Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread
I posted this on a serparate thread already but maybe it needs to be here. I don't know.
I think this deserves immediate and thorough attention. One of the most important things to a new player is to know what skills to build on. What they need to learn to become a better player.
You can't look at the descriptions in the skill tree and see exactly what the skills do. You can see a verbal description of what they do but it all comes down to the numbers. The descriptions that you have when a person goes to train the skill are the ones that need to be added to the skill tree. Those details need to be available before the person reaches the point where they have to make a decision on which skills to train. Right now it's a **** shoot on what you are getting. You also need to include in the descriptions variable changes based on the levels. I can't believe there are no bonuses for learning things in the tree but that's another topic for another time. But listing the skill level increases is too important of a detail to not have listed. It is the difference between nerfing your character and starting over or being able to create a viable force to be reckoned with in this game.
These skills also need to be ACCURATELY DESCRIBED. Right now although in this instance it doesn't matter, there is a description of a skill that says it increases max health when in fact it just recovers health. There is another instance where the description includes a range but it's a use on self skill only. These are things that should not be overlooked because once again they make an enormous difference in the way a person builds their character. If I'm a healer and I choose a skill that heals what I believe to be party or self and its only self and I've raised it 5 levels I'm going to be none too pleased with the game.
Nuff Said.0 -
My suggestion would that we could reduce skill level and get back skill points as sometimes beginners don't really know what kind of character r they going to make and just level all skills and later game they don't have enough skill points b:cry , so i would like if there would appear an item which could reduce skill's level and restore its skill points , that would be just awesome0
i have a suggestion too
i really miss the good old blue ice wings?! (dont know the name^^) from MY
i think it would be just awesome if you guys could add them soon, i think these are the fav wings of most players.. and i really miss em' ;<
thanks for the hard work btw b:victory0 -
guild alliances0
I completely agree with alliances it would add so much to the social part of the game wich is a little lacking at the moment.Don't Sweat it.0
this is a small thing but is has also drove me away form other games because its very annoying atleast to me...but what i would like to suggest is that you make it so the camera follows you when you turn from side to side and also add some strife buttons...i jsut find it annoy to have to use the mouse to turn the screen...i am personally a clicker when it comes to game and i dont use hot keys unless its really need so it would be very usefull to have that camera follow function...i mean i know there is player who like to turn the screen so you could leave the option but still....thanks for your time0
I am also a clickyb:victory, but neway heres my suggestion. People should be able to pvp at lvl one. I love pvp but it sucks that I have to wait all the way until I reach lvl 30 just to vent my anger on sum unsuspecting noobb:angry. And I think losing an item with you get pked is stupid I mean losing exp is bad enough, but both is insaneb:cry. O and when you turn purple after pking and even red why does is take so long to get back to white. I mean I think it should be less time because it makes people sittng ducks for a long time. I suspect you all made it so long to try and moderate people who spend all their time pking and you want them so suffer and give up pking for a whileb:surrender. Pking is the embodiment of the pvp server and as stated in the beginning as soon as you log in with that new character pvp should be active. And I kno there is no pvp in safe zones, but I think while in a safe zone you should be able to toggle pvp on and off. Lastly touching back on the time it takes to back from purple or red to white....its should be like 15min for purple and 30min for red instead of insane ours jus because sum1 wants to do wat pvp servers embody. Well thats my suggestion didnt mean to make it so long and srry if I restated the same ideas over and over again. Finishing this reply i found out u cant only have 4 smileys that should be extended to like 10 ok bye."Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"
"We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin0 -
hey i have got a paymernt sergestion why dont you make it so you can buy gold useing a simcard
cos some people dont hace cred cards and other things like me and it would make it soo much easyer if i cud pay useing my mobile p.s make sure it exseps uk sim hope this get put thro thank you0 -
ok hypetheticly, i have a mac. and it sucks. well, hypetheticly. so is there any way i can play PWI on my mac? hypetheticly i mean. (please say there is!) (and if not, make it so i can play it??!) :worried0
I have a few suggestions:
1. a quick pet recall button...i hate ksing as much as anyone...and sometimes you can't tell if your lagging until its too the time i bring up the box to stop my pet its usually to late...a button to click to recall pet to stop it from killing quickly would be nice.
2. better quests descriptions in the quest list box..some of them are so vague you have no idea where to turn them in or where to go to even do the quest. Not all of them give the coords of the npc to turn them into.
3.put in a glitch warning so new players know what action is a glitch and whats not. when ppl in game explain how to do things but neglect to tell you that you are using a glitch you just take it on faith that its how the game is played or you could actually fix the glitches so they can't be used at all.
4. give us a way to make the orbs for improving gear. It shouldn't just be available to those who can afford to buy zen. as far as i know the only way to get them is to spend real money (i for one prefer to pay my rent and have a roof over my head) or buy them for some rediculous price in the shops from those who have the money to buy zen and sell them in shops...not all of us are wealthy (in game or out). It might help if i didn't have to spend every dime i make to pay the high prices to lvl up my skills.
5. A friend chat tab (like the main ones i.e. chat etc) so you can talk to friends on your list rather than having to use whisper or use a chat box for each of them.
Thanks b:thanks0 -
Ok, the "lol feminism" thread went to hell, and fast. As I expected.
Still, one thing WOULD be good- let any sex carry other people on mounts or flying devices.
Ground mounts: Move the people around so they both fit on saddle
Female wings: instead of in-arms, the female loops their arms under the other characters shoulders and carry them that way. Foxes would be small enough too, but no kitty-form barbs.
Untamed mounts: Easy, they just stand behind the driver on the fish/duck/whatever. (Require Barbs to be in humanoid form for this too.)
Swords: Same thing, different foot placement. (How do humans not fall off those things??) Again with no-cat-form barbs, probably restrict fox venos too.
This way, it would look at least as plausible as the combat, yet allow higher levels with mounts/fly capacity to move around newbie friends. The DEV incentive here is a possible slightly higher retention rate of new players. Leave the embrace chi-regen function as-is. New carry options would have a greyed-out embrace command and not regen chi. Getting knocked off mounts would suck, but oh well.
Skimpy armor/perceived sexism/actual sexim/whatever: Opinions are like ________, everyone has them and they all stink.0 -
we have barbarians that can look like tigers, lions, wolves & Pandas yet can only transform into a white tiger
we have venomancers that can have parts of a fox, bunny, cat, evil & cute yet can only change ito a fox.
which is abit weird having a lion running around yet suddenly transform into a tiger.
So just suggesting that whatever u pick your character to look like, weather it's a fox, cat, lion or panda, u transform into THAT animal. b:thanks0 -
well in the case of the tiger and the lion they are in the same family so technically not that big of a deal to fix but i agree on the rest.
My suggestion even though i said it in another thread. to have a player jail for the ppl who have the red names. locked up for 8 hours or pay a amount to the jail keep of say 100k for the first time then +50k every timer after. Not really to discourage PKing but to encourage more dueling.0 -
Hmm, I've been on this game for about a week now and I haven't really read this thread alot (just went through the first few pages).
- Some things I have been thinking about throughout the game is first of all the attacking system. Once you mark a mob and then another one, it first attacks the first one and then the second one (if you spam the hotkey like I do). What I think is annoying is that when you want to attack the second mob you end up attacking the first one instead (if it's nearby). Make it so that when you mark a mob and then another one it should only attack the one you have marked and not the one you had marked before that as well. I've been SO close to dying many times because of that.
- Another thing is the follow system when flying, or just in general. Say I'm following someone and I want to be on the same height as them, I can't press neither of the arrows or space 'cause then it gets cancelled and I end up looking stupid in the air.Not to mention, the player you want to follow is already way ahead of you and might not notice that you've stopped. One thing that could be done is make an option which allows you to move around as much as you want (with wasd, space, arrow keys) without it affecting the follow-function. Meaning you will always follow the target no matter what you do (well if you don't cancel it of course).
- The chat system is...well, not that good. Just like Meelan said, there should be tabs. And by this I mean, there should actually be TABS. Or an option that allows you to message your friends without having to whisper all the time and get confused by the pink text and without having to open the chat window. I think maybe below the "common chat", "squad chat" etc options below the chat window could have tabs for this, whenever you want to talk to someone you open a chat with them and whenever they type (if the window is inactive) it could start blinking in <insert random color> for 5 seconds and then become <insert darker scale of first color> 'til you read what it says. Also, the chat window should be adjustable according to your own taste in not only height, but also length.
What I had been thinking for the chat system [(kind of anyway, and try imagening these as the chat windows with names and not the ones they are now (they're actually above, but hiding!)]:
(note that since the resolution sucks the colors get blended into the picture and aren't as clear as they're supposed to be)
1or 3 being the color when it's blinking before it becomes darker and stops (becomes light grey when it's inactive). 2 being when it's active so you know which one you're actually talking in. The actual "boxes" are too small to fit in names, so I don't really have a solution for that right at this minute.
- Improve length of messages in chat box.
For the lazy people, but I'm used to having an option where I can scroll which board I want to go to. xD
All I can think of right now, sorries.
- Niyatu/Laura.
Sympathy is just a sign of your own weaknes.0 -
Ok, at lvl 45, the "higher level" teleport areas have officially gotten silly.
Case in point- link to picture
5000 to teleport less than a minute of flying, 30 seconds of riding, or a couple minutes of walking??
Suggestion: make large teleport hubs, medium hubs, and small links. Have it be 200 to go to/from a small link to a hub, 500 for a medium hub, 1000 to go hub to hub, and MAYBE 2000 to go cross-continent or to high level areas.
Slap the hubs up high in the sky on floating platforms. So it stays 1000 to go from ether/plume/lost. Stays 200 in lowlevel areas. And CHANGES the progressively higher prices in the higher level areas. Or something along those lines.
So it would be town--200coin-->starting city--500 coin-->large hub--1000 coin-->archosaur
Or town--200coin-->starting city--1000 coin--another starting city
The higher level areas could require more links through hubs, for less per individual teleport, and more for higher level areas, through bigger hubs. For different zones, have players teleport to a large hub "somewhere." The art is already there, just needs to be moved around.0 -
I think it would be cool to have second classes. Just like in guild wars.0
also i we had male vecromancer then boys could choose that instead of femal vecromancer if they wanted a class that could tame and enchant monsters to become pets0
Two classes are better than one, and it'd be so cool to be a barbarian and a venomancer at the same time with one character.0
I would be really cool if we could have hero classes, like the Death-Knight in WOW0
How bout we make another alignment like in WOW, just like their Alliance vs Horde thing. We put the new one in another continent. Make new races, or the same things but different looking buildings, physical appearance of characters, different looking weapons and armor. Since the one we have now has an Asian theme, make the other one European. The medieval theme is quite popular by the way. Just like in WOW they are using both the Asian and Medeival theme. Like the Night elves they are using a semi-asian theme. If you haven't noticed, then look at their weapons, and Armor. Some Orcish structures there are also kinda Asian. If you put both together it just blends in, and it would be cool to have a war between the two.
If you think it would not be fair for the new alignment thing or whatever, maybe we could allow some players to switch and go to the new one. Then there could also be those battle things like in "Alterac Valley".0 -
Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear wrote: »I would be really cool if we could have hero classes, like the Death-Knight in WOWDreadmaul - Heavens Tear wrote: »How bout we make another alignment like in WOW, just like their Alliance vs Horde thing. We put the new one in another continent. Make new races, or the same things but different looking buildings, physical appearance of characters, different looking weapons and armor. Since the one we have now has an Asian theme, make the other one European. The medieval theme is quite popular by the way. Just like in WOW they are using both the Asian and Medeival theme. Like the Night elves they are using a semi-asian theme. If you haven't noticed, then look at their weapons, and Armor. Some Orcish structures there are also kinda Asian. If you put both together it just blends in, and it would be cool to have a war between the two.
If you think it would not be fair for the new alignment thing or whatever, maybe we could allow some players to switch and go to the new one. Then there could also be those battle things like in "Alterac Valley".
I've heard of a game that's got all those things and more. It's called WoW.0 -
Kittyrar - Lost City wrote: »I've heard of a game that's got all those things and more. It's called WoW.
I was talking about WOW...0 -
The TW wars everyone has going on across the servers are pretty interesting, and player generated! b:pleasedDo you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera0 -
It would be cool if we could start a party and battle other parties. It's like a duel, but everyone in the party can join in.0
darthpanda16 wrote: »The TW wars everyone has going on across the servers are pretty interesting, and player generated! b:pleased
Yeah I like the whole concept of it, even though I haven't tried it out yet. But it seems great and whenever I get the guts to actually join my guild in it I most likely will.. :$
- Niyatu/Laura.Sympathy is just a sign of your own weaknes.0 -
I have i few suggestions to make the game alot cooler
1 Differnt forms for the barbarins like for Example if you use a wolf barbrian you turn in to a wolf in beast form instead of the white tiger same goes with the lions and pandas
2 Differnt fur colors not all wolves are grey you should be able to chage them to black white and other colors like you can with the other classes hair
3 more shop space its so frustrating when you have alot you want to sell but you dont have enough room to fit every thing in
4 insted of the exp events try in a increase in monster drops sometimes it takes forever to find the item you are looking for
5 guy venomacers
6 Lower teleport costs
7 and last but not least quests that give you gold for rewards[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear wrote: »I was talking about WOW...
I'm aware of that. I was being sarcastic. Go back to WoW loser.0 -
Hi GMs I think we should be able to enable/disable the click to move feature and we should be able to see players lvls just my clicking on them and it would display on their portrait."Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"
"We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin0 -
Also on the home screen we should be able to view the server population when ever we please. So topic like the one Dvorak had to close doesnt happen again. I mean the topic about a new pvp server in the general discussion forum if I remember correctly."Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"
"We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin0
This discussion has been closed.
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