OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • cait7
    cait7 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm new and when I choose race,I cant customise my char
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    @Valintine, yes, it has been reported, thanks.

    @cait7, try running Verify in the launch front end menu.
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • GothGoddess - Heavens Tear
    GothGoddess - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I was on PWO like a few mins ago and now when I try to log in it says account already logged in which is total bs cuz I don't share my account and I got disconnected.................but I can log on the website wth is going onb:beatup

    And yes I typed in the log-in and password correctlly
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Click the Safe Log checkbox before putting in your username and password. This will cleanly disconnect previous sessions with the servers, so you don't need to wait for them to time out naturally.
  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    hi, there 2 thing that i want to report:

    1- on the main page the time reads the time from my computer and dont shows the pacific time, this should be good for non american players like me, so we will know the events for sure. I used another script on our guild webpage for solve this...

    2- With my main char (Sanctuary realm, name: Ident class: archer) there is a little red icon on the right side of my screen that appeared when i need to repair my stuffs. So this icon stucked and dont flow away. Little, but bug i think :)

  • DeriniMorgan - Sanctuary
    DeriniMorgan - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sory if someone tell abouth this before but there are some strang things which happened around me.
    i don't see many of the others players. b:shocked i can see that they are there on the mini map and see their flying names but don't see them. and other part of the problem is these who i see are look like the same. like there are only one kind players around me. if i clik on them i see their real look.
    this is very strange and happen to me from last night but first i think that it is something temporaly but today is the same.
    are there others which have same problems. b:sad
  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sory if someone tell abouth this before but there are some strang things which happened around me.
    i don't see many of the others players. b:shocked i can see that they are there on the mini map and see their flying names but don't see them. and other part of the problem is these who i see are look like the same. like there are only one kind players around me. if i clik on them i see their real look.
    this is very strange and happen to me from last night but first i think that it is something temporaly but today is the same.
    are there others which have same problems. b:sad

    try Verify with the launcher and ofc updating ur videocard drivers (this solved for my friend the same problem)
  • Wolfbird - Heavens Tear
    Wolfbird - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i just have a slight problem. when i try to create a new charater. the game crashes and closes down. i would like to know if its a fixable problem. thanks for reading.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    How old is your computer? What version of Windows are you running?

    Laptop, or desktop?

    It could be a bunch of potential issues.

    We would need more info about your computer system.

    Send a Tech Support ticket to:


    and we will ask you for system info.

    Please describe your issue the best you can. Thanks

    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Mahima - Heavens Tear
    Mahima - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Sorry if this is in the wrong spot and if it has been repoted already....

    I was swimming in the Etherblad Lake when I hit the terrain. When i tried to back up I wasn't able to nor was I able to move left right foward or jump upwards. I ended up teleporting back to the city but I did take some screen shots of the spot before doing so. I also wrote down the corrdiantes of the spot.

    Nothing major just figured I would report the glitch.
  • DeriniMorgan - Sanctuary
    DeriniMorgan - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sory but it is me agein. i did what Ident told me and whait 2 hours or near 2 and nothing chang i can't see others. now even one of mine begining mage cant be seen even before to activate it, and the game close when i try to play with her.

    lol i will corect mineself now i think i see them but there are indentic. everione look like the other.

    i will uninstall the game and install it agein to see what will chang.
  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sory if someone tell abouth this before but there are some strang things which happened around me.
    i don't see many of the others players. b:shocked i can see that they are there on the mini map and see their flying names but don't see them. and other part of the problem is these who i see are look like the same. like there are only one kind players around me. if i clik on them i see their real look.
    this is very strange and happen to me from last night but first i think that it is something temporaly but today is the same.
    are there others which have same problems. b:sad

    This happens when you log out/terminate (of) the game with the performance switch on. In game click the little computer screen icon and change the display settings manually to how you like. Remember to tick the customizations and slide the distace slider higher on the UI tab.
    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • shadedarkfire
    shadedarkfire Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hi dont know if bug's been posted yet and don't want to look through 86 pages but whenever I use the Alt+Tab function to get to the desktop(so i can chaing music, ect) then I bring the game back up the courser dosen't chaing back to game courser and whenever I click on the screen it's like an instint Alt+Tab, it returns me to the desktop and to exit the game I have to use task maniger to end the program!!!
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hi dont know if bug's been posted yet and don't want to look through 86 pages but whenever I use the Alt+Tab function to get to the desktop(so i can chaing music, ect) then I bring the game back up the courser dosen't chaing back to game courser and whenever I click on the screen it's like an instint Alt+Tab, it returns me to the desktop and to exit the game I have to use task maniger to end the program!!!

    It is known easiest fix seems to be playing from Windowmode which you can set from the settings in the launcher.
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Things I noticed, though someone 'might' want to go through over item descriptions at random in order to find other item description errors.

    Lovely that one can now browse Items in Cash shop from the Website. However, the list is missing the new flight devices and .... well at least one item description is in error, and if there is one what are the odds of it being alone.

    http://pwi.perfectworld.com/store shows Inter. Reset-all Note as;

    Inter. Reset-all Note

    Quantity: 1
    Description: Drastically alter multiple characteristics at once
    Function: Reset 25 points of one attribute into unallocated points
    3 Gold

    In game Boutique shows it properly
    Inter. Reset-all Note

    Quantity: 1

    Function: Reset 25 points of each attribute into unallocated points
    5 Gold
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Norask - Heavens Tear
    Norask - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    A little history first.
    At the first major patch shortly after full release I had an issue where every now and again I would have to reset the game. This was due to an inability to talk to npc's and after conversing with squad mates it was also determined that I would lag as much as 2 min behind the squad. Not good as I was the only Cleric.
    After about 2 weeks (or at least it felt like it) the problem went away. No more ultra lag, no more problems talking to npc's, and no more issues seeing other chars (neither icons when click name or persons full image was appearing). I was happy and didn't care what caused it.
    And Now It Is Back.
    The whole shebang all of it and now I know that if you wait (as in don't touch ANY buttons or the mouse) it will come to it's senses in about 5-10min. However if it does this once it is necessary to reset the game as it will continue to do this every 5-10 min after it comes back.
    I am ... bothered. Please assist. Thank You.
  • Anira_jhol - Sanctuary
    Anira_jhol - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I've noticed two things...and actually made me a bit irritated with the game. First off....yesterday when I logged out of the game...I had one particular quest in my quest log...in fact it was called "God Of Cuisine" and even remembered telling my friend that I will do it on the next day. It was where your had to get the Rhinodrake eggs, etc...well anyway, I had started the quest...just not started killing anything yet...logged in today...quest was missing from my quest log. So I had to return to the Angling Master to get quest again...and then went on to do another quest, and in the middle of this other quest, went to check to see where my next destination was...and the "God of Cuisine" quest was missing again...making me have to return to the Angling Master to acquire it again.

    Next thing, I had to kill Ossein Guard to aquire the flute. As I was killing...the game informed me that I had the flute...so i left and returned to Archesaur...went to the Blacksmith Tao and when I get there...it shows I don't have the flute...making me return to the Ossein Guards to kill them again and to get flute again...which took me 2 hours to get...because you have to kill like a hundred of them to get one thing.

    Also, something really needs to be done about all the cat shops in Archesaur West....they really cause major lag for alot of people. Lag doesn't start until you get into West Archesaur. Not to mention people set up their cat shops either on top of the NPC heads or so close that you can't click on NPC's.
  • cappy23
    cappy23 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hello folks. I have a serious problem with login. I can not connect it with server. It is very frustrating because when I try to update it there is some error and I don't realy know what it is. More than less when I click on PW shortcut there is a menu, but only right column (account, website, etc.) is active. I've checked the requirements and everything is ok. Please, help...
  • Valintine - Heavens Tear
    Valintine - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This bug likely ties in with Territory Wars, but I otherwise cannot prove that fact.

    Here's the problem: Spiritual Cultivation: Aware of Discord. After being killed by Adawolf Archers in The Great Lake area just south of The Silver Pool, I had a Cleric friend who knew Revive/Reserect/whatever-its-called come over to find my corpse and revive me. I had formed a squad with her just beforehand to insure that she'd be able to find me.

    I get killed (as is necessary for the Discord quest), and the quest "Spiritual Cultivation" pops up in my quest list as it should. My Cleric friend comes on over... and she cannot find me. For some reason, neither my name nor my corpse were visible. Keep in mind, please, that she was both standing next to me, floating above me, and for a bit there was actually standing on top of me, but she could not see me. I could see her just fine, but she could not see me.

    According to her, when she attempted to click my name in the squad members list (the list on the far left of the screen) she could not select me, either. In short, she could not see my corpse nor could she select me via the squad member list. It was as if my character could not be seen/found at all. Almost as if I didn't exist.

    After five to ten minutes of attempting to be revived via a Cleric, I gave up and clicked the option "Go to Town". I consequently lost the usual amount of EXP and took damage to my equipment.

    I think this bug has something to do with TW as there was quite the crowd at The Silver Pool queuing up for fights. Either that, or the EXP bonus caused some form of glitch. No real idea either way. Just, please, for all the poor guys out there that still have to do this quest, fix it.

    (PS: Whoever came up with the "you have to die first to get the quest" idea needs to have their head examined. Nobody likes dying. It's not fun.)
  • Patopan - Heavens Tear
    Patopan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hi there. b:pleased

    I have a question regarding character customization. When I went to create my character, everything was fine until I was at the color change section. I noticed I couldn't change my eyebrow's colors no matter what I did so I left the color slider at white. And I noticed that I wanted natural human skin lips and the only option for me that looked natural was pure white (meaning when I placed the cursor over white, the lips to me looked natural human skin).

    But I was playing with my friend the other day and he mentioned out of the blue "why did you get white eyebrows and white lips, it makes you look funny".

    That was weird to me because I remember not being able to change eyebrow color and it being brown no matter what color I slid the cursor over and the lips being natural human skin to me on my screen but it's not the case on my friend's screen.

    I also asked some random people what they saw and they said the same thing "white eyebrows and white lips."

    So I was wondering is this a graphic card problem? or do I have a messed up .ini somewhere or what? Dx thanks for any answer you guys can provide. :D
  • Greenfaerie - Sanctuary
    Greenfaerie - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I found him in game and I can't read!

    BadKittie by day
    Greenfaerie by night
  • Raylos - Heavens Tear
    Raylos - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am not sure if this is the right place for this or not. If Not I apologize in advance. I have experienced what I believe to be an unintentional mechanic but I could be mistaken. If this is working as intended it really sucks.

    If you pop a flourish Orb it gives you 50HP and 50Mp per second, but if a cleric comes along and buffs you with their increased HP/MP regen spells it cancels out your Flourish orb regen rates and replaces them with those of the cleric spells which are only 8HP and 8MP per sec while out of combat!

    Further, there is no way to cancel them (that I know of) you are stuck with them for the duration. If you pop another Flourish orb it does nothing the cleric's spell regen rates remain in effect.

    Now this may be an intended mechanic, but often times we get drive-by buffs from a cleric who is just trying to be kind but it blows an orb out the window and unless there is a way to cancel Cleric spells that I am un-aware of (This is totally possible because I am a noob) we are stuck with those regen rates until they wear off.

    Is this intended to work this way? or is this a bug that we can fix?

    Sorry if this has been discussed before either here or on another forum, I looked for it and didn't find it.
  • Tatakai - Sanctuary
    Tatakai - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i posted this in a different thread, but i'll try in here.

    it will not let me update...i tried to uninstall then reinstall, but it doesn't uninstall. and i don't want to just reinstall, because i think i'll end up making a duplicate. please help
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Posting here about that issue will not actually help as this is the thread to report ingame bugs not technical problems as in your case.
  • brockenjr
    brockenjr Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Black Iron Mine can spawn in rocks and become unreachable at 672, 749 as shown in picture.

  • kiralia
    kiralia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    All other buffs my cleric has you can cast before they have run out and they will overwrite the existing instance of the buff and reset the timer. Aegis Spirit and Magic Shell apparantly do not do so.

    This means that it can wear off at very inopportune moments rather than being up and ready when you want/need it to be.

    Since this is the only buff my cleric has where this happens I have to assume it is a bug and so am reporting it.

    Also I have had them wear off on some party members after only half their supposed duration, even when they have had no buffs when this buff has been cast on them.
  • Tanell - Sanctuary
    Tanell - Sanctuary Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The poison skull has texture face errors. The opposite side shows through.

  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The Auctioneer Materials layout has been bugged for a while. If it was simply a layout issue i could work around it, however, this glitch is also causing Mid-grade mats for any of the standard 8 crafting material (except metals) to not be filterable, and thereby not be buyable on auction. I'm including a pasted together view of the entire layout as it appears in game, and i color coded the actual material groups to show how they partially dont land under the proper heading. A quick illustration of the bug is as follows;

    + Material A heading
    - Lowest Grade Material A
    - Low Grade Material A
    - Mid Grade Material A
    - High Grade Material A
    - Highest Grade Material A (fine so far to this point)
    - Lowest Grade Material B (material B still in material A heading?)
    - Low Grade Material B
    + Material B heading ( <-- Mid Grade Material B missing, never selectable)
    - High Grrade Material B
    - Highest Grade Material B
    - Lowest Grade Material C (same glitch, material C starting in B heading)
    - Low Grade Material C
    + Material C heading ( <-- Mid Grade Material C missing again)
    - High Grrade Material C
    - Highest Grade Material C
    - Lowest Grade Material D (same glitch, material D starting in C heading)
    - Low Grade Material D
    And this pattern repeats until herbs. I'm not sure if an herb is missing also.

    Again if it was only a layout issue, i'd be able to work around it as not a very high priority issue. But the fact that i cannot ever find/buy/use filter for Mid grade lumber, power source, stone, thread, leather, oil, & glue, it can be quite frustrating. Especially since the 1st 3 are used for manufacturing Ultimate Substances for TT which means they're used by many people besides crafters. I'm attaching a full picture to see the in game auction layout.

  • res1stanc3
    res1stanc3 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i don't know if this is a bug or not,so i apologies if its not. The tutorial says that you can move around with the A,S,D, and W keys but when i press em nothin happens. when i try to fly i can't go up or down and i always have to click with my mouse to move. Currently im stuck in a pool of water and i can't get out cause theres stairs and i can't go up or down.
  • benawi
    benawi Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    hi guys,
    each time i try to start the game some chinese error shows up, cant read it
    (dont tell me to install language pack please, everyone tried, it wont work)

    i searched and searched and then i finally found someone who had the same problem as me

    on page 2.. finally someone was able to help with it, gattsuru
    he helped that guy in the thread, it seems like everything worked well for him, but when i try to rename these datas, as gattsuru said, nothing happens
    it's still the same, please help : )
    thank you
This discussion has been closed.