Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • Valag - Heavens Tear
    Valag - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's quite annoying when you are playing in window and changing some settings in starter. Always you have to change from you custom resolution for one of predefined.
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Fix the game so it doesn't auto shutdown whenever it pleases.
  • loughman
    loughman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I just feel that when you sit down, you should still move a bit for breathing animations, like the way you sway a bit while standing. Now I understand that this is jut a translated version, but in the original I think it would be a good I idea as well.
  • xophea
    xophea Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok i have some suggestions
    one about the costum items such as clothes ithink threr should be some
    of them a normal shop ingame however the most detailed and elegent in the item shop

    i also think that there sould be some kind of battle arena were poeple fight and the winners gain a small amount of zen

    and one more for now but i might put more later

    i think that ome creaters should have a small ratio of dropping expensive items
    and a very strong creaters should have a small chance of dropping cheap item shop items
    thats all i can think of for now
  • rushisurf
    rushisurf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    glory wrote: »
    Its nice that we have wallpapers and trailers available but what about download-able game music, screen savers and concept art? These things are essential to making fan sites and/or guild sites. ^^

    I agree...I'd really like some of the concept art and other art found on this site. It's pretty amazing and would help promote Perfect World International.
  • Icewolf - Heavens Tear
    Icewolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It would be great if we could change the keyboard setup. I t would be great if I could set my movement keys to the arrows instead of W,A,S,D
  • brokensoul
    brokensoul Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dinoman wrote: »
    Another suggestion a female Barbarian. I mean why can't a woman be a hard hitter and a tank?

    Couldn't agree more this needs to be looked into post haste. :D
  • xophea
    xophea Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It would be great if we could change the keyboard setup. I t would be great if I could set my movement keys to the arrows instead of W,A,S,D

    i truly agree with you its anying when you push the wrong key
  • nathya
    nathya Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would like a new quad loot distribution option: by turn, wich I find the most fair way to split loot.
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hey, i was thinking about Hits and getting hit numbers?

    Cant you guys add how much dmg we do and crits we do to chat box?
    Just somekind of Show dmg on and off in the system just like we can turn on auto-reply's ect..

    Its nice to see who does what kind of dmg sometimes :)

  • Icewolf - Heavens Tear
    Icewolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Anouther there a way to make it so when you are casting your portal spell and you stop casting it. The way it is right now you cast it and it keeps going. My wife hit hers by accident yesterday and got ported even though she didnt want to.
  • kash
    kash Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    how bout having a link on website to see top players? id wanna kno whos the highest lvl in servers and wat classs etc
  • Zehethos - Heavens Tear
    Zehethos - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    manorchid wrote: »
    i have several:

    1. PvP servers have some pull, the aspect that theres a little extra danger. BUT, being ganked at 30 by a lvl 60+ player sucks HUGELY. Try implementing a system that only allows a certain range of Pking, i.e. lvl 30's could only be attacked by 29-31 or 28-32.

    2. Allow flying mounts to be used by any class. (i.e. humans use wings, untamed use swords...etc)

    3. Remove hoist cuddle sex restrictions (responces on this be kept to other threads already devoted, please. this is for suggestions not rebuttals.)

    4. Faster flight speeds and/or reduction in cost for Teleportation.

    5. Safe zones actually be safe from all forms of attack, including mobs. It's incredibly annoying to have someone pull a boss into a nearby safe-zone and be killed.

    1. I aprove

    2. Yes That would be great


    4. Yes... flying is too slow

    5. Yes.. I am SICK of being attacked when I am in a city..

    I love all of your ideas EXEPT #3... #3 sounds alot like RuneScape...
    I am a wraith army commander. I command the Wraiths. I order them to kill. I order them to attack. I order them to tell them to shut up. I order them to do anything I tell them to do. I killed many people. You might be next.
  • necroreaver
    necroreaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    tolan wrote: »
    Suggestion 1: Not likely, I know, but if you could make the two Untamed classes not gender-locked, that'd be about the most amazing thing ever. Really. Ever. Like, since or to come.

    Suggestion 2: Slight bump in the char/guild name character limit. Just a small one.

    Suggestion 3: A couple extra dance moves go a long way.

    Suggestion 4: If you could get mounts for this version of the game only, that'd be an awesome bonus.

    And anything anyone else says. Probably. Mostly. Maybe.

    Yeah i completely agree with everthing But the biggest is Make venos and barbs able to be any gender i really dont get who could possible have thought making gender specific classes was a good idea. Not that i agree with it bc im one of those ppl who dont care if u like the same sex or not, its none of my biz, but i can understand why there would be some probs with same gender marriage, from the games stand point i.e. the titles could be hard having them both say wife/husband maybe that could come down the road way l8r
  • Crenze - Heavens Tear
    Crenze - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello, I would like to suggest to make the viewing surroundings freely, accessible with the arrow keys up, down, left and right together with the current method by holding right mouse button.
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'd love to see the bunny venomancers with a bunny tail! Random suggestion I know, but I feel so empty without a little ball of fluff on my bum D:
  • saintjames
    saintjames Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Why is it, that I cannot change the color of the fur on an Untamed Barb?
    I mean... It would rock to be using a grey wolf to tank pwnage to the masses lmao ;)
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    That's a good suggestion too o: I once saw a veno with a black fox tail, but it must have been a glitch D:
    The Barbarians are so uncustomizable right now. All you can choose is the animal and body shape and eye color , but nothing else D:
  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Tabbing, I want my TABBING!!!! D: I want to be able tab on mobs and such, So i can find something new to kill so i don't use my mouse to click on people.

    Party member, I'm a healer and I'm use to be able to pick my member use my F1-F8 Keys, are you guys going to put some sys in to quickly pick party members? It's something that really bug the hell out of me when im try to heal someone and i cant get to them fast enough because yet again, I'm lock down using my mouse.

    Thanks all :)
  • smirk
    smirk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    One thing that annoys me most about the game is when I go to open auction house or mailbox and if you do not open you backpack first, then you have to close it all out open pack then go back to auction house or mailbox.

    I like to send things to my hubby and I always forget to open my backpack before opening the mailbox.

    I suggest you are able to open backpack when in the auction house or mailbox.
  • devilsrose
    devilsrose Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There are so many pages of suggestions in this thread that I don't know if anyone has mention the respawn rates for crafting mats. Herbs, and Ores take forever to respawn and with so many players starting to play, newbies can not find the ores or herbs they need for quests. Also since we are allowed to learn all professions, this also contributes to the problem. I would suggest either greatly increase respawn rates for these or make is so that we can only learn one or two professions each, making for a better ingame economy. This would allow crafters to sell their wares to those who have different professions.
  • locad
    locad Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello I am new here

    I wanted to give PW a good tryout
    I don`t know if it was said before me, but on the Character Creation Screen is there no Random Function?

    If not it is surely missed
  • moshpet
    moshpet Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The map you access as a second click is lacking of useful detail.
    This is very evident in Archosuar when you ned to find the freaking teleporters/banks/shops etc and nothing is labled.

    I suspect it could be modded to include those locations.
  • saea
    saea Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I just started on this game a week or so ago and its a lot of fun and really well done but there are some things I've noticed would be helpful as I go along. Here are a few so far.

    1) Just reiterating that KEY MAPPING would be amazing. All of us have our little preferences on some actions, moving, strafing, etc.

    2) The fact that you can't see your quest (collecting/killing) progress unless you look at your quest menu is kinda annoying. Especially since you don't actually see yourself receiving the quest item. If there was a message that appeared in the middle/top area of the screen that said X/X killed or collected for a quest it would be great.

    3) Better organization on the options when talking to NPCs. I think it should be more divided into:
    -Quest Related

    With all their services under services to make it so that you don't have to scroll through 7 options sometimes to get to the Quest Related option.

    4) I agree that having only gender locked classes on some races is kinda annoying. I don't really see the point of gender locked classes. Untamed should be able to be barbarians or venomancers regardless.

    5) Why do Venomancers have to use Magic weapons to be able to use their Scarab moves? That forces Venomancers to stay in that type of Weapon and to use them we are forced to mostly only buff our Magic with our Attribute Points. Its forcing us to focus in one area, leaving us no room to customize. I'd love to use Dual Swords but I can't because with them I can't use my scarab attacks.

    6) Why can't people of the same gender embrace each other? I don't see any harm in it.

    Thats all I have for now. I thank you in advance for considering my points. Happy gaming to all!

  • fallenreborn
    fallenreborn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What I was wondering, don't know if it's been suggested yet, but I was wondering if the programers of this game could change the battle settings to where the first person and or pet that attacks a monster is the only person (and pet) that can attack that monster. So that when you attack a creature for a quest for example, you don't have random people or pets attacking what you're attacking and stealing your kill. I've had this happen a few times. The last person said that because they were doing a quest it gave them the right to do so even after I asked them to stop. And they continued to do so even when I was no where near them. Also, to make this suggestion not so much a problem, could you have the programmers of course make it to where if the first person/pet is attacking something, that the rest of that person's squad can also attack what it's attacking. So that way you don't have to play much of a waiting game.
  • Harlequinn - Lost City
    Harlequinn - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sabriel wrote: »
    Tabbing, I want my TABBING!!!! D: I want to be able tab on mobs and such, So i can find something new to kill so i don't use my mouse to click on people.

    Party member, I'm a healer and I'm use to be able to pick my member use my F1-F8 Keys, are you guys going to put some sys in to quickly pick party members? It's something that really bug the hell out of me when im try to heal someone and i cant get to them fast enough because yet again, I'm lock down using my mouse.

    Thanks all :)

    You must have played FFXI yes?
  • Crownclown - Heavens Tear
    Crownclown - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Venomancer should have more pets to catch instead of the same old same old.
    Conspire Guild Recruiting lvl 20+
    Pm CrownClown
  • Wacky - Heavens Tear
    Wacky - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would like to see a directional compass on the screen so you can see which direction you're facing as you're turning the screen. :)

    I guess now that I'm back in the game, it's more of having that blue triangle turn as you turn the screen.
  • angisinopa
    angisinopa Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Unless I haven't found them yet in game: filters to screen world shouts and peoples personal shops. Nothing worse then having to listen to two guilds having an "I'm better then you are" contest via world chat.

    Also - serverwide auction houses. It's great people have their own shops, but how am I supposed to know the guy selling weapons in City of the Lost isn't charging twice as much as a guy in Plume City? Maybe provide an option - ether use an AH or a personal shop. Would also clean up on all the bodily traffic around Bankers and Postboxes.
  • kier
    kier Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I recently deleted a character I didn't particularly like, however, I did like the name I'd given her. When I tried to make another character with the same name, the game wouldn't let me. I'd appreciate the ability to reuse the names of deleted characters.
This discussion has been closed.