Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread

orinj Posts: 460 admin
edited January 2009 in Suggestion Box
hi again, folks.

if you have any suggestions for us, we'd love to get your input.

so going forward please post all your suggestions here.


- orinj

p.s. don't post any personal data ^_^
F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
Post edited by orinj on


  • ecatomb
    ecatomb Posts: 1
    edited July 2008
    Can we stay connected on the forum with our username?
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Well, a minor suggestion:

    Change the Noob discussion-section to newb/newbie.

    Noob is more commonly used as an insult, newb is the term that means a new player.

    Noobs can be old,new or whatever.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • dinoman
    dinoman Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I suggest that there be a Male Venomancer too. Why? Because many male players enjoy playing this class. Thats all!

    Hope it happens!
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited July 2008
    thom wrote: »
    Well, a minor suggestion:

    Change the Noob discussion-section to newb/newbie.

    Noob is more commonly used as an insult, newb is the term that means a new player.

    Noobs can be old,new or whatever.

    TOTALY AGREE "noob" is an insult!!!
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited July 2008
    dinoman wrote: »
    I suggest that there be a Male Vecromancer too. Why? Because many male players enjoy playing this class. Thats all!

    Hope it happens!

    Ya, I was thinking about male vecromancer too, but we cant change that much the game, can we?
    Male vecromancer will fix many problems, like the same sexe marriage problem!
  • dinoman
    dinoman Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Another suggestion a female Barbarian. I mean why can't a woman be a hard hitter and a tank?
  • dinoman
    dinoman Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    nounours wrote: »
    Ya, I was thinking about male vecromancer too, but we cant change that much the game, can we?
    Male vecromancer will fix many problems, like the same sexe marriage problem!

    Well I see where your coming from. But maybe if there was a poll or something we could change it .:D....But I don't know It would be cool if this happened though.
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited July 2008
    Increse guild name and char name letter limitaion;):D
  • tolan
    tolan Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Suggestion 1: Not likely, I know, but if you could make the two Untamed classes not gender-locked, that'd be about the most amazing thing ever. Really. Ever. Like, since or to come.

    Suggestion 2: Slight bump in the char/guild name character limit. Just a small one.

    Suggestion 3: A couple extra dance moves go a long way.

    Suggestion 4: If you could get mounts for this version of the game only, that'd be an awesome bonus.

    And anything anyone else says. Probably. Mostly. Maybe.

    I'm a Christian looking for a clean experience in a free MMO. No, I'm not crazy.
  • caribbean
    caribbean Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    1.Able to chose male/female in any class.(MOST WANTED BY EVERYONE!)
    2.Change N00b section to Newbie.
    3.Barbarian needs a dmg input.(Why all MMO games fail at making knights?:mad:)
    Caribbean is a cold blooded reptilian like an amphibian.
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    - Make cloaks and helmets (optionally) viewable when you are walking around in your equipment. This'd just be cool.

    - Name-size increase for guild names and shop names. They're currently not sufficient..

    - Increased amount of people that can enter a Territorial War field. This is to make attacking a landowning guild easier when attacking at the same time as another guild.

    - Sweeter-looking interface?

    That's all :cool:
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008

    Increase guild character(9 to 15/20) letter + allow space bar =D
  • katryn
    katryn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I don't know if the phoenix is tamable in normal versions. I know it isn't in the PW MY one. I have seen it on some private servers though (as well as the hercules). My request is to please please please make it tamable in this version! :D .. please? That has got to be one of the most beautiful mobs I have ever seen! It'd be pure heaven to just sit there and watch it fly behind me (without trying to atack me).

    A second sugestion is to please review and revise the language filter. It was horrid on PW MY. Words/numbers like root, snake, 6.4 and husband are not bad words. All of these are actualy used unfiltered within the game. (Ok, I know some people might consider "husband" to be a bad word... but that's different ;) ) On the other hand, I have seen words (which I won't list for obvious reasons) that would definatly be considered foul language, getting through just fine.
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited July 2008
    hong wrote: »

    Increase guild character(9 to 15/20) letter + allow space bar =D
    orinj wrote: »

    at least from what i've verified. definitely more than 9.

    thx byebye

    - orinj

    >Char names
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    nounours wrote: »


    I'm talking about guilds, not Character names.
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited July 2008
    ark wrote: »
    I'm talking about guilds, not Character names.

    Lol you posted here too, well well i know:p
  • golden0galaxy
    golden0galaxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    heres a possibility-

    -make the hp hats have the same str requirements as the mp ones. classes such as EP and MG would benefit much more from a boost in hp from hats rather than mp. their mp is already high enough but the hp would have a more noticeable and significant effect. a warrior, if needing more mp, has the option of wearing an mp hat, so why not let EPs and MGs wear HP hats?
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Yeah, but, Blademasters don't use mp hats because HP ones are more useful. Limited magic classes to MP hats is fair - they can use lower HP helms.
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • veco
    veco Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I was wondering if it would be possible to make an application that lets you design your character for PW, then when you get into the real game it will give you an option to load a saved character profile (that way you won't have to spend hours when you first start to create a character because you already have picked out what you want). This would give those that weren't able to make it into the closed beta, or those that just want to see what making a character is like, a chance to see one of the best features of PW (its character customization).

    or... A way to transfer pre-saved character models from PW MY-EN to PW-INT. 20+ days left till CB and this idea would help pass the time lol.

    Also, you could have character creation contests similar to what Nintendo Wii does with its Mii's (ex. whoever creates a character that looks most like said famous person, by getting the most votes, wins some ingame prize)

    just an idea ^^v
  • balmung
    balmung Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    well i suggest to put the game client on instead of Fileplanet, or both of them
  • ecatomb
    ecatomb Posts: 1
    edited July 2008
    Suggestion: Limit the number of shop in town. In PW MY-EN there were too many shop (more than 200?) in Dragon City
    katryn wrote: »
    I don't know if the phoenix is tamable in normal versions. I know it isn't in the PW MY one. I have seen it on some private servers though (as well as the hercules). My request is to please please please make it tamable in this version! :D .. please? That has got to be one of the most beautiful mobs I have ever seen! It'd be pure heaven to just sit there and watch it fly behind me (without trying to atack me).
    It's cash shop pet ;)
    veco wrote: »
    or... A way to transfer pre-saved character models from PW MY-EN to PW-INT. 20+ days left till CB and this idea would help pass the time lol.
    PW MY-EN and PW International aren't the same company
  • veco
    veco Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ecatomb wrote: »
    PW MY-EN and PW International aren't the same company

    yes I know that, I was just stating that as a second option because I am assuming the game code is similar. if not the same. (and was only referring to character model creation, not actual real game characters)
  • ecatomb
    ecatomb Posts: 1
    edited July 2008
    veco wrote: »
    yes I know that, I was just stating that as a second option because I am assuming the game code is similar. if not the same. (and was only referring to character model creation, not actual real game characters)

    It's only some file to copy but PW International don't want that.
    xarfox wrote: »
    Modifying your client side files in any way will result in an administrative action on your account. Play the game the way it's meant to be played. ;)

    But you can modify your character 24 or 48h (don't remember) after the creation
  • veco
    veco Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ecatomb wrote: »
    But you can modify your character 24 or 48h (don't remember) after the creation

    i believe it gives you 2 days so 48hrs.

    and I'm not talking about swapping dat files so that your character looks different on your end compared to what it really looks like on the server lol -.-;; oh well nvm, i will just create my character on my-en and write down all the settings i have for it
  • kazuma
    kazuma Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    If this is going to be an International server with like Europe and America, I think cash shop items should be able to get paid in the american dollar, the English pounds (Im living in England and i'll buy stuff.) And the main European currency the euro
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]If only deathnote was that simple...
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    veco wrote: »
    oh well nvm, i will just create my character on my-en and write down all the settings i have for it
    there is already a function you want, you can save/load .ini files on the character creation screen. All you have to do afterwards is going to the element\userdata\character\ folder and find the ini you want.

    last used ini for each class & gender are in the element\userdata\character\ folder
    user saved ini files are in the \customize\ subfolder

    then copy it into the same directory of the PW-intl client
    kazuma wrote: »
    If this is going to be an International server with like Europe and America, I think cash shop items should be able to get paid in the american dollar, the English pounds (Im living in England and i'll buy stuff.) And the main European currency the euro
    It doesn't really matter on the internet, even if you pay in USD, it will subtract the value in your currency.
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • thankful
    thankful Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    The big problem for me with most (all) FTP MMOG's is the movement keys (if they even have them). If I have to use my mouse to move around (point/click->run to clicked spot style) I won't play the game; no matter how good it may be.

    Hurray to find out that PW (at least MY:EN) allows you to at least use W-A-S-D for movement. Minor improvement, but at least it allows me to kite without frustration.

    Still ultimately annoying though.

    I play with my sister and a friend from EQ2, said friend is not allowed to type (It takes him 15 minutes to type a three word sentence, I'm impatient), so we use Teamspeak to communicate. I've had one button dedicated to my push to talk TS button for 8? 9? years now. It on the complete other side of my keyboard from W-A-S-D, right near my arrow keys (It's the zero key on my number pad) so I could still move around freely and cast spells/fight/whatever and be able to talk. I tried simply changing my button choice, but I hit it anyway and no one ever hears me threatening them (That makes me cry sometimes, I put a lot of effort into those threats).

    On top of that annoyance, with W-A-S-D I'm forever hitting my 'E' key and opening up emotes, or 'Q' and getting my quests when I'm trying to move (Not fun when I'm trying to flee before my tail becomes someones coat).

    I can't speak for my EQ2 friend, but for both my sister and I it tends to put a dampener on an other wise fun game (To the point where she prefers to use AF on me and click heals - or she's just being lazy).

    The points of this is:
    Suggestion 1: Please allow us the use of the arrow keys to move. Please with sugar, chocolate, fur coats, cherries, kisses, hoist cuddles, and even fluffy pink bunny slippers on top! (Even better let us customize all of the key mapping-this is probably wishful thinking though.)

    Suggestion 2: At least in the MY:EN version there's at least four buttons that do nothing, nothing at all. Just take up U.I. space. This for the most part is just cosmetic (sort of) but still confusing for a new player. Get rid of them or make them function.

    Suggestion 3: As mentioned please fix character names. Seeing one (and I'm stealing this) Koz and another kOz is ridiculous, especially since there's a good chance it's not event he same person.

    As a sub-note to that, the use of characters in names, I truly don't mean to offend anyone and I hope no one takes this personally. But this is an English server so please no oriental characters. It merely spams the chat window with words that quite a few of us (I'm assuming) don't understand. If you want to talk privately with someone then use the appropriate chat type, not world chat.

    It's also hard when I see someone with such a name, I can't create those characters with my keyboard (or if there is a way I don't know how) so I have no idea what to call them and I don't think, "Hey you with the name I can't duplicate," works:p.

    Suggestion 4: Speaking of chat windows, I love the size-able chat window and font size. Now please make that apply to emotes as well (or let us disable them). No matter how small I make my text I still get giant bears and pigs and faces (I'm constantly having to tell my therapist that no, I'm not imagining them).

    Suggestion 5: Please, again with fluffy pink bunny slippers on top, allow us to disable the skill description pop-ups on hotbars. They're great at first, but after the 200th time I've cast the same spell I really don't need to be reminded what it does on the 201st time I cast. Honest, I remember. I don't need to loose a nice chunk of my screen to tell me what I know.

    If we can't disable them at least shorten them a LOT.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure most of these may not be probable, but they're still things I'd like to see happen. Especially being able to move with arrow keys.

  • nunu
    nunu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Honestly, this is a huge problem on all of perfect world's servers. The success of the international version will depend primarily on whether this issue is going to be addressed or ignored. Thanks!
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    thankful wrote: »
    As a sub-note to that, the use of characters in names, I truly don't mean to offend anyone and I hope no one takes this personally. But this is an English server so please no oriental characters. It merely spams the chat window with words that quite a few of us (I'm assuming) don't understand. If you want to talk privately with someone then use the appropriate chat type, not world chat.
    This is not an english server, it's an international. English just happens to be one of the most spoken languages over the world. Don't be so xenophobic and let everyone speak their language. Even if you block them from using characters specific to their language, don't you think they find their way around it? You won't understand their language more just because they type it in roman letters.
    I agree with you on char names, but not on the chat part. Besides, afaik you can either block non-alphanumeric characters in the chat system entirely or not at all - so you won't even be able to type in your language in private chats.

    @nunu: your issue has been answered by the GMs several times, try using the search function ;)
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • silentblade
    silentblade Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    veco wrote: »
    I was wondering if it would be possible to make an application that lets you design your character for PW, then when you get into the real game it will give you an option to load a saved character profile (that way you won't have to spend hours when you first start to create a character because you already have picked out what you want). This would give those that weren't able to make it into the closed beta, or those that just want to see what making a character is like, a chance to see one of the best features of PW (its character customization).

    or... A way to transfer pre-saved character models from PW MY-EN to PW-INT. 20+ days left till CB and this idea would help pass the time lol.

    Also, you could have character creation contests similar to what Nintendo Wii does with its Mii's (ex. whoever creates a character that looks most like said famous person, by getting the most votes, wins some ingame prize)

    just an idea ^^v

    This should help with transferring the character models

    and i like the idea about increase the number of letters for character names and guild names
This discussion has been closed.