Lyndura's Blademaster Guide

Lyndura - Lost City
Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Blademaster
Post edited by Lyndura - Lost City on


  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Look up. .
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    In case I need more space.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is not a flame, just things to add.

    While i agree that fists arent particularly good, that is merely an oppinion. Many BMs swear by fists. Also i have taken note that fist BMs to perform the best in PvP. So i think it might be wise to expand on the fist section and use the white word description of "PvP". It does have the skills that perform best in that category, most of note is the skill which interupts casting.

    I also think a section on armor & skills is needed. Here's some info i had posted in an abbreviated guide you can add to or Expand upon;

    For Armor, in general you want to wear Heavy armor, since being up close forces most mobs to do largely physical attacks, but still be capable of putting on Light armor for purely magical enemies. To do this, make sure at least 2.5 out of every 5 points goes to Str, and 1 out of every 5 points goes to Dex. (if you don't care at all about 1 type of armor or the other, Heavy is 2.5 Str & 0.5 Dex per level, Light is 1 Str & 1 Dex per level requirement). You might need more Str or Dex based on your weapon choice however.

    Spirit Point spending is harsh on BMs. I cant speak for most classes but i play a Veno also and my Spirit budget doesnt seem at tight on that class as it does on my BM. Someone pointed out not to spend anything on Tiger Maw & the like (the early skills). From a late in game point of view thats right, but unless you're prepared to have no attack skill at all before 20, you need to spend some until the later skills are available. All in all, if you look at later game skills costing 120k (in the 70s) or more for 1 level, the amount you might have used early on is insignifigant in terms of loss. But stop levelling them and drop em as soon as better skills are available, here are the important ones;

    Your Weapon Specialty of Choice - Choose 1 at lvl 29 & Max it out.
    Stream Strike - ONLY IF YOU MIGHT TANK - BMs only high threat builder
    Aeolian Blade - (contrary to above poster) Awesome skill!!! this is your 50% stun & great damage - Max ASAP
    Roar of the Pride - Only other stun (that doesnt cost a spark), close to 100% and AoE but costs chi & no dmg. Still Max ASAP
    Alter Marrows, Physical & Magical - Max both ASAP
    Aura of the Golden Bell - Max ASAP
    Diamond Sutra - Only Self Heal to keep grinding & save alot of money on Pots/Charms - Max ASAP
    Drake's Ray - Only Ranged attack to pull or other reason - Max out
    Cloud Sprint - Fast getaway or Fast move in to attack - Max out
    Leap Forward & Leap Back - ONLY IF YOU PVP - these are great in PvP, worthless in PvE for the most part.

    It took me till about level 74 to max all those out (i dont PvP so i didnt do the Leaps). Notice most of those arent even your damage dealing skills, but are all alot more useful then damage dealing skills. After all those are done can you start putting points into your damage output skills of choice, ussually in your weapon choice tree. I also Maxed Ocean's Edge, i like its slow effect and 1v1 dmg to alternate with Aeolian Blade if i need to kill something fast.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it:

    There're more topics were we have discussed about how Fist are the worst weapon and how it fails in comparation with the others, but those should work.


    Also, there's an Armor section already, skills belong to the second~third post.
  • Visiro - Lost City
    Visiro - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thanks for the guide, its a big help and answered alot of questions for me.
    i believe i may have made a mistake tho for skills and stats, is it pricey to
    reskill and restat?
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    And there's also guides about how fist weapons rule. I said i'm not of that oppinion, but this section needs a stickiable guide. and many guides have been posted, none stickied, the reason is people keep being subjective rather then objective and entering their own oppinions. Nothing i said was against your post & you said to post constructive critisism which is all i did. But if you allow your own oppinion to sway the guide, it'll be buried in 3 days and never stickied. I'm trying to help you create an objective, non-oppinion guide and let people decide for themself which path to go down.

    Edit: Posting threads where you're the primary one arguing against fists does not qualify as objective posts.

    Edit2: Visiro - It is impossible to reskill in this game, once you've spent the spirit points, they're spent permanently. As for restatting, you need Reset Notes only sold through the boutique. Basic Reset Note (remove and able to reallocate 10 points from 1 stat) and Basic Reset-all Note (5 points from all 4 stats) go for 3 Gold. Intermediate Reset Note (40 points from 1 stat) and Intermediate Reset-all Note (20 points from all 4 stats) go for 5 Gold. Even though the naming scheme would suggest an Advanced Note, none such exists yet.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    As I said, if you want to debate about it, do it into any of those topics, I'll reply you there about that.

    I'll keep "drama" out of this guide, so I'll ignore anything that has to do with that from now. If you want to keep going, reply to those topics or do it by PM's.


    It's not that pricey to restat, depending on how many points you need to change. As for Skill Points, you get more at higher levels, you will have plenty of them to fix any mistake you did before.

    If you want you can post your stats, and I can give you the best way to restat or fix them.
  • piastol
    piastol Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    great guide, as a poleblade user myself knowing the best skills to level to help with combat has helped immensly 2 thumbs up ^.^ xox
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Decent guide. +1

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • XxHOCUSxX - Heavens Tear
    XxHOCUSxX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    okays, so im a Axe Bm..... and im planning to tank >.< lol big surprise? xD

    and my stats right now with no equip on are 52 vit, 96 str, 20 dex, and some how i got 6 magic lol.....

    with equips on i have 57 vit, 98 str, 24 dex...

    based off of being an axe bm, wanting to tank, and deal dmg for my squadmates..... what skills should i max, and i kinda upped tiger maw, and blood draw to lvl 3 each =/ since i was lvl 10 or so...

    i am lvl 31 ^^ lol.... <--- (foregot to mention that)

    so im wondering what skills to get for axe only/tank build, and how i should go with my stats, ive read the guide, and says get about 50-60 vit and go all str and dex, was wondering if i should do that, and i was wondering if my char was completely "effed in the 'A' "b:shockedb:cryb:byeb:victory
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You can't really be a tank as your main role. You will always be beated by the Barbarian class when doing this. Reasons for this are:

    1.- They have much more HP than you, when you already have 4~5k HP they are at the 11~12k or even more HP (tank build).

    2.- They have mob controlling skills, they let them keep the aggro on them, so even if other damage dealers like Archers or Wizards outdamage them, they will still keep the aggro

    Yes, you also have one skill to keep aggro, "Steam Strike", but it's not as effective as Barbarian ones, and even using it, you have the risk to lose the aggro from damage dealers.

    3.- If a Barbarian and a Blademaster are in the same party, the Barb will have more physical defense than the BM, because they will have your buff, and they get an additional bonus from tiger form, plus, they don't have to sacrify magical defense for getting this bonus. (You lose Magical defense from Alter Marrow Physical).

    Because of reasons like this, people will most of the time (not that much at low levels) choose a Barbarian over you to tank. You will only find yourself tanking low level FB's or bosses, but even then, you have the risk to lose aggro.

    In my guide I clearly said "If you want to be a tank, this class is NOT for you", reason why I don't include a "tank" build, and it suggest to cap VIT at some point between 50-60, though, I also said that if you feel like going with more VIT, you can do it.

    As a Blademaster, you're a damage dealer, if you want to tank, go Barbarian.

    BUT, if you still feel like you want to tank, which you won't really do, then just keep adding VIT, cap your DEX at 60.

    For skills get your Axe/Hammer-only ones, and you can try using Steam Strike for keeping aggro, it has a 3 seconds cooldown so you can use it constantly, just remember that it needs 30 Chi to be used.

    I'll keep going with the Skills part of the guide, so then you can get a general idea of which skills you should get and which not.
  • Visiro - Lost City
    Visiro - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ok thanks again for the answers to both of you.
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Freaking awesome guide. Seriously, thank you!! I decided on Dual hammer and this guide confirmed i was going the right was. Again thanks
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nice guide Lyn...I too think that fist bm aren't that good to start with..
    mostly ppl say fist bm r the best pvpers or superior bm..this might be true if it is dueling since there' r only 2 ppl involved...but not for PvP.
    When it comes to PvP, more and more ppl are involved and fist bm can't help much at that time.

    To Visiro , you couldn't reset your sp but you can eat scarlet fruit so is pricey.
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • __Dixy__ - Lost City
    __Dixy__ - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hey Lyndura i have a question.Im trying to make a polearm bm and u wrote that 2 lvl's 3 vit for polearms.And i reading on other threads this vit cap at 50.This goes for the polearm build too?And if yes how should i allocate my point after reaching 50 vit?
  • __Dixy__ - Lost City
    __Dixy__ - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    oh i find information in the guide so nvm :PJust wasnt reading thoroughly the first time :P
  • wfffff
    wfffff Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    A tip, all BMs need for endgame is..... 272 Str, 80+ con (cause 90 gear boost con) and 100+ Dex an u gud b:victory
    QQ more it's just a game, but seems for some its their life b:sad
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I need someone to tell me how it's going so far :P

    Is it difficult to read? Confusing or something?

    EDIT: Also I have to prepare stuff for Christmas, so the guide won't get that much edited for the next 2 days.
  • EasyOne - Sanctuary
    EasyOne - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes, its the practical info you need before starting the game and is not provided by Perfect World. I didnt know my magic points were useless for a blademaster.....
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Not bad, not bad.

    You may wanna discuss about AoEing and good PvP combos.

    But yeah I <3 fists xD
  • tigor11
    tigor11 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sorry but you said

    "Remember that before, I gave a color to each weapon path: Axe/Hammer, Polearm and Sword/Blade.

    Skills that belong to any of those paths will use the selected color, while skills that can be used by any path will continue using the white color."

    and i guess im not sure where to be looking for these "colors" ...i want to try and make a Axe/Hammer BM, but not sure what skills to add for it...

  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tigor11 wrote: »
    sorry but you said

    "Remember that before, I gave a color to each weapon path: Axe/Hammer, Polearm and Sword/Blade.

    Skills that belong to any of those paths will use the selected color, while skills that can be used by any path will continue using the white color."

    and i guess im not sure where to be looking for these "colors" ...i want to try and make a Axe/Hammer BM, but not sure what skills to add for it...

    Your general tree:
    Aeolin blade, aura of the golden bell, roar of the pride, diamond sutra, alter merrow phys., cloud sprint, fan of flames, and that other AoE after fan of flames.

    Your axe tree:
    Drake bash (if you are going PvP,if not leave it at lvl 1)
    Then max out the AoEs you get ASAP in your axe tree.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tigor11 wrote: »
    sorry but you said

    "Remember that before, I gave a color to each weapon path: Axe/Hammer, Polearm and Sword/Blade.

    Skills that belong to any of those paths will use the selected color, while skills that can be used by any path will continue using the white color."

    and i guess im not sure where to be looking for these "colors" ...i want to try and make a Axe/Hammer BM, but not sure what skills to add for it...


    That's because the guide is not finished yet, I'm still updating it (couldn't the past 2 days because of Christmas eve and preparations, etc)
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm about to hit 60, where should I AoE? I mean everything starts with a magical attack, and if i run form it they continue magic attacks x.x;
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Here's the Chi gain for some skills:
    Drake Sweep: 12
    Highland Cleave: 12
    Aeolian Blade: 10
    Fissure: 10
    Fan of Flames: 10
    Drake's Ray: 10
    Tiger Maw: 10
    Alter Marrow(Physical/Magical): 10
    Aura of the Golden Bell: 10
    Draw Blood: 5
    Ocean's Edge: 5
  • Esteban801 - Sanctuary
    Esteban801 - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Very helpful. Found info on things I was looking for.

    Now my question is: Where should I grind? I have been using 2x xp scroll at foxwing supremes BUT even with 2x xp the hourly experience is horrible! like 15% an hour and I was using mp charm to make killing faster.

    So do you have any idea at where I should grind?
    (lvl 60 axe BM)
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, 15% per hour is not a bad experience. Well, I don't know where to grind as an axe at this level, since I just changed from blade to axe blademaster at level 70. But at level 70, I often aoe seaweed and seapray bladewolf.
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, 15% per hour is not a bad experience. Well, I don't know where to grind as an axe at this level, since I just changed from blade to axe blademaster at level 70. But at level 70, I often aoe seaweed and seapray bladewolf.

    I switched from blade to axes at 74 :p

    You can go (which i recommend you do)
    To South Night Scream Island (SYKD)
    Nice little spawn of 7x's (I think they're 77? or 76?)
    Then of course NYKD. But good luck it's a high PvP area.

    After that RockenWolves (If you wish I personally hate that area and don't aoe there)
    Cougars, Spiders, Ect.

    Btw if you hit low-mid 80's get ready for the awesome amount of 3-5% a hour :p
    Im 84 and QQ on a daily basis about grinding b:laugh

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I make 8-10% an hour x_x
    Very helpful. Found info on things I was looking for.

    Now my question is: Where should I grind? I have been using 2x xp scroll at foxwing supremes BUT even with 2x xp the hourly experience is horrible! like 15% an hour and I was using mp charm to make killing faster.

    So do you have any idea at where I should grind?
    (lvl 60 axe BM)

    Foxwing Supremest are still good for level 60. If you want, you can try the level 62 bats that are up from Dreaming Cloud.

    Anyways, I'm fully back and I'll start updating the guide again ^^
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I make 8-10% an hour x_x

    Foxwing Supremest are still good for level 60. If you want, you can try the level 62 bats that are up from Dreaming Cloud.

    Anyways, I'm fully back and I'll start updating the guide again ^^
    Well, Supremes Foxwing is still way better than those leevl 62 bats, because Supremes Foxwing at Etherblade and City of Lost are passive. So you can kill without using pots and not to mention about the Supremes Foxwing droprate. their droprate is amazing. I still miss that place b:sad