Banning Archers for using glitch in zhen parties



  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Funnily enough it's only veno's screaming murder. GET.OVER.IT.

    You're fighting a lost cause and you're too stubborn to realise that what archers do is NOT A GLITCH.

    But as usual you'll argue my response till you're blue in the face *rolls eyes* Grow up for heaven's sake!
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    LOL zen parties dont glitch ? HILARIOUS.
    Why do you have to activate this non-glitched skill in a duel ?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nevermore said:"Funnily enough it's only veno's screaming murder. GET.OVER.IT."
    Funnily enough it's only archers screaming murder(with archer 'bug').GET OVER IT.

    Not neccesarily saying you're wrong,but still your statement works two sides(which doesnt prove anything by the way)

  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm wondering how long these things have been known to exist in the Chinese version. If it's been for years, meaning it's well-known to the Chinese programmers, and they refuse to fix it, then that really speaks volumes about the mindset of the company.

    I will not spend any more time, and certainly not any money, to support a game that, instead of taking steps to fix glitches, bans players who may or may not know that they're abusing the system. That's not a proper way to do business, and I bid you good day, sirs.
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Lol, this thread is a complete win b:laugh
    Clerics have the same skill come think about it.

  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Funnily enough it's only veno's screaming murder. GET.OVER.IT.

    Because Venos are the only ones getting banned, it's only obvious enough they would be the ones riled up about this. Every other class either can benefit, doesn't have some abuse able glitch they care about, or they don't care and would like both sides to shut up.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    to all the ppl saying archer's skill is not bugged (ROFL), why must you duel in order to activate this skill 'properly' ?
    If we go by in-game descriptions only, I dont see "dont attack gouf with this one" anywhere when I take my air pet out.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nevermore said:"Funnily enough it's only veno's screaming murder. GET.OVER.IT."
    Funnily enough it's only archers screaming murder(with archer 'bug').GET OVER IT.

    Not neccesarily saying you're wrong,but still your statement works two sides(which doesnt prove anything by the way)


    There has been more than one non archer posting in favour of the archers -.-
    So don't post absolute BS.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    After this thread I'm actually ashamed of having a veno myself. You veno players really made an example out of yourself in this thread.
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, at least one thing was accomplished by this thread. Everyone made a lot of noise, and I am sure the staff has read this by now.

    So let me see if I have followed the story so far (and to summerize for those that don't want to read all of the "fun" posts leading up to this):

    Venos have a technique that allows them to attack a mob by using an air pet where neither the pet, nor the veno takes damage. Currently, venos are getting banned for this action.

    It has been pointed out, that archers appear to be circumnavigating the game mechanics also. By starting their AoE skill during a duel with another player, this skill remains active after the duel, and then others in their party form up around them and start what has been termed a Zen party (aka...AoE leveling).

    A point of contention remains with the in game description of the archer skill, which does not make mention that the skill should terminate aside from the player's own decision to terminate the skill. However, in practice, if used against mobs, the skill ends on it's own accord when mob targets are dead.

    Now here is the "which came first, the chicken or the egg" question...are the Archers bugging their skill to make it work correctly (as per the description), in which case, the skill is not working as intended and they are making it work in the mean time. Or, is the description faulty, and leaving out the part where the skill is supposed to end when mobs are dead, and Archers are using a glitch in the dueling system that doesn't cancel skills when the duel is over? It can be interpretted either way, and apparently has so far in this heart warming thread...

    Now that we are all up to date....carry on. My popcorn is ready.b:victory
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Venos don't have a technique that protects their flying pet from taking damage.

    It's a certain boss, Gouf the Aerox Chief who can be exploited with the flying pet. If you use a flying pet in the same method over other types of bosses, it wouldn't work. At least I don't believe it does.
  • egaenil
    egaenil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    wat does zhen need? charm
    wat does charm need? gold
    wat does gold need? real money
  • Onishi - Heavens Tear
    Onishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, at least one thing was accomplished by this thread. Everyone made a lot of noise, and I am sure the staff has read this by now.

    So let me see if I have followed the story so far (and to summerize for those that don't want to read all of the "fun" posts leading up to this):

    Venos have a technique that allows them to attack a mob by using an air pet where neither the pet, nor the veno takes damage. Currently, venos are getting banned for this action.

    It has been pointed out, that archers appear to be circumnavigating the game mechanics also. By starting their AoE skill during a duel with another player, this skill remains active after the duel, and then others in their party form up around them and start what has been termed a Zen party (aka...AoE leveling).

    A point of contention remains with the in game description of the archer skill, which does not make mention that the skill should terminate aside from the player's own decision to terminate the skill. However, in practice, if used against mobs, the skill ends on it's own accord when mob targets are dead.

    Now here is the "which came first, the chicken or the egg" question...are the Archers bugging their skill to make it work correctly (as per the description), in which case, the skill is not working as intended and they are making it work in the mean time. Or, is the description faulty, and leaving out the part where the skill is supposed to end when mobs are dead, and Archers are using a glitch in the dueling system that doesn't cancel skills when the duel is over? It can be interpretted either way, and apparently has so far in this heart warming thread...

    Now that we are all up to date....carry on. My popcorn is ready.b:victory

    Yup, so now we are at the phase where we watch both sides continue repeating the exact same thing for another 5 pages, until a GM finally shows up and gives an official word.
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Venos glitching bosses which are intended to be killed by parties is bad. I mean people search day and night to assemble a party to kill those bosses. I think it's all judged relative to how much it breaks gameplay mechanics, bugging a boss = rendering a mob unable to function, Arrow Barrage = Cleverly avoiding a skill's limitations and Luring = Avoiding the game's Aggro system.

    So the bans aren't judged on exp gained or how unfair it is it other people but simply how much of the gameplay mechanics are broken. It's not simply "Ban for glitching" because that means every Veno will be banned for luring.

    To be perfectly honest, when an archer Zhens, he/she really breaks no gameplay mechanic. The Arrow skills is being used as intended, the fact you can't damage party members is working as intended and being able to attack party members while in a Duel is working as intended, the question is: Does combining all these elements of gameplay make it a bug? It's the same thing with Crit arrows, it's a clever way of using in-game features without breaking anything.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    To be perfectly honest, when an archer Zhens, he/she really breaks no gameplay mechanic. The Arrow skills is being used as intended, the fact you can't damage party members is working as intended and being able to attack party members while in a Duel is working as intended, the question is: Does combining all these elements of gameplay make it a bug? It's the same thing with Crit arrows, it's a clever way of using in-game features without breaking anything.

    LOL nice way of turning things around.
    Following the same logic I notice a monster wont attack my pet, why shouldnt I take advantage of it ? In-game wise it doesnt say "dont attack gouf with air pet" so I aint doing anything wrong it's just a "clever way of using in-game features without breaking anything."
    Makes as much sense as your post.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • lordarravis
    lordarravis Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In all honesty, the archers ought to have a right to this. Their skill shouldn't stop simply due to the death of the targeted mob. As previous posters have stated, the mage AOE and cleric bubbles all operate under the same skill description, and yet the archer AOE seems to be at an irrational disadvantage.

    When you think about it, it's more of a logical factor. The (most likely faulty) code for the AOE makes it stop when the target is dead. Yet in a duel, the original target doesn't die, letting it continue. Shrewd and clever, yes, but obviously within the boundaries of the game mechanics.

    Whereas in the case of a Veno bugging Gouf, not much can be attributed as to how this isn't a glitch. An ordinary mob would fight back against the aerial pet, yet Gouf just so happens to be stuck.

    Please do realize that this entire argument towards the archers seems based almost completely on assumption (i.e. this is a glitch, it's unfair). I say the archers shouldn't be banned unless GMs make an official announcement about it. If they leave it as is, then we can just say they feel neutral about it.

    As for Gouf, banning the Veno's seems more like a final choice. The GMs have already warned players NOT to goof with Gouf. As Maiya said, Venos should simply stop bugging him. Until the Barrage issue is officially resolved, we might as well take advantage of the open oppurtunity to get that good exp.
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    teabagg wrote: »
    I really dont see anything wrong with a veno and their air pet kicking some boss butt.If the boss cant do anything about it then its the game creators fault and not a bug..Banning because of this is really stupid as well...

    People like you give Venos a bad name. I hate people like you.

    *pops some popcorn and watches the feud repeat itself*
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    LOL nice way of turning things around.
    Following the same logic I notice a monster wont attack my pet, why shouldnt I take advantage of it ? In-game wise it doesnt say "dont attack gouf with air pet" so I aint doing anything wrong it's just a "clever way of using in-game features without breaking anything."
    Makes as much sense as your post.
    Actually, if you attack a mob who can't hit you, the mob is suppose to kick into mega-regen mode where it can't be killed, so you are actually breaking it.
  • cybluerr
    cybluerr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    To put it simply, users are getting banned for the developers' (programmers) failure to rectify this issue.
    The complain is not actually if the Venos are glitching or the archers are glitching; if its a bug then fix it. If it needs time to fix, then at the very least put out a notice telling players to stop abusing the bug until further notice, instead of outright banning them.
    If its the way its supposed to work then for goodness sakes, pls come out and verify that its legit.
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Eh, no, it is a problem with the coding being broken, not the player breaking anything. With regular mobs the fight is over to quickly and the bug occurs frequently without even trying to induce it.

    The Barrage thing, well, one could argue that the skill ending when the target dies makes sense and it is the way it was intended to work and be used, even if the description isn't specific about it. The PWI description differs from the other English versions in that the PWI states that it doesn't stop until manually canceled, while the others basically state that it can be canceled manually. PWI also doesn't mention that the skill will stop when you're out of mana.

    The initial cost isn't high, cooldown is medium, nothing indicates that this skill wasn't intended to be (re)cast on every group.
  • Wertzui - Lost City
    Wertzui - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Can anyone explain me that Archer glitch that everyone's talking about? I don't wanna get banned for it,without knowing what I've done.
  • Goldrac - Lost City
    Goldrac - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    atm they both are bugs, u like it or not. for WF, it can even apear if u arent intend to exploid, nowhere is sayd that u cant kill grount boss with air pet =/ (but if u exploid it well it isnt nice ofcourse). archers can use it without exploiding, but theyr to lazy to recast it( it doesnt mater how its intend to work, but going arount system to make it work its still going around system and its exploid)
    since boss doesnt giwe anything good, i asume its for q, u basicly doesnt break anything what breaks game( just kill boss and finish q or smtg). but what about archers, u cant do that axidently, its made in purpose get tons of exp/items in shorter time, it breaks game since ppl, and parties using this bug lvl faster, but ofcourse they use real $ and helps parties so no1 wana report or ban them.
    it doesnt mater how it should work, if its works now, u can do dmg with it, u can fight with it, so can w8 till it be fixed and dont exploid untill then, as for foxes, well its not entire they class bug, its just boss buging when fighting air pet, so try dont use it.

    i still dont get it, what so big deal that fox kiled boss who doesnt giwe anything worth kiling it, that would need to ban fox, and yet agein, fast lvling with archers exploid comes "unoticable" ....

    WF nex time u bug something, make sure u are buying something from cash shop :D
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    WF nex time u bug something, make sure u are buying something from cash shop :D

    Meybe they will not ban venos using the Phoenix battle pet from cash shop to air kill those 3 bosses? b:chuckle

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Can anyone explain me that Archer glitch that everyone's talking about? I don't wanna get banned for it,without knowing what I've done.

    You don't need to worry about it until level 60+. And once people teach you how to do it you'd think "wow thats pretty clever..."

    then you think "o wait a minutes... 2 months ago there was this thread..."
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    no offence but archers wizards and veno have major upsides to being them

    i think that knowingly useing glitches is bad period both side of the guilt should shhhh.......
    as for venos i feel the pain every one bags on you due to pet envy. heck i am envious b:laugh but to me the crime that is committed the most is stealing my kills

    i am a barbarian and damn guys you see me running you see me swing not what do you do? apparantly you take aim and shoot because you know that you'll deal more damage and take the kill with no threat to your saftey. that is NOT cool I - WE (counting in the blade masters) have to run to out kill and kill it close up. if you wanna use us to tank just ask if not then don't but don't steal our kills. PLEASE.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    We, I, try not to. But spells have their cast time so while you were running in, we were channeling and casting. If it happens I usually call back my pet and quit, so you have the benefit of my Ironwood Scarab.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    turtlewax wrote: »
    We, I, try not to. But spells have their cast time so while you were running in, we were channeling and casting. If it happens I usually call back my pet and quit, so you have the benefit of my Ironwood Scarab.

    yeah please don't get me wrong i understand taht and i don't want to cast a bad light on you venos. i like venos i like to tank for them. and when mixups accur i appologize and back off and alot of the venos do that too. it's the bad ones that i vent about.
    btw i normally will say mine when i am running to a kill.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    the more i think about this the more it is a lame topic i mean who cares? the only people who would care are the one's who are going to PvP and infact that is thier whole purpose of the game. if you are playing the game to play the game then why have all the envy? it just sounds like a good stratagy on both ends. yeah it's irksome that you can't do it yourself but if it is that important to do it then make a character and do it.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    no offence but archers wizards and veno have major upsides to being them

    i think that knowingly useing glitches is bad period both side of the guilt should shhhh.......
    as for venos i feel the pain every one bags on you due to pet envy. heck i am envious b:laugh but to me the crime that is committed the most is stealing my kills

    i am a barbarian and damn guys you see me running you see me swing not what do you do? apparantly you take aim and shoot because you know that you'll deal more damage and take the kill with no threat to your saftey. that is NOT cool I - WE (counting in the blade masters) have to run to out kill and kill it close up. if you wanna use us to tank just ask if not then don't but don't steal our kills. PLEASE.

    Oh believe me I know how slow and frustrating it can be leveling a barb or BM, I always try to give them kill priority if hunting nearby.... I will sometimes try to compete with other ranged classes in instances where there are a limited number of mobs, since I consider them to be evenly matched..... but I'll always back off for a barb or BM.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    and again a BIG thankyou to all who do. and remember the barbarian that you are kind to will probably save your live in a dungeon some day especially when we tank :)
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
This discussion has been closed.