OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • Relias - Sanctuary
    Relias - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    When I get back on and finish my current quests I'll see about that darth. Always happy to help a game I like ^^
  • Tortryus - Lost City
    Tortryus - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i can't play the game anymore the update doesn't finnish its always: update error plz try again
  • CoolWolf_Uk - Heavens Tear
    CoolWolf_Uk - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i can't play the game anymore the update doesn't finnish its always: update error plz try again

    I had this as well when updating from version 32 to 37, let me guess it's failing on 'tasks.data',
    If you can go into your C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\data\ directory,
    And rename the existing tasks.data something like _tasks.data,
    The updater will then be able to update the tasks.data from scratch (creating it and updating it.)


    And now a bug,
    Changing the skin colour of a Venomancer in the character creator only seems to affect their facial skin tone, not their arms etc.
    (This was with v32, hopefully this can be fixed asap!)
  • shoey
    shoey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok here's the deal, i was killing Frozen wolfkin to get a celestrial sprite to move to my next lvl of cultivation. Well when i was killing it said quest complete and that i picked up a celestrial sprite, however when i checked the quest tracker and quest menu guess wat it said "Collect Celestrial Sprite (0/1)." i tried killing more and get another but guess it doesnt work that way, tried deleting quest but since its a cultivation quest u cant =/, tried logging, killing myself, everything! HELP plz
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There are two parts to that quest. If you check your questlog it should say for you to find the Celestrial Spirit in a plant.
  • shoey
    shoey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ahh how icky.... the same name for 2 different requirements threw me off >.> tyvm for the help!
  • Aedril - Sanctuary
    Aedril - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Wizard skill FrostBlade does not do a single thing.

    Please see the following thread for additional details, including my testing methodology:

  • primis
    primis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i am having problems giting on the game when i click start i have othere boxes come up in weriod languages whats wong ?
  • Kettle - Sanctuary
    Kettle - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Is there some reason why I can't complete the Blacksmith quest?

    I'm doing Blacksmith Yi's "Blacksmith I" quest of getting two pig irons, which I have, but it won't let me complete the quest. So I tried to quit and restart the quest, knowing it's restartable, but I can't seem to restart it either.

    Not sure if this is a glitch or just something I'm unaware of. It just seems too awkward to be something normal.

    Just a quick note, this seemed to also seemed to have happened to Crafter Yi's "Crafter I" quest, but after a few hours, I was able to complete it for some reason.

    Tailor Yi also seems to be stuck as a quest or purple dot.

    EDIT: Just now, all of this fixed itself for some reason. I have no idea how. O_o

    EDIT 2: Okay. I think I just realized there are like, 2 Blacksmiths in the town. I'm stupid. <_<
  • Camryah - Heavens Tear
    Camryah - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I've noticed that a few people, myself included, are experiencing little glitches in the game that never were problematic until after this latest patch (40).


    Summed up, my game's motion is choppy (not lagging) and never did before the patch, someone else can't modify certain features when creating a character, and someone else's game completely crashes.
  • Vaelin - Heavens Tear
    Vaelin - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm having a issue with the Camo Gloves.

    When wearing a Black Chain Jacket, Black Tang Suit Pants, Black Chain Boots and Black Camo Gloves, the gloves don't show...its like I'm not even wearing any (this both in the try on window and in game)

    However, when I take off the jacket, bam, they appear, both in the try-on window and in the game.

    I'm a Barb if that makes any difference. Can you check into this please?

    Thank you
  • Vaelin - Heavens Tear
    Vaelin - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As a test, I mailed the gloves to my wizzy who was wearing a simular setup though wearing a black tang suit rather than the chain one and, they show up just fine on him, with or without the shirt.

    I'm not sure if that means its just a untamed wolf barb thing, or an issue with the chain jacket alone or what but...just wanted to give it a try to see what difference a different race/shirt would make....
  • heeros
    heeros Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    when you try to look for materials like lumber, rough lumber, fine lumber, and purified oil, compound oil,... well you get the point. The auction seems to categorize them wrong.

    for example, if you look at the "Lumber" category it goes:

    Logs <-- for some reason Logs, and Rough Lumber are in the "Metals" category
    Rough Lumber
    -Lumber <-- Fine Lumber is missing, instead the "Lumber" label is there
    High-grade Lumber
    Lumber Essence
    Coal Dust <-- and "Energy Sources" are in the "Lumber" category.
    -Energy Sources

    and it continues lake that. so where ever there are labels it's missing what should be there, like compound oil, compound thread, and fine lumber. And the Items that are listed are partially in wrong categories.
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Crafting... where do I start?

    -Ammo is under Craftsman instead of Blacksmith
    -Ammo doesn't increase crafting skill
    -Ammo costs multiple times as much in materials as just buying it from Blacksmith
    -Crafting metals at the blacksmith doesn't increase crafting skill
    -I'm assuming the same about fabric at the Tailor
    -When manufacturing items from anyone, chances are it is exactly the same as the base item from the store. This is a bug, as I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you aren't INTENTIONALLY WASTING OUR TIME AND EFFORT. I used up 32 logs, 16 coal, 16 broken orange jade and the money to buy it on 4 of the exact same weapon the blacksmith sells. That's 4 failed craftings in a row. That is a spectacular failure. It's insulting to your players if you don't fix this.
    -Apothecary crafting doesn't provide ability to craft regular potions
    -Apothecary crafting produces results 15 levels higher than the character can use
    -Apothecary requires more materials than the resulting orbs/powders can be sold for. It is currently a waste of money to craft Wave Orbs and the like as they can be sold for about 1/100th of the cost of the herbs. Seriously, fire whoever "balanced" apothecary.
    -Actually, ALL crafting results are not worth the ingredients. The items needed for some recipes are not present in the game it seems, as everyone is looking for them. By the time you find the 4 you need, you craft a dud.

    So much work needs to be done on crafting. It seems to be such a huge part of the game with all of the materials needing to be collected, yet you ruin your own work by punishing the player for their hard work.

    Whoever is making the decisions on what gets worked on in each update needs a good hard slap across the face, followed by a loud "STOP WORKING ON THE STUPID F****** CLOTHING AND COSMETICS AND FIX THE DAMN BUGS AND PROBLEMS!!". Do you even want people to play your game or do you want them to leave in anger, feeling you wasted their time?

    Fix it. Just fix it all.
  • BlueEyedFox - Heavens Tear
    BlueEyedFox - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    my characture BlueEyedFox (the one im using in forums) is a venomancer! on the forums it says its an archer...What the heck is going on?
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Crafting... where do I start?

    -Ammo doesn't increase crafting skill
    Its just ammo, it shouldn't increase it. Ammo is so much easier to make than armor or a weapon. Think about it from a real life standpoint.
    -Ammo costs multiple times as much in materials as just buying it from Blacksmith
    You can make much better ammo possibly, you pay for the bonus.
    -Crafting metals at the blacksmith doesn't increase crafting skill
    Same as ammo. You put little to no effort into making that, so it should not increase it.
    -I'm assuming the same about fabric at the Tailor
    See above
    -When manufacturing items from anyone, chances are it is exactly the same as the base item from the store. This is a bug, as I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you aren't INTENTIONALLY WASTING OUR TIME AND EFFORT. I used up 32 logs, 16 coal, 16 broken orange jade and the money to buy it on 4 of the exact same weapon the blacksmith sells. That's 4 failed craftings in a row. That is a spectacular failure. It's insulting to your players if you don't fix this.
    I don't see how that is a bug. When you craft something, what you make is completely random. Which means you can make anything from the same stuff the NPC sells, to some crazy good 3 star gear. No where does it state you are guaranteed something good.
    -Apothecary crafting doesn't provide ability to craft regular potions
    So buy them. You make better things than those anyway
    -Apothecary crafting produces results 15 levels higher than the character can use
    I'm pretty sure no one likes this but that's just how it is
    -Apothecary requires more materials than the resulting orbs/powders can be sold for. It is currently a waste of money to craft Wave Orbs and the like as they can be sold for about 1/100th of the cost of the herbs. Seriously, fire whoever "balanced" apothecary.
    That's because you don't make the darn items to sell them, you make them to use them. If you are trying to get rich on crafting then you are playing the wrong game.

    -Actually, ALL crafting results are not worth the ingredients. The items needed for some recipes are not present in the game it seems, as everyone is looking for them. By the time you find the 4 you need, you craft a dud.
    If everyone made good stuff all the time, what would be the point in making stuff?
    So much work needs to be done on crafting. It seems to be such a huge part of the game with all of the materials needing to be collected, yet you ruin your own work by punishing the player for their hard work.
    You don't HAVE to craft anything. Its a part of the game they added in. Plus, if everyone had rare stuff then it would not be rare anymore now would it?
    Whoever is making the decisions on what gets worked on in each update needs a good hard slap across the face, followed by a loud "STOP WORKING ON THE STUPID F****** CLOTHING AND COSMETICS AND FIX THE DAMN BUGS AND PROBLEMS!!". Do you even want people to play your game or do you want them to leave in anger, feeling you wasted their time?
    Please don't insult the devs or staff like that. They know what they are doing and the system works just fine. I have never programmed before but I have talked to the GMs in an mmo more bug ridden than this one and they told me all about the problems that can come up by trying to fix certain things. I've also seen them first hand in that game. They tried to fix the skill system and instead ended up totally ruining it with a massive bug.
    Fix it. Just fix it all.
    Hey we agree on something.b:laugh
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Are you completely against progress? "that's just how it is"? It's not the way it needs to be, and they can change it at any time.

    ammo requires the same items as other crafts, therefore it should reward as much as others. From a real-life standpoint, we shouldn't be flying, we shouldn't be casting magic. Following in-game logic, all crafting should increase our crafting ability.

    Apothecaries are supposed to be able to craft potions. For some reason it's not in our version. A lot of things aren't in the PWI version and no one seems to be able to explain it. Do the devs even read this thread?

    I'm not trying to get rich off crafting. In order to grow, you have to waste a ridiculous amount of money and time making items you won't use. This is a stupid stupid system.

    The rewards for all crafting absolutely suck. It's so not worth it and it is wrong to treat the players that way, making them waste their time and learn that the system is broken and unbalanced.

    I'm not insulting the devs or staff. I'm telling the people who ruin a large part of the game that they need to fix it. Someone needs to tell them they're making horrible decisions, and no progress will be made by Yes Men surrounding them.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    While you sit here and complain then, I will enjoy the things I crafted using the crafting system you hate so much.b:pleased


    You want it, you work for it.b:victory
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • paath
    paath Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    While you sit here and complain then, I will enjoy the things I crafted using the crafting system you hate so much.b:pleased


    You want it, you work for it.b:victory

    Your response is both elitist and perfunctory. "Blakiepoo's" comments/concerns are valid. There is very little point in crafting an item, wasting critical (and sometimes rare) components, just to get the same exact item you could buy in the store.

    The purpose of adding any "feature" is to increase enjoyment of the game and enhance the experience. The crafting function, as it stands now, does neither.

    Crafting ammo should yield experience. You suggest to "compare this to the real world"; in doing so, it proves his point. Even making the most mundane and common of items in the real world still yields experience. You made a flippant comment because you lacked an educated response, or you failed to fully examine the issue.

    Lastly, while "Blakiepoo's" comment about working on "fashion/clothing" instead of more serious issues might be subjective, it is a concern shared by many people; not just him. I too share the same concern. While many people seem to enjoy the fashion/clothing aspect of the game, many people would enjoy crafting MORE if it made sense. As stated above, wasting time and resources in a random endeavor, where you might get the same exact item you could buy in a store is not only completely illogical, but wasteful of the player's time, money, and critical resources.

    Clearly, it needs to be fix or at least addressed. Failure to fix critical components while simulatenously working on "fluff" aspects, such as fashion, shows a lack of either interest in the player's wants/needs or disingenuous intent.
  • rocketshot
    rocketshot Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    it says my account is alredy logged in when i try to log in, but no one knows my password. this started when i lost connection. help?b:shocked
  • neobowie
    neobowie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ok, i have an ANNOYING problem!
    When i log on, i'm in Best Performance Mode. Even if i click the button it doesn't work. When the Button has colour and when it doesn;t my Screen does not change!

    It is problematic for these reasons:

    1) I can't see Squad members unless i run near them. I like to know where they are. The name is not enough
    2) I pick up items, then when i get it, i notice it belongs to someone in the middle of a fight. They get annoyed i take their items
    3) The Environments aren't as good looking (Not that i REALLY care)
    4) I feel limited, i enjoyed the option
    5) There isn't another reason. 5 just sounds crisper than 4...

    How do i combat this?
    Please help
    The Edit profile features on this are fairly poor...
    Unless it's all hidden.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    rocketshot wrote: »
    it says my account is alredy logged in when i try to log in, but no one knows my password. this started when i lost connection. help?b:shocked

    Try safe log at the log in screen
    paath wrote: »
    Your response is both elitist and perfunctory. "Blakiepoo's" comments/concerns are valid. There is very little point in crafting an item, wasting critical (and sometimes rare) components, just to get the same exact item you could buy in the store.

    The purpose of adding any "feature" is to increase enjoyment of the game and enhance the experience. The crafting function, as it stands now, does neither.

    Crafting ammo should yield experience. You suggest to "compare this to the real world"; in doing so, it proves his point. Even making the most mundane and common of items in the real world still yields experience. You made a flippant comment because you lacked an educated response, or you failed to fully examine the issue.

    Lastly, while "Blakiepoo's" comment about working on "fashion/clothing" instead of more serious issues might be subjective, it is a concern shared by many people; not just him. I too share the same concern. While many people seem to enjoy the fashion/clothing aspect of the game, many people would enjoy crafting MORE if it made sense. As stated above, wasting time and resources in a random endeavor, where you might get the same exact item you could buy in a store is not only completely illogical, but wasteful of the player's time, money, and critical resources.

    Clearly, it needs to be fix or at least addressed. Failure to fix critical components while simulatenously working on "fluff" aspects, such as fashion, shows a lack of either interest in the player's wants/needs or disingenuous intent.

    Again I say, rare stuff would not be rare if everyone made it all the time. My stuff is hardly NPC bought and guess what? I made it! You keep trying to make great weapons or armor , and if you end up with junk, you try again! Each try gives you more craft exp anyway so you can level up the skill. Ive always done it that way and I don't know about you but I like my level 5+ crafting skills.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Sora_yamada - Heavens Tear
    Sora_yamada - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm not sure what caused it but it looks like a bug or graphic error of some kind...and looks kind of funny but its only happened once so far.


  • Bioturn - Heavens Tear
    Bioturn - Heavens Tear Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I found a glitch where there was a Black Iron Mine inside a rock. You can't see the mine, but you can read the words.



    Just click on it to zoom in, hopefully.
    WoW has 11 Million people playing. 11 million people also bought the Sega Dreamcast console. Proof that 11 million people can collectively do something stupid.

    Chill with me on Twitter: twitter.com/Bioturn

    Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - Auron (Final Fantasy X)
  • Nikolwhite - Heavens Tear
    Nikolwhite - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have a problem finishing the quest where I have to get a celestine sprite off a frozen wolfkin.
    I killed the wolfs but there wasnt any celstial sprite!!! I already tried to kill more wolfkin.. and belive it.. I killed a lot..but no celestine sprite showed up and with the same problem i found there another player.. but he was just giving up. Is there a Solution???

    thanks for answering b:bye
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Check the quest log. There's a quest to get the Celestial Sprite from frozen wolfkin, which is a rare drop, after which the first Sprite will tell you the location of a second Sprite (within a flower) which you need to collect.
  • johntrin
    johntrin Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Okay, here's two spelling and grammar mistakes.

    This should be "Psychic" not "Phychic"

    And this should be "bear", not "bare" for the sentence to be grammatically correct, as in "I just can't bear to watch you leave"

  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    There's an untranslated NPC in Archosaur. My patch was a manual patch from a mirror download site.

    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • natura
    natura Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    anyone noticed a new npc (in chinese'sha hua')at the north district of archosaur beside the teleport master(551 668)?is me or is there really a glitch in the game??
  • Valintine - Heavens Tear
    Valintine - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm not sure if this counts as a glitch, coding error, or what, so I'm throwing it out here.

    In North Archeosaur (spelling?) located near the teleport master and a bridge, there is an NPC (looks like the swords master found in dungeons such as Rabid Wolf Den) who's name is in Chinese characters. Thinking that his name might be the only glitched part, I talked to him -- and the quests he offered are also written out in Chinese characters.

    Sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot! ...Or if it's already been reported by someone else.
This discussion has been closed.