Next to fail.

Hong - Heavens Tear
Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Etherblade (West)
Well, Lost City is having their fun. I want ours too. So, we have like 4 guilds remaining. Genesis will be wiped soon, and the little guilds dont even count.

The four remaining guilds are -
RoC with 8 Territories this week.
Evolution with 8 Territories this week.
TheEmpire with 10 Territories this week.
And ending with Radiance with 9 territories and their baby Sindar guild which also equals to 10.

Well, surprisingly TheEmpire has one more easy territory which probably will make them having overall the top territories in the entire HT before everyone's trapped. Anyway, seems like Radiance is almost strong enough to wipe out level 2 territories, I can just see that happening shortly.

Well anyway, TheEmpire and Evolution seems to be in some serious problem =o Both of their leader ditched them and massive amount of members are leaving. Supposely, according to the oh famous Hisui, they're recovering faster than before. Haha, well. We'll see in two weeks how well they'll do.

With the new leader of Evolution, DrPepper, I can see the fail already. That guy knows nothing but QQ. Man, what a headache I had after he lost his precious item from PvPing. Anyway, before the whole new drama of Evolution they would've succeeded in capturing Etherblade this week. But whatever, they blewed it up and totally destroyed their guild. Sigh, too bad I'm not connected to them. I bet after this week you'll see him wearing a +8 weapon with his new guild fund. Next thing you know his red name and drops it. I heard he didn't know how to bid on lands :)

Anyway, let the flaming begin. If there will be any...

www . rochq .net
Post edited by Hong - Heavens Tear on


  • Immortality - Heavens Tear
    Immortality - Heavens Tear Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In 2 weeks the Genesis rebirth will begin don't worry, there will be fun for everyone.
  • Deatharcher - Heavens Tear
    Deatharcher - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well... the moment i saw this thread it caught my eye of what was going on and decided to read on.....

    From what I see.... i think what u said is true

    I wont comment much but thanks for keeping me up with time
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    "Recover" implies we were hurt. We weren't so there is nothing to recover from.

    The biggest problem we had was our guild bank suddenly went kaput so we didn't have that much bidding power. But hey it seems we got our bid this week so the biggest problem is over.

    From here is where you need *drama* to destroy other guilds and hope it collapses from the inside.

    Edit: When I first saw this thread title I thought the admins smoked some crack and moved that fail thread from the LC forums to the HT forums. Then I realized its a new failing thread (no pun intended).
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    seems like Radiance is almost strong enough to wipe out level 2 territories, I can just see that happening shortly.
    before the whole new drama of Evolution they would've succeeded in capturing Etherblade this week

    You are underestimating a level two land. Pull out the top 80 in entire Heaven's Tear and they may not be able to capture a level 2 land within the next four weeks.

    Bloodlust, a guild with 15 89+, will fail this week with Jone's Blessing.
  • Blessing - Heavens Tear
    Blessing - Heavens Tear Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You are underestimating a level two land. Pull out the top 80 in entire Heaven's Tear and they may not be able to capture a level 2 land within the next four weeks.

    Bloodlust, a guild with 15 89+, will fail this week with Jone's Blessing.

    From what I heard, Evolution was about 10 minutes from capturing the lvl 2 land last week. They killed all the bosses except one and were engaged in the last boss before time ran out. Also they had a boss reset on them at 50%, so that didn't help much. If they went this week, they still would of had Jone's Blessing and would have easily won.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    BloodLust bad. If they fail anyway. I came across Lost City and saw that bid at Dreamweaver Port . My prediction for them is that they'll succeed. Even if I'm inexperienced for a level 2 territory, playing a high rate before this server tells me enough when a guild can succeed for that. Anyway, we'll see end of today. I heard they were gods in Lost City due to massive amount of hardcore cash shoppers in the guild.

    IMHO, I was afraid Radiance would attack City of Lost or Etherblade this week because of the final day of Jone Blessing. They could've probably manage to take a level 2 territory with the advantage of a 30% boost. I'm glad they attacked us :)

    www . rochq .net
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    BloodLust bad. If they fail anyway. I came across Lost City and saw that bid at Dreamweaver Port . My prediction for them is that they'll succeed. Even if I'm inexperienced for a level 2 territory, playing a high rate before this server tells me enough when a guild can succeed for that. Anyway, we'll see end of today. I heard they were gods in Lost City due to massive amount of hardcore cash shoppers in the guild.

    IMHO, I was afraid Radiance would attack City of Lost or Etherblade this week because of the final day of Jone Blessing. They could've probably manage to take a level 2 territory with the advantage of a 30% boost. I'm glad they attacked us :)

    Oh? Did they nerf the bosses here? Because from what I have heard, PWMY had much more trouble taking down level 2 land with better gears and higher levels than what we have right now.

    If they were close to succeeding last week, they really should have tried again this week. Without Jones Blessing, its going to be much much more difficult for the next few weeks.

    I guess it will be an interesting show today for BL. I wouldn't necessarily call them gods before they can successfully capture my guild's land. Because basing on numbers, both guilds look pretty much the same, plus or minus a few levels here and there. I also wouldn't call them gods when not a single person in their guild can beat me 1on1 at this very moment. Maybe when they can achieve both (which I highly doubt), we can start calling them the next 'Warlords of Oracle'.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As I predicted, I was right. They did finish the level 2 territory. :)

    www . rochq .net
  • Lacripis - Heavens Tear
    Lacripis - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    DrPepper's a decent enough leader. Mildly insane, but he was a guild master in Malaysia so he knows what he's doing.

    Hong you should try attacking a level 2 territory for yourself to see how painful it is. Most of the bosses in there would rip you a new one a dozen times over...

    Fact is, Radiance, Empire and Evo can all take their respective cities at their current strength.
  • mrpepper
    mrpepper Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This post by Hong is just further proof that the guys is full of himself and doesn't have a clue as to what he's talking about. Thats ok, I will leave him clueless and let events unfold and prove he's a moron. I am also flattered that you consider my hat such a valuable trophy. It really wasn't a big deal losing it, a couple of my guildies thought your members involved might have some honor and return it like the rest of us do.
  • Illassassin - Heavens Tear
    Illassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    lol hong, number one pepper is a great leader. number 2 u clearly dont know nothing bout whats happening in evolution and lets keep it that way, and number 3 u clearly a moron that thinks he knows everithing, please quit flaming other guilds and worry about your own
  • celestialstorms
    celestialstorms Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, Lost City is having their fun. I want ours too. So, we have like 4 guilds remaining. Genesis will be wiped soon, and the little guilds dont even count.

    The four remaining guilds are -
    RoC with 8 Territories this week.
    Evolution with 8 Territories this week.
    TheEmpire with 10 Territories this week.
    And ending with Radiance with 9 territories and their baby Sindar guild which also equals to 10.

    Well, surprisingly TheEmpire has one more easy territory which probably will make them having overall the top territories in the entire HT before everyone's trapped. Anyway, seems like Radiance is almost strong enough to wipe out level 2 territories, I can just see that happening shortly.

    Well anyway, TheEmpire and Evolution seems to be in some serious problem =o Both of their leader ditched them and massive amount of members are leaving. Supposely, according to the oh famous Hisui, they're recovering faster than before. Haha, well. We'll see in two weeks how well they'll do.

    With the new leader of Evolution, DrPepper, I can see the fail already. That guy knows nothing but QQ. Man, what a headache I had after he lost his precious item from PvPing. Anyway, before the whole new drama of Evolution they would've succeeded in capturing Etherblade this week. But whatever, they blewed it up and totally destroyed their guild. Sigh, too bad I'm not connected to them. I bet after this week you'll see him wearing a +8 weapon with his new guild fund. Next thing you know his red name and drops it. I heard he didn't know how to bid on lands :)

    Anyway, let the flaming begin. If there will be any...


    Hong? Find something better to do w/ your life would you?
    Fact is, No one cares but you!!!
    You like yourself too much. Stop looking in the mirror for once.
  • Kevodonis - Heavens Tear
    Kevodonis - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    he just wants to stop other guilds growing by bad press he is a fool
  • luna5358
    luna5358 Posts: 1
    edited November 2008
    Lmao Hong = Epic failure!!
  • Sherri - Heavens Tear
    Sherri - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Haha wow it's quite funny to see you spouting off at the mouth on a long rant that in the end shows you know nothing about the other guilds in Heavens Tear. Your guild is a PVP guild in a PVE server, meaning you and your precious ROC would never have a chance in a normal PVP server so that should show everyone that ROC knows they could NEVER survive in a PVP server, because honestly they aren't as strong as Hong makes them out to seem. Now don't get me wrong, there are certain members of ROC that I actually like and enjoy talking with, but their guild leader is a pompous moron who knows very little if anything about Evolution, Empire, Radiance, Genesis, and every other guild in Heavens Tear. But thats right Hong, you continue typing away to help yourself sleep at night and we'll continue doing what we do best, enjoying the game and having fun! LUV YOU EVOLUTION!!
  • ONI - Heavens Tear
    ONI - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    HERE HERE SHERRI Hong needs to stfu the MORON
  • candykisses
    candykisses Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hong really doesnt know what hes talking about, He needs to worry about his own guild and stop worrying about everyone else. I admit I have a friend or 2 in RoC. And theyre nice. But hong has always been full of himself and he needs to get over it. PW doesnt revolve around him. Love Evolution.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Whoa. Evo has great teamwork on the forum. TE has only little old me...
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Tatsumasa - Heavens Tear
    Tatsumasa - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ha. It is my prediction only Radiance and RoC could take a level 2 area presently. Nothing wrong really with what Hong is saying, if you are going to flip on PK mode, expect to lose your items.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ha. It is my prediction only Radiance and RoC could take a level 2 area presently. Nothing wrong really with what Hong is saying, if you are going to flip on PK mode, expect to lose your items.

    Radiance is at least 2 weeks ahead of RoC when it comes to firepower for lvl 2 territory.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • brendenlume
    brendenlume Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hey Hisui grats for your first prediction about RoC that actually ended up to be good after what 4-5 fail ?

    Just proving one more time you dont know what you talking about.

    Predictiing Radiance beeing ahead of RoC by 2 weeks GG

    waiting for them to get that lvl2 territory, will talk to you after kthxbye
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    DrPepper, good leader HAHAHAHAHAHA hahahahaha haha, yeah well okay. HAHA. K.

    Well, for all I know DrPepper is just one of the ultimate carebears in the server. Like seriously, even lower than that level. He talks sh*t like he's big and ends up dying after leaving safe zone for 1 second. Man, I didn't even hit him, I AoE'd this person once and he fell near safe zone. Eversince that day he called me a bug abuser.

    He just does not make sense.

    Anyway, Hisui is pretty damn jealous. So many Evolution backups and it's just herself for TE :( Funny thing is, almost all the backup from Evolution are the members that complain/cry over PM 24/7 after getting 1 shoted in PK mode. *yawn*

    Seriously, acting tough in Secret Passage and talking shi*t inside a safezone doesn't prove anything. Telling me to go on the fields and all he does is fly around and die from level 50 Archers.
    I am also flattered that you consider my hat such a valuable trophy. It really wasn't a big deal losing it, a couple of my guildies thought your members involved might have some honor and return it like the rest of us do.

    What a fking joke. You cried for it back and ex-Evolution members told me that you were crying so much on guild chat and annoyed the **** out of them. Excuse much? Plus, I have no idea why did you get the exact same helm again. That helm is total trash. But hey, whatever makes you feel uber. Still the same old noob DrPepper from Closed Beta. I still remember your World Chat in Lost City. "I wont see you noob **** PKers anymore HAHAHA" Well, something more childish.
    Hong? Find something better to do w/ your life would you?
    Fact is, No one cares but you!!!
    You like yourself too much. Stop looking in the mirror for once.

    So I hop on the forums nearly once to three times a day and you call me a nolifer. Well, whatever suits your taste of no life. This is a discussion of the next fail guild. But hey, if you think this post is all about me, than okay Mr.Uglypeiceofshitthatdoesn'tcombhishairortakeabathbecausemirrordoesn'texistinhislife.
    Haha wow it's quite funny to see you spouting off at the mouth on a long rant that in the end shows you know nothing about the other guilds in Heavens Tear. Your guild is a PVP guild in a PVE server, meaning you and your precious ROC would never have a chance in a normal PVP server so that should show everyone that ROC knows they could NEVER survive in a PVP server, because honestly they aren't as strong as Hong makes them out to seem. Now don't get me wrong, there are certain members of ROC that I actually like and enjoy talking with, but their guild leader is a pompous moron who knows very little if anything about Evolution, Empire, Radiance, Genesis, and every other guild in Heavens Tear. But thats right Hong, you continue typing away to help yourself sleep at night and we'll continue doing what we do best, enjoying the game and having fun! LUV YOU EVOLUTION!!

    Hey chick, it's nice to see you on the forums. Honestly, this is the first game that I ever played in a PvE server. We have been completely competitive in most RvR/PvP games. But hey, whatever chickman. I'll just admit that if I actually did roll on Lost City I'd have a problem going against the hardcore cash shoppers with +9 ****. So from your statement of your existant knowlege of a "PvE" server you guys should totally erase the system of "Territorial Wars"? Seriously, PvP guild in PvE server can always mean it can be competitive in TW. Plus, we're giving you an option to stay as Blue Name or go PK mode. Why cry after a single death in PK mode?
    DrPepper's a decent enough leader. Mildly insane, but he was a guild master in Malaysia so he knows what he's doing

    Did he cry and complain just as much or nearly 1000000000x more since there's no blue name over there? Are you fking serious? This Pepper guy rolled on MY-EN and still sucks that bad? I'm new to this game.

    www . rochq .net
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hey Hisui grats for your first prediction about RoC that actually ended up to be good after what 4-5 fail ?

    Just proving one more time you dont know what you talking about.

    Predictiing Radiance beeing ahead of RoC by 2 weeks GG

    waiting for them to get that lvl2 territory, will talk to you after kthxbye

    Want to put money where your mouth is?

    Willing to bet 300k Radiance takes lvl 2 before RoC.
    Offer up for 1 week.

    Think about it. Also PM me your IGN so we can set up the odds.

    The fun of prediction is the gamble. So step right up.

    Edit: Nevermind. I take the offer back. I'll let YOU decide what's the stake in case you think 300k is too small. Would you like some money out of my pockets? You can have a chance now to grab em so lets see you back up that confidence babe. Also, if you're not willing to gamble then you can just stfu and intepret the predictions as it is intended in my disclaimer (which you probably didn't read, being the failure you are.) And try not to mistype random double vowels, it makes it look like you're shaking as you're addressing me on the internet. Don't be afraid. I'm really a nice person in game. Ask Hong.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Chansore - Heavens Tear
    Chansore - Heavens Tear Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    LOLS at all of you that responded to this post.
    Founder of United Lions Liberation Front
    not to be confused with the
    ..Liberators Movement for Lions
    or.....Lions United Front
    or........United Lions Front for Liberation of all Lions

    Retired b:bye but still trolllinnnnnn
  • candykisses
    candykisses Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Seriously, acting tough in Secret Passage and talking shi*t inside a safezone doesn't prove anything. Telling me to go on the fields and all he does is fly around and die from level 50 Archers.

    Ok..So...You'll talk about Pepper getting PK'd by a lvl 50 archer, But you wont say anything about yourself getting PK'd by a lvl 56 Archer and your what..80 something? Sad.
  • mrpepper
    mrpepper Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    WOW, well for one, I don't know where all this deep seated hatred towards me came from, maybe it was on CB when he attacked me out of nowhere and it took the boy almost 4 minutes to put me down and when my Barb came to help me out he ran to town and tele'd.
    Hong's posts just prove that he's a griefer, sure he may be a good pvp'er but I'd be willing to bet he's a failure in RL with some deep issues. It seems his reasons for joining a pvp server have changed since the day I asked him why he went to a PVE server and not a PVP.
    He told me he figured that the PVE server would be more populated but now he's afraid of the cash shop??...really, Well Hong, congrats, you started this thread to flame people (or me mostly from what I have seen, I'm flattered by the way) and it seems to be the most active one for HT.
    Continue to flap your gums all ya want, I wont be visiting this thread again as I have better things to do, maybe you should try getting a job, then you won't have to be afraid of the cash shop.
  • brendenlume
    brendenlume Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    how was the biding last wednesday pepper ?
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Okay okay, take it easy and create some paragraghs so I can atleast read it. Calm down...
    mrpepper wrote: »
    WOW, well for one, I don't know where all this deep seated hatred towards me came from, maybe it was on CB when he attacked me out of nowhere and it took the boy almost 4 minutes to put me down and when my Barb came to help me out he ran to town and tele'd.

    Okay, first of all it's not 4 minutes. It was 5 seconds or nearly less. All you did was hug safezone or went out of safezone and get owned in 5 seconds again. Infact you were abusing the air glitch to go against me, level 40 Archer.
    mrpepper wrote: »
    Hong's posts just prove that he's a griefer, sure he may be a good pvp'er but I'd be willing to bet he's a failure in RL with some deep issues. It seems his reasons for joining a pvp server have changed since the day I asked him why he went to a PVE server and not a PVP.

    So, your about to lose all your cash or whatever your betting. How are you feeling? So your saying all good PvPers are failures in life and have some serious deep issues? You think those people would still play an online game? Are you really in reality or you just need a reality check? If you think this is how I act in real life, you've got to be kidding me. Make some friends in real life that plays MMORPG, see how they act in game and compare them to real life. Most trash talkers does it for fun.
    mrpepper wrote: »
    He told me he figured that the PVE server would be more populated but now he's afraid of the cash shop??...really, Well Hong, congrats, you started this thread to flame people (or me mostly from what I have seen, I'm flattered by the way) and it seems to be the most active one for HT.
    Continue to flap your gums all ya want, I wont be visiting this thread again as I have better things to do, maybe you should try getting a job, then you won't have to be afraid of the cash shop.

    Competitive TW is the keyword of my decision, and the future of PWI. I just said I admit -->IF<-- I rolled on Lost City I'd have a problem with those hardcore cash shoppers. My reason was and is the same. You have better things to do like cry in game right? Seriously, your probably far more active than me in game. Last 2 weeks I barely logged on and all my leveling came from Crazy stone + World quest + Cube room. Sigh, I guess your just bad at everything.
    mrpepper wrote: »
    Continue to flap your gums all ya want, I wont be visiting this thread again as I have better things to do, maybe you should try getting a job, then you won't have to be afraid of the cash

    Okay, now this is the sad part. You play this game and yet never visit the forum? .... I got to level 83 with a part time job + school. So honestly, I have no idea what your talking about. I wouldn't waste $1000 to gear myself up on a F2P game even if I have a job. Maybe if I was a millionaire, but than again there's no reason to play this game if I was one. If your an adult, I feel sorry for you.
    Ok..So...You'll talk about Pepper getting PK'd by a lvl 50 archer, But you wont say anything about yourself getting PK'd by a lvl 56 Archer and your what..80 something? Sad.

    I state the truth. You mean that level 56 Archer that was shooting at me doing 100 damage? Well, he didn't kill me... I one shoted him and he dropped his equipment due to red name. But whatever.

    www . rochq .net
  • mrpepper
    mrpepper Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    What an angry little man...Its a game FFS
  • Tanri - Heavens Tear
    Tanri - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    mrpepper wrote: »
    What an angry little man...Its a game FFS

    Quoting this in case he decides to remove/change it

    I'll leave counter-flaming to someone else, as I'm too lazy to type a decent text right now
This discussion has been closed.