Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • ImMaleDude - Heavens Tear
    ImMaleDude - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    A lot of people from different countries keep telling me that they lagg a lot! Even people from Michigan tell me that they lagg! I myself lagg! I'm from Bulgaria. It's ussual for me to lagg, since my internet is very slow and the connection is bad! If you can't help me, help the other people that keep lagging b:angry! You claim that this is PW international, but it seems that it's more like PW California b:angry
  • Madrok - Sanctuary
    Madrok - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hi all.

    When you receive a quest ,it would be nice to have a lvl suggestion added so you can organize your questing better and not run head long into a quest you cant complete because your lvl is too low.

    Quicker respawn for herbs/logs etc... or more spread out around the game world.

    World chat etc should be free and no restriction on your lvl.

    A guildmaster. An NPC in each town so you can view all the clans available and put in a request to join. ( Im not sure if this is available already but I havent saw an NPC like this yet ).Also a screening option for clans to view a player in game before accepting them.

    Specific area for player shops with a space restriction so shops arent so close together and they are not crowded around NPC`s to a point that players cant use the NPC.

    Im not sure if there is anything else but I have seen players with names that would be offensive to some people and its possible the the GM`s deal with this already, but this would be the only other thing that might need addressed IMO.
    I hope this helps. Thnx....b:bye
  • TwilitWolf - Sanctuary
    TwilitWolf - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This might be a little extreme, but I think that there should be another race, with two new classes in it. I have an idea about this, the race could be called the 'Undead', and be like a mix of Zombie and skeleton. The two classes I have thought for this are:

    -Warlock: Their mage with an array of shadow spells to cast, along with having the ability to summon up a minion to help them out.

    -Death Knight: Their warrior with shadow attacks, as well as being able to tank things, like the barbarian and the blademaster.

    A little history I thought up for them is that they have some of the Wraith blood in them, which cursed them to be what they are now.

    And I know this would take a long time to do, but I think this would add another interesting feature into the game which would also give more people options on what they want to be in the game.
  • PuppyWuppy - Sanctuary
    PuppyWuppy - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    my suggestion would be to put a timer on existing buffs/debuffs so the player knows how long there is until the buff/debuff expires
    Also, i agree lots with all the Untamed any-gender stuff =D
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think you need to tell us what your staff is capable of, and how much work can be put into this game if your team gets enough support.

    Here are a few of my suggestions:

    The number one annoyance I have found so far is that molten lava is treated as a walking surface; and additionally, one with no negative effects. That's a bit goofy.

    This one is less important and probably would be disliked by a few, but i think you ought to add some form of timer or something while under water.

    What else?
    Well I agree that the Untamed should not be gender specific in their class.

    I also think that it would be cool to have the ability to multi-class or learn other race's skill at some point. Maybe at a really high level? (like at least 90).

    Thats about it for now.b:victory
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oh and how about some new forum icons so I don't have to look like a bald dude. :P
  • miago
    miago Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    is it possible to make it so that you don't heal your opponent during pk battles

    it doesn't happen in duels

    and it doesn't happen fighting mobs

    but if Cleric is fighting another pk'er and then casts heal

    the cleric heals the person he's fighting and not himself. I can't really practice with duels healing myself since in all actuallity I have to press

    escape OR click on my portrait before I cast to make sure I cast on myself and even then if you start the cast to fast you heal them and not you.

    That can also be noticed when trying to heal multiple people in a party with a single heal.

    thank you in advance
  • tallic
    tallic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    1>Would be nice to be able to export guild member info to a guild page like their lvl, class, race, kills, deaths. b:kiss

    2>Linking items with info into the chat system would really be cool.
    Like the way wow allows linking items into chat b:pleased
  • pandagod
    pandagod Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I don't know if anyone brought this up already (too lazy to read through all the posts, lol), but I'd really like it if we were able to alter the fur colors on the Untamed... Seeing a bunch of wolves, lions, tigers and bears (oh my) that are all the same color gets kinda boring after a while, and I thought it was lame that the Untamed (specifically the Barbarians) had far less customization options than the other characters. In reality, not every wolf is grey, not every bear is a panda, etc.. I know this is just a game, but some slight realism on this part couldn't hurt. :P
  • Rathloriel - Heavens Tear
    Rathloriel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    It would be nice to be able to see the remaining time for buffs. For example, I'd like to know when my burning arrows will stop, or when my life powder will stop effect.

    Furthermore, It seems that when I cast burning arrows (didn't try with another buff), and that buff is already active, nothing happens, but mana is still sucked out. It may be good to just reset time to 10min (just an example for this right buff), instead of doing nothing.

    To finish with, It would be great if a lesser buff wouldn't replace a higher efficent buff. For example, if I use life powder, I get a very high regen, but when a cleric buffs me, my life powder buff is replaced by his very lesser buff. It kinda annoying :)

    Hope that helps improve the game experience.
  • RobinTruebow - Heavens Tear
    RobinTruebow - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Why is the flight mastery only good for the original elf wings?

    Please consider allowing the flight mastery to add to any of the wings available to elves. I spent a lot of spirit and coin getting my mastery to level 10 and if I want to spend real cash to get upgraded wings they are slower than my little white elf wings and no faster than any other non-natural flying race.

    Being an elf should have more benefits than just level 1-30 when flight is conserned.
  • foddermike
    foddermike Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Couple minor suggestions:

    #1: Custom user controls - allow users to choose which keys are mapped to which function. There is some limited functionality for this already, just need to expand on it further.

    #2: Auto Run - not really a biggie, but when you're flying/running in a straight line for 5 mins continuously, you could set it and go get a snack or drink, or hit the bathroom b:chuckle

    #3: Attacking Monsters - I don't know if this is in, but having monster of a higher level than the player move and start attacking them *BEFORE* the player collides into the monster; would help make "dangerous areas" feel more dangerous. As it is, my level 17 Cleric can fly right past a level 95 Cocatrice and not even provoke it.

    #4: Guild Banks - storage options, permissions for guild ranks, ie: guild leader can set permissions for what rank in guild can view, remove, amount of removal, take out gold, etc. Don't go into percentages or loans, let the guilds handle that stuff themselves.


    The only stupid question is the one never asked.
  • Greenfaerie - Sanctuary
    Greenfaerie - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Suggestion for Archosarus

    Put more postboxes around town a good place would be near mr./mrs. zoo

    put more bankers in the west district .. yeah i know you can hold shift key down and click him but i hate a congested area that lags me out.
    BadKittie by day
    Greenfaerie by night
  • johndoe57
    johndoe57 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    for a free mmorpg, this game is frickin FANTASTIC

    listed as most important to least

    1. PK lvl a lvl 70 doesnt attack a lvl 35, this deters so many
    2. Timer revealing time left for buffs/pots
    3. Proximity Limitations for kitty shops so they're not congested
    4. Assuming there is no current aggro, Meditate makes player immune for wandering mob aggros, kinda like a pause, only making sure the player doesnt plop down in the middle of a battle
    5. More mobs, sometimes it seems like its the same mobs, diff name/color
    6. Master Marketplace, can still do kitty shop but this may help, sorta like Auction but no bidding and immediate
    Hope you consider...
  • Felina - Heavens Tear
    Felina - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dinoman wrote: »
    I suggest that there be a Male Venomancer too. Why? Because many male players enjoy playing this class. Thats all!

    Hope it happens!

    i totally agree, guys would look cute with tails ^-^
  • ahsan
    ahsan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Perfect World International is a really awesome game. I have some Ideas to share. There should be more challenges (mini games) in the Game.
    1. Jumping Challenge
    Jumping in this game is a lot of fun. So why not make a real use of it? Players start the challenge as a quest. Let's say, 16 people joined the "First Round",
    Suppose in Archosaur. There will be highlighted round markers on the ground (like the ones when an enemy is selected in battle) but bigger. So players will have to jump on them, The player who will have reached the most amount of circles in a limited amount of time wins. He/She will also get a reward.

    2. Horse Race
    There should also be Horse Races. Like getting from point A to Point B. Players can take any Route they want to take. Reaching the finish line counts.

    3. Swimming Race
    Swimming Races are fun! Under the water there will be floating rings, and players will have get through them to reach the final ring. The one who reaches it first wins.

    All these Challenges should have at least 50 rounds, each one different from each other. Like 5 swimming challenges in the Phoenix River and 5 at Originia River. 5 horse races in Bengal Ridge, 2 at the Haunted Path. Jumping challenges, 12 in Archosaur, 4 in City of the Lost and so on...

    Please do these things. I am pleading. I love this game. I gave some good ideas we all would like. Please add these Challenges. If you have liked my Ideas, I have some Unique and Innovative Ideas for the Game.
    Thank you very Much, Developers!
  • Faithless - Heavens Tear
    Faithless - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    *a New Class Would Be Great Like Undead Or Element-based Characters Or Something Like Dark-elves But That's Something Really Big!
    So What About...
    *fixing This Really Annoying Lagging
    *not Having The Ability To See Others
    *decreasing The Price Of Some Items
    And Last One
    *why Don't U Do Like A Day Event With A Great Buffing Npc?

    This Could Be A Great Help I Think

    Ty And This Will Be The Most Perfect World!
  • TitanzFury - Lost City
    TitanzFury - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I only have one suggestion for banking. Other than the fact that there just isn't enough room or category spacing, I'd appreciate it if you could change it to where, once I'm logged on and have given My password to access My bank, that I don't have to give it over and over again unless I log out and back on again.

    I have a problem with how you allow pk'ing. My suggestion would be to limit the levels in which you are able to pk. Let's say five above and five below your own level. I'd also like to be able to visibly see My opponents level, like I can see NPC levels.

    Another suggestion. I'd appreciate it if you could make it possible to get a drop item from the NPC you assign us to kill in a quest, for them all to drop it. I kind of get infuriated when I get a drop quest and have to kill two or four times the necessary mob's, just to get the dang drop! I feel like it wastes My time and effort, especially when there are so many quests per level.

    If you consider My suggestions, it would be most appreciated.
  • nightwatchman
    nightwatchman Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I often play a wizard while my friend plays a blademaster and the mobs run after me an inordinate amount of the time. Even when the blademaster is right next to them they will still run after me and chase me all over. Traditionally the wizard is supposed to be on the outskirts of the battle, not engaging in melee combat and this AI makes this difficult to achieve.

    By the same token when playing a venomancer the enemies focus on my pet all the time. I never have to worry about mobs chasing after me unless my pet dies.

    Seems to me that some adjustment is needed in the AI, maybe the mobs are programmed to head after the player doing the most damage (wizard).
  • fauxreal
    fauxreal Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm new to the game, and I don't know if it's been mentioned or whatnot, but it would be nice, to be able to change just the pupil size of the character eyes. I was trying to get my character as close to me as possible, but seeing as I have large pupils, it kind of throws it off. Hehe. (Sorry if this is a dumb idea)
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Allow Female characters to be able to carry people.
  • momz
    momz Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi and pity the fool who has to read all these suggestions (of which I saw some goodies). My suggestion is a Search in forums - mostly so I don't have to read all the beginner or tech threads upon threads. There is much good sharing of info on this site and a Search would be very helpful.
    There are no problems, only solutions.
    ~John Lennonb:cool
  • momz
    momz Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    OOOOOOooooops! I found the search function. Can u delete? How about being able to edit posts? b:avoid
    There are no problems, only solutions.
    ~John Lennonb:cool
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    momz look at the uper right corner there you will find a button called "Edit" in your own posts I mean. Only Administrators and Moderator can edit other peoples post including their own.
  • sakenomi
    sakenomi Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well i just came from MY server. Everything is really good here in INT server, all the name changes and everything is kinda ok, however i don't really get it, why, why low level (9) skeletons have been replaced with some sort of Native Americans!??!? That would all be ok, unless from afar these mobs would still look like MUNITY ARMS SKELETONS from MY server, and only when you come really really close he changes to that "Traitor" or something. Damnit, if you change something change everything... Maybe someone already yelled about this, i don't know, but i just started to play here and few things like this bug me ;)
    My suggestion - at least fix the distance view for "indians' ;) And please forgive me if my post sounded a little rude, i tend to fire up easily.
  • cloud3232
    cloud3232 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well I have a few suggestions.

    1) Mobs that run cause character to sometimes stop pursuing it and stop attacking. If a skill is used an "invalid skill" message pops up. Very annoying.

    2) Kill stealing is a big problem .. I'm sure there is a way to minimize it. Maybe once someone attacks a mob, have it gray'd out to other players so that if they attack it they get no benefit from it.

    3) Insert backpacks or some sort of satchels into the game so that they can hold multiple items, rather than just have your inventory and bank slots only. Given, there are a lot of slots, make the backpacks somewhat difficult to obtain. (A quest maybe)

    4) The skelevizan type mobs are really messed up graphics wise. The only way to properly view them is if you zoom into first person mode. I know it isn't my PC because I've played on multiple PCs and they always look the same.

    That's all for now. I will have more later.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    posting this here in hopes we can get a fix..

    Pet XP needs to be looked at in regards to grouping. Pets do not get xp for their efforts, and worse, if there are multiple pets in a group maybe 1 pet will get xp (maybe) and others would not.

    Bottom line, pets should get xp, flat out, just like group members, as it is now it prohibits Venomancers from actively grouping, (they need to level their pet).
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Greenfaerie - Sanctuary
    Greenfaerie - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    johndoe57 wrote: »
    for a free mmorpg, this game is frickin FANTASTIC

    listed as most important to least

    1. PK lvl a lvl 70 doesnt attack a lvl 35, this deters so many

    3. Proximity Limitations for kitty shops so they're not congested

    6. Master Marketplace, can still do kitty shop but this may help, sorta like Auction but no bidding and immediate
    Hope you consider...

    I agree with 1, 3, 6b:victory
    BadKittie by day
    Greenfaerie by night
  • Iivaitte - Lost City
    Iivaitte - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Diffidently male venos, male venos would change this game into a better one instantly.

    most people would like to select there class non-race based, but even sex based.

    I have no problem with the barbarian class or being a female, but I would just love to be a male veno.
  • Iivaitte - Lost City
    Iivaitte - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Oh, and I'd like to hear from an admin to make sure they are reading this.
    it is the most commonly made suggestion.
This discussion has been closed.