives you the chance to raise your run speed by X% each X levels)
    Reason: Easier for everbody roam around the instances and land when lower level

    Class: All
    Skill: Meditate (gives you the chance to raise your meditation rate by X% each X levels)
    Reason: Makes it easier to regain mana/hp without ruining our money on pots and charms between the mobs, or between the bosses.
  • songuy
    songuy Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    some ppl have already gotten to the speed buff for clerics, so I'll skip that.

    clerics and wizards need something like the veno's soul transfusion too, since all the mag classes at least have a personal heal spell, they should be able to switch their hp and mp, then heal themselves like the veno's do.

    skill- breath of god- heals all people in and aoe as well as damaging all wriath based mobs (including bosses). kinda like in the older FF's when u could throw a pheonix down or pot on an undead mob and it would hurt it.
    logic- to give attack bases clerics a decent heal spell and heal based clerics a decent dmg spell as well as a great aoe.
    couldn't be used in PvP tho, since other players aren't wriaths.
  • Mystyra - Lost City
    Mystyra - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Elf

    Shape shift abillity

    allow us to turn into woodland creatures ^^ cos we're elves and that's cool!

    also I think archers also need like a mini heal abillity - and a fast sprint for archers, they need to be fast :)

    Also a -dissapear- abillity - we're ninja-asassin like class, we should have like 10secs of invisibility skill EPIC FOR PVP O_O

    That is all

    - Mystyra
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: All
    Spell: Venom of the World
    Description: The ability to take WC or LOCAL drama queens/spammers into a state of poisoning. The more players who "poison" the user by clicking their name and choosing the skill, the more damage the player takes. When/if they die, they are unable to use any local/wc/trade chat for 30 minutes.
    Reasoning:I hate WC/Trade Chat/ Local Chat spammers. (i.e. spamming the same message over and over as fast as they can.)

    *note to everyone*

    THIS IS HUMOR.. not serious... but it would be fun!

  • Ravira - Sanctuary
    Ravira - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: wizard

    Skill: Polymorph - Wizard will randomly morph into a mob of his same level for
    5 minutes. Skill cooldown: also 5 minutes. If he morphs into a ranged mob, his dex will increase by 50 points. If he morphs into a magic mob, his magic will increase by 50 points. If he morphs into a melee mob, his strength will increase by 50 points. He can't use the skill again to 'unmorph'. Morph wears off after 5 minutes, after which it can be used again.

    Logic: Mages are masters of the arcane. They should have a skill that's a result of their experiments with magic. Turning themselves into other creatures comes right up that alley if you ask me. The skill wouldn't be overpowered because the buff only lasts a certain duration and the mage can't choose which mob he turns into.

    Cass: Archer

    Skill: Summon Angelic Spirit - Summons a spirit essence that will tank for the archer. The essence has a fixed amount of HP, derrived off the archer's cultivation level. I am thinking maybe 1000 HP at lowest lvl and 15.000 at highest. Archer won't be able to heal the essence, though it does regenerate health at a very slow rate. It costs 100% of current mana to summon. It has no duration and the cooldown is 15 minutes. The essence does very low damage but has fairly high physical and magical defense. It has only bash skill lvl 4 so it can keep agro.

    Logic: It's main purpose is to give archers an easier time when soloing.
    Because it can't be healed, it can't be used to tank bosses or lots of mobs at the same time. And most mobs do a lot of damage to it, so archer can't use it constantly, unless he is willing to wait a few minutes between battles for the HP to regenerate. It will be a kind of companion to the archer that will save him from rough spots and keep mobs off his back. The elves are descended from the angels so it makes sense that they can summon their angelic friends to help them in a raw form.
  • Hiyu - Lost City
    Hiyu - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    will will this is a nice idea will here are my suggestions =P

    Class : BladeMaster

    Wep: Spear/Axe

    Skills: Spear- something like Jump from FF.. leap hi into the air and land hard on the ground inflicting massive dmg to target and surrounding mobs... of course it may miss
    Axe - classic axers skill BERSERK! go into a berserker status dealing massive dmg and hi crit rate for a short period of time but u take double dmg.

    Logic: BM's have a lvl 79 fist skill and a lvl 100 sword skill why not axe and spear? plus they have a down side... not to overpower them
  • bunnyhunny
    bunnyhunny Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - a pet buff in a venos skill tree
    Logic - i find most pets to be way too weak (even with the current buffs in a pets skill tree)

    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - HoT or Heal over time
    Logic - if not a buff, then a better way to heal

    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - self or party buff.. not sure what it would be
    Logic - more buffs is good for anything

    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - not a skill but a pet that can heal the owner
    Logic - we are just paper behind our pets, and we out dmg them most of the time.. might as well have them give something back?

    dont even begin to flame me, i could care less.
  • Niyome - Lost City
    Niyome - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yup this is for all my fellow EAs

    Skill: Angels Touch-Healing move increase life by 1000 every 2sec
    Cost: 1.5 spark
    Logic: We need a freaking heal.

    Skill: Stunning Arrows Aoe stun, last for 10sec. Anyone near target will be affected.
    Weapon:Ranged Weapons
    Cost:1.5 spark
    Logic: Stun Veno but her pet is still **** me. Stun Pet >.< 3sec not enough.

    Skil: Aim High Aoe seal for 7sec, Anyone nearby will be affected
    Weapon: Ranged Weapons
    Cost:1.5 spark
    Logic: just dont want people getting close to me la. * TOO CLOSE*

    What this guy saidb:cuteb:chuckle
  • Nomaad - Heavens Tear
    Nomaad - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Skill:Immune to "Bleed" for X ammount of seconds
    Logic:To cancel that stupid pheonix "bleed" in PVP situations. Even as a barb, they hit-n-run me once... im dead. The pheonix is fast, it's got HP (hard to kill it) it has an attack that's overpowered with a bleed of 400+ ON ME!!! and if i focus on the "user" and not try to kill the pet... im ALWAYS dead before them!

    Class: Barbarian
    Skill: Ranged stun attack!
    Logic: People run all the time, i can never get a stun close enough to hold them in my depressing mele range!! so a STUN from a distance or AOEish (like BM's) would help PWN (would be useful against a pheonix user also!!!)

    100% agree with a ranged/stun attack for barbs...Kiting mobs = b:angry
  • nauhan
    nauhan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Firespell: Inflict damage according to the Physical Defence of the target
    Logic: the fire melt the armor of the target and a deals more dmg if you wear a bigger armor.(that would be a nice way to inflict damage to the very hard to kill heavy armour user)
    Earthspell: Inflice less damage(like undine strike) and stun for 6 sec
    Logic: If you got hit by a big stone your are normaly stuned or? And Wizards have problem to fight again other character as long as then dont make the first hit and are far away or they are around 10lvl higher then the target(It is just frustraiting if you only can win a duel again a 20 lvl lower blademaster if you use sutra)
    Waterspell: Cast a mirror which reflect the next incoming atk completly to the opponent, cost half of hp or mp (random)
    Logic: Wizard are great master of magic so why they are not able to use the weapon of there enemy again they
  • scath
    scath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster and Barbarian

    Skill: Vortex: Character spins around creating a vortex sucking in all enemies within a certain range dealing so much damage and creating aggro

    Logic: It allows the 2 tanking classes to pull aggro off members of parties without having to individually select mobs and be more effective in protecting the party and doing our job as tanks by keeping aggro

    Class: Blademaster

    Skill: Aura of the Divine: increases magic resists by so much like the Aura of Golden Bell

    Logic: We are extremely weak against magic and this is a party buff it would be very helpful to all.
  • Nomaad - Heavens Tear
    Nomaad - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Barb

    Skill: AOE pull or even a single target long range pull

    Reason: Barbs have very little need for knockback moves like slam. We are a melee class, why would we want mobs/players farther away? An AOE pull would be great for mobs with ranged attacks and getting aggro so squishies can run away. Please make it work on players too. It is so annoying getting destroyed by archers with their ranged stun and freeze moves. It would also balance out wizards and blademasters teleport.

    edit: This skill would preferable be avaible for human form since roar is a similar skill for tiger form

    Agreed, Barbs need something like this to bring mobs closer, if only to have a better chance against rangers who like to ks...b:victory
  • gurndy
    gurndy Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well let me take the role as RQ then thats the worst guild on the Lost server.
    You guy dont need to complaine about Archer and Bm.Yeah off course Bm lack some things and archers dont do much damage in melee range but it also depens on your build. Like Bms can pawn Mage and Barb easy if you just upgrade the alter marrow physical and magical also Bms have the best stunn and speed boost. Archers hav ethe highest evade against melee and i have died alot against archers also if the use the lightning skill melee users dont stand a chance special if its a critical hit. Then i stat about Mage yeah the casting time is long off most spells but i have bin easyly killed by this combo: icedragon 4 sec casting time,Glacialsnare 1.8 sec casting time, Sandstorm 1,5 sec casting time according to me thats not long casting time i was killed be4 i got to him. So mages just learn your spells and dont complaine about casting time. And if you use an Light armor build you own most ppl.Clerc i agree they are to slow but they did it on porpuse so they dont walk in front and get aggro. I find the more Buff **** they have the most buffs already now.Then venos they have the best soloing and the only Battle pet users they cant complainee really about buffs if they play good they dont even get aggro and have the lowest off all classes repiar bill.Then last but not least Barb. Barb is good now but they do lack an ranged attack which each other class do have so do that for a Barb
    Best to use is an drop chance skill.
  • Fumika - Lost City
    Fumika - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Archer | Barbarian | Blademaster | Cleric | Wizard
    Skill Suggestion - Sacrifice your all-class pet (has to be summoned of course) to get a certain effect based on what pet you sacrificed (every pet has xx effects and one of them will be randomly choosed if you sacrifice your pet)

    requires 1 spark

    ( I dunno if all-class pets has loyality) The loyality of your pet will sink each time you sacrifice it. loyality of your all class pet can only be increased with the item "pure water" and when you have it summoned. loyality regeneration is each second 1 loyality.

    Logic - To every class except venos, pets are useless.
    so it would be a nice idea if any other class can use pets for a benefit too.
    also the price of the pets which you need to manufract the all-class pets should be limited so that the venos doesnt become even richer and everyone can buy them.

    Class - Archer
    Skill Suggestion - A skill that let the mobs/bossess/players target surrounding mobs/bosses/players in a certain radius and attack them. useful in TW, FB, dunno xD
    useless in duels!
    Logic - archer always get aggro and if they could just tranfer the target they would be much more uselful in fbs because the tank dont have to run after the boss/mob to kill it. Another reason is that i want to see mobs/bosses killing other mobs/bosses xD

    Little Note: I dont have anything against venos... I am even playing a veno myself... ^_^
  • canokun
    canokun Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Blademaster/BM

    Skill Name: Chains of War

    Skill: Single Target attack. Player sends weapon(s) on chains to distant mod/player, dealing base damage, plus pulls mob/player to player. Stun effect or dizziness added to target. Chances of success increase by lvl.
    Not including Pole weapons

    Logic: Able to pull single mobs, also helps to not have to chase after mobs agro'd by others.
  • Ragingwiz - Lost City
    Ragingwiz - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - faster casting, aoe skill
    Logic - Venos definetly could use more aoe skills to lure better in zhen parties


    Class - Veno
    Skill Suggestion - phy def buff
    Logic - venos get owned very fast by any archer or melee class, and a self phy def buff would come very handy for pvp or sheer grind, simply because arcane stuff doesn't offer much protection and can't exactly switch to heavy armor very easy
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    elektrika wrote: »
    Class - Wizard
    Skill Suggestion - Mana Shield - use mana points to absorb damage over a 15-second period
    Logic - Wizards, by design, are low in HP and higher in mana. With the wizard's healing spell having such a long cast time, it is not truly functional in combat, and knockback skills do not work against other players or most bosses. By spending mana to absorb damage, it would allow Wizards to kite and/or escape more effectively.
    -.-" well have you heard of bramble barrage?? that thing kills all physical damage dealer easy, 75% dmg reduction plus 200% physical dmg gave back? i can kill myself without venos help with that skill, plus that 10 seconds, my cloud sprints dont last enough to go away and back in that time.... thats just unbeatable skill

    Which is why you use your brain and stop attacking during the 10 seconds it's up >.>
  • subjugator
    subjugator Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Skill Suggestion-Some sort of self buffs to increase physical and magical defense for a set time similar to Beast Kings Inspriation.(other than tiger form)
    Logic-It would make it easier for barbs to solo if they could have more buffs they could cast on themselves instead of having to rely on others.
  • Hari - Heavens Tear
    Hari - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Venomancer
    Skill Suggestion - Change to pet skills
    Logic - Well... all players can use esc to cancel skills and instantly cast something. Pets can't. That makes some skills (especially the cancel one) almost useless... just make it so when you click a skill it automatically stops whatever it's doing and uses it :)
    HT clerics at their finest:

    hari: can you do mdef debuffs? makes the fight go faster
    naughty_x: waste, I do more damage without them
    hari: ...you do more damage in 2 seconds than reducing mdef by 35% for 4 casters does in 20 seconds?
    naughty_x: is waste, i do more damage

    hari: 3-3 BH goes a lot faster with a sin
    naughty_x: no, only a difference of like 3 minutes
    hari: ...we've been in here a lot longer than 3 minutes already
    naughty_x: your opinion
  • Bladecutter - Sanctuary
    Bladecutter - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Which is why you use your brain and stop attacking during the 10 seconds it's up >.>

    ok, so i stop attacking for 10 seconds (usually i do that) and, the veno stands looking at me and without attacking?? if the veno does wow, i will win!!

    i dont have 10k hp to wait 10 seconds when every magic attacks takes like 1k... CAN is the key word for that post
  • Sadism - Lost City
    Sadism - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Class: Blademaster
    Skill Name: Omnislash
    Range: Melee
    Mana Cost: 400
    Channel: 0.2 seconds
    Cast: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown: 2 minutes
    WEAPON: Melee Weapons

    Effect: Attacks a single target "#" times. Deals base physical damage each hit, plus "%" weapon damage each hit, plus an additional "X" damage each hit. Target is frozen until max number of hits is reached, or attack misses. If the attack misses, skill is canceled.

    # times increases with each skill level.
    (ie. level 1: hits 3 times, level 2: hits 4 times, level 3: hits 5 times, ..... level 10: hits 12 times)

    % of weapon damage increases with each skill level.
    (ie. level 1: plus 65%, level 2: plus 80%, level 3: plus 95%, ..... level 10: plus 200%)

    X damage increases with each skill level.
    (ie. level 1: plus 600 damage, level 2: plus 900 damage, level 3: plus 1200 damage, ..... level 10: plus 3300 damage)

    Requires 2 Spark

    [size=-1]Sage version adds 500 fire damage to each hit.[/size]
    [size=-1]Demon version adds 2% critical rate to each hit.[/size]

    Logic: To be fair, this skill can be used by any type of Blademaster. However, not every Blademaster will get the same result. Frankly, it wouldn't be fair for an Axe user to do 12 hits of say 1000 damage where the Fist user does 12 hits of 250 damage. Therefore, this skill has the option to be canceled based on weather you actually hit the target or not. As a result, an Axe user may get in 2 or 3 hits at level 10 before the skill gets canceled and a Fist user has a good chance to get in all 12 hits at level 10. (obviously, this is because of their dexterity differences)

    Also, because this skill freezes the target for the duration of the skill, it allows the Blademaster, as a melee character, to keep a ranged character within attack range for some awesome damage. That is if the Blademaster was able to reach the ranged character to initiate the attack.

    Oh, and all numbers above are just for example purposes.
  • Hudini - Heavens Tear
    Hudini - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Skill Suggestion-Stun
    Logic-Our casting time is so long that we get interupted every sec, we get stunned, and our seal just doesn't cut it

    Skill Suggestion-Mana Shield
    Logic-I want this thing to be able to always be on, as much as i love watching my fellow wizs get 1 shot and myself getting 3 shot, I would like to have a chance 1v1 every once in awhile.

    We don't dodge every attack like archers do or wear light armor and our damage is trash. Maybe more damage per skill point in magic or increase the damage of our spells.

    but honestly for the amount of time it takes a wizard to actually cast a spell we should do some damage. Not less dmg then an archer who can perma stun, if you can actually take more then 3 hits, and attacks faster per shot then you do.

    Ha Maybe one day ill get my TT80 gear if someone decides to actually consider wizards DD's. Its awesome to be useless.
  • Hudini - Heavens Tear
    Hudini - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    gurndy wrote: »
    Well let me take the role as RQ then thats the worst guild on the Lost server.
    You guy dont need to complaine about Archer and Bm.Yeah off course Bm lack some things and archers dont do much damage in melee range but it also depens on your build. Like Bms can pawn Mage and Barb easy if you just upgrade the alter marrow physical and magical also Bms have the best stunn and speed boost. Archers hav ethe highest evade against melee and i have died alot against archers also if the use the lightning skill melee users dont stand a chance special if its a critical hit. Then i stat about Mage yeah the casting time is long off most spells but i have bin easyly killed by this combo: icedragon 4 sec casting time,Glacialsnare 1.8 sec casting time, Sandstorm 1,5 sec casting time according to me thats not long casting time i was killed be4 i got to him. So mages just learn your spells and dont complaine about casting time. And if you use an Light armor build you own most ppl.Clerc i agree they are to slow but they did it on porpuse so they dont walk in front and get aggro. I find the more Buff **** they have the most buffs already now.Then venos they have the best soloing and the only Battle pet users they cant complainee really about buffs if they play good they dont even get aggro and have the lowest off all classes repiar bill.Then last but not least Barb. Barb is good now but they do lack an ranged attack which each other class do have so do that for a Barb
    Best to use is an drop chance skill.

    BTW i am broederjr from the lost server

    casting time + channeling time you talking about 16 secs of attacking there, im sorry your **** and cant react to a gank lol.
  • dartwave
    dartwave Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    A skill that make enemy loose his weapon and he can't re-equip for x.x seconds.
  • ulgrak
    ulgrak Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have played several classes and done PvE and PvP, a lot of requests I've seen are just based on build issues or unfamiliarity with skills. However! There are some skills I think each class would find useful.

    Class: Barbarians
    Skill: AoE stun
    Logic: Barbs may be able to take a lot of hits, but with a high number of mobs an AoE stun can help a barb survive better, plus in PvP an AoE stun would allow barbs to do more than pull catas and take hits.

    Class: Archer
    Skill: HP regen arrow or decreased accuracy arrow
    Logic: Archers are by nature low in HP with pretty low physical defense, skills with either HP regen or a decrease in accuracy will allow archers to have more survivability in PvE, and decreased accuracy on another archer or melee class is invaluable in PvP.

    Class: Venomancer
    Skill: Pet Purify
    Logic: Venos are already a pretty powerful classin PvE, a pet purify would just be a little useful trick so pets don't die from DoT.
    **Special note: Everyone not a veno with 20million coins/200 USD is at a distinct disadvantage due to the massive damage dealt by phoenix pets, a few tweaks to the skill/base stats would be appreciated.

    Class: Cleric
    Skill: Instant movement/speed buff OR a skill that heals based on a PERCENTAGE of the target's max HP
    Logic: Clerics are slow, so they die, a lot. OR Clerics spend lots of MP spamming heals that don't restore a lot of HP at one time, a heal based on % HP (granted with a slower cast time than skills like Ironheart) would save on MP costs.

    Class: Wizard
    Skill: Mana Shell that absorbs damage physical and arcane (or at least physical)
    Logic:Wizards may do decent damage (arguable) but they have zero survivability. A skill that absorbs partial damage (40-60%) for a period of time (maybe 15 minutes like Wellspring) would allow wizards to survive much longer.

    Class: Blademaster
    Skill: Skill that grants temporary attack rate bonus (200%?)
    Logic: BMs could retake aggro on bosses with faster attacks, and in PvP faster attacks could mean the difference between killing a barb and watching his charm reset.
  • yuusuke1
    yuusuke1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class: Archer
    Skill: *Insert cool name here* Archer back flips X amount of meters shooting an arrow in mid air.
    Logic: Would be nice to have a move that keeps u ranged by the player moving not the enemy. specialy nice for pvp where knockback arrow doesnt work. Also think the archer needs more stylish moves ^ ^ not just flashy moves.
  • Sadism - Lost City
    Sadism - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Class: Wizard
    Skill: Passive Stun Aura
    Logic: So, I've seen several posts now on wizards wanting some kind of stun skill and to be honest, I think it makes sense. It makes no sense for the wizard to just sit there in combat as if they are stunned themselves trying to channel a spell while the enemy walks right up besides them and attacks. And it's not like the wizard can do anything else while channeling their spell. So why not give the wizard a passive aura that has a chance to stun the enemy when they reach a specific distance? I don't know, something like a 5% chance to stun all enemies within a 2m radius. And for every skill level increase, percentage to stun and radius size increases a little bit.

    ~~ OR ~~

    Class: Wizard
    Skill: On Contact Stun Effect
    Logic: Maybe even a skill that "when attacked, you have a X% chance to return a stun effect back to the attacker." Similar to the veno's bramble skills, this skill returns a stunning effect instead of damage.
    ~~ AND WHILE IM AT IT ~~

    Class: Cleric
    Skill: On Contact Random Effect
    Logic: "...when attacked, you have a X% chance to return a random effect back to the attacker."
  • TCHP - Lost City
    TCHP - Lost City Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Class - Cleric
    Skill - Reverse Law : Cost 1 spark, Last for 30 sec, Cooldown 1 minute. All spell the cleric cast have opposite effect.
    Logic - Cleric str is healing and buff. This would allow the cleric more flexibility. And a whole new rage of strange effet on player and mob. Personaly I thing they should scrap all the attack spell and use only those buff and healing spell for the class. Plumeshot and welspring are just the opposite spell to me so why not make it simple. Healing mode / Damage mode. And get rid of those seal at the same time. Also lose that stun/paralyse spell since now u would have revive/your dead spell.

    My 2 cent.
    All of u cleric who have problem whit phy attack mob o_O were is your plume shell. I love mine it's very usefull !
  • ShiroiAurion - Heavens Tear
    ShiroiAurion - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree with Klaths and all the other suggestions for a cleric speed buff.
    Of course this decreases the uniqueness and the differences between the classes but it's seriously annoying ^_^
    You don't want to draw multiple (healing-)aggro in a fb where you can't fly away and where mobs easily overtake you if you try to run.
  • gurndy
    gurndy Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    casting time + channeling time you talking about 16 secs of attacking there, im sorry your **** and cant react to a gank lol.

    Typical an awnser from an PVE guy go to PVP then you can talk NOOB
This discussion has been closed.