Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • Carpathia - Heavens Tear
    Carpathia - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've also posted this in the newbie sub-forum. This version is for the developer.

    Despite having read the in game help file and the website guides to chat, I still am uncertain how to properly use squad chat or whisper chat. The guides are very unhelpful. I see / and !! only on the website and ingame are those plus ~! or was it !~?

    I understand that I have to use these marks in combination with someone's IGN. That much was explained but these protocol's really NEED TO COME WITH EXAMPLES that are better than the ones written into the guide.

    I believe the guide says something like type /username than post a message. My confusion stems from whether there are hidden rules that I also need to follow. Is there a space on both sides of the / or !! or !~? Is a space required after the /. !!. !~? I think I noticed a colon being used. Is that needed to make the chat system message post properly?. Does the / protocol assume that the first word coming after / is the IGN and everything after the SPACE after the name is the message? Also, are all instances of / and !! and !~ treated the same way? AKA are these character not allowed to be used in any other instance?

    I'm a total MMO and chat newbie so I really would appreciate even more detail even if it induces eye rolls from the general crowd. Sorry everyone, some people like me are just that stupid and really need their hand held a little bit.

    In an attempt to answer these questions myself, I've whispered to a few players in game but since no-one has whispered back I can't tell if I'm doing it right. Rightly so especially if I haven't been using the chat protocols correctly. Plus I don't want to take people "out of the game" to help me with a META problem.

    Anyway, please call me an idiot. I'll gladly take the verbal punishment if someone would just help me out here.
  • gamer4jesus
    gamer4jesus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1. Can you please make an informative website for the gameclient updates.The update log file is not sufficient, you also update some files with asian names.I want to know exactly whats new, and if the update i am waiting for has been added. Example:

    2. Auction filtering system:The item name search field in filter doesn't seem to work, can you fix it?
    Can you modify the filter so that i can do the following in this preferred order:
    1. search for all 3 or 2 star items.
    2. search for lets say all armour on sale.
    3. search for under category, lets say all heavy armour.
    4. this is perhaps a bit far out, but choose random items (ex: rings, pig iron, magic swords) and search for these?

    3. My suggestion for auto targeting, is to let the button left of number 1(or another button), target the nearest enemy. Like rings in water effect it then proceed to target next nearest and so on. The reason for not using TAB for this, is I want to follow up with an attack on number 1 key, speed is key in any fight.
  • Alivia - Lost City
    Alivia - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with all of that. I think they should make there quest log a little more understandable. Some of them should be a little more detail. But not to the point it give everthing away. I also think they should make the NPCs a little more active. Maybe with some vioce over and more movement. I think the environment needs to be more active as well. Maybe some weather activity going on every now and need to make it seem more realistic. Whats also annoying is look for matrials in the onpen land. I think they should have like one mail patch for each plant material. In different areas and maybe a tracking on the map to help you find it better. With mineral materail I think they should have like a mine around. Where you just dig for the material and get random mineral materail place in that mine. I think that would be easier the spending hours running around looking in so many areas to get the material you need.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Mob tag/tap system, where once you hit a mob, no one else can tag/tap it regardless of how much damage they do. This forces the PC to deal with the mob directly, and prevents kill stealing, which I see is a big problem. Go to any town attack event, as a Barbarian or Blade, and watch Wizards and Veno's one shot your mob for the kill and the loot.

    Chat: WoW has a nice and easy chat system.
    /g text =talk in guild = /f for faction
    /w name text = whisper = /t for tell?
    /p text = party = /s for squad


    Expand in game help. It's half way there. As website DB support is lacking at best, like a for WoW, in-game help should be pumped up a bit. Yeah, I know about ... it's fair... cant leave comments tho.

    Translations need alot of work still, though they are at the entertaining stage presently.

    Cash Shop: beaten to death... us Americans aren't as well off as you think.

    Keybinds: we need to customize our movement keys at least. Block binding to Control+ keys, so your default UI commands cannot be overwritten if you wish... but we do need alternative move keys.....

    Coordinates Assistant: please let us bind a key to this part of the UI, or at least let it close with Escape.

    Lastly, I have to say, Venomancer's are over powered. On Heaven's Tear, there are more Veno's than any other class. They suffer in no way. They get movement in animal form. A tank pet that out aggro's alot of Barbarians, can solo fb 19 at lvl 35 (yes, two in my faction do presently). They take no damage unless they aggro a second mob. With a Magmite pet, they are overpowered, period.
    No other class can solo fb 19 at that level with say standard fare 2 star gear..and the fb 19 epics only.

    And the Venomancer's mana usage is ridiculous. They use almost no mana for routine questing and grinding.
  • Fruar - Heavens Tear
    Fruar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I really don't want to read all the 2 *something* pages so I just apologize if these suggestions have been already suggested:

    Sounds/ music

    I got bored to the sound that comes when you walk after 5min of gameplay. This is why I think it should be modified or something. It's really annoying to me anyway. It like digs into my brains... Ahh so annoying anyway. I also dislike the general bg music (thank god it can be turned off). It sounds so typical and nerdish. Makes me feel like a nerd O.o It also resembles those bg musics that were used in the first games ever made. Ti-ti-tii-ti-ti-tii...

    Skills and general graphics

    Starting with the skills. Well I have to say that this isn't maybe that important, but I think that the skills look awful. They don't have any proper depth in them and they are so unpolished. Also PvP looks really bad (REALLY BAD). It resembles a Runescape duel. Somehow it seems that the players aren't interacting each other (trying to say: attacks only lower the HP of your opponent and your MP, they don't do anything else). It's just pain to my eyes to watch them. I'm sure they are better than average (well not tbh), but I would really like if the skills could be made better because the game has a lot of potential.

    Now general graphics. I'm sure that there are some limits to them. "Player with the average computer should be able to play the game" or something. But I just have to say it: the woods (non city areas that is) look bad. They are so repetitive and boring. Grass looks like *censored* and trees aren't any better. It's really boring to to go somewhere where you can't teleport or fly because then you'll have to watch the same trees and such go by. Again it is so much like Runescape forest (only Runescape owned you this time ;) ). But I have to say that you've done well when talking about the cities. They look really good (except city of plume: it's just so boring). Well okay, I haven't visited them all yet but those that I have visited look great. If you could make your skills, music and forests look like your cities the game would probably be perfect.

    And if someone wonders why I have so "high" standarts it's because I'm a cabal player. Cabal online truly has the best graphics when talking about the free MMOPRG. Skills look also awesome and musics aren't bad either. Non city areas are really full of things and they don't look like they would repeat themselves.

    Well I understand that PW can't ever beat the cabal online when talking about graphics because the games are build very differently. But just have to make clear that what are the kind of graphics that I've used to.

    Oh and the fonts and font colours are bad to me too, but I can change them myself (probably).


    I watched those interviews from one of the game developers. Who was the guy? Why in the hell did you pick him? I'm not a native English speaker so it was kind of hard to understand something from that mumbling. The guy - obviously - was a terrible speaker. He had probably memorized those lines of text or he read them from somewhere. You should have chosen a guy:

    - who can speak clear English
    - who can tell us about the game without memorization
    - who is a good speaker
    - who doesn't move his hands like "oh, this is the spot where I move my hands this way"

    Also the other promotion videos are bad.

    - too long
    - have too much "blablablabaiblaa" in them

    ... and so on

    These vids are really important to an average player as he/she can take a glimpse from the action from them. I would not have downloaded the game if would have watched the promo videos first. They are so poorly made.


    Get rid of those vBulletin smilies. They are the worst kind. Arent there any packs that you could replace them with? Also making the "info panel" on the forum index a scroll out would be neat ;) Now it kind of rulens the nice bg that you have there.

  • kimbler
    kimbler Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A game called luminary had an awsome idea when they made there help boxes contain monster information ond locations but not only that it would tell you the items they droped. Can you mae an in-gam databse like that or even a fourm for that?:confused::confused::confused:

    Thanks in advance :o
  • Meowzers - Heavens Tear
    Meowzers - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have some locations for rare pets saved and would like to be able to add for than 5 on my map.
  • Skyewitchy - Heavens Tear
    Skyewitchy - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would like to see npc points on the map. Archosaur is so big I can't find anything. It would help if I could at least have teleport points on the map. And put more of them in Archosaur and lower the price so we can port from one end to the other. All 4 quarters. Took me an hour to just turn in a bunch of quests.
  • Anguisette - Heavens Tear
    Anguisette - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1) More Barbarian variety would be nice. Go to any other class and you've got a pretty reasonable thousand-fold more varieties than you do with the barbarian. Hawk, Eagle, Vulture Brown/black bear, Cougar, Lynx, Coyote, Badger, Wolverine, White Tiger, Panther. And removal of the sexual limitations of the untamed same as everybody else wants.

    2) Adjustable head attributes on the elves and venomancer, I mean the Blood Mist wings look kinda out of place on my elf since she's got some feathered wings coming out of her head, maybe just color adjustability, but yeah.

    3) Colorability of aerogear and fashion items initially rather than just later through dying. Keep dying in case of desire to change color, but the "random" initial color is almost always hideous.

    4) Ability to display equipped aerogear when visiting the beautician. Though not really necessary for humans and untamed, the elves aerogear is essentially a part of their body and should be able to be color matched to it, or their body matched to the gear.

    5) Add the rest of the cash shop gear from other servers, or at least a comprable quantity of items if not the identical items. Just because we're technically an "open beta" doesn't mean we should be deprived of what can be gotten elsewhere.

    6) Optional visible hats, 'cause sometimes, I want to see what's on my head.

    7) Koala rare pets, Kangaroo mounts, emu mount
  • Adacanavar - Lost City
    Adacanavar - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Heres an idea not sure how new this is but still i will state it.
    Viewed Problem
    1. It makes no sense that mines would vanish after use sometimes for an hour or more.
    2. Why can you not harvest mutliple things from mines or more than 5 things if your lucky from one herb.
    Mineing Solution
    1. Increase harvesting time required for mines.
    2. Allow the mines to give multiple items up to a certain amount for every cycle of mining time based upon the region of the mine until such time as the mine simple disappears(is mined out) then have it respawn in the same general area within a set amount of time.
    3. Allow multiple people to harvest from the same mine.
    Herb Harvesting Solution
    1. Increase the number of herbs gotten on harvesting or drop the number of herbs required to manufacture the items requireing herbs. This would also make the npc price for herbs more believable since currently its ridicoulsly low compared to the time it takes to even mine enough to create 1 item.

    Think thats about it options like this or similar would reduce lag as the server wouldn't be keeping track of as many respawns.:D
    Whys the rum always gone:eek:
  • tommyt
    tommyt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It would be nice if one could move character from one server to another. Maybe another charge service *wink wink*
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would like to see an increase to the number of times you can do the inventory expansion quest. Right now you can do it 4 times for a total of 64 slots. Seeing as how you make $3 each time a player does this quest I do not see why you would want to limit us to only 4 times.

    If possible I would like to see the inventory be expandable. What I mean is that you always have only 4 rows of your inventory visible at a time and you have to scroll through the other 4. If there were a way to drag the inventory window down to make it longer that would be very nice (especially if we can do the inventory expansion quest more than 4 times in the future). Even if this change is not possible I would still like to see the inventory expansion quest increased in number. The bank can have 80 slots so why not do the same with inventory? (Not that I am asking you to stop at 80 since more would be even better). :D
  • temptations
    temptations Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Needs way more quest from 40+, grinding it is just painful and not very enjoyable to i am sure more than myself.
    Ppl want c high end game content and could well be put off by mindnumbing (target mob, macro 1, = mob dead repeat 400 times) .

    Possible a 1st tag system aswell to stop the killstealing (similar to wow) i hit it first, it greys out meaing its been tagged all exp loot is mines and anyone else who hits it will not leech exp or do more than 50% damage to take the mob from you.

    Crafting mats should have a chance to drop from mobs aswell like 10% chance (this help econimocs of game more ppl crafting,selling ingame) leaving the GOLD for more exclusive gold shop items Like the 50g boa etc) i know why crafting mats can be bought but well not everyone can afford to blow a fortune of RL money just to make a set of armour (another aspect that could put more ppl off )
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm sure this has been suggested already, but the amount of coins needed for skills is ridiculous. It's bad enough the economy is run by the cash shop and it's horrible to make coins without using the cash shop, but to have to pay ridiculous amounts of coins as well as spirit points to get's just too much. And to add on to it the only noncashshop mount is 2.5mil. I can't even afford that because of how much I have to spend on skills.
    What I'm getting at is that the price of skills should be lowered a lot, so that we can actually focus on saving up for other things.
  • Emaleigh - Heavens Tear
    Emaleigh - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i dont know if anyone mentioned this.... but i wouldn't mind having a teleport thing to friends. I dont know how many times my "noob" friend got caught in some scary situations with enemy way higher lvl then her and I cant get to her in time before she dies. Plus it cuts down on time trying to travel by walking to get to people.

    *they dont have this do they? cuz if so then someone please find me (emaleigh is my char. name) and explain how to do it.
  • nateo
    nateo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    How come there are only male untamed Barbarians and only female untamed Venomansers?

    I would not mind seeing a female Barbarian the could transform into a tigress, and same for a male Venomanser turning into a cute fox boy.
  • omnium
    omnium Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i see privete shops in any place i go, i think need somes rules about the zones allowed to put a private shop, somethink like:

    - Any Grass area in to the towns
    -On Ancient Dragon City can use corridors intersections, but not the corridor at all
    -no private shops at little towns, (example: Hidden Village)

    or somthink like that.
  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    One of the biggest turn-offs of being in a party for me is the Random/Free option. The game defaults it to Random, and many people are not educated to know how to change it, or well.. frankly they are too lazy.

    Two things about it.

    1.) Make it easier for the group leader to set Free when creating a group.
    2.) Default the system to Free.

    I'm more apt to party when the group is set to free, especially when I'm just farming for mats, and some other characters need to get the kills counted towards quests.
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'd like there to be a dead zone around every NPC. Maybe a 1m radius?
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm sure this has been suggested already, but the amount of coins needed for skills is ridiculous. It's bad enough the economy is run by the cash shop and it's horrible to make coins without using the cash shop, but to have to pay ridiculous amounts of coins as well as spirit points to get's just too much. And to add on to it the only noncashshop mount is 2.5mil. I can't even afford that because of how much I have to spend on skills.
    What I'm getting at is that the price of skills should be lowered a lot, so that we can actually focus on saving up for other things.

    One of the things I found out about getting coins is that you should sell everything you can pick up, mostly "merchant fodder" like in the beginning, Lime Stone. Also liquidate DQ drops if they are not needed, but not the creature you got them from. Lastly, don't be afraid to be a scavanger. A lot of people leave piles of coins and drops because they don't need them. Use this "junk" to your advantage. With proper management, the coin prices on skills are pretty reasonable.
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I would like to see a way to set up a consignment shop without it needing to use a character. What I mean is that there should be a pet (since the shop already looks like it is a pet cat) that you can get from the cash shop that does not require any maintenance that can be used to set up a consignment shop just like the ones we use now, but your character can leave and the shop will still be there. Perhaps people can even get multiple copies of this pet (thereby making pet bag slots actually useful) and set up shops in several places. Also, it would be really nice if these shops could be set up to stay on even when the main character is not logged in. This would prevent us from having to leave our computers on all day every day like we do now and would also reduce the number of people that make extra accounts for no reason other than to set up shops with. Since the pets would be sold in the cash shop it is an opportunity for your company to make money as well.

    And while I am here I would really, really like to see a way to have more than just 12 items listed in the consignment shop. 12 spaces is just not enough. I have dozens of items in my safe that are waiting for a spot to open up in my consignment shop.
  • mizox
    mizox Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    probably not important, but it would be neat if there was some option for character height, I mean people IRL are different heights, so why not their characters? some people might actually like having a character 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall or whatever, I don't expect (or want) it to affect gameplay, just, you know, aesthetics, think you could do that?
  • darkzorz
    darkzorz Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    mizox wrote: »
    probably not important, but it would be neat if there was some option for character height, I mean people IRL are different heights, so why not their characters? some people might actually like having a character 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall or whatever, I don't expect (or want) it to affect gameplay, just, you know, aesthetics, think you could do that?

    I agree. Male characters are about...what? an average 5'8" i'd say. And about 5'4" for females. It'd be real nice if you would make the character creation system a lot more unique by letting character height be an adjustable option. Not only would it allow more individuality, but it'd let people express themselves more accurately.b:victory
  • darkzorz
    darkzorz Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I would also think, along with most other people that have posted this before me, that a male venomancer would be sweet and so would a female barbarian. For one, it is really annoying training as a venomancer and then being hit on by other men. b:spit
  • axelthepkk
    axelthepkk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like this idea, i dont really like getting pked :(

    now wait a sec no offense but if you don't like to get PKed you should be playing on one of the PvE servers
  • Kardis - Heavens Tear
    Kardis - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    dinoman wrote: »
    Another suggestion a female Barbarian. I mean why can't a woman be a hard hitter and a tank?
    nounours wrote: »
    Ya, I was thinking about male venomancer too, but we cant change that much the game, can we?
    Male venomancer will fix many problems, like the same sex marriage problem!

    I second both of these completely. Also, a few others:

    * Friend has come online notification.

    *Less than 80 Wind Widgets for flight speed upgrade. (I'm sure others would agree with me on this one.)

    *Please...Integrate some sort of Voice Chat. Seriously....makes everything much more enjoyable and user friendly.

    * Maybe it's just me, but...I feel it's a bit sexist that I can't hug my sister or my mother, or pick up a friend on my mount. All because I happen to be a Woman??? WTH is that about? I don't think allowing this will lead to Barbarians making out in City of the Lost or anything, really. I would, however, like to give a friend a lift to Archosaur if I wish.

    *Multiple Sparks! We should be able to have, say...5? Sparks built up and stored for use.

    That's all I can think of at the moment.
  • Joshflighter - Heavens Tear
    Joshflighter - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have no idea if this was mentioned yet... but can an armory be added? In WoW (I dont play it but my friend showed me it) there is an armory that allows people to see your equipment, level, guild, strengths, Dex and so on. That would be a really cool feature on the site... At Least IMO. :)
  • Morrigon - Heavens Tear
    Morrigon - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ok im not fully sure if someone has posted this one yet but how about a screen capture mode...closes or makes all menus 100% transparent for that awsome screen if there is one already and i havnt found it in game yet...plz PM it to me
  • Joshflighter - Heavens Tear
    Joshflighter - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ok im not fully sure if someone has posted this one yet but how about a screen capture mode...closes or makes all menus 100% transparent for that awsome screen if there is one already and i havnt found it in game yet...plz PM it to me

    I think if you go under settings, and click UI. You can take all of the UI (User Interface) options off, leaving your screen un-filled with menus and what not. Thats what I think though.
  • kittyspartan
    kittyspartan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hey, does anyone who who works here actually care, or at least reads these suggestions?

    It'd be a waste of time if they won't listen.b:shutupb:sad

    Edit: i really want to see this:
This discussion has been closed.