Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • Iristia - Heavens Tear
    Iristia - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1. Make barbarians more customizable. Able to change fur color or something at least.

    2. Barbarians True Form should turn into what animal they already are. Wolfman a wolf and so on.

    3. Untamed classes should not be gender specific.

    4. Auto run key.

    5. More clothing options in the cash shop. Different styles

    6. Make rare pets less rare, or sold in the cash shop, or limit the amount of times it can be tamed by the same person(like once a week or something)

    7. Make more monsters tamable.

    That's all I can think of right now. Perfect World is the best free MMO ever b:victory
  • demise
    demise Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Err, how about an option to disable 'screen shaking' with certain skills?

    Possibly add a pet skill list/tree to Mrs. Zoologist or her husband with each skill's description. Just to make it easier than guessing or cross-referencing to other versions and pets that have that specific skill. (Including rare skills if it doesn't hurt. >_<)

    Add a few sound effects to some of the pets that are missing them. The Kowlin, Cuddly Pup, Tabby Plumdrop and a few others don't have a cry like the froglet or armored bear.
  • Backfromhell - Lost City
    Backfromhell - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Me and some friends would love the game to have a higher landscape detail and what i mean by that is that e few extra bushes and trees here and there that could change a lot and make the game feel a bit more real. There is already a game a bit like that, that you could say is a bit over done:
    Eternal Lands
    and if this happens i would enjoy playing the game more.
  • vinsent
    vinsent Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think that it would be great if the classes were opened up to some of the different races for example, the Humans being able to be an Archer or possibly Barbarian, or Winged Elves being able to be a SwordMaster, or Maybe even Untamed having Swordmaster as well, it more than likely wont happen but its just a suggestion
  • Haken - Sanctuary
    Haken - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    After having played over 20 different F2P and a few P2P MMORPGs I know sometimes it is hard to make suggestions that help the game under discussion without changing it to something it's not (like suggesting 40man-groupability for PW).
    I've played PW for ~3 weeks now and here's what I think could be changed without too much effort but do alot of good:

    1. Make skillbars lock-able. Nothing is more annoying than accidentally dragging a skill out of your skillbars during combat.

    2. Allow custom keybinds. I was surprised to find a game that didn't allow this to be honest.
    I'd like to be able to bind any key to anything, or at least to certain presets.

    3. Give us our class-own skill-icons for macros. If I make a macro that starts with Spark Eruption for example, then I'd like to be able to assign the picture of the skill Spark Eruption instead of using a skill-icon I've never seen before. I'm fairly sure this would take hardly any work to implement at all.

    4. Make cave-maps actually useful. I can see that you don't want to give away boss-positions, could make it a bit boring, but at least name some rooms, it's not very thrilling if you have to work with location-descriptions like "the hallway left from the first boss and left again".

    5. Fix the soundbug in caves, please! I have no idea what causes it but every time I am in an fb I think "Man this would be awesome with sound". People spamming skills, heals, smacking mobs, all I can hear are my own footsteps and background music. Really, really bugs me and everyone else I talked about it with.

    There are more things that don't seem right to me (like un-mounting every time I get into water, shouldn't do that unless I try to dive) but since they would be too much work to implement (I assume) I'll leave it at that.

    I really hope someone is still reading this from time to time as I am convinced the above suggestions would make this impressive game even better.
  • vinsent
    vinsent Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    After having played over 20 different F2P and a few P2P MMORPGs I know sometimes it is hard to make suggestions that help the game under discussion without changing it to something it's not (like suggesting 40man-groupability for PW).
    I've played PW for ~3 weeks now and here's what I think could be changed without too much effort but do alot of good:

    1. Make skillbars lock-able. Nothing is more annoying than accidentally dragging a skill out of your skillbars during combat.

    2. Allow custom keybinds. I was surprised to find a game that didn't allow this to be honest.
    I'd like to be able to bind any key to anything, or at least to certain presets.

    3. Give us our class-own skill-icons for macros. If I make a macro that starts with Spark Eruption for example, then I'd like to be able to assign the picture of the skill Spark Eruption instead of using a skill-icon I've never seen before. I'm fairly sure this would take hardly any work to implement at all.

    4. Make cave-maps actually useful. I can see that you don't want to give away boss-positions, could make it a bit boring, but at least name some rooms, it's not very thrilling if you have to work with location-descriptions like "the hallway left from the first boss and left again".

    5. Fix the soundbug in caves, please! I have no idea what causes it but every time I am in an fb I think "Man this would be awesome with sound". People spamming skills, heals, smacking mobs, all I can hear are my own footsteps and background music. Really, really bugs me and everyone else I talked about it with.

    There are more things that don't seem right to me (like un-mounting every time I get into water, shouldn't do that unless I try to dive) but since they would be too much work to implement (I assume) I'll leave it at that.

    I really hope someone is still reading this from time to time as I am convinced the above suggestions would make this impressive game even better.

    I agree with you on 1 2 and 3 but I've not got to play yet so, Iv'e not experienced 4 and 5
  • corrupt
    corrupt Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would like to see the Territory War moved Down a few hours. Instead of 12:06 Eastern Time. I would like to see at 10PM or 9PM Thanks
  • cabbitprincess
    cabbitprincess Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    we have barbarians that can look like tigers, lions, wolves & Pandas yet can only transform into a white tiger
    we have venomancers that can have parts of a fox, bunny, cat, evil & cute yet can only change ito a fox.
    which is abit weird having a lion running around yet suddenly transform into a tiger.
    So just suggesting that whatever u pick your character to look like, weather it's a fox, cat, lion or panda, u transform into THAT animal. b:thanks
    EXACTLY mew! If I have cat ears and a cat tail I shouldn't turn into a fox, that makes NO sense mew!
  • Mingtu - Heavens Tear
    Mingtu - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't know if this has been suggested yet, as I don't really want to go through all 40 pages of this thread, but there should be a option to toggle those Cat Shops on and off. It's pretty hard to move around some towns, especially the West District of Archosaur where the entire street is cluttered with those Cat Shops. I personally get a lot of slowdown when moving through that part of town EVEN at the lowest graphical settings. Just a thought.
  • boxing00emperor
    boxing00emperor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    U should host a giant tournament where players of similar skill fight in front of a crowd of other players. And the winners should be able to rule over perfect world for a week as Gods. That would be cool. Plus I should be the ref becoz I came up with the idea :]
    I'm skipping school for the release date :D
  • inkman
    inkman Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i Think That The game In general Its Good But Common its all about questing im getting tier of quest . can u make Less Quest And do something where players have some fun insted of quest quest quest. ty
  • yoyomin
    yoyomin Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1. can you guys make the character heal faster when sit down and increase the amount hp potion heal.because that way i don't feel frustrated so i can keep up playing. on some of the other game i play they sit it up that way so for the early part of the game people can just have fun and it will be faster to lv up since we don't wast as much time(change after higher lv). for those game i find my self playing for hours none stop (1-50+)but for PW i stop after couple hours max.

    2. can you guys also increase the money drop by monster and also increase the cost of item so it's even out. nothing really change but i feel better when there are more money in my bank

    3. PWI have some of the best graphic i ever seen (high tech) that is the impression i get when i check out he web and when i first played the game and there are so many function in the game which is very good but the design for the message box, item box, state info. help, log off, system/help option, look and feel so much inferior when compare to some of the other game i play. and the monster hp/info, can you make it so it's not like the player one but make it so it's just a red bar on top of the monster with it name that fallow the monster and it appeared when we att them

    4. the most important part is to change the quest. can you guys make it so it give more info so we don't feel totally lost. which when i stated i all most quiet this game all together but the jump function that made me feel free and not restricted to just on the ground.keep me going.

    i feel that this way people will have more fun playing this game(for the beginning part of the game which is the most important part of the game) . the graphic and the game play when compare to some of the other newer game PW beat them by a mile but the character pic with it many function on the upper left, the map with it many function on the upper right , the message box and with it's many many function on the lower left and lastly the short cut and the item character info....... on the lower right make the game feel low tech they look like something game for years back would use. if those are change i think the game would feel a lot more balance. i am saying all this because i like this game but for some reason i can't keep playing. for other game i played over the years i don't get those fell until i am level 70+(i don't kn how high this game go up to but for most by lv 70+ you a pretty good handle of the game, finish most of the quest the game offer and are just trying to find someone you don't like to kill for the **** of it.

    change all that would probably use a lot of time so i don't know if you guys feel it's worth it. i am not even sure any body going to read this. or this could just be me and no one else feel this way and everything i wrote could be bunch of bull **** and no one care. but i spent 30min writing this so hop some other player feel the same way i do.
  • Niyatu - Lost City
    Niyatu - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yoyomin wrote: »
    1. can you guys make the character heal faster when sit down and increase the amount hp potion heal.because that way i don't feel frustrated so i can keep up playing. on some of the other game i play they sit it up that way so for the early part of the game people can just have fun and it will be faster to lv up since we don't wast as much time(change after higher lv). for those game i find my self playing for hours none stop (1-50+)but for PW i stop after couple hours max.

    If you increase your vitality you will heal faster when meditating as well as gain mana faster.
    yoyomin wrote: »
    2. can you guys also increase the money drop by monster and also increase the cost of item so it's even out. nothing really change but i feel better when there are more money in my bank

    If you want to have alot of money in the bank I suggest you grind something that drops valuable items often so that you can sell them (such as mystical claws, soft furs etc). Increasing the cost of items only mess up the economy (even if it isn't by much, but in the longrun it is). The price for legendaries will slowly drop (unless other players actually notice more and more are becoming "rich").

    yoyomin wrote: »
    3. PWI have some of the best graphic i ever seen (high tech) that is the impression i get when i check out he web and when i first played the game and there are so many function in the game which is very good but the design for the message box, item box, state info. help, log off, system/help option, look and feel so much inferior when compare to some of the other game i play. and the monster hp/info, can you make it so it's not like the player one but make it so it's just a red bar on top of the monster with it name that fallow the monster and it appeared when we att them

    Well this is Perfect World and not any other game. Everything looks fine, but I wouldn't mind if they changed the design/looks for the stuff you mentioned.

    yoyomin wrote: »
    4. the most important part is to change the quest. can you guys make it so it give more info so we don't feel totally lost. which when i stated i all most quiet this game all together but the jump function that made me feel free and not restricted to just on the ground.keep me going.

    I agree on this one.I had to use pwdatabase to find stuff.

    U should host a giant tournament where players of similar skill fight in front of a crowd of other players. And the winners should be able to rule over perfect world for a week as Gods. That would be cool. Plus I should be the ref becoz I came up with the idea :]

    I'm sorry, I have to say I do not agree with this. The power you have when you're a God (Gods usually are a higher rank than GM's, meaning they will have more power than them?!) is irrelevant to how you fight. It can be really easily abused such as banning innocent players or something worse.

    - Niyatu/Laura.

    Sympathy is just a sign of your own weaknes.
  • *scarlet - Sanctuary
    *scarlet - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't feel like going through 41 pages so if this already has been said, ignore it

    (Nothing to do with the game, but..)

    An FanArt/FanFic section in the forums?

    Excuse me for my bad english..
  • noobcake4lyfe
    noobcake4lyfe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    the screenshot and video forum already exists you can post pics and fanart there.
    "Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"

    "We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin
  • yoyomin
    yoyomin Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    How come when i hit twice it only show one damage. can you change it show that it show 2 damage, because even when dual suppose to be faster but it's not. one hand deal more damage and faster to, that's what it feel like.
  • noobcake4lyfe
    noobcake4lyfe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok sit back and think for a minute genius and read the forums. 1. single blade has higher hit rating than dual blades and a single blade BM can out dps a dual blader BM....I wonder why??? 2. O and when it comes to hitting twice and showing one damage maybe the damage for both swords is just added together. Who knows. GMs plz.
    "Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"

    "We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin
  • buymedunks
    buymedunks Posts: 2
    edited November 2008
    (srry if this has been posted before but too lazy to look through all)

    The music in PerfectWorld is waaaaaayyyy too repetitive, i get bored all the time listening to the same tunes in certain maps. So i would like a different variety of music, it would be best if there were a different piece in every part of the map. That would be awesomeb:laugh
  • enzi
    enzi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    My suggestion: Make the download faster. No telling how many people you loose joining each day because the download takes three hours.
    b:cute Have you hugged a newbie today? b:cute
  • Old_one - Lost City
    Old_one - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    why when your in a safe zone can something kill you when you are meditating b:angry
  • Backfromhell - Lost City
    Backfromhell - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    After having played over 20 different F2P and a few P2P MMORPGs I know sometimes it is hard to make suggestions that help the game under discussion without changing it to something it's not (like suggesting 40man-groupability for PW).
    I've played PW for ~3 weeks now and here's what I think could be changed without too much effort but do alot of good:

    1. Make skillbars lock-able. Nothing is more annoying than accidentally dragging a skill out of your skillbars during combat.

    2. Allow custom keybinds. I was surprised to find a game that didn't allow this to be honest.
    I'd like to be able to bind any key to anything, or at least to certain presets.

    3. Give us our class-own skill-icons for macros. If I make a macro that starts with Spark Eruption for example, then I'd like to be able to assign the picture of the skill Spark Eruption instead of using a skill-icon I've never seen before. I'm fairly sure this would take hardly any work to implement at all.

    4. Make cave-maps actually useful. I can see that you don't want to give away boss-positions, could make it a bit boring, but at least name some rooms, it's not very thrilling if you have to work with location-descriptions like "the hallway left from the first boss and left again".

    5. Fix the soundbug in caves, please! I have no idea what causes it but every time I am in an fb I think "Man this would be awesome with sound". People spamming skills, heals, smacking mobs, all I can hear are my own footsteps and background music. Really, really bugs me and everyone else I talked about it with.

    There are more things that don't seem right to me (like un-mounting every time I get into water, shouldn't do that unless I try to dive) but since they would be too much work to implement (I assume) I'll leave it at that.

    I really hope someone is still reading this from time to time as I am convinced the above suggestions would make this impressive game even better.

    I agree with all the things he said and i think its all really reasonable especially numbers 1,2+5 i think these would not take much to change and if you don't change any then i assume that this is not read and people are not doing their job as that would shoot the gaming experience up and save us some frustrating moments b:pleased
  • Kratos_gow - Sanctuary
    Kratos_gow - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    my suggestion is to give humans a special thing
    elves have wings veno'shave pets, wizzards and blademasters dont get anythng til lvl 30 when they get the sword, but then again elve's fly from the begening and veno's get mantarys, so the human race doesnt have anythng 2 be proud about.

    people also post ideas on what to do with humans :]
  • j00
    j00 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    OK something i would to get into the suggestion box is something my friends pointed at me while i was playing. they wanted to start playing with me but none of them wanted to be the same class and we were 3 so there wa the small problem. COULD IT BE POSSIBLE to add to the game one new class per race so we can give new players more where to choose from or is it impossible?

    the second but simpler i guess to change or modify the interface layout to a better looking?
  • Alathriell - Sanctuary
    Alathriell - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Either let the skill "Flight Mastery" affect ALL wings
    change its description s.t. it says it affects ONLY the natural (MP-using) wings
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hey i want the veno thing to me an my GF love the veno class but we cant embrace we cant do nothing!!! unless i make another char pls!pls! pls!!!! change this also if u do pls make a gender switch scroll for chars incase they want to change their gender also make female barbs that way its fair to the other untamed classes i dont think its that big a deal really to make such a small change it would make a LOT of ppl i kno happy if u want i can get a list and start compiling how many ppl agree with me heck u can even do it in the next update i think also that ppl would be understanding if u pushed the update back a month or 2 even 4 for this update i kno of at least 100 ppl who have this same problem i do so its not entirly fair to keep it this way the elf race has 2 classes and 2 genders same as the humans so y not the untamed i say if u want i can go on to all 3 current servers and try to get polls up to u i will use telecustics for 3days on each if some1 could provide me with a hell yeah!! i would spend my own money to do this IF that is IF this will make a change and IF you are willing to do it because IF I can get over 1000' ppl will u agreeto try to fix it im willing to do the effort and put MY money and MY time into this IF i can get some change im willing to do this my char name on Heaven'sTear is I_Love_Pets also the male veno should have a white fox the female barb a orange tiger think makes sense ryt cause male barb is white tiger female veno is a orange fox an i have btw seen a white fox b4 it was albino so do not tell me there is no white fox i kno there is or u could make it a mink that way its white up to u message me ima be w8ing
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • ladynaryuu
    ladynaryuu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think the stance the clerics have is very unappealing when it comes to wearing long dresses such as a chipao or crystalove. Whereas a veno makes them look very nice, because they have a normal female stance. Clerics slump back and let their **** stick out like "oh yea..check these out"

    Not cool... If I'm gunna spend my money on gold to get cute clothes, atleast make them LOOK GOOD on some classes.. It's unfair for clerics..really it is.. we're stuck with fugly clothes(or well in my opinion ..fugly)
  • Levalt - Sanctuary
    Levalt - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'd like to buy zen over the phone.

    "I like the fact that I've played this game for 3 days and it's more powerful than my elite
    Guild Wars character." - Womack
  • fishmaster
    fishmaster Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Honestly I would love if a faction had a specific bank that anyone rank 3 or higher in the faction can use willingly....... Id like to see this to make transfering Items a lot quicker between people. Also Guild Funds are fun......

    If you guys already have this and I just couldn't find it. Please inform me.

    Also It would be really cool if you expanded the 1-6 bar to 1-8 like the f1-f8
    And please allow slogan to use Space Bar. If its filter problems your looking at. make the filter a bit stronger Or Make a button to turn Filter On/Off
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I suggest for this thread: A Poll where you put most of the suggestions and people can vote on their top 10 or 20, so that you can prioritize which ones to implement.

    Other suggestions
    -I add another vote to the FLight Mastery affecting all wings. OR give us back skill points so the Flight Mastery levels aren't wasted.

    -Add new quests/features that use up items. There are way too many cat stores selling items. If cat stores were a faction, they would overwhelm all others. If some new feature was added that used up a lot of those materials, common items, useless items, it would reduce the number of sellers and increase the number of buyers. And people would use their own items instead of needing to trade. It should be better than 4 buyer to 50 seller.

    -The inventory/bank space is DEPLORABLE. Worst in any game I've ever played, and I have played so so many RPGs over the years. It's one of my biggest pet peeves in this game; a game with a very large array of crafting components. Seriously, I can't see a single good point to having such a tiny space. It seems counterproductive. Add a few more rows for new characters, and then those Stones for people who want more.

    -Another vote for better Camera control. The right and left arrows are unused I think now. Have them turn the camera left and right, and up and down also for camera. I would change the mouse wheel to Rise and Descend while flying. I rarely use zoom and that would go better on home/end or page up/down. Preferably, I would like to play the game 90% with 1 hand on the mouse, and one hand around the arrow keys.

    -Teleport prices are silly. It's like you're encouraging people to make the game more boring for themselves by slowly running across the map.

    -Also more teleport destinations from each point. Why can I travel from Plume to Archosaur, but not the Silver Pool (even though it is directly on the line connecting the two). It feels like we're being punished or something.
  • Qullara - Sanctuary
    Qullara - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hey i want the veno thing to me an my GF love the veno class but we cant embrace we cant do nothing!!! unless i make another char pls!pls! pls!!!! change this also if u do pls make a gender switch scroll for chars incase they want to change their gender also make female barbs that way its fair to the other untamed classes i dont think its that big a deal really to make such a small change it would make a LOT of ppl i kno happy if u want i can get a list and start compiling how many ppl agree with me heck u can even do it in the next update i think also that ppl would be understanding if u pushed the update back a month or 2 even 4 for this update i kno of at least 100 ppl who have this same problem i do so its not entirly fair to keep it this way the elf race has 2 classes and 2 genders same as the humans so y not the untamed i say if u want i can go on to all 3 current servers and try to get polls up to u i will use telecustics for 3days on each if some1 could provide me with a hell yeah!! i would spend my own money to do this IF that is IF this will make a change and IF you are willing to do it because IF I can get over 1000' ppl will u agreeto try to fix it im willing to do the effort and put MY money and MY time into this IF i can get some change im willing to do this my char name on Heaven'sTear is I_Love_Pets also the male veno should have a white fox the female barb a orange tiger think makes sense ryt cause male barb is white tiger female veno is a orange fox an i have btw seen a white fox b4 it was albino so do not tell me there is no white fox i kno there is or u could make it a mink that way its white up to u message me ima be w8ing

    I think the male vemonancers should be a be a big white wolf, and the girl barb. should be a tan female lion, if you know what that looks like. I think that would be really great insteadb:laugh
This discussion has been closed.