Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • moshpet
    moshpet Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You know with arrows, this way to Lost City etc and on road intersections!

    Fix Bottle Neck Mobs: When you have 50 people hunting Quillerhog Enchanters and only 8 spawn in one area... its a problem. Same with White eyed wolves... and so on. The mob density before the mines is sparse you could thicken it up some with those sort of mobs.
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but here it is.
    I'd like to see a more variety in windowed mode sizes. For instance: 800 x 600 is way too small for me since my screen resolution is 1024x768. However if I choose the option to have the 1024x768 windowed mode, it's too big because of my toolbar at the bottom, it covers up a good portion of my game screen. Naturally I'd just move all my UI upwards, however the chat window seems to be stuck in the same position.
    So I think something like 1024x764 or so would be nice so that it would align evenly.
    And yes I know I can just manually stretch the size of the window, but if I do this screenshots don't work. They just show up as all black in the screenshots folder :P
    So there's my long explanation of a suggestion.
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kier wrote: »
    I recently deleted a character I didn't particularly like, however, I did like the name I'd given her. When I tried to make another character with the same name, the game wouldn't let me. I'd appreciate the ability to reuse the names of deleted characters.

    I would love to see this as well. I deleted my character, and went to remake it after waiting a horrible 7 long days (another suggestion: Make characters deleted automatically or at least after 1 day, not 7), and now I can't use the name I had! I've waited two days after deletion and the name is still not available.
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Oh and I know this has already been said, but I'd def like to see more catchable monsters for Veno's, especially flying ones. I've only seen the varieties of sawflies, which is quite boring. Especially since everyone says sticking with your petite sawfly is the best way to go D: *yawn* very boring indeed.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    **** marriage >.>
  • beelzibob
    beelzibob Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    nounours wrote: »
    Ya, I was thinking about male vecromancer too, but we cant change that much the game, can we?
    Male vecromancer will fix many problems, like the same sexe marriage problem!
    yeah but have u read there char info there supposed to be sexy creatures and mabey its because im male but i dont think they could make male char "sexy" as for same sex marrage i think **** action is hot lol
    but hey im still all for the male versions just because i hate it when games have gender spesific classes
  • Crownclown - Heavens Tear
    Crownclown - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Alliance Guild chat

    Allows you to chat with ur allys.
    Conspire Guild Recruiting lvl 20+
    Pm CrownClown
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    beelzibob wrote: »
    yeah but have u read there char info there supposed to be sexy creatures and mabey its because im male but i dont think they could make male char "sexy" as for same sex marrage i think **** action is hot lol
    but hey im still all for the male versions just because i hate it when games have gender spesific classes
    I get what you mean. I like how the untamed are right now. Barbs are supposed to be super strong and take lots of damage. Can you imagine a busty little female untamed tanking a big huge monster?
  • draco071
    draco071 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    in real life the more you use a weapon the faster and better you get with it so i suggest that all the weapon master skills also give you a slight raise in attack speed when using the weapon. for example if you use a sword and you have some levels into sword mastery then your attack speed would be a little faster then someone who didn't have any levels in it.
  • atlantadiamond
    atlantadiamond Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    NO clue if these things have been posted or not.
    Have the Undine's stop their giggle/laugh all the time(its very annoying).
    Either sex option for every class.
    And this one might change the game for the better for every1: make all classes capable of using pets. Keep the venomancer as the taming class. But all classes should be able to have a pet doing battle with them. The other classes wont have pet healing skills so it wont unbalance the game.
  • sheet
    sheet Posts: 5
    edited September 2008
    My suggestion is that we can get level 10 horses or something. Not great, but from a quest or the boutique/cash shop; running around on foot all the time as a puny human with not even an illusion of companionship is really burning me out fast.
    I'd buy one from the cash shop thingy too if they were my level, especially if there was a horse. It really doesn't make sense to me in the first place that things people pay real cash for can't be used at any level. Maybe fix that?
  • Knightjinks - Heavens Tear
    Knightjinks - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sheet wrote: »
    My suggestion is that we can get level 10 horses or something. Not great, but from a quest or the boutique/cash shop; running around on foot all the time as a puny human with not even an illusion of companionship is really burning me out fast.
    I'd buy one from the cash shop thingy too if they were my level, especially if there was a horse. It really doesn't make sense to me in the first place that things people pay real cash for can't be used at any level. Maybe fix that?

    I agree...I would like to see maybe a horse in the cash shop...I know you can buy them at the petmaster but maybe put one in there for a limited time or something to see how it goes first and put it at the same price as the panther
  • chronoh
    chronoh Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i have a few.

    Maybe for the archer a move for close range? like it would not be very strong at all just instead of even when they get in close shooting at them? but ohter than that good job at the archer
  • Rethila - Lost City
    Rethila - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    - buffs should get timers
    - buffs should reveal their lvl
    - lower buffs should not override higher buffs (as celestial guardian's seal overrides flourish orb and such)
    - buffs should be "cancelable"
    - all buffs should be shown (status now: like 7 buffs are shown, rest is hidden)
    - sort buffs and debuffs (buffs 1 line debuffes 1 line below)

  • gurple
    gurple Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    First item: I'd like to see some improvements to the interface. Like maybe some targetting hotkeys and a larger hotkey bar. Having 1-6 is nice, but I'd like to have access to 7-0 and maybe even - and = buttons. Same goes for the f keys. And I forgot to mention, we need multiple camera modes, such as a chase cam or a top down cam.

    Second item: I know it's mmo tradition to have an endless stream of fetch quests, but could we not have that in this possibly? Maybe a quest or two where you have a guy that you have to defend as he travels from one place to another, or a quest where you have to stay in a location for 15 mins while monsters try to kill you. Might make things more interesting than just, "go kill x number of y" or "go kill x until you get y number of drops from them" That would be cool.

    Third item: more classes and races to chose from and don't limit one class to one race and vice versa like you have it now. It seems to me that there would be more than one or two things that a race would be good at, and I have a hard time believing that a wing elf would never become a blademaster or a human would never become an archer.

    Fourth item: better documentation on everything, although I imagine that that's on it's way since this game is still in beta. Some of the quests are unclear as to what they mean and alot of the features could use better explanation.

    I think this game could be great, it's a fun premise and I'm enjoying it so far, except for these few problems. Which while major, are fixable. However, I think if you don't fix these problems, you will find that you probably won't be able to compete with other mmos
  • deadlydohnut
    deadlydohnut Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There should be a key to press that auto targets the closest enemy instead of always clicking on it with mouse. i get tired of turning and clicking and sometimes clicking next to it where i run past it instead of to the enemy. also make a key to scroll through possible enemy targets in your surrounding area...its available on multiple other mmos why cant this game have the same feature. makes the grinding a little easier.

    Also what is with not being able to cancel your own casts. why is it only when you get attacked your casts are cancelled or interrupted. i sometimes get frustrated and double tap a shortcut key casting same spell twice costing me too much delay. also when im clicking on secret chests it opens the chest twice when i only wanted once costing precious time in a limited time quest. theres gotta be a way to stop or interupt your own cast.

    3rd why cant female characters embrace male or female characters why is it that only males can carry females. what if males wanted to be carried?
  • acolyte
    acolyte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, can you guys plz lower prices on repairs?

    As a barb or bm the repairs cost way to much :(
    This game is getting more & more Hostility each day.

  • slayer1o1
    slayer1o1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    a few suggestins:

    1. clerics in every game are the fastest levelers by far. wana see if you can do anything about that?
    2. auto walk feature.
    3. lower repair cost.
    4. i am not the first one to say this, a male veno and a female barb.
    5. sometimes your casts wont cast.
    6. give cleric more mp or lowers mp casting cost, i mean come on, no one really likes to be cleric because your not that strong solo, and to cast your good healing spells you have to buy mp potions constiatly to keep mp up.
  • elbondo
    elbondo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Could you please consider a larger compass option with possibly coordinates of selected party members on edge of compass?
  • kelidas
    kelidas Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can you create, a enemy race or something of that sort
  • karisu
    karisu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, I'm left handed so, it is nearly impossible for me to use the WASD keys to walk and the mouse at the same time. Could you please consider the left handed people of the world and make it so you can bind movement to the arrow keys?

    I don't think it's too much to ask and honestly, the game is near unplayable for me without this option.

    Thank you for your consideration.
  • Pyrateliz - Lost City
    Pyrateliz - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have played on the swordsman server and the admins there used to give out easy extra rare items like the items you would have to be a very high lvl to get it or to actually pay for in the mall.

    The way they did this was they had some magic button that turned on ''Christmas Snowmen" but it only was 'on' in what i know it as dragon city aka the bigger city for all beast /elf /human kind.

    Could we possibly have random events (once in a blue moon thing) OR do yall do that here as well? :confused:
  • hellcatjay
    hellcatjay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dinoman wrote: »
    I suggest that there be a Male Venomancer too. Why? Because many male players enjoy playing this class. Thats all!

    Hope it happens!
    I just want to second the male venomancer idea. when i first found this game. I was planning on a venomancer class because I wanted a charecter like inuyasha. (for anyone that doesn't know who that is i would suggest checking it out.)
  • feuri
    feuri Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    - Alert options (in chatbox or audible sounds) for friend log-in, guild member log-in, when you receive a whisper or even whenever your character name appears in the chatbox, etc..

    - A clock / timer function for dungeon runs etc..

    - ON SCREEN countdowns for your timed quests

    - Also, I second the suggestions already made about an auto-run function as well as quest sharing for squads.

    -Disable or increase the word limit in the chat box.

    - When you mouseover a tracking arrow, what that arrow is pointing to should pop up

    - Make your quest tracker collapsible upon clicking it.
  • Geo - Lost City
    Geo - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I cant seem to find it on the game but a fishing skill would be great. Oh and if there is a fishing skill sorry for bothering you.
  • dante95
    dante95 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    First, i would like to say that i understand that it was uncontrollable, and im not here to complain about it. I would just like to suggest that smaller files next time would help alot. I am 14 hours in to downloading, and counting. Other than that, keep up the great work!
  • crazyjake69
    crazyjake69 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the only thing i could really find wrong with the game is that the voice for my barberian makes him sound like he's only 6 years old, expecially the LOL action
  • eroa
    eroa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Really need to put in the ability to invert the mouse, don't understand how its possible for this game to exist without this option, have to be more people around then me that have no possible way of learning to use it the otherway
  • Adacanavar - Lost City
    Adacanavar - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Mainly this is aimed at the barbarian class you can mold and shape every other class's faces to a great degree why not the barbarians i understand its an animals head but still elongate the muzzle or make it gaunt shift the eyes. you know Turn a wolf base looking thing into more of a jackal. Or even just some coloring options for the fur would be nice :)
    Whys the rum always gone:eek:
This discussion has been closed.